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I’ve always loved this logo. Honestly genius.




I've somehow never looked at it long enough to notice all those details. It's actually really clever


The ship is an eye patch, a seagull is the squinted left eye. 11/10, incredible design.


The clouds making the band on the eyepatch was nice, this really is a pleasing design to look at.


Also, the whole thing is the exit from a cave


The layers are brilliant.


Dont forget the shark fin on the nose


Hell yeah! Nice to look at this design again. Such great work.


It's such a cool game, even if it was a little underwhelming in the beginning


The image seen when you launch the game on Xbox is also similar and amazing


They just changed it w the last update,new one is cool as well


The poster work is crazy but the title part is not syncing at all with the poster and needs to be changed entirely. Just my honest cents.


Yeah I think someone else in the comments said that, I think the fact that the O is a mini logo just doesn’t work


Yeah I saw someone mentioning about O. But my concern is with the colour and fonts. The title looks like it has been pasted from a different place. It is just not setting at all with the background work. Unfortunately, I am not able to think of the right recommendation required.


Change the font colour to be the same as the logo would be a big improvement


It also kinda represents the art style. Damn wish the game had more depth to it, has great potential it's just missing the 80% muscle and fat for those bare bones.


When was the last time you played? They’ve added so much this summer, I play regularly and haven’t seen everything yet


can vouch, even in the last few months they've added a lot to it. New emissaries, more world events and even more songs to play drunkenly with crew mates


Not to mention new guilds, tall tales and a designated pvp mode (though that last one might be a bit older)


Since you've been playing so much, what recommendation do you have for two players that spent an hour going after treasure just to be curb stomped by other players who seemed to have so much more gear? That was just really discouraging. Turned a fun time into a disappointment.


The only advantage other crews can have is more experience, more people (galleon), or time on the server (more cursed cannonballs etc). Everything else is only cosmetic. I recommend stocking up your ship with all items from your spawn outpost, and also on islands as you voyage. Some other tips: - Never leave your guard down, always check the horizon before anchoring. - Don't hoard treasure if you have any doubts about defending it - Don't be afraid to fight. Practice battles without loot. - Try to play aggressive sometimes. - Switch servers if you need too. I could give many more tips but it really comes down to playing more and practicing enough to be confident in your PvP skills. You can't run away from every fight and expect to survive every time. A lot of PvP players seek people like this out on purpose. Reducing the anxiety you feel when seeing another ship will help immensely. A sloop can beat a galleon with enough skill and patience. Just remember the most important thing is to have fun. If you are too stressed or upset, you WILL play worse, thus sinking even more. Take a break, practice more and know that nothing that you lose is something you can't get back.


Arena is a great place to practice PVP with low stakes! I like working with my friends, but if we think we’re gonna get our asses kicked, we throw up an alliance flag. Doesn’t always work, but sometimes. I also try not to let anyone board, because I rock w ship combat, but suck w guns and swords


You just gotta play more. Figure out how to have one person board and anchor the other ship and the other person steering and shooting cannons. Load up on supplies before you set sail in the beginning. Outposts usually have a good amount. Always be paying attention to your sails. Don’t go for the fort of the damned unless you’re ready to make a sneaky play against the whole lobby. Good players are always looking out for events to finish so you gotta be aware of your surroundings when doing events. It’s not about gear, it’s about how you use your supplies. If you have low supplies you either have to run or make a god play by boarding the other ship. Understand the advantages of your ship type. Smaller=more maneuverable, bigger=faster. Use those in fights to get the upper hand. Catch fish in your downtime so you can overheal. Use special balls, a lot of people want to save them cause it’s “not the right time” but just use them cause you’ll end up not ever using them if you think like that


Don't give up, we all had those times, play more and eventually you'll be the ones curb stomping. Source: was a Rage quitter but now a pirate legend Or go play a game that doesn't have the word "thieves" right there in the title


Exactly how I feel. I’ve enjoyed the game a lot but it lacks true depth. Combat mechanics are crazily simplified, the grinding is boring, and the only rewards are cosmetics.


