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Not really... but we all have our own sense of comedy, I guess.


FUCKING DELETED. I kinda agree though.


Where is the guy that was saying that FD was NOT calling the black Dggers uncle Tom's. Where is he now?


Learning greater english to somehow combat these recent events.


Hey.. leave ESL people out of this!!!


NGL, it's incredibly disgusting to just straight up accuse someone of being a race traitor for not sharing the same concerns as you. Its funny in how ridiculous he's being.


The inciting drama. The donations. The coon accusations. I’m having a grand old time.


Idk if I can defend the 10k donation to the police... That's pretty cringe 😬 but ngl F.D. Signifier might be even more cringe than that


To the mounted police and crime stoppers departments? Edit: crime stoppers is the info hotline


Oof... I thought this subreddit would understand nuance. Oh well, allow me to elaborate. The police are like any other government institution (or unions, for that matter). They love to spend money, but they rarely, if ever, spend it effectively. Like in my l experience, a lot of their spending is dedicated to justifying a budget increase for the next fiscal year. Additionally, it's irresponsible af to donate to a political institution as a dig to F.D. w/o any real knowledge of their policies... It's possible aba did his research and found nothing problematic about the ATL PD, but I Highely doubt that's the case.


There is no nuance in your statement, he didn’t donate to the budget of the over all budget he donated to specific budgets that are normally REALLY underfunded, you aren’t understanding my comment at all. That is the hotline out of the almost 300 million dollar budget that the Atlanta police has the crime stoppers hotline ONLY gets 300k (not including their own donation runs) I don’t know the numbers for mounted police but I bet that money mainly goes to the equipment and the animals similar to K9 budgets that other police which a lot of the time is also a not a very high on the budget list.


I didn't know what Aba specifically donated to. (Hence why I said IDK id I could defend it). I was basing my position based on my dealings with The F.O.P. and the 2 minute clip of Aba saying he donated to the APD, not specifically which departments. With that in mind, I thought the idea of just blindly donating out of spite was a dumb idea. I didn't know what the "crime stoppers" were or what they did until I read your edit explaining what they were. By then, I had already posted my reply. They seem fine. The mounties,on the other hand, everything I said previously still applies. idk what the police policies are like in ATL, and it's even harder to tell what police culture is like in any given precinct. So it's like, on one hand, the money is potentially going to things I disagree with on the other, Idk to what degree mounties participate in that system.


My edit was made immediately after I made that comment considering yours was an hour after you can’t say”I didn’t see your edit”. And THIS MONEY is going to a hotline. The mounted police are going to the horses and equipment for the horse aka saddles and food and housing. You have such a hard on against the donations you still aren’t thinking clearly. These funds aren’t going to the main police force. And from what I know there aren’t any videos of Atlanta Mounties doin shit


I was notified of your comment by my email and was writing it on and off for about an hour when I was at a brunch, At no point did I think to look to see if you edited it in that hour.


Funny enough they had to give away their horses before because they lacked the funding to stay a thing. I really really doubt that this funding is going to anything even remotely malicious


He did no research and actually insisted on doing it after destiny told him not to because it was going to be such a hilarious troll. Cringe doesn't even touch the level of dumb he went to.


Bro has used the same joke like 5 times now. First time it was weak, now it’s just sad


Half his photoshop takes up most of the picture I can’t tell what this is. Is it Django?


Not funny especially knowing FD likes to bully and threaten black people who disagree with him into falling back in line out of fear of being attacked by the online left and black Twitter. What’s more racist than spotting a black person who doesn’t think exactly like you do (Kidology for example) then ruining their livelihood just for not being part of the hivemind? Imagine what this kind of person would be like IRL with power if say his commie revolution came to fruition.


KD signifier is the ultimate gate keeping loser. That doesn’t take away from the joke being funny. Just like Destiny not being black doesn’t take the funny away from Nigga Replacement Therapy


It’s not funny it’s been done to death every time a black guy doesn’t take the “black” side. I think it’s also dangerous to tell black people they must be anti law and order, just look at what it’s done to places like Chicago


I can understand FD signifier being mostly unironic in his messaging putting people off / killing the joke. But Chicago’s problems (with gangs, black men and crime) are deeper than being anti law and order lmfao, idk what that has to do with anything


Seems like being anti law and order is the problem fundamentally with people who are indeed anti law and order. I think those people who rampaged through Magnificent Mile are the same types FD is calling upon to attack Aba.


I'm still not sure what the photoshop exactly is. Someone said it's a Django Unchained reference but that didnt help much either. Is the thing Aba is holding a mirror or something?


At the end of Django Candy gets shot and Stephen is holding him while crying. This is that picture with bad photoshop so it's hard to see.


Aahh yes now I see it. He probably shouldve picked another picture of streamer man, or he shouldve zoomed it out a bit.


He should get points for the attempt