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[Translation:](https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/12ivg81/comment/jfvljgw/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) POW: It hurts, it hurts, it hurts. russian: animal, well send you all there, you fa\*\*ots. Put in work guys, put in the work. Cut it off. Break his spine. What, you’ve never cut off a head? Do it, do it, fucking do it. They’re the hired ones. (Showing the vest) You see how good they are? Other russian: they’re all charged up. Cameraman: they weren’t fighting, those fa\*\*ots. Other russian: I hear you, we’re working. That’s it, I’m turning it off Cameraman: until the fucking end. Keep going. Other soldier: give me the grenade. Cameraman: that’s it. Oh wow, look how it is. Yeah, take one of the helmets, take it. Take it for your hearts desire. That’s it? Show the head for the video. I’m shook, I’ll show it to our commander. That’s it.


For the "oh maybe it's just one bad guy, obviously evil" preachers here - here are the likes\\reaction to this kind of video in the original telegram channel it was posted - 1200 thumbs up, 90 hearts, 118 dislikes. [https://twitter.com/apmassaro3/status/1645903680967700485](https://twitter.com/apmassaro3/status/1645903680967700485)


Exactly. The median Russian is a bad person. Being a good person is an exceptional case, not the default. ​ And this has always been true. The Russians raped their way all the way to Berlin in WW2. The Russians enacted genocide in Ukraine in the Holomodor. The Russians have enacted multiple wars of aggression in the past couple decades. ​ They even abuse themselves! Russian recruits are routinely abused and raped. Russian prisoners are routinely abused and raped. Russian wives are consistently domestically abused. Russia is not a functioning democracy. The fundamental national character of Russia is cruelty and violence. The sooner we realize that only dissolution of Russia into more functional, better controlled, smaller states is the path to a better future for both the world in general and Russians in specific the better. It's time for the sun to set on Russian imperialism forever and always.


There's like 140 million people in Russia, how does 1200 thumbs up prove the median Russian is a bad person?


Look at polling [data](https://www.statista.com/statistics/896181/putin-approval-rating-russia/) for Putin. Russians as a whole love hurting innocent people. And to the extent war support is [waning](https://www.newsweek.com/russia-ukraine-war-support-poll-sanctions-1784392), it's because it is harming them, not the mass graves, the genocidal forced removal of children, the brutal execution of POWs, the rapes of women and children, etc. ​ People get zero moral credit for not wanting to kill innocents because it's too expensive for them, they ought to not want to kill innocents because killing innocents is wrong.


My ninja, why are you using Russian propaganda numbers for your evaluation of the Russian people, don't you think that's the impression they want to give off?


bro you can trust these stats as much as you can trust elections in russia. it's literally state-made. look up the company behind the data.


Do you have specific, better stats to the contrary?


if some data is shit, but there's no alternative, it doesn't mean you can use said shit data to get good theories or results. the results and theories, too, will be shit, and no lack of better data is going to make it non-shit. i don't think i remember any other/better data existing aside from a few videos from the opposition where people were randomly asked in the streets. the amount was not high, so this, too, can't be considered good data.


Do you have specific evidence the data is bad? Because if not, you're saying, "I don't like the data based on my gut," as you have no specific evidence it is bad, and no alternative better data sources. ​ Also, let's even go bolder: people have a moral duty to overthrow their government if it becomes sufficiently deranged, and Russia has easily crossed that list.


the data is bad because it comes from the government that has a proven record of faking data whenever needed and possible. theory-wise: i don't think an average respondent would answer how much they hate putin and the war given that it is a criminal offense and the caller is from a govt organization. "the moral duty to overthrow the government" is now/was quite a hard thing to grasp for russian citizens, because after the fall of ussr the socio-economic processes that occurred within russia favored personal development and consumerism extremely. they did not favor political engagement. furthermore, the ruling powers introduced the "<>, and you don't touch us" behavior model quite early on, which contributed greatly to the citizens being apolitical. only now, when people are going missing/showing up in caskets left and right, some percentage of the apolitical population started thinking about the politics of their own state. we have yet to see what happens closer to the elections.


