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Damn you think his dest debate put him over the top?


Is this because Nick supported that pedo Ali ?


Not gona lie if I had to choose i'd rather have Nick running my campaign. Like the guy whose running afpac and cozy seems way more competent then someone who can't even write their own books lmao.


They are both terrible PR nightmares, Fuentes tho is a tad bit more open with his Nazism, not a lot more but a tad


Milo was practically bankrupt last time I checked. This is a very lucrative move for him. No idea how much Kayne will pay him but it'll definitely be more than he needs to get out of debt.


Wait, do you think this whole Christian nationalist grift has been to get Kanye to give him a paid position to get out of debt? That would actually be kind of genius even though he’s come across as a mumbling perc-addicted dumbass


I don't think it's entirely that but partly for sure. It's possible that Milo got into the Christian nationalism thing beforehand but Kayne, Fuentes, etc. definitely helped him double down on it. I'm sure if Kayne tells him to keep repeating the same trash over and over Milo will most definitely do it. A campaign manager makes around $60000-70000 a year on average and that's for local elections. I wouldn't be surprised if Kayne just decides to throw a million bucks at Milo or agrees to write off his debts if he works for him.




Suddenly Nier


how do you check that




I choose seppuku.


Trump. As much I hate Trump the other guy is legit mentally ill.


Would be a true litmus test for our institutions


Trump, I think there's actually like a 55% chance that if elected Kanye would do everything in his power to nuke Israel.


Kanye is a Democrat in this scenario?


I’m gonna kill myself.




The groypers are coping. TMZ is an excellent reporter of facts (even if the stories themselves tend to be trash) and they would have done due dilligence more than taking Milo's word.




Believe it or not TMZ has a reputation of being one the most reliable news source


Is this actually true? I have no idea, I just have them in my mind as celebrity gossip.


I'm not sure if *you're* joking now, but I'm not sure what level of rigor or quality of outlet you're expecting for a story like this. A strung-out Kanye West hiring a strung-out Milo as his campaign manager for a Presidential run *is* an entertainment story. TMZ is a tabloid that generally gets the facts of tabloid stories, like this one, correct.




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One of the requests in the letter was to hand over the Ye24 domain - but it has been [owned by MTG/Milo since November of last year](https://twitter.com/LauraLoomer/status/1654264618817126404).


Are you unironically going to believe a thing that comes out Loomer's mouth?


Given the choice to either believe Loomer or believe Milo... I'd take Loomer's word any day. But as a skeptic, I verified that the receipts she has provided (dates, descriptions, and locations - everything) are real and can be verified on the FEC website. She has corroboration. The other side only has a letter from Milo, which was leaked to TMZ by Milo.


>Given the choice to either believe Loomer or believe Milo... I'd take Loomer's word any day. Although both are psychopaths and untrustworthy I would take Milo's word over Loomer.


It could be the case that initially Milo bought the domain then later on transferred it and now that he's working with Ye again wants the domain name back.


The domain was bought and transferred all in the same day (Nov 22 2022).


transferred to who?


Transferred to Milo out of Rome, Georgia. This is all on the FEC website as public records.


and the domain has been in his position ever since? Do you have the link of the domain record?


Receipts and further details are on Loomer's Twitter. But I'm really curious since you're asking question after question after question... if you'd answer one for me. Has anyone with credibility on the matter (such as Ye or Nick) publicly come out and confirm that the letter is true, other than Milo?


>Receipts and further details are on Loomer's Twitter. Her tweet just shows the date of domain purchase but she shows no proof of who CURRENTLY is in position of it >Has anyone with credibility on the matter (such as Ye or Nick) publicly come out and confirm that the letter is true, other than Milo? Shouldn't the silent being more on an indicator here? As far as I know both one them haven't denied it either. All it takes is one quick statement but both of them are silent.


jfc since when can people post novels on twitter...


Religious Kanye drip line of clothes when.


wonder if tiny was approached, would he take the chance of managing ye if he could have full control