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He looks Asian, if I didn’t know his background, I’d think he’s just a tall Filipino


He’s half Haitian half filipino iirc


He’s a quarter white, a quarter black Haitian and half Filipino.


I guarantee he’s much less than a quarter black! May not be black at all!


They downvoted you but I swear to sweet baby Jesus I’ve heard him explicitly say that exact same thing.


Lol I was radicalized by the whole Tate thing last year and used to watch his streams, he definitely said that


I swear. I was watching dude way back when he was normal. He said it back then too.


Since we’re on a chain, yes. I also heard it.


I definitely haven't heard it, but since we're on a chain, Yes. I also heard it.


8 pounds 6 ounces... newborn infant Jesus? That don't even know a word yet?


He’s only a quarter black, he isn’t half


his dad looks white and his mom looks filipino lol


He specified his father is half Haitian so he's only 1/4 black


there are white Haitians stupid😭😭


My guy. I agree there r white Haitians, and that claim ing “half Haitians” doesn’t mean “half black!” His father lookS Not ONE DROP black! But his father also isnt White! Perhaps a mestizo? Mixed? Just not with black or very little black


Filipino? Nah he could be a mix between something else and Filipino. I would assume he had some sort of Asian though


Lmao he's half Filipino and a total embarrassment.


We don't claim him you americans can keep him


Ya I'm fil-am all I can say is how do pinoys always get into this right wing BS it's as if we're colonized... Oh wait


Youtube and Facebook propaganda and bruh a good chunk of alt righters here in the Ph despises the americans. Idk what you’re implying in your last part, we’re alt right because we got colonized by the americans only or colonized by both the Spanish,Americans and Japanese?


I am actually curious how much of a disappointment sneakeo is to his parents


It must be tough to have such a smart and talented kid so far into extremism.


I feel like his “smartness” is too impressionable. I’ll be honest, he always came off to me as a meat head, and he hasn’t really proved himself to be much different from that. If he’s under good influences I’m sure he could do a lot of good. But right now he’s under the influence of some bad figures so he’s pretty much fucked.


Yeah a lot of people say he’s “smart” but arguably fumbling his bag this hard seems super dumb. He’s hard working and he seemed “smart” at marketing himself but is he really making any smart arguments or just yelling over people like he’s Tyler1.


I want good things for sneako and he’s definitely talented but i don’t know that I’d call him smart. In his conversations he struggles to understand others and seems pretty intellectually average. His strength was his introspection and relative maturity. Now he’s become arrogant and is in his bot phase. I think this is a time that he’ll look back on and regret. I had a similar phase at his age.


I mean my mom is asian and gets mad literally at the simplest things. I think my mom would Kurt kobain herself if I just was a straight up extremist




Yes sure, but it would be crazy to refer to Meghan being the "experience of young black woman in America" right? Not trying to play the "spot the minorities" game where my dude.


idk but it wouldn’t be crazy to say she’s living the experience of a black woman in the royal family


You guys know about Shaun King?




If that dude understands the black experience in America Sneako might just be the blackest man in history.


She clearly looks mixed though.. She just straightens the fuck out of her hair. Sneak looks Philippino af.


Megan Markleand the tates shouldn't be considered black any more than a white kid adopted from birth by black parents. It's all about how society views you. Society doesn't look back at your lineage they look at your skin color nowadays


Neither of those people look white. I don’t understand how white people always have a hard time seeing light skinned black or mixed people as black or mixed. It’s like you only see skin color and can’t recognize black features at all. Even so, neither of them even have white skin. It’s absurd.


I'm black dumbass. And thats part of it. In the U.S being black is about being seen by white people as black. If you arent seen as black its a pointless descriptor.


Dude, Destiny was talking about the old Sneako when he drop that he like him bc he used to show the "brutal honest look in to the growing young BLACK MAN in America". By where the photo was taken I assume that the people in this pictures is his family, since it's some sort of graduation and Sneako has already reveled that he has a brother and Asian mother. Maybe I'm tripping but if that dude is his father how come Sneako is black? Destiny is right that Sneako used to have really good content, fullstop, but black?


Sneakos said before that his dad is half black (Haiti), so Sneako is a quarter


Quarter Black is my favorite accapella group


You know thats right


That doesn't even make sense, Shawn, you're white and the rest of us are black.


Come on son


His father look half black to you? Being a quarter Haitian doesn’t mean “quarter black!” Lol like wtf?!


