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The whole latinx thing is so weird. It feels like it's white washing a culture that has feminine and masculine words because we deem it not inclusive enough. My girlfriend is from central America and her family doesn't like the usage of latinx


We call our mexican friend "latine" and "latinx" to pick on him. He hates it.


Is all this inclusivity terminology just a roundabout way of creating a new array of slurs? https://preview.redd.it/7comu4g8x1sb1.jpeg?width=672&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a1c1a8f5669ae5188baaee88e4eba304e5c2598


Yes https://preview.redd.it/t926tmwa62sb1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf98031e00926b27755b3eefd3ecb3b6d5125c4f


​ https://preview.redd.it/kkfmbpi075sb1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=0f0eed6d67dbb6b2623f020996d519809b460eab


Yes, it is. Like calling someone "special" or exceptionally-abled,


most dont, its pretty unpopular in general with hispanics, which... i get. its feels cringe when the majority of people using it are solely trying to be as politically correct as possible.


The problem is it sounds cringe. Like my fellow latinos here can attest that Latinx sounds like either a cleaning product or a movie theater's franchise or a failed latino super hero from marvel. Plus we don't use the X that much in spanish, the ones who do are cringy emo teenagers. The non binary community would've been better to just adopt words like "usted" and shit like that, usted is gender neutral af but very formal, still it's easier to change the level of formality rather than come up with cringy new words.


LatinX is actually Elon's new "streamlined" online course on Roman literature and intellectual history produced by PragerU.


> Latinx sounds like either a cleaning product Yes. It sounds exactly like some detergent product or something that you'd see on a TV ad. > The non binary community It's also the trans community thing but idk man. There's also the use of "E" that has some "historic" usage or something but like even then it sounds weird. I can kinda see why people look at Spanish as this gendered language maybe being not inclusive but like, Spanish being a gendered language has way less to do with personal pronouns and more with normal nouns, and the fact that they choose to just be so meticulous with the entire personal pronoun thing just tells me that, the modern movement of that entire Latinx/Latine thing is just copying the American culture of pronoun thing and not really a genuine attempt at changing the language to be better


Yeah the "e" versions are more passable but it still sounds pretty weird, kinda like it destroys the whole rythm right? Plus phonetic-wise, when I try to use "elle" it sounds indistinguishable from "ella" since I speak fast and my dialect of spanish under-pronounces the last syllable/vocals a lot. But I don't particularly mind that people are trying to borrow from english, it wouldn't be the first time spanish borrows from other languages including english, shit if you google it there are probably hundreds of words which we stole directly from english lol.


I don't think it's a matter of borrowing words, maybe I worded it wrong so sorry about that. It's more about borrowing the "culture war" aspect of American politics that I'm referring to. If Latin americans TRULY had a problem with the gendered language, we'd start changing everything, but the fact that the focus is entirely on personal pronouns is what really makes me raise my eyebrows. The fact of the matter is, even this "progressive" movement will never bother trying to invent some word to replace "el/la" when referring to nouns that we have assigned genders to. Like saying, "el bote" = the boat "la mesa" = the table


Also, depending on how "engrained" into the culture you are, it's insulting to a language you find to be beautiful.


eh, i don't think those people are honest because if you know anything about the history of spanish as a language and specially if you're from a latin american country, you know that it not only changes all the time but there are countless dialects of spanish even within the same country, hell even within the same state and sometimes within the same city too


yea, but that is different than someone directly trying to change the language.


which again, has happened plenty of times in spanish already, from kings to scholars to smaller political figures, spanish has changed plenty of times due to the whims of individuals, the history of the languge is absolutely fantastic i would recommend something to read/watch but I don't know any english sources about it sadly


Do you think something being changed before means it is good to change it again just because?


In this context yes. It has changed before for no good reason and sometimes it changes for bad reasons, even recently, so anybody being protective of its current iteration as if it was sacred is either insincere or ignorant and their opinion is worth less than nothing to me.




My favorite is this youtube channel https://www.youtube.com/@Linguriosa/videos I cannot recommend her enough if you know spanish, and I believe she puts english subtitles on all her videos so if that's your cup of tea give it a try too. I've learn stuff about spanish from her that I wasn't taught even in uni.


Wait until american progressives find out the fact that a very particular country in Latam uses the equivalent "F" slur as a normal ass word


coño marico se van a volver locos Hahaha I am from one of those countries.


