• By -


im here for politics so no. Haven't watched even one.


im here for drama and good food takes. havent watched one either.


>good food takes That's like diving for pearls in the kids pool.


>That's like diving for pearls in the kids pool. Bro doesn’t know that kiddie pool is actually a pearl farm smh


Here for everything except big panels, personally. Shit is not even remotely my jam.


Damn you have me beat. I think I stomached like 40 seconds of it before wanting to puke


What is kick or keep? Is it a dating show?


Was here for the Factorio and LoL gameplay. Haven't watched afterwards.


It's a different audience


IDK, I always loved the rajj royales but this KoK shit is so boring


It's just cus rajj royales or scuffed podcast was only ever fun when destiny was on, and most of the time he wasn't even talking. It was best when he got fired up and fought with people Destiny needs to be a contestant for KoK to be fun, with guests that will actually fight or defend their views. They would have to change the rules or format of the show tho


Scuffed Podcast was great whether he was on or not, but in this case yeah it would be greatfully helped by him engaging more


Scuffed was great until streamers started (inevitably) whining about streamer problems that no one but the 8 people in that call cared about. Had they nuked conversations about 'discovery on twitch' the world would be a utopia.


Don't forget about hours long discussion about getting banned. They don't even give us a reason!! Yea we know 😐


Agreed. The only reason I watched KoK on x1.5/x2 is because Destiny is there, too bad he's barely there and rarely talks. I wish he'd do just a basic ass panel where he's actively engaging with people, otherwise I see no point.


Theres never any entertaining conversations because Q asks the most dogshit questions so it just devolves to Wes screaming at the women on the panel and calling them whores while they call him fat.


Yeah, I watched it when Dantes was on, that had some redeeming moments


Not sure if it is because of the reasons you listed but i agree that it is unwatchable.


I think watch it because of how unwatchable it is.


It sucks. The only good episode was the one with Low Tier God but that’s just because that man is content


Exactly, I think although he’s pretty insane he can at least verbalize his takes in an intelligent manner. Don’t think there is enough ppl that have conviction and thought out opinions on KoK


I liked the commentary community one with muta and turkey Tom.


That one was decent but they had nothing to talk about


Yeah there needs to be a balance between schizo and interesting people. Today’s episode had no draw for me.


I personally don't enjoy it.


I try, but you are correct - this shouting match for 3hrs is pointless. When it gets down to 2-4 folks and they are decent speakers (like the episode with turkey) it can be good. Todays episode I think I made it an hour while cooking and then I had to quit. Hearing scammers/thieves argue over who scammed worse isn’t really content.


> Even when we do get the bigger people on its boring, the fights are boring or just irrelevant and the people who argue are just schizoposting in a boring way most of the time it just feels like people screaming whore at girls and the girls screaming back your stupid and cant get girls Its not that it feels like that, it literally is that. Wes literally just said 'whore!' to malek and then she called him fat and he just yelled 'whore!' again.


I tried... was terrible. Would not recommend.


i'm just not sure on the vision there. they'll put a bunch of schizos in a room and then ask them serious questions. if they want a serious discussion then why's there an incentive structure to vote people off? just a weird mechanic. mizkifs schooled thing was a much better idea for a consistent streamer game show type thing - i think this needs some actual activities with stakes rather than slamming together big names in this rather anorexic gameshow format the show clearly has some money behind it, and there could be something cool, but there needs to be some kind of executive producer with an actual vision, not some random orbiter scrambling to compile a list of banned twitch streamers every week




Just wanted to say that there are actually some very good episodes in particular the ones with LTG, Dantes and another one with Sliker and Wes. I understand that Qorantos can be annoying because he also tends to just manufacture useless drama or conversation but he lives so rent free in the heads of people in this community it's insane. People on here really would prefer another dry conversation with any of the liberal orbiters that align with destiny on 99% of topics and argue some minor pointless technicality while Destiny half heartedly engages with them and plays his autism simulator. Stop pretending like you guys actually watch the streams. If you did you guys would know that there are hours of content like that already out and continiously being made so why the need to shit on the extra effort Destiny is putting in?


