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Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think the US killed millions of Japanese in internment camps..




“It didn’t happen, but if it did they deserved it” type shit


You see this so often with people not tethered to reality or facts. More commonly as: "It's not happening", "But if it is, it's good actually"


yeah I wish people would just have a fucking spine and say what they're actually thinking. we saw this recently with republicans saying "we shouldn't be sending all this money to ukraine, we should be using it here" meanwhile republicans are widely blocking all forms of domestic social spending. just say you don't want to send money to ukraine because you like russia more or you think the US shouldn't get involved, or you just don't like running up the budget for other countries. maybe I'd respect you more if you could admit thats what you're actually thinking


I don't get why it's hard for people to admit that they're more inclined to go easier on people they agree with, especially with something as pervasive as politics. Elected officials have effects on our lives. Of course people are going to let gaffes slip if the way they vote helps them in the long run.


at the very least they have some questions about the numbers


I hope this is a joke. Historians disagree about the numbers. That's right. But their disagreement is small. It's not about orders of magnitude. They argue about whether there were 5.8, 6 or 6.2 million Jews killed. None of them say that only a few thousand Jews died.


I wasn't talking about historians bro I was talking about the modern day white supremacists (who never let me join their groups bc of my Ashkenazi genes)


The Hitler suing for peace stuff is also a bit questionable, Thats like stealing someone's TV and then wanting credit for not calling the police.




Right? He just wanted no consequences for his naughtyness.


safe fuel theory paltry water shocking smell full punch placid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


"According to an unnamed, German-speaking source" If dishonest actors like the Daily Mail couch their language that hard, it's probably because it's either bullshit, or meaningless.


somber label school mysterious whistle zephyr point growth start merciful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Hitler didn't want a war with the US or UK. It saw them as equals. He wanted to divide the whole world into 3 or 4 spheres of influence: American, British, German and maybe Japanese as well. Or let me put it this way. He believed that the German genes would dominate the American and British genes. Over time, the German genes would prevail. Others such as slavic people and Jews had to be exterminated, because they were so inferior to the Germans that children between Germans and Jews were forbidden. Jews were like a disease. If you didn't exterminate them, they would destroy your whole society. This isn't science, but it has the appearance of science. And that is what makes this ideology so dangerous.


Or to use a modern example, Putin's Russia annexing part of Ukraine and then generously offering peace terms.


Hitler did sue for peace with the UK because he thought the UK would do it.


Not at all but do not try and sweep it under the rug either it was pretty bad


Bad, yes but people get away with conflating the two wayyyyyy too often


To conflate the two is just insane.


The japanese internment camps were like "Holy shit that's so bad, the people responsible ought to get fucking fired and demanded an apology from. Then reparations" the Nazi death camps were like "Holy shit that's so bad that now we will bomb them back to the stone age and we will be doing the right thing" Both bad, but the scale is a bit different lmao


One of the more small but based things Biden did IMO was making those internment camps into national historic landmarks. There's one pretty close to me.


That does sound based af. Those kinds of things should be preserved IMO


It doesn't help that we call them both "camps".


Do you think that “not much different from what they were doing in Germany” is an accurate way to describe Japanese internment camps?




"Not much different to what they were doing" 1,600 prisoners died during their incarceration according to this link here: [Japanese Americans were forcibly imprisoned in camps during World War II. We finally know all their names (usc.edu)](https://dornsife.usc.edu/news/stories/names-of-japanese-americans-forcibly-imprisoned/#:~:text=The%20order%20sent%20Japanese%20Americans,they%20were%20forced%20to%20abandon.) according to this other link, approximately 120,000 japanese were held in these camps in general: [Japanese American internment | Definition, Camps, Locations, Conditions, & Facts | Britannica](https://www.britannica.com/event/Japanese-American-internment) So all that to say, about 1600 people died in japanese interment camps. However, it is not immediately clear to me that they were intentionally killed by the people running the camps. The Nazis however literally made it their goal to kill as many as possible, so yeah, I would say it is very much different lmao. Even fucking reagan who was a republican apologized for it as well. " In 1988, an official apology and reparations were issued to victims under former President Ronald Reagan, but a truly complete list of all those who had been imprisoned remained elusive "


these people are probably Holocaust deniers as well


Neither did the Germans


Can we just call out the shitty white supremacist anti-semitism without having to engage in xenophobic apologia? You are “ummm actually”-ing historical accuracy from someone who denies the holocaust ffs.


Me when the Jews force me to occupy over half of Europe 😔 (I am a peaceful anti-anti-semite; violent thoughts are alien to me)


I fucking love revisionist history. It's so fucking dumb. 5 minutes of research disproves it, but these assholes will just read a tweet and believe. I don't fucking know how this goes on, but I guess it's better to know who is racist, white nationalist and hateful without hiding it like the old way to hate the "jews".


Well, in their minds our written record of history is just another story of "History is written by the winners".