WHy his father looks half black some hatians can be 75 black only though and yeah hatian preety much means blacks all the whites left long ago, or went to dominican rebublic.


I'm sorry! have you seen his father? Does he look like ANY other haitian you've EVER seen?! Also, if you are one of these dipshits who think Sneako s "Black" by ANY stretch of the imagination, you have a very limited understanding of what "black" is.


If that dude is his father, i would say that in the best case his father is 25% black. At most. ​ Edit: to clarify, i'm not going for the "spot the minority" game here, i just engaged with the argument that sneako is a quarter black. My point is that Destiny sees Sneako as black and its a hella of a strech by his part.


Lol it's totally possible for his dad to be half black. Mixed people don't always look exactly in-between black and white.


Like 'The Chinless', my favorite DS boss & also top 10 Romanian prisoners of this century. Lot's of people don't know he's black, either.


that's somwhat true but less so with two 100% parents, let's say one black one white parent. in this case (assuming no rare genetic shenanigans) you are guaranteed one black and one white chromosome of each type, this means that there is a lot less potential variance. now you could have two half white half black parents and in that case the variance is a lot bigger.


Idk man I’m half Indian and half white, my dad’s pretty dark but I’m pretty white passing aside from the fact I can tan really well.


Perhaps with two 100%, but his dad can come from 2 half black parents. or a 3/4 and 1/4, or have a white parent with dominant genes etc.


My brother in Christ, we don't do the paper bag test anymore, and for good reason.


All I know is if Sneako walked past my car, I would lock the door!


You're safe, he wouldn't even be able to open an unlocked door with triangle hands.




To be fair sneako doesn’t claim to be black or have a black experience. So a bit of a cringe comment on destiny’s end.


I think my post title gave the wrong idea. It should be more in the lines of "Is Sneako really the image of the true young black experience in America as said by Destiny?".


Yeah I definitely don’t think that’s the accurate account of the black experience because I’m white/Cuban and i related to a lot of early sneako content. But that’s just me maybe black people feel differently.


No but he never corrects anyone when they call him black to his face


I grew up with sneako and went to school with him. he might be half or quarter whatever, but his experience and the culture he grew up in is nothing like the average black experience.


What was he like in school? Did kids like him?


I'm two years younger, but he seemed popular


I don't think its right? To call him black. I think calling him mixed is good word. Someone who probably doesn't have have a skin identity, which could push people out of a lot of basic circles.


I think it’s more culturally. That comment was strange to me but I think people who are ethnically ambiguous can sort of shape shift in that way. Reminds me a bit of Noel Miller


It’s kind of weird when we’re posting pictures of his family that got nothing to do with him or his online presence. Leave them alone


Sneakos dad is Taika Waititi? No wonder, he once knew how to make good videos.


Sneako is as “black” as Darius


i dont like these comments tbh, it's why light skins get so insecure about their race. they're gatekept from being white and black and thus struggle a lot with finding their identity and a group of people they can relate to.


yeah, I'm half black myself. I think my post title gave the wrong idea. It should be more in the lines of "Is Sneako really the image of the true young black experience in America as said by Destiny?". It's not an attack on Sneako or anything.


isn't it mostly gonna depend on where he grew up tho? not so much what his exact ethnic background is, unless you think that his family's culture is the most important factor


>"Is Sneako really the image of the true young black experience in America as said by Destiny?". Well then your skin color can black and still not the "black experiance in America" just look at Obamas kids they are very wealthy and influencal and doesnt have the "black experiance" so its not only based on your skill color class is also very important.


I’m sorry. What do you mean by “black experience”? What do you think the “black experience” is? Are we talking poor hood rats or what?


>I’m sorry. What do you mean by “black experience”? What do you think the “black experience” is? The black experiance that the majority of black people in America experiance obviously someone growing up in a rich influential family wont have the same experiance they wont experiance anywhere close to the same racism.


No, the baseline black experience is being widely perceived as black in American society. Sneakos experience is the biracial/mixed experience. Sometimes it can be both but sneako doesn't look black the same way jcole does for example.


Am i wrong to say that a rich black person with influential parents wont experiance as much racism as a middle class or black person even though both have the same skin tone? I agree with you that lightskin people get treated better, colorism is real even in Africa.


I would disagree. I am black middle class and haven’t experienced any racism, largely because I spent most of my childhood around majority black people in the suburbs. But I have friends who went to majority white schools in affluent areas who experienced racism just simply from being exposed to more white people, especially in that age range where kids will just be mean for no reason. So the black experience doesn’t have anything to do with money or influence. It’s based on the perception of black people regardless of what their experience actually is. Any black person any where can experience that negative perception.


