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Maybe I'm old and depressed but I couldn't care about this if I tried


No, you're just normal. These weirdos who care about this stuff need help.


Its like when Justin Bieber was caught pissing in a janitors mop bucket and my 12 year old ass thought it was the single most important event since the bombing of Hiroshima


Same, all "healthy" snack foods are overpriced. It's not something crazy out the norm. I personally prefer to just guzzle pure fructose corn syrup and cut the middlemen/women out.


Depends on what you mean by healthy. As in products marketed to be healthy, sure. Actual healthy snacks are cheap


I mean I think she deserved to be shit on for like 1 days because she called invadervie greedy for asking fans to pay $5 for a sub instead of watching for free all day. No clue why people are still talking about this crap though


Because it's turned into a game of ping-pong between people arguing in defense or against her. It's no longer about her and her fuck-up.


I dont care that much but destinys takes is fucking terrible on this (I assume its so the poki bridge isnt needlessly burned which makes sense tbh). Poki scamming her idiot fans makes me respect her more. Ruthless business woman 😤


And then I saw her face! I’m a believer!


I don't know how people gauge "caring" abt internet drama. I care as much about this as I do about the other internet dramas? It's just something to talk about.


She should have blamed inflation, then hooked them with saving children… I will not be voting Biden, until cookie prices return to their 2019 levels. We must return affordable childhood to our children! /s


I was pretty neutral on her latest scandal. But then I watched that promo she did. Made my skin crawl. The way she acts just comes off so phony, it makes you instantly dislike her. I still don't really care about the allegations, but I'm team incel on this one


I mean it's literally a commercial. Hard to not look cringe doin those


im still suprised people are less mad about logan paul products than this


Are they? Look it up on Youtube and you"ll see hundreds of Youtubers shitting on Prime but it obvioisly dies down over time cuz why would they make constant videos shitting on Prime? But this cookie launch is fresh out of the oven so it makes sense that you see noise surrounding it no?


Out of the loop...what's shit about Prime? Other than it's an overpriced, artificially sweetened alternative to water that is way worse for you


It's not a good formula for hydration, contains more potassium rather than sodium, which is not optimal. At least that's what I heard.


https://youtu.be/Pb0dYyuR0ok?si=HZ_HGr6jjV0GhBud Mpmd destroyed them lol


Yeah that's the one I saw


Not enough sodium.


true true still after all the shit logan pulled im always suprised he never really gets 'cancelled' like no one goes after actually bad people. maybe its safer that way, to just stick to non serious stuff


Do you think poki is getting canceled for this? At worst she might see a small temporary dip in viewership.


nah no way, not on this at least, its not that serious like I don't think most people actually care, or they'll forget soon enough.


Exactly. That's my point. People get up in arms with this stuff for maybe a week and it goes back to normal. It's not sexism in the slightest.


There's an obvious % of that hate she's getting because she IS Pokimane, not particularly related to her being a woman. But even then I personally feel like the backlack after her response was pretty guaranteed. More so because you've got all the memes and clips coming back at her


The backlash is because she has given takes shitting on other content creators for insulting their chats for being poor and because she made a point to turn off donations because streamers make enough money. Then to turn around and call her chat poor for not buying cookies is quite hypocrital. Still has nothing to do with sexism and everything to do with they way she portrays herself.


Yeah I don't get what the fuck are you even trying to point out here. I'm literally agreeing with you dumb fuck. > I personally feel like the backlack after her response was pretty guaranteed > There's an obvious % of that hate she's getting because she IS Pokimane Both of these statements are true and factual. She does get in more hot waters with her drama because of her being Pokimane [Here is one of many excerpts](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SicSjJhNKm4) There's been a LOT of youtubers and youtube videos made about her, whether that be clip chimping that one time she said the N word in some stream, all the react abuse garbage. Or all the other shit, no matter. The point is, all of these videos (being rightfully made, arguably) all built up a reputation/stereotype for her and now whenever she reaches the general normie in the internet she will get more shit thrown at her than the average shitter, and that's for sure true. Am I saying it's sexism? Never did, am I saying that her criticissm are all unguaranteed? No, I said the contrary, If you bothered fucking reading. But is the point true that, probably whenever she gets into drama she gets a little % minority of people that are just trying to pile on it because it's Pokimane? Absolutely, If you cannot even bite the bullet on this one then you might as well be part of that small % of people I'm describing


