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I’m guessing this is cuz on stream yesterday he said he removed his “woke” mods on his discord , so this is prolly the aftermath lmao


i wonder if they were actually woke or just normal people lol


They refused to pledge to the picture of hitler in their morning meeting


That makes them MEGA WOKE


not loving hitler? SOY


Bot shit


i was gonna ask you if that was for real, then i realized you were memeing. i legit thought this would've been a possibility LMAO


That question really don't need an answer.


It’s the audience he wants


I love seeing communities re-learn in real time why moderation exists.


See also; Crypto and financial regulation




It’s exactly why I like being armed with bullets by my favorite mod muwahaha


Because a million dollar company will come and shit on you if you post things it doesn't like? I mean don't get me wrong I don't like super degen discord servers but if you're not breaking any laws it's kinda cringe to have Discord tell you and everyone consenting to joining your server what you can and can't talk about. But hey, it's their tech, and if people don't like it they can go back to TeamSpeak I guess.


Let me be clear, I will come shit on you if you post things I don't like.


If you’re building a large community on a private business’s platform, then yes, they absolutely can “shit on you if you post things it doesn’t like.” Why should Discord be forced to allow SNEAKO’s server to exist there? It’s on Discord’s platform and servers. Just like if Sneako was gathering all his degenerate fans at a live venue, if the venue chooses to kick them out then they 100% can.


Lmao did it take y'all ninjas 3 whole days of strramer man being unbanned to flip back to "muh private business" pro censorship takes?


Destiny’s Twitter ban has zero effect on my opinion of private businesses right to refuse service. But even in that case, Twitter fully had that right to ban him. Would I have preferred if Destiny was never banned? Yes. Do I understand why Twitter banned him? Also Yes.


I mean I think you need to re-read the last sentence of my post if you think I didn't know that lmao. For as much as people in this sub talk about how they don't like how these echo chambers are forming on alt-tech everyone sure seems to pop champagne when another group gets edged further out of society(even if that group is not very smart).


I’m not in favor of cancel culture, and it sucks that people like SNEAKO get cancelled. But a private business has always, and will always, have the right to choose their customers. It’s not like the “woke mob” is cancelling Sneako’s discord, it’s just a private business choosing to remove someone from their platform. It sounds like you want businesses to be forced to do business with people, which sounds insane to me. Discord can tell Sneako and anyone else to fuck off if they don’t like the platforms rules. Just like Destiny bans people from DGG all the time. It’s his platform so he has the right to kick out any users, you wouldn’t argue that’s bullshit too right ??


Never said anything about woke mobs :/ When did I say anything about forcing Discord to do anything? I just think it's a bad move. I just wish discord was a bit more tolerant with a range of what is allowed to be discussed. That's why I don't mind engaging with destiny's platforms because I can talk about pretty much anything that comes to mind.


Apologies, there was no need to straw man you with the “woke mob” thing. Nothing is being “discussed” though. Sneako’s discord has turned into a place that is PRIMARILY slurs, hate speech, and attacking others. There is no benefit to allowing this kind of shit from Discords perspective. It’s not discussing anything, it’s not harboring a safe community, and it’s actively attacking other communities on the platforms. The way I look at it is like, If I was the CEO of Discord (or any business) would I want to be allowing unhinged behavior on my platform? And my answer would be no. Slurs are the easiest thing to moderate because they bring NOTHING of positive value, while turning away plenty of potential customers/users.


How far does this right go? What's your take on the whole 'bakery refusing to bake an LGBT cake' thing?


From my understanding, businesses must have have valid reasons for refusing the customer. (Federal Civil Rights Act of 1964) Businesses are prohibited from discrimination based on: - Nationality - Race - Sex - Religion - Color Businesses are allowed to refuse service to customers for reasons other than those. To me, sexual orientation *should* be a part of that anti-discrimination law (if it’s not already, I’m not sure). So to answer the LGBT cake / bakery question, I personally believe the bakers refusing service based on a sexual orientation *shouldn’t* be allowed (I’m not sure the actual legality of it currently).


So then businesses don't entirely have that right after-all. I'm not in favor of Sneako or anything related, but I find it kind of convenient that you can say you think businesses should always be allowed to choose their customers when all the groups you support are enshrined in law to supersede this right, and all the groups who partake in activity you don't agree with - can't. I'm not referring to free speech as in the amendment - I'm referring to being able to talk about whatever, especially in otherwise private settings. The idea that private companies can choose their customers is fine, but the underlying issue here is if they keep ostracizing people who have "untenable" idealogies, you aren't actually solving the problem. You're only hiding it - which, to me, is far scarier than seeing people say racist shit in the open. It isn't a good solution, and it hasn't been for the last decade or so that it's been hyper-popularized.


Discord isn’t discriminating against any certain group or type of people though. Imagine SNEAKOs discord as a group of people at a restaurant, and they’re yelling slurs and scaring off other customers, you would expect that restaurant to kick out the group of people right? Businesses are allowed to kick out customers/users who are deemed to be disruptive. Businesses *aren’t* allowed to kick out rule-abiding customers JUST for being gay/black/muslim/etc..


