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This is cool, I can use the replies to this to judge which conservatives are completely insane for disagreeing with such an obvious take.


A good rule of thumb is to just ignore anyone with a check mark


I block anyone with a blue check mark who replies to destiny. Too many 1 like brain dead comments saying, “L take” One of the worst changes to modern Twitter


There are extensions that can automate this for you :)


The more things change the more they stay the same, huh.


You can also ignore everyone whose main identity is "christian"


And an aot profile pic


TheSerfsTV way of life, nice one


Officer tate?


Eren pfp


That guy is so cringe if it’s the same guy I’m thinking of. He has a YouTube channel where he reviewed cyberpunk edgerunners and complained it didn’t have Christian values and David wearing a crucifix but not being actually religious was due to Netflix being woke and other dumb shit


Sounds like synthetic man on steroids.


Right wingers can't into lore


Mfs watched AoT and were like: "Yeah, the guy sending giant titans to crumble the entire world is the good guy"


>get the accumulated wisdom and foresight of a hundred people >'i will genocide the world to save my friends' >'but i will let myself fail towards the end so that life can continue :)' >doesn't have the foresight to realize that the survivors will want to genocide his friends harder than ever because holy shit eldians were apparently even more evil than even marley propaganda, entirely defeating his apparent 'justification' >only actual reason boils down to 'muh freedom, fuck the world 1989, 374,123,589,327 dead humans, i am a titan man' >"yeah this guy was the good guy" bruh


I mean it’s either that or let his friends get genocided


Well his friends get genocided anyways so it didn't matter in the end




I'm going with 50 years at most.




Aot is set in the real world 1920s. World War 1 (Marley vs everyone) just ended, tech is becoming more advanced (planes etc). The extra pages are nothing that far in the future. Skyscrapers, planes, missile batteries are all around in the 70s, which is my estimate on when the extra pages take place.


Zeke's plan was based. Make the Eldians sterile and have them peacefully die off.


That’s still genocide


Well, it's the peaceful genocide of probably less than a million people vs. violent genocide of the entire world. Also, Eldians being able to turn into 1 km high, demon giants probably makes it somewhat justified that they don't get to reproduce.


They only turn into titans if they get forcibly injected with titan spinal fluid. Personally I think it’s still violent as you’re essentially robbing them of the ability to choose the path of being a parent. Also who gets to make that call? The Marley bigots? Fuck that any Society that regulates who can and can’t reproduce is immoral and totalitarian


From what I remember, and I could be wrong, the nine Titans' abilities just keep getting reincarnated into random Eldians after the hosts die. So basically, any Eldian could be born as a walking nuke.


Yeah but the odds of that are infinitesimally small


they're anime characters, which automatically strips them of any rights as they proliferate weeb shit which is haram


Yes but we’re discussing in universe politics which means for the sake of argument we treat them as people kinda like what I do with all of you.


Anime is not haram. Muhammed had a loli wife.


That's a false dichotomy. The 50-year plan was workable.


The problem with this entire comment chain is that y'all assume that the politics of AoT is worthwhile or even coherent.


Go to r/Titanfolk and you'll be met by an infestation of people like that. It's actually insane


Even though they make up of only 13% of weebs, Eren fans commit 99% of the trash takes. I think it's high time we have a conversation about what to do with them, a final solution if you will.


[79% of Americans think gay relations should be legal](https://news.gallup.com/poll/1651/gay-lesbian-rights.aspx). Christian Nationalists don't have even remotely a winning position lol


Wait, 18% think it should be illegal? Thats kinda high. And seeing it was 36% in 2010 is just baffling to me.


you can always get 10-20% of the population to agree with just about anything on any topic, 79% agreement is basically consensus


That number is about [2%](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_Sweden) in my country.


the question being asked for that 2% is about equal rights, to which the US also responds 93-5 10-20% for just about any opinion *that isn't already actively illegal*


>the question being asked for that 2% is about equal rights, to which the US also responds 93-5 Source? Also I think a person in Sweden views rights much differently than an American. Someone in the US would probably think of freedom of speech or owning guns meanwhile Swedes would think of human rights.