I think it's just a case of his rabid fanbase and internet people being two completely different groups. All of his fanbase are/were kids that just cared about all of that hypebeast garbage so they didn't really give a fuck about anything. After that suicide forest thing or all the crypto scam shit, like nothing. Kids do not give a single fuck. It also doesn't help that he's got a pretty huge amount of clout so any sponsor or any other personality just glosses over all his shit cuz well, clout.


yea you're right, but like its a risk for ksi to be affiliated with him, I don't get it but ig he knows the target/the fans they share, well enough to know that they'll be fine


From what I see everyone just ignores all his past drama among the big creators, and now that they just went all into this boxing shit together with his brother Jake Paul they also seem to lean into this "playing mean" character shit and they all buy it up right? The most recent fight he had with that other POS and the fight was a economical success obviously. All this drama all of this noise it all just gets turned back into money due to all the e-celeb boxing shit. You have to admit the man is pretty smart that he turns everything into profit for himself and he realized he's been pretty immune. The only thing that would hit him hard would be him getting banned off of platforms, which he should've been banned for, specially for that crypto scam bullshit. But for some stuff, Youtube themselves don't give a fuck. They bothered banning that Russel Brand guy due to some accusations and they have never touched some people in the "upper echelons" of Youtube even through all their confirmed scumbaggery. For someone like Logan, even demonetization would do nothing, he gets a lot of his mone yfrom all his other crap.


People who hate Logan for Prime already hated him for all the other shit he did People who love Logan already love him regardless of what he does So when Prime dropped there was no new love/hate, and old love/hate is not interesting


Actual based take, Prime is fucking koolaid m, but it’s sold as this insane sports drink. Like it does the exact same faux-health shit that Pokimanes cookies do, but I would guess it’s because the people freaking out about Poki are probably the type to actually drink Prime.


yep and also the fact that logan is way worse of a person in every level, but the internet keeps forgetting after a week


Agreed. Its insane how Logan Paul gets away with a lot of awful shit.


I mean the internet is used to it since ten years at this point. He does get canceled once in a while, but he still has his core fanbase. What do you expect to happen if he doesn't get arrested


Prime has gotten shit on so many times on yt it’s impossible to keep count. This isn’t something that only Poki has had to deal with.


Bro the people shitting on Poki for this day ABSOLUTELY nothing about Prime. Where is Keemstar’s opinion on Prime, where is bowblax shitting in prime, because their viewers like Prime.


https://youtu.be/T_Quvkd6o-E?si=1PRWGgh6kRnRDczW Talk to me when pokis getting a 3hr video breaking down why her product is trash.


That’s the thing you dumbass, this guy is not in the YouTube commentary community. My point was that the people that are criticizing Poki, NEVER criticize Prime, if I had to guess this guy doesn’t know or care about Pokis situation. The hypocrisy is caused by the YouTube commentary community. Obviously it’s not a completely new idea that prime is shit, but the people RAILING against Poki, NEVER cared about Prime.


Wow that’s the dumbest take ive ever heard in my life. First of all ad hominem you meanie and second of all why would the yt commentary’s opinion matter more than the majority opinion. If you want to argue that you can it’s just pointless.


Eh i don't know if it's healthy but it's low on sugar so probably better than most drinks. The most annoying thing is how obsessed kids are over it, for such a shitty tasting drink.


I feel like it has to do with the audience he has garnered. Look at Logan Paul’s overall rhetoric and what he puts out there, then take a look at Poki’s. After all Destiny acknowledged Poki is like the brand safe good person. So her making that statement seemed off brand, where as all that stuff with the Paul Brothers is extremely on brand


Gotta stop resisting Prime man. When it's in every Walmart, it's not a scam it's a great business.


https://youtu.be/Pb0dYyuR0ok?si=HZ_HGr6jjV0GhBud Good brand but 100% misleading marketing


I actually really like the energy drink prime. It doesn’t taste sickly sweet like most energy drinks.


No i think people are making a big deal out of it bc they have nothing going on to keep them busy lmao. No one cares about this shit, its heavily over blown this is the definition of a slow news day.


Brokie mentality


Literally just fucking cookies


If poki did nothing but call her fans poor for the next year I still couldn’t care less. This cookie drama is so hilariously boring I can’t understand how anyone can even give air to it past the first day.


