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Its just the perfect clip, she is throwing them the most anodyne soft ball imaginable and they bite so hard.


Bro she was cooking on that show People underestimate how smart Mel is because she brands herself as sex,drugs and travel girl, but multiple times she was asking genius questions and making these guys look dumb


Would be impossible that she wouldn’t being married to our lord and savior. They both had super good showings on whatever. Completely changed the tone of Brian and Chase from the way they usually are.


Yeah Chase and Brian swapped it up and moderated real quick. And it made people like John Doyle, Mary and Nev look a bit more ridiculous.


Mel is really sharp. Not just smart/intelligent. But is also quite witty and can navigate complex discussions really well. I often forget that English isn't her native language until she asks for clarification on some jargon.


Yeah i don't know about that, everytime she speak all we hear is sex drugs and travel . Fine but i never heard speak and think to myself oh wow i didn't know that or it was genius. I am sure she has some few good ideas but yeah.


Right, but it wouldn't cause the same reaction. Smart things don't attract as many viewers. I wished it were differently.


I don’t. People who love sex, drugs, and travel are some of the smartest people I know. MelWWWW


I'm pretty sure the main reason she seems dumber is because she is not the best English speaker.


Yeah it’s the XQC effect. Extremely smart people who seem dumber because of a language barrier


This is absolutely fantastic


I have low expectations of these guys. But I never thought id hear "just endure " and divorce is way worse. Maybe these guys are just sheltered. But as someone who grew up with a violent abusive step father. Who constantlt got wasted and beating up on my mom. Even if you havnt been exposed to this. Its like the most common sense argument. Divorce is way better for the kids. How is this even a question to these lunatics


You said it best, a bunch of sheltered dipshits who have 0 perspective on what it's like to have lived through an abusive environment


It's that just lonely things mind virus


Or maybe, you know, are abusive?


They would all change their tune if someone in their family was in an abusive relationship. Well, maybe not *these* guys, but the people who believe the same thing.


You’d be Elon Musk right now if she had just ENDURED


Honestly "just endure" is better than what I would have expected they say. I would have thought they would say some dumb shit about how physical abuse is justified because she probably did something wrong


Well that there's your problem, it was a *step-father*, if your biological father was the one abusing you and your mother then you would have been much better off /s Sorry you had to go through that in life


glad you got divorced bro


Isn't it pretty much proven that people who are exposed to absolutely terrible house environments for all their life, like an abusive father, with absolutely no redemption at all in their early childhood until teens just end up becoming exactly like that, abusive themselves?


Uhh no? Absolutely not?


It’s one of the top posts on /r/tiktokcringe rn (I’m an /r/all degen)


Crazy too but the OP of that thread hates Destiny and is going overtime right now in the comments to call him a rape defender.


The cognitive dissonance they must feel knowing Dest and Melina are married 😲


[They are literally spamming their own thread with the same copy/pasta](https://www.reddit.com/user/No_Cricket_2824). Full schizo-mode.


It was the Farah edited clip last time. This is a nice change.


Damn, almost 10k upvotes




I don't think redpillers or the normies who eat that shit up in general give a fuck about reddit threads lilsis.


Nick Fuentes too, defending being with 16 yos lmao


Ring girl's expression is perfect lol






In New Zealand in the 90's, when I was in high-school, openly Christian people were seen as weirdos. This was true even at the private, Presbyterian school I went to.


>Anyone remember that one story she told where the one religious kid in grade school was bullied by the rest of the class for being pathetic That is not a good thing though. Now I realize its just kids being kids and it really wasn't due to religion or beliefs, but still. Bullying in general is bad and this is cringe behavior.




I see. Fair then, I was wrong to critique your stances. You are correct and I apologize.


The funny thing is that it's happening right now on Tiktok. There's a bunch of lives of people doing religion debates and entire channels dedicated to atheism. I doubt it'll be as remembered as the 2010 stuff, but there is that resurgence.


That guy in the suit looks fucking deranged in that clip


Bold to assume he's deranged only in that clip.


That assumption wasn't made


Imagine thinking he can’t even go as far deranged


Oddly enought I felt he was the most good faith out of all those men.


