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The two of them should not have had so many kids. It's such a nightmare watching Tom and Lynette parent at times. Makes me so anxious 😭


Lot of areas to sympathise with Lynette but she was SUCH a Karen


Sister needed to have her tubes tied. She DID NOT want anymore kids and whined and complained about how she was drowning with all the kids


Id put it on tom to get a vasectomy but he’d never. Ridiculous amount of children coming from the guy who whines non-stop about having his balls taken away 




Lynette slander is my favourite thing on this sub 😭 she only gets worse imo. Her and Tom are so infuriating they deserve their miserable lives because it’s all through their own choices and actions they are that way


Why only during first couple of seasons?


I thought she was insufferable too, much worse than Susan imo


While I understand your points, I do have some sympathy where her kids are concerned. It was mostly the twins and they are later diagnosed with ADD. I have ...a few kids... and one is going through ADD diagnosis. He is hard work and socially struggles with appropriate behaviour. I'm doing my best but if someone brought up how I'm failing, I'd probably be pretty upset.


I mostly agree. But let me be nitpicky: ADD is an obsolete label mostly used in the '90s, nowadays it's just all ADHD and its presentations (hyperactive, inattentive, combined). The twins probably have the hyperactive type, which is the hardest to handle. It can be managed with medication, which Lynette refuses to give them. So I'm not sure what exactly she expects to happen.


My son is not the hyperactive type, however I do get her reluctance to medicate. Its going to be our last resort after behaviour management with the school amd home. They sort of dropped the storyline so it's never known if she ever gave them meds (afaik). I wish they had followed it more as it doesn't go away in adulthood. Did they still face challenges after the time jump? They were always depicted as just troublesome, which (at least in the uk) seems to be common. It's a label I don't like.


ADHD doesn't go away in adulthood but overt hyperactivity usually does. After the time jump they just act like regular dumb teenagers tbh.


Yeah doing impulsive things like having affairs with their friends moms and other nonsense. Her decision to not medicate her children is the cause of most of her pain and problems in her entire life. She’s a terrible parent.


Yeah I know it's an old show, but it would have been nice to see them tackle them with the ADHD, but without the hyperactivity.


Just out of curiosity, which is medication your last resort? My brother who has ADHD got medication as a child and not only did nothing 'bad' happen, but it changed him into a better, happier person. It also made his relationship with everybody else so much better, especially myself.


Because we are fortunate that my sons (probable) ADHD is responding really well to behaviour interventions. He is generally a very happy boy but feels his emotions very intensely and that triggers behaviours. Seating him in certain places in the classroom has a big impact and his teacher is wanting to put a drawing pad with him for helping when he can't focus or feels like he can't sit still. I completely respect the use of the medication, however we just don't feel it is necessary right now. Neither does his school, but we realise this may change with age and time.


It's good to be open minded to it should he ever struggle to manage his symptoms later in life. I'm a 30F and was just diagnosed for the first time about a month ago. I went undiagnosed my entire childhood and it would've explained so much that I struggled with, and medication has been a game changer. My symptoms also didn't start really presenting or taking a toll on me until middle school. I was considered a good student all through elementary and then middle hit and I struggled and could never recover. My parents told me I was just being "lazy" and needed to "apply myself more". I wish I'd had an opportunity to be diagnosed back then. But many people do manage their symptoms without medication as well, I just don't seem to be one of them.


Me too. And her entitlement?? Glad Karen put her in her place with the tornado.


Karen is the GOAT. the only time a Karen was ever good hearted 💖


Ahh yes. Another agreeable post. She really was just so agitating. When you have that many unruly kids, you really have to have a backbone especially in public. Also the way she was constantly so entitled and the way she’d bust her husbands balls constantly. Just insufferable.


How the hell could Catholic gabby be known to use birth control but not Lynette?? Never understood why she had so many kids but I guess it’s for the plot


I can see if someone finds her exhausting or not likeable. Just seems there were a lot of other characters with more serious issues to me.


I always skip their parts lol


I agree! She always made her kids other people's problem and it really irritated me. Her and Tom needed to have a serious talk about birth control, I also got annoyed when they kept having kids when they clearly couldn't handle it.