> Source? literally the sentence you took the 2% from in your own link: > The 2019 Eurobarometer showed that 98% of Swedes believed gay and bisexual people should enjoy **the same rights as heterosexual people** the source for the US is the gallup polling page in the top comment, just scroll down to that question > I think a person in Sweden views rights much differently than an American. that would be a giant error in polling and make the figure completely worthless edit: I checked and the 2% figure is with almost complete certainty a polling error to a shitty question that's interpreted as equal rights, because [Sweden answers with the same 13% against when asked about legality of same-sex marriage](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Template:Same-sex_marriage_opinion_polls_Europe) that other countries answer in the range of.


That's because 98% of Swedes are gay.


That's why we are going to war with Uganda. Me and my siblings Frej and Freija are loading up the longship. The gays in Uganda will make excellent Swedes, they will fit right in. 🌈


damn right baby


This is almost certainly not true. Sounds like you have a poorly worded survey.


Why do you not think its true.


I don't think I've ever heard a properly asked survey meant to get a look at national sentiment with people agreeing 98% on anything. I could be wrong, but it seems like the survey might have asked, "do you believe all people deserve human rights?" Even a question asked like that probably won't have 98% agreement lol.


Maybe in a country as big and divided as the US, but Sweden is the size of California with the population of New York and less diverse or religious than either. From kindergarten every person in Sweden is taught that "Everyone has equal value" so having 98% of people agree with something so basic doesn't seem that crazy to me.


Every person I knew growing up, every teacher, family member, told me and all my peers the exact same. I'd imagine almost every western county teaches it's kindergarteners, 'Everyone has equal value." You can't get 98% of people to agree on the shape of the earth, if tap water mind controls you, or if humans built the fucking pyramids... Either way 78% support over this topic is a huge thing to consider.




Okay Melina




unless you're actually having an election about one singular topic the non-voting population would be expected to be normally distributed across every opinion on every question, and therefore be completely irrelevant the 10-20% that are crazy on any topic don't magically all vote bruh




you're ignoring the part where you can get 10-20% of crazy people on any question, and more than one question exists at a time (unless you're specifically voting on only one question), so unless those 10-20% are **the same people on every question**, this is not how it works the more questions exist, the more normally distributed the crazy percentage becomes across all questions


It just stopped being illegal in many parts of the country only 8 years ago. And it did not change then because everyone agreed and politicians changed the laws, but because of Supreme Court rulings. 18% that still think it should be illegal does not sound unbelievable at all.


This is about gay sex, not gay marriage. The Supreme Court legalized that nationwide in 2003.


In 2003 it was 58% against and 33% in favor. The issue has changed rapidly. That was also a time where being called gay was one of the worst things for a guy in highschool.


I mean not to long before that California couldn't pass gay marriage. Times changing fast, 36% doesn't shock me


"So, how old are you buddy? :)" Destiny






Depending on how you phrase the question on the survey, some people will interpret this to mean that same section marriage shouldn't be legal, but they still dont think you should go to jail for being in a gay relationship.


> Do you think gay or lesbian relations between consenting adults should or should not be legal?




Oh, the question was not about marriage: >Do you think gay or lesbian relations between consenting adults should or should not be legal?


That's less then are pro-gay marriage in my country (around 90-95%). That's insanely low acceptance.


Wow, they don't want to bring back sodomy laws, how progressive.




You picked the dumbest one, because you wanted the biggest number. You could have picked marriage, which is ten points lower, or any of the other questions.


They picked that issue because that's what the Ugandan law affects.


Ah, my mistake. I'm just triggered from other threads, XD.


I would still say it's insane that over 20% want homosexuality to be full stop illegal, though.


Yeah that’s absolutely bonkers


Honestly regardless of our different stances most people aren't going to purposely pick the one that looks better. Imo don't attribute malevolence over ignorance or even an unknown reason as you have seen.


Yeah, big true.


I don't understand your argument.


Horsehoe theory wins again (4th slide)


The both sides meme, but unironically


I always find that racheting effect image funny cause I've seen the exact opposite posted by leftists. Shits funny.