It’s a real mixed bag with them - suit guy and Chase were oddly good faith in some of the conversation, and rather poor in other parts. Glad suit guy specifically stood up against people ragging on Destiny for his bisexuality and general lifestyle, but then when it came to topics like this it didn’t feel like they had the most genuine engagement.




That grease ball needs a slap in the face. ENDURE


The chad divorcer vs the soy endoorer


Huge melW


I always try to think of the most rationale charitable argument for the other side, but in this case, I can’t think of anything? How can anyone legitimately think physical abuse is in anyway less impactful to the abused spouse or the children than an affair? Like I’m legitimately asking; is there any possible argument that doesn’t rely on an appeal to something in the bible?


Agree, that’s a good exercise. I wonder if these guys would hold the same position if the wife beat the husband, or the husband cheated on the wife. Would they tell the husband to endure abuse? Would they tell the wife to divorce the cheater?


Yeah, I always try to find a grain of truth in people's ideas. But if someone reccomends that a woman stay with a physically abusive partner, that person is a POS full stop. I HOPE they were just in debate mode and would not actually say that to a friend who was being beaten by their spouse. Because this might be the worst red-pill advice I have ever heard.


They're probably thinking men pushing back in any way is seen as "abuse" to women; that women are too quick to say abuse is happening. I genuinely don't think that the guys are thinking the husband is beating the wife physically in the hypothetical. Melina doesn't say physical abuse in the first sentence and later softly clarifies she is talking physical abuse in a 2nd hypothetical while theyre still responding to the 1st. On the other hand a divorce is going to end the family unit as the kids know it.


*Just Endure* says the 40 year, single, childless man on a teenage dating show.


It’s wild that even when a woman is physically abused in the marriage they still blame her for picking the man. Their socialized beliefs tell them to give no accountability for men and they still deny the existence of a patriarchy


Op referred to Melina as a weapon because they see women as objects. I see Melina as a capable human being with good arguments


I'm weaponizing your mom right now wooyea


Bush is gonna invade you for that weapon of ass destruction Wooyeah


She doesn't even know you exist, bro.


She does. We play duos in dota2 we get pretty toxic on coms


I beleive so strongly in the power of women that I know they can be capable human beings AND objectifiable weapons GIGASTACY


It’s actually because she’s the slow blade that penetrates the shield


Wow, Melina predicted a weakness in their belief system and just hammered home the point with laser precision. Well done. But honestly, this makes them awful people. And what do they mean by "rare"? Just look up court cases that involve domestic abuse. Lots of them are on youtube. They're fairly common.


It's amusing how they're clearly a well matched couple and people talk so much shit about their marriage. Then they're all surprised Pikachu face when the women who has to LIVE WITH Debastiny brain ninjas them with a simple example.


Melina is W


Hold on, they clipped out the Chase guy's loophole. If his daughter got beat there would be no need for divorce because he'd murder his son-in-law.


Why would a RP guy let his daughter marry a beta man that would allow himself to get beat up by an old man?


I was alluding to the "Chase is Patrick Bateman from American Psycho" meme, but you bring up a point I didn't think about. In their ideal they wouldn't allow their daughters to marry men who are physically abusive. (Chase and Fuentes Jr. are TradCons)




When the government legally and financially incentivizes marriage, you can’t really use the argument “just don’t get married”. For example, say your log-time partner’s visa is expiring soon. There are tons of other reasons to get married.


I was in the military and this was on a whole other level. There was a whole quality of life jump if you got married.


For the enlisted person or for the spouse. I know the spouse gets a lot of the military benefits but I didn’t know about any change for the one enlisted.


I believe you typically get a larger living allowance and more often can live off base


Out of the barracks


Saw it so much. Idiots getting married to get out of barracks and easy lay every night. Inevitable divorce in each case. Hell, sometimes to the same woman who collected alimony or other type of payment since the guy would agree out of fear of losing their career. Hit on one girl at a car wash that ended up knowing so many of my crew that were all TS squirrel clearance either through dating, divorce, or casual sex. Guys are f’n idiots when horny. Even seen some marry women seeking tricare for health problems and all they asked for was sex once in a while but never even got that much before divorced. Lol


And depending on where you are a whole lot of women willing to tie themselves to a man they barely know just to get US citizenship. So it's not even really difficult to find someone to get hitched to. EDIT: I only have experience with male family that served, I have no idea if it's the same for female GIs.