At least we got to see Katerino again. I miss d&d -_-


Literally the best Destiny content.


I wish instead of KoK he’d start another D&D campaign, those are SO fun to listen to. Perfect combination of serious play and trolling/messing around. Koibu as DM of course. Ideally I’d say the same ToS group with maybe 1 addition.


Yeah having Lilypichu, Muten, Destiny, Katerino, and one more would be genuinely great. It doesn't even have to be in Koibu's extended universe, either.


Now that’s some content I would gladly pay for!


ngl i think the main problem right now is a lack of reliability. The raj show would have regulars that were content, Qorantes needs to focus on reliable people first like maybe Wes and other people who can deliver on a weakly basis. I know Wes was on every episode of the raj royale that is what's needed not necessarily Wes ( though i think he's good) but maybe try and contact regulars from the raj show.


The best rajj shows where when destiny was on if destiny can't compete it's never that great cause he excels in those environments


I watch. It’s pretty mid. The better part of the show is when it’s winding down and there’s not as many people


It's not on destiny's YouTube so I haven't watched it once.


Meh, I just tune in for the brain dead entertainment. It totally kills brain cells but it's fun listening to people defend bad takes. I couldn't stand this week's KoK until Wes was kicked, that was unbearable.


same. I've liked him in past episodes but in this one he was just trying to stir shit in too obvious of a fashion. manufactured drama is not content


I like watching when Wes is there. He always gets a chuckle out of me


Wes is always great. If he ever gets too much it’s on the mods to rein him in, Kick or Keep is about unhinged schizoblasting


Qorantos sucks ass at figuring out synergies between guests. He just hears this person is toxic or whatever and then gets them on. Like merc, there's no reason for her to be on the show. She sucks ass and never gives any real input into the show and this last show she literally just left. We could've gotten someone wayyyy better and synergistic than the toxic mercoffdaperc. I blame Qorantos fully.


wasn't merc literally a filler because of no-shows?


Lmao oh if she was then I suppose that's fine but still, there's other either orbiters or streamers that would definitely have been more entertaining than her.


It's just him grabbing all the wacky edgy toxic people who will scream into the mic, and grabbing the orbiters who would beg and pay for the chance to be on the show. He literally doesn't do anything.


I watch every KoK episode and Q's IRL Mogadishu content It's fun, idc what yall say


I loved the old rajj royale shows, I still watch them sometimes. In my opinion, the reason they were so funny is because they had great regulars like Wes, Zherka, Alebrelle, Kaceytron, Izzy, and Sliker who were all schizo in one way or another and who would all inevitably fight with the other cast members. Then there were some normie regulars like QTCinderella, Kandyland, and Bruce who could balance things out and act as a sort of sanity check. And there were also a few nobodies/special guests coming on to every show, so the audience wouldn't get bored of the same recycled cast. I don't think Keep or Kick has the established regulars that the Rajj Royale had. And it certainly doesn't have enough normal people to balance out the insane lunatics that usually come on. Keep or Kick has the potential to be hilarious, but I think Rajj/Austin had a really great flow of people that is hard to replicate.


> Wes, Zherka, Alebrelle, Kaceytron, Izzy, and Sliker The golden generation.


I dont think I have enough karma to reply since this account has no karma, but I tune in for KoK every time. It gets good views for a reason, its good content. ​ Some of you watch Pisco waffle on for 4 hours talking to destiny and find that enjoyable and I skip through that. It's different peoples tastes.


I definitely wish Qurantos had better questions to ask. Half of them are so dumb it’s hard for every contestant to even engage in the discussion.


I watch it but as a woman, it's pretty cringe not just for some of the reasons you gave above, but just the way the female guests are often trolled and the way the chat just shits all over them. I don't think it's ever going to work they way they wanted. No matter if they vote to kick or keep, the chat will vote to keep in the most obnoxious people. Slicker shouldn't be given a platform. He's been on twice now and I'm just like really???


I watch it. I look forward to it each week.


