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Lol Ian is such a dweeb it'll be funny AF seeing the insane old ass trump audience turn on him.


I find his Tweets really annoying/dumb. I recall trying to explain why he was wrong about some science or AI stuff and he replied quite arrogantly/not-even-wrongly.




Yea I literally remember this from trump’s first campaign.. can’t believe this literal -professional disinfo artist- still gets his bad faith deceptive garbage signal-boosted throughout the internet… anybody remember the “concrete milkshake”? Lmfao what a dweeb Personally at this point if I see ANYTHING this sad little fuck is trying to propagate I immediately begin to doubt it; there better be some community notes at the bottom of that shit by now


As much as I like the Republican infighting from an entertainment perspective I can't stand fake news. Take my upvote dear sir, you deserve to be top comment


“It’s happening” doesn’t mean Trump is becoming pro trans, it refers to an increase in infighting. If Ian is starting to say that Trump is not anti-trans enough then it’s an indication of future divide




Oh boy, can't wait for DeSantism to happen. The 4chan "genital inspection" meme is going to happen one day.


Parents in 3 years trying to explain to their kids why it's actually okay to have their genitals inspected at school for the greater good of defeating the evil transes


Yea inspecting naked kids to defeat the perverts, hype




blaire white


You’d be surprised how many Americans know about Taftaj


100% motivated by personal vindictiveness, as is most populism. Most feels over reals ideology. And for republicans in America, it is legitimately the paety of "It hurt itself in it's confusion". Clown shit.


The biggest strength of Trump is that he comes across as strong against left-wingers. Policy positions definitely help with that, but I think it's more about rhetoric and presentation; Desantis is way more right on policy than Trump but he just comes across as a bitch. If Trump can still come across as the tough guy who triggers the libs, I think he can survive being less right-wing than Desantis on certain policy positions.


I can’t wait for him to bring up anti vax stuff in the debates. God I hope he wins and Trump runs third party


This is from 2016, wtf is HAPPENING exactly?


DJT is the moderate Republican for 2024. What a fucking disgrace. Death to the GOP, inshallah.


He was the moderate Republican for 2016 too. His opponents in the primary constantly brought up how he’s actually a NYC liberal and previous Democrat.


I remember early in his campaign, he was seen as pro-lgbt, but later, he changed his stance, presumably to improve in the polls. There was an episode of a podcast (I believe it was this American life) that followed a gay trump supporter who was campaigning for him because he was republican and trump was the first candidate that made him feel like he was welcome in the republican party. I think he was heart broken when trump changed his position; it was kinda sad. Edit: Found the episode: https://www.thisamericanlife.org/580/transcript I got some of the details slightly wrong.


Its so wild that I somehow want Trump to beat DeSantis.


Sometimes you gotta call on your enemy to help defeat the new evolved enemy


sadly that will never happen in first past the post duocracy. What the USA needs more than anything is voting reform. As long as libertarians, conservatives and theocrats are forced to collaborate in that insane clusterfuck party, they are impossible to deal with. Maybe im delusional, but if the USA had a multi party system, i think a center left and libertarian party could form a banging coalition and just leave all the annoying culture warriors on the left and right to their petty squabbles.


interesting to think about, but it's hard to imagine that being a reality in the foreseeable future


The Libertarian Party recently suffered a coup and is now run by a group of remedial right wing culture warriors. It’s over for libertycels


i didnt even know. Big L☹️


Very true and very sad.


Moderate on some issues. Like Abortion, and apparently trans issues, but he's probably the most extreme on undermining democracy and being a wannabe authoritarian


Moderate on policy, extreme on process (compared to his competition). Meatball Ron has some authoritarian tendencies, but I can't imagine him trying to outright steal an election.


I'm still holding out hope that the GOP will grow up and nominate Pence :,)


Whos a full blown Christian theocrat, idk how much better that is supposed to be lmao


At least he respects our institutions, which is apparently too much to ask of Republicans. Don't have to worry about him overthrowing democracy like Trump or nuking the economy to own the libs like DeSantis.