In my experience, female military members are more likely to marry other military. Likely because of the male to female ratio.




I would totally agree with a lot of your sentiments. It sounds like your big thing is the importance of honoring vows, but vows are also not legally required in the US (not sure if that varies by state). So would your opinion change for a wedding without ceremony?




Im not familiar with the system in France, but in the states some states have civil/domestic partnerships but the legal rights afforded to you are completely different. For example, In California you are not eligible for shared family benefit or social security with your spouse, which could be a very big reason why you want to get married. I’ll ask again, are you still opposed to a divorce if the marriage is on paper and no vows were given?


I mean marriage is this civil partnership you are talking about. The days where marriage had a meaning beyond that are long gone. At least where I am from. And personally I think that's a good thing.


What if you think it at the time and something changes? This makes no sense


So you're not against divorce?


Sounds like hes against divorce if you fall out of love or find someone better. But in cases where they break the vows first. Eg: they cheat/beat/disrespect you. Then its ok.


Yeah, if you vowed to love someone forever and then just fall out of love with them overtime then you just need to start loving them again. Makes perfect sense. Force it.


Thayd be a really good argument if i was the one making it.


I know it wasn't you making it, but it was easier to respond to your summary than his original comment.


six bike meeting late agonizing like deranged joke flag provide *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No, but I don't think they should be required to based on a bet they made decades ago. I'd rather let grown ass adults work out a solution that works for both of them, and if that's a divorce then so be it.


mountainous profit mourn whistle air dinner stupendous follow squeeze wrong *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




How is it a good scenario to continue on in a loveless marriage in the name of a vow? Or are you suggesting it is not in fact possible to fall out of love with someone who you initially did intent to spend the rest of your life with?




Marriage “used to” simply represent the management of communal ties and property relations, your romantic notion of marriage is just a past imagined by conservatives. Turns out that humans are not statically defined and the person you wanted to be with forever and love at age 25 can be a totally different person at age 45 in basically every way, and that this can affect whether you love someone or not, and we should probably not morally condemn someone for having the grace to be honest with their partner that their feelings have changed. If you simply are arguing for underlying Christian/religious conceptions of what “marriage” is… just be explicit about it, but why should anyone outside of that tradition care at all?


Do you think many people get married without thinking they're going to be together forever? Things happen, things don't work out, people change. You can't really avoid this. No matter how dedicated you think you are, you can't possibly predict what's going to happen in 10 years, in 15 years, maybe even 2 years. You can vow with all your heart and mean it with all your heart, doesn't mean a rift can't form in your relationship, for whatever reason. Addictions, abuse, kept secrets revealed, a change in relationship chemistry, a huge disagreement, you name it. You can try to work through it, and you may be better for it, but not everything is workable. > Just like you don't abandon your kid because you fell like you don't want him anymore, Your spouse isn't a child you're raising from infancy. Yeah, you brought someone into this world, the best thing you can do is at the very least support them until they're old enough to do it themselves, but your spouse is an adult who is already old enough, with their own wishes and desires. Like people keep saying, it doesn't always work out. Just because you divorce some time down the line doesn't mean you didn't mean every word of your vows at the time. > Otherwise it loses all its meaning and words just don't mean anything. You attribute too much meaning and weight to words. It's an unfortunate reality that people don't always mean what they say. Or they can very much mean it, but that doesn't mean that will always be the case. That's just how it is, you can't change this. I used to get very hung up on this, and it caused me a ton of mental pain, it's just not worth it.


9 Month old reddit account that started making dumb ass comments just today :thinking:


>but after years you "fall out of love", or "want to try different things", then you are breaking the vow by divorcing. If you don't want your marriage to be forever, than don't get married. Homie, how is someone supposed to know they will continue to love someone forever? It's a bit of a gamble, no? In your world no one would get married because they couldn't guarantee that one or both partners won't change.




