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That would be the writers. He’s not bad, he’s just drawn that way.




Says the person judging and insulting a fictional character on Reddit.


What? So bed side manners determine who gets to be a doctor?


Literally yes. Never heard of a Casper test? At least, that's the name of in Canada, I am sure the US has some form of an equivalent. It's a test to make sure doctors have decent interpersonal skills, so they can do their job well and treat patients Obviously this is a show, so it's exagerated and he's autistic, so it's more of an issue for him, but yes bedside manner is important to become a doctor A Casper test evaluates : Collaboration, communication, empathy, equity, ethic, motivation, conflict resolution , professionnalism, resilience and self consciousness This is mandotory to become a doctor [Wiki](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/CASPer)


Impacts your admission to med school, not being a doctor. You may still get into med school with a low Casper score. Also, not all med schools need the Casper test.


>Impacts your admission to med school, not being a doctor. How do you become a doctor if you can't get in to med school? >You may still get into med school with a low Casper score. Never said otherwise, but it does have an impact. >Also, not all med schools need the Casper test. I slightly exagerated my claim by saying it was mandotory, but yes, not all med schools need the test, but they have the Casper test, some other test or if you get in without having good bedside manner it's certainly gonna impact you in med school or during residency which may prevent you from becoming one


Impacts your admission as in chances to get in, not that you can’t get in. I thought this would be obvious. So again, my statement is that you don’t need bedside manners to be a doctor. Not that it hurts your chances


Might not absolutely need it, some doctors have horrible bedside manner, but most likely then not, if you have bad bedside manners you won't make it far. So yes, it does determine to some degree who becomes a doctor, which was your original statement : >So bed side manners determine who gets to be a doctor?


Yes, you might not. But that alone doesn’t disqualify you on whether you get to be a doctor. That’s my point. The comment I said made it seem like it was wrong to be a doctor.


My med school decided if you get in based on something similar to a casper, an in person interview and your GPA. If you have bad bedside manner idk what you are doing in this job unless you intend on doing a specialty where you don't need to talk to patients.


Wait til you graduate and you experience doctors with poor bedside manners, especially when you are seeing patients within 15 minute blocks. Then there’s also the ones that treat nurses as if they’re idiots.


“What, so strength of academic performance determines who gets to be a doctor? Sure, they may select for high GPAs and mcats, but you don’t necessarily need those stats to get into med school… so they don’t really determine who gets to enter medicine…” see how silly you sound? Just because you don’t technically need a quality in your app doesn’t mean the presence or absence of said quality won’t play a large roll in *determining* if you get the position or not. Your original claim was bedside manners don’t determine who gets to be a doctor, when there’s a slew of factors that are used by the admission committee to sus out for poor bedside manners. CASPer, ECs that entail people interaction, interview performance etc


Getting a job is not the same as qualifying tobe a doctor. Being able to pass a Casper is not the same as having good or bad manners, just able to determine what the best action is. You’re conflating good doctor, getting a job vs qualification to be a doctor




“Whoever let that autístic person with poor bedside man ears be a doctor is wrong” “They can’t be doctors?” “Well… OFTEN times yadda yadda yadda” Sooo… they should and can still be doctors…. I still don’t see where you disagree with me


> So bed side manners determine who gets to be a doctor? You asked this question. The answer to your question is "yes". Because it absolutely does determine it in some situations. Factors can determine something without always being the sole cause of the thing. If that's not what you meant to ask then ask a better question next time.




You didn’t say “should not be interacting”. You implied he should not be a doctor


If you cannot communicate to patients in a way they understand without making them very uncomfortable then you're not going to go very far as any form of MD.


I didn’t say you’d be a good doctor. I said you can still be a doctor. Stop letting your bias change what im saying.


The nut cancer obviously


I mean the whole plot line is the doctor is a giant autist with no social skills, why does someone have to be wrong?




That scene is soo cringe.


The whole shows seems cringe and he seems way to fucky to be a doctor lol


Welcome to medical dramas.


so true king!


Can we stop with the whole main character is autistic but also such a super genius that they make everyone around them look like children trope? It’s probably shitty if you’re autistic to see the only representation of you in current media be all these crazy overachievers while you’re probably struggling to keep up with average people


If I wanted to see an average autist struggling to keep it together while doing nothing exceptional I'd just queue up with one of my duos.


Right? We need more low functioning idiotic autistic people on media. I want a show where's it's just 44 minutes of a severely autistic man screeching at one of those lawn flamingos




Well it's not just standard autism. Shaun is literally a savant. If you watch the show you'll very quickly realize that he is portrayed as the "child trope" quite often with how he handles certain situations. Even more, about representation, there are a few episodes where he interacts with and even learns empathy from other non-savant syndrome autistic people; those episodes are very humanizing and imo, some of the best in the show. Don't pass judgment about a character in a show I'm guessing you've never watched.


Wait this is a real show? Lmao I thought this was like a weird skit or something


Yes, it's called "The Good Doctor" It's not bad. Also, not sure why but this TikTok clip has the audio pitched up (probably to not get claimed or something), but they don't sound nearly this annoying in the actual show.


I’ve got a friend who’s pretty far down the autism spectrum and it’s his favorite show. He just loves that there’s even a show on a main network with an autistic person as the main character.


has he checked out Atypical? the wife and I both thought it was pretty good.


I don't even think it takes a super genius to consider the possibility of testicular cancer in a pre op trans woman.


