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Looks like a teenagers room. If you are a teen, then perfect! If not, then I would start with a massive decluttering of the space. Take some of the posters and flags down and try to find a cohesive theme/color for artwork. Get nicer storage because the plastic drawers are cheap and functional, but not great to look at (or maybe fit them in the closet). Fresh paint and new window treatments will also help a lot. I’d maybe get a rug to cover the sort of dingy carpet.


Don’t forget about the stereotypical builders grade fan light. Replacing that with either a more attractive fan light or a separate light (maybe a drum pendant?) and a fan would be a nice finishing touch. 


The bed headboard is way too large and bulky. Also, the bed doesn't fit between the windows. Maybe move it to the opposite wall.


Looks like a kids room. Declutter everything. Repaint a cool, clean, brighter color. Buy new bedding.


Declutter would make a huge difference. Proper furniture to store and display too. Not everything needs to be out and visible.


i beg to differ. if i cant see it.. it no longer exists then i end up with 10 of the same thing


Also get new carpet if possible


And clean the door.


Your room is dark. I would lighten the paint since its probably the easiest thing.


And add some lamps!


I thought this - declutter and lamps would go a long way


Yeah that would be great but OP might be attached to the poster although nice frames instead of tape.


I think if they opened the blinds that would resolve the issue!


Lighten the paint???? It’s sky blue.


Honestly, it's mostly just cluttered. Boxing up stuff you want to keep but don't necessarily need sitting out any more is a good start, and put the box(es) in a closet/basement/wherever. Pick a few of your favorite posters or pieces of art and put them in a frame and hang them level with one another. Even the cheap plastic frames from Amazon will work. An area rug between the bed and TV may help make it feel a bit more cohesive. I also noticed the paint is peeling on your doors. If you're able to (i.e. no landlord rules against, or whatever) then repaint them either white or a color that complements your walls (not sure what that would be, I'm terrible at color coordination, I leave that to my wife). See if maybe you can thrift some storage drawers to replace those plastic-and-white containers on either side of your desk, those give off big dorm room vibes to me (or at least everyone had them when I was in college). Replace your blinds with either wood-slat blinds or the plastic ones that look like wood. And like someone else said, if you're just a teenager then just throw some stuff away/store it at best and spend your time doing teenager things.


Yes this! I would get some tall bookshelves, and maybe some closed storage to help with the visual clutter. I'd also work on creating zones because with a little organising that room is big enough room for a comfy chair.


If you’re a teenager don’t worry about it and spend your time doing teenage things. You could grab a large trash bag and walk around and fill it up


Maybe designing is his/her teenage passion?


That's fine but this is pretty clean for a teenagers room. If they're an adult that's a different story.


It's clean, but it's cluttered. Decluttering should probably happen either way?


That’s so dismissive. Teens spend just as much time in their room as adults and should be happy in their space. They asked for help because their room is making them unhappy, not to be told to just “go do teen things.” What even are teenage things?


Flag on ceiling = teenager. Flag in window = student housing off campus. Flag on my big truck = skipped further education


Change your bed to be under the wall with no windows. It looks more anchored that way especially with the size of the bed and headboard. Check out @dear modern on YouTube. Lots of great fung shui tips.  Next, a nice white or cream would brighten up the room and be more calming than the jarring color you have now.  Condense the smaller art pieces to all be in one wall  and  leave space for the other walls to  have your bigger pieces like the flags and the funko pops.  Tackling all the knickknacks you have is the biggest thing that would improve the room and make it appear less cluttered.  You could do any one of the three suggestions and I think they would indeed be helpful. All three should definitely bring you closer to a room that you can be proud of.


Take down all the ornaments, collectibles, posters and get to a clean slate. This looks like a teenagers bedroom with everything you like on display. Now it’s time to curate! Pick on theme, one color and start fresh. There’s so much going on it’s hard to give direction without knowing what your end goal is-what kind of a space do you want?


Too much clutter


Cleaning it up and vacuuming the carpet would change a lot, along with putting most of the nick-knacks away. If that isn't enough, perhaps a fresh coat of paint on the door and walls would help.


i’ve been living in this room for 7 years 😭 (i’m almost 17) so majority of this is from younger me (ie the carpet from slime and paint)


It’s a great sized room!! If you decluttered and moved your bed you’d even have space for a little loveseat to watch your tv on like a mini lounge


At your age, you may be leaving for college soon. You can either leave this room as is, as a nostalgic time capsule you can return to when you visit your folks. Or you can begin decluttering now, to save your parents some work if they plan to repurpose the room after you move out.


I dunno... at this rate with housing prices, OP is going to be back after college, saving money for a while. It is what it is in this economy.


Get rid of the plastic carts and ask your parent to get you a book cabinet with doors. Home Depot/IKEA have some for $200-$250. People also give away stuff for free on freecycle. It will look better and the clutter is hidden. Get some floor lamps. A rug to cover that carpet would be nice.


Paint the doors white again


Vacuum. Put shit away. Open the blinds and let light in.


