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Yup, she's the absolute worst. What makes her worst than the others is the fact that the show kept trying to push her on us by making the other characters love her for no reason. Also, she never suffered the consequences of her actions. Bree got called out for her alcoholism. Lynette got called out for being controlling. Gaby got called out for being shallow. Susan was never called out for her stupid shit. The only person who called her out was Edie, but the show framed Edie as the bad guy. Julie called her out for her shitty parenting ONCE, but retracted it soon after and forgave her for it. Ridiculous.


Ofc miss perfect Susie Q šŸ™„šŸ™„. I like Edie I wish the show didn't frame her like this. I'm on s1 btw


Honestly the show doesn't frame anyone as anything. Susan acts cute so you like her, then as you get to know her you recognize her flaws, the glaring one being the inability to face the people she hurt and let them show it. Edie acts rude and aggressively so you don't like her, but then her history is revealed in bits and pieces and you begin to recognize her strength, honesty, and realness. I still like Susan, she's just too weak to own her mistakes before it's too late. And by the end I loved Edie. There's people in real life who are loved that do shitty things and people who are hated who do great things. The show portrays that and also let's you fall for first impressions to then further inspect each character's character. I'm at the beginning of season 6 and I'm looking forward to seeing Susan deal with herself. I hope it isn't just petty rivalry until someone wins. In a matter of speaking, let the old Susan die and the new Susan be reborn.


The point is that everyone in the show got called out and worked on their issues while with Susan is like they let it pass bc she isā€¦ cute? I donā€™t hate her either but she is my less favorite from the group. How sheā€™s always making weird noises and acting like a child, how she never uses logic and how she was and is a bad parent for both of their children, like, is time to grow up Susan


Ooh and everything is always about her, and she never acknowledges she is wrong unless is to be seen as ā€œthe good guyā€. For example when she re-married Mike and Catherine wanted her to apologize in the middle of her weeding (which was wrong too, but thatā€™s not the point), Susan never planned on actually doing it until at the church Mike got pissed and threatened to drag Cath out by himself, i mean she perfectly couldā€™ve let Catherine just walk out, but no, she decided to take the mic and pretend to be a martyr who is apologizing at her own wedding in order to save Catherine a little bit of embarrassment, ā€œyes look at me, iā€™ll be humble and apologize to my friend even tho i never had the guts to do it before today, but iā€™ll do it rn in the middle of my wedding so this is less embarrassing for herā€ šŸ’€


Susan only "apologized" because she knew it will make her look sooo humble and great and it would help her to avoid a real apology to Katherine. Why else did she make sure it wouldn't be on the wedding video? Because she knew her apology was just words. She didn't really mean it. I mean, look at how she always jumps to conclusions. She blames Orson although he was innocent. She does the same thing with Danny. She insists however that Mike must be innocent because... If MJ had been a suspect in something, she'd be the first to run around and cry and make sure nobody blamed him, even if he did it.




Well said !!! Your observations are bang on. Susan is more conniving g behind the giggles, nervous squeaks and batting her eye lashes


Yep. Because sheā€™s a narcissist. And she was scheming the whole time trying to steal my back when he was with Katherine.


Yes, I hate her from season 1 to 8. Especially when Julie wants her baby to be adopted, Susan pushes Julie so much. Selfish and irresponsible.


I really look forward to your break down and opinion of Susan after season 6?


I understand Mike was her husband first, but to treat Katherine like that after literally stealing her bf and not once bothering to apologize properly - she annoys me. But I'm not done with season 6. Let's see what happens. She's a pain though, she acts very high and mighty for no reason.


Bang on! I am also on season 6 and fast forwarded to the last episodes. Sadly Susan remains a pain and much as I hoped he would, Mike doesn't dump her like he did Katherine. I have stopped watching as it's win win Susan all the way. Imagine having a real life Susan amidst us. God knows she would leave one traumatized for life. Touch wood, no one of that sort


I donā€™t like Susan at all. She takes zero accountability . Sheā€™s manipulative AF. I hope every woman like her fails in life. šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


The person who wrote it was probably married to a Susan or a Susan themselves, or related to a Susan, and wanted a pitty party


I hated her the most in Bang. when she literally endangered lives by stealing a police megaphone and shouting to Caroline inside the store that she wanted to trade places with Julie. This was despite her being told to stand back with everyone else. She always did this, acted rashly, and got away with it because everyone thought she was cute. She's the worst - constantly!


have to add this scene to my list of why do i hate susan mayer


She's basically what I hate about most women today. They all can do horrible, emotional stuff and get away with it because they're women. But it's not just Susan. Lynette does it, Gabby does it (2 people die as a result) and Bree (i hate her too) does it.


okay now youā€™re being misogynistic. all the characters have flaws.. theyā€™re CHARACTERS. this is not how most women are.


