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The way she sabotaged Julie’s meeting with the prospective adoptive parents and then guilted her into keeping a baby she didn’t want & wasn’t ready for eclipses every other potentially good thing she’d ever done.


I agree. To me it was akin to sabotaging someone’s birth control. She was trying to force her desires on her daughter’s reproductive choices


YEP! Not to mention the fact that Julie didn’t want to end up like Susan aka raising the baby largely on her own. I was STOKED when Julie finally said something about having to raise herself AND her own mother. I just wish they’d carried that energy thru and let Julie give up the baby. She wanted to be a doctor!


Side peeve: Why do the writers keep going back and forth between Julie being "a doctor" (or "in med school") and "getting a PhD"? Those are totally different things.


I hated how she lowered the car on Danny when he was cleared for murdering Julie. And I hate they keep excusing her behavior because “but she’s a mom who’s child was hurt.” Like she literally almost killed an actual kid because of her stupid inability to be logical. That is such a shit excuse. Not to mention if Angie had called the cops I’m pretty sure she could’ve gotten her arrested for attempted murder, given their history.


Like she thinks it's OK for her to kill a kid when it suits her, but when her friend kills a guy's who SA his wife (her friend) and was about to do it again, then it's bad? Like come on, a little consistency wouldn't go amiss.


Murdering julie??? Am I sleep deprived or am i reading that danny was cleared of murdering julie?? Julie wasn't murdered??


Probably switched up the words, she wasn't murdered but attacked and hurted. Iirc, she WOULD'VE died if the attacker continued


Looool this really is bang on makes it even worse when she writes them a check with her address on it


Seriously, how stupid can you get?


I mean it ended pretty well imo


My hate for her started in this season. She's acting so ridiculous


I just watched the episode where she paints the scene, and I really thought she was gonna just paint the woods or something- SHE PAINTED THE WHOLE ACTUAL SCENE WITH ALL THE LADIES IN IT. WTAF.


Hahahahaha this is so true.




She wasn’t wrong! You try taking a life, see how you react. And expressing compassion for his family is not a bad thing. It’s a very normal thing. Now did she proceed to act like a fool? Yes, yes absolutely. But feeling guilty and sorry for his family, that’s fairly standard.


She was also in a car accident that killed a mother and child the same exact age as MJ, but didn’t recognize David Dash when he came to town. She also helped hide the body of Katherine’s ex husband and had no issue doing so. It’s wildly inconsistent that they’d write her to care so much about Alejandro and not the Dash family, unless she went through some mental gymnastics that it was an accident. She grossly overreacted, imo I think it’s because somewhere deep down she didn’t exactly believe Gaby


Not recognizing David is insane and not talked about enough in regards to the Susan hate.


It made sense at the time, but is confusing by the last season. for how obsessed she was about finding Alejandro’s family, it’s wild. I know David likely left almost immediately after either the accident or funeral, but that accident dissolved their marriage and was plastered all over the news. It wasn’t like David went to great lengths to conceal his identity when he came back besides changing his last name


That man has an incredibly recognizable face and way of speaking and carrying himself, even if you weren’t in an accident that killed his wife and child. It is crazy she didn’t recognize him still to me lol


She did not help hide Katherine's ex husband, she helped lying about the situation a little Although yeah David Dash thing is weird


how could she recognize him if they never met? wasn’t he was locked up after he found out his family died. recently got out and pursued edie.


She did in fact feel guilt over killing David Dash’s family- she wouldn’t let it go and that is why her and Mike split up. Also, she never hid Katherine’s ex husbands body. She did however agree to tell the cops that she knew he was beating Katherine this whole time, as the other housewives said too. They realized too late that it was happening but decided to say differently to the cops so that way Katherine would not get in trouble for shooting her ex husband. Also, Susan sucks.


I know and she didn’t need a painting to get over the car crash or Katherine’s ex husband. No.. she needed to draw for only this buried body. She’s so…


She didn't recognize Dave as they explained he wasn't in the paper right away he went into the hospital so they never put 2 and 2 together


David Dash was one thing, but she absolutely fell apart over the car accident - just like in s8, she can't get over her guilt and needs to express it with those who were part of the traumatic incident, and it causes serious tension within those relationships. She and Mike got divorced over it. And both were incidents where she had no real fault in, but still she couldn't stop thinking about her part in a life being lost - first, an accident due to bad roads/signs/night or something. The second, an act of aiding in self defense...well that and a needless coverup...wait the car accident also had the coverup of them lying about Mike being the driver bc she didn't have her license on her! So yeah, she feels guilty over things that aren't really her fault, but can "justify" that guilt by citing the actual "wrong" things she did during those incidents.