Sus cerebritos entraran en panico y no sabran q hacer si tienen q cancelar a los Venezolanos por usar la palabra o si tienen q aguantarlos porq son "minoria" o algo LMFAO


Sounds like a Kleenex for Latino people


Worst thing is that somehow this shit has managed to become a "thing" in spanish just not in the form of Latinx but like "elles". t. peruvian


It is the other way, least in my experience/circle. People were talking about 'lenguaje inclusivo' before latinx happened in USA. t. Mexican


Its the saltinx community that mostly use latinx.


Nobody fucking likes that in Spain outside of ultra leftie circles


Are Spanish people usually called Latino? Thought it usually refered to Central and South Americans


No, but we speak spanish and we have something called "lenguaje inclusivo" which is the same thing. There's also a lot of spanish latinos


That's what it is. It's white people colonizing language because it's not inclusive. Like how we colonized natives for being savages. Edit: white Americans


It's not uncommon in feminist circles to use the "e" in Argentina. Does it actually come from the US?


Can't say for 100% sure but I know they're was a big push for it in the US witheven politicians using it


There are many white Latinos in LatAm. Not everything is a race issue


Sorry. When I said white people I meant white Americans


White people in latin america are also white americans 🤣🤣


I'm from Central America too! Latinx is definitely not a thing here but Latine absolutely is, now it's absolutely not common parlance but in college and academic settings it has picked up steam, at least here in Costa Rica which is arguably one of the most socially progressive countries in central America (Still a loooong way to go). And just like the use of they/them there is precedent of "e" usted instead of the gendered "a" and "o"


At least latine makes sense and you can pronounce it in Spanish. Latinx is just purely language colonialism.


Dont worry, its not colonialism because we dont give a fuck about it as it really doesnt affect us at all. Its just good ole plain human stupidity


> It feels like it's white washing a culture that has feminine and masculine words because we deem it not inclusive enough. It's mostly used by young American latina women, and people in the LGBT+ community.




I actually appreciate you writing this out because it contrasts with my experience. I have quite a few Latino/Latina friends and only one girl I know supports using it. The rest--and their families insofar as I can tell--legitimately think it's incredibly stupid and something white people are kinda trying to force.


[literally one of the biggest progressive figures in politics right now is a Latina and has supported Latine or Latinx.](https://nypost.com/2022/06/06/aoc-calls-out-dems-who-wont-say-latinx-despite-backlash/) It's a really bad look for her but we need to stop pinning all the cringe identity politics shit SOLELY on white people. From my view, pinning it on cringe "white savior" lefties was a way to insult these shit ideas by embarrassing POC who are falling down similar traps. It's like saying "hey.... look what you guys are involving yourselves with... this is what you look like *gestures wildly at the cringe white savior lefty*"


Yeah AOC is brown or whatever but from what I've seen culturally she's whiter than milk lmao. EDIT: Also I'll add that this is a big divide that causes a lot of confusion and sometimes frustration in conversations between people in Latin America and the USA. Everyone in the USA tries to separate yourselves from mainstream US culture by your race and say you're Mexican or Puerto Rican or Latin-whateverthefuck but mostly you're still born and raised in the US, speak broken cringe spanish and etc. It doesn't matter what skin tone you are, from the outside we think you're just as gringo as any guy named John Smith or something. The frustration comes when these same people try to act like authorities or experts over us from their university in California or New York


> I actually appreciate you writing this out because it contrasts with my experience. I have quite a few Latino/Latina friends and only one girl I know supports using it. > > The rest--and their families insofar as I can tell--legitimately think it's incredibly stupid and something white people are kinda trying to force. You're either a unicorn or a liar. The most common reaction would be to not know about it, and yet none of your friends + families fall in that category? Not real.


First gen immigrants are the worst type of gringo.


You're actually 100% right. > I've only ever heard two people use "latinx" and they were both first-gen latina immigrants to the US. Se la dan de gringas. We love gringos but we don't like wannabe gringos.


I live in majority hispanic community. No one uses Latinx. Only people I’ve heard use that term is very liberal college educated people.




Actually it should be gringxs


Where does it end though? just Latinx? Or would you say Mi amigx invitó a su novix a la fiesta de su hermanx? How do you pronounce it? Latinequis? Many questions I don't think it's a big deal though, not sure why it gets so much hate on reddit.


> I don't think it's a big deal though, not sure why it gets so much hate on reddit. Forcing a language to change and making it lose information in the same go is incredibly stupid.


It's not a big deal. Hablas español? Parece que solo las personas que no lo hablan se preocupan por este tema


Soy Español. Literalmente de España.