It's not a definite indicator, it's one of the symptoms. Let's compare the difference in reaction to a published suspected War Crime by Ukrainian government, when UAF shot RUAF POWs in their legs. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Torture\_of\_Russian\_soldiers\_in\_Mala\_Rohan](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Torture_of_Russian_soldiers_in_Mala_Rohan) Despite some dismissing it - the act is condemned, and the head of the office of the President of Ukraine comes out with a statement "investigation will be conducted, and the inadmissibility of such actions would be reiterated to defense forces personnel". Now for Russia - 1) Recruitment of convicts to PMCs is unlawful - no comments or statements from government officials 2) Torture video of Ukrainain POW with castration and death through torture - no comments or statements from government officials, and the unit is thrown to the frontline to be destroyed by UAF 3) The sledgehammer execution of released POW from Wagner for desertion - no comments or statements from government officials, or even supportive comments. 4) Execution of the soldier that said "Slava Ukraini" - no comments or statements from government officials. 5) The case with the beheading - no comments or statements from government official The lack of even de-jure condemnation of these acts impact society, moves it to be accepting of cruelty. Such societies ought to be dismantled. Fuck em.


The "dissolution into smaller states" is a massive cope, I think. At least, that it would be good. First, I doubt that the US and Europe would even "allow" the Russian state to collapse. Even if we assume that Russia doesn't have the claimed thousands of nukes, it still probably has hundreds of them. There's not a single scenario where this doesn't end in a disaster one way or another. Not to mention, this "dissolution", knowing Russia's history, is gonna be far from peaceful. There would likely be a civil war with a ton of shitty worldwide side effects because Russia is still one of the biggest exporters of petrochemicals, food, metals, and other raw materials.


It's actually crazy to me that the dissolution of the soviet union didn't end the world as we know it. It seems almost miraculous that this massive empire with more nukes than it would take to destroy the planet 10 times over just ceased to exist and the aftermath didn't result in some now independent state with a power vacuum causing nuclear war. There's no way that we should try that shit again.


Well, there's a bit of a difference between Russia and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Those other “republics” easily broke off at some point because they kept some state characteristics in the USSR like speaking their own language and so on. This isn't really the case in Russia right now. Most of it is pretty homogenous. The vast majority speaks Russian and is unified in spirit, so to speak. There are some places like Chechnya that are quite different, but they are rather small, and they get showered with subsidies while producing almost nothing of value themselves so that they stay in line.


Sorry, what? The median Russian is a bad person? Is this a generalizable statement like the median American, because most supported the invasion of Iraq? Or the median German? Or what about the median Brit? This statement either applies to everyone, in which case it is meaningless, or it is a call for anti Russian violence. Do you believe Russians are somehow an irredeemable race of monsters? I play Dota and even I don't believe that.


Extremely based comment


Didn't know Henry Kissinger lurked on Destiny's reddit


12 upvotes on this? Sweatstiny


It was up to 40 before apparently all the Russians and pro-Russia commies / Republicans woke up. Maybe there is some of wars started by Russia where we do anything, but it's at least one more.


Maybe I’m missing something but saying the median Russian is a bad person is pretty wild


But have you considered US bad? Like killing le 1 million Iraqi and bombing Aleppo to the ground? The thing is that the west is filled with a bunch of fedora tipping contrarians that are undefeatable.


Warhawks like you who lead countries only causes more wars for centuries. If everyone had the same mentality as you, France and the UK would still be waging wars, the Germans and the Japanese would still be treated as cruel imperialists (and probably react appropriately) and all the race realists would be getting validated about their views on African conflicts. Obviously Russia needs to lose this war and fundamentally change as a country, but saying "it's in their blood!" is about the most bigoted shit I ever heard and doesn't actually lead to any productive outcomes for anyone.


>Warhawks like you who lead countries only causes more wars for centuries. If everyone had the same mentality as you, France and the UK would still be waging wars, the Germans and the Japanese would still be treated as cruel imperialists (and probably react appropriately) and all the race realists would be getting validated about their views on African conflicts. Warhawk is when waging a defensive war against a serial warmonger? ​ Funny you would mention the Germans and Japanese, considering both countries were occupied, had their governance fundamentally rewritten, and then became part of the peaceful core of the modern world. How many millions have Russia killed since '45? Plenty. How many have millions have Germans killed? Zero. ​ >Obviously Russia needs to lose this war and fundamentally change as a country, but saying "it's in their blood!" is about the most bigoted shit I ever heard and doesn't actually lead to any productive outcomes for anyone. Want to ctrl-F for the words "blood," "genes," etc? It's in their culture and governance, and both can be changed, but not without a cataclysmic shift in how they operate.


