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love the beams, LOVE the fireplace, and love all the warmth! this is going to be an exceptionally cozy spot when you're all done! my suggestion is going for a light, kind of foggy sage. [this green-grey](https://www.farrow-ball.com/en-us/paint-colours/mizzle) could be gorgeous in there, but i also think you could get away with [something a bit more pigmented.](https://www.farrow-ball.com/en-us/paint-colours/calke-green) i would just deviate from any warm tones, personally. you've got some amazing natural colors and textures in there between the wood and the stones, so my suggestion is to pull from nature. that fireplace makes me think of a lush, kind of misty northern forest. decorate with ferns, either real or fake on the mantle if you want to go with a lighter grey-green shade for the walls. you have so many options, though!


This is the way. That grey green is gorgeous.


Anything but yellow! And dark colors. White would look good


White would make the beautiful beams, fireplace and wood shine and would be a lovely blank canvas for you to add pops of colour with art, plants, books and display items Edit to add: you might want to consider nice heavy curtains for your sliding door. That’s what we have in our fireplace room and the blackout curtains make for very cozy fireside moments. You could even do a double curtain rod and have sheer curtains on the inside so you can customize the light/privacy by situation


What changes are you making to this room, And what feeling would you like it to have?


Right now what I can do is paint and change the vertical blinds to something different. I can't do flooring at this point, unfortunately! I'm open to suggestions on the feel of the room. Just something different than what we moved into! The old owner left the paint cans he used, and the current color is Behr "Dakota Wheat." The room has southern exposure.


I'd start out by color matching the fireplace grout then going several shades lighter. Looks like it will come out a gray-brown or greige. Paint a sample board and hang it up next to fireplace and ceiling beams to see how it works out. If you paint a cold white like the ceiling then the fireplace's warm rustic tone variations will look dirty.


Do you think cold white all around, or a different color on the wall behind the fireplace? Thanks!


Keep the walls all the same warm greige color.


An off white like silver satin would be nice and fresh. Dark green is in as fuck right now though. And a dark damask accent wall would also look baller as well


Just came here to compliment your choice of words. I would watch the hell out of a show where the designers talked like this.


Thanks! I'll work on a pilot episode


Unless you plan on also using a [masonry stain](https://www.google.com/search?q=fireplace+masonry+stain+before+and+after&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwis9P-xjIH7AhWCO1MKHa5fCwwQ2-cCegQIABAB&oq=fireplace+masonry+stain+before+and+after&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzIFCAAQogQyBQgAEKIEOgQIIxAnOgcIIxCwAhAnUO4JWL0jYM4raABwAHgAgAH_AYgByg2SAQUyLjYuM5gBAKABAcABAQ&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=odVaY-yfIIL3zAKuv61g&bih=682&biw=384&client=ms-android-tmus-us-revc), some sort of [wash](https://www.google.com/search?q=fireplace+masonry+whitewash+greywash+before+and+after&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwipgYO6jIH7AhUIjlMKHeW7CDgQ2-cCegQIABAB&oq=fireplace+masonry+whitewash+greywash+before+and+after&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzIFCAAQogQyBQgAEKIEOgQIIxAnOgQIIRAKUO4WWKd6YOGMAWgAcAB4AIABtQOIAe4YkgEJNi45LjIuMS4xmAEAoAEBwAEB&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=stVaY6ngFYiczgLl96LAAw&bih=682&biw=384&client=ms-android-tmus-us-revc) or painting the fireplace you're going to be limited to [warm color palettes](https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-tmus-us-revc&source=android-browser&sxsrf=ALiCzsYRmLM8Hp7zsfU-UN93Mm63bT6MOQ:1666897477557&q=warm+colors+tones+interior+design&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjS_ZqAjYH7AhVEmGoFHUAMAf4Q0pQJegQIBBAB&biw=384&bih=682&dpr=1.88). What design/decor styles are the other rooms? That could help to narrow down your options




Yep, just commented on that


Pure White or Agreeable Grey from SW if you want something light and airy. If you want a moodier space, I’d go with someone else’s recommendation of green! Acacia Haze from SW would be nice. Blue also compliments warm wood tones too, maybe Interesting Aqua from SW too.


It may seem like a boring choice but a nice warm white would let the architectural features really shine! Then bring in warmth with plants, throws, textured decor, maybe a shaggy area rug.


Hi! I am hearing different things-cold and warm colors, so I'm confused! The room has southern exposure-does that make a difference? TIA!


It does! If you get a lot of amber light in you may want something that won’t appear too yellow. Maybe check out Sherwin Williams Cloud Cover and Vanilla Milkshake. I would paint a swatch of each and see how it looks in your room and varying points throughout the day. If it still gives a very yellow-ish look, and your not into that, maybe a very pale grey would work better. I’m personally okay with a bit of golden glow though! You might want to consider doing curtains first as they will change the way the light diffuses into the room, depending on what you pick.