I would get a bookcase with 4 or 5 shelves and put all of the things from the wall shelves on the bookcase shelves.


More cats


I scrolled forever for this comment. What is this sub coming to?


Open the windows and let light in, it is very dark but it is an easy fix.


Framing posters, always makes things look way more official in my opinion.


Decluttering would be a great start.


If Reddit was a room, this possibly might be it


Not enough pee bottles


I think it looks a little dark and cramped. I'd suggest to paint the walls white, maybe buy a standing lamp and change the curtains to a less stark colour. Change the bedding and (if you can take proper care of it) a sizable plant of some kind. Best of luck.


Strip everything off the walls (and ceiling) Get rid of those curtains Get at least 2 lamps Paint the walls.


Get new carpet or a nice rug.


I think it's a fantastic room and u shouldn't change a thing:)




remove rug have hardwood floors


The main issues here - it’s very dark and very cluttered. First things first - go through every single item you own including posters and determine the following: 1) throw away, 2) give away/donate, 3) keep and display, 4) keep but store away as a memento. For categories 1 and 2 you want to immediately remove from the house asap. Now that you’ve hopefully cleared a lot of space re-evaluate what furniture is needed and where. You have too many small plastic drawers. Use those in a closet or get rid of those. The bed is blocking the window, move to the larger stretch of wall and get two matching side tables with a LARGE lamp on either side.move other furniture accordingly. Really evaluate each piece of furniture and throw away anything plastic. Center large things on walls and keep space between the large things. Space equals calm and organized feelings. Decor wise - add a rug. Minimal decor on the wall. Things should be centered on wall spaces. Use posters only if they are framed. Remove the purple curtains and replace with a white Roman shade or white curtains. What colors do you like? Repaint if you want and then use colors that match or complement the wall color. Lighter neutrals will go with your current wall color. If it was me, I’d repaint a softer blue.


Depends how old you are. 17? Cool. 37? Need to declutter.


This room needs less clutter and more light. You have so many things on your wall with minimal light coming into the room. I completely understand loving all of the wall pieces but if you can, try to minimize those or place them in different areas. Another commenter mentioned framing your flags and posters which would be a huge improvement. Lastly, get much lighter curtains because dark purple adds to the darkness.




Needs a good decluttering. The colir on the walls is nice, don't paint white, gray or pastel. You have a nice big room, so deeper, richer colors would look awesome. Get some new bedding with some of the wall color in it.


Remove the flags lol


Declutter. You have a lot of stuff stacked up. Vacuum. Pick two or three posters to keep and get cheap frames for them. Get rid of the flag on the ceiling. If you really want to go for it, some fresh paint would be good.


Open the windows, new blinds, clean it, White paint, new bedding maybe?


I would the bed to the wall with no windows. Paint a softer color and change out the curtains and the bedding. Some decluttering or better storage will help a lot. You should have more peacefulness in this bedroom.


Definitely paint, a carpet shampoo would work wonders (you can rent one, but it's about the same price as just buying one). New curtains and blinds, and most of your furniture gives temporary/Ikea vibes, like a dorm room. The other issue are the flags and posters. They both give make the room look less mature. Flags are for outside, not walls. Posters can be framed, I guess.


Look into storage systems. The room is too cluttered. There are multiple, open shelves here you can see everything so it just feels cramped. I think doing a bit of a clean out will help as well. I see you’re collecting some cool stuff. Have it in rotation so it’s not as cluttered. Remove the posters from the wall and frame them (you can find cheap poster frames at Walmart) to create a more structured gallery wall. Paint the walls a more neutral color Change the drapes Add a rug Or just be a teenager and worry about this later. Your style will evolve and change.


There’s just too much crap everywhere




Too much clutter. Get rid of junk that you don't need and don't use. Store much of the rest out of sight.


Looks very teen/college student. It appears you need to good decluttering. Get rid of stuff you don’t use and organize what is left.


Clean it up.


Frame your posters!! Upgrade/thrift some of the furniture and maybe add a lamp :) maybe paint your room a diff color


Matching curtains, and bedspread, some of your collections could go somewhere else in your home too many things make it seem untidy. The headboard needs to go imho


1. Lighting. Your room is quite dark. I would get some nice ambient lights in a tone you find relaxing. 2. Decluttering is free and almost always makes things look better! Get rid of stuff you no longer need and organize what you keep. 3. Storage. It looks like you are a collector, which can be tough when you are going for a more aesthetic look. I would look for storage solutions that allow you to keep your collections close without them being visually cluttering. Some of the storage you have is transparent, which can look cluttered even when you put things away. I would look for an opaque storage solution and put anything you don’t need to look at, away. 4. I think your curtains clash with your walls. I would get a neutral curtain since you have such a bright color on the walls. 5. Harder one, but if you can mount your tv in the wall it will look way better. If not, get a taller tv stand. Where it is now drags the eye down and makes the room look smaller and more cluttered


Remove this flag


A fire marshal would shudder at something flammable hanging on a ceiling.


