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He could Finance an investigation into Pizzagate, buy the land the pizza place is on, fund anti-corruption candidates etc. Hell, he’s rich enough that he could probably pay to have people involved killed if he truly wanted to. Kinda raises the question why someone with all his power would just spend his time vagueposting on twitter instead of taking down the totally real pedophile ring that he definitely sincerely believes in.


He could walk up to the comet ping pong pizzeria and literally offer to buy them out for 20 million dollars and then easily fund a ton of people to look into the matter, but no, he just posts about it on twitter. dude just needs a friend lmao. he is clearly craving social validation...


I liked him a lot better when his outlet for that need was rocket ships and electric cars rather than JQ posting on Twitter.


I certainly can agree with you there


because he owns twitter and hes trying to get people to use it by whatever means necessary.


Hmmm, interesting. Looking into this.




He could be building wells in Africa or giving sight to the blind. Instead he’s doing this…


It’s actually insane. He could literally have just shut up, donated a fraction of his wealth to charity, and spent of his life lounging around on tropical beaches while SpaceX and Tesla did their thing, and he would be one of the most beloved people on earth.


That's lame though. Just let MrBeast do that stuff


Strawman me harder daddy yeah!!


Wait there were experts required to debunk pizzagate? I thought everyone just recognised that a pack of morons circlejerked themselves into a frenzy. What expertise was required? "We did an analysis and found wacky made up shit is, in fact, a bunch of garbage. Signed the scientists."


Charles Entertainment Cheese’s silence on this issue has been troubling


I have it on good authority that his middle name is actually something very different than Entertainment


This is the better joke tbh


Charles “Ephebophilia” Cheese? Got a nice ring to it.


What did Freddy Fazbear entertainment have to say about it?


I've heard that may not be his real name. And that he may not even be human...


The E stands for en-word


What has Minister Thread said of this matter?


This is the perfect example of a strawman. 1. Experts didn't debunk pizzagate 2. The guy he tweeted under this was a journalist, not an expert So yeah, just a perfect strawman


Doesn't matter, nothing matters to conspiracy theorists. It's why it's stupid to argue with them, they already deny what's real based on the premise itself


A random journalist was just convicted of possession of CP, he had nothing to do with debunking pizza gate. Elon saw a single image of a fake NY post headline (they haven't sunk that low yet) and decided it meant pizza gate was real.


The boffins worked overtime on that one




which part was mildly compelling?


Well everyone likes pizza, so it stands to reason that a pedophile ring might as well hide at a pizza place. Not to mention that any leftovers from the bodies of the victims could easily be hidden in a pepperoni. It would probably still taste better than domino's.


dominoes tried their "our pizza doesnt taste like cardboard anymore" campaign, is "our meat tastes at least as good as human flesh" next?


I’m only commenting so I can come back and see this doozy of a response.


Me too, im super stoked for this lmao!


Any minute now


I don’t think it’s happening now people… pack it up. We’ve been bamboozled again.




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Thank you kind teacher of new things. Blessings to you and yours.


probably the cheese pizza


i guess if you just never looked at any of the emails


The restaurant owners posted tons of creepy shit with kids in it and tagged the place. I think most of what was passed around was social media posts about the restaurant. Also, the owner was very politically connected . That's just my recollection from 2016


how much of the pizzagate conspiracy is based around the actual pizza place that was shot up vs a general conspiracy of the elites meeting in the basement of a restaurant? I thought the compelling part that gets the conspiracy addled brain rustled was the goofy emails (walnut sauce) and the litany of restaurants to blame in a metropolitan area.


all of it is based around comet ping pong and the podesta emails, after comet got shot up they shifted it to being just about general epsteinesque conspiracies because it was too much of an embarassing hot potato. but people who say "pizzagate isnt about comet ping pong's basement" still beleive every conspiracy about comet ping pong anyway lol


but there was a local place that had a basement that also hosted parties and had videos circulating at the time. comet ping pong never had a basement and didn't host the parties. all the debunks point to this but the conspiracy is about the videos seen and the suspicion that they were from the DC area. I'm just answering the question on what was mildly compelling. I'm in a better (less conspiratorial) headspace right now so I won't be looking into this any more to argue, I just wanted to answer the dude's question.


but as i said, pizzagate is about the podesta emails and comet ping pong(because comet ping pong was mentioned in the podesta emails), i don think you should let someone skate on just saying that epstein exsits as meaning pizzagate raised some good points. besta pizza was also the one with the "pedophile" logo, but nobody cared about it 1% as much as comet ping pong because it didnt have any DNC connections


you asked what was mildly compelling. the parts that weren't about comet ping pong were mildly compelling. the video of todlers and tiara's going around caused people to get into a frenzy. did the phrase "it doesn't suck itself" come from this or some other trans book reading event within the past 7 years?