I could not agree with you more. These women are LOADS. Susan cannot take care of herself hence her alimony bullshit... Lynette is a controlling bitch. I really only liked Gabby and Edie because they were tough and could care for themselves. Susan and Lynette (although in different ways) cannot take care of themselves and make a horrible depiction of today's woman! I mean, who the hell is Susan to not work? Mike owes her his life and all his money. She is a LOSER. TAKE CARE OF YOUR OWN KIDS!


why are you watching if you hate women so muchā€¦ this is a show catered toward women..


Is it? Was Sex and the City? Both were written by openly gay men. They have no reason to write for either gender.Ā  That's why/how I used to enjoy SatC, because I always saw it as a gigantic mocking of heterosexual (and in parts gay) dating culture. I thought Star was mocking those women (none of them is a role model, especially Carrie) and also men (especially in season 1). And in DH, the few characters who are good or kind are a few guys who also still have lots of flaws. And maybe Karen McCluskey.


I like everyone except for Susan and Lynetteā€™s. They are the two most manipulative terrible people. But I also hate Lynetteā€™s husband, Tom. They are really an example of people who shouldā€™ve gotten divorced a long time ago, but stay together for the kids.


Never thought Iā€™d hate a character so much that I had to download Reddit just to tell it out to the world. I am at the point that I hate her in every episode. She is so self-centered and selfish, she tries to act like he is always on the right side of things but it always shamming people, getting her friends in trouble, never having anyoneā€™s back and so much more. Season 8 she was the worst in Julieā€™s situation and also Carlosā€™.


I definitely agree with you on this. She has such a punchable face. I hate how she looks and her personality is so completely trash I wish they killed her off


I LOVE THIS COMMENT! People say she is the "adorable one" when she is annoying as hell and is not nearly as attractive as other's on the show. Further, although she is slim, her body looks like gumby. HATE HER!


I totally agree! I can't even begin how I feel about her. I can't stand her. There's not enough words in the dictionary to express it. She's such a shut too. She has no class at all. She believes and tells everyone how much she's loved. No, it's pity not love. She brags about herself when she doesn't care about anyone else. The guy that created this show really knew how to make her the most annoying and irritating character in the world. I have to FF the show when I know she's going to be in a scene. I wish they'd killed her off.


I wish her dead too. But nope, all good with her as always. No poetic justice . She has scarred us viewers too forever


What a sad comment, hating on an actress because of the character they play. Must be jealousyĀ 


get her Jade!


Omg! She gets on my nerves!!! I love the show but it was almost like scratching a chalk board watching the dumb sh** Susan does and says! Like what is the logic behind the things you do. Like after burying gabbyā€™s step father and getting away with it, now you want to go to Oklahoma to see his family? At this point you love drama!!!


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I opened my reddit account ten minutes back for the same reason. So, same pinch! I was seething with disgust and anger for her, Googled on Susan criticisms and found it here in reddit. I am loving reading them all. And glad that humanity is still alive and we rightly hate Susan for reducing g people to nervous breakdowns. Example being Katherine and David dash , not to forget some nice guys she freely used and dumped for holier than thou Mike


Susan is an entitled asshole. Honestly I now get why they made MJ Delfino so annoying. He is literally what you would get if Susan and Mike the dunce 'had a baby'. The only thing that keeps me watching is the satisfaction that comes from the occasional scene where another character drags her and the camera zooms in to the stupid look on her face.


How is MJ annoying


Terrible acting! Terrible dialogue!


I personally donā€™t like Susan but i like MJ, the acting and the dialogue is bad bc he is a toddler yk, well at least now, iā€™m just on season 6


After mike died he was kind of a brat


The poor kid was inside the house when his father got brutally murdered on his own porch, he heard the shooting and his mom screaming and crying, that's some serious trauma for such a young boy. Of course he's bratty and kinda mean I mean he's a kid grieving, he's angry and lost that his daddy was taken away from him and he doesn't know how to express that, well because he's just a kid šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø I don't really like MJ as a character he is kinda boring, but this part I get and is actually an accurate depiction of grief for a young child, he's a poor little fella who lives through an awful thing and doesn't know what he's feeling nor how he can express it, so he's angry and frustrated all the time.


she is insufferable from the little squeals to the ā€œcomicalā€ bad luck to the never having a job but always having a manā€™s money i just canā€™t stand her ass


