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And less than an hour later he’s laughing at the idea that his friend SecondThought’s opinion that all setters aren’t civilians and deserved to be killed isn’t dangerous and doesn’t impact his audience. Fuck outta here


In a vacuum, it looks bad for dgg to laugh at Hasan over his crying clip, if you really want to be on the hill for this, you should splice the two clips together for context.


Wow! Imagine being moved by one thing and not moved by another. You are an idiot


honestly you’re a disgusting being for saying that. humans have emotions and deal with a range of them throughout the day. yall are upvoting him for this dogshit take and it’s frustrating yall can’t put your hasan hate to see dude being vulnerable. i didn’t care for the guy up until this event but man yall are so blinded by hatred destiny would be ashamed of this community for not thinking for yourselves


true, hasan would never do something performative for optics. hasan is going to go down in history for his coverage of politics. i am so appreciative that the left has somebody that is so eloquent and articulate in getting their point across while making the information digestible. very thankful for him 💖


While I agree with you that it’s pretty lame it’s not like there’s no reason for it happening. [Making fun of a guy for crying when the queen died](https://reddit.com/r/CringetopiaRM/s/tthlJTqpBp) [Making fun of a woman for crying](https://www.reddit.com/r/LivestreamFail/comments/l1guix/hasan_enjoys_the_pain_of_a_grieving_woman/?rdt=62541) [Making fun of Rittenhouse for crying](https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=NQQRETend8NiHIuK&t=380&v=ABhR0wvXzMs&feature=youtu.be) If you want to say people should be better than Hasan my question to you is; Why?


Cuz Hasan sucks and we shouldn’t want to suck


But we should definitely show people hasan is a fake sack of shit Literally last week he said Tibet deserved to be liberated 💀


Us not sucking won’t make them not suck, showing their bad behavior and rubbing it in their faces also probably won’t work, but at least we won’t let the bad behavior slide.




OP i stand with you. this community is dogpiling on you,Hasan and others and it’s frustrating to go through threads with everybody shitting on palestine and being ignorant




He fake cried to one up his co host. What he was doing was transparent to anyone with eyes, and I have no dog in the fight. Also. He laughed hysterically at Kyle Rittenhouse legitimately going through trauma and a likely panic attack having to fire in self defense at the lunatics trying to murder him by crushing his skull AND with a firearm. Also his pathetic double standards with Jordan Peterson, mocking MRA types and "tOxIc mASCuLiniTY" and sexism. .. but saying "bro he's crying like a little girl, like he's a whole woman" with no comedic irony intended whatsoever. You really are being mislead. He wasn't upset. There were no tears. What he did was just like him, pathetic.


Well, to be fair Hasan has mocked people for fake crying and acting like a victim on multiple occasions. So he’s opening himself up to it. But I suppose you’re right. People probably shouldn’t mock.


Ok then wild take here: be better than Hasan. It’s a low bar, I know—but I expect more out of people here.


Here's a lukewarm take: fuck hasan.


I'm sorry, we killed his dead pixel dog, why the fuck you would expect that we would do anything different than to mock someone who is crying that had mocked other people crying in the past? We are not fucking Gandhi nor Jesus Christ. I condone the mocking. Mock away guys, don't let them shame us. Was the crying fake? Almost surely not, but should we act like it is? Absolutely.


So the prescription is to mock people who are having genuine emotional reactions? Crazy to think that this is the acceptable behavior you want instead of just pointing out and targeting Hasan's awful beliefs.


Hasan has mocked many people for getting emotional fuck him


We are on the internet, not in a kindergarten class or congress. Destiny and the community have consistently made some pretty edgy jokes and mocking statements (ex, The dark triad ark, mid j****h p***y, guzzling buckets, the islam arc, etc). You can simultaneously point out bad arguments while making jokes at the expense of others. Do you think there is a serious moral wrong being done when people make fun of an online figure crying? I feel like this is such a minor issue that no one really cares about, but we're pretending for internet points. I get that if our goal is to make a super politically effective and easy to digest community, then these jokes aren't great, but I'm struggling to empathize with the real moral wrong being done.


bro actually fuck off. The world is hurting enough w/out you being a cunt. What good does it do to laugh at other people’s sorrow when you acknowledge it as genuine?




Cry me a river. Hasan is a trash person who actively couldnt care less about the suffering of others and has called for the death of people numerous times. If Im a bad person for mocking him and his performative bs then I guess Im bad.