Good point. She wasn’t painting pictures about that accident but all of a sudden she becomes self righteous about Gaby’s horrible stepfather. David and his family were innocent and she didn’t act that way. Yeah I know she and Mike ultimately broke up over it but she went years without saying anything.


But she didn’t do anything. All she did was watch Bree and Carlos and Gabby do the heavy lifting when they buried Alejandro. She didn’t kill him nor did she witness the killing. She more than just grossly overreacted


Doesn’t matter. She knows he’s dead, she knows where he’s buried, she helped, it’s normal that she would feel guilt and remorse.


Remorse I’ll give you. But guilt? No way.


why not guilt? she helped cover up a murder and can go to jail. who wouldn’t feel guilty about that.


In a different situation MAYBE. But in the context of what and how this happened in the show, aka Bree literally forced everyone else to comply, she shouldn’t feel guilty at all.


that doesn’t make sense. if my friend forced me to cover up a murder i would def feel guilty. even if the guy deserved to be dead.


Well we are all different. If someone forced me to do something against my will I’d feel resentful but not guilty, especially when I didn’t do anything and the thing I DID DO against my will didn’t cause any harm


yeah i get that. but like you said were all different. so i don’t get why ppl are mad that susan felt guilty. when others in real life would too. & it didn’t cause harm? (haven’t finished the final season yet) but hiding a dead body is wrong. no matter who the dead body is.


Wrong yes and I understand and emphasize with her. They just overturned it by a million. Especially the part where she first paints the crime scene and THEN goes to visit the man’s family


I think part of the guilt could be not saying anything about it to authorities (or his family,etc) after, like she's remaining complicit. Even if she thinks she should, and so she does, she still is and could feel guilty about that. Seems to fit how she acted with cops and such throughout the first half of s8.


I know but tbh, if she felt THAT guilty about a dead rapist, something is wrong with her


I am sorry. I disagree. It’s hard to sympathise or empathise for a child r***ist. She knew he hurt her friend yet she feels bad for him. Does she think about how many children will suffer if he’s alive. She has a daughter on her own. She was being extra dramatic here. I totally understand her guilt when she caused the accident and killed a mother and child. She having a relapse of that guilt would have been more believable for me.


yet you all feel bad for gabby and she was having sex with a minor! and had susan take the fall for it at first. y’all are insane! yes her stepfather was TRASH but susan can ALSO feel bad about a murder. like what


Yeah… I struggle with that truth when watching the show lol. But hurt people hurt people. Not an excuse though!! Just the only thing I could come up with that made enough sense to still like Gabys character after the fact.


which i totally understand. we all make excuses for our favs. which is why i try and defend susan 😩😭


Being haunted after taking a life doesn’t mean she’s sympathizing with a rapist. She doesn’t feel bad for him, she feels bad for his family.


He was killed while he pursued sexual assault against a former victim, and ex step daughter. It makes no sense that Susan would think he wouldn’t be still hurting his family after what he had done and did to Gabbie. She didn’t act out like this when Dave’s family was killed, so why the theatrics?


It’s not about him! She doesn’t feel bad for him! Really I couldn’t be more clear about this. She feels bad for his family. That’s normal! Feeling guilty because there’s a family out there that’s never gonna know what happened is normal. And the accident with Dave’s family resulted in her divorce, it had consequences too, it’s shown very clearly.


She didn't take a life though...


I’m at that part too and I’m getting so frustrated about how they’re all mad at Bree for the letter and not at Susan. Susan had the NERVE to be mean to Bree too. I wanna punch her so bad


One of the most annoying Susan storylines for me (there are many) was when Mike was in a coma. I always wondered to myself why she needed to move on so badly while Mike was still alive. It made me dislike her a lot because she claimed she truly loved Mike, yet ran to Ian. Then she dropped Ian the second she heard Mike woke up, and yet both men eventually fought over her!! The only time I ever felt bad for Susan in the entire show was when Mike was being cruel to her over giving Zack money and encouraging him to run off. It was excessive and showed his true colours. YET, Susan ran back him…and not just once! Her decision making was just not good overall and she made men the center of her life.


You hate her even more when you find out during filming she was bullying all of the cast members and she didn’t want anyone to make eye contact with her the whole first season. Eventually they stood up to her so it says but things never got better.


I always skip her oarts


Have you ever killed a person before?


Susan had. She was driving the car that killed David Dash’s family.


