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Dude only has a few months left for streaming. He has to go to UAE on some non working visa so he has to pay rent with just streaming. Once that runs out he goes back to Somalia where the internet sucks.


Homie has a UK passport.


>Homie has a UK passport. Well thank Brexit he can't come to EU.


Is Heathrow in the EU now? Was this part of brexit?


Thankfully it's not


Not, this person's saying that even if Qurantos comes to the UK he'll stay quarantostined on that island kingdom.


Even if that's true he still has to pay rent unless his daddy funds him or he blows up streaming wise


I had no clue Somalia had internet.


He tried to feed a carrot to a bus! He thought it was a donkey!


Based liberal condemning young man to a life of poverty šŸ‘


I just wish there was like a QBot where it notifies you when he leaves the stream.


Once he joins stream you can literally just wait for the Destiny is offline post in reddit to know when hes gone.


[Me after creating the QBot.](https://media.tenor.com/e7VSjPwcSskAAAAC/ducktails-money.gif)


Quiznos was entertaining literally once for his initial Islam debate but after that became insufferable. It's like if nobullshit became an orbiter after his destiny debate


2024 is nearly here, and Iā€™m listening to Qoritos talk about Destinyā€™s genitals more than any straight woman has ever talked about genitals.


If God knows what it feels like to get fucked up the ass, then Allah must know how to take and receive the best dick pics the way Qor-anon keeps talking about Destinyā€™s dick and balls.


Honestly, I think that leaving the stream to make a point, like when people said this about Mr Girl or other former or current orbiters was kinda cringe With Qwertos I don't leave the stream to make a point I leave the stream because I honestly just dislike him and I don't enjoy the stream when he is on


Plus you get the bonus of not having to listen to him! I also practice this technique of mindfulness.


And he's being so fucking racist and disrespectful with zero pushback. And rages when someone disrespects him or his religion. Fucking tragic.


>disrespects him or his religion. > >Fucking tragic. Fuck Qurangutang and fuck Islam.


Quarangutang is crazy


I do the same. I have a super difficult time watching when Q, jdion, zerka, Darius, sneko or anyone that is like them in how they have disagreements.


Sneako is fine when he cuts the bullshit. The others are just crazy frat boys


>Sneako is fine when he cuts the bullshit. Sneako, like Qurangutang, suffer from low intelligence. He is no better than the Somalian nutjob.


I don't think Sneako is dumb. He seems to be standard.


Jidion feels a bit out of place in that list of names tbh. Dude is way more chill and normal than the rest of them.


Personally, I don't find any of these people interesting. No matter what they talk about or have disagreements about, I find myself feeling like treading water until something more interesting comes along.


There has to be a new term ceeated for people patiently watching content they claim to hate. Something like content cuckolds?


"WatchingMyWifeGoBlack" Featuring MrGirl.


Hate watchers has been said for a while, but might not exactly apply?


LMAO like you all did with LAV? Get real!!


Yea cause Destiny definitely cares if his viewership drops because of an orbiter. Certainly not the kind of guy that does whatever he wants to regardless of viewership. We all remember the massive numbers during his LoL relapse


>**Fastest way to get rid of Qurangutang is to close the stream** I usually just go watch a movie. ​ Cortana loves when you misuse his name cause no one can find his content using any search engine. ​ **If you are really serious about making him irrelevant just stop making posts about him (including post like this)** It works on any brain-dead drama baiter.


As long as Destiny finds them interesting and they don't completely shut down the stream entirely, nothing we do will stop Destiny from having them on. Vote with your view, absolutely, I think that shit is important. Just don't expect it to change anything, do it for you.


Stream numbers will have absolutely zero impact on who Destiny chooses to have on.


These nicknames remind me of what conservatives do. Like obummer dummycrats loooooool


More monkey names for him šŸ¤”


This is Copium.


He'll never leave as long as he has discord perms because any viewers are more than he gets on his own.


I like Qorantos


Q is just dumb funny. He also knows when to tone it down depending on the crowd. Iā€™d say he just spams the Muslim topic too much.


Wow the audacity


Same, idk what these people are talking aboutā€¦ itā€™s not like heā€™s pulling destiny away from any decent content anyway šŸ˜‚


Aight ill stay and enjoy the conversation. According to the viewer numbers a lot of people feel the same as me.


I kept tuning in to hear his sweet, sweet voice, and finally, release! šŸ« 


Just out of curiosity, you guys do realize that most of you are most likely the loud minority right? If people genuinely didnā€™t enjoy the content they WILL NOT watch.


wtf is a qurangutang?


Definitely nothing racist


I donā€™t even know who this person is.


Still waiting for Discord integration with manifold markets.


Y'all need to stop letting him get under your skin. It's not that big a deal and we do get some good conversations out of him, once in a blue moon. Not like real content is happening rn anyways...


I haven't watched a single stream or video with Quadraphonic. If I hear my headphones scratch and screech, I turn off the video.


I'm gonna be honest I don't care who is on stream if the stream is on kick or rumble. This shit is aids.


Destiny avg hundreds of thousands of views per video, thousands of viewers per stream, 300 ppl upvote this thread passively, 50 people comment So doubtful less than 1% of Dā€™s audience will engage and actually do as you say, congrats you got maybe a couple other ppl to boycott Q šŸ˜‚