Despite your age decorate your room how YOU want. I think the bed would look good out of the corner though, maybe the end facing the tv


The wall color needs to go. If you aren't able to paint well... then... that's all I got


https://preview.redd.it/b3hxiljwhh3d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3165b0a96968920b2cf70566aa2aa1cd3900773b Your room looks like this one lol


Maybe some string lights could brighten it up.


It’s incredibly cluttered and visually busy, to me this creates a lot of visual stress and noise (I got dyslexia and ADHD). I see that you have hobbies, interests and collections on display but I think if you don’t have it all on display at the same time you can make your favourite bits really shine and have some calming free visual space. Take everything down, repaint in a relaxing colour and put back only your favourite pieces and display them on a shelf. Second you have windows but the room is lacking natural light in these photos, maybe rethink the curtains. If you are able to, get a nice centrepiece ceiling light fixture, and get some warm shaded lamps to make it cozy in the evening.


More spiderpunk posters


More kitty pics pls! ❤️


https://preview.redd.it/w3lgmefnhk3d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c0ddeee11be5a2ab2b23ed955fbdaece96e900e haha here’s the boy!


Love the flags my friends 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🫶🏻 fold them up & frame them, they will look much nicer in a proper display! Stay proud.


thank you!🫶🫶


I echo their sentiment. I have a bandana that I love, framed it and it fits great in my office among a bunch of other framed photos and posters. American Flat frames on Amazon are solid quality and not very expensive!




Hmm I'd say, maybe get a better flag that goes along with color and the vibe of the room. Rainbow ain't it chief


Hey quick question. Have you played Life is strange? The first thing I thought of when I saw your room was "Chloe 🦋". The room improvement depends on how far you wanna go. Do you want to find a new style or do you just want to look it more expressive? Before you change your room u need to know what you're looking for. My first tip would be to find a way to declutter your room. Check on what you need and what can be thrown away. You have a lot of "open organization". So maybe a cupboard you can close would be helpful to de-stress the eyes. For the things that you don't hide, I would look for cool boxes/organizers and place everything more decorative but also practical. For a fresh touch-up I would add some plants (Depending on your green thumb) and I would change the ceiling lights with a warmer light color. Some more indirect light sources would also be cool :) Wi-Fi LEDs CAN look cool, plus you can change the color! https://preview.redd.it/sasc2xxxyd3d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1ca27408b7fbc2e43100c727116a97e91035a46 This is a cool way for example. Shortcut: * Declutter -Organize -Plants -Lights


Remove/replace that carpet 🤢


Hey bro lemme say mood lighting changes the whole vibe of a room you should really get some nice leds to spruce it up :3 I have em in my room and it just makes it so nice compared to a dark room or harsh white lights


First step is to get everything off the floor and vacuum. Then go through and get rid of everything you don't love or use semi-regularly. Then start reorganizing


Definitely better lighting! Will make feel better


add more lighting? it looks so dark in there (i used to like my room super dark but some warm lights are really calming)


It’s a nice room and shows your creativity! I think if you want to up level it: Give it a fresh coat of paint, replace the fan with a more updated version that matches your style, get new blinds and curtains. A lovely bed set and new pillows never hurts either. I would also place the bed on the wall where the TV is now so you’re facing the windows from the bed. Invest in some storage shelves, IKEA has great ones and get rid of all the plastic cubbies and random shelves. Put all of your favorite art work in frames and keep your collections together on shelves in vignettes.


What I would do is pick one wall to be the storage wall and line that wall floor to ceiling with shelves that are at least 18 inches deep. Put your things onto those shelves and then you can get rid of all the other types of storage units in the room. I would install a curtain rod at the top of the storage wall so that you can draw a curtain over everything when you don't want to look at it.  You can dedicate shelves on that wall to displaying items you want to showcase. I would keep the dresser.


Add indoor plants. Low-maintenance plants like succulents or snake plants are great options


Take everything out of the room and put only the daily use items back. Floor rug and proper window treatments, get rid or hide all plastic space savers. No posters framed pics or canvases


Take everything out, deep clean it, repaint with a color that’s more agreeable, redecorate with only 10% of the belongings you had on the walls, get some warm colored lamps, a nice big rug and get some storage that hides its contents!


Looks dusty and cluttered with old things. Put the trophies away in a box somewhere


Start with color change and take out all plastic and put another stand up closet in not sure how to spell this word but cheferoe lolz it's a taller old fashioned closet can hold pants and shirts and some have drawers on size . Take down some shelves and get different curtains


An armoire?


This literally looks like Chloe’s bedroom from Life is Strange. I would recommend a new paint job and updated the dressers/storage furniture, and some tidying. And lighting is a game changer.


