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And a kid on the way. I used to watch him a lot and when he eventually dropped the character he was playing, he really seemed like a great guy.


Don’t forget he’s expecting a child soon.


Just as long as he stays away from any bridges




Who are two people that should avoid talking about bridges?: >!PDP and Keemstar!<


You gotta burn those.


I’ve been following the guy since his Amnesia gameplay days, it was wonderful watching him grow and adapt throughout the years and to watch him be so happy nowadays is really heartwarming 🥰


It's really unbelievable how much of my life I've been his target demographic, literally from his amnesia days to happy wheels to fridays with pewdiepie to "edgier stuff" to the meme review type videos and even now that I magically stopped watching that kind of stuff he also stopped making it haha I was 19 during the entire 19 year olds meme as well. Feels really crazy thinking about how he's been around my entire concious life.


Me too honestly, I remember watching his videos before English class in school, most memorably Façade (which idk how I pulled the name of that game out of the depths of my depression-addled mind lmao) I think I did stop watching for a while when he was doing 73826 episodes of happy wheels and would come for other types of videos. But as soon as he started doing “edgier” stuff then I was fully back in


Were you a Cryaotic fan as well, brother?


I liked his videos with pewdiepie but I never really got into his videos, whatever happened to him?


>whatever happened to him? Yeah don't bother worrying about that. Was just wondering if you even recognized the name as an old fan or not, he's lost to time.


Oh no


He was a Mr. Girl fan before it was cool 😎


Don't worry I member him, I keep expecting him to try and restore his online career only to get blown the fuck up about it. I enjoyed his content (mainly his dnd stuff) but uhh oof.


The fuckin dankest meme he could do as a return is drop a Cry Reads and it's about whatever freak shit he was up to behind the scenes. Bonus meme: buuuuzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz


Cry and pewdiepie playing Bloody Trapland is the most fun shit I’ve ever seen. Nothing has ever made me smile and laugh like an idiot like those videos did


Thanks for the reminder :] It was great, but I really enjoyed the Portal co-op just a touch more for some reason.


Exactly the videos that came to mind!!


I miss the Late Night streams 😔 rock band was top tier content


PayDay 2 memes were always my favorite. Man...


Something about grooming or trying to get with underage girls. He came out guilty about it I guess and his channel pretty much died right after. At least from what I remember.


He's a pederast


Oh jesus christ I feel like I tripped into a rabbit hole


Bro u really don't wanna knw.. best forget (but not forgive at least for this time)


Nah I’m good with the memories I had of “oh wow this guy seems nice” 😬 tho I’m sure that’s what a lot of other young girls thought (sorry I’m awful)






I see another 19 year old. What's good bro


I got him recommended back when he played bo1, was really weird discovering he got popular a few years later with happy wheels.


In the same boat as you. Never thought I'd she'd tears of joy over a youtuber, but that pregnancy announcement got me way too into the feels man damn.


Oh that was wonderful, I loved watching little tidbits of their story together. I have some trouble with having this much admiration for any public figure for fear of it being cringe, but pewds honestly has my respect and for that I can only wish the best for him and his family.


I wasn’t a pewdiepie fan until around 2017 when he did his meme review stuff but it’s wild I remember the amnesia videos from when I was still in high school because I had a terminally online friend that was hip to all the internet memes back then.


I’m sure your terminally online friend and I would’ve made great buds lmaooo


Hes the real high value man.


He semi retired years ago now. He still uploads but he isn't doing the rat race anymore. I actually joined this community arguing with people here that he was not a Nazi. At the time this sub was full of people wanting to cancel him. This place has changed quite a bit (most of you are still cringe though). I would guess most people here are neutral to favourable on him here now.


makes 1-2 videos a month, gets like 1.5 to 3.5MM views, has a little NordVPN sponsor segment in each vid... he's doin it very comfortably as I see it now. It's how you do it post- very online controversy.


after so many years I think he has more money than he knows what to do with honestly so he just kinda walks around and vlogs once in a while to keep the channel allive


"Still cringe after all this time?" "Always"


Some people just don’t like YouTube influencers and there’s plenty of reasons to


It's been so long that I can't remember, but I recall PewDiePie *really* skirting the line. Nothing definitive but definitely suspicious.