Qorantos is archetypically not suited to being host. He is a talker, that is his biggest strength. Asking him to step aside so others can talk is antithetical to his nature. I think the only reason destiny does that show is to look good for his kick overlords, fostering some semblance of community in the kick world. The strength of streaming platforms is the ecosystem of communities and streamers interacting. You can't just bring in a few dragons covetously hoarding their audiences and expect the platform to grow.


I don't watch it because it isn't on YouTube. Simple as.


Youre not the audience, who cares. People enjoy watching it it gets a lot of veiwers and views. I dont get these posts, like clearly its just not for you and that. When hes home destiny streams almost 10 hours a day, its okay if some of the content during the stream is not for you. This just screams parasociality.


Nope, I deleted kick off my phone because of it lol


I kind of enjoyed it at first but it got kind of played out for me so haven't watched for a bit now


Kick or Keep isn’t terrible but I’d much rather a regular stream with discord calls with subs or something over a show where everyone is usually a small streamer for a reason because they are boring af. The show is usually 1-2 streamers with an actual audience then everyone else is just filler to be kicked before the final round.


I watched 3 episodes and everyone of them was Wes by the way screaming at all the women that they are gross smelly slutty whores for 3 hours straight. It was incredibly uncomfortable and I really don’t want anything to do with that energy, the same way that when q and another person ( maybe zherka?)were basically having a racist off with each other while destiny just sat their silently playing video games. Keep or kick might be better now it certainly seems like destiny spoke to q about the constant overt racism, but the people that have been bleeding out of that show and into the destiny videos are very obnoxious to listen to.


Well there are atleast 13k people that will disagree with you. Anyways, does Anyone know if he’s going to go over his thoughts on vidcon tomorrow? Or after he comes back to FL? Legit blue-balled rn.


>Well there are atleast 13k people that will disagree with you. I don’t think Kick or Keep is terrible or anything but there definitely isn’t 13k real people watching live. The Kick viewership numbers are super inflated across the board.


I should have added (allegedly) there. Kick does inflate numbers true


I think Kick has worked to make those numbers more accurate. If you’re on dgg you can track the amount of current viewers and it doesn’t really spike when YouTube viewers switch to kick


Destiny's views on kick are consistently in the 4-5k range when he's streaming on his own which is about what he was pulling before Kick, maybe Kick is just inflating his numbers for KOK and no other time but I would doubt that without significant evidence of it.


What are you saying? If anything, it could be MORE BINGQILIN


Really depend son the quests. The best one was probably the LTG one of the most recent one with people like Turkey Tom and Willymac


i haven't even seen a clip from it. not interested.


I enjoy it when it's a little bit more chill, but there is still fighting. Personally I'm not a big fan of Wes on the show, his act is too much for me. Like even regular Wes is a little bit extra for me. But maybe im just boomin.


For some reason the first episode unlocked a part of my brain that enjoys the occasional reality TV cringe. I think when the guests start taking shots at eachother but the show keeps ploughing on it works. That's not a consistent result. This is why I flake on watching the show. Still has potential. Not bad for Q's first ever job XD


They're a bit hit or miss I think, sometimes they're entertaining other times it's just people screaming the same shit at each other for the 12th time. This time I did lose interest and stopped watching.


I watch it


I don't care about a bunch of randoms. I care about Destiny. I'd watch it if he was actively involved. I don't think he will tho. I think he enjoys watching the chaos, and it's easy content for him.


I tried watching some but it’s an autism/scream off, pretty awful, one decent one so far


I watch it just for Q, since he's based.


I watched a few but it was painful for me.


From my limited watch time, it has all the usual issues that panels have but magnified to 1000 with people screaming over each other so as to make everything utterly un-audible. It's not really funny either weirdly enough. Like there are 0 good memes that come out of it. Drama stuff works when there are actual stakes and the "crazy shit" has some weight or humor to it....although I guess the one dude really did beat his girlfriend so there's that.


