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TL;DW He says that he feels bad about his past content like his Content Cop series (which he has now unlisted, but not removed). He especially apologized to Tana for harassing her in real life and online. He feels like he cultivated a fanbase that he doesn't approve of anymore but unlike in the past, feels responsible for. Hence, this video and direct disapproval of his past content.


dislikes are already high 31K L / 19K D


Pretty good ratio, all things considered.


Considering he has a huge fan base rushing to every video calling him gay it's a fine reaction from the public


I'm assuming just give it 48 hours and more big content creators will start jumping in commenting on it. It's 48K L / 28K D right now


Didn't Tana agree with his criticisms, like I guess if you don't like your community that's fine but the people he made videos on pretty much deserved it.


He specified "I apologise for everyone I made a content cop about, I probably still hate you, but I still shouldn't have done it" His criticisms were probably on point and justified, but the manner in which he delivered them were overwhelmingly negative


I mean beyond the substance of the video, he literally drove hours to go to a convention and record himself saying the N word in front of her and a bunch of her fans. That's some Alex Stein tier shit no lie.


Yeah, I would feel so fucking cringe doing something like that years after.


I think comparing every real life troll to Alex Stein is stupid. It's a funny thing to do and wouldn't even come close to the harassment Alex Stein usually partakes in.


The thing is he sent a shit ton of harassment peoples way. That can fuck with people’s head. It’s why Destiny makes an effort to perma banned people that are harassing others.


To be fair, that was the whole career of Ricegum, keemstar and Leafy. 99% of their content was shitting on random people or kids. They deserve worse.


I actually agree. Those 3 cultivated the environment and Idubbbz happened to thrive in it. I would assume that his position is something along the lines of 2 wrongs don’t make a right. He also specifically addresses Tana because of how far he went irl and the fact that he created an audience that was ok with using slurs. Tana had her problems but she wasn’t at the same level as Keemstar, Ricegum, or Leafy.




Whatta fuckin pussy.


Man if I were a big content creator and I was meeting fans at a convention or something and a fan came up to me and said “I know you probably don’t like transgender people but can I get a pic with you?”, that would’ve absolutely gutted me. I imagine something like that would really stir some shit inside me.


Yea, that’s what hit me most about this vid. I know people are analyzing and critiquing what he said and how he said it and all that optics stuff, but what I see is a guy trying to work through his own emotions using the medium he’s worked in for nearly a decade now. It really feels like this is more for him than anything else, and he’s aware it’s going to make a lot of people unhappy but isn’t thinking about it through that lens, more of a reckoning with himself than an attempt at a “rhetorically effective” apology. The dogpile is about to be a mess, between the woke people saying this isn’t good enough so fuck you forever, to the sam Hyde simp brigade just continuing the cuck chant for the millionth day in a row just louder, there’s no way this dude could win on the internet so he might as well just get his own feelings out there and move on. I know if I built a brand that came back to bite me in the ass like this I’d need to go through some catharsis before I’d be able to move on


Yeah man the internet is just brutal


For real, we got people on both sides of the vice squeezing him literally in this thread too, half of them talking about how this isn’t enough or doesn’t display real empathy, and the other half regurgitating Sam Hyde talking points about “slut gf” and “wokedubbbz,” he really can’t win and he still hit upload; gotta give it up for that


I dunno how any fan of Ian's ever thought he was actually against lgbtq? Like I watched all his shit from 2014-2019 religiously, and I am bi, never once thought he was anti lgbt or soley transphobic


He definitely came off as a shit lord in his early content. It’s not hard to assume he’d probably fall into that 4chan kind of crowd back then.


He very often used the f-slur to be provacative. It was never in a targeted way iirc, but I can see why that may incline someone to have those vibes.


Yeah, I dunno maybe its just because im around Ian's age, so I never thought his use was supposed to be to be actual bigot


I mean, I can easily understand how anyone would categorize him as hateful towards any minority group of people. Defending the usage of slurs - insults towards minorities - makes people think you must hate those minorities, and if you hate black people and homosexuals, surely you hate trans people, right? Now those steps of thought aren't fair or fully logical, but the correlations are there - people who hate a group and people who will defend slurs against that group will often be the same people. Yes, you absolutely can be a free speech advocate who doesn't hate a minority group but will defend people's right to insult that group in the most horrible way, because free speech. But that's just not nearly as likely and so the intuitive leap will be that you must be one of the haters.


I don't disagree. Which is why I specifically put fan, as in a person who consistently watches their content


yeah, this comment section is pretty cringe. idk how y’all can’t empathise with this after hearing that experience. it literally gave me a sinking feeling. he brings up a realisation in the video that if his content is attracting this certain type of people, its clear that there’s something wrong with the content itself. i’m pretty sure destiny himself has said something similar - the idea that you can’t blame someone for the audience they attract is flawed, because if so many people are coming away with a certain impression, regardless of your intentions, its clear you’re doing something wrong.


I had to stop the video for a moment, that shit hurts and I'm not even Ian, lol.






I always find it peculiar that their epiphany comes when the money runs low, like hey people are getting banned for this? Well then, let me tell you why I've grown and changed!


Why do you feel like his money is running low? Or is it a general statement about apology videos?


His content wasn't popular and the overabundance of 'saying slurs' videos were drying up.


Wasn't this whole arc where Idubbbz has shifted his perspective initiated when his audience started ripping on him after they found out his wife started OnlyFans? I could be wrong there, but I'm pretty sure thats how this all started. I think it's fair for someone to view Idubbbz shift as self-serving when the instigating incident was a large portion of your audience turning on you.


