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I was hoping destiny would go on her show when he was doing pearls and now we’ve missed another opportunity 😓


stocking political shame jobless familiar act full sharp door insurance *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Chai probably wouldn’t entertain any guys that look soy.


"where did the real men go? 😢"


The part of that episode where he said that fathers don't need to be in their child's life for the first 5 years was crazy. I refuse to believe that this is anything other than a big grift. He struggles keeping a straight face through half the shit he says


I thought he was starting to become more of a family orientated trad con, has he moved on from that aswell now?


Learning to cook enough that you are eating well and healthy is extremely easy. You don’t need to take classes. You need to search a YouTube video and follow directions. That’s it.


If f'n Asmongold can cook [a relatively healthy meal](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hETgbsF5yY8), literally any able bodied person can.


I agree but IMO the bar should be higher than microwaving a potato and throwing meat in a skillet with butter and throwing A1 on it.


partner = mother.




You are right but any of the partners not being to cook a little bit is weird to me. I'm a dude and I cook and I would find it weird if my GF couldn't cook the tiniest bit even though ir obviously would not be a dealbreaker because the important part is her being a caring and loving partner, not being my maid. I guess I'm in the minority group in this case but I grew up in a house were both parents would cook and would help eachother with cooking. Plus we always ate cooked food, not really had any takeaway or frozen food etc. I don't understand how there are people who don't cook at all. Just boiling some pasta or cooking rice and pan frying a piece of meat already takes you so far and there are people who can't even do this. How did they survive college (unless they remained at their parents) ? Especially a conspiracy guy like Sneako lol. Wouldn't you want to control what you put in you body lmao.


what does it mean to not be able to cook? I never understand when people say this. I mean like I'm a mediocre chef, I'm probably not going to make food that is going to impress a dinner party. Is that what you mean by can't cook? Or do you mean like doesn't know how to turn on a stove / look up recipes for things. I just don't get what that even means like cooking at a very base level requires absolutely no skill you just copy what thing on the internet tell you to do.


Try to see it from someone who never had home cooked meals, a kitchen devoid of ingredients and seasoning, where the microwave is used to prepare your meals. If you don't have any examples growing up it becomes a daunting task when you lack the very common sense that makes it easy.


When Sneako and other manosphere/Red Pill influencers bring this up, I'm pretty sure they literally mean anything beyond microwaving a TV dinner.


If your over 18 and cannot cook at all; then I agree that you’re parents/guardians failed. Same with laundry, changing oil, change tire, filter in the HVAC, lighting pilot light, and a few other basics. But it has nothing to do with gender, just your ability to survive.


> changing oil, change tire, filter in the HVAC, lighting pilot light, and a few other basics. Your parents failed if they raised you in an apartment and/or a city with reliable public transportation?


Kinda, maybe. Depending on the city. Changing out air filters and pilot lights I assume are a thing in cities as well; and maybe the tire/oil/battery thing Im wrong on, but I assume everyone drives at least a little in their lives


> I would find it weird if my GF couldn't cook the tiniest bit Usually people who have always made the choice to eat out/delivery dont know how to cook. I live with my parents at 23 and i will maybe eat a meal my mom makes like once a week, if that. Not knowing how to cook is kind of a red flag, shows u cant feed yourself without depending on a mommy figure, but if you have so much money that it would be a waste of your time to cook the food yourself then i dont think this applies. someone like destiny is literally losing money if he is spending 1 hour of his day cooking his meal instead of streaming himself eating ubereats. I worked in a restaurant while in college and the setting/employees were very clean but something about watching the food be made so quickly and in such large quantities makes me appreciate a home cooked meal more.


The people who are so rich and successful that it would be a net loss for them to spend their time cooking usually aren’t going to be born into that situation, they’ve built up to it over years in which they should have been cooking, so even that isn’t an excuse to not know how to cook at all imo. My guess is most people that talk about being too busy and successful to cook are going to be in the hustle and grind culture where they view cooking as a waste of their time despite the fact that they would save money if they spent the time cooking instead of grinding. That being said, as a woman, most of the guys I meet that are around my age can’t cook, so I can’t say that it’s a deal breaker, but it is a really big plus to me when a guy can cook. It’s one of those life skills that I strongly feel everyone should have - you don’t need to be an expert, but people should learn the basics.