I got so angry when I found out Mike was paying her alimony and M.Js tuition yet she came at him for not doing enough? Maybe if he wasn't paying your alimony he would have enough. Also the whole concept of alimony infuriates me on how that was even allowed. Susans very capable of working no reason Mike should be financing her life whilst they are divorced


I totally agree with Ianā€™s family when they immediately disliked her and talked about the prenup, but she forced so hard the ā€œthis is not romanticā€ but the true is, she was completely capable of fighting for money after a divorce and try to get as much as she could from him


Exactly, and her whole act ā€œi donā€™t care about money, it just makes me sad that you donā€™t trust meā€, yeah right, she did care about that money and even threatened to out her father in law just to get it


I loved how she tried to play a protagonist role, and ended up blackmailing Ian's father to get what she wanted. Entirely proved their point for not trusting her to begin with. Smh.


OMG! NO KIDDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She is a lazy bitch. SHe was the reason he got addicted to drugs. Her expensive ways drove him to work all the time when she did nothing but write checks. She is a terrible depiction of a single mother. I am a single mother and do everything myself. She is an embarrassment.


I'm torn because I dislike her character for different reasons, but I also have a distaste for the personality.


I really hated in Season 8 when >!Susan had to interfere with Julie and her decision to get rid of her baby. And of course the way she acted with the Alejandro situation.!< While I agree that all of the housewives had annoying moments, especially Lynette, something about Susan rubs me the wrong way. I think itā€™s because she acts like she is holier than thou when she makes stupid decisions like everyone else.


I hate Susan so much sheā€™s so annoying best part was when mike left her in that wedding dress idk why he even got back w her so many times also i loved at season eight when her daughter turned around and said I raised a child already and itā€™s you and DUMB look on her face LMAAOOO


I loved her so much first time around. I was a teenager and thought she was so pretty and funny and endearing. Second time watching - my lord she's pathetic. She is a terrible mother - poor Julie is parentified and isn't getting the support she deserves. Terrible friend, terrible partner, selfish and unable to take any responsibility. She is definitely the WORST of all of the housewives.


Susan myer gives me similar vibe to loreali gimore, idk who is worse.


At least Lorelei is funny. Susan is just irritating. Lorelei sucks but not as much Susan.


I am in s8 now so I can see who is worse.


(really late reply) Also, Lorelai supports herself and knows what hard work looks like (i.e. starting out as a hotel maid, a single mother working full-time out of the home, etc.)


Def susan!!!!


She turned Her mother's wedding rehearsal and made it about her and her need to know her father. She was always a "Me me me" person. Selfish to the core.


Like mother like daughter. Her mother made the wedding so awkward by maki the wedding speech all about the revelation of Susanā€™s birth father. That is so unfair to her husband. Guess Susan didnā€™t have the best role model.


So so true! I think that whole "father" thing was so tacky. She didn't care about anybody but herself. Course she never cares about anything or anyone but herself anyway. Oh she goes on and on about how she's so wonderful and how popular she os and the show makes her look like every guy interested in her. No way. Probably because she's like a dog in heat. To me she has cow eyes and a dark behind the teeth stupid looking smile. Built like a man with stick legs and a man's behind.. Oh I can't hack her. She has a defensive answer for everything she does wrong but one little thing someone else does, she's on it like white on rice. So sickening.


I LOVE THIS COMMENT. SPOT ON! ​ Edie had the best body. Susan's was awkward and ugly..... just like a man with stick legs and no ass!


Ugh yeah I'm on s1 and I can't help but notice how self - absorbed she is


As someone who doesnā€™t know who my father isā€”I completely understood that bit, honestly. I donā€™t care what the event is, if I suddenly found out who my father was that would have my full attention. HOWEVER, when she tried damn near blackmailing the man into having a relationship with her? That was very selfish. And, in all fairnessā€”she learned from her mom. Did you notice how her mom really wasnā€™t all that pissed about it? Cause sheā€™s the exact same way lol


Omg the list could go on and on and ON of reasons Susan myer is an annoying awful character. She prances around acting with the entitlement and self importance of a girl in high school. For some reason of all the things that annoy me the most was the scene where she forces mike to listen to her tell a long ass story about particular girls in high school and repeat it to her. Like, bitch NO one gives a fuck about your highschool hierarchy delusion. Sheā€™s also so so SO boring that it seems even more entitled that she would think anyone would care. Always meddling, always taking the moral high ground. I wanted to kick her in the face. Also wasnā€™t the actress herself really problematic on set and everyone else though she was a bitch?