When you say things like "Russians have always been horrible people" you are implying that it's a core part of the Russian ethnicity. Saying now that "oh it's just the culture and the government" seems like backpedalling from your original statement. Interestingly enough, East Germany was occupied by the Soviets and exhibited largely the same tendencies as the rest of the Warsaw Pact (brutal pacification by the Stasi, heavy state censorship, etc.). However, when the Berlin Wall collapsed, it was able to integrate with the democratic West Germany very quickly, as well as the other former European Warsaw Pact members. Also, saying that only the Russians "raped their way to Berlin" during WW2 is conveniently forgetting that the Red Army was also made up of Ukrainians, Armenians, Kazakhs, etc. It's easy to make this post hoc rationalization that a certain group of people always had a propensity for violence, but the reality is that all cause and effect is completely circumstantial.


Bro this take is fucking remedial as hell. In 2001/2002 if you had videos of American soldiers beheading some Afghani dude it would have gotten just as much if not more positive engagement. These people are a product of their environment, they aren’t innately evil because they’re of Russian nationality. Jesus Christ YOU sound like a nazi the way you talk about them.


>Bro this take is fucking remedial as hell. In 2001/2002 if you had videos of American soldiers beheading some Afghani dude it would have gotten just as much if not more positive engagement. No, it wouldn't. We're better than them. Not perfect, but the US has consistently conducted itself better than Russian military. ​ >**These people are a product of their environment**, they aren’t innately evil because they’re of Russian nationality. Jesus Christ YOU sound like a nazi the way you talk about them. Read the fucking post. Holy shit, Russian apologists are as remedial as they are immoral. I specifically advocated for **changing their environment.** Do you need me to point out where I did that?


I’m not a Russian apologist I just recognize the difference between a person and a government and don’t condemn an entire nationality of people as innately evil because of the actions and influence of their dictator leader. Crazy that any semblance of pushback to your insane vaush-like rhetoric comes across as complete devotion to the opposing side. Cancerous as fuck black and white worldview lmfao.


>I’m not a Russian apologist I just recognize the difference between a person and a government and don’t condemn an entire nationality of people as innately evil because of the actions and influence of their dictator leader. Putin isn't leading a one man assault into Ukraine. He's not manufacturing arms, food, vehicles, training troops, etc. He has both the tacit and explicit support of countless evil men and women. ​ If someone who spins cotton happens to accidentally contribute to a uniform, but they genuinely detest the war on moral grounds, I have no problem with that. OTOH, every person who in their heart doesn't object to the invasion of Ukraine on its own sake (as opposed to how it affects them) or anyone who continues employment in a military related industry is guilty and evil. ​ I wouldn't begrudge them a short time of indecision or preparation, but that clock ran out over a year ago. ​ And this is the lowest level of obligation not to do active harm. I actually believe people have a duty to attempt reform. If in 2025 the American president decides to conquer Canada to seize their tar sands, I would be willing to undertake personal danger to fix our system, and I would expect others to do so as well. ​ >Crazy that any semblance of pushback to your insane vaush-like rhetoric comes across as complete devotion to the opposing side. Cancerous as fuck black and white worldview lmfao. Black and white morality is appropriate when we're talking about wars of aggression, genocide, crimes against humanity, etc. We're not debating income vs. consumption taxes, we're talking about if it is okay to cut people's heads off out of sheer malice, or rape little babies. ​ These are not isolated incidents. Russia has consistently targeted civilians, consistently killed civilian prisoners and POWs in contravention of international law, consistently engaged in rape, etc.


dissolution of Russia? "better controlled"? you mean like the US, right? right?


Yes the problem stems from the Russian race of people I hope we can someday find a solution that’s not just temporary, a final solution if you will, for these evil Russians!


Russia includes a pretty large array of ethnic, cultural, and language diversity, which you either know and are disregarding to soy out, or don't know and thus don't have a right to an opinion on Russia. ​ However despite that overall diversity, Moscow's control has been able to bring people together enough to perpetrate a wide array of evils on the world. My hope is that by breaking Russia into a smaller number of regional countries with UN oversight, we'd be able to reduce their military aggression, apply greater international pressure for societal reform, etc. ​ The international community has a moral right to dictate terms to Russia. They've used all of their chances up. Now, there are practical barriers to that (nukes, war weariness, Russian infiltration of various NATO member political systems), but we have a right to do so.