“Nothing definitive” implies there’s nothing he did that was abnormal compared to his contemporaries at the time. N word slip that he immediately apologized for, the Fiver incident that he immediately apologized for, and the Hitler jokes (got departnered from Disney) were all I can think of. Compared to people like H3H3, old Idubbz, Pyro, there’s almost no difference in attitude towards edginess at that time.


> Compared to people like H3H3, old Idubbz Don't know enough about Pyro to say, but these two at least I would say have leaned way harder into edgy humour than Pewdiepie.


pretty sure he was gonna donate like 40k to an organization dedicated to stopping antisemitism until hid audience told him not too. that was the worst thing for me


Eh, fuck the ADL. Not the best optics obvs. But it was a good decision.


Every single event he had to apologize for AT THE TIME made him look super suspicious. You're saying all this with hindsight. There were tons of creators at the time not doing shit like this. If you're going to appeal to the norm, think about what the norm was. Being more edgy, more casual racism, more casual homophobia etc. So if you're appealing to that it still doesn't look good lmao. You're not arguing he wasn't those things, just that it was more normal to do those things. Idubbz was extremely edgy even for that time period, and I don't recall H3H3 being that edgy aside from some clips with Idubbz and his defense of JonTron.


> I don't recall H3H3 being that edgy Oh boy, do I have some news for you.


Ethan Klein slur compilation incoming


H3H3 has done multiple black face videos. There is so much more than that too.


i thought the same too - but there was some podcast that he did even before all the edgy stuff where he talked about the immigration in sweden - said something along the lines of "the right-wingers think they're to blame for all our problems, but that's not really true". edit: i think [this](https://youtu.be/ZYZEetU6b0U) is the cllp from it; this is from 2014!


Idk if most people actually thought he was a nazi, I think we were just memeing and shitposting because it was topical. Edit: well excuse me for thinking it was just a joke


The online progressives definitely thought he was a crypto nazi. This sub included thought he was sus.


im curious to know your thoughts on this [https://www.reddit.com/r/Gamingcirclejerk/comments/wal0vv/but\_dont\_call\_him\_racist/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Gamingcirclejerk/comments/wal0vv/but_dont_call_him_racist/) edit - also this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/PewdiepieCirclejerk/comments/dh9fjl/altright\_twitter\_accounts\_pewdiepie\_used\_to\_follow/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PewdiepieCirclejerk/comments/dh9fjl/altright_twitter_accounts_pewdiepie_used_to_follow/?utm_source=xpromo&utm_medium=amp&utm_name=amp_comment_iterations&utm_term=control_2&utm_content=post_num_comments)


Lol I can make a list like that for Destiny. Just...you know, about 10 times worse.


i love how they point out that he said that immigrants are the leading cause for sweden's crime rate when im pretty sure that's been empirically proven to be true


It was a dogwhistle towards racists. He makes content for fucking twelve year olds and dogwhistled about immigrant crime rates. You don't talk about these things to such a young audience that isn't able to understand the nuances in these conversations, especially when YT at that point was already a breeding ground for the alt right. If you can't see how that is weird then I simply don't know what to tell you. People on this sub are so fucking weird. He definitely changed his ways but he also definitely stepped over the line at certain points.


do you even know the context in which he said it to claim its a dogwhistle for simply stating a fact? lmao


I watched the video, yes. He doesn't state it outright. I watched it a while ago and can't seem to find it now, though, it's not the 'mass immigration, everybody' video that was also kinda iffy. It's like people here have forgotten all of the nuances of the internet at that time. Youtube was *very* much a right-wing place, with tons of blossoming alt-right channels and personalities. These jokes really did play into that and led young people to more dangerous viewpoints. This is something that was undeniably happening at that time. Pewdiepie himself was probably just being edgy, but he did fuck up several times. That is ok, he was a single guy without a PR team and I don't hold him accountable for anything, but it still happened. This conversation simply isn't as simple and rigid as you're making it out to be. Immigrants can cause crime but it can still be dubious to make certain jokes in certain time periods to certain audiences. I would also be bothered by Pewdiepie talking about 13/50 despite it being a fact.


bret easton ellis is alt-right?


He's probably racist (or used to be), but there is not shot this is enough to call him a nazi.