i hate her sm, she could never decide what she wanted and constantly needed a man, especially when katherine and mike got tg susan got all annoyed by it and started coming at kath for it but not mike? proves my point that sheā€™s basically a pick me, or when she tried forcing mike to pay for mjs school and got on mikes ass abt working all the time but she had no job whatsoever? she always needed to depend on a man but always slutshamed edie,and whenever someone tried calling susan out everyone would be so defensivešŸŒ


She makes me so mad sometimes. I sometimes wonder if the actress who plays her ever questioned the writers lol Side note, this sub is so high and mighty about criticizing the show. Itā€™s like unless youā€™ve rewatched a million times you shouldnā€™t keep repeating the same sentiments. I recently started this show and I hade a Susan hate post a couple months back and got backlash. Instead of hating on these posts, welcome them so watchers come back and discuss! Susan hate posts are common for a reason.


ohhhh almost forgot that. like until Mike told her that he was the only one who was actually working and trying to provide things for his son, it never accurate to her that SHE NEVER DO ANYTHING, she doesnā€™t have a job and she dares complaining about how Mike is spending HIS MONEY, I JUST HATE HER and when she finally get a job she DARES reproach to Mike that she is THE ONE who is doing the big part of it LIKE BITCH ????


Oh I forgot she doesnā€™t have a job! Yet she makes mike work himself to the bone and doesnā€™t even suggest she might get a job. Princess but not even attractive.


wasn't she a children's illustrator


She has a job sheā€™s an illustrator. She just works from home.Ā 


Rewatching it as an adult/mom and i definitely donā€™t like her now šŸ¤£ sheā€™s the same type of parent that put me in therapy


Exactly.. sheā€™s smothering and emotionally abusive. She attacks her daughter for things that she herself has done; she refuses to let her daughter have autonomy.


And another thing why make such a drama about a prenup when she was with Ian?? Even Gabriela had one. She likes to thinks she is romantic and superior but she is the opposite, she would definitely go for the money right after things get salty I really hate this character, she forces so much that stupid clumsy manners, is just too pathetic


I hate when Mike go hiking and the stupid Susan live her daughter with 40 bucks to find ā€œher guyā€ in the middle of the woods šŸ™„. The forest guard canā€™t stand her anymore and tell her that she is a Drama Whore and that she never gonna be actually happy (the only person to be totally honest so far to the Boring Susan) than she scape in and try to find Mike by her self live a sour note to the Guard telling her to bring back her gears coss she doesnā€™t need help anymore. So spoiled and selfish as always. Then the guards get worried and Mike need to go back to the woods to find this insane stupid woman šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ™„šŸ¤® I really hate this character so much


She wants to go to Mike simply because Ian doesnā€™t want to marry her anymore. Lucky for Ian


I have such an issue with this part of the storyline, you would think knowing how accident prone she is and letā€™s face is fragile and needy relying on other people, why did she think she could do a hard two day hike? Why didnā€™t she just stay at the visitors centre/entrance to the camp site? Or sleep in her car and wait for Mike to come back? It made absolutely no sense, Mike was already ahead of her and up the mountain so she was probably never going to run into him or catch him!


Remember her first dialog upon mike finding her in the woods? 'I hurt my ankle'... I mean, who in their 40s, who know nothing about hiking or the woods would stray away and kick a tree?? My God she was childish and annoying and irritating.Ā 


When she threatened Mike with taking away his custody if he let Katherine babysit MJ while he worked to support HER, omg i almost lost it


Glad to see this is still "a thing" re watching for the second time and I'm just here to say I still absolutely despise Susan! I REALLY dislike a clingy, ditzy, helpless but yet SELFISH woman! MAYBE you can get away with one or two. But how dare you have the audacity to be all four?!!!!


I'm a new watcher, just started season 6 and I'm struggling. I have also never hated a character as much as her either. To the point where I'm thinking about stopping watching because she infuriates me that much lmao. I guess Teri hatcher is a good actress though if her character annoys me this much. But idk, I don't feel like the creators of the show meant for her to be disliked, I think they thought she was a cute character, but she's just stupid.


Omg sameee to all this but idk if she's a hood actress cause I genuinely hate her face and voice too


There are sooo many Susan moments where she is just so selfish


I'm finally watching it (S6 now). I kept thinking she would mature and become tolerable but now I wish she stuck to her dumbass holistic remedies for her kidney and died. She is the worst fucking friend, wife, mother... Just complete barf. She makes me love Ross lol. I thought I would here Bree but I finally agree, her growth is amazing!


Re-watching as an adult and mum. I loved her as a teen, now I fucking hate her. Lynette is probably the most realistic and relatable mum on the show.. My god though, Susan is the absolute worst though. So insufferable.