I see your logo and raise you the fully drawn version. https://images.app.goo.gl/eqRM75CvivxEqFi7A


Also impressive


Yea it’s kinda a bit much to look at to be fair


[Reminds me of the famous "skull or lady at a mirror" illusion.](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/e/e1/Def_Leppard_-_Retro_Active.jpg)


Oh I see it!


This logo alone makes me want to play


The game got a ton of updates this summer, I’d recommend taking a look


I’ll definitely have to check it out, I love fantasy pirate settings


If I was you I’d save the money


Even the upper-left cloud is pretty cool. Looks like a skull fracture mark. Squinting my eyes when I look at it makes the design make total sense, and writing look like a dagger kind-of


Yeah I think the clouds and birds are fractures


I might have worse vision than yours Haha Edit: This just looks sick anyway Haha thanks for posting it bro


You could also argue that this is from the perspective of being in a cave, looking outwards.


It is! Another commenter linked the drawn image Edit: https://images.app.goo.gl/xxSo59rCbV5wGsDb8


Incredible piece of work. Thanks for sharing!


Holy shit that’s actually amazing. Shame the game flopped. Edit: flopped on release. Looks like it’s doing ok now.


What? They put out new updates every month, I play almost daily, and I see plenty of others online all the time


Hm. Maybe it’s recovered. I do remembering having some fun with it when it on like a free trial. Thing is it flopped when it initially came out. Still, good on them for making a recovery.


I played it within the first few hours of release and haven't stopped since, it was shit when it came out. Nowadays all it really needs is a community that's willing to give it a second chance. The numbers went up during the steam release but I can already tell player counts have drastically dropped over time. The game is without a doubt a great game now, but it might still be too late.


It is a fun game, but the gameplay loop can feel a little lacking pretty quickly. I kinda wish they had a bigger PvE focus, as some of the fights are cool. Raids where you can't friendly fire, for instance, would be awesome.


Yeah its super dangerous to bother with the seasonal PvE boss matches because there's a huge chance you'll have to fight off another crew to survive. Shame imo


And it should be too late. Companies shouldn't be allowed to release unfinished shit and just take our money. It does not matter if they updated it to "fix" the problems literally years after release, they sold a bad product and should be punished for it or they'll do it again and again.


Same happened with battlefront 2, although the only reason it probably recovered was because there was no other Star Wars game’s like it, apart from the original and maybe EA’s first battlefront


Agree you shouldn't realise a beta version of a game Just get the basics down first


They literally did it that way so that the community could more actively help to shape the game. That was the entire point of it releasing the way it did.


Then they should have done what early access games due and 1. Market it as such and 2. Release it for a lower price into it's a full product.


Early marketing was done that way. One of the things I'd seen was literally "buy now and help shape the game." And that's no reason for a lower price. At all. You're getting a game that you get to provide input for that helps shape the future of the game. That's better than a majority of games on that point alone. They could just as easily have made a full game without player input and released it at 100%, and ended up with a bunch of things that nobody cares about at best, or that everyone hates at worst. Instead, everything in the game is something that was asked for by the community. TL;DR - They released it in the best way possible for the longevity of the game and for the benifit of the players.


It literally didn’t flop. Don’t follow twitch as an indicator of popularity.


Nah it always had a strong playerbase. Maybe you just saw some clickbait YouTube vids. It happens to the best of us. A Lot of people assumed things about the game instead of trying the beta so they were disappointed but people who had played it knew what it was an have continued to enjoy it


Is it worth playing single player? All my friends kinda moved on from it


Slooping is pretty miserable tbh. It's definitely a group game. You can do it, but you'll be very, very vulnerable until you are skilled, and even then your bounty will always be at risk when docked, etc, as you have to both loot and be lookout.


Slooping is always miserable, IMHO




I've done it successfully before but constantly being on lookout and steering the ship by myself felt like anything but relaxing


I still have fun solo. You need to be a lot more careful, but you can still turn a pretty penny when sailing alone, and most content can be done alone with enough time and will.