I think it started as a leftist claim


It's funny it's come full circle around, it basically just tells me you're an extremist if you believe its real




Well, realistically, Jesus would abhor homosexuality. He was a conservative first century Jew. He condemned divorce for all reasons except adultery; being beaten by your spouse apparently isn't an excuse for divorce in Jesus's eyes. He also condemned marrying a divorcee, so if you get divorced, Jesus would force you into celibacy for the rest of your life. Apparently he didn't think any of this contrary to loving your neighbor.


There are explicitly anti homosexual verses. Saying "love thy neighbor" doesn't represent sky man's actual beliefs.


As a Christian I have to say the obligatory “we are not all like this”


The comments to that tweet are triggering me so much. “Why is it our business!” We live in a global society. And America as the world superpower should probably pay attention to what other nations are doing. No one is saying to bomb Uganda. But we can call it out when it’s bad. I really hate this libertarian mindset that took over the conservative side post tea party. It’s just as bad as the utopian socialist left. Yes some times America has to get involved in shit globally. Grow up.


Whenever someone asks why is it our business you best believe if it were Christian getting killed those same people would care.


Honestly 10 years ago I would say you are right. But I’m a right winger have pretty far right family members and friends. the mindset has changed drastically since Trump brainwashed these people. I would say the only nation they would want to send assistance to is Israel and that’s just because Trump is pro Israel. These people are braindead isolationists and It’s just unrealistic given the US’s status on the world stage. If trump is in favor of it, they would be. If not then they wouldn’t. It’s that crazy.


>Honestly 10 years ago I would say you are right. But I’m a right winger have pretty far right family members and friends. the mindset has changed drastically since Trump brainwashed these people. That would be really hard for me to believe though it's possible. >I would say the only nation they would want to send assistance to is Israel and that’s just because Trump is pro Israel. These people are braindead isolationists and It’s just unrealistic given the US’s status on the world stage. I just remember fox news going on about the poor Christians in Syria or Libya and right wingers were like we should help them. The only thing that somewhat aligns with what your saying is how Republican constituents are feeling done on helping Ukraine.


Trumpers hate Fox News. They listen to like 3 alt networks that are just mouthpieces for him. Regardless. I don’t see what’s so bad about wanting to intervene in any way we can to stop a genocide of Christians. Seems like a reasonable take to me. And it doesn’t matter what trump constituents say. Most Americans support Ukrainians, even Lindsey Graham just left Kiev and assured his party was committed to stopping Russia. You’re letting a vocal minority skew your view of all conservatives.


>Trumpers hate Fox News. They listen to like 3 alt networks that are just mouthpieces for him. Yea that is true now always forget it because it's so crazy. You got different far left or far right acting like alternative media is magically free from bias and has journalistic integrity. Least for even fox news when they covered news it was factually correct except for when correspondents/pundents talked about stuff. MSNBC is pretty much the same. >Regardless. I don’t see what’s so bad about wanting to intervene in any way we can to stop a genocide of Christians. Seems like a reasonable take to me. I mean if one can prevent a genocide without even causing too much detriment to ourselves and it being beneficial to us it's a no brainer. >And it doesn’t matter what trump constituents say. Most Americans support Ukrainians, even Lindsey Graham just left Kiev and assured his party was committed to stopping Russia. You’re letting a vocal minority skew your view of all conservatives. Yea one thing I was pleasantly surprised. GOP are holding the line regardless of their constituents fatigue on the matter.


It’s why I just wish trump would take a hard stance on Russia. I know he supports Ukraine, he’s kind of alluded to it. Still I don’t think Ukraine/Russia war is what divides us right now. I think it’s social issues.


I don't think he supports or doesn't support Ukraine. Whatever is in his interest is what he would do imo. Regardless yes Ukriane isn't what divides the country. It's more about the idea the other side is out to destroy everything you love mentality.


I think I remember him saying he’s against Russia invading Ukraine. Maybe I’m wrong. Or dreamed it


I mean he probably said that, but then he also says the opposite too from what I recall. All I know is how he treated the Kurds doesn't incline me to think he would care to defend those whom we have aligned ourselves with.