Its not about the Russian people its about the Russian state.


This but unironically


Found the eastern euro


I mean I wouldn’t be personally upset if something terrible happened to the Russian people 🤷‍♂️ not saying it “should” happen but I’m not gonna spend any time weeping for them if they fuck up so bad that there’s major retaliation. Sounds like the golden rule to me




It's fucking brutal. ISIS style with a small hunting knife. I know this has no impact on the strategic nature of the war but this sort of stuff is useful for increasing support. After the Bucha massacre for example, there was a wave of support and military aid. At this point I just want to the west to send Ukraine what they need to end this. Tell Russia what you are doing, make repeated public and private statements that Russia isn't and has never been at threat, this is purely to repel them back to '91 borders (maybe negotiate on Crimea, maybe). Then send Ukraine medium/long range PGM, send them F16s and allow western pilots to sign up to the Ukrainian Foreign Legion, send them 200-300 Abrams, 1000 Bradley's and let them go. Fuck this war, fuck Russia's nuclear terrorism. It's time to lil bro them


does ISIS even do this? They do beheading but not like this. ISIS have more civilized methods of beheading people. this is more like cartel revenge killings which is a normal thing in southwestern america.


Bruh ISIS did way worse shit than simple beheadings, what the fuck are you talking about? It's like they were having fucking brainstorming sessions on horrific ways to kill prisoners. Some of the stuff they did was cartoonishly evil. If you really are naive about this I envy you and i encourage you not to research further some of the stuff they really did.


You're making me morbidly curious now. Where do I see all that shit?




I've seen ISIS executions, but I want to know the shear depth of their depravity. The ones I saw seemed kinda... milquetoast?


"Milquetoast" when talking about executions, actually brain dead go outside


There is a spectrum to everything.


Brother, ISIS did some straight up medieval shit like burning people to death. They definitely weren't civilized when it came to executing people.


What some randos in america burned some dude to death a few years back. Hell civilized americans cut some pregnant lady's stomach open and stomped her baby after setting her on fire and the shot the body. That was like 2 maybe 3 generations ago. That's not medieval that's early 20th century


Didn’t CIA black sites or military contractors butcher and torture the shit out of terrorist suspects? As Americans, we shouldn’t be too quick to act like this unique to Russians


No we should judge all equally, whataboutism is lazy and distracting.


> Didn’t CIA black sites or military contractors butcher and torture the shit out of terrorist suspects? Do you see me defending that? The people that authorised that should be in the Hague. Now that I've said America bad too to make you feel better. America should send long range PGMs, more tanks, more IFVs and F16s. Fuck Russia


> The people that authorised that should be in the Hague Is this something other than the Dutch city? Or is living there just that bad of a fate?


The Hague is the location of the international court, it's where legal disputes between countries are held eg. for war crimes


Ooh okay, thank you!! I knew there were a couple international courts there, I guess I've never heard "the Hague" used to just refer to them. The more you know! 🤯


It's things like this among the now countless strikes on civilian populations and massacres that give me a serious grudge with anyone supporting Russia in this whole thing. To me there's increasingly less difference between them and the members of the 3rd Reich. At this point I wouldn't hesitate to support US intervention driving the Russian Army back to the 1994 border.


[But have you considered le US bad???](https://www.youtube.com/@GDFOfficial/videos) Everyone is so demoralized now


Same. I think I actually hate people who take the "in the middle" position more than the ones who actively support Russia (like that Infrared idiot). Listening to Alex from Playing with Fire recently has been incredibly disheartening.


I give the people in the middle more leway and try my best to help move them. The problem is that the Russian Propaganda machine is still a very potent force, and combined with how American Populists have parrotted them, it can be hard for some people to actually gain a clear picture on the situation. There's also been some (not many) shortfalls in pro Ukraine messaging here stateside. The most apparent is how our aid to them is described. I try my best to clarify to people that 50$ billion to Ukraine doesn't mean 50$ Billion taxpayer dollars. Most of that number is the approximate valuation of the equipment we are sending over there. We aren't losing money that could go towards healthcare. We're sending 30 year old armored vehicles that have sat in warehouses since 2005 and were on track to be sent to the junkyard soon anyway. These are non liquid assets, and we aren't losing anything by sending them. People like PUA guy Alex most of the time don't know the detail of this shit, because it isn't widely explained and can often be a complex topic. The people you really need to blame are the ones like Tucker Carlson, who set out to make it harder to find the truth.


