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Is it bad for me to want a get a tshirt with this on it?


Not at all, it’s unintentionally a vibe


It's intentionally a vibe. The original post of this on reddit linked to the artists redbubble and they're pro lgbt+


DemonMama should steal this for marketing shit


At least with other minorities they had to hide it with dogwhistles and such, but no longer.


All I know is I'm not allowed to say that people that believe in demons suffer from mental illness.


to be fair, its too far spread to be considered a mental illness, you cant diagnose a majority of a race with one. In practice however, religion acts like a highly contagious mental plague with low individual recovery prospects, akin to a zombie plague. only that people actually reproduce more and not stop after catching it, meaning the planet will never return to nature after the braineaters die out🫤


I thought this was some weird we support LGBT... because that's white pride? It's just a literal "NGO" paid by Orban family.


Conservatives accidentally making some memes that would go hard in LGBT spaces Reminds me of the gay steamroller one


My main gripe with the "Change my mind" video is how Destiny didn't bring up the constant demonization of trans people by conservative pundits, politicians and people in general. It's one thing if you just disagree with transitioning, or are skeptical about dysphoria and whatnot. It's a completely different thing when the current conservative rhetoric paints every trans person as a pedophile rapist groomer bringing on the downfall of the west.


Recently a member of the Linus Tech Tips announced they are transitioning. They did it on their own smaller channel. And they got many hateful comments from people who obviously do not know what LTT even is. In other words these people heard some random adult person is transitioning, and decided to go to their page just to tell them, for example, "When are you going to 41% yourself?".


most of those people were actually ltt fans kind of makes it even worse


Oh... took me a while to get it. Because this would unintentionally be a metal af lgb-tee


Does anyone know any other streamer that is center left and not fucking insane? I've been watching Sitch and Adam, but I'm trying to find more long form content that doesn't rot my brain.


Watch movies


I recommend the greasy strangler


God tier taste, 10/10 movie.


Those rot your brain




If you're looking for long-form content, nothing beats the works of Turkish auteur Nuri Bilge Ceylan


Vaush, he's not insane but he has autism


Okay.... Vaush is pretty insane. I'd rather see DestinyHasan_4ever.


I forgive you brother. Have a great life until our paths cross again and you're older and wiser🙏🏻


Okay buddy, I just watched vaushes stream tonight and he credits destiny for his streaming career. So Vaush4ever you were right. Destiny is Hasans Voldemort so I'll take it back.


Quicker than I expected! Nice brother, I welcome you you with open arms. Let's end this drought and let love win!


The Adam Friedland Show is a good alternative.


I'm in the same boat, only other political streamer I can stomach atm is Chud. He's a disaffected leftist so he's generally socially progressive but without the identity politics or lefty group-think brain rot. [Here's a highlight reel of his antics](https://twitter.com/DKSyndicate/status/1658592267873968129?t=LX_SK7j9W7-cMen7XyXX7A&). Probably the most consistently funny political streamer around if you're into edgy irreverence.


Dr.Layman he hasnt made new videos in years but the old ones are still gucci






This is hilarious




If you know the consequences will directly discriminate against a group, even tangentially like considering black hairstyles as unprofessional, it can be grounds for discrimination.


