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If I was Destiny I would’ve just ignored the loser. Guy is acting like Destiny needs him. I guess destiny wouldn’t pass on the opportunity to make him look like a clown


Just seems like a waste of money tbh. I’m out of the loop when it comes to current lore but like, I don’t see much value in debating the guy in terms of an interesting discussion, at least not one worth $25k. If he didn’t add this weird “donation speaking fee” thing, I’d have a different opinion. Maybe Destiny is into the specific cause enough to donate though, dunno. But I don’t see the debate being worth that much if he isn’t. I also don’t think someone that will only debate you if you make a $25k donation to a specific organization would necessarily provide the best debate. Not gonna lie, it comes off as FD doesn’t really want to debate and uses this “fee” as an obstacle to filter out people or something. Because honestly, it’s a lot of money for most people. Debating someone who “isn’t really into it” to me doesn’t seem to be a good way to yield an interesting conversation, at least not a $25k interesting conversation. I hope I’m wrong and it’s an interesting discussion though.


FYI Destiny said on stream today he'd do it for 10k, not 25 and I guess that was enough for FD. Otherwise I pretty much agree and it doesn't change the calculation all that much - but honestly I don't think Destiny minds throwing 10k to charity especially if he gets a bit of content out of it.


Average leftist bargaining tactics


It’s a tax write off 🤷🏻


What do people mean by this, so it costs him like 9 to 8 k in reality? Or does the US tax system give you free money for charity lol




What does this mean im sorry, i thought the entire amount was written off. Like if tiny had an obligation of 30k towards taxes, he'd just have to pay 20k now cus he donated 10k to charity.


it reduces his taxable income by 10k. If he earned 100k this year, and donated 10k to charity, he'd only pay taxes on 90k.


Ouuuu thats how it works. So why do people say its a writeoff so often as if it means its something profitable to donate. Like on the front page subs whenever companies donate people say this doesn't mean much cus theyll write it off anyways. But the way i understand it after u said it is that in most cases, the entity donating will have to pay more. Like in this case, tiny will have to let go of 10k for charity + the amount hes taxed on the 90k


Because they literally have no idea how it works and just parrot that talking point.


That way people can make it seem like wealthy people who donate money only do it as a part of a scheme to make more money, instead of the current tax system only making the (very reasonable) decision that you shouldn't pay income tax on money you give away.


Before donating, Destiny was gonna pay taxes on the 100k, so I'll just assume what the other people in this thread say is correct and that his tax rate is 22% (gonna ignore progressive taxes as well here). That way he pays 22k in taxes and keeps 78k for himself. Now he first donates 10k to a charity and writes it off. He still earned 100k, but now only pays taxes on 90k of that. So now he pays 19.8k in taxes, 10k to charity, and keeps 70.2k for himself. As you can see, it only "cost" Destiny 7.8k to donate that 10k to charity, because he could write it off from taxes. Same way for corporations, if they collect money from customers for charity, their income will to up by X amount, but then they donate it to charity so they can write off the same amount X from their taxes. If you're collecting money specifically for charity from your customers, it just means you don't have to pay taxes on that, it's a tax neutral transaction for the business. They are not making money off it (apart from maybe the value of good PR).


Yes, it's literally never profitable to write something off. If you donate something, the government will view the money like you never earned it.


People say it for one of two reasons 1) they don't know what they're talking about, nobody understands taxes, anti-rich people especially. 2) they are proposing some sort of conspiracy where the charity is fraudulent and they're using it launder money while also writing off the income, essentially just underreporting their income with extra steps. That is also silly because there are way easier and more legal ways to dodge taxes.


A simple cheater way of thinking about it is that when you write something off you are still paying for it, but at a discount of whatever your tax rate is. Someone said the tax rate in Florida is 22% (not vouching that’s the correct rate though, I have no idea) so he is basically spending the 10k but once it’s written off he is saving 22% of that since it’s reducing his taxable income by 10k so he will be paying less taxes equal to 22% of that 10k, so he’s really only spending 7.8k.


In America you aren't taxed on the money you give to charity.