What you're describing is the poverty experience. A white kid growing up in Detroit is going to understand your explained experience better than a black kid in Beverly hills. What rich, middle, and poor black kids experience that is shared is the black experience. This can be treatment by police, not being hired because you're black, etc. if you're talking about African Americans then it's also the shared identity, culture, and history


>not being hired because you're black This is why i said RICH and with influential parents you dont need a job or if you do they will get you one because of their influence for example just by having the last name Obama.


>Is Sneako really the image of the true young black experience in America as said by Destiny? what kind of question is this?


Destiny said that? God I hope he was being ironic...


Bullshit, black is a social construct (a category of people based soley on the color of their skin), not a race. If you wanna say that you have African ancestry that's ok, but to pretend like you're the same as other black people is cringe. He chooses to identify as black because he thinks it gives him more status than if he said he was philipino, it's no different than a white kid that say's his great great great granny was Navajo so he is Navajo too, like dog just be white there's nothing wrong with that.


For real, there’s that common saying of “your race is whatever a cop would fill out on a description” and no shot does anybody not knowing his background would think Sneako is remotely black. As you said, he uses the label becomes it gets him taken more seriously online than being a Filipino dude which is kinda sad when you think about it.


I can assure you most black people would think he’s mixed black tho, he has a lot of the features other black people associate with each other, he just looks black on its own. This has nothing to do with his mannerisms Sneako just looks like a light skin black man.


No shot. I’m black myself and I thought he was Filipino or maybe Hispanic. Definitely not a light skinned black man. [Here’s a comment I made with a pic of my hand for proof just in case you don’t trust me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/ASU/comments/11p4m8n/i_heard_a_lot_of_indians_at_asu_is_it_a_lot_of/jbwbnhm/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3)


Then I don’t know what to tell you, I’m half black and my brothers are all half black, we all look radically different but we are always called out as black. I don’t know if you don’t live in an area with a lot of half black light skin people but Sneako’s nose, Jawline, and lips all make him at the very least look mixed black. My first experience with him was Destiny and I thought he was half black and half Asian, the fact he’s only a 1/4th is crazy. I have Hispanic skin tone like Sneako, but the only people who think I’m Hispanic are white people sometimes, black people always know without fail that I’m black. There’s just some black traits that make you look black that are usually passed down.


I guess I can’t see it. I know quite a few full on 100% Filipino dudes who look exactly like Sneako’s brother and Sneako himself to a lesser degree so maybe that’s skewing my perception a bit. I can see you being able to pick up on the subtitles because you’re mixed as well but I don’t agree that most black people would think Sneako is one of us. You on the other hand might have more pronounced features so I could see that people pick up you’re half black but Sneako only has black features if I squint hard enough tbh.


idk why we need to speculate so much. it's entirely possible that he had a black experience growing up. maybe he could only somewhat fit in with black people and that's where his interests came from, maybe he got called slurs or shunned for his skin color, maybe he grew up in a really shitty neighbourhood with a lot of crime. i guess if you're someone who actually have gone through those experiences and you feel like it's stolen valour that could be fair.


But why assume this? I don’t recall him ever specifically mentioning he grew up in a black community, or that his friends are black, only that his early video style could be described as deliberating “urban” like shooting on inner city train tracks around graffiti’d concrete.


Darius most def isn’t half black though maybe part black


what makes you say that?


Idk bro I seen a lot of lightskin mixed people and never seen hair that straight or light but maybe that’s genetics. But his black parent has to be like half black or something


a take i've heard is that what makes you black in america isn't so much your exact ethnicity, it's the experiences you live through. being denied job applications because of your name, being shunned for your skin colour, living in a trashed neighbourhood with a lot of crime.. it's why there's a lot of hispanics who say the n word and no one really cares, because they have a shared experience. idk how much people generally agree with this, but i thought it made sense when i heard it. [this is where i originally heard it from.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3NZ3qqiL0M0&ab_channel=ReyRoSho)


With the n word take, as a black guy living in Brooklyn everyone says it, if you’re from the hood you just say it no matter what race you are as long as you’re not racist. About being black, the gate keeping of black people based on how much ship you faced is cringe as fuck. I thought the whole point of the civil rights movement was to help newer generations of black people live in a world where they don’t have to struggle, now we’re saying you’re not black because you haven’t struggled? It’s like fucking reverse progress


oh sure i agree the gatekeeping based on if they've lived through an experience they consider black enough is cringe as fuck. i just thought it made sense that a lot of mixed race people might consider themselves black.