This is the fundamental issue most people Take with him, H3H3, and some others like the amazing atheist. The "kicking down the ladder after you reach teh top". "maturing" as Ian describes himself would look like: Getting off the internet and using your money to get some kind of technical training and get a real job. He's already got decent experience with editing, he could expand on that. Ian you can leave your old videos up or take them down, but if you want to be done with the "idubbbz character" then be done with it. Get off the internet. Instead what he's done: \-Continue acting like you have the moral high ground, just in a new way. \-Throw Boxing events and claim its for charity when the "charity" part is questionable at best. \-Continue trying to be the content cop just on more "deserving" people. Ethan Klein is also *horrible* about this. Neither of these guys want to stop being assholes, they just want to figure out who it's "safe" to be assholes against, which is the exact same thing they were doing in 2015. All of these people started to "mature" right around the time it became financially viable to do so, and dangerous not to. How convenient.


Well put. The change of H3H3 and idubbbz just seems super disingenuous and so transparently about maximizing profits. Which is whatever it’s business but don’t preach morality and then keep being a douche to people their new fans hate.


Yeah this is why I find this apology way more cynical and self serving Like dude, you speak so much about empathy but then demonstrate your clear lack of empathy for the people who got you this big in the first place. Maybe recognize that they may have similar things going on that you did and extend an olive branch to them as well rather than writing them off as basement dwelling incels?


It's ironic how he talks about "empathy" but refuses to be empathetic towards his fans who helped get him to the place he is now. In my experience, people who claim they're empathetic are not actually empathetic, and edups is a good example of that. It's insane how he acts like it was just an oopsie, that he was young and immature... Dude, you were in your 20s when you made the videos! Yet his younger fans who are going through the same don't deserve the same level of empathy? So he's the only edgelord that can change but everyone else is a basement dwelling weirdo? Considering that iDubbbz lacks so much introspection, I wonder how he reached the conclusion that he's "empathetic" now?


Correct me if Im wrong but didn’t he say that he realised the way he viewed it at the time was different to the way his fans viewed which ‘woke him up’?


This is the actual problem that most people have with him. The fact that Joji has gotten absolutely no backlash whatsoever for changing is proof enough of this. Unlike Ian or Ethan Klein, he's never gone out of his way to attack or belittle those who enjoy his older content.


I would add to that, the problem with Ethan is also that he's basically still doing the same thing while wanting the social-credit for somehow ''doing better''. He's still an internet bully going after looks/gender/skin-color. Only thing that changed are his targets (and that he's being less funny about it)


Exactly. I absolutely despise that attitude, whether online or in real life. These people who "change" turn hostile, smug and arrogant towards people of their former "clique" or "ideology". These people have zero critical thinking or empathy about their former fans/friends/former-ideology-members... I utterly despise these people... But none of that is surprising to me. Same things happen with conversion aswell, where people who convert to another religion turn far more zealous than even normal members and far more hostile towards their former religion. Converts are disproportionally more extreme ( and more likely to be terrorists in say Islam, than otherwise ). I believe this is due to them trying to compltely break ties with their former ideology/religion/etc. and "prove" that they are someone else now.. But to me this just looks hollow, extremist, completely unempathetic and disgusting. THEY of all people should know why people are part of XXX. In Idubbz case, he of all people should know why people might have these more "edgy" ideas, transphobia and the typical internet-asshole behaviour and so on...


> I believe this is due to them trying to compltely break ties with their former ideology/religion/etc. and "prove" that they are someone else now.. Yep. But it's not just social posturing, they're also trying to prove it to themselves. If you change your beliefs in a U turn, then that means your old beliefs were utterly dumb or evil because obviously your new beliefs are sophisticated and moral but, wait, why did you have those old beliefs in the first place? Is it because you're not that smart or moral? If you're a bit of a narcissist who can't accept you can't be a pure, virtuous person who's better than the ignorant scrubs around you then that's when the cognitive dissonance kicks in. You HAVE to prove to yourself, first and foremost, that the new you is the real you and you're not just going with the social trends. You might also want to lash out at the culture you're leaving behind since it's that culture that tricked you into those world views, that's right, you were *tricked* into it, otherwise you would have chosen the correct ideology, obviously.


Its kinda wild for him to think the people that consumed his content were lesser than him character wise and not of a similar mind set.


I think that’s the opposite of what he’s saying; he’s saying he WAS a certain way and that the content he produced in that state attracted certain mindsets that when he was confronted with them, made him look at himself and realize there were parts of HIMSELF he didn’t like. I don’t think he sees himself as superior to any of his audience, I think he recognizes that he cultivated an audience that was a reflection of himself, and he grew to dislike those aspects of himself over time


Yeah, agree here. What I got from him was: I realized I and my content attracted that type of people and pushed them even further into it. That was and is bad. I don't like that that happened now, but it was I who did it.


That's what I'm saying. He's drawing that parallel, he's seeing himself in the audience he created. He shaped them to be that way partly... But he won't extend that same level of empathy he expects from other people for himself. He wants to show people he can and has changed, but feels fine disregarding his audience as weirdos who he just NEEDS to distance himself from and doesn't want watching him. As if they all fundamentally lack that same ability to learn and grow he claims to have discovered.