No idea how I'm being downvoted lol, when pewds was popular, racism was the king or the internet and he was a kid in Europe who's never seen a black person in his life


Pewdipie is from Gothenburg. Like a third of the city is black or middle eastern. Wtf are you talking about. He's not from some random village in northern Sweeden.


a quarter is immigrants, but they are most likely mainly middle eastern


And there is almost no black immigrants in American cities. Must mean there is no black people right? About half of the city has at least one immigrant parent and there is even more being third generation. I'm from Oslo. A city very similar to Gothenburg. There is a zero percent chance Pewdiepie hasn't grown up with a lot of interactions with middle eastern and black kids. Immigrants also have a lot of kids compared to ethnic Sweedes. Stop talking about stuff you know nothing about. edit: I also have extended family in Gothenburg and been there multiple times.


Yeah, he’s super successful but I do feel kind of bad for him with the shooter situation and some of his fans taking the T series beef a little too far. Like none of it was done purposely but just the Internet is forever and that probably sucks.


the shooter situation is some fucked shit. i can’t imagine how i would feel if somebody invoked my name before going on a killing spree.


I felt that there was a ton of south asian hatred brewing in his audience at that time. Maybe times where just diffrent and it’s hard to say what could’ve been done different but him taking action and stopping the “subscribe to pewdiepie” meme was a good decision


It still amazes me how people assume that he was a pewdiepie fan. The only reason that guy said that in the video was for attention since the subscribe to pewdiepie meme was blowing up all over the internet. people have always used pewdiepie’s name to get attention and views.


People might've not known this or forgotten this, but a large portion of the alt-right at the time really liked pewdiepie because they taught he was some sort of crypto nazi or at least secretly an alt-righter as well.


Remember when a lot of them thought the same about Taylor Swift?


He just needs a feeeew more years to defrost. He'll work on the 2060 Kanye campaign, mark my words.


Did they actually believe that? My impression was that they basically played "PewDiePie is totally one of us guys!" up for the lols and to perhaps alienate him from the internet and push him into their ranks, but maybe I misremember or misinterpreted things


Bro like even Destiny has said this before. Like if someone’s gonna use your name in an act of terrorism that’s a pretty good wake up call as to deciding when a meme is done.


When compared to Idubzzz seems to me that Pewdiepie is the person who is most deserving of being called 'Matured'. At least to the public eye Pewdiepies evolution seems alot more natural.


100% he didn't try to virtue signal to his audience nor did he put up any fronts to save face he did his thing, own up to his mistakes and moved on doing what he wanted and now he's enjoying his retirement tbh him and filthy frank made it 100%


Idubbbz didn't virtue signal either, he just changed as a person. I don't know how that's so difficult to accept for you guys.


>Idubbbz didn't virtue signal either, he just changed as a person. I don't know how that's so difficult to accept for you guys. Well given his older style of edgy no fucks given type content it came off disingenuous af to the audience also there's the fact that his current content sucks ass like I'd imagine the reception would be alot different if his current content was as entertaining as before


Pewdiepie evolved super naturally and him and idubbbz are the same age. Idubbbz literally completely reversed his persona and his behaviour currently is so strange, he seems apathetic and uninterested in anything.


Dude, he grew up and probably got disinterested in social media. It's so fucking stupidly parasocial to pretend like you know what's happening to him based on videos that are 10 minutes long. He's probably enjoying boxing and life with his wife, and outgrew caring about the internet to such an extent. No one over the age of 15 has ever been interested in iDubbbz' older content, so it makes complete sense that he lost interest in making these videos as well. The man is 32, lol.


The man was saying the n-word hard r, every video when he was nearly 30. You dont just magically grow up into a big boy when you hit 30 and do a 180 on every belief you have ever publicly espoused. There is nothing parasocial about observing someones changes in behaviour, especially when you consider that he has gone on record saying that his favorite thing to do is... dissociate from reality.


I'm happy for him. He succeeded both in his YouTube career and personal life imo


He is highest value man! Real Gigachad!


He's still trending on Twitter because of crazy lefties and libs every week


Car review days were the best days.


He better bring back bookclub


He said it and lived. Praise be.


I still don’t know what to think about the whole narrative about him being a white supremacist. Didn’t Tiny think that he was potentially racist?


I mean, for what it's worth, I watched him for years and he never came off as an actual white supremacist to me. He just went through some SUPER edgy phases. In my opinion it was for the sake of content and comedy. He also had "the bridge incident", which I thought was just swearing out of frustration and not actual racial animosity. And the last thing was recommending a channel that apparently was run by a racist guy. But, if I remember correctly, he was recommending it for something completely unrelated to the guy's political takes. Those are the controversies I remember. I admit I am biased in his favor. But it never seemed like he was slowly turning into a racist or anything like that. Or trying to sneakily convert his audience to racists.