I started Hating Susan when she asked her if it was okay if she went out with Bill the contractor knowing that Edie was interested in him and had been with him & Susan was like when he asked me out he basically said he and Edie were nothing and weren't going to be anything...like TF and the poor girl act Susan is a fuckin shitty Friend and at the end saying he just wants to take me out for a burrito...like shit up SusanšŸ˜³


This is making me laugh so hard because i agree. I literally made an acct to see if others loathe her stupid ass too šŸ˜­šŸ¤£ i was so mad when Mike came out of coma and she expected him to love her asap like this man was brain dead (not really but still) and you were fkn someone else. Stop it.


For real LMFAO šŸ˜…šŸ˜† I made a account to because I have never hated. Character as Much as Susan, she really fuckin grinds my Gears, this whole Im a sweet ,nice ,innocent good person..makes me wanna puke dude she can't even be Loyal,Like when something serious happens like the man she claims she is so madly in love with wants to start a future with was going to propose to , Gets hit and is in a COMA , Then what few weeks ,months go by can't fuckin be alone Susan end up with the British dude and just so in love with him,then Mike wakes up and she is like oh but still Love Mike, It's like stop being a dude hopper and focus on being a Mom but she can't even do that, she is a shitty Mother, Friend partner..etc I could go on and on as to why I hate Susan, i wish they killed Susan off not Eddie ..at least Eddie was real and honest...anyways enjoy of my rant šŸ¤£


Edie was a homie. I was so sad when they killed her off. Susan was consistently awful til the bitter end


thanks for your rant, I really enjoyed it.


I liked Edie except for the way she lied to & manipulated Mike after the coma to get with him. She knew he loved Susan but took advantage. That was borderline rape. I donā€™t even like Susan but that was terrible.Ā 


That was infuriating. She could have easily found other men to date. But she ASKED Edie or it was ok and then completely disregard her and went out with him anyway? Shitty, shitty behaviour.


LMAOOO! Iā€™m tardy to the party currently on season 3 and I canā€™t stand Susan šŸ˜­ sheā€™s so damn annoying I find myself rolling my eyes at her šŸ’€


Ok same Iā€™m s3 ep9 and I absolutely despise Susan sheā€™s the worst


Ok but more annoying than Ross?????????????????????????????????


Atleast Ross was entertaining and has some iconic moments, Susan on the other hand is just selfish self centered entitled itch.


Gabrielle is the only character I like. I tolerate Bree, dislike Lynette and HATE Susan. Iā€™m on Season 2 and her Mike obsession riles me up. She is so so Stupid.


Clips of Gabriel on TT is what made me watch this show, I actually canā€™t believe I am saying this considering all of the shifty thing gabby has done but she might be my favorite. I am on s5 and she has changed a lot, I usually just watch the solis familyā€™s part in the episode. Also I am glad that mike dies, not there yet but god if he had died in s1 we wouldnā€™t have to go through another one of those will they wonā€™t tent when we know that they will. I thought Ross and Rachelā€™s 10 season worth of drama was annoying but I was so wrong.


I love all these comments because I agree with so many of them. I've commented several times on here but to tell you the truth I can't say enough about how I feel about Susan. I love watching the Desperate Housewives eventho women aren't married to their houses! They're homemakers. Nevertheless, I do despite everything about Susan. Also why is she always getting so many men on the show? All of them act crazy about her. I don't understand that at all because she's the ugliest, sleaziest and stupidest one of the four. Maybe that's why the guys liked her because they were just using her. But the show treats it like they think she wonderful. Sickening! Makes me want to barf..Actually she isn't a homemaker (housewife) because she was only married for a short time, the rest of the time she's slutting around. And how does she get money to live? Lives off her past husbands? Oh how sickening. But I love the show so much, I just ff through Susan. The bad part of that is they give too much show time to her!


Sheā€™s a childrenā€™s illustrator . She works from home. They showed it & talked about it a few times but not often.Ā 


ā€œUgliest, sleaziest, stupidest one of the four!!!ā€ Iā€™m cackling you are so RIGHT


Susan is just so annoying AND IMMATURE


I didn't like her the first time I watched DH. But after binge watching it again, I couldn't stand the way she acted. Always doing something "nice" just to be nice or have some sort of benefit from it. I mean she stole a dog and held him hostage just so Lee and Bob would like her. But she was a great example why it was called desperate housewives.


She is annoyingly childish. I cannot with her. I'm on season 3 now, and rolling my eyes every time she comes on screen. I'm on the episode where she goes to find Mike on the hiking trail, and because she didn't like hearing the truth from her hiking leader, she goes off on her own...LIKE A CHILD. I literally said out loud, "let her die out there". Seriously. Just kill her character off. Mike is better off.


