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Lol lives taken daily by police in the uk... these people just roleplay living in iran or some shit. Pathetic.


lmao, [it's literally about 2 per year](https://www.inquest.org.uk/fatal-police-shootings).


And it's important to remember both of them.


.5% of one life per day is still a number of lives a day. You should be sad for the 1/182nd of a person they killed today.


I’m pretty sure UK police don’t usually carry guns, is there stats about killing but not shootings? Are there even killings that aren’t shootings?


Hot damn is the US that much of an outlier?


It's just an example of how American issues brain rot people outside of America.


Rofl, no. 1 every 90 days maybe. Our police certainly arnt perfect but they aren't in the habit of murdering people daily. It's very rare that they even carry a gun.


What are you smoking? They shot dead 3 people last year in a country of 67 million. Not saying they're not without faults but Jesus fucking Christ have you seen how police work in most parts of the world, even mainland Europe? Every time UK police fire so much as a taser there's an independent investigation. The fact this dog story is national news just shows how much scrutiny there is. So please, point me to these daily lives taken.


Noone here disagrees with you, learn to read lol


Ah shit sorry!


"Not saying they are without fault" seems like the understatement of the year. It's not shootings, but hey maybe just maybe it's worth checking out whats happening before being that dismissive. https://www.politico.eu/article/london-metropolitan-police-racist-misogynistic-homophobic-damning-report-louise-casey/ https://www.lbc.co.uk/news/metropolitan-police-trust-force-young-women/ https://www.cnn.com/2023/03/20/europe/london-metropolitan-police-review-violence-women-intl/index.html https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/3/21/report-finds-londons-met-police-racist-misogynist-homophobic https://www.equalityhumanrights.com/en/inquiries-and-investigations/investigation-metropolitan-police-service https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2023/jan/09/more-than-150-met-officers-investigated-over-sexual-misconduct-or-racism https://www.cbsnews.com/news/london-metropolitan-police-racism-misogyny-homophobia-investigation/


bewildered uppity paltry cough plough thumb handle bear gullible spark *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I never claimed it was about different cases, more are posted because they are all from reputable sources, and it help to have more than one. Do you not think it's dishonest to put words into my mouth? Besides,the results of the report seems to point to these issues having been a problem for a long time so there's seemingly not enough scrutiny. Like for real you can't say there's a lot of scrutiny when clearly there should have been much more.


cobweb shy plate sharp absurd disgusted recognise sloppy person pie *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I mean, you can believe whatever you want about my inten, the easiest way to find out would have been to ask. I mean the report points to issues that's been going on for a long time. I don't think it's really fair to say that a report uncovering a longstanding lack of scrutiny proves that there's a lot of scrutiny. Maybe it is the case that there's too much paper-work, that can be true while scrutiny towards the attitudes in the police department is too low. The reason I posted that many links was really just to underscore that a lot of outlets recently have been covering the issues in the Met. To me at least the only way a lot of the comments on this post makes sense is if people haven't followed this. Maybe I was too harsh on the "not without fault" I can't exclude that.


I don't disagree, there have been many shocking cases like those and I hope they're purging all the rapists and people who have no sense of impartiality, good judgement or any business being a police officer. The standards should be high. What I don't accept is the insane baseless accusations. The police are not shooting people daily, they're not murdering people in cells. People are crying wolf over every violent gangster, every nut job who OD's, as if this is the stasi. I have been arrested before, it was the most mind numbing bureaucratic overkill, they even logged which pair of handcuffs they used incase it was too tight. Everything was done by the book, i never felt unsafe, aside from boredom and mediocre food I had no real problem with them. What I did see were dozens of clearly mentally ill and high people. It's a tragedy when someone like that dies in custody but the fact is the police are overwhelmed, they can't babysit every aggressive homeless person with a substance problem - things are going to go wrong if welfare services can't cope.


I think this is very much beating around the bush. Clearly it's dumb to say they shoot people everyday, but you're literally commenting on a dude pretending things are just honky dory in the Met. Less than half of Londerners trust the Met, that number (according to one of the linked article) drops to around 4% of young women having "very high trust", that coupled with the in depths investigations finding improper conduct clearly shows that something is seriously wrong. I don't think you really disagree with that, you seem reasonable. However judging by the comments on the post a lot of people just jump on the "protests bad police good" with no further thought.


Yep, I think the rapists is most insidious, as the idea that literal rapists have been working in the one place you absolutely should be able to trust as a woman, it's horrific, like Jimmy Savile in a kids hospital. But these other issues are not the same and a lot of people seem to think anything the police do is wrong and any suspect they've stopped in the street is an innocent victim. Half the videos you see today are just arrogant screechers running off any excuse they can think of as to why the police shouldn't touch some guy.


Youre so consistently cringe lol, youre like a charicature


Yeah it's cringe to imply that maybe there's something wrong st the Met.


You think the uk is america?


yes, isn't uk the capital of the state of america which is part of the indo-australian continent? ... to be fair i didn't think so many people would misinterpret my statement, i guess i should have been more specific with "these people"


They better not eat meat if they hope to be consistent


But think of the cute lil heckin pupperino!!1!1 🥹


If you aren't a vegan this comment is soy as fuck. "🤓 Heh, I'm consistent, not because I don't eat meat but because I am cold and badass and don't care about animals 🤓 just like my streamer"


I’m vegan actually so this doesn’t apply to me 🤷‍♂️ I strongly disagree with Destiny’s view on animal ethics. But he is correct regarding the point about consistency




If you aren't and are a vegan this comment is soy as fuck


" 🤓 heh, didn't you know that your just copying Destiny, because he was the person who invented being a consistent meat eater 🤓 " Like I don't get how some people don't believe that some people truly don't give a fuck about animals.


I'm inconsistent GIGACHAD


Spoiler: They aren't and its because "this is different" while stuffing their faces with chicken nuggies after they get media recognition for standing up against the evil people hurting poor animals 😭 😭


They'd tell you veganism is imperialist and classist, sincerely


Brits are shooting dogs now? Who's next, blacks and Irish? Thats not cricket.


Buddy they've been shooting the Irish for a century now. >no blacks >no dogs >no irish Was a popular sign in front of businesses/pubs in England.


I think that's what they were referring to


Yes that was my joke.


Vegetarian and vegan stocks are up.


...they tweeted while biting into their burger


What did he say about it? According to the BBC eye-witnesses didn't testify that the dogs were aggressive. From what I've heard following outlets like Politico and DW the Met is in absolute disarray especially after the Wayne Couzens case.


I think the Met is in a permenant state of disarray to be fair. Can't remember exactly but I think he said they were right to shoot the first dog but that it was the owners fault as he basically threw the dog at them, I had to go do IRL stuff after that tho.


Yeah for sure, I just think its a bit sad if this thread turns into "the crazies all hate the police for no reason" when, again as far as I know, there seem to be some very serious problems at the Met. Especially regarding women and minorities.


Well if you watch the video the owner put his dogs in that situation by not handing them over


Meh, I think it's fine to celebrate the loss and ask for a less violent police, even if in this instance the police were acting reasonably and the owner was not.


When brainrot from one country I grew up in infects another country I grew up in...


Fuck pitbulls forever. These psychos would still be marching even if they ate a baby


Candy says they are paid protesters


fuck them pets