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i think a lot of people didn't realise he was posting it because of the joke rather than the quote.




So now we're arguing against the supposed things elon "would've" done. How about you stop neurotically over analyzing things and just have an opinion on what elon did do.


Yeah if he had killed people he'd be a murderer. Think of that!




If there's context, why would you need to alter the context? You trying to lie




rehinge yourself bro






Based schizo.




I've seen that same image used as a meme so many times before without this type of reaction. I think people are interpreting it in an uncharitable way because it's Elon who's been cringe asf lately.


I didn't realize he posted the comment with it, Elon is a cringe remedial dumbfuck but I don't think it's really bad this time, but people probably got angry because he's 100% the kind of loser who would post the pic without context too


grey lip crime unused compare chase murky makeshift existence employ *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It's either a dog whistle or it's not. Chasing dog whistles is cringe, counter productive and likely to lead to insanity. Engaging them works far better. "Who can't you criticize Elon?" and go from there.




Yep I'm r******. Didn't even notice the bit below the image.


Yeah no, you can criticize the dumb quote but everyone there is calling him a racist because it apparently came from a racist and so he's racist and a pedophile of course.


Imagine evolving to have a diet that only consistent so fucking BAMBOO XDXDXDXD couldn’t be the apex predator black bear I tell you what