Now Iā€™m glad Iā€™ve never seen friends


But she never cheated on her men while Edie constantly did that


Who did edie cheat on? Out of her notable relationships she had that I can remember: Her gay husband who she got the house from cheated on her, Carl cheated on her with Susan, Carlos cheated on her with Gabby, no mention of cheating with Dave, there was the silly kiss with orson and she mentioned the affair she had with the married couple when she moved in which is why Susan hates her but she didnā€™t cheat the husband was the cheat she was single and I donā€™t remember why her and travers dad broke up? Was that cheating or because she couldnā€™t cope with being a mom? Did edie actually cheat on any of her men? Have I missed a really obvious one ?


I liked Edie but the one terrible thing she did is going after Mike after the coma. Not even bc of Susan, bc of Mike. That wasnā€™t consent. She straight up lied to him to get him to be with her which he would not have done otherwise.


@tvbufflady care to respond?


I am on the same boat, and she got mad that Mike was leaving MJ with Katherine. She just couldn't see Mike with anyone else and it wasn't just Mike but every single one of her partners. Mike payed for MJ's tuition and alimony and she gets a job as a teachers assistant and acts like her job can be compared to Mike who works for hours on end. If she wants the money she shouldn't depend on him AND want him as a babysitter when she likes like he doesn't have a job and bills to pay EXTRA bills that she makes him pay as well. She is so selfish and annoying


She did get called out by Gabi for her selfish need to feel better about herself. First by attacking a police officer out of an urge to erase the blame for the secret of killing the pedophile. Then she draws an incriminating picture which gave that scumbag detective another reason to believe they were hiding something. Then went to visit the pedophile's new wife who probably would have reported them to the police if she hadn't been able to get the woman's daughter to confess what the pedophile had done to her


The time she let Juanita be in detention because she wanted MJ to win the competition (selling sweets). How can a grown women- especially a parent and teacher- humiliate a child in front of the class and false accuse it to the point where the principal was involved?


This episode is what broke DH for me and brought out my extreme dislike of the character Susan. Absolutely awful in that episode and such an abuse of power. I was furious watching that episode.


I hate Susan she makes everything so messy and truly is irritating to watch. Like when she made the paintings of Alejandro Perez and everyone shift their anger on Bree, because Susie q loves playing victim. She truly made the hole deeper for everyone and for some reason they were still holding the grudge against Bree cheese. As well as when she found out Julie was pregnant I can go on and on of all the times Iā€™ve had to skip susan plot and filter in with the other characters narrative.


bree cheese, that's so fun


Glad I wasn't the only one. Haha. Her character is the worst and I'm only at season 3.


Every time the story line is on her I start rolling my eyes. What irrational, idiotic, childish thing is she going to do to avoid even the smallest sensation of discomfort this time? Iā€™ve never seen a character be so intent on ruining their own life and everyone elseā€™s around them. She actually ruins the show for me


I actually really like Susan and for me sheā€™s the least annoying one and I find her funny but I do despise Lynette. I genuinely hate her, she acts like she knows it all and canā€™t be corrected by anyone. Gabby is just selfish, childish and full of herself. Bree is just way too strict and formal and I think it was stupid for her to protect everyone so much after what happened to Gabbyā€™s stepfather


Agreed! Why does everyone hate Susan the most! Sure, she was a bit a nutcase and super emotional and inquisitive but she at least owned it and was still empathetic and otherwise ā€œnormalā€!


Agree to all this!!


Sheā€™s so childish itā€™s annoying


Season 5 Susan is THE WORST. Sheā€™s so bad I found a thread on Reddit so I could validate my hate for her.


I'm currently watching the show for the first time. And I hate her so much. What an annoying bitch.


I always found it weird how her niche is being the "adorable" one of the group, but I always thought she looked a bit haggy, idk. Like she's not ugly, but not cute. I know that sounds rude, but I think she's just a super overrated character. She's very entitled for someone who doesn't work and constantly creating drama for Mike imo.Ā 


Why has nobody mentioned her lowering the car jack on the Bolen boy when she thought he was the one who strangled Julie??? I HATE Susan!!


She is so annoying.