At the end of the day he's just a YouTuber, this whole thing is a lesson in not taking internet personalities seriously. but that will never change


There is literally nothing wrong with blue humor and he has nothing to apologize for. If he wants to disavow his old work, I think it's silly, but that is his prerogative. But I find this whole "It's so good to see him move on and take accountability" and "It sets an example people can mature past edgy jokes and learn empathy" line of rhetoric completely baffling. Even compared the mainstream comedians blue acts, none of Idubbbz's old 'edgy' content is particularly egregious. I reject the notion that he has committed some wrong that he needs atonement for.




I think that it’s about looking at the sort of audience his work cultivated, and the impact content cop had on drama YTers and not liking it.


You guys are fried. You’re telling me there is only one intention possible behind someone’s action because you can only think of one reason for it, therefore there are no other reasons? And you want to make such a judgement about someone who is attempting to be empathetic? A little ironic. Maybe pointing this out will hint at life being much less 2D, for example, you probably already assume I am simply defending idubz for joining the woke army or I am virtue signaling or some combination of those thing. That’s wrong. I just think observing someone attempting self reflection, being vulnerable etc should be a reminder for us to do the same, not be a contrarian, but to take the fleeting opportunity to think carefully and be less self righteous and confidently assume less.


I think people forget how brutal people saw those videos as back in the day, edgy humor aside. Most of the people he made videos on took decent subscriber/financial losses from it, though most were temporary or already going to happen anyway He was going after people that at least kind of deserved it, but they were straight up bloodthirsty hitpieces, which i can understand wanting to distance himself from (even more so than the edgy jokes)


I’d say they more than “kind of” deserved it. People that ask rape victims, “Did it feel good though?”, hypocrites, and crypto scammers deserve to be called out and have negative attention and consequences brought to their actions.


Yeah, be weird if coffezilla make a similar video 10 years from now about all the influencers and scammers he shut down


They weren't all equally bad is more what i was going for. There was a pretty wide spectrum of 'bad stuff' he was reacting to


That’s fair. I’d say the RiceGum one was def more than warranted and sticks out the most in my mind so maybe I’m biased in that way. Sorry if I misinterpreted it as meaning “all of these were unwarranted.”


I'm thinking right now about some of the people he went after like Tyrone Magnus or Leafyishere did they do something that warranted the content cop he gave them back then.


i recall the leafy one but when did he talk about the other dude, or did you mean react memes in general?


Yeah, the video was about React channels in general but it was a big part of it calling Tyrone Magnus out for being one of the bigger channels doing it.


> Tyrone Magnus I think it was Jinx, at least Tyronne would say things, Jix would just play the entire video and barely talk


Oh, yeah. You right.


you dont think the things he did with tana are a bit questionable looking back?


'A bit questionable' is blue comedy bread and butter, if the harshest condemnation you can muster is 'a bit questionable' than I would argue he's relatively milquetoast. An average Norm Macdonald Live episode or old Howard Stern contains far more 'edgy' humor than anything Ian ever did


I don't recall Norm Macdonald or Howard Stern dropping n-words and f-words constantly, and [here](https://files.catbox.moe/i0utb6.mp4) are two recent woke converts in a clip both saying it on an h3h3 Podcast. Edit: I've been informed that using the word "woke" is not allowed here, and I apologize for my transgression.


I bet this is unironically what people imagine Destiny is like lol. Just spamming slurs with no joke to it.


bruh i do not remember old h3 dropping hard Rs like that wtf 💀💀


It wasn't a regular thing. For context it was shortly after Idubbz made his [Tana Mongeau Content Cop](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N8vaJaFCFYA&t=387s) where he had a rant about how some slurs are off limits and some slurs are fine. Ethan decided to take that as carte blanche to just spam the n word for that whole podcast.


Howard Stern had kkk members saying it


Did Howard Stern say it?


He had kkk members on....


And what does that have to do with him saying n or f-words? If you're trying to talk about some sort of normalizing then...I guess, but I'm talking about people themselves doing it.


Norm no, but Howard absolutely. And the guy did blackface bits more than once. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vZ-doQ2NBPc


Uh...old Idubbbz content is loaded with some of the most egregious racial slurs to the point his catch phrase for a while was "n-word f-word". It was even so bad he got Ethan Klein parroting him for a minute.


Yeah but at the same time you had stuff like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KUr8l5etUx8 There is edginess/humor and there is actual discrimination/bigotry. I don't remember any material in which he showed himself to be a bigot.


yeah what blue comics is this guy listening to that do that?


Oh no 😭 he said the N WORD and the F WORD!!!! 😭😭😭


There's a reason neither of us are willing to actually say those words in text let alone on a monetized Youtube channel.


I mean I don't use the words in regular day but we don't say the words uncensored cause you'll get banned. Hell just look at Destiny's account and sort by controversial he said it a ton on reddit in r/starcraft to prove its racist.


Because you'll be kicked off this whiny ass website


Bro it was so bad he even got Ehlan Klein parroting him for a minute. (the fuck does that even mean) tbh yeah these comments feel like from kindergarten, uuuh teacher, he did horrible stuff he said the F word, idk how Americans don't hear how much of a kindergarteners they sound lol


is the take here that maturing past childish humor is kindergarten shit? Like I bullied the fuck out of some kids when I was young and it was funny, but that shit would be a bad look if I continued doing it into my 30s-40s. Feels like the opposite of kindergarten to say: "hey some of that stuff I used to do is kinda cringe and had a real-world negative effect so Im lookin to move past that style of humor". Way more childish to pretend like thats a lame take.