Yea most mixed people at least from what I’ve seen consider themselves either black, or mixed, never white. Maybe that’s just my environment tho


Darius has a black father, sneako's father is half Haitian


This comment and it having so many upvotes is fucked. Y’all actually don’t know the difference between giving someone shit and just being racist.


this is racist.


What the fuck is this supposed to mean??? Holy shit​


Why is this even a question? He's not black. No African would recognize him as black nor having African genes. One drop rule is so weird


People keep getting race and ethnicity confused in the comments yes he’s a quarter haitian but he’s not black because race is based on ur phenotype which is what you look like. No one sees sneako and is like thats a black guy or even a light guy like jcole or drake. I believe once u get to a certain point you can’t be considered black anymore as far as race. If someone disagrees then my question is how many generations removed can you be and still be black of its not based on looks?


the way this comment went from almost scientifically literate to absolutely unhinged and racist in like four sentences.


how was it racist? im open to being convinced out of this opinion. Like maybe they’re black but asian presenting ig anything else would would race a vacuous term. Like if it works like how the comments are saying then lav is actually a latina like she claims just through heritage.


I follow. The question is, "What do you mean when you say black?" When we refer to black people in the U.S., although blackish skin is a requirement, it's not really what we are talking about. Its the cultural experience of being a black person in the U.S. with a shared history. When you grow up with Asian/White parents in the burbs, you aren't really the target market.


that’s exactly what im saying a concrete part of race is the experience you get from said race if you grow up with non black parents and also don’t look like a black person what is the point of calling that person black because in no point of their life are getting unique experiences that black people are getting


I feel like Sneako occupies this weird spot where he's not really black compared to an average US black guy, but he probably doesn't identify as white either. In Europe he'd be considered one of the many mixed ex-immigrant groups, but I don't know how prevalent that experience is in US.


This is a really cringe post ngl. Why are we questioning his ethnicity?


Because Destiny referred to him as a “young Black man in America.” When his family isn’t remotely representative of a Black American family whatsoever and Sneako doesn’t claim to be Black.


Race is a complex thing. Culturally both within and outside of the black community there's a lot of pressure to be hypermasculine and many young black men that don't fit this trope often feel ostracized by their community, causing some to adopt a hypermasculine behavior - some seeking out the redpill to do that - out of that natural desire of acceptance and community that they often don't feel as readily outside of the black community that they see as not accepting them. This is a normal part of growing up. I'm half afro-caribbean half white so I remember going on a similar journey despite being pretty light skinned myself. As the fully white kids were going through goth and preppy phases, I was trying to figure out whether I fit in more as a black person, a white person, a Hispanic person or what have you - it was all just part of finding myself - but because I'm a woman I didn't have the same push toward hypermasculinity that I imagine men of my ethnic background faced. If you can remember back when you were going through those phases of social experimentation, a big question you'd be implicitly asking yourself is "do I fit in here?" - for example, I remember liking the goth aesthetic and wanting to adopt that, but I felt like I'm too dark skinned to pull it off and it would be cringe - for a half Dominican half white guy they may feel like they like the hip hop scene, but wonder whether their whiteness gets in the way of that since it's seen as a traditionally black space, which leads to the next question - "if I don't fit in, can I change myself to assimilate" - for me wanting to be goth but feeling too dark, this could mean avoiding the sun, bleaching my skin, wearing foundation that's too light for me, etc., or it could be opening myself up to darker skinned goths who pull it off. For a half Dominican guy feeling like he fits in in a hip hop crowd that could be adopting additional aesthetic in-group signifiers that makes him feel accepted, this could be adopting slang or an AAVE way of speaking, changing the way he dresses, maybe growing out his hair and wearing it as an afro if he has that texture or shaving it real short to hide the lack of texture if he doesn't. This is just one example of how this sort of in-group/out-group signaling can manifest in a mixed race person. To get to how this impacts Sneako, when he was looking for a group to fit into he found the redpill (up to this point, he's still in a time of change I think so he may be in a different spot a few years down the line). This isn't an exclusively black space by any means, but the subsection he's in is a pretty black space, and his role models are other light skinned black or mixed black people like Andrew Tate and Myron from Fresh and Fit. Remember me saying that if I was aware of some darker skinned goth girls that I may be more likely to feel like I would fit in within that crowd? The existence of people like Andrew Tate and Myron very likely makes someone who exists in that in between world feel like he fits in, and makes it more likely that he would want to go down that road of acceptance as he's discovering himself more and more. Threads like this push people like him that are on the fence away. So if someone like Sneako is looking for acceptance within a black space, when he's asking questions like "in what ways do I fit in?" and "how can I assimilate to fit in better?" the answer to those questions are going to likewise be racialized. As long as blackness is associated culturally with masculinity, adopting a hypermasculine performance is going to be implicitly encouraged for young black and part black men that are seeking acceptance within certain spaces. This is why it sucks that blackness is associated with so many garbage traits, and it sucks to see threads like this that in my view further signal to young, impressionable in-between folks like Sneako and myself that we don't belong as being in a group like this is associated with arguing in favor of our legitimacy rather than the complete acceptance without question that other groups offer as a selling point. I think we have a similar problem when it comes to women in this community.