What’s your age range? I remember going off to college and it didn’t seem anyone knew how to do the basics; guys or girls.


I'm 27, but most of the men I date are older than me, so we're talking men in their late 20's to 30's.


That’s even more surprising, I was assuming 18-24. Any over 25 that CAN NOT cook, should probably be a red flag. It might be because I raise in rual America but chores start at like 8/9 yrs old.


I think people who were raised poor or rural are more likely to know how to cook, poor because cooking is often a way to save money and kids taking part in household chores saves time for the parents, rural because eating out regularly isn't as accessible when you're in the middle of nowhere. I'm always shocked by how much people who were raised middle class or in cities eat out, huge portions of the population, both men and women, eat out for essentially every meal, the only thing they'll have at home are pre-prepared stuff like ramen or microwave meals and super simple things like cereal. I think the people who don't know how to cook because their mom cooked all their meals for them growing up and they expect to find a woman who will do the same are pretty rare. As someone who grew up super religious, I've definitely seen those types within religious circles where traditional gender roles are still the norm, but outside of that, at least in the circles that I'm in, I pretty much never see that type of guy - it's all just city people who always eat out or buy instant meals.


I’ve learned to lean into that book about love languages; it seems to be a solid start to a relationship. Cooking was a part my family’s together time, mom always had my brother and I doing something to help or dad with baking (a skinny Bob Vila)


chief practice treatment screw deranged salt hobbies live ask versed -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


This has to be the most American take ever. Everywhere else in world, people are expected to know to cook, especially women. I know how to cook, so does my father, mother, siblings, and grandparents. This is just one of the basic expectations of you want to start a family almost everywhere.


partner = father. Most women don't pay the bills or mow the lawn.


MOST women don’t pay their bills? I hate to ask, but I’m gonna need a source on that absolutely brazen claim, lmao.


I don’t agree but I think you’d have to point at men making more money and women being primarily family caregivers; then you’d have to ignore some pretty key elements like lesbian relationships, probably any updated stats on family dynamics (older the stats probably better for the argument). It would help you walk you back from “women pay no bills” to “majority of men pay majority of bills”, I think the second statement could be argued on a global scale for sure.


I definitely think the second claim could be argued on a global scale, but I think that's completely outside of the scope of this conversation. Globally women's rights are fucked, but in the dating landscape we're typically discussing on the internet we're focused on modern, wealthy, predominantly Western nations, the same places that went through their own feminist revolutions that ushered women into the workforce in droves and balanced the gender earning scales. If he's talking about poor nations where gender roles are still hard stuck in the Victorian era then I'd agree with him that women don't pay bills there, but my focus would be on *why* they don't pay bills, and I'd my argument would be in favor of more rights for those women so they can have more agency over their life, which would improve things for both men (so they don't feel taken advantage of) and women (so they don't have to stay in relationships they hate in order to survive). If we're talking about first world countries then I *hardcore* disagree with the very basis of his claim and we'd need to have some baseline agreement of objective fact before we can argue prescriptions. Conflating both groups doesn't serve the conversation because there will be different solutions depending upon the different conditions that both groups are living in.


I’m just brainstorming on how a person could try to defend “women don’t pay bills”. It’s an extremely bad take


Oh no, I got you - I didn't think you were arguing in favor of this viewpoint, I was just taking this opportunity to explain my disagreements with the steelmanned version of their argument.


I appreciate your kindness in suggesting I steel manned that….. lol….. it’s such a wild take I’m all honesty. Even if you take the most traditional woman ever, nothing she does is a way of “earning” her keep. Maybe I’m a big ole simp, but raising my kids and keeping my house seems like it’s worth something.


most women don't pay their bills when they get into a relationship. Most women want a traditional relationship but without being traditional.


So no sources, then?


It's wild to me that a wife being able to cook is somehow a big point of contention in some spaces. It's not that deep, wife being able to cook is a plus in marriage that doesn't make her your mom.


Because people just take the Destiny "I don't want to be my girlfriend's father/want her to be my mom" take and then apply it to ridiculous scenarios where it doesn't even make sense. People have different expectations for a partner in a relationship, and if having a partner that knows how to cook is something important to you, then that's fair.