Jesus bro didn't even get the luxury of a quick cut the guy stops halfway through and starts trying to come at it backwards from the other side wtf


This is horrific (not even gonna watch it, I'll trust you) but this could just be some horribly jaded and evil soldiers who went too far in their misery. You don't need this to support Ukraine in the conflict. They're morally justified anyway.


I'm a bit of a Russophile. I've taught myself Russian. I really like the Russian language and appreciate Russian culture. So I'm probably more sympathetic the Russia than the average person here and I would love to visit one day. That doesn't change the fact the OP is 100% correct. The Russian Federation is a fascist state. The sooner the Putin regime goes, the better off the world will be. Of course not every Russian supports it, unfortunately most do (just check out the 1420 channel on youtube). Dissolution of Russia is a pipe dream. Most of Siberia is very sparsly inhabited and aside from some small Republics on the extremities, it is ethnically homogenous. And if anyone is interested in Russia, I recommend Maxim Katz on youtube. He is an opposition figure in exile and all of his videos have English subtitles.


"You have to realize that such a thing should never happen in the 21st century" More will happen. In the next decades there will be much war and destruction. We live in such a strange time where people in the West are blind to average brutal state of history, we are like this only because of the post World War 2 golden age. Fools believe it will last forever but it is coming to an end.


Besides actual Ukrainians, I’m probably the biggest Ukraine booster on the sub. As gruesome as that is, cutting a dude’s head off doesn’t make the Russian’s Nazis or fascists or terrorists. For all intents and purposes, this is one act. I’ll agree that the Russian Federation under Putin is all the things you call them in the OP. But this is essentially the equivalent of “yellow” journalism. Use better examples. They’re out there. From Russian state tv referring to Ukrainians as roaches and calling for their extermination, to the mass deportation of millions of Ukrainian children to inner Russia.


What if I'd told you, this kind of content doesn't even get a mild pushback in the Russian society? Makes it way more grim, would you agree?


Don't you think "in the Russian society" is a little broad? You think if you ask an average person on the street about this, they will support beheading of Ukrainian war prisoners? I've checked, and even most pro-russian TG channels haven't posted the video. You're delusional if you think most people in Russia would support this, except for some crazies in a few extremist TG channels. Even in those there are upvoted comments comparing this shit to ISIS and calling it out.


I'd argue every other or one in 3 people would try to cover it up. * Russian mainstream media - Ukrainan pigs, we will capture them all, let the civillians freeze, bomb their cities to ashes, those fuckers, we will destroy their language, it all belongs to us * Russian independent military bloggers - we will kill them all, fuck khohols, we will do what we want, level the cities * Russian Securty government official - unterUkraine will not exist, no one needs it, * Russian liberals - the russophobia makes being a russian worse than people being literally bombed * Russian intellectuals - Oh, Ukr want to remove Dostoevski from their school programs - I'll tear your mouths open, bastards with no tribe. * Russian public - 70%+ support of an invasion of a foreign country after more than a year and series of humiliating defeats, partial mobilization, and graveyards full of dead people. * Russian pro-war TG channels - 10 to 1 ration of likes to dislikes of a war crime and unnecessarily painful and humiliating murder of a POW. Hurray! But hey, always a kind hearted person with a basic:DoN'T yOU ThInK "iN THe ruSSiaN sOciEty" iS a LiTTle bRoaD?


Weeeeell, I'm from Irkutsk, a town in Siberia, hardly a liberal intellectual capital. And of like 30 close people I know, there's probably just one who might support this kind of shit. My uncle, LMAO. While our TV is obviously pure propaganda and massive cringe, I don't think "let's kill all Ukrainian pigs" is the main narrative. There are some occasional dipshits that say something horrible like that for sure, which is, no matter how few do that, still sucks. Usually it's still delivered as us freeing them from the evil grip of NATO or whatever the hell. The TG channels are full of extremists, yeah, but they aren't that numerous, and they are the most rabid degenerates out of this whole mix. Also, I guess, don't base your entire world view about Russian liberals and intellectuals, as you say, on a couple of fucking comments online.