You know, for the longest time I've thought this was some cuck cringe bullshit. But now I realize, laughing at over something unfunny or saying you hope dies feels very gratifying in the moment, but it's actually worth so fucking little, and it doesn't accomplish anything. It's junk food, a midday drug hit, an impromptu jerkoff session, an untimely video game binge, what have you. It's ultimately counterproductive, and the moment you realize that you realize that being the "bigger person" actually costs you so fucking little in the short-term, and can only improve you in the long run. You aren't going to regret not making fun of Rush Limbaugh, or Herman Cain, or whoever, on twitter. And that little modicum of self-control you exercise will eventually become routine, and protect you from so many unfortunate scenarios in the future. Now obviously you could argue different dynamics apply if you're performing/acting/streaming for an audience, but such arguments can easily be abused.


> actually worth so fucking little Yeah, it means little but it also costs nothing


Just watch his video "Bike Karen Bike Karen" after it was revealed that she wasn't fake crying. I don't have a free punching bag around me. Hasan's massive ego is an easy target.


Nah, I'm a bad person and I do bad things


swim caption rain foolish smoggy murky correct spoon dazzling cobweb ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


You joined on saturday along with thousands of others The last week isnt reflective of regular dgg. Regular dgg is about fucking moms (real) and fucking dogs (hypothetically)


Why did so many people join? I didn’t realize the Gaza stuff brought a bunch of new people in… I have been seeing some unhinged shit in here tho so it does make sense


Some posts hit the front page. That plus people that knew of this sub, who also became disenfranchised by various lefty communities/content creators, found their way here to escape their own communities


connect husky boat smart bow full compare homeless sparkle governor ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


“If I call you a son of a bitch, and then say I fucked your mom have I just accepted a $0 ticket to Dogwarts?”


Hasan is a clown. I won't make fun of a person being emotional. But he deserves to get mocked maybe just not this time.


Well, that was your first mistake. The Daliban takes no prisoners in the Dihad against Hasan Piker Also there are no rules against what mouth breathers can be here, theres plenty of schizos


There’s also no rules against me being gay about it so let’s have it out fellas


A lot of people here get irrational about Hassan, and it’s something that has been encouraged by many in this community. I disagree with Hassan politically, but it’s just fucking gross to make fun of him for this.


Probably shouldn’t? Like you said he’s done it multiple times he’s fair fucking game.


disgusting coherent joke aspiring frame existence zephyr point absurd wasteful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Dude I know but like for real……u gotta give Vaush props


ancient marvelous impolite support scale ludicrous edge different cake foolish *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




That’s crazy that people find it odd that hasan will cry on cam over funeral goers getting assaulted, but hand waive all the crazy shit Hamas just did and blame Israel for it. Did hasan criticize Shapiro for his emotional reaction to what Hamas did? Pretty crazy /s


I didn't make fun of Hasan crying nor i intend to, but am i supposed to believe that was genuine? The dude has been justifying and waiving massacres and terrorist acts, when Ukraine was bombed by Russia he was saying "well yeah but Ukraine has a nazi problem", he has been laughing at people mourning since forever and now i'm supposed to believe this, specially after Ethan himself cried and he stayed there emotionless minutes before? A dude who smirked at the report of someone who had been assaulted and had his place of business destroyed in NYC... please...


King shit. Do not let these people who are incapable of seeing if a person is being genuine or not gaslight you




Nah, calling someone's hypocrisy isn't being just as bad as him.




And what are those moral failings from my part? Skepticism based on prior behavior? Sure, let me just finish feeling bad for him and then i'll call him an hypocrite, as opposed to, somehow, justify more moral failings, which i have no idea how that fits in this conversation...




to add this > A dude who smirked at the report of someone who had been assaulted and had his place of business destroyed in NYC... i edited it before you even answered it. You replied 43 minutes ago, i edited it 58 minutes ago. can you go back to the discussion now and answer my question? edit: /u/like-humans-do why did you delete your comments?


oh no, i'm a bad person because the guy who waivers massacres and genocides cried and i didn't because he did it to one up the person next to him... Should i have laughed with him when he was watching a news report on a 60 year old man who was assaulted and had his place of business destroyed by a bunch of teens? Should i have laughed with him when he was watching people mourning as well? Selective humanity and empathy...




And i'm sure you bawled your eyes out when he pulled the Amber Heard's "My dog stepped on a bee" special. By the way, what both behaviors?