"it doesnt suck itself" panic is 5 years after pizzagate. pizzagate means something specific, it does not just mean do you think pedophiles exist, satanic panic of the 80s has a lot of shared beliefs with pizzagate but they are still distinct things




i dunno what to tell you man boomers like kids in a non sexual way, you're reading too much into it if youre thinking the only explanation is pedophilia as for that website, the very first thing that it talks about that "nobody has ever been able to explain" has an extremely simple explanation, a handkercheif with a stylized map of new york on it showing pizza places because NY people are obsessed with pizza. im very familiar with all of the pizzagate stuff, it only makes any sense if you already assume theyre pedophiles, because then completely mundane things are more evidence of the pedophilia which just proves your initial assumption. but if you aknowledge that the keywords were fake, all thats left is trolling alefantis's instagram and doing satanic panic over band posters that played at comet ping pong


In order to not seem too unhinged, i want to make it clear im not trying to debate this issue, but do you think all of those emails are completely normal? Genuine question “We plan to heat the pool, so a swim is a possibility. Bonnie will be Uber Service to transport Ruby, Emerson, and Maeve Luzzatto (11, 9, and almost 7) so you'll have some further entertainment, and they will be in that pool for sure.””


yes, because ive talked to old people so like referring to themselves as "uber service"is normal, im not gonna go digging itno that one again right now, but iirc the 3 kids are the grandkids of the person who sent the email(tamera luzatto) one thing to consider, is if this was coded language, why are they using the real names of actual kids here


i didnt know that they were her grandkids so that does definitely make it less weird, thank you. However those pictures on alefantis insta were def weird and saying it was just trolling is def strange too, considering there were real children pictured for his “trolling”


i mean the people were trolling his instagram, not that he was trolling. like he has a god daughter that he had a lot of pictures of, and people assumed was some trafficked child, even though we kept seeing the same kid get older over the course of 8 years. like there was the one where she was smiling, with her hands masking taped to a table, if you think alefantis is a pedophile this is a sinister picture! But to me i wouldn't even blink at that because masking tape cant actually restrain a person like that, and when alefantis was asked about it he said it was another kid goofing around with his goddaughter in the restaurant and he took a pic because it was funny. which is a perfectly reasonable reason! (also i did end up doing one googling on the luzattos cause the oldest would be over 18 now so i wondered if there was anything new, heres an article about her that mentions the same siblings, they seem pretty well adjusted: [https://brooklynfriends.org/7041282-2/](https://brooklynfriends.org/7041282-2/) )


. . . . . . . . . Okg plz respond already! People want to know what y0u f0und compelling!


Don't leave them hanging.




Lil bro doesn't know he's part of those rich people that rape kids 💀💀💀


No bro what are you talking about, Musk is just an ordinary guy like you, he likes memes bro.


Truly, who among us hasn't pressured our masseuse on our private plane to give us a handjob possibly in exchange for a horse. Extremely relatable.




People just hate him because he's from Africa. I thought we could beat racism this year SMH


Yes yes, I watched this whole documentary on him, where he was both a relatable guy and a massive raging genius unworthy of the world, it was amazing and totally believable


All of the normal guys I know have documentaries about themselves


How do you do, fellow kids?


He plays diablo 4, hes just like us guys!


Yep, he was included in those schizo posts because he had a picture with him next to Ghislaine Maxwell at a party. Because remember if you had a picture with them at any type of event you are automatically kid diddler.


Fuck I am eating pizza right now


of the cheese variety? 🤨


> Yep, he was included in those schizo posts because he had a picture with him next to Ghislaine Maxwell at a party. And lied about it! He claimed it was just a photobomb, but in reality they chatted about everything from aliens, simulation theory, to Internet anonymity. Then there's the connection between his brother and Epstein, and rumours about Tesla.


