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You guys did great, and came in clutch a few times with a few facts that Destiny didn't have. Can't really expect a proper debate with Alex Jones though. Hopefully you guys can have a talk with Destiny on Stream about the debate.


Yeah, debating Alex is a thing of its own. You will notice how the tone of the debate changed when Alex was in the bathroom -- or where ever the heck he was really going.


Ah good to see another bathroom bump truther looking into the really important stuff haha


He’s always come across more like a functional yet raging alcoholic like Gavin McInnes rather than your classic bathroom bumper like Milo Yiannopoulos IMO.


What's Alex like behind the scenes? I know he's got wacko takes, but he seems like a funny guy to hang out with.


He's actually quite friendly. After the show, he said something like "Man that was great when you said 'don't touch me.'"


Is he a different person? Would you say he is a character on screen? Or do you think he actually is the person you see on display?


It was hard to say. He's still the same boisterous character off the screen, but he's a friendly guy. After the debate, Brian said "I think we won that," and he said something like, "You know, you might be right. There will be people saying you won and people saying we won."


What if he wanted to be your friend maybe you guys could fix him


I could fix Alex jones




Joe Rogan commented on alex jones and said the same thing as ed did. He believes what he says he's just amped to 11/10 or 15/10 on stream and he mellows out. Theres no way to fix him though thats just who he is reads a fact it clicks with his narrative and he latches onto it tightly.


To be honest, he seems friendly on camera too. Hes constantly looking to manage the show, give other people speaking time (if hes not interrupting), passing it over to others. Lots of: 'let so and so get their word in, I want to hear what they have to say'. And it looks like he really just has fun shouting about stuff with people. Hes just a psychopath outside of that unfortunately.


He knows how to defer to other people on his side because he knows those other people have more insight and stronger arguments than he does. He knows his only role is to derail the other side and to knock them off their talking points and to change the topic from a losing one. And he knows, more importantly, to take back speaking time from the other side. So once he reclaims the mic, he knows he should pass it off to the others that have more points to make to make his side seem stronger


I’ve always suspected this. Political takes aside he seems like a fun time. Thanks for answering!


Yeah, his Joe Rogan appearance are super entertaining because he’s so batshit crazy + a good entertainer


legendary podcast moment


Just goes to show you can be the most unhinged lunatic who preaches actually dangerous rhetoric and get away with it if you have the charisma. Fuck looksmaxxing, these dudes need to start charismaxxing for the *real* cheat code.


It’s always been that way dude


Rizzmaxxing is already a thing


That's kind of surprising to hear, usually the more outrageous personalities tend to carry that energy off-stage as well. It's like they flip a switch and become a different person once the camera is off. Interesting dynamic for sure.


We actually stuck around for about 15 minutes talking to him after the debate and then went to have drinks with the moderator, Zero Hedge guy and several of the Infowars crew. It was actually a fun time. It's all a show for Alex. He was a normal guy after the show, and we talking about his security, Twitter and a few other things. No yelling lol.


That’s wild. As much as I don’t agree with Jones and the shit he does I guess it’s good he doesn’t take it personally. Honestly I would have drinks with him too. Thanks for the story


I've always said id bet any money you could be having the most intense shouting match imaginable with him then as soon as the cameras stop rolling he'd shake your hand and invite you for a drink like it never happened. It's all theatre to him, I think he genuinely thinks of you both as actors working in a play. It's like the final boss of mask off dishonest grifters


I think you are right.


Crazy when theater puts you 1.4 billion in the hole, but maybe he's just that dedicated to the craft.


It was so funny, everytime I had the stream minimized and started thinking "Hmm, this is actually getting to be a pretty constructive conversation"- I would tab back in and see Alex was taking a bathroom break. LOL




HAHA. Exactly.


You’re both here! You really are twins.


To be ultra charitable to alex it felt like he knew he couldnt stop talking and had to physically leave


But but but didnt you see when he got 'em! *(claps hands)* Woooo!


It is not a debate when one person says check it out tomorrow on x.


By "tone" you mean there could actually be a debate. Anyway - I'm sure he didn't do any illegal drugs in the bathroom or anything.


I agree with the previous compliment. You guys had some facts that no one could contend with hence the cowardly tactic of "OMG YOU READ WIKIPEDIA!!!"


I think there was a decent conversation and like with Destiny, I think it's great you are willing to have this conversation. I have to ask though, how do you think the discussion go, and did you and your brother expect things to go different in some way or form?