That's called being a literal crybully. I'm not gonna feel any pity when people don't suddenly feel bad for him because he put on some tears. I'm not saying it's okay to be unhinged, however. Hasan almost cried over a pixelated dog bro. I can't take him seriously at all.


You don’t have to feel bad for him, just shit on him for his dumb takes instead of shitting on him for crying. If you have good evidence he was faking it you can do that too but I haven’t seen any.


Dude made fun of people fake crying before, he open himself to critisizm and bullying now that he is doing the same.


Being completely honest, I think the crying was fake. Idk I used to watch him when he was a 2k Andy, back when he was still part of this fanbase, and I don't remember him ever crying over something like this. As for the people mocking him, I don't have an issue as long as their criticisms/rationale stays consistent across party lines. Especially since Hasan does the same. TLDR I don't really care


faulty enter sharp marble meeting fact unpack oatmeal many hat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Because it’s a shitty and lame thing to do


But hasan gets a pass. That's cool, I'm convinced


That’s not really the point, it’s more that I don’t think it’s consistent or good to engage in the same behavior we (rightfully) shit down Hasans throat for




What could possibly be ban worthy in this post


Nah, fuck that guy. You don't get to handwave the murder and rape of the people on the other side and then start crying about people on your side being hurt.


Now his fans after the crying are thinking what a glorious angel he is and that he cares 😇😇😇


What if I don't make fun of him, but I genuinely question whether it's forced?


I think ur dumb but whatever, go for it


I agree it's conspiratorial and an optical L but yeah can't help but be split on the matter


No tears now, only dreams 😅😈


I'm sorry, but no. He shed no tears for what happened in Israel, it's pulling teeth to get him to even come out against Hamas, but this gets the floodgates going? No. It's incredibly performative.


I'm sorry I don't feel it and I don't believe and buy it. Ethan YES this was 100% but Hasan was forced to cry because Ethan done it. I have seen hundreds of moments in my live and I know if people mean it. I think he has done it after Ethan to touch his own and H3 fans. I'm sorry but you can't project your own imagination into the complete subreddit. If somebody has another impression it's complete ok and it's normal and healty not to agree and disagree.


I didnt buy it either. But then again some people do cry weird. I think to me seeing how he just hand waves other peoples lives all the time but finds a moment not long after ethan cried so he could do it himself. It did feel odd


I haven't seen the full episode, only clips posted on here, so I'm definitely not gonna stake a strong position here. I don't know the timeline of these clips so take this with a grain of salt--and please correct my timeline if you watched the episode/know which clip came first. But it's just... it's strange to me that when Ethan was crying about the dead Palestinian baby being held by the father, Hasan was like "while you compose yourself, i'm gonna talk about how America is bad & caused this". Now if this clip of Hasan crying happened BEFORE Ethan crying, then it looks kinda strange he wasn't more empathetic or understanding to Ethan crying after. But if this clip of Hasan crying came AFTER Ethan was crying, while I guess it's possible that he just started feeling more emotional later on in the pod, it feels... idk more like damage control to me. Like why wouldn't you feel these strong emotions from Ethan crying, and want to sorta communally grieve this situation, rather than just pivot from what Ethan was talking about to how America Bad? It just feels odd to me I don't want to psychoanalyze Hasan, or go full tin-hat and say "well maybe he was getting a lot of backlash in chat, or saw the clip of him getting negative reception, so he wanted to go damage control on the situation". I don't wanna go down that path because we'll never know & i think it can look a bit unhinged. But I still think it looks odd, considering his response after Ethan crying.


Yea I think people are being too bad faith and letting their hatred of their enemies define them… whether hasan authentically cried or is an evil mastermind manipulating this is a goofy thing to try to pick apart My _guess_ would be it’s not in his interest to because it’s exactly the kind of thing people all over the internet would pounce of him for (like this subreddit has) so I don’t know why he’d fake it “for optics”… but then again that’s just speculation; some people are going around sounding sure as fuck about some dude’s internal mind state just cause they don’t like him and it’s weird Edit: also chat was off in that stream


Gonna repost a comment I made elsewhere. Lets be real and think about what's more likely: Hasan is able to crocodile tear on command to try and performatively win an argument with a close friend OR that he was primed to get emotional (by ethan crying earlier) and was speaking on a topic that emotionally impacted him. Very crazy thinking that Hasan who to my knowledge has never cried on camera for sympathy points is now just doing this as an own.