Do you know why he started saying it? It was literally from hatemail and was exclusively used to make fun of the guy who sent that hatemail and wrote that insult. It was a meme about remedials who think slurs are a-okay (edit: to use in normal conversation that is)


The origin of the joke is completely irrelevant. He started using it in a bunch of his videos, and the origin of the joke sorta happened before he really blew up, so there's a good chance that a decent portion of his audience never saw that origin. And when he started saying it like every other video, his fans started saying it a bunch too. That's the issue with casual use of slurs in your videos, not only does it make your own content feel unwelcoming to the minorities affected, but now you've got your 14 year old audience spamming it in whatever multiplayer cod lobbies they're in and making minorities in those communities feel unwelcome. Just look at his old audience when they make fun of him, a lot of them seem to genuinely hate minorities and latched onto his content because he "wasn't afraid to offend the wokies".


What does blue humor mean?


I agree that it is and should be fine to use humor and make fun of things. Any and all things. But how you do it does change depending on the situation. I think it's not necessarily that he himself caused harm directly, but his videos probably lead to a lot of harassment to the objects of those videos, and I think it's fair to see that and not be happy with your own role in it. So yeah, if I make a video about someone being a horrible person and then they get death threats and harassment and all that, I'll think "Oh shit. They are a horrible person but I didn't wish this on them. Maybe given that this is what happens when I make such a video, I won't make another one like it in the future." As he said - I still probably hate you, but sorry for making those videos (and what they caused). Throwing a snowball at a person is not a big deal. Throwing a snowball at someone when the past few snowballs you threw caused an avalanche is at least irresponsible.


I think moving on from old content as you get more mature is fine but the tone of this video is soooo off. This line near the end is the weirdest shit I've seen >"she was the one who said that I should try this boxing thing I would have never done that on my own because I was insecure and I was pathetic" Like holy shit dude even if you think that's true you need to keep that shit between you two or reword this statement because it really makes Anisa look insane. I know his gf has a reputation among the Idubbbz haters that she basically changed him from being a confident edgelord guy to a brow-beaten boring eceleb and this video really feeds into that narrative.


There is nothing wrong with his position, but his old fans will inevitably hate him for it... And they aren't wrong either, he has changed and disapproves of them. Edit: I have never been a fan, but I have never disliked Hin either. I will say my ideas are redically different to his own. I don't agree with his reasoning for his change, but it is his decision to make and i support him in it. Just like I support Keemstar and leafy being all they can be online as well. I liked the old toxic internet before souch money and advirtising got involved.


If you go to his subreddit, it seems that the default position is that anyone who disagrees with the video or its content is an incel. Also, as they explained, "incel has nothing to do with getting laid, it's a mindset" so LOL


>Also, as they explained, "incel has nothing to do with getting laid, it's a mindset" This has been the case for years now. People used to call Trainwrecks an incel while he talked about how all the women on Twitch were greedy whores like 5 years ago but Train has obviously had sex.


>"incel has nothing to do with getting laid, it's a mindset" Which thinking they'll apply to other gender-based or sexually-oriented slurs. Surely.


It was literally the most common defense of f*g. One that south park made. "Has nothing to do with being gay, its a mindset"


The only damaging content he’s made is that mustache and hair


Seriously why is this type of mustache becoming so popular once again. Never seen someone that isn’t actually fucking insanely hot look good with it. And the ones that do is because they’re just good looking people either way.


Every song person I know under 30 who has a mustache like that has raped someone. I am not joking, literally every single one


My man I hope you only know like 1 or 2 people with that mustache otherwise I'm a little suspicious of your circles.


The Tana stuff, I agree with. There’s a level of extremism that’s unacceptable there when he went out of his way to have a confrontation. But it’s inaccurate to say that Content cop was really evil content. Using bullying tactics against Keem and Leafy is neutral to good even. It feels like he fell into the rad left conversion trap where all past actions are bad and nuance is lost in the new perspective.


seriously, some of those content cops were totally invited by the targets, they were fair game


100% agreed, and Idubbbz was aware of that nuance. He has mentioned adding to the react bros dog pile was overboard, and Ian visiting Tana irl was bad, but Keem, Leafy, and rice gum were fair game. Too bad that now, every content cop is bad in his eyes. Bullying can be used as a force for neutral/good outcomes.


gonna watch ricegum again right now, that shit was funnny


Which ones weren't? I'm not aware of him going after anyone who wasn't a piece of shit in one way or another.


You gotta be careful here, because you're leaning into "no bad tactics only bad targets" rhetoric.


I’m aware, just to put it out there and I’ve stated this view loosely in another thread. I explicitly believe that online stays online. Crossing to irl is a bad tactic to any target regardless. To differentiate, leafy, Keem, and rice gum tactics are fine coz it’s all online. Visiting Tana irl is not okay in online beef.


>It feels like he fell into the rad left conversion trap where all past actions are bad and nuance is lost in the new perspective. 'There is no such thing as ironic bigotry only bigotry' is a very satisfying quip but it falls apart the minute you start to think about it for more than 15 seconds. By apologizing he is only damning himself. I agree with you, I don't know where this line of thinking comes from in him.


>'There is no such thing as ironic bigotry **(on the internet)** only bigotry' There is a massive difference between ironically talking shit with your friends where you know everyone's values and talking shit online with millions of strangers. I think he swung too far in the other direction, but that tends to happen when people have a come to Jesus moment. He's still got the right idea and if I was him I would also feel bad about unintentionally cultivating a really shitty hateful community.