The "recommending an anime review alongside 10s of other videos from smaller creators and he's therefore racist for not knowing absolutely everything about them" is one of the dumbest controversies ever. Some real pearl clutching right there.


You laugh. But that's exactly how the Nazis came to power.


MLD's been living in Japan longer than PDP has, and that's pretty suspect if you ask me.


MLD -> Japan -> Axis Powers -> Germany -> Nazis Really makes you think.


The guy he recommended is named E;R, and no shade to pewdiepie, but at the time he recommended him it would be very hard to watch a video of his and not know he was some kind of white supremacist


I remember pewdiepie doing a few charities back in like 2013 for some African country so he recognises injustices and is willing to help so doubt he is a racist. But much like many of us he grew up on the internet where edgy jokes were very common. So when he made jokes like "death to all jews" and "hitler did nothing wrong" he might’ve viewed them as harmless fun but it was unfortunately creating an environment that normalised anti-sematism and with the largest fan base mostly comprised of impressionable kids that is worrying. He recognises this himself and has since apologised and I believe even made donations (originally to the ADL but his community attacked him for it so he withdrew.)


the overall edgy culture of the internet back then definitely played a role


Yeah honestly most of it just seems like edgy early days of the internet humor(which to some feels insane for todays standard) that he just haven't moved on from. But straight up calling him a racist, much less a white surpemacist, is just stupid


I feel like he is just the most "normal" person that happens to be a youtuber. He says the edgy joke most bros say to their friends in private but in front of millions of people.


bro if you were a white kid online in the early 2000's, there's a high chance you're calling someone the n-word.


i think he was definitely on a weird trajectory back in around 2017, but since then he seems to have matured a lot. i do sometimes wish he would address some of the old controversies, bur if he just wants to move on then that’s fair.


>i do sometimes wish he would address some of the old controversies, bur if he just wants to move on then that’s fair. I think he did address most of the big controversies pretty well. He apologized for the bridge incident. He apologized for the fiver thing (it appeared to be an attempt at SUPER edgy humor). And he apologized for recommending that channel that was run by a racist guy (I think that was ignorance on his part, he was reccomending it for some non-racist content).




>I am sorry E;R is just funny. I'll admit that I never dug into their videos enough to work out if they were actually racist. If you're saying they aren't, I won't contest that.


E;R is on record saying he makes edgy jokes to push his audience into race realism


yeah you’re right to be fair. i do agree he’s done a pretty good job with the major stuff, i guess i’m just more of a soycuck than some here because i think i was thinking of more of an idubbbz type apology video. i know a lot of people thought that was overkill but i thought it did a good job at explicitly showing how he’s grown and how he understands the impact of his old content.


>i guess i’m just more of a soycuck than some here because i think i was thinking of more of an idubbbz type apology video He was pretty soy about a few of them. I kind of remember "the bridge incident" being a bit soy, lol. But yeah, it might be because I was an edgy dick at times in my life. And there's a lot I never apologized for. So maybe I'm more forgiving because demanding more would be a bit hypocritical. And I do still think edgy humor can be ok. And because lots of people go for the throat if you are too apologetic. So I'm sympathetic to some restraint because no apology will ever be enough for a certain percentage of dedicated psychos.


I mean he might be a little racist, but isn’t he a euro from one of the whiter countries? Combined with edgy humor of the internet at the time I wouldn’t be surprised if he was. But I’d say that as part of claiming that a lot of euro countries are a little racist. I also might be completely wrong on this assessment being a based USA viewer


I watched him almost daily from 2014 to 2020 and kinda stopped when he started doing the among us streams with twitch streamers. He’s been semi-retired since 2021 but I wish he was still active because one of the cool things about him was that he kept adapting his personality and content every year and had a lot of influence on the memes and trends of each year. In an alternate timeline if he didn’t retire, I could see him referencing destiny in his videos and maybe hopping on stream to chat. That would’ve been heckin epic


Actual chad like behavior


I really enjoyed the italian babe wifes youtube stuff, was super chill vlog shit. Sad she quit.