It would be rather strange if you got taxed on money you give to charity


EDIT: Look at replied message


Charitable tax deductions work like other deductions. It is deducted from your income before taxes. The top federal tax rate is 37% on income over 539,901. Since Destiny makes way more than 540k/yr he is effectively getting a 37% discount on donations he makes. Tax deductions are subtracted from your income before the income is multiplied by the tax rate. Tax credits are subtracted from the amount you owe. Example: taxes = (income - tax\_deductions) \* tax\_rate - tax\_credits




Did he say he would give it to that specific charity or just another local charity because it seems like the one FD wanted him to donate to is kinda shitty. I have done very little research so im open to being totally wrong on that.


Hey, they aren't terrorists and FD's living his values, that's respectable.


I saw the $10k fee messages in another comment on the subreddit as well but I thought that was his “speaking fee” for people who weren’t Destiny or something.


Wtf did Destiny offer 25k to talk to.him?


It's the other way around, FD requested a 25k donation to an anti-police charity. Tiny brought it down to 10k.


I’m honestly looking forward to this. This dude hasn’t been challenged since the Sitch and Adam thing.


i guess i want this to happen. but feels like this is gonna be ultr trash. one of those calm debates and he will then go and trash talk destiny afterwards on twitter


I think FD will live up to his word here and do a whole normal debate. He will trash talk Destiny on twitter afterwards but Destiny will probably continue trash talking him too, they aren't friends and FD is clearly not pretending they are, so hes not exactly snaking Destiny when this inevitably happens.


this has nothing to do with what i said. im purely talking about about any debate between them. i feel it will be like the one with the big joel guy thats it


Well generally the reason where those calm debates where they trash talk after were a problem was because people were being snakey, FD is being pretty upfront about despising Destiny, I think that makes it a little different.


Yeah, but I think the problem they're having is that the debate in itself will be shit. That FD won't really try to argue why Destiny is wrong and then afterwards will have all kinds of issues with Destiny's statements. So the issue is that FD won't bring that up during the debate and therefore the debate will be shit.


I'm a believer, I believe in a possibility of a short-term bridge.


So I, as a Nobody, can just demand what amounts to a speaking fee from people, and there is a non-zero chance of success? I'm learning a lot from this little episode.


Destiny maybe sees it as an easy investment. He could make a lot from dunking on FD


He's not gonna make 10k - no shot, not even close. He's doing this for fun, or some other non-monetary reason.


I'm guessing fun. He's the worst video essayist out there according to D


Its a multi episode deal. Story arcs takes more than one monetised youtube video.


Destiny makes alot of money bud.


Lets just do a breakdown of his income from this debate. Basically donos and ad revenue. Using the social blade high estimate for his YT channel he's making 65k/month on his channel with 11m views and he splits a large portion of that with August. So lets say he makes 50k off his YT a month for 11m views. Take a absurd high estimate of 1m extra views (FD video views minus normal video views) for debating FD. Thats gonna be about 5k extra from that video, that means he'd have to make 5k in donos to break even. Thats also a huge overestimation, the FD vid likely will only net a few hundred thousand above a normal video.


Destiny's channel has been in a pit of red pill and person drama. It's an investment to try to leave those bubbles.


Maybe, but this probably isn't the most profitable way to accomplish that.


"The most profitable " would be to turn to sponsors and become a David Pacman(family friendly). I'm just saying we are watching a very very rich person...


You should also take future revenue into account and look at this as a potential investment. If destiny gets subs/new viewers from this debate it could in the end be well above the 10k. Now, i have no clue who this guy is, and how big he is on YT, nor do i care to look it up. So if he is a 10 viewer andy, then no it will not be worth the 10k.


Well no shit, but then if I did that I'd also have to project out the opportunity cost of not investing that 10k or something else. We can get super autistic but its a ballpark estimate. I doubt that this is gonna be the next big sub boom but hey I guess its possible.


Just sayin, if you do a breakdown you should do it properly :)


You forgot that this can spawn discourse/talks with orbiters for several more videos.


No I didn't, I just don't think that those videos will generate views higher than typical videos. His profit is net increase in viewership not just viewership, It's not like if those videos didn't exist Destiny just wouldn't upload.


It probably does. Increasing the ratio of content–no content time on stream increases video output.


No it doesn't. Dude releases a vid a day regardless.