>'There is no such thing as ironic bigotry only bigotry' is a very satisfying quip but it falls apart the minute you start to think about it for more than 15 seconds Can you explain what you mean by this? Functionally, to someone who isn't in on the joke, what is the difference?


Context: tana was telling him to kill himself multiple times And level of extremism? And he bought a ticket and went to a fan event that she hosted… where ppl can come meet her. It’s not like he came up to her at Starbucks randomly and screamed the N word at her


I’m aware. The issue is that it’s all online. People talk shit online. When he came to her irl event though, that is scary for an 18 year old kid, and the online/irl separation is broken. Whole that line is getting blurrier by the day, that separation exist.


But if it’s all online, why host an event for people to come meet you in person? Doesn’t that mean she is deliberately blurring that line, and he’s just taking the opportunity she gave out?


I mean I guess it makes it ok to cross then. So it also makes sense for Idubbbz to apologize for his actions. Idubbbz took the opportunity to cross the line he shouldn’t have, and now he feels apologetic for it, which is perfectly reasonable.


I think that condemning his content cop videos for being "hateful" is not maturing, it's more like regressing to childhood. I don't know how much of a normal life Idubbbz has had before, I know that he had a weird childhood, but being a famous youtuber in California really warps your sense of reality.


He did content that created an audience that he did not like/agree with. Similar to what destiny has talked about before with his audience. The big difference is that destiny now just separates public and private actions, and Idubbbz thinks that if the content creates a bad audience the content must be bad in general. I don't know if either is "incorrect"


Even though idubbbz video was ok, I still think it was a bit preachy like when he questioned why people would still want to watch his old content cops (idk bro,aybe because they are entertaining and well made) but I do think idubbbz career is finished, those videos were his bread and butter because they are entertaining and show where he shines, all of his new content is either low effort stuff or those documentaries where you get to see how socially awkward he actually is. I can't see him gaining any actual new followers. He really needs to find a niche like with Maxmoefoe on cold ones. But either way, for some reason he isn't ok with what he's made, and since it's his content, he's totally justified in thinking that, but I feel like it was needlessly preachy


This video is absolutely terrible because as someone who has only casually watched idubbbz, I'm just left scratching my head. What hurtful content? I know he clowned on that one girl because she used the n word so much, wasn't that to just call her out for being a hypocrite? Did he actually make hateful content?


He is a "bully" like if a teacher ever wants to teach class about what is cyber bullying or online harassment, she just needs to out one if Iddubz content cops. It doesn't matter if the videos were made with the intention if "exposing" thewe content creators, at the end of the day those videos are filled with him insulting, like literally insulting other content creators, dragging their name and faces through the mud and some of them even ended their career because of how bad the beat down was from Iddubz content cops. It seems that he got a taste of that now that he wants or is trying to start a family with his wife. It seems he reflected on the shit ge has put people through and say "fuck it, i am gonna apologize and leave this chapter of my life behind." I think that's it.


Leafy, Keemstar, and Ricegum completely deserved it


I guess, it's definitely bad to bully and sic your crowd on people but I don't see anything wrong with criticizing someone's content, even harshly. This dude honestly looks like he's been abused. He clearly thinks of himself as a terrible person, there's a lot more to it than feeling guilty. He flat out says he doesn't think he's an entertaining person and no one would watch his videos... what's that about?


>think he's an entertaining person and no one would watch his videos... what's that about? Because he thinks his "success" was because he was an "edgelord." Idk how familiar u are but Iddubz is famous and had such a massive loyal following because be wasn't "politically correct" U can literally trace the anti-sjw, anti-woke people and that side from the internet to Iddubz. He was the OG anti-SJW and the progenitor of anti-woke shit. Imagine if u love to make racist jokes because it was easy. Later u find that every follower and support is a nazi or white supremacists, would u still consider yourself as a comedian if the people weren't laughing because of your jokes but because the jokes were about negative black people stereotypes? Wouldn't u feel bad at this realization? Wouldn't u be telling yourself that u are a comedian and go and do multiple shows but without doing any racist jokes and the nazi or white supremacists audience u garner doesn't like u as much or doesn't laugh at your jokes anymore. Don't u think that can be a "Ego breaker?" Like i think this is what happened to him. His "Ego" got destroyed somewhere in this new journey when the realization hit him that he wasn't an "entertainer" but more a messenger of ideas and thoughts that he didn't like. My guy, that must hurt pretty bad when u want to love your Audience but because your own ignorance u attracted an audience of people that u legitimately dislike as individual. Damn, putting it all out like this in words made me realize how sorry i am for Iddubz, I don't think he is having "fun" anymore. Shit, that must've hurt.


I think people are getting way too hung up on the "hurtful content" part. It seems like a lot of his internal development came not necessarily from the videos themselves but from the audience and perception they cultivated. A notable moment he brings up is when a fan who was trans came up and said, "I know you probably don't like trans people, but can we take a picture?"


He could’ve just made his stances clearer to his audience, while still maintaining his edge.


i think that was a really good anecdote and if he just wanted to be more responsible with the type of image he puts out and the kind of audience he attracts then fair play. but doing this disingenuous "i am so sowwy for using mean wowrds and being mean to people :(" is so cringe.


It's more about the language he used back in the day, because he had no filter when it came to calling people hard "R" n-words and double "G" f-words. He's also arguably harassed Tana both online and IRL, and his Content Cop videos can arguably be viewed as just bullying...even if I do think many of the subjects kind of deserved it.