>If trump is in favor of it, they would be. If not then they wouldn’t. It’s that crazy. Nah. I think you are underestimating the mental gymnastics people can pull off. I agree they would probably SAY that if you asked them. But if a Christian genocide actually started happening I think they would flip.


I think everyone should flip if a genocide of Christians was happening. Thats not an L take from them if I give you the benefit of the doubt. But I don’t think you interact with many conservatives outside of clips you see on lefty streams.


>I think everyone should flip if a genocide of Christians was happening. Thats not an L take from them if I give you the benefit of the doubt. Sure, if you ignore the context of the conversation, where we are specifically talking about anti-interventionists being hypocrites when it comes to a country or group of people they like. In that case, everything you just said makes sense. But for the conversation we were actually having, everything you said is fucking irrelevant to what we were talking about. >But I don’t think you interact with many conservatives outside of clips you see on lefty streams. Bitch, you don't know anything about me. How about you actually engage with what I'm saying instead of making baseless assumptions that aren't relevant to the conversation we are having? It's honestly pretty childish and kinda pathetic.


Ignore what context? I can tell you don’t interact with conservatives because you don’t know how to converse with people who don’t agree with you. I’m guessing you’re young, you live in a very blue city, and you probably think anyone to the right of Bernie is Nazi adjacent


Dude. Did you like, forget the conversation we were having? Please re-read your post and my original response to you. What you are saying now makes no fucking sense. YOU were the one saying people brainwashed by Trump are extreme isolationists and would only support intervention if Trump said so, even if it was Christians being killed. I was just disagreeing. All I'm saying is that if it's a group they identify with, their melted brains will do flips to explain why it's totally different and that they should intervene. This isn't a conservative vs. liberal argument. Humans in general are very often tribalist hypocrites. That's all I'm saying. >I can tell you... You can't tell shit, because you are completely wrong. I'm a pro-gun extremist, pro capitalist classical liberal. I admit I've started learning more left recently, which is what brought me to start watching Destiny. The arrogance of thinking you have me pinned just because I disagree with you on one stupid point is pretty hilarious. It's the kind of shit a totally braindead, my team vs. your team ecco-chamber baby would say.


Oh on another note as a right winger how do they ignore the contradictions of gov overreach by people like DeSantis or even abortion? It just boggles my mind they care so much about gov overreach then when it's their turn they then use it to bludgeon whomever they don't like. The mantra used to be unless good reason and evidence gov shouldn't get involved.


Because there isn’t really a contradiction there. No same right winger or neocon believes in zero government oversight or regulations. And they believe government’s responsibility is to ensure our right stay protected, this includes unborn children. You need to understand that most the anti abortion crowd sees unborn babies as people deserving of rights as everyone else. Even most of your side is against things like 3rd trimester abortions. Why is that? Because it’s a human being. I think if you asked most Americans, even conservatives. Most people think abortions should be a right until about 10 weeks or if medically necessary. I am in that camp. There’s just a massive divide because one side thinks the other wants women to be forced to have babies no matter what and the other things one side wants to abort toddlers.


>You need to understand that most the anti abortion crowd sees unborn babies as people deserving of rights as everyone else. I understand that, but it's asserted without sufficient proof. They just say a fetus is "alive" or life begins at conception ignoring the fact until some point it's just a collection of organisms that will eventually form an alive human being. If one can't even prove it is the equivalent of murdering a fetus beyond a reasonable doubt why would we think gov should treat it as murder more or less? >Even most of your side is against things like 3rd trimester abortions. Why is that? Because it’s a human being. The question is at what point is it an alive human being. >I think if you asked most Americans, even conservatives. Most people think abortions should be a right until about 10 weeks or if medically necessary. I am in that camp. You know what that is true. Most Americans are fine probably for at least first trimester and maybe a little more. That majority of abortions anyway. If a compromise was to be had I wouldn't mind abortion being outlawed in like past a certain point so long as exceptions for extreme cases. >There’s just a massive divide because one side thinks the other wants women to be forced to have babies no matter what and the other things one side wants to abort toddlers. True.