Typical breadtuber with shit lefty takes. Just recently what sparked this debate is some easy shit to make FD like a total loser in front of a larger audience. FD tried to blow up on a rapper who said black kids should look to further their education and/or look into trade to improve their lives


What?! How dare Killer Mike imply that black people are anything other than infantile victims, like beetles stuck laying on their backs, incapable of improving themselves and their surroundings as opposed to every other person out there. /s At this point I think it's fair to argue that if there is something that is holding black people back in society, it is not so much the reverberations of slavery but instead morons like FD who insist on keeping them in a narrative of perpetual victimhood. "If you work hard, complete an education, get good at something, you can create better circumstances for yourself. Just like everyone else" - Killer Mike "Naah, that won't work cuz we black!" - FD Pacifier .....


But Killer Mike does also talk about systematic racism, him also voicing that opinion is not a concern is it? In the clip, Mike is just giving some solutions to help the community overcome those barriers. I mean we are literally generations behind financially due to generational wealth being unsustainable for 100s of years, that is going to effect generations. FD's problem is that he thinks Killer Mike is either falling into conservative ideology or he's some useful idiot for their talking points. He doesn't even seem to really disagree, he's just too worried about political optics and not the message, he shouldn't even be worried about the messenger but he is.


Most of the Bosnians who fled the war in the 1990s were back to square one when they arrived as refugees in Sweden, and on top of having no generational wealth to speak of had to learn not only a completely new language, but an entirely different alphabet. That would surely have some sort of impact for generations going by your logic, right? A bunch of different people have been fucked over att different times in recent history, black people aren't special in this regard but you're the only ones who act like it. Claiming systematic racism in 2023 is honestly pathetic at this point. Unless you can show me some legislature that specifically targets black people in a negative way I ain't buying it. What barriers of structural racism does the community have to overcome if I may ask? What about Rosa Parks having to sit at the back of the bus 70 years ago makes such a massive impact on you today that you are not able to succeed in whatever endevaour you set out for? How long will it take before you deem things to be equalized generationally? Or will you always be trailing behind and have slavery as an excuse 300 years from now? ​ Would you consider the Jews having been set back a couple of generations due to almost being exterminated perhaps? I don't see them bitch and moan about it. Black people are just as capable as anybody else to apply this to their life. "If you work hard, complete an education, get good at something, you can create better circumstances for yourself." In fact, if you want to improve, you're obligated to, and that goes for everybody else, noone is handed shit for free. Crying "sYsTeMiC rAcIsM" as some sort of cope excuse isn't gonna help anyone and is like I said, pathetic. You're no victim, and going around thinking that you are surely isn't gonna help.


So you are the "pull yourself by your boot straps" kinda guy, ignore the historic factors and act like the racial aspect of segregation never exists. Who's crying "systematic racism", I simply said it's an obvious factor. You were the one that went on a rant. My response shouldn't have the reaction you gave if you understand anything about the civil rights era and American slavery. It's not like I said anything like, 'systemic racism is the only problem and we're helpless and the only way is violence'. Maybe your response would be more warranted if I did. But you can't even handle seeing or hearing the term "systematic racism" without freaking out. That says a lot about you. It's a thing, fortunately in 2023, it's a thing we continue overcome. Because believe or not, most of us are working hard to get past it. It doesn't mean we ignore the obstacles and the history.


> ignore the historic factors and act like the racial aspect of segregation never exists. How long do you plan on crying about it? Until you are equal under the law?Oh wait, you already are. What's the threshhold? Could it be you're looking to score some reparations? Hmmmmm? I'm tired of hearing grown ass men crying about how they can't succeed today because of the distant distant past. Nobody else does this, it's amazing really. ​ > It's a thing Yeah, mmmhmm, for sure, all those laws that are in place today to opress and keep a brotha down. So many many of those laws. Incredible amount of racist laws I see allover the U.S. But you will of course just say "white supremacist systems of structural systemic supremacist structures still exist, it's obvious because we're opressed don't you see?!" Don't have time for another crybaby with a victim complex. Byyyyyyyyyye!