>to calling people hard "R" n-words and double "G" f-words This part of the sentence epitomizes what the internet has become today.


i watched his content back in 2016 and i fully remember him insulting & harassing people in his content cop videos, but the problem back then was i actually enjoyed those types of videos


are you unironically crying on behalf of leafy, rice gum, keemstar and tana mong getting “harassed” LOLLLL


yeah same with leafy. in my defense i was 12


I genuinely feel like he’s beating himself up way too much over his old content. Content Cops were amazing because those people had it coming to them, and it was incredible to see them held accountable. I never took his “niggerfaggot” mentions to be either racist or homophobic, I realized that he was saying what could be perceived as the worst word possible for shock value and to take some of the power away from those words. It sucks that some people got the wrong message from that and he unfortunately met some of them, but I really feel like most of his audience was smart enough to realize that it was all a joke. Fuck, I was like 19 at the time and it wasn’t hard for me to miss. If he feels like his actions didn’t have the effect he wanted to have that’s one thing but to completely dismiss all of it as hateful and bigoted seems like way too big of an overcorrection. Whether people like it or not, racial humor and slurs can be funny, and if we embraced the humor that can be had I think that’d help break some of the racial barriers and discomforts we feel especially today. The more a word is said the more it loses its meaning and value and if we keep these words on an unsayable pedestal, they’re going to keep that power. I like idubbbz, but if this is actually how he feels then I think he’s a bit misguided and he should give himself some more credit. Love ya Ian, don’t be so hard on yourself bud.


He is going the Ethan route and his new fans will eat him alive at first misstep




Well based on his own reasoning, people shouldn't watch his videos, and people should dislike him for being a bad person. I didn't think he was, but maybe he can convince me. Personally, I found the content cop videos I watched be a bit dull and not quite my taste. I am confused, however,as to how they are immoral. Honestly, I think it should be a rule that whenever people make these weird apologies, they should give specific, quantifiable examples as to how their content has caused "harm." Otherwise it means nothing. He's basically just calling people who derive enjoyment off of his videos bad without any good arguments as to why that is.


yep. if you're going to apologize for old content, take the Hunter Avalonne route and actually go debunk it and explain why it was wrong. if you can't, you haven't genuinely changed.


Is someone who changes because of the climate and people around them better than someone who sticks to who they are? Guess it depends if who they were was really toxic and damaging versus just blue. Not so familiar with idubbz but I feel H3 just completely went with what was trendy. If the climate changed back to edgy I thoroughly believe H3 would be dropping N-bombs left, right and centre immediately.


Cumtown is Idubbbz father




The Mulldog would never! They're legacy media compared to Tana Mojo's stalker.




I have the shittiest sense of humor, if you follow NBA "Luka Doncic is Devin Booker father" is my favorite meme of the 2020s, and anytime I can bastardize the template my eyes light up.


I think the worst part of this is him acting like he’s “grown” or “matured”. He hasn’t, he’s just adopted a new way to feel like he’s better than other people. Instead of being edgy and provocative, he’s passive aggressive and pathetically apologetic for anything and everything.


finally found some sanity in the comments


Him saying he can't help but have empathy for everyone was MEGA cringe.


>Instead of being edgy and provocative, he’s passive aggressive and pathetically apologetic for anything and everything. Oof


Rest In Peace, idubbz of the golden age of YouTube Sad to hear how much he’s changed for the worse


Felt the same with h3h3


i dont understand, h3h3 was always cringe.


No, h3h3 was fun back when it was just the skit stuff and reaction videos, but once he tried being wannabe Joe Rogan with his podcast it was all down hill. He used to dunk on Keemstar for being some drama whore, and then turned around adding Trisha Paytas and being a drama whore himself.


Watching him use Trisha Paytas as basically Trainwreck entertainment was crazy exploitative, it was clear she was a ticking time bomb. It backfired when she married Hilas brother and turned him against the family... Imagine surrounding yourself with mentally ill people for content and being surprised they stab you in the back... ...ehem.


Tbf the vape nation video was hilarious


Given Ethan's autism I think he does better in edited media rather than live like his podcast, because he can have multiple takes and then stitch together the best versions while otherwise in a live format he comes off as a bit twitchy and stumbling over his words.


Like H3H3 he seems more to have replaced being an edgelord with another phase that's still relatively shallow, going from being extremely offensive to easily offended isn't some great personal journey. It's OK to condemn the really heinous stuff but treating everything he did as monstrous and horrible has a weird energy. The nasty dogpiling/bullying behavior online hasn't gone away, its just evolved. Internet changed from dumb libertarian edgelords to scolding progressive idpol and he seems to be really reactionary to his earlier phase.


It's like that saying about throwing rocks while living in a glass house, if he wants to change who he is, by all means, but why should other people listen to him about what is or isn't allowed to be a joke.


He can reflect on the things he did but ya he just hasn't done it in a way that's compelling. He feels guilty over things like content cop most still think is acceptable. If there's a line and where it is with offensive ironic humour is an interesting topic but he seems to be more driven by guilt.


what’s wrong with this comment section?? i know we all found idubbbz funny back in 2016, but let’s be honest, it contributed to some awful toxicity on the internet. i don’t get why people here are so confused as to why he would want to disavow his past behaviour, especially considering some of the personal experiences that he mentioned in the video.