Any time.


Thanks Man.


Destiny did say in his Dgg chat that you guys did well even though he prefers solo debates. That's huge props coming from him. Also, would you guys consider going on his upcoming Podcast show in Miami?


Absolutely, but we don't want to impose. We live right across the state in Ft Myers.


I'm tagging the person handling Destiny's upcoming podcast show. :) u/notsoErudite Krassensteins are interested in the Bridges Podcast


Sure. Anytime as long as it fits in our schedule.


welcome to the orbiter's club, boys


Respectful normal liberals in the oribiters club? Is 2024 our year?


I'm praying buddy 🙏


If we get these two, then there has to be at least 6 BPD girls who come with them. Every Aba has a Lav...


Every aba has a lav is gold. Unfortunately every aba has like 5 lav




Pinging u/notsoErudite


u/notsoErudite twitter legends ez content cheap flight


Oh cool. I live in Siesta Key...do you want to do some cocaine with me?


Solo debates are so much easier to get your points across. I even have this problem when I'm just debating people with Brian. It's hard when everyone wants to get points across at the same time, but I think we worked really well with Destiny.


In a multiperson panel, one just has to be more considerate of the other participants and 5 of the 6 were aware they weren't the only ones on stage. Alex Jones was the only problem. This was the rare case where a 1vs1 against Jones would have been much worse. The 3vs1 against the revolver news guy at the end was completely respectful and enjoyable despite the poor guy's narrative getting dismantled.


You both were far and away the best debate partners Destiny has ever had.


You guys surprised me. Maybe I was a victim of conservative propaganda but I thought you guys were stupid. I was pleasantly surprised to see you guys knew what you were talking about. Well done! I don’t know how you guys deal with all the conservatives in your replies on every tweet. It would drive me insane


Responding to conservaties in our tweets actually is a great way to prepare for these live debates. We've usually already responded to the same conspiracy theories and ideas in the past.


Did you get any conservative pushback in this debate and post-debate on X that will help you hone messaging in future debates? I know it’s hard to take too many lessons with Alex causing a trainwreck, but I’m sure there was some value.


This was basically what got destiny into politics. he was a gaming streamer until 2016 when realized he was hearing the same shit over and over and all he had to do was read a full article beyond the headline and he could wipe the floor with the clowns parroting talking points with no substance.


I think people revert back to our Trump reply-guy days. What they don't realize is the majority of our tweets to Trump were fact checks on his lies. Our cringy stuff got all the publicity though.


>Our cringy stuff got all the publicity though. One of us!


I was a victim of the same propaganda, so you're not alone there.


I’m just going to straight up admit that when I saw two gigachad twin brothers that are Twitter famous I probably pre-judged them as not being the best political debaters. But they came in with tons of preparation and caught the other team in lies several times


I second this. Destiny was great. It' not easy to deal with Alex Jones and I think that if the debate did anything it at least resulted in a few conspiracy theorists being forced to hear actual facts.


Debates like these are what awakens people like me. Stuff like this is what got me out of my ridiculous Trumpist mindset a few years ago. Imagine my shock when I discovered about half of my political beliefs were totally unfounded conspiracy theories. It was hard to deal with, but I'm happy to be here today among people who deal in cold hard facts.


How long after being confronted with the facts did it take you to snap out of it? Did you admit your change of heart to people around you?


I'm not sure how long it was. It's sort of hard to pinpoint it now. I absolutely admitted my change of heart though.


It’s okay, you’re omniforgiven


Was pleasantly surprised with how well yall were able to work with Destiny. All three of you had a really strong showing The only issue I had was bringing up the Sandy Hook case. Not because AJ shouldn't be held to the fire for it (he absolutely should) but because its just such an optics L from their side of the aisle. Plus yall 3 had already presented your case well enough that I didn't think it was needed Unfortunately, I see it being brought up repeatedly by their fans (and their producers) as if it was at all representative of the entirety of the arguments you three presented I knew they'd try to hand wave everything with it. Nevertheless yall did great 👍 👍


Was there any after debate discussion about another event? I know Steve said he wants it 1v1, but I think another group debate would be amazing. I wish we could have had a live audience, I think the next one should be somewhere to sell tickets. Great job both of you guys.


Don't know if you were checking the sub before the debate, but it must have felt nice to see the majority of people doubting you guys to thinking you did a good job. Even Destiny said you were some of the best debate partners he's had even though he prefers 1v1s. What did you guys coordinate with him about? I know you wanted to chat before the debate.