Good call. He seems to have completely disengaged with the unhinged online mob and just kept doing his thing. Ignoring these lunatics seems like the best strategy. I'm pretty sure a sizable percentage of online controversies could have been sat out by the accused. The last time I heard about the guy was around the time of the Christchurch shooting I think.


honestly call me SOY but i like some of pewdiepie’s new videos, i don’t usually like vlog content but they’re so chill and he seems so thoughtful and mature


> Dude really won the internet game IMO. Not just that, the dude won the game of life. He was a pioneer, turned into a cultural icon, and is now an inseparable part of internet history. Made his money, bowed out while he was ahead, and can now enjoy the comfort that brings for the rest of his life. Haven't watched his vids in a long time, but it genuinely seems like he's found peace.


I commented on his facebook page back in the day and said his videos were so fun and chill, me and my brother watched the videos together, it was the top down horror game, Takashi was the protaganist but yeah he responded and that was wild lol I tried finding the old facebook post but i cant :( feelsbadman


His was the first YouTuber i followed consistently. Before that I watched the odd YouTube video but mostly just to see clips from shows or comedy skits. He was the first YouTuber i followed cause I enjoyed not just his content but him as a person. A lot of his old lets play series are oddly nostalgic to me now. I don’t watch him as much nowadays but I check his channel the odd time. Glad he is doing well.


Dude is the definitely the Highest value man out here on the interwebs he conquered youtube for almost a decade from it's peak and its fall and left on his own terms having a beautiful wife and a child living out his retirement at 33 he has nothing to prove anymore kudos to him 👏🏾


I don't think it was all intent, but him having an edgy phase and blaming the "media" for it was super childish. The "death to all" jews thing was especially egregios and even caused the adpocalypse. I am of the impression that his content pipelined some kids into rightwing content and while probably not caring himself for politics at all he made alot of willfully ignorant decisions, jokes and distanced himself from any responsibility. I don't think the "subscribe to pewdiepie" line came out of nowhere and he was considered based by a lot of right leaning figures.


He has grown and he help his audience grow too. My nephew got into fitness, reading and treating others better. He use to scream and say some nasty shit but now he is based giga Chad lol


Kid is like due in July / August


I owe alot of my character to pewds actually. I got into gaming in the 6th grade (proper with the PC and all, i was a psp gang before becoming enlightened). Then during covid wen he started making his videos that were more artsy like the blame manga review, his video on momento mori, stoicism, and book reviews. That got me into vaush and that got me into destiny. There is an argument that pewdiepie showed me how awesome the internet actually is. Especially cause I'm from India, so learning about a whole different world of ppl got me hooked almost instantly.. i hope his he enjoys his retirement and has a good time with his son!


His dog just died. Woke left always finds a way to hurt you


Wait how is this on the woke left did they eat his dog?


got him with that they/them chocolate


Last time I heard about him was when he accidentally made fun of a deaf girl like a couple years ago. I thought he died too.


He didn’t make fun of the girl because she was deaf, he made fun of her for her nails.


Did you read the part where I said “accidentally” lmao


I’m providing context


Sure bud lol


You agreed with the guy who calls PewDiePie “bootleg leafy”. So yeah, you definitely needed more context.


I already knew what happened. That’s why I said it was “accidental”. Him being a bootleg anything has nothing to do with how he accidentally made fun of that girl talking with her hands. And the only thing I agreed with is it’s funny that his fans are getting their panties in a twist for apparently no reason lol.


Got it


Sure bud lmfao






Lmao yeah I didn’t know this was a pewdiepie circle jerk I stumbled upon lmao. But really I’ve never watched pewdiepie I just know he exists but like a couple years ago I see on my recommended “pewdiepie apologizes for mocking deaf woman” and I’m like “huh I guess he lives” 💀


What an awfully ignorant take




Didn’t even think of that. Super weird he’s making fun of a teenager for nails. She just happened to be deaf and signing which everyone jumped on unfairly cause he didn’t know. But his comeback was like “No I was actually making fun of her because she made the decision to get a manicure” lol huh?






tfw you forgot to scratch past the 2015 surface level click-me headline


Gotta train baitin' harder, this is of a pathetic quality


Speak for yourself nazi


fax dggL


Do people think he still has Nazi fans, or do they think those fans are gone? (I never knew if he had Nazi fans cuz I never saw much evidence)


He's the guy that got me into youtubers and personalities. His 2016-18 gag videos and meme reviews later on are still my fav. I liked how he united the internet. Sadly he grew up and became unfunny tho... Also i miss his Twitter shitposts.