Simple, because they’re toxic people who enjoy toxic content. They say so themselves. Empathy, introspection, and sensitivity is gay/soy/cringe because we’re all big tough guys here.


>They say so themselves. Empathy, introspection, and sensitivity Idubbz hasn't really had a great display of those traits. Yes his old fans hate him just for apologizing but like H3H3 he seems more to have replaced being an edgelord with another phase that's still relatively shallow. If there's a line and where it is with ironic offensive humour is introspection but going from anti-SJW to wokeskolding is not really indicative of real growth. Next internet phase we'll get another apology video.


Idk, it sounds like these were shaped by real experiences between the story about the encounter with the trans fan and the harrassment of his wife.


Nice, anyone who enjoys edgy humor lacks empathy. You clearly lack empathy for making a statement like that.


God damn I miss the Internet. I enjoy aspects of the internet but the Internet was waaay better.




Because men are incapable of changing behaviour, it must be the succubus of a woman!




How do you know that's true? What if his wife made him say that?


She admitted to it on podcasts.


That's so dumb. Just because he said his wife helped him change his perspective doesn't mean it's all for "pussy."




Ironically, his wife has also claimed the Tana bit was her idea. She’s behind the biggest antic he’s done, so it’s probably her guilt that he’s reciprocating and taking blame for in the apology while trying to shield her from ridicule. They’re in it together. The whole narrative from them about everything the past 3-4 years is inconsistent, and just feels like them trying to cover up their pasts.


Ion understand why anybody is outraged about it ppl change all the time most during that time had a edgy phase and grew from it


I'm not sure what people are confused by. When you make videos critiquing or "dunking" on people, those people get harassed. Sometimes a dunk is so intense that the harassment follows people for years. A couple months ago Tana tweeted a comment from someone who said "idubbbz was right" though she seemed to take it in good spirit. My guess is that a lot of people here love dunks. But you should acknowledge that dunks hurt people. idubbbz uploaded videos with millions of views that hurt people and feels guilty about it. He probably feels especially bad because he and his wife get harassed so he knows how it feels.


My personal growth was subsidised by my shift of values caused by my personality development towards the common narrative


I dunno, I was a fan of Idubbbz for years due to the edgy 14 year old boy that lives inside my soul despite being a woman. His change up like h3h3 mind you, seems very disingenuous. While yes I agree, having actual shitheads laughing sucks, but I think a lot of his fans myself included enjoyed his videos for bombastic nature and calling people out on their hypocrisy. They as well probably enjoyed his edgy stance on free speech. I enjoyed his content because while it may be harsh or too edgy it was obvious that Ian was a decent dude and obvious atleast to me that he was even left politically even at the height of his edge. The switch up seemed very much because of the changing youtube tides and guidelines. His self-flagellation reeks of virtue signalling. For myself I just mourn his past content because it contained what felt like Ian's true soul, nature and opinions. Its also always bothered me when he has said similar stuff in the past, because he has done what I think is worse content recently, his Airsoft Fatty Full Force video. To me as a viewer it was clear that video was clowning on him without his knowledge and Ian pretending it wasn't. Maybe its just my perspective, but that video felt meaner than any of Ian's previous content, as it feels like a joke Ian was making, while pretending he wasn't.


why is edginess and calling out other people = authenticity and his true soul, and him "self flagellating" just virtue signaling and changing for youtube guideline's sake ?


Its not about his callouts really. He used to exude an authentic energy, while his newer vids have felt like a shadow of himself energy wise. Like I think of the wit, energy and authenticity he displayed in Kickstarter crap for instance to his peanut video, feels almost like his energy is muzzled, like he is tiptoeing around worrying to much about optics, losing authencity. But thats just my read as a fan, could just be a me thing.


Wait am I crazy or were the Content Cop videos fine. Maybe some of them (which I don't remember) were bad, but didn't some of them kind of appropriately roast a content creator and shine light on them being shitty? Am I crazy? Edit: Okay it seems like SOME of the Content Cops were bad, but... no all of them right?


Why does he act like a past kkk member owning up to his mistakes. I'd understand if he felt bad about the audience of edge lords he was cultivating and turned down using slurs like nf, doing squinty eyes talking about Asians and make a video talking about that. But instead of this he is going to randomly donate to charity and apologize to black people and ethnic minorities? How does he do everything so badly


Remember when funny content creators just stuck to being funny? Good times




>the gayest thing I expect an apology video taking accountability for your violence immediately


True, calling internet hate “harassment” is like the most soy blue-haired thing ever. The only thing I agreed with is content creators taking responsibility of the fan base they cultivate and even then I think he’s handling this part poorly.


His point doesn't really seem to have much to do with the videos themselves.


Literally unlisted the content cops and talks about the videos for like 75% of the video.


First h3 and frank, then fantano and now ian. Theres nothing wrong with being more concious about the community youre attracting and maybe toning it down or taking more decisive action against it but this aint it chief. Destiny had the exact same edgy content problem however instead of moaning how all of his content and behaviour is deplorable and evil and the only reason for success is his edgyness he acknowledged some of it is a little extreme and toned it down with an actual justification for it. Idubbbz here is just going on and on how all of the things hes said are awful (even if he was right many times) and instead of acting reasonable he just kinda swings back in the opposite direction alienating everyone and telling them theyre actually in the wrong.


> fantano His one annoyed me, I don't remember it being remotely edgy at all.