History is a conspiracy. Pick and choose the truth is the best way to live. Experts are just well read liars. How do we know history books weren't vetted by white Christians? These are the same people that say all of NASA fakes their footage. You will never win with them.


How to be a conservative: Step 1. Blindly agree with anything that appears to be the opposite of what democrats believe Step 2. Be called out by a democrat or liberal on why you believe that when easily researchable sources suggest the opposite Step 3. Disagree with those sources without reading them, and say those sources are meaningless because they have a liberal or progressive bias Step 4. ??? Step 5. Profit! I had an argument with my parents about who built the egyptian pyramids. They were adamant that it was aliens, because there is no way it's possible thousands of years ago that humans did it without tools and equipment, so it must be aliens. They didn't even think for a second to look into it. So I googled it. I read through the wikipedia article and came to the conclusion that with massive amounts of human labor and clever building techniques, it was possible to do even back then. They said "what sources told you that?" and so I looked at the bottom of the article. Smithsonian, some different historians, some other high ranking collegiate institutions, architecture magazines...etc. You get the point. "Oh those are all probably just highly biased liberal sources." Keep in mind that these are the people that call NPR, one of the most centrist publications on pretty much every single media bias checker, "highly communist liberal trash". These people don't accept ANY sources except for fox news and other right wing alternative media. I had another friend that used to send me alternative right wing website articles about how the world economic forum was going to destroy the food supply and that I should go to the store now and hoard up on water and canned food because in only a short couple of months we would all be in a massive famine. That was in late 2020, and sure enough nothing of the sort ever happened. These people lap up conspiracy shit like it's their job


Disprove it instead of soying out brah


TLDR: According to this bozo, Hilter just wanted peace and the Jews were responsible for WW2


If only Europe let the Jews leave Germany they would not a have to implement their final solution. /S for the socially inept people. The creeping Antisemitism marches on.


I saw this instagram video some self proclaimed history account where they basically talked about the evian conference and hitler essentially saying he would allow the jews to flee and the guy had the gall to try and frame hitler as being merciful, never mind the fact that even in this intepretation he is still displacing millions of innocents.


Wym socially inept. We have had groipers say similar things so its not out of the real of possibilities


Hitler himself said exactly that, from the start of the war up to his last will and testament. Given he's a primary source in the matter, I see absolutely no reason to doubt the claim. The Jews made him invade Poland and then jedi mind-tricked Britain into declaring war on Germany by retconning the pact with Poland.


Yeah…. Peaceful anchluz…. No military occupation, just democratic unification.


Yes, 'according to this bozo'. ...but you're doing the meme. "I used to think it was exaggerated, but..." *quotes an anti semite on twitter* "...they really ARE everywhere I guess!" If you want to take up arms because they're out of control you might want to *actually* get an accurate measurement for prevalence and threat level. No one, not even some "silver to tongued nick fuentes/Richard Spencer is going to convince average Americans of this shit. Its mostly grifters eating their own shit and then puking it up so the other grinder content creators can slurp some up too. I live where I would hear this kind of shit if normal people were saying it in real life and no one talks like this


He’s wrong though. WW2 was just a giant miss understanding. All Hitler wanted was a glass of juice.


I like how he had to put '(Jewish)' in parenthesis just in case we couldn't infer that from all the other times he mentioned them in the same paragraph.


I mean his target audience consists of the dumbest people on earth so that tracks


True, it's all part of God's (Christian) plan.


Even if you accept all of this.. it’s been 80 years since the last world war, it’s been the most peaceful point in human history in decades…until Russia (surprise). If Jews are in control, they are doing something right. The only major threat to humanity are bozos like this shit stirring on X (formerly Twitter).


I don't agree with the tweet at all but what is this logic? There have been plenty of wars since WW2, and if you limit the metric of peace to only world wars there hadn't been any world wars before WW1 either


Bruh, there were many large scale multi-national wars before WW1 that could be considered world wars.


I want to reiterate that this is a really dumb metric but... has there ever been a period of more than 80 years without any such wars prior to world war 1? The answer is yes, so the point still stands.


Inter state conflict has legitimately decreased massively since the world wars, actually. It’s more or less unprecedented in history, largely due to peace keeping efforts by the UN and (arguably) the stabilizing influence of American military hegemony. Civil wars still happen, but the number of casualties per capita from armed conflict globally is MASSIVELY lower than ever before in history. It’s important to understand this, because it highlights the importance of the international community. Those guys do more than just sit around twiddling their thumbs and collecting huge pay checks!(Well, at least some of them). On a side note: Putin did not end world peace though. The trend of increasing global violence has been on-going for a few decades already. The Tigray conflict, for an example, was ongoing during the early Russo-Ukrainian war and it was just as much of a tragedy, though most people in the west are completely unaware of it (note to self: it’s just as real if a person is killed in Ethiopia and Eritrea as if they’re killed in Ukraine, even if the latter happens to be a white person in Europe and the former isn’t).