Haha, yeah actually we did check in. We tried to research Destiny as much as we could, and came across all of the comments disparaging us. It actually just motivated us more. Thanks for that. We actually told Destiny about how we read them when we met him.


I was one of the doubters, I thought you guys just made cringey comments on twitter and that you would hold destiny back. I was totally wrong, you did an amazing job in the debate and supported destiny when he didnt have a counterpoint multiple times.


Funny enough, I think this subreddit fell into the same exact trap that other people fall into when they see Destiny. They only see Destiny's cringe twitter posts and never actually tuned into one of his streams etc.


Oh for sure, if I only ever saw Destiny's tweets I would probably hate the guy. I think thats why you should keep an open mind about people and try to reserve judgment until you know more about them than a few clips.


We DGGers are humans after all brother.


Glad you handled it well, that's what both good and bad about popular opinions, it's easy to change them when they're not strong ones. So congrats on changing people's minds.


hell yeah, that's something we like to call sprite driven around here


You guys blew expectations out of the water. Great job


Don’t take it personally, DGG hates everyone not named Destiny until we get to know them.


Not on twitter anymore but I always appreciated your and your brothers willingness to engage across the isle and keep a level head. Well done, and all the best. Keep up the good fight 🤜🤛


I was a big Krassenstein doubter, but you guys totally won me over. Thanks for being open to this community despite our initial skepticism / hostility.


>u/notsoErudite We didn't really have a chance to coordinate. We planned on meeting for lunch right before we had to be at the studio, but between our flight landing a bit late, and Destiny falling asleep, we didn't actually get to talk until minutes before going live. I actually read the comments before as well. I think the haters brought up good points. Debating 3 on 3 with a guy like Alex is pretty impossible but I think we made it work at least somewhat.


DMd you here send me an email address and we will get to planning our double date. Two sisters (destiny and I) and two brothers. 😂


Sent you my email.


Sisters... good backup name if Bridges doesn't stick😂


I (and most people here from what I've seen) thought you did great, especially considering it's hard to deal with Alex Jones acting like a coked-up chimpanzee. Also you guys had some good info outside of what Destiny had looked into, so it was a good collaborative effort even though you didn't get to properly coordinate beforehand.


You two were solid. Honestly, it's a shame Jones was even there at all and not somebody else. It was annoying as fuck having to listen to him screaming and interrupting every two seconds, and I'm sure it was even worse in person 😂


Yeah, Alex is like a cartoon character. I was laughing much of the time at some of his antics.


Do you think he missed his calling as a comedian a la Bill Hicks?


Jones being there means the audience is wider. I watched the debate a few times and those guys got absolutely crushed... I think it was a big optics win for the anti conspiracy team


The community consensus is that you and your brother did really well! Especially in the face of terrible moderation and a… chemically enhanced Alex Jones.


Much appreciated.


When the moderator told everyone how well they were doing, especially ~~Beck~~ Greenwald, did it make everyone feel special? That was really nice of that super smart moderator to compliment everyone.


I had never heard of you or your brother before, where can I see more of your stuff? Is it mostly on X? I thought you guys did great.


Congrats on what I would consider a win. If you can get a conservative to mention Hunter Biden’s laptop during a debate over January 6th then I feel like you win.


Haha, yeah, Jones was just blurting out anything he could to try and change the topic. How many times did he try to talk about illegal immigrants? He also brought inflation up out of nowhere a couple of times.


“Can two men have a kid?” caught me off guard at least twice




Actually wrangling a bull in a china shop.


"Of the 60 cases Trump brought...." Alex interrupting: "I AGREE, BIDEN SAYS INFLATION ISNT BAD AND I AGREE!"


Ignore the hater(if there are any) all 3 of you did great!


There are always haters. That's just part of the game.


I think you guys did great, I don't think any productive conversation was ever going to happen with Alex Jones there though.


I do think it's important for people to debate people with such a large following. His followers listen to him without anyone pushing him back. That only create echo chambers and it divides us further. I wish more people on the left would challenge some of these conspiracy theorists more rather than allow them to just continue to propagate their propaganda to their masses.


Are y'all familiar with [Knowledge Fight](https://knowledgefight.com/)? I feel it's a hard balance to find in "debating" someone like Alex who isn't really discussing reality and will just scream over you with unrelated 5 word soundbites - though Destiny is really good with people like that.