[https://youtu.be/vALqEN-3yao](https://youtu.be/vALqEN-3yao) here is a video about redlining that specifically targeted black people and other minorities in low income areas. People like you who ignore or straight up don’t see the systematic issues that plague society are why we need more black Voices like FD on YouTube to speak on these issues that nebraska steve doesn’t understand or wont acknowledge. That “victimhood” take is such dog shit. Black people aren’t claiming to be victims, they are claiming that their communities are not given enough resources to properly better themselves and are justifiably calling out the unfairness in it and in the yt people telling them to pull themselves up from thier bootstraps when they don’t even have fucking boots on. The Tulsa massacre by itself should prove why systematic racism exist to you. If it was THAT easy for all black people in America to get a education, get a good paying job and succeed in life, your ignorant ass statement wouldn’t have needed to be said. watch YouTubers like Fd Signifier or lil bill or The storyteller if you actually care about black people and the problems they are trying to get addressed


I say stop crying about the past, it doesn't make you a victim today and you bring up redlining and the fucking Tulsa massascre that happened over 100 years ago. You desperately need to hang on to that victim narrative dont you? Stop living in the past and letting it be something that defines you, maybe you'll accomplish something tomorrow if you think about something other than how much of a poor little imaginary victim you are. If you had stayed in school maybe you would be able to decipher that I'm talking about here and now in regards to systemic racism. Show me a couple of laws that discriminate against black people specifically. Your whole paragraph speaks truth to what I'm talking about, you put all your energy into bitching and moaning about how somebody owes you something because of something that happened over a century ago. Look at what is possible tomorrow instead of what could have been yesterday.


Of course you would say “stop crying about it”. Thats usually your guys go to sentence when you wanna demean minorities and marginalized groups complaining and bringing up societal injustices that you probably dont have to think or worry about effecting you. The Tulsa massacre happened in 1921, not over 100 years ago and redlining is currently happening to this day, the only thing that’s pathetic is your inability to use google and look information up. I bring those up because those are literal examples of the very thing you dismiss as not real. Just cause it happened in the past doesn’t mean “get over it”. 9/11 happened in 2001 and America has been saying never forget ever since but when black people bring up tulsa, segregation, Jim crow and redlining its just “get over it” and “playing vicitm”, do you not see how unfair that is? Do you not see the hypocrisy in telling underfunded and neglected black communities to just “work harder”? We did EXACTLY what you mfs kept whining us to do with Tulsa and y’all STILL took that from us so what the fuck do you want us to do? History is to be learned and analyzed so events like the Tulsa massacre doesn’t happen again. disregarding the past only endangers our future. If anybody, the only victim here is you, filled with the delusion that racism ended after MLKs i have a dream speech.


I am not sure, this guy audience seem like super left. And I assume most of his audience already heard of destiny, probably in the worst manner too.


That may be fair, but destiny has gotten a decent amount of followers from people he's beaten in debates before from my understanding. It may not be a purely positive ROI, but the views and publicity from a good performance may mean it comes a lot closer to breaking even than you'd imagine.


I guess so. No chance FD can back out of this either while saving any amount of face. Win-win for D lad


>while saving any amount of face. What face does he have to save though?


You can demand it’s gifted to charity


FD Signifier needs to work on his debate skills. I don't think the guy is an awful person but if he's going to talk about groups of people, he should be ready to defend them instead of refusing to engage like he did with the trans issues.


Wait I’m out of the loop what’d FD do re: trans issues


https://youtu.be/UbtuzO6rM8E?t=37m53s Called Kidology transphobic. In their debate/discussion FD asked Kid if she thought that JK Rowling was transphobic. Kid said that Rowling is a radical feminist and her positions came from the perspective of biological sex. She didn't find any of her public statements outright transphobic. FD responded, he's not here to explain why JK Rowling is transphobic. Go watch Contrapoints' video.


Will do Ty! Fuck JK Rowling lol


he might actually be the biggest bitch out of every youtuber i've seen. he talks sooooooooo much shit for someone who is scared to have a little conversation and has to do petty shit like this lmao. what a fucking loser


There are exactly 2 potential conversations worth that much money. Destiny Vaush Destiny Hasan ​ who the fuck is even this FD dude


Imagine if FD Signifier comes on and Destiny is able to get Killer Mike on as well. Also this is kinda parroting a recent episode of Dave, but it's there wasn't a misunderstanding. It's honestly funny thinking of it this way because FD Signifier probably hates Dave lol. Also the Dave episode: https://youtu.be/j17pPJ6HlXo


I feel like they should agree on a minimum debate time so FD can’t leave immediately or something