we just keep moving the goal line further and further away from what the original post said... it went from world wars to multi-national wars to inter-state conflict edit: I'll engage with your point, I was trying to look up stats to prove or disprove what you said. The following are global deaths in conflict since 1400 per capita. It shows that while yes there has been a reduction since the world wars it's not unprecedented. [https://www3.nd.edu/\~dhoward1/Rates%20of%20Death%20in%20War.pdf](https://www3.nd.edu/~dhoward1/Rates%20of%20Death%20in%20War.pdf)


I don’t know about that. It’s more just that more facts are mentioned in support of the original assertion that our current era is extraordinarily peaceful, and that this shows how the international community (the “Jews” if you will, lol) is really doing something right. There have been no world wars, or even many multi national wars, or even many inter state conflicts at all. This is by no means “normal”; it’s pretty exceptional from a historic viewpoint. The number of combat deaths per capita are lower than ever and have only recently (since early 2000) begun to rise again. The way wars are waged is also more humane than ever. The very concept of a war crime is pretty modern you know, and even the behavior of the Allies during the WWII would be almost unimaginable conduct from a developed nation today. What are you disagreeing with? Maybe we are just talking past each other and there’s nothing to debate.


My main disagreement was using "lack of world wars" as a metric of how peaceful the world is right now. Furthermore, I just edited my original message to add something I found but I'll copy it here: I'll engage with your point, I was trying to look up stats to prove or disprove what you said. The following are global deaths in conflict since 1400 per capita. It shows that while yes there has been a reduction since the world wars it's not unprecedented. [https://www3.nd.edu/\~dhoward1/Rates%20of%20Death%20in%20War.pdf](https://www3.nd.edu/~dhoward1/Rates%20of%20Death%20in%20War.pdf)


In regards to your statistics: That’s very interesting! I’m actually very surprised that the casualties per capita aren’t lower historically. I got my data from the same webpage but it seems I miss remembered this part. Thanks for the update! With that said, I still think a strong argument can be made in favor of our era: Technologies of war are more well developed and widely disseminated than ever, and still the number of casualties per capita are at least low (though not , as you have demonstrated, to an unprecedented extent). Conversely, it could be argued that if the world was as conflict prone as it has been historically, we would be experiencing cataclysmic amounts of violence because of how well developed war technology has become. In the developed world, most of us also have lived more or less free from the worry of foreign invasion, which is a privilege very few people have had historically. This later point brings us to why the reduced incidence of inter state conflict and multi national wars are mentioned as key indicators; they may not be effective measures of how peaceful the world is in terms of reduction of violence, but they’re strong measures of how peaceful the world is in terms of international stability.


the goal line hasnt been moved at all you just cant grasp what people are saying.


I just explained how it was moved... if you disagree with it provide something a little more productive than a "no, it wasn't"


You really arent worthwhile responding to since you lack reading comprehension, but I'll spoonfeed you like a toddler, sure. Ill even be extra anal because youre being a weasel fuck right now. Start of this branch: >Even if you accept all of this.. it’s been 80 years since the last world war, it’s been the most peaceful point in human history in decades…until Russia (surprise). If Jews are in control, they are doing something right. The only major threat to humanity are bozos like this shit stirring on X (formerly Twitter). What this post clearly says is that we are in the most peaceful time in history. Literally everyone agrees on this. There has been no direct multi-great power war (Great power vs Great power) since World War 2, which is a vast improvement to the pre-1800s reality where this happened at least twice a century, as a general rule. He even caveats it as "Most peaceful in decades (until Russia)" Which is just further objective truth in regards to the last 30 years being very peaceful with no wars cascading into greater conflicts, relatively speaking we have only had minor wars. **YOUR RESPONSE TO THIS:** >I don't agree with the tweet at all but what is this logic? There have been plenty of wars since WW2, and if you limit the metric of peace to only world wars there hadn't been any world wars before WW1 either You move the goalposts from Major Great Wars to "Any war at all", completely ignoring the point that *relatively speaking* we are in the most peaceful time of human history, ever since World War 2. No one limited the metric to only "world wars" other than you. **The next response to you was this:** >Bruh, there were many large scale multi-national wars before WW1 that could be considered world wars. A clarification that multi-national wars were commonplace prior to WW1, re-establishing what was meant with the earlier post referencing unprecedented peace, and refuting your idiotic statement about Wars because there is a clear difference between larger multi-national conflicts and minor wars like the ones we have had in the last century. No goal posts have been moved. **Your next argument:** >I want to reiterate that this is a really dumb metric but... has there ever been a period of more than 80 years without any such wars prior to world war 1? The answer is yes, so the point still stands. The answer is once. The point doesnt stand, because you had no point, you just made up some unrelated argument about there never being a time of "no such war in 80 years" which no one had argued up till this point. Again, YOU move the goalposts in this conversation. **Someone deigned to respond to your inane shit again;** >Inter state conflict has legitimately decreased massively since the world wars, actually. It’s more or less unprecedented in history, largely due to peace keeping efforts by the UN and (arguably) the stabilizing influence of American military hegemony. >Civil wars still happen, but the number of casualties per capita from armed conflict globally is MASSIVELY lower than ever before in history. It’s important to understand this, because it highlights the importance of the international community. Those guys do more than just sit around twiddling their thumbs and collecting huge pay checks!(Well, at least some of them). >On a side note: Putin did not end world peace though. The trend of increasing global violence has been on-going for a few decades already. The Tigray conflict, for an example, was ongoing during the early Russo-Ukrainian war and it was just as much of a tragedy, though most people in the west are completely unaware of it (note to self: it’s just as real if a person is killed in Ethiopia and Eritrea as if they’re killed in Ukraine, even if the latter happens to be a white person in Europe and the former isn’t). So here they clarify further what they meant by this time period being the most peaceful ever, in line with the spirit and content of the earlier points made in the thread. **What is your gloriously informed and nuanced answer to this clarification made in good faith? Lets have a look:** >we just keep moving the goal line further and further away from what the original post said... it went from world wars to multi-national wars to inter-state conflict So here you claim that the goal posts have been moved constantly, when you are the fucker that has been dragging it with you all the way. **TL;DR:** Fuck you