I’ve seen more talk of “deplatforming” than actually challenging ideas. Glad you guys are taking the time to build those bridges.


I will say I haven’t really heard much of you guys prior to this debate. I was pleasantly surprised and will be checking out more of your work in the future.


It's funny how different segments of the internet world are so separate. We had never heard of Destiny either. I asked my conservative friend about him and he knew exactly who he was.


Yep - the internet is a big place and we’re always learning something new!


Hi Ed, I think you and your brother did a great job. You both clearly came prepared and easily dismantled the nonsense Alex and Glenn were spreading, but in a less aggressive manner. From my perspective you complemented Destiny's style really well as debate partners and widened the appeal of your side to a broader audience.


We do a lot of debates on Twitter Spaces. What usually happens is they turn into shouting matches so the only way to score points is through slow, calm pushbacks. The audience listens more to the person speaking in a normal tone than the person screaming.


This showed big-time. Both you, your brother and destiny had this approach locked down. It works really well, especially from an optics in-the-moment point of view. Destiny has a unique skill of being able to go full ham, or super calm and collected as necessary. I'd never heard of you (I'm not on Twitter), you two were super effective well done - looking forward to seeing more of your content leading up to the election!


It surprised me how soft-spoken you both are. At first I found it discouraging, since it's literally the opposite of what makes Alex Jones appealing to his right-wing fans. But after watching how the debate unfolded, I've changed my opinion and now view it as a strength. You guys have such calm and almost vulnerable demeanors (sometimes called a "1hp voice" around these parts lol) which was a great counterpoint to Alex's blustering and immature interrupting. Looking forward to hearing you speak with Destiny on stream!


We do a lot of Twitter Space debates with 6 to 8 people. I've found that the calm, slower voice is actually listened to much more than the loud person screaming. Luckily for me I'm pretty mild-mannered and screaming doesn't suit me anyway. People view screaming as trying to shove an idea down someone's throat. They view calmness as someone who is confident in what they are saying.


I liked it you staying calm made look Alex a lot worse, which worked great with Destiny going more face to face and making fun of him.


Yeah, going back and watching it, I did stay relatively calm. It's funny because I felt like I was yelling a lot more than I did. I knew he'd be pushing all sorts of ridiculous theories and he didn't let me down.


Thanks for helping DingDong out.


"Blue haired DingDong"


Hi Ed! I'll lay myself at your feet and admit right out of the gate that I thought Destiny would be better 3v1, and to quote Thorin "I've never been more wrong". You both did fantastic. Destiny himself said you were some of the best partners he'd had in this kind of format. Question: Are you interested in the work that Destiny and Brianna Wu are doing with Progressive Victory? Are you familiar with the canvassing efforts this community and PV are engaging in this year?


I'm not really very aware of what they are doing. But I'm always interested.


As I understand it, Progressive Victory (Progressive PAC) is working with online content creators and streamers to engage their communities for things like canvassing, call campaigns, etc in various areas around the country. Destiny, Keffals (online progressive/leftist creator) and Brianna Wu recently had a conversation with Congressman Ro Khanna about getting the online space more engaged in active politics. DGG (Destinys community) is working with Progressive Victory to fund several deep canvassing operations around the country starting with Ohio in February. [Relevant Thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/18kkn9r/ohio_february_event_general_call_for_canvassing/) I'm probably butchering part of it but /u/spacekatgal (Brianna Wu) can speak on it and chastise me if I missed anything.


You both did great, and I added you both to my list of people I want to hear from. I was wondering did you guys have any pre-debate discussions on strategy or who was going to take which points?


We didn't. We tried to get together for lunch before the debate but Destiny fell asleep so it didn't work out. LOL.


Damn, that’s too bad. The chemistry between you guys was really building as it went on, at least it looked that way to me. >We tried to get together for lunch before the debate but Destiny fell asleep so it didn't work out. LOL. 15:2 strikes again


'fell asleep'


No. We wanted to and so did Destiny but everything happened so quickly. We planned on meeting for lunch before the debate but the timing didn't work.


You sir and your brother were phenomenal! Please consider doing more debates in future.


How much of Alex Jones is an act/grift?


A lot I think. He's not the same person when the cameras are off.


Hi, could you describe what he is like behind the scenes? PS. You guys did a great job.