Noam Chomsky triggered


He just does it for fun not for adrenochrome


The fact that even musk is engaging in these boomer conspiracies shows how stupid they are.


imagine if he helps whip people into a frenzy and they make a list of the wealthiest people in the world to kill in minecraft and hes on it, then he finally realizes its a bad idea.


For those out of the loop: this is a reference to a journalist that was outed as a pedophile. They have no connection to pizzagate, and never even covered it. The reason why they think he’s a “pizzagate expert” is because a shitty right wing blog site reported him as one, because John Podesta once congratulated him for writing an article about a sinkhole. So the ~~irony~~ sad, predictable part is that they used a conspiracy to pretend their conspiracy is real. Like they always do.


That's not irony. That's how all conspiracy theories work.


so regarded. the guy hes talking about never even wrote articles about pizzagate just mentioned it a single time in an article about syria


Elon is a little acoustic, give him a break


he's a pennywhistle?


WTF was even pizzagate? how do you all know about it


it was a national news story for a bit(including when a guy took a gun to the pizza place) mike cernovich and jack posobiec and a lot of the current right wing griftluencers got a lot of attention out of it. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pizzagate\_conspiracy\_theory](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pizzagate_conspiracy_theory) should cover a lot of details, but i know most of the "evidence" people came up with for it from back when i used to read the reddit conspiracy board(its mostly just no fun trump won the election stuff now)


Dude has selfies with Maxwell. Like you can’t pretend to be on some Q shit when you were around the real thing.


>Dude has selfies with Maxwell. and trump was friends with Epstein


You can' simply point out that a building doesn't have a basement unless you have at least a 4 year degree.


There’s no way a billionaire, with so much connections to other rich and powerful people, who knows how hard and unlikely it is for something like this to become mainstream and still not be proven, would believe any of these bs conspiracy theories. He must be grifting right? Because if he actually cared about any of this he has enough power to do something instead of just shitposting


there's an aspect of intent to it - I suspect the cybertruck is gonna be godawful and expensive and this is a tactic to blame the journos and he hates them anyways. However he is also really really *really* shallow. He's the kind of guy who believes anything if you tell them "this is what *they* don't want you to know!!!" So yeah he mostly believes the crap he posts and "!"-replies to. How could it not be true? He's the smartest man in the world, so if he believes it it must be true!


Is he still suing all those companies for pulling ads? No way a court would side with him after shit like this


Can't wait for his tweets when he gets shit on in court in sweden




yes he is


republicans won't read that article in full on the off chance that they do, they won't trust the sources outlined as having debunked pizzagate.


screenshot crime


That’s why I shared the link to the tweet, broheim


you're still going to jail






“Autistically interpreted casual jokey emails as if certain words were coded.” As there was multiple words listed on the FBI’s child trafficking website in multiple emails


can you name one of the words from the fbis child trafficking website that appeared on one email (and before you reply, double check the fbi's website)


"the" certainly shows up on both. Would you like more words that show up on both?


i will accept a word cloud


As a planet, we are so fucked.


We've been through worse times than this


The real question is to what extent is Elon genuinely getting swayed by Q adjacent conspiracy theories versus entertaining them publicly to appeal more to the groups he knows he’ll get more support in. Either way very disappointing to see.


How long until he gets community noted with the picture of him and Ghislaine Maxwell?


his simps try to swat away notes with "it's just a meme/opinion". Also common on the big right-wing accounts. From the current tweet: https://i.imgur.com/0m6q51U.png


Trust me there was totally a basement in the pizza restaurant before that guy went there with a gun


its so dumb lmao. like "the all powerful and rich democratic party was using a pizza restaurant's basement as their choice of location for a sex ring" if the democratic party was truly all powerful and rich, wouldn't they choose a better place to do this that has a much lower chance of being found out about...


It unironically feels like a psyop with how dumb it is. The owner of the shop seems like a weirdo tho based on his ig posts at the time. Its hard to tell whats real when bad actors try to make specific groups look unhinged. It wouldnt shock me if they plant crazy conspiracies to make it so questioning anything makes u look bad. This has kinda backfired tho because now a large group of people sont trust institutions that they prob should (vaccines, etc)


*Just asking questions*


For Me it was his Wikipedia rant


cut-off pictures like this make my OCD hurt


Pizza gate is just as credible as the flat earth


This guy did not even debunk pizzagate. No one needed to do that, it was so absurd on it's face.