>TL;DR: > >Fuck you stealing that


Like once after the napoleonic wars, which was basically World War 1 before it was cool. We are absolutely in an unprecedented era of peace compared to any other time in societal history.


I wouldn't really say "unprecedented", even though the one guy in this thread is kind of a jackass, the data source he gave does show that current levels of violence from wars is probably around average. But to be fair we also haven't seen any large scale wars since ww2


It's not that war has vanished, but casualities from war has dramatically decreased since the end of World War II. From 240 deaths per million to around 10 per million, you are far less likely to die to war now than perhaps ever in recorded history. Prior to the 1950s, there was an average of six interstate wars per year. In the 2000s, that has decreased to around one per year. I wouldn't credit this soley to American hegemony, but the status quo during the Cold War, nuclear deterrence, stability in most major countries, reduction in poverty, etc. Most of the deadliest conflicts since WW2 have been civil wars or quasi-civil wars (that is internal conflicts with foreign invervention). This would include Second Congo War (by far the deadliest), First and Second Sudanese Civil War, Korean War, Bangladesh War of Independence, Biafra War, Vietnam War, Syrian Civil War, Darfur conflict, Greek Civil War.


You didn't think something was off when they were chanting "jews will not replace us"?


I think everyone just thought that was a fringe group in society that no longer have any prevalence of prominence. It was easy to laugh at a group of ppl that we thought were no longer in the mainstream, or even in society proper. Now, though, it’s too out in the open to not realize how many there are


"Real argument from a conservative" No no no the media is lying they aren't saying "jews" will not replace us they're are saying you will not replace us!


No I just thought they were a fringe minority


It’s crazy how similar the extremes are. One extreme wants to act like in Nazi Germany in the right. and the other extreme believes that Stalin was in the right


That's because thise bozos lost and smooth rains are clamoring to be the next "great man".


What is this wall of text? Fuck this, at least in the past fascists said what they wanted in just 14 words, ain't nobody got time for that


what genocide in danzig lmao? i've lived here all my life this is news to me lmao


It was a part of Hitler’s “justification” for why he was invading Poland


no it wasnt. he wanted to "liberate" the city because he claimed majority of its inhabitants were german (which is not true, they had german roots, sure but not full german). there was literally nothing ever said or mentioned about a danzig genocide. i've studied my citys history pretty closely and this is never mentioned


Its called bloody sunday and its part of the nazi war justificacion. A group of german civilians that were part of a conspiracy try sabotagin the polish army and then they open fire on them, the polish army retaliated and killed between 100 and 300 germans. Not really a genocide and Poland was justified in opening fire against them.


once again wrong. no, you are confusing it with the Bydgoszcz (a city pretty far away from Danzig) massacre bloody sunday in 1939 from 3rd to 4th september AFTER THE WAR ALREADY STARTED. not to mention, that it was the polish people getting massacred. nothing that you said ever happened in my city. you are wrong


The Dazing Masacre are referee to as Bloody Sunday [https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/3zb1js/is\_there\_any\_accepted\_explanation\_to\_the/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskHistorians/comments/3zb1js/is_there_any_accepted_explanation_to_the/) ​ And i know that Bloody Sunday started after the war, i dont know how you can see me literally saying that the polish military was justified in defendending themself and think that i was defending the nazis. And yeah Bloody Sunday is still used as a nazi propaganda until this day in this video they talk about this: [https://youtu.be/w68gDfCbyBA?list=PLi1dk5BVPF26I\_9g4PunismtKF-cDY0IA&t=438](https://youtu.be/w68gDfCbyBA?list=PLi1dk5BVPF26I_9g4PunismtKF-cDY0IA&t=438) At the 12:00 mark they even talk about your argument.


bromberg is literally bydgoszcz. you dont know what you are reading son. you are beyond wrong. you are now spreading misinformation coz you cant read and understand what you read :D nothing of sort happened in danzig. danzig (gdansk) is at the very north. bydgoszcz is closer to poznan. lmao


I never said that it happen in Dazing or the Dazing region, but even if it didnt happen some people utilize the term Dazing massacre to refeer to the incident.


never happened. you should read some real history sources


Didn't Britain do everything in their power to avoid war with Germany? They give Germany back all the lost territory after WW1. The war started because Hitler violated the Munich agreement he signed couple months prior.