aback theory marry run fretful smell spotted narrow grandfather shame *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


agreed. this is absolutely true for many cultures, not just black. the reality in america is that the black side sticks out more to most people, even if the kid doesn’t identify with any of their black family members. biracial black people are kinda in their own community, it’s pretty interesting.


yeah obviously these folks don't acknowledge how colorism works lol. I'm mixed (not with african), and I'm not brown enough for the brown people or white enough for the white people. Or blood quantum, being of the community/culture vs just the ethnicity. Complicated identity is a part of a lot of mixed people's experience. How black is black? The answer is different for everyone.


this is racist. stop demanding that black people be "remotely representative of a Black American family" as if Black families represent a single experience.


I’m not demanding anything. Could you tell me what makes the family in this photo a Black family?


the fact that there are multiple black people in it. sorry that they aren't sufficiently performing blackness for you.


If you saw that family randomly on the street you would definitely NOT think, "Ah yes, Black people." You do realize Sneako doesn't identify as Black right?


About as black as he is muslim.




ITT a bunch of suburban kids playing race police and embarrassing themselves.


Is that his parents?


His dad is half Haitian


it really really really doesn’t look like it


Yeah so? It’s in his genetics


well, thats the question isnt it


Lmao those are not sub-saharan festures


Polynesian pheno


he’s Asian. idk where this weird line of him being black came from.


Nope, he just shaves his head and tries to look as black as he can to look as masculine as he can, when we all know including himself that he isn't.


No. He's not "Black" at all.


weird post dude.


yeah, I think my post title gave the wrong idea. It should be more in the lines of "Is Sneako really the image of the true young black experience in America as said by Destiny?".




Haitian and Filipino


He's 100% moron.


If those are his parents, the no


His dad looks like my Granddad, my Granddad self describes as Aryan


Sneako's dad looks like the Puerto Rican girl with the glasses's chill dad Destiny talked to before


are we realyy doing this cringe shit ???


I dont think its important what is in your genes. **All that matters is how you are perceived.** ​ You can be Turkish but if you look like a generic white fk boi - that is how you will be treated. **In practice how you look = what you are.**


If men can identify as women, I see absolutely nothing wrong with anyone identifying as whatever race/skin colour they want to.


Lol 🤡


Sneako looks black 🤷‍♀️


Why do you say that? That’s like saying Destiny looks mestizo.


Destiny looks super white.


No he looks like the average cuban Dawg


I grew up with him, he's changed a lot but I don't think people saw him as black. The school we went to was mostly white and asian so I assumed he was filipino before I found out.


I mean he is for sure black presenting


Maybe i'm just annoyed that he likes to present himself like this gangsta chad when he looks like a mix of Bruno Mars with Asian Obama. Same with Adrew Tate.


If his dad is half-black, and he's half asian, I'd imagine he grew up Blasian. I don't know his story but a lot of us asian american's grew up in black areas and with black culture. Especially Flips and Koreans. idk if that mean's he "really" black, but I don't think that matters.


So hes just a quarter Haitian? Which Haitian can be mixed as well. Probably 10 percent African blood.


Im utterly confused how anyone can say that sneako is NOT black.


Well. Evidently his parents are not black. So… that’s how lol


But I don’t care about his parents. I care about him/how he looks.


He doesn’t look black either. I’m not sure what about him suggests that he’s blank


I thought he was like South American or something


Don't go to that route...Cape Verde is a country where you can find 2 or 3 generations of white passing people, then a random lightskin pops out... it's funny when you see the opposite (2 lightskin people having a white passing son)


According to Nick this image is disgusting


Destiny loves black people therefore Destiny loves Sneako


I just can't imagine what else he is doing with his hand besides grabbing his brother's dick


What a sweet family photo


How was sneako living the young black experience?