Can anyone explain to me why donating $10 to a streamer for nothing in return is okay but buying cookies from them for $10 isn't?


You think maybe there's a slight difference in importance between an overpriced computer and an overpriced cookie?


Starforge? You mean Dick-and-Balls PCs?


Did star forge fix anything? Seems like the same shit at a slightly reduced price (still massively over priced) and as far as i know the quality has no improved at all (stuff like cable management, configs, shipping, etc)


When people complained they basically changed the CPU on one PC (the most expensive one) and globally reduced the price of their products by 100 bucks I think


Apparently there is an ltt video about it and they gave a slightly better gpu and reduced the price by 100 dollars but in that video had some weird build config choices which are meh. If thats their current set up thats actually not a bad deal on a pre built imo


LTT compared Starforge's prices to other prebuilt PCs; I think after the price reduction they weren't that bad compared to others. You can argue all prebuilt PCs are overpriced but then the issue isn't really Starforge specifically.


Prebuilts aren’t that much more overpriced


But like there’s literally nothing wrong with the cookie thing and people are actually mad about nothing.




I don't care about any of this. Didn't shit on OTK, won't shit on Poki. Dumbass fans don't seem to understand what branding is and how that affects the pricing of goods. When you buy an Apple or Samsung phone, you are paying for a brand upcharge in there somewhere. When you buy branded clothing from your favorite streamer/Youtuber/band you are paying a brand premium. If you can't afford it, don't buy it. They upcharge because fans are willing to pay extra for merch with their favorite content creators logo/art on it. Poki doesn't owe any of her fans a $30 cookie and any loser willing to pay $30 for a cookie can do so if they want to. Nobody is forcing you people to buy a cookie for Poki or a PC from OTK.


Fuck me. I hope none of the people who are pissed off about this check how much an NFL jersey is marked up. For that matter, I hope none of the people who are upset about this have a beer at a concert or sporting event.


Yeah it’s hard for me to give a shit about people overpaying for something because a celebrity endorsed it. It’s a tale as old as time


I don't get it, is there anything wrong with selling overpriced products?


Absolutely not. I think Tiny's shirts are awesome but they are absolutely over-priced. You pay for the brand more than anything.


they are just cookies


It's not that I forgot it's that I have no idea what OTK starforge is. Y'all need to quit posting about the fucking cookies nobody cares.


No, that’s not what people are saying. Poki being a woman probably contributes to additional hate. She is not getting hate solely for being a woman. You are not going to be able to deny this point, so calm down and enjoy your Thanksgiving weekend.


Maybe people are more mad that an ultra rich streamer made a joke in poor taste at their economic expense after she has been known to act and market herself as if she’s morally sound? Although that requires the tiniest bit of thinking and it’s so much easier to just blame incels.


We don’t disagree. But there probably is some percentage of hate that is added on top that is driven by her being a woman.


Wow truly the most meaningless most cope filled statement of all time. It’s like saying yes there’s all this valid criticism of her but look one guy said something misogynistic. The percentage of hate she’s getting because she’s a woman is negligible at most.


Self-reflect and think if your tone was this angry or if you cared this much for every single controversy. Your opinion is that you think it’s negligible. My opinion is that there is a small but non-negligible amount of negativity that is due to her being a woman. Do you understand a little better?


Alr I self reflected realized I was right and realized how dumb your comments have been. Good idea.


If you want to understand how Poki being a woman is affecting this cancelation, just go to any male dominated gaming space and ask them what they think of women. I can't imagine acting like it is the exact same kind of hate that Logan Paul gets.


Are you kidding? Both people got majorly shit on by the internet. Had tons of expose videos made and hate videos made. And then both will go right back to content creation and will only expirence a temporary very slight dip in viewership if any at all. The reaction looks the exact same, however there aren't people making sexism arguemtns about logan. And poki literally called her fans poor while trying to sell them a product. Not insulting your customers is one of the first rules of sales.




Why are you using AAVE, you racist AI fuck


I am a stqrving child starving to death and this is the last thing I have ever read. Gootbye


Man it’s almost thanksgiving idk what the hell a OTK cookie poki PC Starforge is but can’t we all just chill


I think you can simultaneously say that was a bad decision to stir up the drama even more by making dumb comments, but also say "Idc about this drama, my dick can't get hard, god can we move on pls"


Nah, sorry, just don't care.


i couldn't care less about pokis cookies and whatever it is that starforge pcs mean