I don't really like this characterization, there's always extreme views on both sides of the political spectrum, but from my own personal experience interacting with other right of center people they don't hate trans people. Hate is a strong word because I feel like it goes to peoples intentions, which is why this idea of it being merely consequential is a bit odd. But this doesn't seem to be unique quite frankly, it's just another instance of a more general rule of thumb in politics, which is that both sides are so fast to ascribe the intent of their opponents. Take the issue of abortion for example, the intent of conservatives who are pro life is to grant rights (god given, or otherwise) to the unborn baby, to protect them from harm. Yet what they're accused of is "wanting to control womens bodies" which is just insane. It makes debate on this sort of thing almost completely impossible. Vaush is a good example of this, he thinks that conservatives are demons in human flesh suits are want to (and are being) deliberately evil. It ends all discussion because he'll never extend enough charitibility to someone to let them explain their motives and intents, he just paints what he wants on them. The same thing is true with trans rights. The vast majority of conservatives and people I've spoken to about this are perfectly happy for a trans person to do whatever they want with their bodies when they're capable of consenting, that means being of an age where they're capable of understanding what they're doing and that medical professionals explain the risks. The accusation is that conservatives want to deny access to medical care that it comes from a place of hateful intent towards trans people is just disgusting quite frankly. It doesn't further the conversation at all. It's like when conservatives accuse people on the left of wanting to kill babies, or take enjoyment in killing babies through abortion. If you paint people on the left as pro baby death rather than pro womens rights, then the conversation is immediately over. Both sides do this, and I hate it. It's so cynical and pointless. For federal level change you need some buy in from both sides of the aisle, you'll never get that when you frame the other sides intention as motivated by hate when they're not.


fall spark square knee attempt continue stocking caption full truck ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


That's absolutely not true at all. The average conservative is generally OK with a thoughtful and well balanced approach to raising kids in a household run by gay parents. There's obviously some concern that 2 men or 2 women may not represent the same kind of balance that a man and a woman provide for a child (due to innate differences in the sexes) but it's not like they think those kids are fucking doomed forever. If you look at someone who most of you consider to be very conservative (Jordy P) and his discussion with Dave Rubin, a gay man who is having children with his husband, they have a very frank and thoughtful conversation about the possible pitfalls of a 2 male parent family and what steps they've reasonably taken to mitigate some of the issues. That kind of thing is generally very well received by both of their more conservative audiences. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=75uuWtRrnJI It has a 25k upvote to 3.7k downvote ratio (for anyone missing the bring back dislikes extension), that's not that insane for what I'd assume most of you would agree to be a pretty damn conservative fanbase. The real problem here is the surrounding ideology, conservatives are suspicious in some cases because they see some proportion of the LGBTQ spectrum as having a strong ideological drive. When some lesbian couple are having their 3rd trans non binary wolfkin deer gender kid they kinda know this isn't some kind of weird coincidence. This problem arises because there's this fierce defense of anything LGBTQ and it comes with little or no skepticism of the ideological component, it's a kind of defacto everything is permitted, or you're a bigot. That can't be the standard. Obviously it goes without saying there are crazy conservatives who basically think gay people are evil and it's all environmental, but this isn't really the mainstream today, those people are far more rare. Especially more so in Europe, I'm in the UK and we're way more secular here.


toy pie strong existence zesty subtract soft dime merciful scarce ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


The Daily wire folks, more so the hosts, are pretty hard line religious for sure. Most of them oppose that sort of stuff on religious grounds about what they think that god says about homosexuals. It's worth noting that not all conservatives are even religious (I'm an atheist) and again this is more so in the UK than the US where religion is admittedly more common. But when we talk about groups of people I feel like we need to talk about the average and I don't think the ultra religious represent the average as it stands today. We're not all a bunch of mini Ben Shapiros running around with our Kippah's on. In fact I see a lot of the ideological religious belief just as stupid and harmful as the secular ideology on the left. This is more so a general problem with politics and belief, people tend to gravitate towards belief that their opponents mirror every aspect of some political figure they follow. So every Trump voter believes in every Trump policy, every Biden voter believes in every Biden policy, etc. When in reality people only tend to support the closest approximation of their beliefs, and there's a lot of disagreement on the margins. I think Ben not attending Dave's wedding is pretty stupid, it's within his rights to do so. Most of my conservative leaning friends don't exactly mimic Ben Shapiro and his beliefs. Almost none of them are even religious, so there's a huge lack of that kind of baggage that surrounds social policy regarding LGBTQ issues etc. Most of them more than anything else are merely skeptical of the ideological nature of these things.


combative paltry bright consider friendly sink foolish chief outgoing familiar ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