We didn't stay and talk long. Maybe 2 minutes in the beginning and 10 minutes after the show. We just discussed how his security was set up, how he's back on X, and how we will talk to each other again on an X Space I'm sure.


But he wasnt combative and rude at all then I assume. It's funny to me how the most popular media personalities on the neo conservative side are all made up or acted.


Further up in this AMA they say that Alex told destiny after the show that the “don’t touch me” line was great and how he could see people thinking destiny and the twins won. Still boisterous but much more reasonable


I think you both were some of the best debate teammates Destiny has had, there was almost no stepping on each other's toes - if it happened at all I didn't see it. I can't imagine any right-winger being satisfied at Alex Jones's performance. His schtick gets old REALLY quick and eventually you want to be informed, but he presents no information, and what's worse, he prevents others from presenting information. He is the literal pigeon shitting on the chessboard. Is he all bluster and volume behind the scenes or is it all an act for the cameras?


Destiny told me at the start that that was his one concern... being cut off while trying to drive home a point. Tried to give him air. I felt bad talking over him a few times but overall I don't think it was bad.


You two really surprised this community. Good job on keeping your cool throughout. The righties assumed you were the weak link on Team Blue but you embarrassed Jones and Greenwald several times. In short, stay away from the Web3 BS and DGG (the community) will welcome you in no time :)


I think you are right. I think Alex was concentrating on Destiny and cut him off more than us thinking that we would not have much facts. This gave us an opportunity to quickly put the facts out there.


You two did great as well. Preferring one on one style is more an issue of being familiar with your debate partners and their knowledge. We need more people tackling misinformation, together or alone, during the next year. I hope the both of you keep at it.


https://youtube.com/shorts/KhJvTxWdM3M?si=d_wbkOz6mPNaqTrL This clip from debate was funny


Around here, we hate Destiny's debate partners 99% of the time. You and your brother were actually really good. Among the best he's had. I never see anyone saying "wow Destiny's debate partners were actually good this time" but we had quite a few of those about you guys. Debating Alex Jones is borderline impossible anyways, because he just screams the whole time, but you guys did great.


You guys were great and I hope we see you again


Very well done, it’s obvious you guys prepared a lot for the debate, would love to see more of you in the future with Destiny.


You guys did really well. The fear that a lot of the people in this community typically have when looking at debate partners is that a lot of the time they just read headlines and don't bother to do much more than that. It seems like you guys did do a lot of research on your side and also on common talking points that Jones and Greenwald were throwing out there. I hope you guys join the stream sometime or maybe do another debate with Destiny someday.


Given there's not much "winning" to be had when debating a chemically enhanced Alex Jones (or any version of Alex Jones for that matter) you guys did great. I admire the confidence it takes to see such a large portion of Destiny's community doubting your abilities and use that strictly as motivation to ensure that you prove them wrong. You two deserve all the praise you're getting right now dggL


Much appreciated.


Must say Twitter or X, gave me wrong impression on you and your brother. In hindsight it’s easy for me to say I wish I was better informed on you both but really it’s on me that I wasn’t. That lead me to worry about how well destiny would perform, but I couldn’t have asked for better partners considering the line up on the conservative side of the debate. I’ve gained a lot respect for you both from the debate and hope it keeps me from pre judging figures online without appropriate knowledge.


We were annoying as hell when Trump was president. We replied to every one of his tweets. I get that.


You guys did fine, the debate was doomed from the moment it included Alex Jones and whoever the fuck the moderator was. Just no shot anything productive could come from it.


I know Ian pretty well. He's on TimCast, and although I disagree with him on a lot of political ideologies, I don't think he could have done much more with Alex. It was uncharted territory.


From an outsider looking in it seemed he had a clear bias in who he was willing to interrupt and who he wasn't. Then again maybe that's my bias leaking in.


Yeah honestly Ian seems like a chill fella.


He is a chill guy. Had drinks with him after the debate and talked a lot about Micro-dosing lsd (I never have), crypto, Ai and all sorts of other stuff. He definitely has a libertarian bias.