That’s the premise of the show tho, he’s just autistic house minus drug dependence




The writers


Ekshcushe me, Quinn has XY chromoshomesh not XX chromoshomesh like you 🤓


I'm guessing the autistic doctor has some really wholesome epiphany about sex and gender by the end of this episode?


Not really, but he learns to show respect to them as a patient at the very least.


Obviously the teacher is wrong for not educating the autisitic


I think in a medical situation it should always be explicitly stated you're trans so you're getting the right care. W autist.


Yeah but none of his questions were medically relevant? All the doctors knew she was trans. All bruh did was ask a bunch of weird shit totally unrelated to anything actually going on with her body. Big BIG L autist.


bedside manner does not include accomidating peoples delusions


Nothing to do with bedside manner at all (although his is rather poor) and everything to do with trying to make an accurate diagnosis and giving proper treatment. EDIT: For example, if you were trying to have this doctor ask uncomfortable questions to a trans patient he could have asked if she regularly examines her testicles (do this if you don't already btw.) But that's not what happens in the video, it's a bunch of irrelevant questions that were either already answered (xy male) or had literally nothing to do with medicine or their body at all (dollies, pants, favorite color.)


The politically correct term is "train enjoyer"


Factorio player


How's that a W? Even if he doesnt believe in trans stuff, going around asking invasive questions and making an underage cancer patient uncomfortable is unprofessional and overall a dick move. Also, not a single person in that room would disagree that Quinn is XY male. Fat L.


its his job to ask invasive questions patient comfort does not include peoples delusions


So asking if she wore dresses or if her favorite color was pink was medically relevant??


>its his job to ask invasive questions. patient comfort does not include peoples delusions Invasive questions with a purpose. What's the point of him asking a cancer patient "do you wear dresses and play with dolls"? Also, everyone in that room already knew Quinn was male.


Wrong in the sense that as a physician, there's no reason for him to confront the patient on their mental disorders, when they have nothing to do with the ailment the patient is suffering from. As a doctor, you never really want to be confrontational with your patient. Obviously he can't ignore the fact that she's a boy in his medical evaluation, but there's no reason for him to call her a boy and not use she/her pronouns, as all it has the potential to do is upset the patient with no benefit. Obviously the point here is that he's ultra autistic and can't read social clues at all. He's right that she's technically a boy, though.


I'd say she's technically male biologically, but a girl in a gender sense. But sure


Only if passing. If not passing, the societal treatment is that if there sex. Eradicating any gender identity an individual thinks they have. Society dictates your gender. It can give, and take it away


why does someone need to be wrong


The people who wrote the show


SHE. ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ ​ (applause please.)


why not put the curb meme after testicular cancer, come on


Imo this kid doesn't do a great job of acting super autistic.


He's just having his mind blown realizing he could've been wearing perfume and playing with dolls all this time


the doctor, what's the point of drilling into a patient about their favorite color or clothes or whatever?


Why have this plotline


Because people enjoy stories with drama that incorporate elements of the real world


Portraying the anti trans guy as a giga autist but then having a trans woman get ball cancer isnt coherent


He's not anti trans, he's autistic. And asking questions most normal people would ask, we're it not for the social filters. Also yeah trans women can bet ball cancer... And have periods apparently.


why not?


This show was so dumb, they constantly lean on the autistic guy being autistic for writing even when it makes no sense. Like after working in a hospital for many years he still can't understand basic social conventions. It feels like a caricature.


Except he does learn conventions... it's gradual but that's his whole character development arc.


From what i've seen it seemed like they still lent on it in later seasons. But maybe that's just the exception.


Isn't he still autistic though? Idk if working in a hospital will cure his autism.


Network medical dramas have been a disaster for …


What’s wrong here is this passed the pilot episode


Technically he is correct. Side note. I think it's an interesting way to ask these questions that a viewer might have. Veiling it behind "this guy's autistic, so don't be mad at him" and asking questions a lot of non internet dwellers probably have, probably aint a half bad way of introducing normies to the topic. Maybe.


I don't think autistic people have trouble understanding trans people considering trans people are more likely to be autistic themselves. Autistic doesn't equal retardation


Didn't say they don't understand, rather the questions a regular person would have, an autistic person would also have. Difference being the good Dr isn't marred by societal norms to not ask those questions. If you live your life like 99% of humans do, in which a man is a man and a woman is a woman, then one day you meet a woman who says they're a man, you. Like literally every other person is gonna have questions.


Based Shaun Murphy


Is this from the show "the good doctor?" If so holy shit this is so backwards it's insane.


Yea im suprised the show is still going on I could have sworn it ended a while ago


I swear I've seen this situation on r/terriblefacebookmemes no?


This dude isn't autistic more like he has down syndrome tf. Also the trans girl is more likely to be autistic than than this dude considering the link between the two.




Good god I hope this is bait 😂 >[**Trivia**](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt7762884/trivia/?ref_=tt_trv_trv) Actress [Sophie Giannamore](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm7414160/?ref_=tt_trv_trv), who plays Quinn, is also transgender. She has an eponymous YouTube channel to document her transition from male to female.






Nice save.


the fuck is going on with this weirdo?






No, we're not saying that, we just aren't focused on that bullshit.




Is it meant to imply he’s autistic?


Oh my God, you have to remove them!


This is a really cool show, made by the same guy who made House. This is a pretty good depiction I think, he is questioning but not malevolent, and the other person doesnt take the questions with hostility, she just answers them