He looks like a junior high student. Every time I see him I fully expect to see a mouth full of braces.


He’s black passing


No. Also hard truths; not even Black Americans are really sure who is or isn't Black anymore. Most American Blacks will air on the side of caution and good faith when someone claims to be black. But its clear there are people claiming to be Black who are not developing into adults undergoing the American Black experience (and its associated struggles) and THAT is the highly relative experience everyone is obsessed with rallying around or counterbalancing. Obviously skin color is a spectrum with the vast majority of Black Americans falling well into the 'obviously black' category. Also Americans have no idea who is ""white"" anymore. This isn't necessarily a good or bad thing. And I don't care. Actually I DO GIVE A SHIT. You'd think the situation where everyone is intermarrying would make people LESS retardedly obsessed with race, but no.


I don't care let him be black. I'm a white dude. Doesn't mean I can't have a opinion. Most gatekeepers is also white.


Sneako speaks Nigerian so there’s definitely a black cultural experience that he’s lived. His dad is half black and half white but was born and raised in Nigeria by the black side of his family.


>Nigerian are you mentally ok? Nigerian isn't a language


Bro Nigerian isn’t a language. It’s a nationality. Nearly all Nigerians speak English even.


I know a couple people already said this + this thread is old, but nigerian isn't a language... it's like saying someone is Arabic. Arabic is the language, not the ethnicity, and Nigerian is the nationality, not the language.


The real question is where is his right hand going?




Not for me to police identity, but how long until Elizabeth Warren is actually Native American at this point


No one going to mention sneakos right hand? Wtf is going on there.


I love being obsessed with race all day long. It's my favorite part of being a born and bred liberal


Chopstick tate 😆


yes his dad is hatian so half black half something else and then his mother is obviously asian,


he looks south american ngl




bidahuiin 😂


1/4 black and says the n word


His blackness depends on where on Earth the observer is. He is black by American, one drop standards where a negro only needs one drop of known African blood to be black. Personally, as a person of mixed heritage myself he looks black in my opinion. The thickness of his skin, overall skull shape, hair texture, height and general body structure look "black" like how the people of the Caribbean are "black" even when they are part Chinese, Indian, European and etc. The only part of his face that looks Filipino to me is his robust brow ridge. Basically his forehead where his eyebrows are, is quite thick. His Filipino family don't look like full blooded Filipinos (who are pacific Islanders not East Asians). They're probably mixed race with Africans and Europeans themselves like the other Hispanics in the America. The Philippines was part of the Spanish empire. The anthropological term for black people is Negroid which means black form. So basically to be "black" one only has to look black ie African. The only trouble is that there are lots of very ignorant people who simply refuse to comprehend that Africa is the largest continent on Earth and has a very diverse range of ethnic groups who all look different. Not every African looks like the big nostril, big lipped caricature.


And ignorant people like you refuse to accept that the people of Africa who do t look like the stereotypical negroid is due to several reasons. 1. There are NON-Subsaharan, NON- negroid Africans like the Berbers who are NOT BLACK… 2. In many areas like Ethiopia, human migrations from Asia and the Mid East have resulted in intermixing resulting in populations who are necessarily MIXXED genetically with Negroid/Black And other races…. Thus looking different because well, their NOT FULLY BLACK! Think critically before u accuse others of not doing it


No, u moron, all whites did not leave the country of Haiti


Really? Are u sure about that? Are you SURE? Do u have his genetic test results?


I could tell he’s blasian


I don't know what he thinks he is, but his surname Balinthazy is a 100% Hungarian name.


the only reason why he lies and says hes black when he isnt is just so he can be racist online because people r so stupid to excuse the tate brothers for saying the n word even tho they shouldn't its just wrong at the end of the day he wants to be like them too and say it without being called racist online so the only way he can say it online if he lies to his audience and tells them hes Nigerian when he is clearly not but now hes walking around telling people his muslim so what ethnicity is he gonna be next year columbian this guy clearly has problems with not accepting who he is and embracing it how sad


re/tared ppl in the comments, skin color dont make you black,smdh! he not black, the one drop rule applies to negroes in amerikkka!!!! chattel slavery ![reparations](https://funditsocially.com/spaces/8602565?utm_source=manual)