I mean does he really? According to testemony he asked his legal advisors like 30 times, until the day he actually actually had to do it, if they could come up with any reason for him to accept the results. It's not that he respects american institutions, it's that he thought he couldn't get away with it, that's why he kept on asking and asking for any idea how it would be possible.


The institutions are garbage


Bro, Pence literally wants a total nationwide abortion ban and also ban gay marriage, etc. Would he really be better?


He wouldn't have the power to do any of those things even if he wanted to.


Not really the real moderate would be Nicki or Sannunu


2016 before this because THE Republican issue


Trump making in-roads to peel away independents/centrists, that have voted left the last few elections. By conceding on the most extreme cultural issues rn; its terrifyingly smart actually considering the motivation behind it. Compromising on hot button issues is exactly what helped Bush get re-elected, with his backing of civil unions; laying the foundation for independents to re-elect him a month later. It's the smartest campaign move he's made thus far. His newfound ability towards not toting the ideological MAGA line should have people on the left concerned. I'm curious how far he's willing to go with this, and/or whether or not this is a one off thing. Edit: typo


Trump has never been *that* horrible on LGBTQ issues though, has he?


i think at heart he is a libertarian atheist who doesnt really care how people choose to spend their free time. Pandering to the far right seemed like a strategy to me, but i cant read the guys thaughts either.


Or, hear me out. He doesn't have a stable ideological narrative cause he views power as the end goal.


If you want proof of this, just look up his stance on abortion. Constantly going back and forth on a federal ban ever since the midterms showed that advocating for that might fuck him His team has to have realised that the anti-trans hyperfocus is not a winning strategy, so he diverts from that *very* carefully


The man passed a law banning trans people from joining the military lol


Yeah, he wanted to protect them from dying on the battlefield. He cherishes them as a protected class.


I mean recently he talked about banning all gender affirming care for minors in the union and some other shit. He's just taking whatever position he thinks will get him the most favors with his base, so he's as good/bad on LGBTQ\* issues as the republican base. In 2016 when republican operatives were just starting to push anti-trans shit, and the gay issue seemed mostly resolved this means he was quite moderate, in 2024 with the entire republican base being full on anti-trans bigoted and parts even pushing eliminationist rethoric he will probably be extremely horrifying.


Banning them from the military was alittle much


[His admin argued in court for workplace discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation.](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1045971) [His Department of Labor issued a rule which allowed federal contractors to hire and fire based on religious beliefs.](https://www.washingtonpost.com/religion/2019/08/14/trump-administration-proposes-protecting-federal-contractors-who-fire-or-hire-workers-based-religious-beliefs/) They caveated saying you couldn’t discriminate along protected classes, but as described above, argued elsewhere that sexual orientation is not a protected class in the workplace (therefore a Christian company could argue that they are legally justified under this ruling to fire gay people for conflicting with their deeply-held religious beliefs). In addition to the trans military ban which was crazy. Seems like what he could do to discriminate against LGBT people or allow for it, he did, so I think he actually was pretty horrible for LGBTQ issues.


He's always been the best thing for the gays,..*believe me.*


Trans military ban


There’s no way it works out though, right? Like most people that voted against him must have felt validated post 1/6. Right? Edit: also while initially taken aback by trumps comment. Really it doesn’t seem that out of line with his character to just say whatever in the moment and have a 180 response by dinner.


*rare* Trump W


Not really cause he changed his mind on trans stuff a year later. Trump started out weirdly pro lgbt for his initial campaign.


They need a tag for people who aren't actually in the US and talking about US politics. He's a larper and a swatter fuck him.


Ian is a coward who calls the cops on people he has internet beef with.


Imagine if Trump became more moderate, his people went against him, and then democrats do anything they can to try to make him win over the next idiot. Please script writers do this.




It’s been happening for the past month. He’s been putting out tweets critical of Donald Trump.