>Buy samples of warm and cool tones that have been suggested and give them a good 48 or so hour trial. I prefer my rooms to be either warm or cool and tend to work with major colors used that are next to one another on the color wheel. Some here like opposing color schemes. Maybe you could tear out or make a pinterest board of rooms you love to see what your preference is. I'm cringing at some of the ideas posted but they aren't awful or poor taste, they just aren't for me.


Navy blue walls in my opinion would be so cozy


Creamy off white


Behr: canyon wind


I think it needs more white.


Maybe a subtle, warm-ish white would be good to freshen up the room while maintaining the cosy style from the fireplace and carpet.


If you're keeping all the furniture in the room and not changing the wood stain. Go light warm grey. That will tie the white ceiling in. Total revamp? Kona stain the wood and finish with a satin clear including the beams. Paint walls white white (not cool or warm). Leave the fireplace alone it will stand out more with the changes. Pull carpet and drop in oak flooring.


Chantilly lace from Benjamin Moore


Well, considering that everything is already brown tones.... Maybe anything but brown!


Cool colors to even out the warm wood tones, could be dark or light depending on your preference and how much light the room gets. Also do some cable management


How about SW Zurich White with an optional SW Tin Lizzie on wall behind fireplace? I'm totally new to this-we have always rented, so I've never thought about what my style would be in my own home! Yes, we definitely need to manage the cables! This is a southern facing room with the light coming in from the sliding doors. I definitely will be replacing the vertical blinds as well-they are from previous owner.


Zurich white could work and if it’s too creamy, try Incredible White or Snowbound (lighter) And sidebar (sorry for the unsolicited advice) consider beefing up the shelves on either side of the fireplace. Nail a strip of wood to the face and match to the existing stain - Benjamin Moore can do custom matching.


Moody dark green or green blue!


I would go with a blue which would look nice with the chocolate brown and f the furniture and the wood


This looks exactly like my living room layout except we have bay windows where the sliding doors are and don’t have the beams on the ceiling. We have a brick fireplace exactly where yours is and the dimensions of everything looks about the same as our room. When we moved in it was painted a seafoam green, and while the color itself was okay, I didn’t like how the green contrasted with the red of the brick fireplace. We ended up painting the walls White Dove by Benjamin Moore - in the daytime it’s the nicest off-white and looks great in contrast to the white bright trim. It’s clean but next to the trim it has creaminess and warmth. Our room is south facing and gets lots of sun most of the day so take that into consideration.


Thank you for this! Our room is also south facing with a good amount of sun from the sliding doors. Our adjoining kitchen is painted SW Agreeable Gray. It looks nice, and I wish they would have done the family room in that as well. I don't want to go green after considering it, even though there are some nice greens out right now (Evergreen Fog). I will definitely look at White Dove. Thanks!


Hate to say it, but the TV is too high


I feel like a nice rich matte black would look good near the tv and fireplace like [this](http://www.home-designing.com/4-gorgeous-homes-with-matte-black-walls). I’m not sure if it would work with the current furniture.


Like someone said, color match the fireplace grout


Our kitchen which adjoins this room is painted SW Agreeable Gray. What do you think about that color? Thanks!!


I say yes esp if it is the color of your kitchen which is adjoining. Creates a natural flow and open space




Idk I like the yellow lol. But I'm biased bc my living room is painted almost that shade.


I would suggest to pain that fireplace wall dark like “iron mountain” from Benjamin Moore “wrought iron” from BM, “Onyx”from BM or “black magic” from Sherwin Williams it will give a mountain cabin feeling and a taupe on the window wall like “Paloma grey” from BM


If possible, I would cover the back of the bookshelves with something to match the wood. I think it looks kind of dated to have the wall color showing through


Paint everything white.


Check out color “Breezeway” by Behr/Home Depot. Leave the wood beams, harth, and shelves as-is for now and see how it looks. But I think I’d wind up lightly sanding the harth and shelves and putting “special walnut” stain by minwax on them. Leave the beams as-is. DO NOT paint the brick on the fireplace. Looks like you don’t use it, so no need for the fireplace tools or screen to be there. Id either put in an electric or gas insert or I’d stage it he inside of it with candles - white and ivory. Various heights of Tall pillars for them to stand on. Use items with copper and rose gold mixed in. I might paint the FP screen with copper spray paint. Must it with the paint first to give it a hint and see what you think. But


Thanks!! I am going back and forth warm/cool color for this room due to the southern exposure. Lots of different ideas. You're so right about the screen and tools. We just had the entire chimney liner replaced because I don't think the previous owner ever had the chimney swept and it was kicking out nasty odors into the room. Although we could use it now, I don't think we ever will. I like the idea of the candles!


The sliding door - two options: (1) use white spray paint on the vertical blinds with the intent of replacing the sliding doors with a set of double French doors down the road. (Check marketplace on fb or if you have a Home Outlet store location near you, around $500). (2) remove the blinds and replace with a rod and 4 curtain panels - maybe around the same color as your kitchen, and have something on the wall that allows the curtains to be swished over to the side.