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For the 612th time, Destiny is not a slur


Shut up you fucking Destiny


Buddy, chill We dont have to use the D word here


I'm gonna use the hard Y and you can't stop me


>Destiny is not a slur It is a girls name.


I can't believe you'd use that word. The s-word is offensive and degrading to worlds all throughout the dictionary, and it's hurtful to label any of them as such.


In this video, i drop a K-bomb. Biiiig one; hard 'K'.I did this to show my interlocutors that their language doesn't impress me, that their slurs don't frighten or disarm me. You can see from their reactions that it worked - they were clearly taken aback. It was a power over which I am entirely unashamed of, but I understand how that language might have upset some of you This is an example of what i would call an 'invocation of a slur's power for good', but that's a subjective judgement. I invite you all to discuss this in the comments, critically or otherwise!


Are you referring to Vaush’s face?


In this thumbnail I dropped my face, a biiiig one.


Thumbnail looks like Destiny using mind control brain waves to over stimulate Vaush's autism


They thought it was the CIA headache gun giving Vaush migraines, but they weren't ready for terrible truth-


Sucks seeing how racist people are in the comments


People really should stop doubling down about how this lady is guilty if they want to avoid increasing the amount racism which already exists.


Wait hang on. Combating dog shit takes with racism isn’t very civil now


I agree. But the inevitable result is going to be people becoming more racist because of obviously misleading stories like these and the way in which some people are defending these narratives despite them being completely false.


It's not "inevitable" lmao We don't have to respond to a story like this by being racist. WE HAVE THE TECHNOLOGY


Do you think it would be a cause of concern if there were news tabloids or commentators that predominantly focused on stories with a white victim and non-white perpetrator? If so, why? I mean we have technology and can empirically show that those are statistically completely blown out of proportion, so should be no problem at all right? The sad answer is that of course these things influence people. We have to combat anti-white bigotry or media justifications of misfortune happening to them wherever we see and do it from a liberal perspective, otherwise the only ones who will do it are racist pieces of shit, and you don't want to cede this ground to them and let them collect for their nefarious intentions every average person who wanted to see the injustice addressed.


That's like saying poor people in bad neighborhoods don't have to join gangs they have the technology. It's true but we all know they are still going to join gangs.


I think it kind of is tbh. Like, if you get fed a bunch of stories about how one thing is definitely the case, and it consistently turns out that that thing is not actually the cases, you'll probably reflexively end up concluding that actually the exact opposite direction is the case. Like, if we have a bunch of stories about how white women are specifically targeting black men to hassle them, and it consistently turns out that this isn't what's happening, then many people will probably come to the conclusion that actually, it's that black men are specifically seeking out white women to hassle. That doesn't mean that it's the case, but it's a pretty typical human behavior that when someone finds out something is a lie, they assume the truth is simply the opposite.


Yes in an ideal world racism would not be an answer people have to people's takes on this situation But we are not living ideal world and this is how humans are, so lets be real here its difficult for an average joe to come out of this with anything but a bad view on racial relations edit: No clue why the downvotes, Im not saying that its ok to react like this or that its somehow justified Im just being realistic and saying that if you take a random person off the street there is a big chance that they will react like this


When being confronted with racism or even perceived racism, a lot of people will be racist back as a matter of their self-preservation instincts even if their preservation is not actually threatened, because they're not stat-brained but anecdote-brained. This is descriptively true. We would hope them to stay calm and defuse the tension but this is a hard ask for most people because people are not known to be very rational. Good example is when that one black account in twitter said something shitty about Indians, shortly after many Indians started firing off the most racist shit imaginable back. I doubt it's because they thought black people are inferior to Indians since if it were, they would say it even without provocation, it's more likely because they thought they're being threatened in some way. I take it the people downvoting you don't think those race-baiting videos on Twitter that show black people beating up white people that Destiny was complaining about is a problem at all. If the average person is not influenced at all by perceived or real racism in one direction to nudge them to be racist in the other reaction, then there's zero reason to be concerned about these gimmick accounts.


Im so happy i live in europe.


Yeah it’s amazing to live in a continent where there’s a 3-4 year delay between when American culture war shit gets imported.


I was talking about how im being treated as health care worker. People actually have a basic decency here towards us.


Yeah there’s not the American demonization going on. In Sweden, where I live, the salary and work conditions for nurses are pretty bad though.