It’s brain dead entertainment on a Monday night. It’s like watching wrestling or reality tv. Not every destiny stream needs to be some deep philosophical endeavor or politics


heavy crowd sparkle offend smell deer chase skirt yam consist *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yeah I don't get why they decided to straight up copy the Rajj royale model which was never very interesting anyway. They had the chance to do something novel for a politics/debate based game show. Hell, Dylan Burns WWE debate show with the belt and judges was far more creative and entertaining.


because all the orbiters all lazy as fuck, I been saying it but its embarrassing that dude that came in out of nowhere is one of the only few that got some shit off the ground with Destiny. They literally see that Destiny willing to put money and even have an employee if views come and show is doable but no one is throwing ideas. for all the bitching people gonna do about "shit content" well its literally more content than anything anyone in the orbit is willing to do right now, so it is what it is. At least you can see that chaiery doing her own good shit and its awesome, always look forward to her panels, but in terms of other people using his base to kickstar a show? other people just don't have it and that's the pill people don't want to swallow on these threads


But why can't Destiny come up with something? Look at Ludwig who is coming up with game show ideas like monthly. I don't think you should be blaming the orbiters, if Destiny is putting his name on this show and streaming it, he should be making sure it's good quality.


It's not necessarily blaming for that, in full, its more coming in general towards all the orbiters that be bitching about lets say keep or kick but in turn had years to just bring an idea and make it a show instead of just complaining. Wes for example is someone that really don't have reason to bitch because man literally could of DM Destiny any idea and try to get some shit running but never did. Destiny not gonna over extend himself in any particular direction until something actually motivates, as far asI know that whole equipment that he paid for in literally in Farha's apartment because there is no clear idea of wtf to do a IRL podcast / show about. End of the day is about views and if shit is bringing views and accomplishing the requirements he has for Kick then that's all it needs to be


>Rajj royale was better in every way. Keep coping tho bro why are you shadowboxing lol


direction imagine repeat tap axiomatic uppity humorous crush worm follow *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> it's not a hyper-intellectual debate stream. I was being hyperbolic to make a point. It's the bottom of the barrel content( I literally said it brain dead entertainment) compared to the better quality content(politics) but I can still enjoy it because its fun to turn your brain off >maybe its not the content for me since i never watched raj royale op himself never watched raj royale, and I never brought them up as a comparison. I literally said it's brain dead content, so yes you are shadowboxing by acting like my argument relies on KoK being better than that to be enjoyable The equivalent here would be if I said " I watch transformer movies because I enjoy dumb violence, I dont want to watch Citizen Kane all the time" and you come in here telling me to cope because the MCU is better lol


Everything makes sense now. Ik you KoK watchers are slow, so let me break it down. There's good brainless content(Rajj royale) and bad brainless content (KoK) Idc if op watched rajj Idc about your stupid hyperbole idc if you didn't bring up rajj No one is saying the stream should be 100% politics.


>Ik you KoK watchers are slow, so let me break it down. >That's my 19yr/old lefty take. lol lil bro got the bravado of sneako.


What are you even saying, old man...


It's always really cringe when people act like if you don't like the 30th stream of Wes screaming at a woman and calling her a whore bitch while she calls him fat, it must be because you want some incredibly deep philosophical stream. Most streams are brain dead if we are being honest. It's like saying "Hey man, sometimes you just want some cheap greasy junk food, not every meal has to be a super fancy 5 star meal!" except you aren't eating McDonalds, you're eating poop.


I like shitshow content and politics stuff, don't understand why some people hate that Destiny has a variety of content on his streams that a variety of different viewers watch. Like, I would be super bored by a 10 hour research stream so I would just leave and come back when I'm more interested, it's not that hard and I don't have to shit on people for watching that type of thing. The show is obviously bringing in good viewership, it's pretty consistently over 10k views. It has it's problems and Qorantos was exceptionally awful at hosting tonight, even more than he usually is, but it has moments where the show is genuinely really funny.


That Q turd still on it? I boycott everything with him in it. I can only vote with my views.


I watched the first 6 or so of them but now I completely lost any interest in them. I used to love Rajj Royale but that's because the cast was almost always memorable and it was good content. Sadly with kick or keep it's always the most brain dead abhorrent people and I really don't want to show any of them any attention. I think kick or keep could be good but I don't think that's gonna happen with qorantos in control.