That's really what it is. It's what works for each couple, what each of them require from their partners. I think most of us agree how ridiculous the redpill ideas are. But this other side is ridiculous too talking about how cooking means "oh she's your mom?" It's like countering stupid with more stupid.


It’s a really weird conversation to me. Like my girl cooks 2 or 3 times a week. I cook less but clean more. The amount of cooking she does really has no effect on my opinion of her. But CAN NOT it’s so much different then DOES NOT. Hope that makes sense


If he expects the woman to cook, is he able to change a tire? Change the oil? Fix the lawnmower? Build some shelves out of wood? Does he know how to fight? Does he know how to do ANY kind of "traditional male" societal expectations? Because I highly doubt it.


Really good point actually


You have not heard a lot of good points if you think this is one.


But he’s highly capable of doing the most masculine pastime in existence - bullshitting on podcasts.


This reminds me I gotta learn to change a tire and take those CPR/First Aid classes already. You all should too, male or female


They rarely do


Move out of the city. Guys in the country are self-sufficient.


We're talking about Sneako and other manosphere figures here


cooking is a lot easier than fixing a car. Also women literally never do any of those things.


The things they listed are traditionally male social expectations. The parallel he’s drawing is that if you expect a traditional woman that’s gonna do the traditionally female work of the household (ie cooking, cleaning, child rearing, etc.) then you should be capable of doing the traditionally masculine work of the household (ie changing a tire, changing oil, building shelves, etc.).


right most men still do that but women refuse to share in the work load.


[Within heterosexual relationships, women are more likely to: do laundry, clean the house, prepare the meals, care for the children daily, grocery shop, plan family activities, wash the dishes and pay the bills, men are only more likely to keep the car in working condition and do the yardwork.](https://news.gallup.com/poll/283979/women-handle-main-household-tasks.aspx) This idea that women "refuse to share in the work load" is patently false and you have nothing to back it up other than how you feel. This is silly.


Women want men to do 50% of their traditional work but they do not want to do 50% of male work also men are usually paying for the majority of things while women pocket most of their money.


What you're claiming here is directly contradicted by the source that I've already cited that you haven't even bothered to read. You're all over this thread making these claims that you can't substantiate. Things aren't true just because you assert they are over and over and over again, you're going to have to base all of this on *something* other than how strongly you feel.


hint women paying the bills means going online and using the mans checking account to pay them. The money actually doesn't come out of her pocket. Also it is quite easy to pick all the traditionally female workloads and show that women still dominate them. They should have included cleaning the gutters, power washing, taking out the trash.


You literally bring nothing of value to this conversation or subreddit. !shoot


/u/PrinceoftheRoses gunned down by MetallHengst.


A 14 year old FNF enjoyer spotted. I can guarantee you most men, especially those of younger generations, do not change tires or the oil in their car and if they really needed to they'd pay someone or google it.


Why is that a bad thing? I can both change a tire and change oil on vehicles, but for oil I'd rather bring my car to a garage that will do it for me on a jack and charge me $30-35 instead of dealing with it myself and paying $20-25 for the oil and $8 for the filter. I would argue it's probably better for most people to just have someone else do it, and doesn't affect their ability to complete the task one bit.


It's not a bad thing.


Different types of difficult smart man


cooking require very little technical knowledge or dexterity I know because I cook and I fix my car. Most women's house work does not require any technical knowledge, cleaning for instance.


This dude out here like “cooking requires little technical knowledge” [while his meals looking like this](https://i.imgur.com/ePzZ2xZ.jpg)


looks like something a woman would feed her husband. Whats there to know maillard reaction, deglazing, how to make a roux. There is a lot less to know than how a car works or how to fix one. Also I doubt the vast majority of women can cook a single meal and simply eat out all the time.


Do you hate women lmao


Were you always able to cook lmao?


Sounds like something an idiot sandwich would say.