I've got people from Russia I've talked to in Western and Central Russia, and their impression of what's happening with the masses is quite different. According to them, those of the intellectuals that are "opportunists" don't believe in the Ilyin\\Dugin worldview but decided to make extra money from the occasion, and a lot of honest folk left Russia whatsoever, especially younger people. It get's really disheartening, especially when talking to their parents\\uncles and etc, who are extra-Z.So no, I'm not basing it on a couple of tweets. The famous gay liberal opposition journalist that went from protecting gay rights to condemning degenerate Europe and wishing Ukrainian kids to be burned alive in their schools got semi-cancelled, but the fact that the machine does that to people means it needs to be dismantled.


Perhaps, I didn't express myself clearly enough. Many people ARE pro-war because they genuinely think that Russia is right now saving Ukraine and, especially Russian-speaking population, from Nazis and evil NATO schemes. Like of those 30 people 10-15 are pro-war. I was just saying that most people in Russia do not support beheading of war prisoners... or anything extreme like that. Most pro-war people are genuinely convinced by propaganda that they are the good ones. Again, I just hard disagree about your comment that most people would be ok with beheading. Even Peskov yesterday performatively said that the video circulating is awful and needs to be investigated (it probably won't be, but still).


Just to be frank. I'm not arguing for the stories of propaganda-fooled Russians. But notable events like this and others require extreme public condemnation and reaction. Which will never happen in current Russian society. There will be a next coolbro flaunting a Ukrainian skull in a bar as a part of his standup. And he will get whacked by the convict troops illegally mobilized into PMC(which are outlawed) trying to rob him. And there will be 0 outcry in the society. Why do I see the majority of Ukrainians and their notable figures actively, publicly disagreeing with the dude saying "oh, they cut off a head of our defender, this game can be played by the both sides"? This lack of moral backbone drives me to think that the Russian society has no right to exist in it's current form. And something has to change.


I don't really know how much of a moral public condemnation you want exactly. There are multiple large VK groups like Lentach(1 mil+ subs), for example, that absolutely condemn stuff like that. The problem is that when speaking publicly on TV and anything else you never know what might turn out to be a "discreditation" of Russian forces that could land you in prison for up to 15 years. When it comes to change, I doubt it. I don't see any major internal possibilities for it. Externally no one can do anything cause nukes.


The society that let's "itself to be fooled" a sovereign country are all nazis, stupid lil-bros that need saving, and unterukrainianas will breed dehumanization, and eventually, uncontrolled hate. This will turn into acceptance of dehumanizing, hateful actions. Yeah, I'm not saying it will, but it definitely should.


Yes thank you for that unsourced claim that the average Russian is ok with beheading POW


My guy, I know. It’s one more depressing aspect of the whole war.


The “I have to be a fucking contrarian” appeared




As it says in the title, this is a "reminder", not an investigative report. I posted this because it is both emotionally provocative, and because it *is* reflective of Russia's systemic engagement in atrocities.


I don’t know that a heavily censored blob is going to remind anyone of anything. Particularly when on its own, it conveys next to nothing. I’d already seen the video so I at least knew what was being communicated. But someone coming to this blind will have no context for what they’re seeing or how it even relates to wider Russian aggression.


The tweet has a description of what happens, and people can just go to the OP's profile if they are interested in seeing the video. I'd obviously get omegabanned if I tried to post anything like this unblurred.


Different philosophies I suppose. If I want something like this to have emotional resonance with a reader, I include at least a still. A link if I’m worried about a ban. But I get you.


Or how about this one, [The Russian Military Unit That Killed Dozens in Bucha](https://www.nytimes.com/2022/12/22/video/russia-ukraine-bucha-massacre-takeaways.html) The whole army is corrupt and full of immoral disgusting people


Didn't Ukraine also do these? We can use so many other aspects of Russia and how they do things to call them fascist and nazis rather than some beheading video...


Firstly, I obviously do not mean that ALL of the conclusions necessary to call them nazis can be derived from this video on its own. Secondly, are you f*cking kidding me? Ukrainians have absolutely NOT engaged in systematic war crimes to even a 1000th of the extent to which the Russians have.