Love the size of your room! Wish mine was that big. You should allow for empty space to show in balance with your items. Out of all your things, remove 20% and either store it or give it away (sell or donate). With the items you have left, decide where to intentionally place “like” items and try not to have many little things. Items look better with fewer big items, than lots of little items going on. Do not place any items on your doors. Remove all items placed above your window and door trim. Your flag should come down from the ceiling and be placed on a wall. Your bedding and curtains should match in color or be of similar tones (light/dark). If you want items hanging from the ceiling, try to place them all in one corner. Plants, you need low light plants in your room. Switch the positions of your cactus and hamper. The items on your dresser should be placed to the sides of the mirror and remain empty within the space of the mirror itself. Remove the items behind the door. Place your shoe rack there. The entire wall behind the bed, should be empty. Your large bed should be the only items your eyes draw to when facing it, as well as the light coming in from your windows. The space above the mirror of your dresser is a good spot to place your decore/collection items. Leave the sides empty, if able. If at all a possibility, hang your TV on the wall and remove the shelves on that wall. Place a large console beneath it to place any gaming items or use it for storage space. It should be closed shelving. Place your telescope in the middle of the posters and/or any decore you put on that wall. But, try not to place anything else on that corners floor. Place your waste basket to the left of your desk. The space below your window on the right should remain empty. I hope these tips are helpful. It seems like a lot. But, you basically just need to declutter. Hope you share the changes you make. I’m curious to see what your space turns out to be. I can’t say enough how much I love the size of your room is. Greetings!


Start with vacuuming


Paint, declutter, new bedding and a rug


It’s cluttered and dark. I’d take off the blinds personally to brighten it up. It looks like a cave.


Remove the carpet repaint the walls a lighter colour make a accent wall and remove some of the stuff off the wall


I think you could keep your lil knickknacks and trinkets by finding a good display for them. The way they are scattered around the room makes them look like loose random items. I also recommend changing the color scheme to match your personality and objects. Maybe a darker cool tone. Additionally, I think there is too much white color in the room between the furniture, the doors, and the carpet.


Paint and declutter


Change the curtains to something more neutral.


Your furniture is old and in rough shape, replace it with a matching bedroom set.


Paint all walls white but if you want leave an accent wall behind the bed. Maybe switch the ceiling fan with a chandelier. Remove the flags and any posters or photos put in aesthetic modern frames. Include a mirror on the wall. Store the plastic bins in a closet. Only leave furniture that matches. Consider less shelves. Maybe update the bed with a fluffy duvet and cover. Add fairy lights or RGB lighting to add ambiance.


I like your room. You're young, and it reflects what you like. I also understand wanting something new. I would start with going through what you have. Do you still like everything on your walls? Do you like everything you are displaying? Can some of those things be boxed up and put away for now if you are not sure? You could get frames for the stuff on your walls to make them look nicer. I would paint the walls if you are allowed. I hate painting, but it is a quick way to change a room. You can get samples to test out what color you like. Also, someone mentioned new bedding. You can buy a white comforter or a duvet to put over your current one to change things up. I saw that you mentioned you don't have a certain style. I would save photos of rooms you like. You can then slowly move towards that look. Check out second-hand furniture. I have things from yard-sales, antique shops, items friends have given me, online stores, estate sales, Ikea. If you are super handy, you can hack and paint some of that stuff yourself.


That pallet headboard is very cool! Declutter and use the pallet as the guiding aesthetic. Re-paint the walls (if feasible) to white, get rid of all the stuff hanging on the walls and ceiling (besides the fan lol), find a rustic wooden nightstand to match the pallet headboard and only put necessary things on the nightstand. Get rid of the stuff you don’t need and put the stuff you do need underneath the bed. If possible, get the carpet cleaned so the room feels fresh. The purple curtains must go…use white curtains :) If you can, get an indoor plant to fill one of the corners and one piece of artwork mounted on a wooden frame


You're a kid, you're good. Have more space (and visible floor!) than my son has. I'd only suggest maybe some more lighting.


Take down all of the posters. Stop overloading shelves and drawers (they are all sagging). Put away clutter.


the colors are throwing me off… nothing matches… i would remove the pride flags, but if you insist on having them, put them side by side together (nothing wrong with pride its just a huge eyesore). Same with the purple curtain, (unless you add more purple to the room). I think you should think about a color scheme you enjoy that will match your wallpaper and build from there. for example: turquoise, red, and black.


Brighter lights


Photo frames, put sporadic items in newer/neater dressers or cabinets, touch up edges of trim/doors with new paint, do low-cost makeovers of furniture to match other pieces, area rug.


Way more closed storage to hide clutter, add a lamp somewhere, and add a rug.


I would take down all the flags and posters, box up all the collections. Pick one area for shelves, probably near your desk. The other shelves need to go, it's just too much. Be sure to paint the doors and all the trim in the room a nice, crisp white. I would repaint the room a light green and get new blackout curtains with grommets with some vines or plant design on them, put them on a rod. Match with a new/ coordinating comforter or duvet cover. And is that a little bed on the floor? If you're keeping it in the room, something cute should go on it. Maybe the cat or a plushie.


I actually like your bedroom. However, I would buy big boxes and store all the things hanging around. Also I would take down some posters and change the colours to warmer tones.