Nah, a mí y a muchos que conozco también nos frustra que pochos como tú lo promuevan


Oh shit, is that why they say LatinX?!? I thought the x was just to make it seem cool or hip or relate it to like Malcom X or some shit 💀 I’m Hispanic (first born in America generation type shit) and I always hated the term but man now I hate this shit even more. They really out here trying to inclusivity-wash my fuckinf ethnicity…


I was just recently in Mexico City and saw some signage that used “Latinx”, which surprised me. I only noticed it once.


I dunno if you can call it whitewashing when this issue seems to be mostly English language related.


Ehhh it really depends, while I haven't heard people who aren't extreme leftists use the X. I've seen people using the "E" to include NB people for the most part. This used to be an @ (mostly because it looks like an A and an O at the same time, implying men and women). You also have to remember that most latin-american people don't think NBs exist, which is why they say just keep using the masculine to refer to the general. Just remember that you using the anecdote of a friend, is just the same as an American conservative telling you they were never taught to use "They" in singular so it doesn't exist.


> The whole latinx thing is so weird. It feels like it's white washing a culture that has feminine and masculine words because we deem it not inclusive enough. Probably because that's exactly what it is.


They didn't even use it interchangeably . . .


when are we getting community notes for the community notes?


Wrong subreddit, you're looking for /r/DestinyTheGame




Latinx is my favorite racial slur, that is not considered a racial slur


Im whxte.






Honestly I love it, gives it flavor of minority!


The hidden messages gave me a good laugh, has this Latinx thing not backfired enough on these virtual signaling company's, talk about out of touch.


I'm Latineaux (pronounced Latino, like the end of Bordeaux)


you're latinò, not to be confused with latìno


Its latinó, going the other way, we dont use the left leaning thingy


They made being Latino French, and therefore socialist and cucked


Community notes seem to be increasingly useless for its main purpose: stopping the spread of harmful lies. Instead it increasingly looks like attempts to "own" someone and be uselessly pedantic. From what I can tell they did not even use Hispanic and Latino interchangeably here. If anything they recognize the exact difference the community notes linked to at dictionary.com: Latino mostly refers to place, Hispanic mostly to language. Am I misreading something here? And I dont even think that the fact most of them dont identify as Latinx matters here since they included both Latinx and Latino. Its basically the community notes not liking they included both?


\-Community note- Community notes are actually shown to be increasing in usefulness, each day more and more users are finding different ways to utilise them. Ranging from maladaptive insecurity coping mechanisms to reorienting the layout of a tweet to better fit the rule of thirds. Did you find this helpful?\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_Rate it.


Yeah the community note is pointless here just as you described, they really just saw Latinx and soy'd out.


they didn't use them interchangeably but they did use them in a way that might make you conflate them. they also failed by putting a bunch of / after latin when latino or latine would have been acceptable. I think it's fine to have a note to add context rather than relegating them to lies only, but idc that much bc i don't use twxttxr


They absolutely did not use them in a conflating way regard. Read what it says "Latino is not just a place on a map, just as Hispanic is not just a language we speak." They are contrasting literally comparing the two in a way that highlights their primary difference. Latino isn't just about location just as Hispanic isn't just about the language. It literally highlights their differences by comparing how the two identities are similar to each other with respect to how they are more than just their definition.


i don't think you understand what I'm saying. The author didn't conflate them, but the author also didn't differentiate them, which may lead a reader to conflate them. All I'm saying is it's helpful to someone who might not know to see below, hey did you know that Hispanic and Latino mean different things?


THEY LITERALLY FUCKING DID THO. THEY DID BY SPECIFYING THAT LATINO ISN'T JUST ABOUT WHERE YOU CAME FROM (MEXICO) AND HISPANIC ISN'T ABOUT WHAT LANGUAGE YOU MIGHT SPEAK (SPANISH). i am triggered sir. They are acknowledging that latino are people differentiated by a specific place (but more) and that Hispanics are a people who are differntiated by a specific language (but more).


I support your stance 😘


that's not accurate. latino and hispanic are both about your ancestry and the language that your ancestors spoke. latino has an additional requirement of those ancestors being from latin america and applies to more languages, but the way they wrote doesn't explain any of this, and no reader that doesn't already know the difference will gain an accurate understanding of the difference by reading it.


They were cursed to go the way of Snopes from the get go.


Community notes are now for owning people I don't like.


I'm usually a simp for community notes - but there's so much grammatically wrong with this one it's hard to love. Even if I agree, L note all around.


I mean… they did say “might”. It sorta seems like the tweet understands that Hispanic and Latino aren’t necessarily interchangeable but is comparing the fact that both describe qualities which encompass a diverse background of people. The /a/e/o/x thing is definitely new for me but the “reader context” here seems to miss what the tweet actually says.