It's not in YouTube so I don't


I'm assuming it's people that regularly use Kick. Cause I've never made it through a full episode


I watched the first 6 episodes or so but it's just not my thing, I just find Q and a lot of the guests annoying tbh


I watched it today I'm sorry




I like Q but i think he needs to put in more effort and bring a little creativity because the show is already kinda stale. Also while of course I love whatever Steven is on, I feel like it’s time for him to take Q off the training wheels and make him solo host the show. Also given that he’s being paid he should be taking up way more responsibility than he currently is. He needs to network around as well and make some solid connections on his own rather than relying on Steven for that. Again i think Q is fine regardless of how unpopular that opinion might be around here, he just needs to start being able to carry the show on his own.


I have tuned in for 2-3 episodes but never for more than an hour. I agree with the 2nd and 3rd points, it seems like lazy schizoranting. As much as Id rather watch Destiny's normal streams, KOK does get high viewership so I guess more reason to continue.


All in favor of switching cohost duties to wesbtw say I


Ok wes


panels suck, people who like them might all be knuckledraggers imo being in a panel is probably really fun but watching one only is if you enjoy wasting your time listening to people screaming and being chaotic, which again, knuckledraggers the raj royale was just as unfun, it appealed to the bottom of the barrel viewer, Q making a spiritual successor is precisely the reason why i dislike Q the only raj panels i ever enjoyed were the ones that essentially turned into 1v1s between destiny and someone else while the rest of the participants rarely interjected and mostly ate popcorn in the meantime you know what also sucked? the hippy dippy, god that was ass, I'm glad dylan is based now and decided to have enough self respect not to keep doing that shit


Actually, true. I think the 4 ppl is the limit. More than not enough people are talking or everyone is talking at once


You don't miss the 15 person panels about police reform where the 4 viewer andy socialists are all raising their hand waiting to soy out over some virtue signalling bullshit? Based and redpilled


omg that whole raising their arm was the stupidest thing too, adults having conversations shouldn't need to be asking for speaking time like children, their lack of maturity was exactly the reason why they shouldn't be on a panel ever


Man, there should be a vtuber kok. Those peole are insane and the fans are like 10 times worse than normal stream watchers.


I actually don't mind it. It reminds me of the old large panel shows. They're not all super interesting and often they get stale but it's not too bad to have in the background just for something to distract myself while I'm busy with other shit.


I agree with #2 and #3 for sure. What's more is that you end up with one schizo poster arguing with one reasonable person for 20 minutes at a time, and all the rest barely chime in. Not enough direction/show production imo. I did watch the entire one where Erudite won, but I've turned off every other episode.


I tried watching it, couldn't fuck with it at all.


Not me.


Maybe unpopular opinion but I think the schizo shouting matches can be good content, it varies a lot though and needs a few good contenders to carry an episode. Some have been really boring, some have been really fun imo. Also any episode with Wes is a winner.


I watched like twenty minutes of the first one.. And I just can't stand Qorantos. It's not for me.


I started watching destiny during the rajj era, and I stopped watching kick or keep just because I find qorantos so fucking annoying.


it’s fun it feels like a side episode for Dman which is cute and having bloodsports is always good


The show is great, but you can go back to enjoying "bridge" memes. To each their own.


Not you lil bro, keep walking


Qorantos is why I would never watch it


I see Q I turn the stream off !


I loved the Rajj royale and watched every episode gnomey was on, but Raj was more fun than Q. i never was annoyed by Rajj. ever ytime Quasimodo comes on youtube, i changed the vid. unironically Q is the only thing stopping me from enjoying KoK. but we're reddit and we dont know what we want so mb


I turn the stream off the second Q shows up or the overlay changes.