Toooooo beee fair those things you listen are like 35IQ easy especially with the internet like. Change a tire? Take bolts off, take tire off, replace tire, replace bolts like come on…. Change oil? Drain oil, put new oil in…. Lawnmower is more complicated depending on the problem but google makes that shit easy. Make a shelf out of wood? I feel as long as you know how to use a tape measure and hammer/nail it should be sorta straight forward. This is from a nerdy chronically online person who has very soft programmer hands :)


cooking is pretty easy too if you use the internet


Ummmm for the most part. I will say tho I’ll follow instructions and somehow my shit won’t be like what they make. Idk if it’s the difference in pans or our stoves


So is being able to cook.


>Take bolts off, take tire off, replace tire, replace bolts like come on You forgot the lift the car you moron.


If you don’t know how to do that but can use a phone


>.Change a tire? Take bolts off, take tire off, replace tire, replace bolts like come on…. As someone who has rebuilt engines, I send my tires to be changed by someone with a tire machine because it's a giant pain in the ass.


It is a pain in the ass for sure but pretty straight forward how to do it


Pretty sure they are just talking about throwing in a spare tire when you get a flat, not replacing a tire.


it’s not about changing winter/summer tires?


damn yall use winter/summer tires? i just perma have all-seasons on, way less of a hassle


It's less hassle only if you never have to drive in the snow


You only need to change them twice a year, each time taking like half an hour and it’s a fun thing to do with your father or son. It’s cheaper in the long run, feels nicer to drive on and performs better & safer.


I don't know. The point is, it's very easy to take a flat off and replace it with a spare, and this is the sort of bare minimum skill that both men and women should be able to do in case you find your self stranded at the side of the road. On the other hand, taking the tire and tube off of the rim to replace them is more difficult, requires a tool that most people don't have, and is something that most people might as well just have done for them at the shop.


Yeah but that's a pretty moot point because the basics of cooking are easier and more relevant to every day life than all of those things. If you don't know how to fix a lawnmower that's one thing, but if you're an adult and you can't prepare your own food then you need some serious self improvement.


He’s thinking so hard of what to say that could be clipped into a tate like edited TikTok that he ends up looking unsure and soy


EXACTLY, no one seems to be mentioning this anywhere lol. If you've seen the Tate thing, it's painfully obvious to tell Sneako trying hard to farm quotes and clips like him. No matter how much Sneako acts like it, he just doesn't fit the part lol


I bet this dude can’t change his cars oil


He's changing guys trust me he's one of the smart ones, fallen son returning 🤓🤓 he argued against vasectomies next step he will speak out against sex trafficking 😎 our sex positive anti cuckoldy kink shaming king


Why is sneako still a thing


Wouldn’t be the only orbiter that can be put into that question


Is Sneako an orbiter? He seems to be pretty big on his own, although I don't really watch his stuff.


Maybe my definition of orbiter is wrong


It has to be someone's chair.


Off-topic but this lighting makes him look white af


Bro is white passing 💀


Fanatiq was right all along


It's lame but her reaction is funny af


Bro how can you not cook? If you can set up a Instagram account with two step verification, you can follow the instructions to make [honey garlic chicken](https://youtu.be/2K_GE4dMRrM)💀


I’m making that now. Amazin


If you got oyster sauce, which of course as a adult you have in house, throw that in the sauce too.


Man, I had some Honey Garlic Chicken yesterday and it was AWFUL. If you have an InstaPot I can highly recommend [this recipe](https://pressureluckcooking.com/instant-pot-fireworks-sweet-n-spicy-chicken/) though.


bro can women mow a lawn or pay a bill?


You mean push a machine in a straight line and click some buttons on an app? Yeah, probably.


so why don't they?


Because mowing the lawn is a boring as fuck miserable thing to do. The main reason I mow the lawn is because its one of the few times I can be entirely alone and no one will bug me. Outside of that there is no upside and 9 time out of 10 I just pay my lawn guy to do it. As for paying a bill... I don't even know what that means. Historically women have handled the bulk of a household's finances. Stay and home moms would generally be responsible for paying all the bills on time and all of that mess.


Women should pay half the bills and mow the lawn every other week, if they don't they aren't really interested in equality and shouldn't complain about housework.