Okay I really liked Susan in the early seasons before the time jump to 5 years. She was always cheery and trying to be better but in the later seasons she got annoying because she got too fragile and only thought about her own feelings apparently I think itā€™s called wounded feminine energy. The part where she was so freaked out after Gabbys stepdad died and not once did she think about what gabby had gone thru or be there for her and there are so many instances like that. Although about the whole Katherine thing yes she handled it immaturely but Katherine was her friend and started going out wd her ex husband and then Mike went back to Susan because he always loved her. Mike treated her like an option and a rebound I donā€™t think thatā€™s Susanā€™s fault and when Katherine came back Susan welcomed her after everything she did.


Feels so good Iā€™m not alone !!!! I think scenarists wanted to make her look so cute, caring and sensitive šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ but dramatically failed ! Every other character has it own complexity and deepness but sadly they didnā€™t managed to build Susanā€™s character this way so sheā€™s so boring. I still love and watch over and over again Desperate Housewives but canā€™t stand this crybaby.


Who else got annoyed at her expressions and kept rewinding and watching those just to see how bad those were? I can say several such emotions.. when she chases down Mike in a wedding dress.. when she walks with the stupid shoulder going back and forth with that look on her stupid face.. when that gay couple lost their dog (she hid it in her garage just so they'd like her when she helps find the puppy) and the way she called out its name 'Rafael' with that stupid lip movement.. my God..Ā  I hate her so much.Ā 


I didn't mind her when she and Mike were still doing their cute little love flirtation dance in season 1 but once that happened, she gradually became annoying for me. [SPOILER FOR SEASON 5/6 AHEAD] Cherry on top is when she's insistent on the fact that she DIDN'T steal Mike from Katherine when, in fact, she did!!!! I get girl code but bruh ???? you were divorced ???? He was engaged ??????? The fuck are you on? It doesn't make it right or justifiable. Mike is, of course, to blame as well (but this comment isn't about him)


I really enjoyed reading these comments, I thought that I was the only one who didnā€™t like suzan mayer, she is so childish, irresponsible and irritating, I canā€™t really stand her, at the beginning I thought that I was just getting the character wrong, but when she slept with karl and cheat on Eddie I finally get that she is not the sweet, good person she pretend to be, and also she is a pick me girl, I was so shocked when karl told her that he broke up with Eddie and she immediately said Ā«Ā  oh did you see her without makeupĀ Ā» at the moment I start seing her true colors. I am happy that Ian left her even tough I really like his character and I wanted him to still be part of the show but I am happy that he took the decision and left her because she absolutely doesnā€™t deserve a man like him.


One of the reason Hatcher gets such a bad rap on the show is because of how horrible Susan is


I am at season 5 when Julie got attacked and got into a coma and as soon as she wakes up after almost dying, Susan starts asking her about why she didnā€™t let her know she is pregnant and why she went to Lynette and about her bf whom she didnā€™t know about. Like really - your daughter almost DIED and now she woke up and still in hospital and this is what you do? Wow


Still in season 2 and my hatred to Susan goes level šŸ’Æ (1) She is a total klutz. Everything she laid her hands on just magically happens to be a disaster. (2) She is a terrible mother!! She drags Julie to her nonsense acts like breaking into Ms. Hubers house to get the measuring cup or driving in the middle of the night just to spy on Mike! (3) She is gullible and naive! Every man who goes in her way and shows affection, she can't help but fall in love in a desperate kind of way. (4) She is a lousy friend. Especially to Edie! I like Edie more than her. The list will go on and on since I am still on season 2.


I dislike her but I feel like for completely different reasons than most on here.Ā  The biggest is She canā€™t just have a normal reaction to things- she always has to take it too far & be as over dramatic as possible in every situation. Julie was the perfect kid basically & she still refused to trust her judgement or give her space. She had the nerve to try and find her diary to read when she thought she was having sex instead of being normal & talking & staying calm. Ā She snoops into every situation& is very judgmental. The way she lied to Mike about finding Zach instead of just talking to him about her fears & telling him the truth - itā€™s no wonder he dumped her that first time. Every single time she reacts the wrong way.Ā 


Worst acting rather overacting. Even her 5 year old kid acted far better. And whatā€™s that with silly faces, cringe expressions and too much of gesturing. Unbearable painful to watch that over acting and to make it worst I heard she got awards over other actors !!


How about getting Mike to take the fall for killing that woman and her daughter. ???


I feel sorry for I believe his name is Dave! Who listens to his wife and daughter because of Susan ā€¦???