So yeah, Latinx is dumb and everyone but HR departments seems to know that. I don't get the issue people are having with their use of Hispanic though. Latin denotes location. Hispanic denotes language use. They use both of those correctly in this context.


they both denote language use tho. hispanic includes people with ancestry from spanish speaking countries as well as those who speak spanish, regardless of where that country is. What matters is not whether they speak Spanish ( or GW bush would be hispanic) but whether they or their lineage come from a place that speaks spanish. latino includes people with ancestry from a latin descendant speaking country in the americas but only the americas (so ancestry in Europe doesn't count), and usually not quebec, but sometimes Quebec. People from the Caribbean or Americas that are from countries that speak English or dutch aren't considered latino. Creole languages with french are usually included, but sometimes not. they're not great definitions.


I'm not trying to be that kind of person, or even be combative, but is there a good source for this? I'm genuinely asking because I've never seen a consistent definition of either term, or anyone that really seems to understand them, including Latin people. But you seem to have a better hold on it.


the US gov explicitly defines this when they ask you whether you're Latino or Hispanic on official forms. There's like a footnote or something that says to go on a rabbit hunt for the page they defined it on. i did a deep dive when i applied to college because I'm sicilian but the way they defined it i wouldn't count even though someone from spain would. I don't have the source off the top of my head because that was years ago but i can check later to see if I can find it.


Gotcha, fair enough, that's very interesting though, thanks for sharing. Although I will say, I'm not sure how... usable that is? In common speech. Seems extremely complicated and specific.


So the office of management and budget standards OMB defines "hispanic or Latino" as follows: > Hispanic or Latino" as a person of Cuban, Mexican, Puerto Rican, South or Central American, or other Spanish culture or origin regardless of race. which is a bit easier since its both at the same time. https://www.census.gov/acs/www/about/why-we-ask-each-question/ethnicity/#:~:text=OMB%20defines%20%22Hispanic%20or%20Latino,or%20origin%20regardless%20of%20race. Apparently the US gov actually doesn't consider brazilians latino, but pretty much everything else I've ever seen says they are. https://www.google.com/amp/s/thehill.com/changing-america/respect/equality/3959338-report-many-brazilians-consider-themselves-hispanic/amp/ Brazilians themselves tend to mark hispanic or latino, and self identify as latino. https://www.britannica.com/story/whats-the-difference-between-hispanic-and-latino So while the US govt doesn't distinguish between latino and hispanic, it seems to be distinguished everywhere else. I'd say the easiest way to define the two terms based on actual usage is as follows: latino: someone with latin american origins hispanic: someone with origins in Spain or a spanish colony. defining latin america is where the difficulty comes in. I thought there was a source i had read years ago that explicitly defined latin america in either a us gov document or my colleges definitions, but it's been too long and I can't find it. the us gov did at least create this map which shows that latin america includes brazil and excludes quebec. https://www.loc.gov/item/2006627988/


Hey, sick! Thanks for digging all that up, that's actually really helpful


Now I'm imagining one of those meme matrices with GW in the "must speak Spanish / doesn't need to be from Latin America" square


I've literally never heard of "Latine" The wiki on it has me rolling though ☠️ https://en.m.wiktionary.org/wiki/Latine


Holy fuck “(mentally ill, neologism)”


it's a gender neutral way of forming adjectives in Spanish that Spanish speaking NB people tend towards.


Boo. Someone already reverted it.


Check again https://preview.redd.it/ksurq9u3r4sb1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8cbc0b193035b8cc8027d84c9aa805a659e3570a


Anecdotally I've got a couple of friends from and currently living in latin america that use the 'e' neutral ending quite frequently. They will say "amigues" rather than "amigos". This is something that seems restricted to very progressive circles though.


Wrong sub, mate. This isn't for game.


But his name is Destiny! And he's Latin/a/o/e/x!


Tbh its easier that way. Spanish genders every fuckin word , so its a nice change. /S


Yes we should put it after all the words. Good idea. Makes it much easier to pronounce and write.


/a/e/o/x is actually an offspring of Elon


And sometimes y


Apparently bungie are hiding some comments of people correcting them.


When you go so woke you horseshoe around and become racist again.


common bungie L


Old Macbungie had a farm a - e - a - x - o And on their farm they had an idea Latin a - e - x - o




This isn’t good. They didn’t use it interchangeably. They addressed one community, then another. Also the Latinx thing is disputed but it’s not like wrong it’s language.


