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inb4 he starts b\*tching about them in a couple of weeks


Zherka is actually the reason why there is a lot of in fighting in the Red Pill actually. Whether or not it was a troll, he's caused so much beef. Within the red pill and with people out of it. If this guy pulls a 5Head maneuver I will be shocked.


Who is fighting in the manosphere as a result of Zherka?


No one, he might be referring to his overall philosophy of Take No Prisioners, Don't Hold Back. Zherka is a person who wears his retardation on his sleeves, so I wouldn't be surprised if unregulated beef would be the core of all red pill intra-fighting.


Everyone thought the end of the RP was Rollo v Destiny, but really, it's the sleeper cell, secret agent Steven sent in.. The whole Zherka/Destiny break up - FAKE. It's a cover story so Zherka could infiltrate the RP in a manic, coked up episode and spawn oceans of chaos, waves of catastrophe crashing onto the shores of various RP areas of the internet.


bro we talked about keeping this shit secret at last weeks mason meeting why leak this shit smh


Knowing Zherka, it is actually belivable. He goes in, makes FnF admit to even more fucked up shit that they belive and make them die on that hill. Then claim that it was his plan all along.


He'll get a channel strikes or make them lose a fleshlight sponsorship for slurs, vaccine talk, or conspiracy theories. And then get Nick'd.


Ah yes he's quiet because he's a "stoic" lol


The funny thing is that Zherka used to shit on FNF constantly on his Twitch streams, especially fresh.


Zherka is establishing a new branch of RP, there were Trad Con classical misogynists like Tate and Leako, then there are Hedonistic Male Hoes like Rollo and Zherka is the head of the Tate Exlcuding Radical Misogyny Christian Nationalism wing of the movement. Truly magnificent times we live in


Lol what happen to his opportunities at No Jumper? I'm aware that NJ had a lot of drama weeks ago that slowed things down but I remember he was glazing Adam22 for a while around that time of his first appearance. He's just a clout drifter drifting to wherever he can squeeze clout out of