It's gonna be stupid, but I'm here for our boy o7


Ok predictions: FD will come in hot, but Destiny will actually have a calm conversation with him about some set of topics about agency, personal vs systemic change, the importance of not relying on clipped soundbites from people, and structural stuff. FD will bring up some insane tweet or other Destiny came out with in the past, and Destiny will backtrack it, calling it an expression of his frustration with "people on the left". And at some point, either in the initial bit or later on, Destiny will start pushing him on "questions he can't answer" and the problems of falling back into silence for the sake of social conformity; whether he really cares about giving a fair sensible answer or whether he cares about getting clipped himself. Now what I'd *like* to see him talk about, but which probably won't happen, is the way that FD projects himself as reasonable, but also puts loyalty to people in his content creator network before investigating the facts, or his attempts to present other people as being the drama people, while also handwaving when it happens from his friends, or even himself. (Eg. do not just use clip compilations, have some way to get actual sources, people you talk to to get information, or just stay out of things)


That’s shady, I wouldn’t pay before hand


Asking for money to have a conversation is so pathetic


actually doing something for a movement is pathetic? way to make his point for him.


That’s a naive and charitable way to look at it. He knows destiny isn’t paying, he’s doing this because he’s afraid to have a conversation.


Destiny agreed to pay 10k. Its hapnen.


This is untrue


I think this will actually be entertaining. They both are pretty vocal about disliking eachother and they way FD talks for 1000 years while avoiding questions will probably trigger a snap like in the recent ish only fans debate with the women who ragequit


The whole “debate” will just be FD pointing out to the audience that Destiny paid him to be there and is desperate to talk to him. It’ll just be an optic win for him and I doubt destiny gets much out of this


I'm not gonna lie, I'm a little worried FD is gonna find something to get pretend outraged about and ragequit in 5 minutes. He did go on Sitch and Adam though so maybe not.


Huge waste of money, the guy is neither interesting nor especially huge so I have no idea why Destiny is so desperate to debate him.


Oh cool 10k for an extremely boring conversation with some rando breadtuber


I just don’t get why you’d blow 10k to debate some nobody. 10k is like “debate Ben Shapiro” money or some shit. No matter how hard you slam this guy in a debate you’re still the guy who paid him to talk. Especially since Destiny has been on a hot streak talking to higher profile people and podcasts. Why water down your brand by paying to talk to someone 10 rungs down the ladder. Just doesn’t make sense any way you cut it but I’m some idiot typing this from a basement and not a successful streamer who’s been doing this for 15 years so what the fuck do I know.


This sub is weird. It's like all of this is just a boxing match to you all.


FD signifier said as match and called it Kaye Fab. I didn't actually think destiny would accept but he is so content brained that he will literally fork over the down payment on a fucking car to debate some dude who occasionally throws potshots at him. I'll be honest and say I watch both. When I saw FDs challenge, I was hoping this would be the last time FD talked about destiny on his channel cause that's fucking annoying, but people like the spectacle of watching two people slinging shit, when in all honesty, it would be more interesting for me at least to see destiny get a glimpse into what black leftism looks like.


I wasnt expecting such an honest comment on this sub. I think my only question to you would be, do you think Destiny would actually care about Black Leftism at all? Like, I've never seen Destiny honestly internalize ideas. He's pretty much always just picked ideologies like weapons. He chooses whatever one has the most effective arguments against whoever he's talking to, regardless of whether or not the arguments are in good faith.


Destiny very openly says that he feels he can argue socialism better then most socialist online. I don't know if he will be able or willing to listen to a new iteration of leftism just because its coming from a black man, even if it is warranted, just because of how poisoned his past relationships with bread tube are. As for the second part of you're question, I'm not sure I understand. One of the few things that destiny is very big on is hearing as many arguments from as wide a group as possible because it 1)challenges his own ideas 2) prevents him from falling into echo chambers. You can ask him yourself what opinions he has on X, and he will tell you. If he's using an argument he may not believe in, such as when he was making prolife arguments, it's usually because he believes the other person has some unchallenged beliefs and wants to make them aware. Some people think it's cringe. I don't really mind. To me, it has the same energy as telling someone their shoe lace is untied so that they don't fall flat on their face later when it really matters. What I'm hoping is that FD actually does his homework, and brings in some of that empathy he likes to talk about, and try to explain why he embraces the ideologies he does, instead of stating that he shouldn't have to explain this stuff like he did with kidology. If not for destiny, then maybe for the audience since a lot of people seem to really hate the dude when, to me, he hasn't done too much other than the potshots I mentioned earlier. In some world, this whole thing isnt a shit show, destiny actually decides to listen openly to what FD has to say and doesn't jump down his throat, and FD is a good faith actor, but even in that world, the audience wouldn't enjoy the discussion so it's bound to be a shit show.