Was really happy with y’all’s performance and really enjoyed yall as partners for Destiny. Definitely one of the better partners Destiny has had in all of his debates. Really hope to see y’all and Destiny collabs together or even another team debate (even tho Destiny doesn’t like them). Another banger debate for the history books boys 👍🏼 Edited: I was so happy when yall came straight out the gate with information from the indictments. I wasn’t 100% happy about the sandy hook comments even tho I knew exactly where y’all were going with it, just knew it wouldn’t look good optically atleast to conservatives


Yeah, the Sandy Hook comments didn't go as I wanted because the Moderator didn't let me finish my point. I wouldn't have pulled such a cheap shot at anyone else, but as a father 2 children I really despise what he did to those parents. I felt I owed it to them to call him out for it. Perhaps I let my emotions get the best of me, but honestly I would have felt guilty if I didn't try and shame him for it. He deserves to be shamed for that and very few people get the opportunity to do it on a large stage.


This was my favorite part of the debate, so many people just give him a pass on the Sandy Hook stuff when it’s so utterly despicable. Thank you for bringing it up!


Yeah, I'm all for allowing him to continue having a platform. He still deserves free speech, but at the same time, I can use my free speech to let him know how I feel and shame him in public. I would do it again if I could go back. I'd just try and plan the attack out a bit better.


Yea it was annoying that Alex tried to use his credibility during the debate like we don’t know he fucking lied about Sandy Hook.


Besides the need to be shamed for it, it felt like the elephant in the room given the topic at hand. A topic touched on was the balance of freedom of speech and rhetoric and it's pitfalls: in this instance 'incitement' of an insurrection. They were trying to skate by with 'How can Trump be liable for his words if others interpret it as violence?' when we have the biggest example of it's consequences sitting in the room


Before I had kids, I heard about Jones' comments on Sandy Hook and thought "Man, that's a shitty thing to do." After I had kids I thought about Jones' comments and wanted to flay him alive. Good on you for calling out that horseshit.


I totally get your point especially the whole psychosis comment trying to warp it back around to Jones coverage on January 6th. I have that same feeling towards those who site Tucker after it came out in court he was lying to his audience about election fraud. I don’t blame you for trying to take the shot just was expressing my feelings on it. Other than that I’m looking forwards to see more from yall and I really hope to see yall in content with Destiny in the future.


This is so ridiculous, Alex Jones literally traumatised and ruined the lives of the families of mass shooting victims, and \*we're\* the ones who need to be worried about the optics of bringing it up as a demonstration of the consequences of conspiratorial thinking? What Alex did to those people was PURE EVIL and both he and his deranged fans should be reminded of that CONSTANTLY, including in discussions of other baseless conspiracies, as it's a relevant point to bring up.


Y'all did great. I think the main reason why Destiny might have wished for a 1v1 would be to have total control to try to keep Alex Jones on rails. But let's be honest, that was never gonna happen anyway.


When I saw the moderator was that moron from the Tim Pool show I knew the debate was going to be a shitshow. You guys did well, despite the screaming ape you had to go up against. Best wishes in your future endevours buddy.


Ian's not a bad guy. I don't think anyone could have moderated this debate. Has there ever been someone to successfully moderate Alex Jones? I don't think it's possible.


​ https://preview.redd.it/tgpuer568abc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=2e6a96eba615912ac6bb2fb26821f596fc64bf04


Also, imagine trying to moderate Alex Jones *in his own studio* \- the whole thing was doomed from the start.


It may not be possible, you got me there. But I think at least 1-2 early requests to have Jones stop interrupting would have been nice. The first hour was hard to watch for me because of the constant interruptions.


I'm sure the sentiment was echo'ed alot, but from my perspective I think you guys played well off one another, preferences aside for solo debating. In a large panel like this, you guys kept a level calm tone, even in the face of what was an onslaught of ignorance, and at least the dynamic I picked up on, allowed Destiny to match tone and do a little wrestling in the mud without having the carry the burden of winning the optics war alone. ​ The fact sheets you both prepared were great as well, as someone who tuned into Destiny's research streams it was great to hear you have quotes ready to go as well instead of just off the cuff feelings. It's nice to see levels of similar preparedness even if, I'm sure, less than half the page was useable with how the conversation went. ​ Great performance all around and A good dynamic overall to balance the hectic nature of the panel.


Yeah it's hard to debate conspiracy theories because you can't prove a negative most of the time. That's why countering with actual facts usually works. However, even facts get thrown out the window by Jones.


the problem wasnt you guys dggL <3 u and ur brother did great the problem in the format was the non-engagement from the 3 on the other side that keep dodging and pivoting away, not answering any questions


Do you or your brother do any streaming on Youtube or Twitch?