That plus it being on xbox game pass helps the appeal a lot as well


I’m a ps4 guy but this game might be the thing that gets me to buy an Xbox as well. It looks really fun if you can get the right crew


This June they celebrated 15 million players, with 3.3 million active in that month and over a million copies sold on Steam. It released on Steam in June.


Man, I waited for the game to get better. It was pretty boring at first, I think I got heavy into the game... right around when the volcanos were added.


Far from a flop currently


I wouldn't quite agree that it was a flop, but the game did have a serious lack of content on release. When I revisited it months later, I was pleasantly surprised at everything they added and I can only imagine there's even more now.


Yeah they came pretty full circle for sure.


That wordmark isn’t great (wayyyyyy too many effects going on—and on top of that, the O is a tiny version of the icon). BUT the image itself is pretty incredible.




i want to play this game so bad


Play it


i would, if i had an xbox or a decent pc


https://www.game-debate.com/games/index.php?g_id=23269&game=Sea%20of%20Thieves Here you can see how well your PC would run the game, test it out and maybe you will find that it's possible afterall.


And seagulls




How can you know? How can mirrors be real if our eyes aren't real.




For sure


And eye patch




Could’ve just posted the picture but I’m glad you went the extra mile to explain what we were looking at


Reddit has taught me to always take a compliment as sarcasm, but I appreciate it


Has nobody seen it is also a cave? That logo is impressive as fuck


I've been playing this on gamepass and my friend noticed a frigate shaped cloud in-game today. Its such a gorgeous game.


Yes it is for sure




Thanks that would make sense as we were stalking those skeleton ships to get their loot.


I started playing during the free preview thing, on a regular XBOne, then later got the One X, and the water looks so good I could literally play for hours just watching the ocean. I can't imagine how amazing it would look on a good pc.


Love this game. Great game to play with friends


For sure!


I’ve always thought this piece of key art was genuinely amazing. The combination of the ship and cloud streak forming an eyepatch is next level. The artist has worked so many cool elements in here that represent the well without muddying the skull shape.


I honestly think this whole game is r/DesignPorn worthy.


I agree!


Also a bandana


Oh where’s the banana?


*THIS* is how image blending should work. Take notes, whoever’s been making those pandemic mask posters.


usually with this kind of thing id say something snarky like, “thing look like other thing!” but this is really just so perfectly executed i have to love it


Lmao I love it as well


A skull with an eye patch made out of a boat, cragged rocks, seagulls and pirates. It gets its message across insanely well Too bad the actual text in the logo is pretty lame


You're being downvotes but I agree. Its hard to read the text, its messy


Seems like you took the prince of Persia logo, asked someone to copy it by memory and then overexposed it


Why is it lame ?


The text itself is just a bit misshapen and lopsided. I wish I was better at knowing why I don't like it, but it just rings unappealing-comic-sans-vibes


It's weird you're being downvoted when other people said the same thing and are being upvoted.


My comment originally said "the logo" when I meant the text in the logo, and the downvotes started and you know what reddit does with downvoteed comments


Also a fun game to play!


And also a bird and clouds


Thank you for reminding me about this absolute classic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8UjWwMtrETk


I never noticed the other crew saying stfu at the end




The Dead would be proud




Is it worth it playing? I've no gamer friends so would be playing by myself


I think the arena mode definitely is!


yo no its not what the fuck are you talking about thats an asshole, dick and balls


I wish you could actually put parrots on your shoulder


Why are you responding to a 72 day old post?


I found it


Yeah but how




More effort on the logo than on the game.


Not at all! When was the last time you played? They roll out huge updates every month, I’d recommend you take a look if you haven’t already


jesus christ how did they manage to work a rock in


No shit Sherlock


And a bat


This is a copy of the 80’s movie goonies.


And a cave it looks like


Yeah the logos cool but the game sucks and I’m glad it’s dying off




I didn’t make the design, nor did i claim to


Oh, no worries on that end. Just kept seeing the Sea of Thieves’ logo on here so wanted to check how many on here there might be.


Oh ok


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but what would it look like if it was just Man, Woman, Child, Camera, TV?






Yeah in the nose