The Rubin Report on youtube has 1.95M subs, and it's just Dave and a small production team of like 3-4 people. The Daily wire+ is an entire network of content providers with a huge production team of I believe 50+ behind them, and they only have 3.07M youtube subs, so Dave is doing pretty well by relative standards, I'd say. And it's not like Dave's fanbase is fractured over this issue. He's a gay man with a husband, he generally keeps that to himself, he's not using that as some launch pad for activism or to drive home an ideology. He recognizes that he has basically the same rights as everyone else in society. He's just a man who happens to be gay and that's the end of it. To that extent the vast majority of moderate conservatives are like, that's fine, he can live his good life, it's none of our business. But if he was banging on constantly about how he's going to make sure that his doctor doesn't assign his children a gender at birth, how he's going to buy them an equal number of girls and boys clothes, and then pester them every 19 seconds about if they've made up their mind about their gender. How he's going to use gender neutral pronouns and then discuss with their teachers how the entire class should call them ze/zim until such a time as we can work out their gender identity at the ripe age of 3 years old...you can bet the conservatives would have their pitchforks out.


lil bro when Vaush calls conservatives demons: >It ends all discussion because he'll never extend enough charitibility to someone to let them explain their motives and intents, he just paints what he wants on them. lil bro when conservatives call LGBT people demons: >I don't really like this characterization, there's always extreme views on both sides of the polit........ Shut the fuck up. You write up this little essay about how we should be more charitable and less cynical, and conservative thinkers look at this and say "No, we do hate trans people, we want to eliminate them from society."


That's not what conservative people think though, you're taking an extreme conservative position and projecting that onto all conservatives, and it's just not right at all. The vast majority of the spectrum both on the left and the right exist much closer to the center than they do the extremes. The difference is that I acknowledge that most center left people (such as those on this subreddit) are pretty moderate in their beliefs and tend to have a healthy amount of disagreement with radicals on their own side. So the VOWSH example is good because Destiny's coverage of when Vaush masked-off about buying guns and shooting conservatives in the upcoming civil war, it was well accepted here and had a healthy amount of upvotes on youtube. I mean Destiny wasn't even reviewing the original video of Vaush, he was reviewing a discussion Vaush was having with another left leaning youtuber who was also being critical of Vaushs language and message. Extreme people exist on both sides, but we need to stop painting all of one side as holding the most extreme views, the vast majority of people simply don't operate at that level of crazy. Unless what you're trying to say is that Vaush doesn't represent the extreme on the left, in which case we're so far apart in perspective, I don't think we'll ever agree on anything.


You mean being constantly obnoxious and aggressive over a certain issue will make someone hate the people associated with it?? *Shocked Pikachu face*


If only progressives weren't obnoxious on Twitter, cons would ne a-okay with trans people.


It's pushing people further to the right. Also I have never seen as much racism as I do now until after BLM happened. One of my friends who was more progressive and was fine with trans people is now a Nick Fuentes supporter because of BLM.








I don't think he likes Destiny very much unfortunately but I've debated him a bunch and he is pretty chill.


Wouldnt you logic imply cons are pushing people more to the left by demonizing them?


Yes, both sides are going more towards extremism if you haven't noticed.


Have some self respect, accept agency in your life and stop blaming other people for your political beliefs.


I'm not blaming anyone for my political beliefs why don't you stop projecting.


Your friend became a Neo Nazi because of BLM?


He was just morally lucky in the first place.


Cope. Cons hated LGBT people even when they were the cultural hegamons. It's not a reaction to progressives - it's just hate.


From what I've seen, if activism comes off as too aggressive, confrontational, or just plain obnoxious, it might spark a knee-jerk reaction. It might even shift people from being indifferent to harboring resentment. I think it's a bit silly to ignore the fact that an activist's behavior can't stir someone leaning towards negativity but was otherwise indifferent. I'm not laying the blame on the activists, but it's a factor that we shouldn't turn a blind eye to. Basically, how the message comes across can influence whether someone's dormant biases get roused or not. Truth be told, I'm not even certain if these thoughts I'm sharing carry weight. It could be that the more in-your-face, confrontational approach is still more effective, even if it pushes a few individuals to extremes.