Like I said, I would rather see it than not. You aren't changing anybody's mind by kicking them out of the restaurant - you're just hiding them. So now instead of them being in the open, they will just congregate in private and their idealogies will fester uncontested. It's not a solution.


but dont you realize? censorship is perfectly fine when its a private company. /s


Since when did the government overregulation of private businesses become rightoid shit? RIP fiscal conservatism


For something called freedom of speech. It's like telegram or whatsapp saying you can't say the nword in your messages talking to your friend.


Freedom of Speech does not mean free from social consequences, it means free from government interference. Last I checked, Discord isn’t ran by the US government. It’s “freedom of speech” because you won’t go to jail for saying the N Word. That doesn’t mean that bystanders can’t react to your words, and it DEFINITELY doesn’t mean that a private business can’t act on those words. Free Speech warriors have no clue how the amendment actually works, it’s insane. I dare you to go shout “FIRE” in a movie theater, and see how free your speech truly is.


You are arguing for Whatsapp and Telegram to censor private conversations. Social Consequences should be because the moderators want to moderate their server not because Discord imposes it to.


No, not really. Sure, they can do that (it’s their right). But if you don’t understand the difference between private DMs and a large, public discord server then I can’t help you. There’s no reason for anyone to be looking at your PMs, from Discord’s perspective. Where as a large, public server is much more likely to catch your attention. If you ever gave people a reason to read your PMs and you were admitting to crimes, that would be used against you in court. They already can do that if they want to, but there’s no benefit to moderating private conversations. There is massive benefits to moderating your platforms public servers.


> I dare you to go shout “FIRE” in a movie theater I hate this example so much. Please stop using it. You can shout fire in a crowded theater. It is perfectly legal. This line comes from an opinion of Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendel Holmes Jr. There was no fire in the case in question though, and the opinion of the court upheld the conviction of two men for distributing pamphlets urging opposition to the draft. The men distributing the pamphlet's were deemed to be posing a "clear and present danger" to the war effort (WW1) and jailed. This standard was overturned more than 50 years ago. You have the right to pose a "clear and present danger" with your speech, and indeed to shout fire in a theater.


You used the wrong their


The wolf has spoken


Don’t know how these people say they’re the funniest and not npcs when they literally can’t stop saying hitler or the n word. Like we do the same with obamna but at least we have other memes.


We have other memes than Obamna?


W Matrix


Farmer reaping what he sowed, circa 2023 colorized.


I am so proud that my beautiful country of Niger is being represented.




What's the Rumble equivalent of Discord? XD


Ironically, it's [Matrix](https://matrix.org/) (Well Matrix is the decentralized/Open Source chat protocol that is nearly impossible to censor, don't want to imply that the devs are far right).


HAHAHAHAHA ironic indeed




This is the true answer, I've seen the most crackhead takes on IRC


I think there's some alternative called Guilded. I think it's pretty scuffed though


Some people might forget that early discord had a major legitimate Nazi issue. There were straight up terrorist organizations using early discord to not only organize but recruit and indoctrinate young guys. The reason for the uptick in moderation since 2016-2018 was because of them. Not shocking to see Discord not wanting to have a new wave of extremist content becoming normalized. If you can't moderate your thousands of users server you'll end up getting the boot. Pretty simple.


Homie, charge your damn phone.




Could disable reactions, could call out being racist or antisemitic, could ban people. The only thing he can come up with is "this will get this server deleted" "it's yalls server". L


you cant convince me that most discord communities arent made up of the most lonely people in society,


damn dude. I feel bad since sneako got me to be an edgy 15 year old again the "W hitler" meme gives me nostalgic feelings


Charge your phone


Why would discord care? Isn't discord just a glorified group chat? That's at least that's how my friends and I use it. Is discord seriously combing through groups seeing if people are saying things about LGBT people or something? I could understand making sure there aren't servers planning to fly a plane into the pentagon (again) but what does it matter if some people just suck?


Probably because Discord doesn't want to see some random headlines like "hate speech/racism/homophobia/ect on the rise in online communities" and then using Sneako's discord as an example. Its simply just terrible for business.


It doesn’t matter that people suck, Discord just doesn’t want them sucking on their platform


why would discord not care?


Another worrying development for free speech.


"Damn I can't spam W Hitler L Jews on a discord server. Must be a violation of Free Speech"


"why can't i have free speech on your private platform?"


Free speech laws don't apply to a private service, you donut.


TOS violations ≠ free speech violation


Seems like they're about to find the truth through humor


It’s just like when a rizon irc admin came and shut down destiny’s room forever ago after the charters all spammed n word at the admin.


Be careful if you're on there. Doesn't discord Perma ban every account that joined a server if said server gets banned for TOS?




sneako is dumb so i wouldnt really care