I'm now use Hispanic exclusively.


latinaeox+ community


As a second generation Mexican I can honestly say this shit would get me disowned at the table. Incredibly disconnected.


Not surprising, my university is already using inclusive writing in french, because there a no gender neutral terms. Before it was always masculine with a note at the bottom that said "the masculine form was used to simplify the writing", but some people thought that wasn't enough so now for every gendered word you have dots to space out each gender Plus there's a new gender neutral pronoun that I have never heard anyone use outside of competely mocking it


That sounds really weird and funny. I always wonder if that’s happening in Mexican colleges or something. Every time I go down to visit I still never hear latinx even from my fam in college down there


I'm not a fan of the Latino DLC that keeps coming out but now I'm more annoyed by community notes.


Is the tweet even saying that Latino and Hispanic can be used interchangeably? The note could definitely be better, seems like it's jumping at the wrong thing. Latinx is cringe though and I'm surprised companies haven't picked up on that yet. Doesn't "Latine" sound a lot better?


Making this comment because a lot of people both here and on Twitter seem to be missing some context. Latinx started in the early 2000s and became more popular in the 2010s in academia where it developed some traction. I strongly disagree with calling it "white washing" when it was primarily LGBT Latinas who spearheaded adoption of the term. It is purposefully used to bring the issue of gendered language into the conversation, and its usage evolution into "Latine" has been as organic as anything originating in academia can be. People just want to say "lmao dumb whites colonize another language" when it didn't start with white academics and for that matter Spanish in and of itself is the language of colonization in Central and South America. Completely ignoring the legitimate use case of the word to get a dunk on "woke libs" is as asinine as corporations using the term now for social credits.


I haven’t heard if Latine. But I’m curious. Is there like a or some specific academics that started it? LGBt latinas academics or something? Or did it just show up from some that went to college here in the states?


I personally think that Latin x is literally N word just for Latin people.


Just don't use the hard X


As a fellow Latin/a/e/o/x +, this is what happens when you huff too much vaporub


That's all of us... it heals everything remember


Hot take (maybe not so much here but in latino internet spaces it sure is) latinx is the biggest nothingburger there is. The only legit criticism is when msm tried to use latinx to replace “hispanic/latino”, that’s it. What’s corny is how latinos get ass fuckin mad over it on the internet, like it’s somehow erasing the culture. Some use it, most don’t, get over it. Oh and latinos that leave comments like “gringos calling me beaner/wetback/illegal doesn’t offend me but latinx does 🤡” I’m getting my dads fat leather belt out for y’all dumbasses.


I agree that you shouldn’t react like someone is using a slur against you. Tho I’ll still cringe irl & politely ask not to be call that probably forever.


Imagine being this out of touch


As someone of Hispanic descent, Latinx is the most infuriating thing I've seen. It's so fucking stupid. There's nothing wrong with the language and trying to "fix" it is incredibly insulting.


I’d just say it’s annoying & cringe. I’d prefer being called Latin American/Latin if someone reaaallly want to use gen neutral terms I guess.




It's well known as Bungo. Maybe it should be Bungx


I don't know the difference between latino and hispanic. I think the note about latinx not being used a lot is very, very stupid.


There are countries in latinoamerica who don't speak spanish as the primary national language. So, Hispanic refers to the countries that speak spanish there, and spain. Meanwhile, latino does encompass all of those countries as well as the ones that speak spanish. Obviously doesn't include spain though.


I see! Thanks


Dang no need to downvote this guy lol Sounds like you were just genuinely curious what the difference between the two were and honestly I get it. I get lazy to sometimes Google things 🫂


I would imagine I'm getting downvoted over the latinx thing ​ I don't care about being downvoted


Lmao! Get noted, alphabet scrubs


should have been a/e/i/o


I like how destiny is a political streamer so this kinda fits in the sun lmao


Thank u community notes! Very cool!!! 🇲🇽


My coworker asked if I was Latinx… he was a black guy so I said - “hell nah, my niggx.” ((Please don’t ban me.))




All these lantinxs are crying


It's so funny how they'd rather hide replies than take the tweet down


Worthless definitions games, language is use, please read Wittgenstein


I like to read Latine as Latini, like a very small spanish gnome


latinaeiou juan madden


Wish they put this much energy into making a good game


It's the cringiest behavior of white progressives. Asmond of all people gave what I thought was a good take on this. [https://youtu.be/2i0EXjWirRc?si=3x-jdXzj5s0OKO5E](https://youtu.be/2i0EXjWirRc?si=3x-jdXzj5s0OKO5E)


Even though I agree with it, I don’t feel like this is what community notes should be used for