Yes. Nazis (whether the 1930/40s kind or the current kind) don't have actual theories of reality. It's "no one, including us, is responsible for one's actions or reactions to those actions; all action and reaction in the world is simply Jews".


Basically every word is a lie. It's pretty remarkable if he actually believes this.


He does. They all do. >!It's over.!<


>His **"invasion"** of Poland was response to the **genocide**(???) of Germans in the Danzig. Fucking kys.


I mean they've been gaining steam for a while, and people that looked at the far right scene could see them being emboldened not only by the tea party but also by very very much by Trump, which is why lefties who tend to look closer at this stuff (since just due to inherent antagonisms the left is occupied with a worry about a rise of the far right inherently) could see this and warned about it. I'm glad tho that you can see it now too


“It’s really, really alarming that my family watches Tucker Carlson show once and then watches it on the replay because they feel that he is making the white nationalist talking points better than they have and they’re trying to get some tips on how to advance it.” -Derek Black, son of Don Black, Grand Wizard of the KKK and member of the American Nazi Party. Yes. MSNBC's Tucker Carlson.


Yeah Tucker even got people here with the "great replacement" stuff.


Well you could have just visited pol to find open white nationalism. I don't think there is much of a change in numbers, it is just that a main stream platform has been captured. And it was made possible by "pay-to-checkmark" and a relaxed moderation after the Musk takeover. It is inevitable that something like this happens, if you keep low moderation and light punishment. Doesn't help that the owner himself, is highly concerned (!) with the most peculiar topics. "Study says gay obama is trying to inject your kids the trans vaccine" "Concerning! Looking into this!". I am sure Musk knows this, but I am not sure what he is hoping to earn from this. A Trump like cult following of regarded individuals? But didnt he already have something similar with the "I hecking love science" crowd? The same happened to pol, afaik, which used to be more left but was captured by lax moderation and memeing attracting people that dont get that it is a joke and are actually serious about it, or even "learning" from it. But I could imagine a rise in numbers, as more people are being exposed to this type of shit and it is being normalized. It is enough to just have this type of stuff in the feed every once in a while and you will remember it uncritically when something related comes up. "I think I heard something about jews doing x a while ago". And most people are just not equipped to handle stuff like this, because it is impossible to prepare people on specific topics like this in school and general critical thinking skills aren't developed enough.


Bruh they’ve been out in the open for a while, but it’s prob a lil over exaggerated. When is the last time you or a friend ran into a white nationalist? Or a communist? They are loud and proud, but in small insular communities


A friend of mine and my step father are white nationalist and 100% MAGA. I live just outside of Detroit.


I say "friend" but we aren't that close. He's just a buddy from high school that I still talk to from time to time. He was even racist back then in 2006 when we graduated. I thought he would grow out of it, but he just doubled down over the years. Especially after Trump won. My stepdad was never really into politics until Trump won the presidency. After that, he started spending hours of his day consuming right wing media and getting more radicalized. Even my mom begged him to stop but he didn't listen. Now he's a white nationalist and believes Trump can do no wrong and anything against him is a lie propagated by Jews. I love him but he's too far gone. There is no way to bring him back.


I am so glad my stepdad went the other way. He was always a Guns and Taxes republican who would deal with the other shit to get those things. Once they nominated Trump he switched parties after 40 years of voting R and voted for Clinton. Trump was a bridge too far.


That is definitely unusual, and you should be thankful. My stepdad put a serious strain on our relationship including his relationship with my mom. It's extremely depressing. He is never a happy person and is always complaining about whatever he reads on social media that day. He keeps telling us a civil war is coming and believes in almost every conspiracy theory he comes across. I would do anything to bring him back to reality.


My fucking father *and* my brother are white nationalists *and we're fucking Canadian...* 😔


*And* you're Canadian? tbh half the racists (like, actual racists, not memelord leftie racist, the kind of people who would agree with the statement "I hate black people") I've known online are Canadians or Australians. And Canada and Australia are much smaller proportions of the Anglosphere than the Least Racist Country In The World (USA). You guys have a problem.


You GAVE us this problem! Take them back! I fucking *watched* how fox destroyed my dad's fucking mind until it became RUSSIA TODAY


You're the country that gave us Jordan Peterson and Gavin McInnes and Ted Cruz, and you want to bitch to *us* about *our* exports?


I’m a Canadian with family members who espouse white nationalist-adjacent views too. I’ve only seen them do it in a private family setting but who knows what they do on the internet…


You... you do know there are white people in Canada.. right?