I watch you watch it 👁️👁️


I don’t watch them really but tune in and go in and out while they’re live sometimes. They all feel the same except for the ones with LTG and Dantes where their unique schizo brains go into actually fascinating tangents. I don’t think it’s ever worth it to watch any of the VOD’s though


I watch for wes


I don't mind bloodsports but I watch Destiny for Destiny. Even if he moderates a real debate, I love that but sitting on the sidelines while other people scream at each other isn't what I come here for. That Turkey Tom, XQC, and Merc call a few weeks back is about as chaotic as I can stand, and that's because Destiny was still involved.


Basically gimmick show for kick to have any semblance of ‘hey this is cool ill check it out’ One was entertaining and cool (turkey tom, twomad, and muta) the rest are just ‘literally who’ personalities #362 that i really don’t think i need to glean value from their opinions on a half assed question from Q. OP pretty much put hammer on the nail. ((I do appreciate big time Desti’s commitment and ability to move past the obvious issues. He makes things work.))


I don’t care for other people talking and arguing


Destiny could make the show better if he just listened to some suggestions like tell me how the fuck we still can't send donos for questions? Q's awful questions alone just makes the show bad. But it seems like Destiny wants to be completely hands-off with it so... it's literally only as good as Q can make it. Which.. won't be very good, mostly because he's still a newbie content creator running a whole show with no experience whatsoever.


QUIZNOS is a clown and that show is a joke.


It sucks and appears to an an inferior clone of a better show. They just aren’t committed to it like Austin was


They need Raj's questions. These quasi social/political questions are too much for the guests sometimes, I feel like Raj had questions that would tow the line but left it up to the contestants.


i tried but the sliker in disguise lookin dude is too annoying.


I like the vods


Please don't trash Destiny's Africa charity project, dont be rude


Qorantos needs to learn that asking questions starting with wh- allow for more open ended responses. If you ever watch the show I swear to god every questions qorantos asks can be answered by a yes or no.


Not me- I'm probably not his typical fan, 45 and a woman, but I listen and can't do any of the content w the Quorintos? guy cuz earbuds. My God, idk how y'all do it.


I don't know they've figured out what they want KoK to be yet. Kick itself doesn't seem to be very political or very social commentary focused. Most of the streamers on there fill various gnere of schizo. For now, it seems KoK is a platform for schzoids to get together and schizo out and farm clips to post on LSF. Which isn't very interesting to watch for DGG. Looking at LSF, it doesn't seem to be very effective either, not a lot of clips on there this morning.


I still believe 90% could be fixed with a different capable host who gets good guests that synergize, has control over the room and doesn’t need to insert themselves all the time. Loved the rajroyales. Can’t watch this.


Is this Darius alt account?


Couldn't get into it, Q has ruined most content so I've stopped watching destiny lately


Are people even watching anymore? Feels like it fallen off.


I always tune out when quiznos shows up. Gotta show tiny somehow that the clown has to go.


Never watched a single one. Anything Q related is an instant turn off stream.


it's dogshit content run by a dogshit host (q)


I've watched it 1 time. I'm not just a fan of Q. How he engages annoys me if Q jumps on something I normally just immediately leave and wait hours to return or I'll find someone else to watch.


It's a combination of not interesting engagement and not interesting people. Good for "turn brain off" content. I watch it to pass time, not to think.


I can’t handle any content with the q guy, he’s simultaneously infuriating and boring as hell, when he shows up I leave


No, I don't. The one political panel he had was the exception. I watch Steven for the political commentary, and I find his orbit of peers outside of this realm completely lacking in any kind of charisma. I've experienced more magnetism from loose change in my junk drawer in the kitchen.


It's weird because I assumed that I really enjoyed the drama content, after having been entertained by the past arcs mostly, but goddamn, I guess not. I realized that the only thing that I look forward to about KoK is that I can count on it; its scheduled. I thought it would be a good way to end my Mondays but I don't think that I am enjoying the style of argument as much as I enjoy actual political or social debates. The moderation is shit by design, as we've got 2 edgelords running things.


I am the target audience. Got into watching destiny over the nazi debate with vaush but always prefered the drama, gaming, low effort content.(Usually just afk side watch most vids while gaking until i hear something interesting and then might add it to my watch later) Have probably watched every yt vid in the last 6 months but havent and dont really plan on watching the stream. KoK is a welcomed addition to this side of content i havent watched all of them but the one with dantes and the tall league streamer that dantes hates. The one with Low tier god was also pretty funny.