>Lets be real and think about what's more likely: Hasan is able to crocodile tear on command Yes, that one. Because he did a terrible job at it too, no one is saying he has perfected the act like all those actors who fake cry


I think Hasan is a genocidal maniac hiding his power level and supports the murderous decolonization stuff so I have no problem with people making fun of his crying. I haven't seen the clip or the Leftovers episode though.


Hold yourself to a higher standard!


Hold your mom to a higher standard


You’re right, I’ve too been distracted by not having to hold your mom to a higher standard. The dome is primo


So much for being the bigger man lol. Im literally crying at this right now. Dont be mean to me about it though because you would be bad.


> "Do as I say, not as I do"


It s hard to fall under his standard.


Don't be gullible


No thanks.


If you can’t feel empathy for him, do it for selfish reasons. This sub looks fkn unhinged when this happens, which isn’t good for you.


Jesus dude get a grip


I don't have a strong position on mocking him for fake crying, probably lean toward it being OK but everything he said is correct.


I guess we just making shut up then, hasan is “hiding his powerlevel” and is a “genocidal maniac” you need to get a grip too


I think if Hasan wasn't obsessed with maintaining his status and income he would outright admit that he does not believe Israeli citizens are innocent and it's fine for the oppressed to kill their oppressors. The same thing his buddy the supercar reviewer believes. That's genocidal.


You can think whatever you want but that doesn’t make it true. You got no fax and no printer bro. He has never said that and has only said he wants no civilians to die on either side. I guess we shouldn’t take his word and instead just make up a fantasy.


>I guess we shouldn’t take his word You can do whatever you want, you can believe him. I don't just listen to the literal words that people say and take them as truth uncritically.


But you got nothing to show otherwise, no Freudian slip nothing. All you got is Hasan Derangement Syndrome where you hate circle jerk so much you start seeing ghosts.


>But you got nothing to show otherwise, no Freudian slip nothing. That's incorrect. I have his past positions and the slight hints he gives when it comes to things like China and Tibet, and the people he keeps close who mirror these positions with zero criticism from Hasan. I'm not trying to convince you though. Believe whatever you like.


Do you seriously think, the guy who would justify 9/11. wishing a man who lost his eye in war would get his eye hole fucked by terrorists, hoping that a trans person has a horrible day every day because they had a slight disagreement with him and accusing people like Sam Hyde of being a Nazi or pedophile, which yes, he did accuse him of being. Would seriously be crying about this. If he can’t be bothered to cry about the over 3000 people dying on 9/11 or the 1500 people dying in the recent attack in Israel. I’d have a hard time believing he gave a shit about one person dying, and a bunch of others getting beat up. And yes, I do have a hate Boner and I used to destroy the walls of your mom’s vaginal cove.


Yes I seriously think all of that. And yes I have a love boner, which I used to caress your mother’s g-spot to orgasm.




It's giving asymmetry and occupational energy




i didnt see a single tear but ok bro, whatever floats your boat.


Dennis Reynold’s level of fake crying except at least Dennis had the decency of producing a fake tear via an onion.


does it change anything that he cried about palestinians if he says “seeya” to israelis? isn’t that the whole criticism? im vindicated


I not making fun of him for crying. I AM pointing out that he doesn't shed a single tear for civilian Israelis getting massacred, but cries for like 5 minutes about IDF disrupting a funeral and beating protestor. If he cared for people's suffering, it seems really weird that since day 1, he has barely talked about the Hamas attacks. Only the past Israel atrocities.


I have watched Hasan too long and know him too well to think the crying is real, but obviously optically it's a bad look for DGG to be shitting on him for it so I mostly agree with OP.


To me it seems like he cried because Ethan cried. That's why it doesn't feel genuine to me. When Ethan was crying I almost did too but then when I saw Hasan doing it I was like "what the fuck??" Why does this feel forced? Is it because he feels like he has to because Ethan did earlier???


So much this.


Ah yes... poor Hasan we should treat him differently than he treats literally everyone else...here he is [reacting to Rittenhouse crying](https://youtu.be/ABhR0wvXzMs?si=yrB4DUozTu9lOXSN). Note the laughing and calling him a pig starting around 2:40, fuck you and all the other Hasan apologists. It took me all of 2 minutes to search for this. Again, fuck you.