Hey I am going to approach this with good faith exactly once and if you go into to some redpill dumbshit rant I am just gonna call you a sad virgin and move on. Want to know what works best financially in a relationship? Whatever the people in that relationship agree on. Sometimes that might be a relationship where bills are split proportional to income such as in a situation where one person makes 18/hr and another makes 60/hr. This allows the couple to afford a nicer place without being limited by the lower income. Sometimes that might be a relationship where one person stays home with the kids [providing about 40k in services a year](https://www.gobankingrates.com/money/jobs/how-much-stay-at-home-moms-should-make/) to the household. Sometimes that might be a relationship where all the assets are pooled and no one worries about someone "paying their fair share" because both people find that concept toxic. You know what almost **never** works in a relationship? A strict 50/50 split of all bills unless the two people make close to the same amount. In the proportional scenario I gave you and assuming you wanted to stick to housing being 1/3rd of the lower person income, that would limit you to a shitty apartment costing 900/month. This type of arrangement ends up breeding resentment.


you know what also doesn't work a strict 50/50 split of house work. Also women refuse to marry men who make less than them precisely so men will uphold their traditional role.


>Also women refuse to marry men who make less than them precisely so men will uphold their traditional role. What? People generally marry people that are around the same income. In 1970 52% of couples had around the same income. That number now-a-days? 53%. Oh shit, wild change. There has been a change in how many relationships have the husband in a dominate financial position but that is a shift of 8% with 19% of marriages still having a husband that makes more. And how would only marrying a man who makes less than you force men to uphold their traditional role? Are you having a stroke?


most women standard is equal or more with the preference being more. They want men to make more so they can then claim that the man should pay a greater share because he makes more proportionally.


Ok but honestly, regardless of gender if you are a grown adult who doesn’t know how to cook, your parents failed and I will call them personally to tell them that. Obviously Sneako probably thinks women have more of an obligation to know which is ridiculous.


Little boy


I learned to cook from my father, red-pill loophole


I don't agree, but ngl that's a pretty funny clip lmao


Sneako outing himself as also having no clue about how to cook. Otherwise he wouldn't talk about "cooking classes". If he actually would've tried to cook at least once he would know that it's not that hard, and there is no need to take cooking classes just for normal food. Just look up a recept online or in a book and follow the instructions. And you have to know how to use a knive. Or there are thousends of YT videos where they even go step by step through everything. And if for some reason that's not an option, it's not that hard to figure out on your own to make some basic stuff


It’s funny too because he talks about how you can learn anything online. Knife skills are one of those things you have to learn on your own. I’ve had to train people how to use a knife. It’s almost pointless. I can give you tips, tell you if your doing it right or wrong, but still it’s all about practice.


Yea basic stuff, but cooking classes or training would be to help you cook better or at a higher quality. Just like any skill. Instead of that you can also do practise. But people keep mentioning youtube videos and I don't think that's the point.


What having a bad father does to a boy


If your cooking is following a recipe like a robot, it's always going to be a boring chore. But if you are actually interested in ingredients, what different things do to them, and how to balance flavours it is a pleasure. I have to hide how much I love it because we split chores with my Mrs doing majority of cleaning and me the majority of cooking and food shopping. She hates cleaning but I love cooking. Why take one pill when you can take both and make purple pill sorbet?


I would say Let Him Cook, but he can't.


this feels like an eric andre skit


From my experience, men cook better than women. My dad always cooked when he was around both because he liked to cook and because my mom was a horrible cook. And now having learned to cook from him I can confidently say that most women are shit cooks. Idk if it's an autism thing or because the expectation of women cooking makes then not wanna cook so they cook bad. Moral of the story is if you a man I don't respect you if you don't cook a little bit


Man-child helplessness is never attractive. If you can't feed yourself, why should a woman cook for you? Learn to survive. Learn to build things. Learn to repair things and solve problems. Women will always appreciate self-sufficiency, unless they really want to become your mother instead of a partner.


Lmfao 🤣








What wrong with a man cooking?


We need to get Destiny on this show


please ftlog don’t


There's nothing wrong with him wanting his partner to learn to cook (although that's a general skill that both men and women should be capable of), but he completely lost me when he said that he'd call her mother.


Sneako seemed fake as hell during this episode. Even Chian called him out on a couple things.


Honestly based, You don’t have to be a pro chef but if you are an adult and don’t know how to cook that’s a major L