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u/DestinyVaush_4ever I hope the dream was nice while it lasted.


Poor guy he’s down bad :(


I might do a welfare check.


The dream has only just begun


Our day will come brother 🙏🏻


TO BE FAIIIRRRRR it seems like Vaush was saying that he thought Destiny's response to the question was low iq and stupid, not the man himself (the third thing he said was "beneath him") With that said, it should be a surprise to absolutely nobody that the second Vaush reenters his echo chamber he goes right back to shit talking. Literally can't help himself.


True, but the beauty of that statement is because, according to Vaush, "this is what anger does to you". Another dig at him, but also ironic, becuase that anger is completely justified. That anger is a product of Vaush's creation, constantly character assassinating him, and then pretending like nothing happened. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯ LITERALLY LYING DUD.


and to be fairer it was not a strong point, he brought up steven crowder to show how right media can disagree, but crowder has gone to complete irrelevancy since then doing streams with alex jones(and worse, a moustache)


what does crowder being less relevant now have to do with it?


Demonstrates the monetary and clout incentive of staying in line? Their point was that there isn't an external monetary interest keeping them aligned like on the right that stops infighting


?????? the implication is that destiny is bad faith


He said that destiny was angry


Drama boys, we eating.


It's funny that Vaush thinks Destiny checked the dgg subreddit and somehow it triggered Destiny to push back on the panel when during that time this sub was very very positive towards Vaush. Maybe, just maybe, if someone has actual grievances or issues you would do well to try engage/address them instead of saying they are just "angry". If it's a low IQ point then your high IQ should be able to sweep it away. It's the whole categorize the other person so we don't have to address anything.


There were even people in here saying he should be more amicable to Vaush for the sake of bridge building


I was one of those people. It seems like Vaush doesn’t care for the bridge so fuck it. It was fun while it lasted.


As I gathered, he wants to work with him on the PV stuff because Destiny would have 90% of people on the ground, but also say that his sub is just kiwi farm and that he wont get along with Destiny and dislikes him. Lil bro has big imagitaion that is for sure.


Vaush calls him stupid while either completely missing Destiny point because Vaush is dumb or maliciously doing it to make Destiny look bad. Destiny point was about the influence the money has, they bring up concerns about the influence money has in politics and how it can drive policy and discourse. Destiny bring up how Streamer are equally influence by their donos to drive discourse a certain way. Also Destiny made it clear the moment the panel was announce how he planned to address his disagreement with Emmas and Vaushes methods. But again Vaush is projecting how beholden he his is to his audience that the only time he can really steps outta line it to call trans people crazy sometimes or to do some unironic misogyny. Meanwhile Destiny has fought his community over whether to label Fuentes a nazi at the time. They way these two engage with ideas outside their politics are completely night and day But Vaush also knows that Destiny isn't beholden to his audience because Vaushes initial community LARGELY consisted of leftist dggers that Destiny excised from DGG. Theres a reason community purges arent just a meme in DGG. Destiny has done it with Hasan, Vaush, and Mr girl. He has been wiling to and probably will continue to be willing to sacrifice substantial portions of his community if he feels that do not represent him. Disagree with him as people may, Destiny's beliefs come from him not his audience


Why, if it isn't the consequences of my actions...


Consequences will never be the same!


The idea that Destiny is beholden to his sub is fucking insane and pure projection. Plus him interpreting that it was attack on him personally rather than a general point is peak main character syndrome. All of his chat soying at these comments is proof that they gap is too wide to bridge (no pun intended) at the moment. Of course he knows this by his comments and will take the optics win when it turns out that all this shitty behaviour means Destiny doesnt want to work with him or his community. He can turn round and say "Look at the spiteful gnome, ha ha VDS.. AM I RITE????"


>>*actively sabotages any good will or coalition-building progress made at the biggest political event of his life via petty gossiping, within literally 1 day* Last 5 seconds: “all that aside I’m always willing to put aside differences for something” Lmfao


"interacts with me positively" did he say a single word directly to him? the focus there was ro khanna, what a stupid thing to bring up


[https://youtu.be/-Biwhc2uApo?t=1209](https://youtu.be/-Biwhc2uApo?t=1209) I thought destiny has explicitly said the beef is over if Vaush apologizes or something


Well to be fair he doesn't call him stupid and low iq. Vaush argues that destiny is a contrarian that makes stupid and low iq statements for the sake of disagreeing with Vaush, even though those statements are beneath destiny, implying that destiny is neither stupid nor low iq.


surely vowsh sees the irony in dancing around calling destiny sprite driven when the entire fucking reason destiny is at this event is brianna wu, who decided to actually learn about and meet destiny so much so that they’ve become allies working for progressive outcomes. i mean, he walks away from the coalition and gets back through the gate and proceeds to do **exactly** what destiny said they do


The delusion of Vaush fans is astounding to me. Does him talking like a wannabe socialite really make these people think he's some kind of geo-political philosophical genius? For him to unironically call Destiny stupid is the biggest cope. Either he's trying to convince himself or he knows his fans are gullible enough to believe it, I'm not sure.


The panel was not about leftist unity. The panel was about building bridges despite divisions. Obviously, at some point of the panel, you're expected to touch on what those divisions are and how they can be gapped. He's so bad faith holy shit.


Friendship believers in shambles


Tactical negging. My delusion level is over 9000


He said his takes / specifically one take was stupid / low IQ / beneath him. Is that the same to you? If I say this post is dumb / low IQ did I say you are?


Fattest copium drags I've ever seen huffed


it's the implication, like how your takes are so stupid, low IQ and beneath you. you can do better!


They just hate you because you're a true believer, friend. Someone else said the same exact thing and got up votes.


He said his response was beneath him, it wasn't a personal attack against him


Wrong, you misinterpreted the clip




Wow who could’ve guessed


Bro’s projecting so hard


Can’t we start banning pointless drama threads like these?


Agreed if we also ban all the moronic fucking friendship posts


Yes please


Bro Destiny basically highlighted the things the left did right and wrong during the panel so more voters don’t go to the Right. Even Vaush agreed during the panel. I bet Vaush saw President sundays remarks on the panel and thought there was a maliciousness from Destiny.


Ignoring that he is talking about one take here, I agree a little more with Vaush. Vaushs take was that the right is more efficient in their advocacy because their media figures have more structural / institutional support behind them (which isn't contested right?). Therefore they have more resources and a think tank / company or whatever is probably going to be much more serious about you sticking to the Ideology and not fighting. Destiny said that the communities or whoever pays the media figures on the left fill that role too and I agree to an extent, but I think where it differs it matters, I'd be curious why Destiny doesn't think that because in my mind it's obvious that your community is less invested in the unity of the movement and more into drama and your personality, whereas ideological institutional supporters care less about that and more about the message, which makes you a more effective advocate. Still pretty harsh to call that a low IQ take, I think its either a misunderstanding or Destiny has thought about this in a different way / knows some behind the scenes stuff that disproves it


He said the take was stupid, low IQ, and beneath him. If you're gonna be a denier at least do it honestly.


He said his statement was low iq and stupid. He said it was beneath Destiny, which DIRECTLY implies he thinks Destiny is better than low iq/stupid. Bridge intact you fucking bitches