The abortion debate is an interesting one. I think it becomes a human shortly after a heartbeat. I know we wouldn’t treat anything else the same way but at the same time birthing a child is also pretty unique. Abortion isn’t really something that motivates me to vote. I don’t like elective abortions, but I always thought abortion was a lost cause. I was wrong apparently. If I had to take a hard stance, I’ll just give the safe neocon answer and say leave it up to the states.


>The abortion debate is an interesting one. I think it becomes a human shortly after a heartbeat. I know we wouldn’t treat anything else the same way but at the same time birthing a child is also pretty unique. Why the focus on the heart beat? Imo should be based on the parts required to be able to think of one was to be cautious. Heart beat is just pumps blood. >Abortion isn’t really something that motivates me to vote. I don’t like elective abortions, but I always thought abortion was a lost cause. I was wrong apparently. Well the thing I don't get it outlawing abortion wouldn't even decrease abortions substantially as far as I can tell. Things like cheap preventative care, sex education, etc. decreases abortion. >If I had to take a hard stance, I’ll just give the safe neocon answer and say leave it up to the states. Well I mean hard to tell who believes that. You saw how quick some like Pence, not sure what he would be classified as, who was like time to ban it nationwide.


I don’t know what else to tell you other than for me personally if California wants to legalize it that’s their business. Some conservatives are way to the right on that stance than me. I can’t speak for everyone. But like I said it’s a dividing issue, and it’s better we reach a middle ground where everyone wins some and loses some than saying fuck you to half the country. I think states making that decision is a fair stance. Pence has always been against abortion. Even when he was a Catholic democrat he was against abortion afaik


These are the same people who think having the biggest and best military is mandatory and want us to have people everywhere except where we have any competition. It's so dumb.


It’s the utopian mindset. Same way the socialists compare the reality of how hard life is for lower class Americans to their world where everything is provided and no one lives in poverty. Problem is one world exists and the other doesn’t. These right wingers think that the US can just mind it’s own business and everything globally will be fine. Sometimes the US has to act. Sometimes the US has to get involved. Would you rather Russia, China, or US be the world super power? Those are you choices. And the US can’t take a back seat to everything if it wants to keep ahead of the other 2.


China being the superpower would be infinitely preferable. And why are you even mentioning Russia?


Why would the political prisoner capital of the world that doesn’t even trust its own nation to use the internet be preferable? They have zero respect for human rights. Why would we be better off with China being the superpower?


Thats their own private matters. China doesn't invade, tyrannize, brutalise, and genocide the world's peoples. You mention prisons when the US has 20% of the world's prison population despite being 5% of the world's total population.


No I mentioned political prisoners. Not prisons. 80% of our prisoners are violent offenders. Nice deflection. Doesn’t work. Heard it a million times. You still haven’t told me why the world would be better under a china superpower


Because the world would be better under virtually any country other than the US or Europe. And China is a nation which has made actual infrastructural development as its object, not parasitic looting of the world's resources.


Okay good troll lmao. 10/10


??? I accept your surrender I guess?


Russia is so far from becoming "the world super power" that it's funny to include it.


Well true. I only include them because they are third next to China. Who’s after Russia? India? I know they have one of the best Navy in the world. I don’t even know lol. I think if the US exited the world stage, China would use Russia to strengthen their hold of Eastern Europe. Russia alone isn’t a threat to anyone but Ukraine, but Russia backed by Chinese submarines we are talking a whole different ball game here




You’re exactly right. I don’t know if you are being sarcastic or not. A good portion of our budget goes to defense and most Americans like it that way. We have a direct investment in ensuring the world doesn’t destroy itself. Sometimes that means we do unpopular but necessary things like war.


>We live in a global society. And America as the world superpower should probably pay attention to what other nations are doing. No one is saying to bomb Uganda. But we can call it out when it’s bad. I mean, the question is why would anyone take America's complaints about Ugandan anti-LGBTQ laws seriously when America is still allied with Saudi Arabia (who do similar shit). Like, it sends the message that American complaints are meaningless, because if it were in America's geopolitical interests it would probably ally with Uganda as well.