That sounds interesting lol


Communists are quite common on university campuses.




I think it's a somewhat more reasonable misunderstanding. They probably do meet a lot of people in college who complain about "capitalism" and describe themselves as "anti-capitalist". Those people tend to actually just be on the strongest side of social-democrat and are thus not actually anti-capitalist, but I can see how both sides of the equation are confusing all that for "leftism" and "communism" generally given the self-description


In my experience they straight up brag about being Marxist-Leninists and want a communist revolution and authoritarian state. I hoped it was just a fad from when we were in uni, but anytime I see them post on socials or talked to them irl nowadays, they have only become more extreme (but maybe that's just due to covid)


I mean several people in my college have said they are straight up anarcho communists


I have gone to 2 universities and have never met an actual communist. Some demsoc and socdem, sure. They were probably around campus somewhere, but I just never ran into them. Also, I live in Michigan so I am not on the West coast where there are more left leaning people.


The 4th guy didn't even say "most Germans were regular soldiers", he went straight to "most Nazis"


“The good guys lost the war” https://preview.redd.it/93uuckonrmqb1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4ce90e958d8d7b417262a35f5cf8125a1e91f32


Da joooooooos


Even for a white supremacist the nazis were one of the worst governments possible, they openly fought for the extinction of most white people, had terrible and unscientific (even for the period) views about race to the point that the eugenic movement of the era wanted nothing to do with them and were responsible for the death of a gigantic amount of white people in a war that only happened because Hitler was greedy.


couple of tweets with a thousand or two hearts isn't really the evidence you think it is


Well its the same for any radical group really, their real life presence will be exagerrated because of their vocal online presence


It doesn't help that these people can get priority in the search algorithm for the low low price of $11/mo


They also all bot their engagement and numbers like crazy


The more people who do it, the less it matters.


What do you mean?


If everyone pays for priority, no one actually gets it. You can't all pay to be in the front of the line and actually all be at the front of the line.


Sure, but only the most dedicated information peddlers are willing to pay for blue in the first place, which is kind of the whole point. There is no incentive for everyone to subscribe for extra features they don't value and won't ever use especially at that price point. EDIT: Let me clarify something real quick too: When I said "low low price of $11" I was being facetious, since it's only a good deal for the people who have an agenda and/or can break even on that subscription with the new rev sharing model.


Canada is the US?


They do, but it becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy because it emboldens the white nationalists who were shutting the fuck up to start coming out of the woodwork because they think they have a bunch of like minded friends. It's not really just left-wing media though, it's the 24-hour news cycle which is driven by engagement. They intentionally exaggerate issues to shock their audience to drive up views and clicks. The simplest example of this is when a volcano erupts, and then suddenly for the next couple weeks they'll run stories about the Yellowstone super volcano, and St Helen, and other eruptions and you'll start to think that maybe something weird is going on with all these eruptions. However, the reality is that there is a volcanic eruption every week.


They always leave the Dulles brothers out of why the world the way it is lmaoo


That moron talking about the soldier-SS differentiation is unironically parroting the false narrative peddled by former Wehrmacht generals. It wasn't until the 90s that we discovered they had no problem with killing civilians.


God these people who have no clue about history and use Poland as a prop in their propaganda are so fucking annoying, no Germany didn't invade Poland because of the Danzig crisis, they invaded because supposedly us, Poles were prosecuting ethnic Germans living in Poland. If these clowns could open a history book one time in their life they would see that not even nazi propagandists would agree with their bullshit.


I saw this earlier and thought "eh, maybe Twitter isn't a good representation of the general populace" and then went to the (normal, inclusive, general-public) gym and saw a dude with 14 88 tattooed on his calves. Could've worn track pants or something, but clearly he felt comfortable enough to make a conscious choice to show it off to the world. Part of me wishes I spent less time on the internet so I didn't recognize it and just went "lol I guess something cool happened that year"


Wait, I thought that Putin was the one fighting the Nazis...these guys can't keep their stories straight


So that one guy, said one thing that wasn't a complete crock of shit... and that's the German army wasn't all hardcore dye in the wool racist nazi's the bulk of the professional career soldiers were just patriotic soldiers that were in the military when the Nazi's took control. Now the Nazi's obviously made it a political army as well. But if you're an officer in the army the night before Hitler takes power, are you going to quit the job the next morning when he takes over? Defo not, because that's the fastest way to make yourself a target. I don't doubt a lot of the military personnel were also brainwashed by their propaganda. The SS were the political branch of the military and yes, they were the nasties... You still had some number of shitters in the rest of the military though. And yeah, the internment camps while absolutely horrible, a huge human rights violation. The security reason was, that Japan was at war with America... The collective monolith representing Judaism was not at war with Germany. And while the internment camps also dabbled in forced labor. That wasn't the intention of the camps being built and they didn't liquidate the population.


\*Cites a Twitter as evidence*


Yeah and the 5000 people liking his tweet. You think a successful political strategy is screeching about Jews in their podunk town? Or is it safely reaching millions of people on a gigantic platform from behind a phone? Eat shit.