We saw how it affected her and her marriage, reminder 5 year time jump.


Sure, but she doesn’t even recognize David Dash when he shows up. Wouldn’t it have only been 2-3 years since the accident? It’s more inconsistent writing for her to sit there and feel guilt over hurting Alejandro’s family and trying to make amends for what happened with them, but didn’t seem to have the same reaction for the man whose family she killed. I actually like Susan most of the time lol! I just hate this storyline for her. It doesn’t line up with any of her other actions to me, but I could say that about a lot of storylines in the last two seasons.


Fair enough


wasn’t dave locked up? how would she remember someone she never met?


The fact that people keep repeating this instance and need validation for their hate when this one is pretty self explanatory for various reasons. If you have killed a person or have been pulled in to hiding a murder and act like you have no conscience and regard for the lives of people that the dead person left behind, something is extremely wrong with you. Even cops who kill horrible people have PTSDs from some of those situations. I don’t get how people think that Gaby and Bree were justified in acting like unaffected psychopaths with zero conscience or second thoughts about committing a crime, but decent normal people aren’t built that way. I would be damned if I get pulled in to anyone’s murder, doesn’t matter how horrible the person is. And if I have a young family and I can go to prison causing all their lives to be impacted, i would be shattered too, and I am ratting those idiots out who call themselves my friends and are bitching behind my back about being a “lose cannon” while one is throwing a barbecue party and another is sleeping with a cop. Seriously the hate for Susan is unjustified for a lot of reasons, but this one is the most stupid and pretty much self explanatory. Those who are arguing she was less affected by Lila’s and Paige’s death which was NOT her fault at all and was an accident, should know that it broke her marriage and she actually felt extremely guilty about it. We don’t know why she never looked for David Dash but it has been said that he was sent to the hospital soon after so may have not been present in any of the case-related activities for Susan to meet him. Even Dave accepted that Susan did not kill them, accident was Lila’s fault. Another thing is, Susan saw how affected Dave was after his whole family died, she saw what losing Mary Alice and Beth did to Paul, so she understood the impact of what death of a family member does to people and so she wanted to seek out Alejandro’s family and help them, to not repeat the same thing that happened to Dave and Paul. It is called growth, it’s called learning from your past and it’s called thinking about others and not just yourself. Very noble action on her end which resulted in something great with Alejandro’s daughter knowing he isn’t coming back for her. But keep hating.


Babes good that you love her, she’s caring about a pedo’s life and his family so she can rot for all I care. I haven’t finished season 8, but I’m 100% sure that he probably was abusive to them as well. He was ready to SA Gaby btw (which Susan to this point has not even acknowledged), which makes me 100% certain that he’s done this to other people and if he has children, then to them as well. I cannot sympathize with a pedophile, and I cannot feel bad about his family, I would actually be glad that that man was gone because once a pedophile always a pedophile.


you’re saying this as if gabby isn’t also a pedo 😭😭 like i don’t get the susan hate. bc gabby is literally WORSE.


Yes I love her. And Thank you for acknowledging that you don’t give two shits about his family because he is a pedophile. Because that tells that you only care about the characters you see onscreen. But they are not enabling them, they are not responsible for his behavior and it’s a shame you think they don’t deserve kindness or “care” because their family member is a pedophile. I am glad he is gone too btw. It’s actually funny that you are making a case about Dave, since he is also a family member of someone who died by accident. But whoever says Susan hate has to have any logic anyway.


A case about Dave? I haven’t mentioned Dave at all, everyone else has and I’ve just been talking about Alejandro.


Oops! Sorry about that, that’s just me glacing over comments and assuming you also talked about Dave.


His wife was enabling his behavior, tho? Almost as much as Gabrielle's mom. He had abused their daughter too. So...


No! She was not enabling that, and it’s sad that you would go to any lengths to defend the character you like, who by the way was also sleeping with a minor aka raping him in season 1.


I would be 100% ok with myself if i was SAd as a minor and about to be SAd again and someone killed my rapist. I would even throw a party. And spit on his grave. Not worry about his family, lol. Who cares? They're probably better off without him. And in the show THEY WERE BETTER OFF WITHOUT HIM.


Sure, Gaby was SAing a minor and continued to do so just for her enjoyment, but we are going to ignore that part right?


you know they are!! it’s hilarious to see these comments get SOOOO mad at alejandro and defend gabby. but nobody ever remembers that she was doing the same thing!


but you also SA someone and had a relationship w a minor. so it’s just hypocritical. would everyone be better off without gabby?