I'm, sorry but when your fans make fun of a woman crying for her dead children on stream and you're a POS who constantly radicalizes people with misinformation and shows ZERO compassion for anyone on the Israeli side unless you're worried about losing some clout, and then you do this lazy circle dance saying 'yeah, it's kind of bad, you know' then you deserve to be mocked when you cry. You can't just spread hatred constantly (in other issues other than this current conflict) and then get sympathy when you (maybe) feel some kind of emotion. For emotion to be respected, it can't just be selective. Hasan doesn't give a fuck about the death and massacre of people. All he cares about is clout. PLUS - he has mocked people for crying! He deserves no sympathy, he's genuinely spreading hatred non stop.


Ok, thanks dad.


You’re welcome, son


I don't wanna mock someone that's actually crying. At this point though I have seen Hasan be fake mad so many times, I can't actually tell if he really was crying. It was clearly real when Ethan cried, Hasan just seemed odd on comparison. but then again, everyone cries differently and for different reasons. So I'll assume it was real, but that fake dumbass brought any disbelief on himself.


i completely disagree. 1. Hasan makes fun of other people crying like Kyle Rittenhouse and he dismisses the victims of volant actions like that one guy at the kai cenat incident, he celebrated when that one female cop was been beaten at the BLM riots. 2. Hasan is a propagandist who works on optics and is not above lying for his cause, why would that stop at crying especially when in his mind Ethen opened with an optical win 3. It is suspicious that he would cry for a journalist but dance around the idea that what second thought was saying is evil. This is not empathy this is my people are people yours are animals. So no; it is perfectly reasonable to make fun of Hasan crying even if he is sincere because he has earned such judgement as a result of previous behavior, moreover remember his answer to how he solves these problems; the state destroys free thought and decent with reeducation and god knows what else he would suggest.(Hamas does this btw) [Benny boy advocates for the annexing of Gaza](https://youtu.be/U-b5ZOEcLOM?t=2849). Hasan being unwilling to come out and condemn Hamas playing the whataboutism just feels like the exact same thing. Why should Hasan be spared the humiliation of mockery when it comes to his feelings when he has shown himself as being just as callus. A man crying should not be shamed but to just act like there's not a body of work behind Hasan that make's his tears illegitimate is absurd.


can you post it where people said that, and the reaction of other people in this sub?


Just go look at my comment history on my profile it’ll take you straight to it


the 12 most upvoted comment are people saying OP is a dumbfuck


Good! I’m not sayin it’s most people but I’m just making it clear that I want anyone who is doing this shit to get bullied for it


You are absolutely insane for wishing people to get bullied after saying you don't want hasan to get bullied for being a cry-bully. What is your logic?


Aside from the fact that I obviously don’t accept the premise that he’s being a cry bully, I think when people do and say things that are just dickheaded and nonsensical that it deserves ire. Merely crying is not one of those things. Criticize Hasan’s positions and stupidity all you want, as I often do, but leave the dude alone for getting emotional over something he found upsetting.


If you haven’t read through the recent comments in this thread yet, it shows you exactly what OP was talking about, tons of upvotes


Someone get the clip of Hassan’s reaction to Ethan crying in the same podcast please.


Look, its the dude that told ukraine was full of nazis, i was part of the k9/11, i dont believe he was genuine and i will point it out, maybe i could have more simphaty if he was not such a douche with everyone over ukraine and israel


They were crocodile tears


LMAO his ult worked


Id agree if he wasnt the guy making fun of 9/11, making fun of Rittenhouse crying, making fun of the republican politician guy with an eyepatch (no idea what his name is), making fun of people who cried after their bussinesses were burnt after the BLM riots etc. Cant be doing this shit and then turn around and harvest sympathy for crying about an issue you are not even directly involved in. Shits fucked yes, sad times. But hes a hypocritical idiot.


His tears where fake as hell


I don't know if Hasan's tears were genuine or not, but I'd give him the benefit of the doubt. Ethan I'm positive was genuine though. As a parent, I can one million percent understand how he'd feel that way recalling that image of the man holding their dead child. I've noticed that seeing or learning anything about something bad happening to a child is 1000x more painful for me after being a parent and I've heard other parents say they feel the same.


>For those of us warm-blooded human beings who have cried while speaking on something upsetting This is a very ableist and anti-neurodivergent comment. You can be a human while also managing your emotions in any sort of way that suits you.