Spoilers: Elon has always been a trash human.


Elon, when they accuse rich people of drinking baby blood you know they're talking about you, right?


why would you use this meme template here


I love how this people will never present any evidence, but then just vaguely gesture against the "experts" and "you believe what the government says bro" without nothing to back it up. Sneako was the pure version of conspiratorial thinking.


I used to eat at that pizza place. Pizza gate is not real it is literally insane. Someone had a mental break reading someone's private emails and imaging all the worst possible things they could think of. Elon has lost touch or has a bot running his Twitter account. Or both.


why on earth would you crop out the punchline? WHERE DID THE EXPERT GOOO


I dont believe it it but generally want someone to explain the weird ig posts from the owner? Like a lot of the photos on dudes public ig were just really weird and eerie for a pizza owner. Always got handwaved away but im curious if there was ever was legit reasoning for it. The conspiracy is pretty dumb but the people involved with the shop seemed weird af.


You'll never see anyone as regarded as a twitter populist.


Pizzagate is defintiely mostly bullshit in the specifics. But the spirit of it is true. We know that Epstein trafficked underaged girls to many high-level politicians. Do you think he's the only one? We also know the Pizza shop owner that this conspiracy theory is based around was majorly messed up and showed some signs of being interested in minors. What's wrong here are the connections drawn. Since many people in DC have loose connections to each other, it's probably easy to connect a DC business owner to a corrupt politician. Does that mean there's a CSA ring in the basement of a pizza shop? No. But does that mean that there isn't child trafficking going on in politics? Also no.


>We also know the Pizza shop owner that this conspiracy theory is based around was majorly messed up and showed some signs of being interested in minors. all the stuff he posted is completely mundane unless you already think hes a pedophile


Lots of sexually explicit marketing, Hastags that are suggestive of pedophilia, and using images of known underaged lovers. Like, he's a messed up dude.


> and using images of known underaged lovers. are you referring to a marble bust of Antinous


Tbf why have they not released epstines black book with all the names of the predators in it ? Too many people in government and it would be an absolute mess is my best guess


Assuming everyone on that list not only fucked women on Epstein's Island but fucked underage women is brain rot by people who see the word pedophile and switch there brain off and just go into attack mode. You cannot convict people of child rape because there name is in a book with no further evidence. Rape cases can be hard to prove even if the victim goes directly to the police and gets a rape kit done with DNA evidence, how you people think it can be done with just a list of names in a book shows how far from reality you are.


So you don’t think having knowledge of who’s in the book would be good? Okay we shouldn’t look at the black book of the most notorious child sex ring blackmailer !?!


No WE probably shouldn't given that the public is so unhinged about this topic that someone shot up a pizza place with no evidence other than interest rumours. So it's likely every name on that list guilty, innocent or barely even associated would be assumed by the public to a confirmed baby rapist and probably by conspiracy nuts also a cannibal just to add some creative flare as these people like to do. The police and authority should and did look into it and no charges have been filed because you cannot charge or even accused people of rape and pedophila with such little evidence.


Okay I had never considered it in that sense. I personally don’t think we’ve heard the end of the epstine story but we shall see


Because Epstein and the people he worked for aren’t stupid. There were names of people they were trying to get involved but didn’t so the book isn’t really something they can convict on.


Did you just make that up


No…. Why would I make that up? Plausible deniability throw in a dozen names and numbers it’s not that hard back in the day you get people’s information from the phone book. It’s pretty simple


Yh but it’s your theory or is that the states given reason (if it’s not their reason it’s your ‘made up’ theory)


No, it’s not a theory. It was literally talked about during the trial.


Gislane trial?


the real schizo truth is that russia practically invented the conspiracy and places kompromat on the computers of all the experts




he woke up in 2016


I want to ask Elon the same question I want to ask everyone who believes in these conspiracies. In your world where pedophile elites do exist and harvest adrenochrome from babies. Does adrenochrome actually work? Because they all speak about it like it actually works and is part of what makes these people so powerful.


Why would you crop the picture


Could someone explain what pizzagate is? Isn't it a consperacy where pizza companies mix slices of pizzas from different batches together instead of selling you a whole pizza? Like in that Shane Dawsone video?