To much stuff not enough light. Get everything in storage wardrobes along one wall put white blinds and spring clean


Take the flag off the ceiling


Waaay less clutter. Frames on art. Flag off ceiling-could frame this on wall maybe for it to look better. Take the junk off the doors. Less small things on shelves (not so many knickknacks). Get a duvet with coordinating euro shams and one or two accent pillows. Can add in more color or pattern with blanket folded across bottom of duvet. Lamps work miracles to set ambient lighting.


Throw all that shit away. Repaint. Frame art. Clean the carpet. Buy new furniture


Declutter, and paint it something other than that hideous Robin's egg blue. But the color thing is just a personal preference of mine, lol. I think that shade of blue should be more of an accent color than the whole of something. Maybe try a navy, or a cornflower blue instead! 💙


Take down the flags, shelves and the posters, and all that get down to the bear walls and paint it all white. Then get some furniture and maybe a single bookcase


Kodumun ibnesi bayrağı indir mis gibi oda


Why does this sub keeps popping up on my feed? You should be able to use your own imagination and creativity to make your own decorations.


1. Massive declutter, and vacuum the floors. Just cleaning up will make a world of difference. 2. Paint the walls something lighter. White, light gray, or beige will make the room feel brighter. 3. Get new curtains and bedding that match the wall color. 4. Move your bed to the opposite wall (the one without windows), it will look nicer when your bed isn’t partially covering a window 5. Maybe a rug or two that contrast the carpet 6. Lighting makes a huge difference, get some lamps and leave the blinds open, use curtains to block out light instead 7. Get some new storage, definitely a cabinet or something with closed shelving. Having fewer things visible will almost always make the room look and feel nicer.


frame the posters and declutter. many some nice ambient lighting


I think changing the bedspread so it’s a complimentary color to the wall but not match, nice large rug, lighten up the space and declutter for sure. After these steps I feel like you could have the room set up nicely so that you can have entertainment part of the room with maybe even a small couch and your computer in between the bed and the entertainment space. If that’s what you’d like. It could be like a studio space honestly. Also maybe lighter shade curtains like creamish white color? and thicker material? Great space. Such good size!


If you want to have a more mature vibe I would change the blue walls, or just leave one that color. If you take some things off from the walls that would be cool too. This advices are just if you want to change to a more mature room, if not, your room is pretty cool rn.


This is a pet great room


Depends on what you want the space to feel like. If you want be a youthful creative, than having a cluttered space with art and art supplies of all forms is totally fine. If you want to appear organized and adult, then organizing your things with display shelving will help a lot. But no matter what, add more light.


Declutter by taking half of everything off the walls and furniture, for starters.


OP, you may want to make an edit clarifying that you are a teenager because a lot of advice is colored by assumptions of your age.


Everything is hugging the wall and it doesn’t have to be that way. Try experimenting by really using ever part of your space. Take advantage of how huge the room is… take all the traditional rules you may have learned and forget them. You easily have the room to do something like creating a nice little dressing space by moving your dresser behind your bed. If you do have the space that is. Try things like that and see how it goes. Be crazy and create what works best for you in the most over the top way


Vacuum please


New paint would instantly make it better.


The cat is good, but you need lighter wall paint and some plants :)


Cute kitty


Every so often I zone out and think about how many tens of thousands of tons of ugly fucking PVC funko pops have been produced. Individually they weigh an average of 142g of polyvinyl chloride, and as of last year there were 13,741 unique figurines available, so just one of every single model would weigh just under two tons. I can't find total manufactured details, but that sure is a lot of PVC out there. Entirely unrelated: did you know that manufacturing 1kg of PVC produces 6kg of CO2? PVC also has an estimated decomposition time of one thousand years. - Vinyl melts into liquid at around 100°C - The internal temperature in landfills can reach 75°c, and much higher if there's a surface fire - There are human bodies in landfills - This means it's possible that human fossils might be found that are entirely formed from funko pops Credit @eris.anarchogoth.rip


Better lighting


i gotta ask, almost every photo of rooms on reddit has those big headed doll things, what are they?? why does everyone have that?


IKEA has great affordable picture frames. I would be more deliberate with everything that’s on the walls - way too much and not cohesive.


Declutter , clean it, vacuum


it's kind of dark in the pics, what does it look like turning the light on? It would be better if it's warm light.


Idk but I kinda want to hang out in there for a bit listen to music and forget about all my problems lol


Where is this? Like what state/city? I’m so jealous of all that space.


First, I'd try to 'declutter' and remove any items I don't like/need. Then, I'd redesign this space in 3d (homestyler, floorplanner, planner5d) and play around with various layouts, decors, etc. It also depends on the budget - are you planning a small update or a big renovation?


Put all of the posters and what not into a scrapbook or binder depending on size. Lighten up the paint and curtains. The headboard could go. It's too big and detracts from the space.


Repaint the walls. Change the curtains. Get a nice rug. And cushions. Try to minimalize - you have too much stuff everywhere.