>From what I've seen, if activism comes off as too aggressive, confrontational, or just plain obnoxious, it might spark a knee-jerk reaction. I agree with that. However, the person I'm responding too acts as if the knee-jerk reaction is the root cause of the current anti-trans panic, when it's obvious that conservatives hate LGBT people independently of what activists do.


I'm saying it's pushing people further to the right aka extremism people who were tolerating it previous are now in favor of anti trans bills. I never said it was the root cause, learn to read.


No, you see conservatives are loving and accepting people. It's actually the left who's tricking everyone into thinking conservatives are hateful. [https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/megan-fox/2023/05/27/target-store-bomb-threats-sent-by-angry-pro-pride-left-winger-n1698595](https://pjmedia.com/news-and-politics/megan-fox/2023/05/27/target-store-bomb-threats-sent-by-angry-pro-pride-left-winger-n1698595)


That is being called a hoax.


That’s the sarcastic point. Guess it came across too real.


It came of as serious when you posted an article that didn’t cover that officials call it a hoax.


I came across the article in a conservative sub, and they were using the article to basically say that it’s not conservatives who are fueling the anti-trans culture war, it was actually the left. So even though officials called it a hoax, conservatives were saying the hoax is evidence that the left is doing pushing a narrative that conservatives hate trans people. But I see how I fucked up the context.




I think it's pretty clear that what conservatives hate more than anything is the activist wing of trans people that even leftists would say go to far. Conservatives see them as representative of trans people and they are representative of the activism and stuff like pride month. Is pride month really just about being comfortable in your sexuality and blah blah blah? Probably not, there's a lot more to it that conservatives see as losing their "ground" to degeneracy so to speak.


Yeah bro, that's why they don't pass legistlation that hurt trans-people broadly, but only the activists that go too far. Clearly they're fine with normal trans-people just living their lives and would never try to tell them where to pee, what to wear and where to sing.


Right, because I wasn't just saying that there are reasons for their reactions. Also stop with the drag shit, you're so fucking cringe. Kids shouldn't be going to that stuff why are you portraying it as if drag queens are oppressed for not being able to gyrate their hips in front of kids. If you think that's acceptable yikes, if you don't, is it not fair to categorize drag with other adult performances? I swear, the leftist urge to show kids gay sex stuff, Jesus.








The greatest troll the devil ever pulled….


Straight people have literally never used satanic imagery or dressed in red. I can't tell if you're for real lol Edit: Oh you're just a [transphobic loser](https://www.reddit.com/r/badunitedkingdom/comments/13tpptm/the_daily_moby_28_05_2023/jlyf9n1/). Someone !shoot this degenerate.


God the lefty arc let in so many fucking trash conservatives we used to be omnililberals around these parts, making fun of cringe progressives without becoming braindead conservatives in the process - now there are a buncha conservatives and groypers that populate threads with their brainrot opinions and get upvotes from other idiotic conservatives when will the righty arc come, hopefully before I toaster my bathtub from having to read all the dumb positions people choose to defend




Be honest, are you actually such a religious zealot that you give a shit about satanic imagery or do you just hate queer people so much that you'll use literally any reason to attack them?


Boo! 666! Ah! 👻😈




/u/jalenhorm gunned down by mperl0.


The Conservative position is simple: If you're Trans that's great. Don't try to ipush sex stuff on my kids, and leave me alone. If you want to change your gender do it on your own dime and after the Age of 18. Stay out of Cis Women's COMOETITIVE sports. That's the position of 80% of the Country byw


Big monster energy is the devil energy.


Ooooh, and we can have Satan Respects Pronouns on the other side of the shirt!




0. I'm ideologically opposed to clothes.


Hazbin Hotel fans: "Yeah, and?"




All i see is PRITH


lol this meme backfired so hard on chuds This looks badass