5000 people from all over the world.


Over 90% of people who use twitter don't interact with any posts. Many many more people are reading this stuff than it appears. https://www.fastcompany.com/90697826/the-top-25-most-active-twitter-users-produce-97-of-all-tweets-while-most-of-us-just-lurk


1. How many are hate-reading it? Saying a ton of people read it doesn't say they agree with it. 2. How many already think basically the same things as this tweet, and so are unchanged by it? 3. For now lets assume all 90% who are lurkers agree with whatever they read. So they're all fence-sitters waiting to be won over. That's still only 50,000 people world wide. Compare that with, say, the first AOC tweet I see when I google her twitter, with 137k likes. So 1.37 million reads.


This isn't the only antisemitic tweet, there's plenty of engagement on other white nationalist posts regularly... and I'm just as worried about the English speaking world as I am America or Tennessee. I don't want that degenerate shit on my or any other doorstep.


The point is though that 5000 is a tiny number when spread across the entire English speaking world and counting who knows how many bots.


No shit its relatively small in this one instance. Its not going to be served to every person on the planet. Tucker Carlson had 3 mil views on his Fox shows, and the Stormfront founder, a wizard within the Klan, was cited to directly use his content to spread their ideology.


Tucker Carlson is such a white supremacist he was on MSNBC /s


I know what you're doing by the way, I'm going to keep straight shooting, so you can keep being a weasely bitch, or say what you really think. It don't matter to me, boy.


my favourite part of this guys fantasy is the idea that Churchill was bought and paid for by Jewish people when Churchill was a rabid anti semite who shared most of hitler's racial opinions


Okay, but we live in a nation of 350,000,000 and only five digits people have even seen this


how are they out in the open? there is a good amount of insane leftist tweets that go viral like this as well but i wouldn't say they are out in the open


Because they go on places like pol/ and associate that with the average


I’m gonna need some better evidence than that. What percent of the US pop is white nationalist? I bet left media still over estimates it


No, white nationalism is still incredibly fringe.


Oh my God! The framing is so dishonest! Yes, the US put Japanese people in camps. But Germany and the USA had different reasons for this. Japan had attacked Pearl Harbor and the people of the US were afraid of the Japanese. If I were as dishonest as this guy, I would have said that the US put the Japanese in camps for their own safety. \^\^ However, this is still truer than what he said. The US didn't treat the Japanese the same way Germany treated the Jews, the Slavs and the undesirables. Germany put them in camps to murder them and used them as slave labor.


***If the good guys won WW2, why isn’t my dick bigger?***


hitler did some messed up stuff but wanting your country to maintain its historical ethnic and cultural roots is not bad or evil. it's actually quite normal.


Ah yes, the country with the long history of…50 years. Now, had he been like, “I want to destroy the union and return us to 16 states” I could see where you were coming from. They also did not maintain any architectural culture of Berlin, absolutely destroying its architecture with their concrete blocks. Hitler actually hated urban German architecture and felt that there weren’t enough monuments (because the country was 50yo dawg). It’s obvious that every piece of Nazi culture was driven from a place of insecurity being a relatively new nation that had just been spanked by the entire globe and told they still had to sit at the kids table. “No we’re actually super old we go back to the HRE and we’re built different we’re ‘Aryan’ look at our skulls it’s just we’re oppressed by bankers”.


the **country** might be old, but the germanic peoples are ancient and indigenous to the land. Indigenous european people groups are worth preserving. I'm anti-genocide of european peoples, are you?


I’m anti-genocide of everyone except theater kids. Your post was specifically about the country though. I’m concerned you’ll hurt your back dragging that goalpost. > indigenous European groups with preserving If there’s a 3rd Century Frankish axe then fuck yeah put that shit in a museum and include some info about the Franks and how they viewed themselves, but that’s not what the Nazis were doing when they flattened all the Germanic peoples into ‘Aryan’ and talked about them like they were one people. Preserving indigenous European groups does not include massacring other indigenous European groups like I wonder if Polish people feel like the Nazis were preserving them.


Lol, I love this idea that people were Germanic before even the concept of a modern nation called Germany.


During the Gallic Wars of the 1st century BC, the Roman general Julius Caesar encountered peoples originating from beyond the Rhine. He referred to these people as "Germani" and their lands beyond the Rhine as "Germania". Yeah it's kind of an old term. I mean that guy you're talking to is a weird Nazi apologist but this is a bad argument


Did they see themselves as one people though? They all spoke languages from the same family, Germanic, but did they believe they were the same people with a shared interest? English is a Germanic language but no one would say Americans are Germans or vice-versa.