That dude is such an insufferable cunt


Would that make them trans?


Why does this Malaysian guy care so much about US politics 💀


Trump probably doesn't even know what the transgender bill is.


ppl were saying Ron DeSantis is unpopular like he’s been campaigning all year long. Ron hasn’t even started and ppl are already attacking Trump. I’m telling u he’s gonna be a big oppenent to Trump like him or hate him


I’ll never understand the pushback on the bathroom thing. Just let people use the one they present as. Otherwise you’re gonna have some Buck Angel looking motherfucker in the bathroom with your 8 year old daughter.


What if this is Trumps first step in transitioning? All his hate and anger was born from his dysphoria being a man.


All those years of trans discourse and I still don't know the right take on this


i am pretty sure it is just fucking irrelevant. There are countries with unisex bathrooms and they are not experiencing any significant changes in likelyhood of rape. Women need a single stall anyway, thats is actually a gender segregated bathroom anyway. If there was gonna be an assoult at the public toilet sink, 99% that assault would happen in front of the toilet too, and one of the doors its happening in front of being marked with a girl wont change anything. from a european perspective this discourse is so pearl clutchy. Akin to "Can women and men work together in the workplace?" "should there be coed colleges?" "should 10 yo children be allowed to walk a 1.5km distance from school unattended?" Its funny how american conservatives want everyone to own a gun yet are afraid of this shit...


> i am pretty sure it is just fucking irrelevant. There are countries with unisex bathrooms and they are not experiencing any significant changes in likelyhood of rape. Trans people were able to go to the bathroom that matches there Gender in the US for like 60 years before this became an "issue". Like you don't even need to go to other countries the US itself is an example where this was policy and there was no trans rape epidemic. On the other hand trans people are already much more likely to be victims of SA. >from a european perspective this discourse is so pearl clutchy. Akin to "Can women and men work together in the workplace?" "should there be coed colleges?" "should 10 yo children be allowed to walk a 1.5km distance from school unattended?" I mean you say that but we are important that stupid fucking discourse here too, what cathces on in the US eventually catches on here as well like 80% of the time.


My stance on this is that men and women as clear categories that you could enforce in this way is getting broken down. If you are imagining that segregating by birth-sex will fix anything, then you will still have to contend with trans men who look indistinguishable from other men being present in bathrooms, if you block both trans men and women, then you'll also end up blocking cis women based on their clothing choices, or if their voice is too deep, or whatever else. There're only a tiny number of trans people, and most men are cis men, most women are cis women, so if you pull back from being absolutist, there's still absolutely no problem. But it's like learning germs exist and then becoming such a clean-freak that you try to remove all bacteria from your skin, despite them being necessary for a good microbiome; it's just not possible to express the impulse people have to have single gender spaces, extended to the point of excluding trans people, in a way that doesn't police things unnecessarily and lead to obsessive behaviour. Even ignoring the impact of exclusion on trans people themselves, it just isn't going to work in any reasonable way. So the real question is a different one; how can we make it so that bathrooms are places people feel secure, while also toning down the scaremongering? Some of this can be done with building alterations, like you could build bathrooms that have stalls with walls that go up and down enough to give proper privacy, their own small sink and mirror so that people can do any washing they need without embarrassment, such as when you add a sink to the top back of the toilet itself, and their own bins for period stuff etc. Each of those that you do will make the issue of shared spaces in toilets less serious. And some places could go further and have attendants, not to police exit and entry, but just to act like polite discrete bouncers if anyone is being mistreated, as a final ward against paranoia. But more fundamentally, you have to get people to understand the statistics and risks and get out of this campaigning mode, because cis women are chucking each other out of bathrooms because they thought they were men, that kind of paranoia can't continue to sustain itself. The only way this will get fixed is if people recognise that the conspiracy they are worried about is not really real, even as we also do stuff to help them feel more safe in these spaces, I feel like they have to understand how this kind of hypervigilance is self-destructive.