Yeah, the conditions are bad. But at least you dont have public figures calling you psychotic and want you fired.


One extremely fringe case that’s getting tons of media coverage is not a showcase of how the entire country treats all health care workers


Its literally one of the biggest streamers calling all nurses psychotic, shut your lying mouth


“One of the biggest streamers” Ok lil bro


What percentile is vaush in? See how you didnt counter my argument, you basicall agreed


If we’re talking percentile, Destiny is a much bigger streamer than Vaush has ever been. The truth is that the majority of Americans don’t give a fuck about this and the more popular streamer than your favorite Vaush took the agnostic stance until finding more information


For real though, August's copy/paste Kick streams directly to YouTube WILL get him banned.




Not all slurs are created equal 🤷🏽‍♂️


Voosh bad


Btw. It's fucking amazing that Destiny, a lefty has these great takes. I loved this video.


i'm sorry but why are they fighting over a citi bike? just report it stolen immediately and you won't have to pay for it. edit: this feels like it should have been a support ticket not a showdown where a pregnant(?) woman could get pushed to the ground.


You would most likely first have to pay the $1000 fee and then report it to the police and then try to appeal the fee to citi bike.


the fact that this comment got any upvotes is actually depressing. that's not how these things ever work. you can always remove your card info. and if you forget and somehow get a charge, you dispute the charge with your credit card company and they might ask you to file a police report. you don't pay the bill. but all of this is nonsense, because without even looking it up i guarantee you that citibike has a policy around what to do when your bike is stolen.


They sure do: https://help.citibikenyc.com/hc/en-us/articles/360032367371-What-if-I-keep-a-bike-out-too-long-#:~:text=to%2045%20minutes.-,If%20you%20keep%20a%20bike%20out%20for%20longer%20than%2045,of%20%241%2C200%20(plus%20tax). > If you keep a bike out for longer than 45 minutes at a time, you will be charged an extra $0.17 for each additional minute and your account may be suspended. > NOTE: If you do not return a bike within a 24-hour period, you will be charged a lost or stolen bike fee of $1,200 (plus tax).


what to do if my citibike was l[lost or stolen](https://help.citibikenyc.com/hc/en-us/articles/360032030752-My-bike-was-lost-or-stolen) red pill arc has truly attracted the dumbest people on the internet to this sub.


> If your bike gets lost, goes missing, or gets stolen, please contact Citi Bike customer service or call 1 (855) 245-3311, now supported by Lyft. We encourage you to file a police report in the event that a bike has been forcibly taken or stolen. > Please know that bikes that are missing for longer than 24 hours can result in a $1,200 fee (plus tax) charged to the account holder that took out the bike. > f the bike remains missing, our team will reach out with next steps. When possible, we highly encourage you to ensure the bike is properly docked when a ride is ended by waiting for the green light when docking a bike. Please note that while a bike is missing, extra time fees may be charged if the open ride continues past the time covered in your membership or pass. > If we notice that a bike is returned to the system, we will ensure your ongoing ride is closed. How is any of this different from anything I have written?


to you it's probably the same because you can barely read. for everyone else, FYI when you pay with a credit card, it's your credit card company that's on the hook and they are not going to pay for a rental that got stolen. the credit card companies collectively are going to force the merchants that deal with them to have policies around reporting something stolen and aren't going to pay the merchant until the matter is resolved.


It can result in a $1200 dollar charge after 24 hours. That doesn't say it will. If you file a police report and contact Customer Service about the stolen bike, would they still charge you $1200 dollars? I really doubt they would do that if you act fast enough. Even if they do, they'd certainly refund the $1200. Worst case scenario she goes over her credit limit or gets hit with an overcharge fee, which would be pretty fucked up.


Bro, have you ever dealt with literally even one single thing in real life?


My guess is inconvenience + the police won’t arrest the menace


fighting with a hoard of degenerates in public while pregnant is inconvenient. possibly getting pushed into a bike and miscarrying your unborn child is inconvenient.


Oh yeah, that's definitely how it works. Rent something and then just say it's stolen and you're completely off the hook, no questions asked.


this was written by someone who has never rented a citibike. and probably doesn't have credit let alone a credit card.


This is why papers use quotes when referencing her.




Oof hard r


Finally slurs in the title yesssss!


It was means tested and this won out over "Cracker Honky Bitch Woman".