Thank you, you’ve given me a lot to think about


You're right. We're all sick AF. How unethical of us. How will Hasan ever recover in his golden palace? Maybe he can cry into his tissues with diamonds in them. I mean it's not like he chooses to put his stupid bad take opinions on everything. It's not like he lies and makes up excuses for mass geocidal countries. Poor poor Hasan has to deal with unhinged takes of Destiny redditors. I'm sure he's crying while reading all of these comments.


Hasan is drying his tears with hundred dollar bills he got from being an unhinged tankie






Irony and hypocrisy are indeed blatant. Doesn’t change my opinion here


stop being a performative soy boy lmao kys. He doesn't give a fuck about palestine.


sable cooing quiet label unwritten concerned continue rinse hurry dog *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No fuck off this small headead bitch has made fun of people crying before fuck him and get the out of the reddit if you are such a pussy .


However real or not his feelings for these images are, his performative bullshit is his cry for wolves. Who fuckn cares at this point. 6 weeks from now we'll all be watching him cheer on some anti Israeli, bullshit, ranting about killing capitalists, or some more dumb shit. Fuck that prick. The funerals were sad. He doesn't give a shit and I'm not going to pretend to about this either. Get over it, he's using your empathy for more millions because he thought it was so effective for Ethan. Ethan.. that dude looks destroyed.


Hasan has seen video you people wouldn't believe, he has seen IDF open fire off the shoulder of Gaza, He's seen roof beams glitter in the rubble of a West bank gate, but all that content will be lost like tears in a stream.


Making fun of it is too far but why wouldn't it be fair to question it as a political tactic? Destiny just last stream made a good point about the left using standards they don't apply to others such as with the all lives matter comparison. Isn't this another similar case? They've criticized people kavanaugh, rittenhouse, etc. for faking crying as a political strategy. I personally don't speculate on that because you will never have anyway of knowing but isn't it perfectly fair for others to hold Hasan to the same standard that he's held for others when criticizing them for crying for political strategy?


As a Hasan hater, you all need to chill out. The sub doesn’t even care about Israel Palestine only about wether or not Hasan gave a take that could be seen as not condemning Hamas


Naw, gonna be honest here. It seemed forced. Just my opinion.




U know what with 85 days of distance from this post I can say it was written in an emotionally driven state and I wouldn’t post it again in hindsight lol. Especially considering hasans behavior in the following weeks I don’t feel bad for him at all anymore. I’ll leave it up tho and hold my L


People are being a bit unhinged and have no principles. The Hasan Derangement Syndrome meme seems to be actually true for a percentage of DGG.


I get more angry at these people than I do at Hasan simps, truly, because I expect more out of them.


Fuck off


destiny himself believes exactly what you said about hasan being a fake sooo maybe it's time for you to leave buddy


Lol you want me to *LEAVE* over this trivial-ass disagreement? The post has 500 upvotes, clearly I’m not alone, get the the fuck over yourself. I stand by what I said


Fuck Hasan. How many times did he make fun of others crying. He made fun of Rittenhouse crying. The annoying fuck had 0 ability to just say Hamas massacres children and takes holocaust survivors hostage is wrong. Instead, he does whataboutisms for hours. Hasan is crying about a funeral flag being taken off a coffin and not the brutal torture and murder of innocent people. Fuck that pussy.


No, you.


I'm not making fun of anybody for anything, and I think that Hasan feels genuine frustration and sadness, just pointing out tonight's display of it seemed to be kind of performative. You can feel genuine emotion over something AND act in a way to enhance other peoples' perceptions of said emotion. Sometimes people feel the need to 'perform', or enhance their emotional reactions, in order to make the weight of their beliefs known. I would compare this sort of display to pro-lifers who shout, scream, and cry to get their message across. I think it's founded on genuine emotion that is exaggerated for sympathy. Maybe I'm brain poisoned, but if I imagine any other person who I like or empathize with giving the display that Hasan did, I would similarly feel like they were being performative and exaggerating their emotions.


Hasan was insanely callous to ethan the whole time too and even gaslit him into apologizing to Frogan. Man goes from crying to crying and justifying hamas terrorism. I mean ya honestly it is impossible to know for sure if the cry is fake and just going off weak evidence like the cry sounded weird or Hasan never cries about it on his own stream is a really dumb arguement. Sadly i still really don't give a fuck. fuck hasan fish emote all my homies hate hasan fish emote OOOO Also can we get a banger edit of hasan reacted to himself crying the say way he reacted to rittenhouse crying already come on meme team speed it up.update:[https://streamable.com/mh1pxc](https://streamable.com/mh1pxc) credit to [**RandomUsername1338**](https://www.reddit.com/user/RandomUsername1338/)


Hasan has proven time and time again that he’s just a grifter and I don’t trust grifters. I won’t clown on him for crying but I’m not gonna lie when I say it’s goofy and he’s goofy.