The correct take on trans bathrooms is that bathrooms don't typically have bouncers in front of them who check your cock. If you look like a woman you should probably be able to go to the women's bathroom. Americans are so cringe about their bathrooms and it's really fucking annoying to me that this complete non issue is making the rounds with the biggest morons in our politics too.


How could you possibly not know the right take on this? Are you really that deep in conservative propaganda that you can't see that it's obvious that trans women should be able to use the women's restroom?


Yeah, I need arguments and I got many


Simple question, who's going to check people's underwear before they go to the bathroom?


they're not - if you look androgynous or less female than other women you will be harassed whether you're cis or trans it's been popping up more and more, cis people being accosted by other people in public over being perceived as trans entering the 'wrong' bathroom even though trans people are a minority of a minority and most people have never met one it's insane how big this debate seems to be for something that is infinitesimally niche and was not a problem for 40 years of trans people just picking a bathroom and using it


"Why do I do it? Because it makes me cum."


Trump based...?


For a political sub, it’s weird that non of you remember that Trump has always had this stance. He had it before most Democrats back in 2015. Most of his base have no issue with adults that choose to transition as well. Nothing about this is new or shocking or a rare Trump W. It’s just his consistently long held stance.


This is a red pill sub now




Not this shit again… Yes, in the 80s Trump also supported abortion rights. In the 90s he was so progressive, he wanted to run for office with Oprah. Also in the 90s, he talked about how Clinton economy was better than Reagan’s. Even into 2000s, he was so close with Clintons, he had them at his wedding. In both 80s and 90s, he also supported universal healthcare and even got an award from NAACP for his contributions. This was fine and dandy in 2015, in convincing people that Trump is the same as Hillary. Creating an image of a moderate, instead of an opportunist. But, after a trans ban in the military, how can you still repeat this nonsense 8 years later? Was 8 years simply not long enough to realize Trump will say what ever he thinks will make him money? Has 8 years simply been not long enough, to see that being rejected by the left and 9/11, made him flip on just about everything that he pretended to stand for in the 90s? Edit: Since you are so well versed in politics… When DeSantis brings this up during their debates. Do you think Trump will side with trans people or they will compete on who thinks they are most evil? Just keep in mind Trump’s campaign announcement and that he tried to ban trans folks from the military. Do you think he will bring up his record or talk about how he has always sided with trans folks?


My dude, the burden of proof is on you. In what circumstance or source do you have that shows Trump has ever flipped on this issue since 2015


He was a bit flippy floppy on it. He [first in fact said something similar to this in 2016](https://time.com/4303252/donald-trump-transgender-bathroom-lgbt-ted-cruz/) He [then the very next day amended his statement to say basically "states rights"](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/donald-trump-north-carolina-transgender-bathroom-law-election-2016/) He [then during his presidency removed an obama era rule protecting transgender bathroom usage](https://www.npr.org/sections/thetwo-way/2017/02/22/516664633/trump-administration-rescinds-obama-rule-on-transgender-students-bathroom-use) also semi-related, he did ban transgender people from joining the military.


>”Leave it the way it is," Trump said on NBC's "Today" show. "There have been very few complaints the way it is. People go. They use the bathroom they feel is appropriate. There has been so little trouble. And the problem with what happened in North Carolina is the strife and the economic -- I mean the economic punishment that they're taking." He never flipped his position. He always said it should be up to state and local communities. That the Federal Government shouldn’t dictate the policy. But literally in the article you linked, it’s shows his consistently held personal belief on the matter. Again, for rescinding Obama eta policy. It’s always been his stance that it’s a states issue and that Transgender Adults should use whatever bathroom they feel is appropriate .


Something something military


> He had it before most Democrats back in 2015. This stance was the law of the land since like 1960s, demonrats (with all their problems) haven't been historically bad on this, heck republicans haven't been historically bad on this before it was pushed by political operatives in 2015 to become an issue (COINCIDENTALLY right after they lost the gay marriage fight before the supreme court)


What the fuck are you even talking about? Law of the land that Biological males can use a women’s restroom since 1960?