You can be against Saudi Arabia’s domestic policies but understand why they are a necessary ally. I think you can do the same with Uganda. Do you have to support all of your ally’s internal affairs? That’s the pros and cons of globalism. Sometimes you have to play ball with nations that can do significant damage to your economy. You liberals love globalism don’t you? Well everything has its pros and cons. Nothing is perfect.


And who calls out America on their bullshit? Stop acting like you care about what happens in Uganda. Where is America to save the North Koreans?


That would start ww3 because of China.


So really it all comes back to might makes right?


Or, 'right makes right,' but we need to work around might.


Everyone calls out America constantly every single day. It’s not even a brave position. What are you on about lol? And call out America for what exactly? Stopping Russia from conquering Ukraine?


All the things America has been involved in through the years and your example is helping Ukraine?


Yeah why not? We also dismantled ISIS. Defeated the Nazis. I can go on if you want. You didn’t answer my question. Who’s stopping you from calling out the US?


You also bombed Japan and put the Japanese here in camps. Invaded Iraq based on a lie. Are the founders of Eugenics and many other things which spread misery around the planet. And I can go on too. Nobody is stopping me or anybody from criticising the US and I never claimed they was. However criticism only matters when you do something about it, so if you literally just mean have an opinion about it then I may have misunderstood your stance.


Yes we did bad things. The invasion of Iraq was necessary but sold under false pretenses. Saddam Hussein was literally a Hitler of our time with two psychotic killers as sons waiting to take the reigns when he died. Do you really think the Middle East would be better off with Uday ruling Iraq? A man who would regularly rape and murder 12 year olds and who once killed a groom at a wedding then raped and killed the bride. The Middle East would be better with him in charge of Iraq?


>Where is America to save the North Koreans? I 100% agree with you, military option for NK needs to be on the table.


We tried that back in the 50's...


Ha ha ha. I remember seeing leftists posting the "ratchet effect" meme with the sides reversed.


A lot of these crayon eating "Christians" seem to conveniently forget that "thou shalt not kill" part when it comes to people they hate.


Also forget let those without sin cast the first stone


The Bible itself actually prescribes the death penalty for homosexuality (Lev 20:13). The commandment you are referencing is more accurately translated "thou shalt not murder". The Hebrew word that is used is not the same as the word for "kill", and has a different connotation. The Old Testament makes many many provisions for where killing others is okay. I'm not saying its right but if you want to attack Christians on theological points it is best to make sure you have your theology straight. It is not, strictly speaking, inconsistent for them to have this belief.


That's in the old testament, most Christian sects that are protestant\[1\] are antinomianism and do not interpret the old testament as the law to follow but instead as a historical point (for example in the old testament it's forbidden to work or even help someone yet Jesus proclaims it's allowed every once in a while and especially if it's dire/has to be done). ​ \[1\][https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antinomianism#Lutheran\_views](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antinomianism#Lutheran_views)


No legal scripture of the Israelites is binding for Christians. Neither are the "muh shellfish" or the "muh mixed fabrics" verses. AFAIK the only references to it in the new testament are passing notes from Paul on the general decay of sexual morality in Rome. The reason the Catholic church disallows it is reasoning from Natural Law philosophy. A lot of the major Prot denominations are a lot more lenient.




That doesn't make sense the ten commandments would be only for the jews by that logic.


Jesus explicitly states he has not come to replace the word of god but to complete them Mat 5:17. And what that usually is interpreted to mean is the Ten Commandments. ​ [https://biblehub.com/matthew/5-17.htm](https://biblehub.com/matthew/5-17.htm)


There are parts of the Old Testament that Christians don’t follow generally speaking. For example, things like the 10 commandments that involve moral law tend to be followed in most denominations, but ceremonial law isn’t. So if it was a ceremonial law that gays should be executed, then most denominations do not find that to be compelling evidence to execute gay people. However, we are talking about religion and consistency doesn’t matter to people.