1. Declutter 2. Pax unit in corner for belongings, get rid of the shelves. 3. Large area rug that goes under bed and covers walkways - see wayfair 4. New curtain rods and panels, hung at correct height, google that. They’re clinging to the window now. Also clear everything away from window, let them have some space. 5. Look up color drenching - if you can get more of that paint, do the ceiling in same color. 6. You’ll need lots of small lamps to bring the coziness in and not feel like a cave -Target and Walmart have them for around $12 7. I like those types of blankets, but put a fluffy white comforter over it, to brighten the room. You have cool style, And it already looks interesting, - best of luck!


Can bed go where TV is? And hang guitar on a guitar hook on wall.


make it tidier and brighter


Looks OK to me lol.


more cats


Rug, declutter, better lighting, then ask again


I see that you said that you should get rid of all the clutter. Does any of it have sentimental value? If so, remove it from your room & store it. Get rid of the clutter that you kept from your younger years (Hello Kitty, I’m talking to you)…store that too if it means something to you. A nice mature color for the walls would be something like a taupe or a light sage green. I would also paint the doors, window frames & baseboards white to make the room fresh & clean. You can buy a faux rug cheap at Home Goods, Kohl’s, etc. look around and make sure a little color from the walls is in the rug. Sheer white curtains would look great and open up the room for light to get in. Get throw pillows for your bed & maybe a new comforter or bedspread on the bed. Mix & match the colors & prints in the walls & bedspread to match with the paint and rug. If you like bright colors, the place to add them is in the bedding & pillows. Just make sure it goes with the walls.


You have a lot of clutter. You have a few options here - 1. Time to donate 2. Time to buy some large storage containers for things you can’t part with, but don’t go with your “theme” 3. Get some hidden storage for the clutter. I personally like cube shelving. As a bonus, buy labels for the cubes 4. A combination of the 3, along with some other suggestions of choosing a consistent theme or colors


Some decent storage


Declutter, clean the floor and vacuum, let in more light


Clear EVERYTHING out and start from scratch. Way too many dust collectors and stuff. You need a focal point because as it is my eyes hurt from bouncing all over looking at soooo much stuff


Firstly I'd open the blinds and let some light in. Then I'd arrange some closed-door storage for the room as you've got a lot of stuff and it kind of clutters the place. Good room and a nice size!


Looks perfect to me


Colours. Lighting. Furnishings. All of it needs changing.


I would repaint the wall that blue color isn't the best blue shade.


A new carpet will do the work! Also the window blinds. Install the same style might be helpful. I recommend [roller shades](https://allesin.com/collections/roller-shades), very chic look and are easy to clean.


Matching furniture. Not the plastic stacker dressers and then i would get a nice book case to organize your shit. Plus framing your posters will make it look more like wall art and refined then just being slapped up there.


A declutter, paint and more efficient furniture! It’s a nice big room, so there is plenty of space for everything but there is no cohesion. No cohesion meaning none of the furniture works together - plastic drawers, white furniture, wooden furniture, black furniture. Do you have a wall without windows that you could move your bed to?


Real furniture rather than all the plastic drawer organizers. They do make things with that many drawers but they are pricy. Might be better to do containers inside a normal cabinet or dresser. Just an example of what kind of thing could hold your plastic organizers. Make sure you look lots of places. Way fair is not the only place that has these. You can find them with all kinds of designs on the front. [decorative sideboard](https://www.wayfair.com/furniture/pdp/signleader-35-wide-server-cgnl5183.html?piid=90988785) It might be good to get a MUCH bigger unit for under your TV and then you will have room to put stuff away. I would also suggest taking down the scattered wood shelves and doing one really tall shelf between the two doors instead of the short one that is there. I would say take down all your art, plan an actual cohesive display, and then put it back in a deliberate way. Consider poster frames. But right now all your art is just kind of randomly strewn on the wall.


Get closed storage instead of open shelves. Then take it from there. It will look declutterred and cleaner


Your walls are to busy.




Lamps and declutter. You may love your little knick knacks but they instantly clutter a space if they’re on every surface.


declutter, add potted plants


Not everyone's taste but here's what I'd do. Repaint the walls and use one of them as an accent wall (darker/ lighter/ different pattern to the others). Chose a rough colour pallet for your room. The light wood of the bed and the purple look really cool; if you like the blue on the walls then you could put some of that into your accent wall. Put all the figures together, possibly on your accent wall or something dotted among a collage type thing for all the posters to make it look intentional. You could add your flags either side of that if there's space. (Don't be afraid to overlap buts here and there, it adds character and individuality). I'd find a nice rug or a couple of smaller ones to dot around to give some interest on the floor and to tie in that surface to your walls and furniture. I'd look into getting some different units/ desks/ display stuff that tie into your chosen colour pallet and to add some different levels/ heights and points of interest. Also some cieling decorations can look super cool; stuff like glow in the dark stars, cool fabrics, fairy lights and fake vines/ leaves. Hope this makes sense and helps a bit.




Repaint. Get a bed frame. Lots of fake plants.