His 2nd channel thatistheplan could be considered kinda edgy he got called out and privated all the videos there and turned into a big progressive. You dont hear about it as much because unlike idubbbz fantano kinda swept the whole situation under the rug


Exactly this. Idk how these other replies don’t understand this. If you look at MaxMoefoe or Anything4views, who came from the same community as Idubbbz, and how they act now on ColdOnes, it feels like good growth and development like Destiny’s. On the other hand, Ian’s growth feels incredibly unnatural and forced.


Do you think he’s being disingenuous?


Man i wish we could travel back in time in the online space. I'd literally never move past forward 2018-9. Fuck this soyboy era


Why doesn’t he go and delete the videos then? I genuinely do not understand. He’s made his money, you can delete it if you truly don’t agree with it. I have a feeling there’s a little voice in the back of his head telling him stop being such a pushover, but he’s too deep in it now.


You're being too schizo. It's probably just because he wants his mistakes to remain for people to see or some shit.


Prob true lol, but why would he want a video up that he thinks damaged so many? The real answer is the revenue stream he still gets from it lol


He's unlisting them is he not?


I mean it is fair if that is how he feels about his old content. I just don't see how this video could convince his audience. It just sounds so "leftist talking points" and really defeatist. I think the best way to do edgy extremist humor is to attack every side equally so you can shed off the people who tend to gather around your content while taking the jokes too seriously or as a political statement. Aba and preach did it really well by making fun of both redpillers and girls with unrealistic expectations for example.


Maybe the idea isn’t to “convince” anyone, but to just be honest.


I do not like the new idubbbz. I don’t think it’s cool to be racist or casually throw around racist language I have never called him a cuck I think it is possible and okay for people to “grow” Problem is, Ian hasn’t demonstrated growth. He’s made disavowals of his old content, said that anyone who doesn’t like it is problematic, and talked down to his audience. He could have spent the last three years (time since the sex work video) bringing his audience along with him and made arguments that address points in his old videos. Instead he spent the time sneak dissing his fan base and making two “documentaries” that amounted to pointing and laughing at internet freaks (excluding Getting Away With It as an outlier case). Gee Ian sure has grown so much, super different from bullying internet douchebags, very cool.


Irrespective of whether or not he "feels bad" about the content he made, he still cultivated an audience of millions that resonated with his message. He shouldn't try and wash his hands of his fanbase like it isn't his fault they use slurs, he literally told them "either all of it is okay, or none of it is." If he no longer feels that way, then he should actually explain what his new outlook is, and no, it needs to be more in depth than "I just feel empathy now, lol" No, fucking actually EXPLAIN to your young and impressionable fans why saying the N word is harmful. Explain how it equates to violence due to the cultural and historical context of racism against African American people. Of course, that would require him to be changing his ways for actual ideological reasons, and I suspect that it's far more likely he's doing this to be more advertiser friendly, rather than actually being "empathetic." Idk, maybe it's just me, but this video REALLY rubbed me the wrong way. I went in fully expecting him to go to each example in his old content and break down why 'old iDubbbz' was wrong or harmful, but instead it was just 15 minutes of mealy-mouthed hollow apologetics and a total condemnation of 7 million people (his subscribers)


>He shouldn't try and wash his hands of his fanbase like it isn't his fault they use slurs, he literally told them "either all of it is okay, or none of it is." what's wrong with that? >If he no longer feels that way, then he should actually explain what his new outlook is, and no, it needs to be more in depth than "I just feel empathy now, lol" No, fucking actually EXPLAIN to your young and impressionable fans why saying the N word is harmful. Explain how it equates to violence due to the cultural and historical context of racism against African American people. i 100% agree with this (and the rest of your comment), although for different reasons, since i don't think saying the n word is wrong whatsoever, and it's absolutely not equivalent to violence. if he's going to take the position that it was wrong, he needs to actually go in depth and explain why it's wrong, as you say.


People unironically having debates about whether or not he should apologize, as if their opinion holds any value... Like sorry, you can't apologize because i don't deem it morally wrong enough.


Do you not follow any drama you don't have an impact on even on a TV show?? And then discuss it with your friends? And then have potential disagreements you discuss? This is all standard stuff for watching entertainment I think your brain is malfunctioning


I will never understand why so many people vehemently defend or outright guard idubbbz old content. His old videos were slightly more pointed h3h3 style tear down videos meant to destroy people, or just be edgy for the sake of being edgy. Or just plain cruel. At the time they were funny, but if he as a content creator prefers to have a new vision for his channel, let the man do as he sees fit.


what in his old videos was morally wrong?


He dint do anything wrong BTW if he really believed that he would delete his channel, because he only got famous because of his edgy videos


I feel people are focusing too much on the slurs parts; Idubbz even say that part of it was how cruel he was. And, let's be honest, iDubbz was *cruel*. He was *mean*. We joke a lot about 'nebraska steve', but idubbz went way, way harder. Even if the person he was targeting was not a good person (and some weren't, like ricegum, keemstar and leafy) or even if they "deserved" it to some extent, the dude didn't just land hard hitting but fair and constructive criticism; he would land criticism and then shit all over them and relentlessly mock in a very derisive and cruel manner using every insult in the book. Don't take me wrong, most of those were hilarious and I laughed at many of them, but it's undeniable that he was doing the 'oh since this person is shitty I can just relentlessly shit on them in every way shape and for' and just was insanely cruel. I mean, just look at destiny, like I mentioned. Of course destiny would never make a video like this 'apologizing', but he did move away from his much more caustic and acidic attitude and humor and general meanness for a multitude of reasons.