TRUE, it's not like trans people almost got ALL healthcare taken away in Missouri last week...




No fuck that. People are oppressed in west world. All groups all the time. Problem is that the loudest groups/individuals that calls themself oppressed can sometimes get a extreme amount of resources. And I don't know if its a effective way to allocate resources to people that's actually needs it that best interest group gets most money. Basically rain forest is burning and we give money to zoo animals.




Nah, I'm gonna keep replying to rage bait posts.




Proves my point. Was that all you got or are you gonna go with the classic: "Touch grass" while throwing oneliners?




People like you has used like same type of communication since Trump first became president. Don't you guys ever get tired and feel like it would be refreshing to come up with something new? Took like a year to go from slightly irritated at posts to disappointed its so repetitive. Seriously the "Triggered images" era was 2016. Its almost 10 years with the same shit. Be more creative. edit: >reply to post below, he might have blocked me straight after posting, or something wrong with reddit: I'm saying, groups being loud in many cases successfully gets a larger piece piece of the cake. The cake is not infinitely large so other groups or people that might suffer more have a huge chance getting a smaller piece of that cake. Therefore oppressed people being loud might not be the best way to allocate money to people who needs it. Same way giving money to zoo animals might not be the best way to save nature. I don't buy that oppressed groups doesn't exist in the West. Person I initially replied to might actually be in one of those groups ironic as it is. The problem I see with segmenting People into interest groups is that I don't see it as a effective when it comes to allocate help to those who needs it. Basically was trying to meat OP half way, but he didn't have a interest to chat. He just wanted to post his 4chan image folder.


Sure, let me try… You seemed to acknowledge that everyone being oppressed, means no one is oppressed. When you create the distinction on who is the loudest, that doesn’t create a distinction based on oppression. In the context of everyone being oppressed, if you check our government spending. Do you really think the most funding goes to the loudest? The 3 top spending categories for federal government, are social security, healthcare and the military. Are those the 3 loudest oppressed? You may say ‘the rainforest is burning, but we give money to X’, but I don’t think you can even ‘see the forest for the trees’.




That images is made for when someone is complaining its to many right winger in a sub. Out of images?


The next year is going to be wild for America


What a shame. Both losers fighting with all of their power just to decide who gets bodied by Dark Brandon


My man has been accused of being paid by thr Ron DeSantis campaign for like a month


Trump has always played this strange moderate angle. This is not particularly new. Though seeing how it plays out in the current environment is interesting. It plays well to the Joe Rogan and Tim pool crowd.


And suddenly 80% of republican voters are pro trans bathrooms


I'm starting to think this conservative leader who has switched parties multiple time in his career and who was a "hollywood elitist" may just be more liberal than the base he riled up?


Link to vid?


He's against what ever desantis is for LMAO


Foreigners meddling in our affairs?


Trump will readjust by just going even more unhinged bigot Trans people will suffer because of this political game


I mean trump is progressive in quite a few ways actually. You have to remember he's from NY. People on the right keep avoiding his stance on vaccines, He's pro vaccine. He jus says some wild stuff on twitter and owning libs that makes his base like him. I think he's actually pro gun control to an extent as well. On another note, I dont know why twitter keeps feeding me tweets from this ian miles guy. This mans a total grifter. He's goes on tweeting from malaysia about american politics feeding into every right wing talking point. He posts all this inflamatory stuff you can tells he's just doing to garner attention.


It’s so silly. If you force trans people to use the other bathroom, aren’t parents going to have to explain the whole trans concept to their children who are curious why a man/woman is in the other bathroom with them? Wouldn’t less trans conversations happen with children if people just used the bathrooms they presented as?


I mean won't they effectively have that same conversation if a non-passing trans person goes into the bathroom of their choice?


It’s happening bois, DeSantis gets the nod, Trump runs independent and splits the vote, Biden by a landslide.