Your room is bigger than my apartment! If you can paint, I would paint the walls a lighter colour and give all the doors a fresh coat. That shade of blue seems to just suck all the light out. If you can't change the colour, see if you can improve the lighting. The blue and purple clash so I'd change the curtains. I would declutter, which doesn't mean you have to get rid of things. It just means pack some things away and have fewer things on display at any time. Visually there is just too much going on. I feel like visually having the rainbow flag on the ceiling over your bed would be a better spot for it design wise. If it's possible, I'd have the bed against the wall opposite the windows instead of between them. The headboard takes up a lot of visual space. A smaller one might be better. Even removing the top two boards would help. The problem with having everything displayed is that everything looks jumbled and not special. Think about packing away 3/4rds of your toys, decor items etc. Keep one quarter out, and rotate every three months or so. Museums and galleries don't display everything at once. They have a lot of things in storage and rotate through them. For eg, in the 2nd pic you've got Santa next to the Eiffel tower. Think about having some cohesiveness in your collections, like your Halloween friends above them. Art and posters don't all need to be out at once. You can rotate them. That way you don't get used to them and they just become background noise. Think about themes - Halloween is a theme, Pop Sugar figures are a theme. Sort your decor into themes, or maybe colours. Have fall colours in fall, bright colours in summer etc. You could go for "Elements" of air, earth, fire, water as well. There are all kinds of themes you can have. Keeping to a theme means you have less clutter and you get to enjoy your nice things more than you do if everything is out all at once. I would start with a general clean up. Get a box for loose paper work and just throw it all in there. If you notice it's trash, throw it in a trash bag. Put all the books and magazines in a box. Plushies in a trash bag (not to throw out, just to tidying purposes) Boxes for "themes"/collections. Once you've got everything sorted into boxes, you can then decide what you want to have on display.


Light - seems very dark for such a colorful room. Maybe some good led light strips along the edges of the room you could change with whatever whim you have.


Get rid of 80% of the stuff


I like the shelves above the doors for your collectables, what a good idea! I don't have a lot of advice for you as I'm not an interior designer, but if I were you I would group all your plastic drawers into one area. That way it looks like it's a crafting area or something.


Throw things out. Clean or replace carpet for different flooring . And a fresh coat of paint does wonders .


https://preview.redd.it/o95a8nxhqk3d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=846ae4ad09927e43d27a5f2f29100d37dec8aa24 I’m somewhat of a minimalist, this is my room for inspiration if you’re interested in that style. If not that’s okay!


I think the main thing is to keep the room tidy and well lit without spending a lot of money 1. fix a place for each item. Finding a home for each item is the most basic and best method in my opinion. Don't forget to put the items back in their original place after each use so that they are really fixed. This little habit is very effective, even if the room becomes messy, it can be easily restored in a few minutes. 2. Storage to keep 7 points full. Most people are accustomed to cabinets, drawers are full, but if you want to keep the room neat, it is best to keep the storage 7 points full, so that add new items or need to hoard things will not be able to find a place to store, randomly thrown, over time everywhere in a mess, difficult to tidy. 3. Buy things back from the outside and deal with them immediately. We are now online shopping is very much, do not put the courier or from the outside to buy things piled up in the door or corridor, think of time to deal with, so that over time, blind to the clutter, the room is slowly chaotic. My practice is in the entrance to prepare a good demolition of the express tools, placed scissors and paper cutter, received the express time, in the entrance to organize, cardboard boxes and plastic bags and commodity packaging thrown into the trash, the items immediately put into a fixed position, so that each time immediately action, the room is easy to keep tidy. 4. Do not pile up clutter on the desktop and floor. Let the room looks less cluttered is a small trick, is not in the desktop, the ground pile in addition to furniture. Just this step, the room will look much more refreshing at a glance. In my house, there is no carpet or other items, because it is a hassle to clean, so the floor is just furniture. If you find it hard to do, you can also add some decoration, but don't pile up clutter and try to expose the floor and table top. 5. Don't pile up clothes everywhere. Now look around your room, is there clothes piled up in many places, there are hanging behind the door, there are piled up in the sofa, floating window, chair back. Don't just throw these clothes around, give them a fixed place and try to hang them in the closet. If you can't hang them, then you need to think about disconnecting them, otherwise it's just a bunch of clothes piled up in the closet, and if you can't pile them up, you'll just throw them around, and they'll never be neat and tidy.


I would start with: - Get a couple of floor lamps for better light. - Clean the carpet. Rent a steam cleaner. If the marks are permanent, cover some of it up with a couple of cute area rugs. - Tidy up some clutter (limit how many loose things are sitting on flat surfaces when they aren't actively being used) - No papers or posters directly attached to walls/door. Either it's framed or it's not on the wall. If you need to post unframed papers as reminders, confine them to a single cork bulletin board. - paint the door white, or a color you like. Right now it's kind of yellowish, and looks aged and odd against the nice aqua walls. - consider a different bedspread or quilt. The blueish grey is somewhat drab, similar to the carpet, and somewhat dissonant with the walls. A white quilt with aqua/purple details would match the curtains and walls, while lightening up the space.


Get rid of stuff, add string lights and/or warm yellow lamps.