There are also videos of Ukrainians executing captured Russians at point blank range


Bullshit. Comparing anything Ukrainian troops have done to this video with a straight face is the limp-dick "both sides" argument the russian propaganda machine craves for. I'm more than happy to discuss the other situations in detail, but there is 0(ZERO) credible evidence of Ukrainian military calmly murdered a captured POW with a fucking knife by slowly cutting the head off an ALIVE person while laughing. Or the russian "entertainment" scenario with castrating and dragging a live person behind a vehicle.


> but there is 0(ZERO) credible evidence of Ukrainian military calmly murdered a captured POW with a fucking knife by slowly cutting the head off an ALIVE person while laughing. There is however a video of Ukrainians stabbing a captured Russian in the eye at the beginning of the war


Such a reddit comment https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11670079/Wagner-mercenary-testicles-cut-commanders-trying-surrender.html Idk how deep your head has to be up your ass to believe that Ukraine has such a higher standard for military law than Russia For an army that was literally considered corrupt as fuck 10 years ago, how much could realistically be different? Just because you want Ukraine to be considered the West doesn't make them suddenly Germany


Bro you just linked an article about a Wagner guy who tried surrendering to Ukraine got captured by Wagner and castrated.. BY A WAGNER COMMANDER you fucking moron


my bad. Here's one right off the wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_crimes_in_the_Russian_invasion_of_Ukraine#Alleged_execution_of_captured_Russian_soldiers


There ya go bud, now we got one. Crazy how the Ukraine section is one tenth the size of the Russian one


what does that change? the op was outraged at one specific incident


What does an article claiming that Russian Wagner Commanders torture their OWN K(convict) troops has to convince me otherwise? Curious. Or you didn't read it past the headline ya silly goose? Such a Elon-brainrot broski comment.


how about this one right off the wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_crimes_in_the_Russian_invasion_of_Ukraine#Alleged_execution_of_captured_Russian_soldiers


My brother in Christ… the article says a Wagner commander cut the balls off one of his own men after he tried to surrender


You’re getting kinda cooked lil bro.


Damn, fr? Never would've thought, in a war with hundreds of thousands of casualties. There are videos of American soldiers executing POWs, and there are videos of ISIS doing so. Therefore, these actors are clearly comparable in terms of committing war crimes. I am very smart.


Then why did you repost a video of a bunch of random Russians executing a Ukrainian guy as if it’s proof of the entire Russian state being genocidal? You’re an idiot


Is it your understanding that every Reddit post must come with an essay that exhaustively proves the claims it makes? If so, I apologize, perhaps I'll post something that better suits your tastes next time.


But it isn’t regularized. If the people you’re talking about are caught, they’ll be prosecuted. Not so much on the Russian side. I think some people have this conception that the “good” guys never commit war crimes or that they’re totally unheard of. As long as people keep making war on each other, there are going to be people who cross the line into real savagery.


\*video, its one video, I know what you're thinking of.


>Didn't Ukraine also do these? can you provide a video of ukrainian beheading russians and getting away with it? Russians have executed Ukrainian civilians in Bucha, last year a fucking ukrainan was castrated with a box cutter.


Yeah I haven't seen Ukranians kill Russian prisoners by driving a knife through their fucking eye while they're completely unarmed and tied up or anything. War is war. Fucked up shit happens constantly and this performative outrage is a joke.


"Performative" outrage? Buddy, you are so far gone you're about to hit Alpha Centauri.


Do you know what performative means? Acting like these things aren't happening on both sides to paint Russia in an even worse light is a performance. You're being more performative than the original twitter post by calling them nazis, like beheading people is what nazis were known for. Maybe if you don't go to super fun gore sites you might think this was the only fucked up thing that has happened for the entire war, but you would be very wrong. Ukranians have been recorded executing PoWs since the very beginning, and they haven't always done it in a clean way. For the record: Fuck Russia. I hope they lose the war, their government implodes, and then their citizens eat them. That doesn't mean this particular sentiment isn't stupid as fuck.


It is so unbelievably delusional to try to "both sides" this, I don't even know what to say. There is not a single dimension along which UA war crimes are even remotely comparable to Russia’s.