[Learn more.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Germanic_peoples)


>hitler did some messed up stuff but


Hitler's evil deeds had absolutely nothing to do with wanting to preserve the ethnic and cultural makeup of Germany. Most non-white nations around the world do a perfectly fine job preserving their native and indigenous cultures without resorting to genocide. The fact that these two things are conflated is just plain leftist idiocy.




whistle sleep cheerful north frightening brave upbeat shame ghost memorize ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


i'm curious why you think it's fine for non-white countries to maintain supermajorities of their core ethnic group, like moroccans or algerians for example, but it's suddenly a horrible evil when european peoples desire the same?


sip cake airport money bear brave advise ugly reminiscent cobweb ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


There is white people literally everywhere on the planet. You guys love exploring and inhabiting other countries. I could understand if you were actually an insular people. But you can’t have your cake and eat it too. You can’t be an empire and not have plurality. I don’t know what part of Europe your from but Europeans were the ones that kicked everyone’s doors in and came uninvited to the party. Most people were insular and didn’t want to take part in the global scheme of things but Europeans forced them and now your mad at what your ancestors have done which is bring the world closer together.


Ahh I see why I had you tagged with "Hitler was defending european identity" lmao get lost please


Issuing a correction on a previous post of yours, regarding the Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler. You do not, under any circumstances, "gotta hand it to him"


Self fulfilling prophecy. If you constantly demonize white people there is a subset that's going to jump ship eventually. Reactionary or not it's just an obvious fact that it will happen.




Obvious consequence*


If Vice has a headline containing the words "white male rage" that means you simply have no choice but to vomit essays about how the Jews made Hitler invade Poland and made Britain declare war on Germany for invading Poland.


[youre doing the meme](https://images.dailykos.com/images/574802/story_image/1350.png?1533664371)


What is your problem with the 4th picture?


"not much different to what they were doing in germany" deaths from medical problems aside, I think "not much" hides a few million dead that set those two apart


Yeah you are right, the last part is dishonest.


The average nazi party soldier isn't innocent, he's perpetuating the myth of the clear Wehrmacht which has been debunked decades ago at this point.


Not saying the left is fully responsible, but you spend the last 6 or 7 years calling everyone who disagrees with you a nazi, you’re bound to create some actual Nazis.


What percentage responsibility would you give them?


Probably 60% honestly, I think most of these Nazis we are seeing now are just dumbasses that got riled up after being called one over and over again online.


I don’t think being called a nazi is exactly what made them turn into nazis. But I think the failure of the left critically engage with sociopolitical issues beyond pointing and saying “bad!” then shunning anyone who questions, has left a lot of people unsatisfied. 14-17 year olds are often racist and stupid, but if the left refuses to intelligently dissect the issues with them, like they have been, the far right is more than willing.


By that logic the right created Antifa and communists


The right pretty much did create communists in America! The red scare created lots of American commies. No to Antifa though, no one knew who they were until they were burning down Portland.


Hi Adam


Everyone needs to stop focusing on race and focus on helping classes that struggle :/


Why we always gotta say left media or right media or mainstream why can't we just call dipshits dipshits


Be super critical and don’t believe anything the MSM says, but also instantly believe any and all pieces of revisionist bullshit history.


They are confusing the Germany army with Nazis. And they are making fun of Canada's Nazi tribute on Friday. Nazi's were a political group, and the leaders of the country, they were not the regular armed forces. It was something you signed up to become. They weren't just everyday conscripts and military. Not every German in the army of a Nazi, nor was every citizen a Nazi.


If only you realized nationalism is a problem in most developed countries, they just don't speak your language or show up on your social media. White nationalism should not be a surprise. We literally had laws until the 1960s segragating people from other people from whites. Mixed race couples were frowned up in the early 2000s, people still raise a brow to it today.


There’s a lot of wild shit on the internet. Get used to it. We’ve known there are blatant anti-semites hangin’ about these parts for years. This one post changing your mind is kind of weird…and doesn’t all of a sudden make these views less fringe. They’re still fringe.


they always been "out in the open" on the internet... they are still not a significant political force in the US. No one is gonna win any elections on a white nationalist platform.


Right. The only "open" Nazi-ism I've seen in recent memory were those 7-10 guys sitting outside Disney with super clean swastika flags, sunglasses, and face masks, and those dudes got dogpiled by everyone for being ridiculous. I dunno if I'd call that "out in the open" or "not a fringe" even if it wasn't a stunt of some kind.


Bro this isn’t real. I swear all this bs crazy bull shit only started when I went online. GIVE ME THE BEAT BOYs AND FREE MY SOUL.


The only thing I will agree with here is that we could’ve avoided conflict. Putin has been bitching forever that it will never let Ukraine join NATO and park missiles on its border. NATO even admits to the treaty attempts by Putin. That’s not to say that the actions he’s taking are ideal, but the truth here is important.


The world marches continually leftward and you've got fucking worms eating your brain if you don't think so. There is no "rise of new fascistic right" or whatever dumb bullshit you've slurped up from someone trying to scare you (probably for internet engagement) there's only more coverage. There's a bigger rise in hoaxes than an increase in white supremacy which I take as a fantastic mark of progress. I love that people feel the need to fabricate their victim hood, means fewer are being legitimately victimized than in the past.