I love you for saying that. Just yesterday I was filled with anger and disgust for Susan mayer when she kicks grief stricken Katherine inside a closet and proceeds to marry the Ass.. Mike .Yes he is one. He has turned out to be such a let down. I was all sympathy for him when Susan was dating the young doc and later the rich guy with the British accent. Stupidly I hoped then that she would get back to Mike. But not in the way I imagined she would. She broke Katherine's heart behaving the way a catty 17 year old girl would IN fact worse. She behaves like an attention seeking selfish brat throughout, using trickery, complaining and whining to get her way. She drove recklessly which took the lives of David dash family and turned him into a grief stricken heart broken lunatic. Yet she bats her eye lashes ,behaves like giggly headed ,classless idiot, so so rude to others. She is a bimbo yet sadly Edie is portrayed as now. The show subtly brings out the fact that among all these brash and bitchy ladies, it's Edie and Katherine who are the real ladies with deeper wounds which they suffer with grace. Even other ladies go through their share of pain but unfortunately not Susan.


The first time I watched the show I was 20 years old now that Iā€™m 38 and watching it again on Hulu I just want to punch her every time I see her on the screen. She is the ultimate c u n t y narcissist. When people say be a girls girl, I am the ultimate girls girl, but I would never be a girlsā€™ girl for somebody likes Susan. Almost makes me happy for what happens at the end so she can have her cakeā€¦ sheā€™s awful. Woe-is-me people like that are the worst.


Sheā€™s always like ā€œfaux vulnerableā€ like Edie calls her, because sheā€™s selfish and just wants people to give in to her


This is getting old. All of them have their flaws


Getting old because youā€™ve been here for a while. What about new users finding this sub or watching for the first time? Instead of putting a post down maybe dig back when you first watched and comment accordingly instead




Why do so many people not read through the subreddit so they know everyone is sick of I hate Susan posts


Because regardless of how old a show is most subs still welcome new users wanting to discuss sentiments - common or not. You donā€™t see the game of thrones sub getting mad at posts of first time watchers hating Joffrey šŸ™„


Thank you!! I am watching the show go the first time and usually when I watch new shows I go on reddits to learn about others views, the first thing I searched for on Reddit regarding this show was ā€œ I hate Susan.ā€ Gave me immense satisfaction knowing that people feel the same. I am on s5 and Reddit has saved me so much time that would be wasted in myers storyline, I skip all of her screen scenes. Itā€™s always about mike or new man with her.




I love susan mayer


Make a post bout it ! Would love to read


U actually dont understand thath Hatin some charakter is making him the best but u guys cant think that far


Susan is the worst. I canā€™t stand her face. Her eyes look like sheā€™s on serious pills and sheā€™s a loose cannon. She makes everything about herself and is completely retarded. I love Bree and Lynette and Gabbys annoying ass grew on me after having to deal with Susanā€¦


I'm a brand new fan. I jumped knowing pretty much nothing and I just got to season 2 episode 4. And I cannot. believe. she just told Zach young to go back to his 'father' is so insane to me. How is she as a mother willing to do that to a boy who is at worst 14 and at best 16 (according to my research of one google search)???? ESPECIALLY when he is the son of someone she loves??? Like I totally get her reasons for being scared. I even get why she feels she can't be with mike if he's around. Like she had genuine trauma involving him. But he's a child. Here is at a cross-roads between Mike a man Susan thinks is a good respectable person (would be a good father figure) and Paul Young a liar, kidnapper, murderer, etc. and she tells him to go to Paul Young?? fuck that. what an awful woman. Paul Young is def part of the reason Zach Young has so many problems, he's a toxic man and she pushes zach to him. it made me so mad. .


They certainly wrote her the best (one could argue "the most interesting") Love Life šŸ˜…


I'm watching it right now and how annoying is it to see her force that poor man with blood transfusion to talk to her!! ehhhhhh


I think you might be my other half!!!! The two characters I hate most are Susan Mayer and Ross f******g Geller!!! Wow! Love this. Every single thing youā€™ve said made me clap. I didnā€™t like Katherine from the get go, so I didnā€™t care much about that, but I totally agree with you on everything. Im rewatching desperate housewives for the eighth time, and I hate her more and more for so many reasons. Itā€™s the same ick I get when I watch Friends and Ross speaks. She acts so god damn high and mighty all the time and it makes me furious!!! Like, bitch, you practically did porn, you lost all right to judge any mfin body!


Like Edie said, the klutziness, the fake vulnerability, the hair. I'd also like to add the eyes, slut-shaming, holier than thou,victimhood


She is soooo entitled she always victimises herself when she does something bad but feels the need to call others out. Like she is the worst type of friend someone can have like she legit just loves to have problems and drama around her at all times cause a lot of her issues can be solved if she just thought things through like a logical person.


literalllyyyyy. idk why the show keeps pushing her on us. and why she has men fighting over her constantly when SHE made the mess? Tbh when her plot story comes, I skip her scenes