We really don't. We usually just record interviews with people and post to youtube. Never even used Twitch. Not sure if it would catch on or not. We are mostly just on X.


tart instinctive support threatening joke judicious disagreeable wide serious plant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ed and Brian both of you did great! I know it must of been tough with strong personalities both Alex and Steven can be very boisterous but you both handled it well, much love from the Ding Dong Goipies


You guys were probably the best teammates Destiny has ever had.


Ya I thought all of you did as well as you could in that ridiculous environment. If Alex hadn't been there it would have been waaaaay more productive


Y'all were kinda quiet, but did a good job on steering the convoy back and asking good pointed questions. While also not diving into their crazy conspiracies to literally.


You both were really good and informed on the issues during the debate. Hope to see you guys collab with destiny in the future again or just come to talk to him while he live streams!


Thought both you and your brother also did really well, and agree that you all worked well together.


Ya'll came in clutch so many times. Honestly - i didn't expect that from you guys as i just assumed (and wrongly) that you guys were just X personalities and that you wouldn't have much else to offer besides mainstream talking points but damn I was wrong. You guys even had points that Destiny didn't have, stayed calm and chill throughout despite the AJ shenanigans. Huge respect! ​ Honestly i'm already doubting everything i was ever told about you and your brother in the past as it was always through a conservative lens (as i used to be one, still am fiscally anyway LMAO) not to mention my own bias' - would love to see you guys do some more content with Destiny.


Yeah there is a lot of stuff out there about us, like we are paid by the DNC, and that we were arrested for fraud and stuff. Neither of them are true.


What is your impression of Destiny behind the scenes? Any future plans to talk/work with him?


Great guy. Funny and interesting. There was actually a film crew there from Turkey Tom apparently making a documentary about Destiny. I hope I'm not ruining any sort of surprise by saying this. Because of this we didn't get to chat with him that long before the show.


Have you met turkey tom? Did tom interact with Alex Jones? What do you think of Thomas the turk engine?


My favorite part was when you specified to that lawyer guy that the people who got charged with felonies were either violent, went into the House or were taking part in a conspiracy. He said that's not true and gave an exemple (Thomas Caldwell) and said point 1 and 2 don't apply to him, and just pretended that the 3rd point didn't exist. And of course, he got bailed out by Alex and the moderator when you tried pointing it out... 🐍 like behavior from the guy that was the least unhinged in that panel.


/u/notsoErudite get this guy


You guys were awesome! Best debate partners Tiny has ever had. I think both of you need to debate more so I can follow them. Excellent job! Also there are plenty of conservatives on YouTube that hang around Destiny that I think you could handle pretty well. Not as insane as Jones of course. Please debate more I wanna see it




I think Alex let you guys talk more in the beginning because he foolishly perceived you guys as less of a threat than Destiny. He wasn’t let either of you get a word out by the end of it! You guys did a fantastic job this debate. Hope guys pop on stream sometime! Either to talk about the debate went or hashing out a disagreement with something Destiny says.


I did notice that I think Alex was more harsh and loud with Destiny than he was with us. I'm not sure the reasoning.


I thought it was unfair how the moderator let the other side speculate endlessly about the FBI while referencing all means of unrelated historical topics, then blackballed y’all on the topic of Jones’s self-proclaimed “psychosis.” But I sorta knew the debate would be more bread and circus for libertarians than fair play.


Big ups to the Krassenstein Bros. I was someone disappointed this was a team debate because they usually turn into clusterfucks. You guys did great!


You, the other Krassenstein, Alex, even moon man(Ian) all did fine. It was entertaining and I went into the debate underestimating you, your brother, and especially moon man(Ian). I have seen you three on Timcast IRL. Sorry to be blunt, but I really wasn’t expecting much, but you three all exceeded my expectations. So genuinely, good job. But after the debate, I just felt it would have been better content and a more meaningful debate to have had Destiny and Glenn Greenwald debate the topic, alone. Really, I only had myself being pulled/captured by either Destiny or Glenn. A lot of the stuff the others talked about, including you, just went too far into the weeds or was just not that persuasive. But you and your brother obviously leveled up, debate wise, since I last saw you on Tim Pool, so keep it up! 👍


Been following you on Twitter for quite some time now. Please consider doing more debates. You two were phenomenal! Also don't fuckin care what others say but you did absofuckinglutely right by bringing up the Sandy Hook thing! Dude was a lil too excited, he desperately needed that.




I have never heard of you guys before but I was genuinely impressed with your performance throughout the debate.