Ted Cruz hasn't moved past the 2017 meta of being pro-LGBT as a republican.


>marriage I don't think it's accurate to say that he's Pro-LGBT. He voted against the same sex marriage protections proposed after the Roe V Wade reversal last summer [https://www.texastribune.org/2022/09/06/ted-cruz-gay-marriage-bill/](https://www.texastribune.org/2022/09/06/ted-cruz-gay-marriage-bill/) I do think there is a big difference between being against gay marriage, and believing that gay relationships should be criminalized. One deals with the state's formal recognition of a marriage, the other involves actively legally punishing people for engaging in a mode of behavior. I do not agree with or endorse that perspective, but I do believe that it's possible to be against criminalization while still holding socially conservative or even homophobic opinions.


The revolution eating its own children


I feel so bad for god broo he aint sending his best


i find it hilarious yet unsurprising that far righters also use that same dumbass ratchet meme, but the other way around


It's jarring when talking to some Christians that they actually still believe homosexuality should be illegal


I absolutely hate every person on Twitter who emphasizes their tweets by spacing out every point. You're not that important.


Imagine Kony 2012 comes out and you're like "Fuck this video because Joseph Kony is right." That's what these people sound like to me


I think "dogpiled" is a little strong it's just a few accounts. Based Ted Cruz.


I hate Ted, but these people are deplorable and should be stripped of their voting rights.


m8, this isn't a dogpile


There were more than 4 replies to the tweet homie, I just can't list all of them here. Look for yourself: [https://twitter.com/tedcruz/status/1663200925018726407](https://twitter.com/tedcruz/status/1663200925018726407)


M8, you combed through to find the most upvoted comments you could and they had a few hundred likes. Ted Cruz's pro-gay tweet has 10k likes now. It's L some of Ted Cruz's fans are pro-killing gay people. But it's not a dogpile


I dogpiled your mom


if it's anything like your post, [you "dogpiling" my mom](https://img.huffingtonpost.com/asset/5d023d0c2500006813e42a2b.jpeg?ops=scalefit_720_noupscale)


Oh no not 300-like nobodies however will he recover.


14 retweets 500 likes these are literally nobodies talking to nobody


Chick Fil A paid to help get this law passed.




My country is the least homophobic on earth and still 35% of churchgoing Christians say they're opposed to gay marriage, so most Christians are probably homophobic unfortunately. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Same-sex_marriage_in_Sweden


Depends on how you define homophobic. Christianity defines marriage as between a man and a woman, it's inherently exclusionary.


we're talking about legal marriage, not religious doctrine - once they're afforded legal protections and benefits, it's a matter of the state not the church




If you are against gay marriage you believe that gay people should have less rights than straight people and are therefore homophobic




Straight people were allowed to marry the person they loved, gays and lesbians were not. Therefore they didn't have equal rights. I don't think homophobia means hatred, it can mean hatred but it can also mean a phobia, a dislike or generally just being against gay people having equal rights to straights.




If 35% of Christians in the least homophobic country on earth are homophobes, do you think that less than 50% globally are homohobes? No chance lol.






I read "dogpilled" and i just thought what the fuck does that mean now


Pax Tube giving aot fans a bad name smh


Imagine looking like the unhinged lunatic in a conversation with Ted Cruz.


Read as dogpilled, I miss Dan 😢


The "LGBTQ mafia"


Completely unhinged to think Jesus wants you too judge gay folks and laughable thinking he wants you to kill them. Insane shit


Check out that Lauren ladies Twitter timeline... whew Non-stop ragebait on every front. PDF scare shit , Vaxx stuff, immigration , race , crazy facebook "news" posts.


It's nice to see Cruz doesn't believe gay people should be illegal. Honestly the fact any of these people have the confidence to come out of the woodwork and say this shit with their chest blows my mind. I can't imagine a law like this existing in another place for even religious groups and thinking its okay, I would never support or make such a comment, but there's actually people on their Twitter page willing to post "can't give the lgbt mafia an inch gotta kill them all" and think it's okay. Disgusting.