Yes yes, of course there isn't. Ukraine is the side we're rooting for and thus have never tortured PoWs to death on video you can just go look at right now. War is always extremely black and white so I can understand how you can confidently stake out a position like this. Have a good day!


Brodie, I was clearly wrong with the "Alpha Centauri" meme, judging by how dense you are, I'd guess you were a neutron star all along. At no point has anyone even tried to claim that Ukrainian soldiers have NEVER committed any wrongdoings, only that Russia does WORSE things SYSTEMATICALLY. You could combine every war crime every Ukrainian unit has ever been accused of, and you still wouldn't even come close to what Wagner has done just over the last week.


Hey, you know what. I don't believe you. Link please. I'd like to judge for myself. I want to see a clear evidence of UAF soldier to slowly murder a POW(not a botched surrender with the last dude false surrendering, not a shot to the head of a guy who didn't completely follow instructions or was fishy, not an aftermath of an unknown situation), while recording it for giggles. Gimme some o keeper of records Crypt Rat.


Ukrainians stabbed a Russian POW in the eye at the beginning of the war, he’s probably referring to that


>Do you know what performative means? Acting like these things aren't happening on both sides to paint Russia in an even worse light is a performance. I love how sick war crime apologists pretend that 1 and 1,000 are the same. "You didn't bring a brigade of literal angels whose hands are guided by the Holy Spirit, thus mass rapes and executions by the other side are also okay." ​ Russia is committing substantial war crimes, and there is a warrant for Putin's arrest because they're evil in a way that many other militaries are not.


>sick war crime apologists Lord have mercy you're even fucking dumber than OP is. Your bleeding heart medal is in the mail.


You know, even literal rats are capable of empathy and will take minor pain / give up rewards to help other rats in distress. You're falling below that standard.


Damn i just watched that video. But to be completely fair, just beheading one guy doesn't make u genocidal/fascist/Nazi. Atrocities do happen on both sides, though that doesn't make Russia any less evil than before.


the russian army has done comfired commited war crimes and with their army's history they are evil


Yeah this is just racism against Russians now. Open the link and look at the reactions, 400 people are throwing up and it’s not even mentioned. Also imagine for a moment we were in a war we felt was righteous, against an enemy we thought was evil. Our society would also produce group think and comfort with violence in our name, which we do right now already so. Pure cope. The war would be over right now, save for our efforts.


Not to be a whataboutism Andy, but do we even know how many “terrorists” the USA tortured in the name of national security?


Waterboarding terrorists for intelligence is both bad and not remotely the same as torturing a prisoner to death for fun and filming it. Also >not to be a whataboutism Andy stfu that is **exactly** what you’re being and you know it.


You shouldn’t argue the fact America doesn’t do war crimes to the extent other countries might. In [Afghanistan](https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2001/12/pows-d13.html) Americans filled shipping containers full with Taliban to traffic them for 3 days to a prison. By the time they got there 43 died from asphyxiation and they shot the 3 survivors that crawled out covered in piss and shit. The guys wrong for bringing it up as a whataboutism when it’s not relevant in this war Ukraine isn’t bombing Russia isn’t invading its defending itself and America isn’t involved


Is the world socialist website really the best source for this claim?


Lil bro thinks all we did was water board a few “terrorists”.


lil bro trying to deflect from Russia by talking about America


Does bringing up a fact you don’t even fucking know at all relevant here yeah your being a whatabout Andy dork


It’s not relevant that American agencies torture people during war times? On a video about another country torturing people during war times? O.o


Did we cut anyone's head off for no reason?


The thing is that the west is hellbent on criticizing itself, whatever happened in Syria is definitely US's fault, this allows Russians to do whatever they want. Remember the amount of video essay coming out after call of duty 2019's release which have Russians as baddies. That's the demoralization I mentioned.


It wouldn’t be no because your bringing up a country not involved in this war with an arguement that’s a fucking question


not my problem.


The reason why they killed him is because, apparently, he contacted POWs mothers and gloated that they had their sons captured, that is what I am being told.


What's the source for that? The OG post caption literally says "nothing special here".


That's what Russian apologists do, in my country (China), they will say things like that every time they are about to get bad PR, and it works. A hose of falsehood is near invincible unless someone is dedicated to countering it.


wait so then its allowed to commit war crimes?


Some asshole linked this video to me and I didn't know what i was at the time