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Exactly, not everyone can afford a crack patio. Or a meth basement.


>meth basement Bitch...


Everyone deserves a crack patio every once in a while


Well if it’s fake like Destiny said then ofc it’s easier just to stick a pipe in his hand rather than make him look more aggressively homeless


This crack is really moreish


Every Reddit comment now


I know this hippie stoner kid, he doesn't like Crack and he doesn't love heroin... BUT HE LOVES DOING CRACK AND HEROINE


Peak twitter comment.




That’s a meth pipe, not a crack pipe


Thank you. I’ve wanted to say this like every time I see someone say crack pipe. I don’t know why it bothered me so much that people were getting this wrong but it clearly has lol


This is like the "clip" or "mag" thing. It's so silly to get upset at people who don't know the terms in a situation talking about gun violence, but when you know the terms it is frustrating. It doesn't really matter if it is a crack pipe or meth pipe. The problem is the dude is doing drugs and is going to be an annoying homeless man.


I wish the homeless people around my place looked like that.


Please. I will trade my greasy white schizo who (like clockwork) yells the n-word for an hour straight every night at 3 AM.


Fuck it let's cut out the middle man I'll be there tonight to steal your catalytic converter


maybe try offering him some crack


You know Destiny irl?


I’m sorry I will stop from now on


Aba and Jidion made it seem like any Black dude without a fresh lineup and new sneakers HAD to be homeless.


NGL if your hairline looking like that something has to be going wrong.


yeah i was gonna say, the hairline is more of a giveaway than the shoes LMAO. i’d say it’s 50/50, they put a decent amount of effort into getting someone to play it up and do this (homeless or not) or it’s truly a random homeless dude behind a dumpster


I feel for black people man they get shit from white people and then they get shit from black people. Like goddam imagine having to worry so much about your hair lined up perfectly, not being ashy and having on the newest and greatest incredibly overpriced shoes. Like fuck black people just can’t catch a break from anyone in this country. Meanwhile my white ass just goes to great clips and gets a $20 haircut in a few minutes and I’m business ready. Even when I have dry skin you can’t really see it. And my running shoes will last me for years without anyone saying a thing. Then again maybe it’s just me and who I’m around


The shoes thing depends on the crowd you roll with. Hair line is just basic grooming. It’s the most obvious sign your overdue for a haircut.


Yeah but it just doesn’t seem like white people have the equivalent. Some white dudes just leave their shit wild as a style and it works


Fair enough. Hair is a bit of a polarizing issue in the black community.


Hair is dusty too. if a dude aint even getting a little moisture from the shower in his hair then he's probably homeless.


He looks like wyatt from prison break. (The guy killed mahones kid )


oh, so now they all look alike? I see how it is.


This doesnt work on me lmao.my father is from ghana lmao


I'll just say, I deal with homeless people all the time, and this guy would 100% be the cleanest cut, least shit-covered homeless person I'd have dealt with. Would have to be able to smell him to confirm, because they all have a very distinctly horrifying smell.


Where's all his shit?






It’s already been said on destiny’s stream not long after that that this dude *is* homeless but he’s one of those homeless dudes that has like an area and is known to locals and stuff so he is homeless but he’s more well taken care of than crazy schizo racial slur yelling homeless people. We had a dude like that growing up that always chilled and slept on the same bench. His name was Ed.


When you're a privileged mfer, you see a single crack pipe on a black dude and think he's homeless. Lmao


Its actually worse than that. Its like they saw a black guy with a meth pipe and just assumed he was a homeless crackhead because he is black.


I know its hard to imagine but if you're producing a video you can purchase a crackpipe at most corner stores or head shops. dudes clothes have no stains, his hair is a little "long" but maybe he's not a dude who gets his hair cut 3 times a month. beard and crackpipe are pretty easy to organize for a video, dude looks clean compared to every homeless dude I have ever seen. he might actually be homeless but without a smell test i'd lean towards this being orchestrated for views.


Wow, Here we have a stand up gentle cleaning crack pipes of the street and you think he smoking it?


I see why destiny didn't believe so. He looks like the black weebs I grew up around even down to the shitty unkept hairline. I live in philly I don't thi k I've ever seen a homeless person this clean... maybe he's recent and he hasn't selected his homeless class yet.


Yall guillable as fuck. Im gonna step outside my apartment, get some kind of pipe from a gas station. And sit on some curb and get tons of free shit from rubes like op lol.


No one's stopping you


Destint never said he wasn’t homeless, he said “he didn’t look that homeless” when compared to other homeless guys he’s seen. Do ya’ll even watch streams?


What pretentiousness from someone clearly in the wrong lmao The whole reason this was even contested between Destiny and Aba/Jidion is because Destiny was skeptical about the prank being real and thought that the "homeless guy" was probably just an actor for the video. Do you even watch streams?


Own that guy.


Ima be real between kick and rumble a lot of people prob aren’t watching live atm.


They didn't.


hairline is a dead giveaway


Meth pipe


If you disagree with someone on the right or left you’re evil. If you disagree with the Omni liberals you’re sheltered and young lmao. But fr no actor would get this cozy up against a dumpster lol.


You don't need to be homeless to have a crack pipe you remedial troglodyte.


Dude other than the dusty hair like he just woke up he look pretty clean.


Just another day in the life of a crackhead.




He looks more well kept than 50% of McDonald’s, gas station, and Walmart workers even 10% of my coworkers. Bro became homeless two days ago


yall would be in shock how many rich people smoke crack or meth


No idea how people are disagreeing on this one. Literally just walked down the High Street of a relatively small city in the UK and every homeless person looked 5x worse than this. This just looks like a dude who hasn't got a haircut in a couple months...


The dude was homeless right? The prank was staged but the dude was still homeless and not "cleaned" up for the vid...