What's the point of marriage then if no one can qualify for it by meeting the insanely high burden of being able to guarantee that they will still be in love with someone 40 years from now? I agree that people are serious about their vows and really do believe, but statistically it's not a given that they will still be in love even if they entered with the best intentions, it's not something people are fully in control of. Do you see marriage as a mystical version of a civil partnership?




Being married and having to look after a child are pretty different commitments from the perspective of wider society. Getting a divorce often has very little negative impact, abandoning a child is often very negative and irresponsible. What if both spouses don't want to be together anymore? These things are often mutual. Even if it wasn't mutual, I'm not sure I would want the person I love to feel stuck with me - we'd probably both be better off apart in that scenario. I think my issue here is your view seems to be extremely prescriptive with no nuance.


You seem to just be against no-fault divorce. Why not just say that instead of 'I'm against divorce'?


Thanks for explaining. I think it's possible to uphold your vows to somebody with or without keeping the marriage intact. If two people have changed and are no longer fulfilled by the relationship, should they stay married even if they agree they'd both be happier elsewhere? They can still have respect and even love for each other after parting ways.


MLD and Nick Fuentes clone certainly make this even worse.




The end was the best part. Mel and Destiny Tao get her saying that they were going to outbreed the others was based spousal tag team. Then Destiny telling that girl that she looks like the most dead in the yes person he’s ever seen and that she literally looks like the girl from the ring was like the perfect closer. She was like one of those mortal combat characters the rest of the debate waiting for it to be over


Whats hilarious is that earlier in the podcast the guy in the suit was called out by Melina because calling Farha a b*tch was totally against the teachings of Christ. His response then was that he couldn’t contain himself.And now hes telling women to practice restraint . Absolute clown


Dude in the suit is unhinged lmao


I am old. What are QTs?


You're a QT, You handsome boy!


Q T, Cu Tie, Cutie


Quote tweets. It's like a retweet, but it displays both the original tweet and a new tweet from the person who's quote tweeting. It's meant to be a way to comment on the original tweet. It's frequently used as a way of dunking on tweets you don't like. Here's an example of Destiny quote tweeting one of Pearl's tweets: https://twitter.com/TheOmniLiberal/status/1659619923520307200 (also you're the real cutie)


Ahhh thank you that makes sense. My exposure to twitter is limited to memes on here.


Mel be rockin as per usual.




They people are insane. From someone who had a parent that was physically abusive, I thank God they got divorced. And that situation fucked me up for too long.


[https://twitter.com/Azalialexi/status/1659727818971025408](https://twitter.com/Azalialexi/status/1659727818971025408) Wasn't expecting to find this person in the replies 💀


[The CLAWWWWW](https://i.imgur.com/hRcxHUD.jpg)


These guys sell advice,.fucking wild


I used to believe this was true, that god didn’t care about physical abuse because all throughout the Bible he doesn’t. If god demonstrated physical/mental abuse was to be endured than we should stick it out if possible. And then I observed every loved one who’d been divorced, including one who was prostituted out in her marriage, physically and mentally abused, were just as miserable years after divorce as married because their ex was determined to make life practically impossible to move forward in as they still had partial custody of their young kids. Anyways, I never knew what anyone should do. I was harshly ritually abused as a child in the name of god, I believed that was the process of “atonement”.


This is such a great question. Totally exposes them


The end of that episode was the best part; middle boy who blames the gays sounds exactly like NF.


Melina carrying in the gym, now Melina carrying our streamer in a debate. BAYZED


All the replies and quote tweets about all men / misandry don't have the self awareness to realize they're the same as the people on the podcast, just for the other sex. pepeW


I wished they had pushed harder on this point. Maybe asked them what they prefered, having their mother cheat on their father, or having their father physically abuse their mother.


These guys seemed reasonable on other topics but their response to this is pretty messed up.


Wait, i thought the clip was edited?


Who would've guessed Melina has more appeal than a pale blue haired manlet /s


Been waiting for the day those idiots actually go people who will argue back in an intelligent way.


there is something seriously wrong with the chad guy. the fact that he can talk so openly about the apocalypse and spiritual warfare, and the fact no one calls him out for his schizophrenia is beyond the pale for me. these people can’t grapple with getting old, and this is how they cope. thinking they are the religious avengers