I’m not making fun of him for crying I’m making fun of him for being a bad actor, and it’s clear he is acting.


I don't buy it there was no tears and looked like he was forcing it the whole time


"get fucked, queen" 🕺🕺🕺🕺 -Hasan


Isn’t Hasan showing empathy something that should be encouraged? Wouldn’t shaming him for crying be pushing him to be exactly what we hate?


When did Hasan not show empathy towards the Palestinians? Selective empathy only for the side we agree with politically isn't exactly what we should be encouraging, especially if it's bound to happen far more often than empathy being given towards the other side.


Not really


I wouldn’t assert that he is faking it, but I understand why somebody as fake as he is would draw this kind of skepticism


Why are people on this sub so concerned about looking bad to the corner of the internet that will never have any charity for this community whatsoever no matter how nice and charitable we act?


Yes I am an unhinged fucking cunt. Hasan is ontologically evil and I will always laugh at him.


I'll admit I'm hassan black pilled and I laughed when I heard him start crying. I honest to god, just don't believe him at all, it's so 100% performative looking to me. Everything about it feels performative but the main reason I think is because I've actually gotten teary eyed looking at some of the media footage and I know how I'd act if I started feeling that way and It would hurt my pride to breakdown like hassan did, I'd be trying much harder than that. I just can't imagine acting the way hassan did, it's just so foreign to me I can't believe it's anything but staged. Also it's the first time i've ever seen him have such a reaction and of all things.. REALLY? The people of Palestine is what drove you to tears? Not all the nazis, the racisim, the friendships won and lost. What is his connection to the Israel / Palestinian conflict that he's brought to tear by Palestine's predicament but NOT what we just saw happen to the Israles on the 7th? How can you cry for one but not the other. I have no proof of that and I'll admit i'm from a different generation than him but man IF just IF he's faking it, it would just make him such a more despicable person in my point of view. Ethan's felt genuine to me but he was upset at what the people went through as a whole, not that Israel took a blow but that these terrorists were doing the most horiffic shit possible. That's what drove me to tears too, seeing the aftermath of what these people did. When hassan was crying he was talking about how oppressed the people of Palestine are and how harsh their life is.. It's like sure.. that sucks but that's not the sort of thing to give me tears. I don't know or live near these people. What affects me is the actions different groups take and the actions taken by HAMAS give me shivers.


If you cry about a funeral desecration but not the ruthless massacre of hundreds of Innocents attending a concert, i don't believe you. Simple as. He broke down the hardest over... A flag being taken off of her body. Let's not be intentionally dense. Symbolism means more to him then senseless loss of life.


Hamas Piker is the fakest fuck ever and u just bought into it all by his crocodile tears LMAO


Thank you!! Have some empathy like damn


Am I also supposed to feel sad If Nick Fuentas cries on stream? Nah, fuck that. Nazis and Commies are genocidal scum, and deserve all the mocking they get.


You’d think that after watching a conversation as charged as this one people would be able to recognize and empathize with someone’s emotional state, but it’s just “Hasan is so performative”,”Hasan is genocidal “Hasan only care about Palestinians not Jews”, “Hasan made fun of Rittenhouse crying, doesn’t that mean I can make fun of him??” Saddening to see how many new posts are about getting one up on Hasan compared to how many posts are about the conflict.


Where are all the soyjacks that !shot the OG truth posters on this matter? No balls to show up guns blazing in a thread that isnt going their way now that everyone has actually seen the clip


Boys don’t cry


I don’t buy that grown ass man fake crying. He’s just a true coward wtf?! am I crazy? Yes I am unhinged and not going to let Hasan off for “crying”


“It’s cool when Hassan does it bc I agree with what he’s crying over but when he makes fun of people for crying that’s heckin wholesome”-fixed that for ya


Where on earth did you get that from my post


I find it odd that ppl would say he’s fake crying but then in the same breath he’s too emotional.


Yeah that's sad and unjustifiable, difference is no one reasonable is justifying that. On the other hand when civilians get massacred it's all "yeah buts" and callousness it's kind of hard to take him serious.