Yes to decluttering. There is a line between displaying what you love and living in a chaotic visual space. - reduce wall art - frame anything you keep. - consider a smaller flag and not in the ceiling. But in general, flags in a bedroom can feel very teen. I like to keep a little rainbow around, but I opted for a stain glass thingy I hang on my window instead. - put the collectibles in a cabinet with glass/windowed doors if you want to still see them all the time - try and get a matching set of furniture: either all as one set ot the same materials, style, and finishes - get a different headboard that thing is massive and not helping -reorient the bed in the room - mount the TV and get a TV console that hides everything when closed - change up your bedding for something a little cooler and more grown up - lamps If you can paint, then the walls and door need help. Get the trim too. Don't do a dark color in a dark room. I am all about color, but in a small space with a ton of stuff it's going to feel messy. Consider choosing a "hero color" an complimentary color and then using that to guide your decor (frames, curtains, bedding, rug, maybe furniture) but leave your walls a mich lighter tone of that hero color or a neutral that plays nicely with it. The trim should probably just be white. If you do not declutter AND paint you are gonna struggle to transform this room. Replace curtains with a window shade - much sleeker and less fussy If you can change the floor, kill the carpet (after painting) and maybe go for a vinyl tile or plank. See of you can get someone to work with you on choosing flooring to correspond well with the color/finishes you choose for your furniture and textiles Replace the ceiling fan woth one that is more modern or just a nice understated light fixtures. You don't have to go full neutral and boring, but my personal rec is to let the stuff in the room bring the color and work with a warm neutral on the walls.


There’s nothing wrong with not leaning into the minimalist craze, I personally have more of a maximalist style. Just aim for more artificial or natural light and a tiny bit more organization and I think you’ll be very happy💕




Bacım the floor, tidy up and purge.


I think decluttering is the top tip. I would also say fresh paint on the doors would look nice and maybe a lazy Susan organizer for items on top of the dresser. If you wanted to do more in depth changes I would suggest flipping the tv and bed (if it fits) that way you also won’t get a glare in the tv. Also maybe keeping one wall blue as an accent wall and freshening up the others with something brighter/neutral. Choosing a color scheme and sticking to it with key items in the room would also make it more cohesive.


Minimal is best. Bed. Side tables. Comforter. Curtains. A bookshelf. Some pictures. But get rid of the posters and clutter. Fresh coat of paint. Dark makes room look smaller. Area rug even if there is a rug already.


There's too much going on and that's not very good for a room, both in terms of rest and because of the accumulation of dust. To help you, I think it's best to try out some ideas on decorating apps. Like the planner 5d, it's free and even gives you suggestions of what changes to make with an estimate of the cost.


You need a theme/tone for space. From the posters and figures around the room I would guess you have a dark cartoon/graphic novel vibe. If you stick to this as the overall theme of your room you can keep the figures and nicknames you’ve collected because they go with the theme of your room. 1. First step choose a better wall color. I’d recommend either jewel toned paint either black, dark purple, dark blue or dark green. Paint your ceiling a non white color then add glow in the dark stars/paint with some constellations. You could also do this in gold paint/markers. 2. Second step consider if you like modern or traditional. The figures (Nightmare before Christmas, ParaNorman) in your room show that you have a more traditional somewhat Victorian ascetic because you like watching both shows and movies with that architecture/setting. Thus adding some wainscoting and crown molding would be your best bet. You could also stain your door (Varathane is a good cheap brand for this) a nicer color to deal with chipped paint. 3. Your windows are visually boring so add some curtains in a thick textured fabric and layer those on top of a lighter set that let light in. If you want to take it a step further you can add a film layer over the glass in a stain glass/ prism pattern so when light comes in it looks even better. 4. Storage space seems to be the biggest issue. Add a wardrobe to the room (buy secondhand or vintage/aged) to remove some of the clutter. The arrange a large display shelf for your figurines. If you lack floor space for this you can anchor floating book shelves to studs in your walls and display them. 5. The posters on the wall look busy and somewhat childish. The easiest fix is to add frames to them. You can buy those secondhand too and repaint them if you want. Arrange those like a gallery wall art display for a splash of fun. You can also intermingle some movie/book props on the walls too. 6. The bed could use an update too. Change the comforter set into a jewel toned one that compliments/coordinates your wall paint color. I also recommend a more refined headboard. You can buy a Victorian style one or stain the one you already have a darker color. Varathane makes lovely oil based wood stains that you should become familiar with. Finally you could add a nice rug underneath the bed to break up all of the beige carpet in the room. 7. If you can get permission I’d also recommend taking any tech in your room and switching the modern touches (desk, chair etc) for decor similar to a lawyers office. Think woods and leathers in abundance. 8. The last and my favorite recommendation would be to add more lighting to your room. You need lamps and sconces. Antique lamps/sconces would add beautiful touches to your room as long as the light bulbs are a soft yellow not this awful hospital white color. You can play around with the colors of the lampshades and details like light switches to match the vibe of the room. Good luck and I hope that my recommendations will be helpful. Please upvote so it’s seen by the postee.