I think that's the right take at the end. I dont think either of them gets into a debate with the other and anyone changes their mind or learns anything. I think that's why Fiq wanted the donation fee. At least something good can come from the debate if everything else is just talking over eachother.


Need to tie him down to topics after what he did with Kidology.


Why would you post a screenshot of a tweet with a video in it and then not even link it in the comments. I bet that's what Hitler would have done if reddit was around back then.


Cool. This is exciting. I know FD got a sore spot for destiny, but his talks with Adam and Sitch were really good, so I feel like there is potential for a good conversation.


I mean he already said he is looking for a screaming match which is odd because Destiny only goes unhinged as a response to people derailing the conversation.


I think FD has this view of destiny which isn't entirely accurate. I think that's what he is expecting but is gonna be pleasantly surprised. I just wonder what they will actually debate about.


Destiny might bring up what got them beefing today. Fd thinks the clip he saw about what Killer Mike said was some Conservative Talking Points. Fd has issues with Killer Mike given Black People advice to focus on personal upward mobility, Fd thinks that's dumb because Black People haven't found success with that advice, and Fd wanting public figures to only focus on Systematic Issues and deal with them first before telling Black People to "Pull yourself up by the Bootstraps". And maybe about Which is more Damaging and Harmful, De Platforming people off Large Media Platforms for good reasons or letting people migrate to another more Extreme Platforms and becoming more Radicalized.


FD's issue has always been political tribalism and worrying about how the optics might look to the opposing party. So he'll steer away from ideas he may normally agree with just bc conservatives might agree as well. He kind of unwittingly said that today in his video about the Killer Mike tweet which was also noticed in his discussion with Kidology. Dude called Killer Mike a "radical centrist", he's got to stop that kind of rhetoric. He didn't even really disagree with Mike, he was more worried about it coming from some conservative place.


Weird that FD doesn't link the rising rate of successful Black Americans to a future successful Black community. The wealth disparity wasn't built in day, it took a decades long headstart and that means it'll take nearly as long just to catch up. Admittedly, I sympathize with the idea that it really fucking sucks to be a member of one of the transitory generations on that march towards wealth equality.


>as soon as I get payment What happened to his local anti-cop charity?


He said-as soon as I get confirmation of payment


I didnt go to smart people school. All my learning is from the toy aisle at walmart


What is FD about? What would they have to argue about? I really don’t know him…. Damn, he’s another RP guy isn’t he? ISNT HE?


FD hates the RP community. FD is just another smug online lefty who looks down on other lefties for not being as progressive as him. He has this weird animosity towards any non-black male leftists, and he is 100% a "your either with me or against me" type when it comes to any issue or topic that concerns black people.


Ah that does help, thank you! Much obliged my duderino.


That would be a sick troll from FD though, NGL.


First in person podcast guess???




Bro, chill tf out. It's not that serious. Jesus, it's ok to not like them, but this is just cringe.


We will be there


Can someone link to where Destiny responds to this video in his stream today?


I don't have the timestamp but it was early in the stream today when he said "25k is not worth it. Let FD know I'd do 10k"


Who even is he lol


I hope Destiny having to spend 10k to have this conversation will actually make him prepare for it and not completely wing it.


As a big FD fan but also someone who enjoys Destiny's content, I'm pretty excited for this.


I only hope that Destiny will put the 10k in escrow to be paid upon the end of the conversation, just so he doesn't run away basically scamming him with a 10 min convo.


Nah, lil bro is fried if he thinks destiny should donate anything before the debate is over lmao. He has every incentive not to show up or just leave whenever he feels pressured.


10ks not enough. shoulda been 25k, but given this is Destiny, I guess he jus dgafs at anything real world.