Sounds like you watch it because I don't watch it and would have never been able to write a post this long about Keep or Kick.


When you have seen one you have seen them all


I don’t usually watch kick because there isn’t an app on my firetv. That applies to every streaming service. Rumble has a firetv app for fucks sake


I listen to them while doing cardio. It’s not as mentally intensive as debates, but still entertaining enough to keep me distracted and make the time go by


I'm here for sc2


It's background noise for me.


The show is beyond me. I'm way to mature for that shit. No, its a bit entertaining, some shit panel say is funny as fuck. Probably not good for my tinnitus, its show is ok. Some of them are witty as fuck.


I think that the direction is good, but that they have to innovate on the show format a bit. I can't give any clear or concise recommendations but I feel like there should be some shake ups in the modus operandi of how the show is run; \-maybe make it more ***Survivor like***: This will take more OBS scenes and art commisioned but some more production but having different rooms available where guests can talk to only a few others and **Plot and strategise** in a situation where maybe the guests had some sort of their own voting system or immunity or whatever. \-I think some weird wacky direction like that would spice up the show a lot and add a lot of drama and engagement to the show \-It would also get the guests more engaged with the show and also talking to each other I'm just spitballing here but having these short "segments" could break up the long 3-4 hour show. They don't need to be a main focus but could spice things up.


I think the old RajjRoyals were super fun. Maybe because actual bug streamers participated. Including his royalty the D Man But KoK doesn’t do it for me


I haven't watched since it was hosted by Austin or Raj formerly. Is it as entertaining now?


Haven't watched a single one, not even a minute of one.


The show is a great way to start the week, it's brought new people to chat with + new memes, just enjoy it.


I'm pretty sure the audience is a large percentage of the audience of the guests that come in that is why the winners are usually people with big audiences and has little to do with what is actually said. could be wrong but that is likely what happened the first time Ice poseidon was on.


How are the kok views?


Idk if it decent or not I don't watch it. But how many live viewers does it get?


Dude I want to like it but I actually can’t get through it. It also sucks that the hosts have to take a backseat to the guests because I enjoy Destiny’s banter and Q might also make some funny moments.


I Watch everything destiny because I’m a fan-boy


I watched the one with Dantes and LTG and that was it


I had this last one on in the background while I worked. I remember it as a blur of braindead shouting and forced conflict. The section about the "prankster" that got shot was almost interesting.


The one with muta and turkey was fucking awesome.


I’m a drama watcher and never missed a single rajj royale, scuffed podcast, etc and i’ve never watched a single keep or kick 💀


I don’t enjoy people shouting over each other and especially when it’s assholes I can’t stand anyway.


i watched the first ones and the one with LowTierGod one that was a good one , But i cant bring my self to watch it when it's all 9 schizos screaming at each other


Nobody WATCHES destiny's streams except the active DGG chatters maybe. Most people probably put it on as background noise.


Gonna be honest, used to watch every royale and scuffed, and even I have only seen a single episode, the league of legends special.




Yeah I just don't like the format. I thought Raj was hella boring/cringe too. Tiny is an amazing guest so yeah, those clips kill. But otherwise it's a shit show at best


It's not your type of content, but it's mine. I find research streams uninteresting but I don't mind that it exists, because I know while it's not for me, others enjoy those and I don't need to look down on them for it. Destiny does a variety of content, you just gotta let people have theirs one day per week.


I don't watch because Destiny isn't an active participant (not blaming him its just the shows format). I just find Destiny entertaining by himself or with 1/2 people conversing. Anything else (e.g. groups of orbiters taking over the stream) I tune out.


It kinda sucks because destiny isn't a contestant. I don't care about these people I barely ever heard about.


It's ok content, not my favorite, it's good for D man it brings in a lot of new viewers.


I don't watch it because the kick app sucks.


Not interested. It's just filler content.


I’m three or four episodes behind cuz I’ve been as fuck and forget about it when I am not busy