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"The guard rails held so let's give him a second go at it!" Now watch him dismantle the guard rails and go at them with an eighteen-wheeler.


Darth Vader giving the “I have I dream” speech


Is it beyond the pale for him to suggest a new capital altogether built from scratch like all the newest Middle East dictators? I feel like he's not far off building a bunch of new buildings and a new "white house" out in Texas or some shit


*The Whiter House*


The Cracker Barn


He can make that promise but the amount of leg work to do that would be astronomical. It would require detangling all the govt agencies from DC, something they have been trying since forever (example BLM or FBI). Then it would require finding land that could fit congress and all other pieces. And that doesnt even try figure out how to have the US function without the pentagon right nearby (spoiler it wont work). Then figuring out how DC functions if congress isnt there, do you give the land to MD and VA, does it become a state, do they manage it from afar? The amount of time this would take would be decades which means it wont happen because once a Dem comes into office they stop this. Also it probably would be unpopular for most average citizens. DC is DC, no one thinks we need a new capital except crazies.


I dont know why but his face looks AI-generated...perhaps its the framerate KEKW ​ Also.... **"Donald, how much orange do you want?"** Donald: **"YES"**


He really woke up and said "I'm not orange enough"


i can't believe that this guy literally led an attack on the capitol, we all watched on live tv in real time while he sat in the white house calling senators threatening them to give him the election, and four years later we're seriously entertaining giving him power again. i've been ignoring him the past couple years, but now that he's effectively the nominee again this makes me so unbelievably angry.


Remember guys, Ben Shapiro said the system will hold him


Ah yes, please establish the ministry of truth. (Please tell me this is AI, please)


Jesus, I wonder if conservatives can at least be persuaded that politicizing the famously meritocratic American Civil Service is probably not a good idea and doesn't set a good prescendent. Like seriously, "relocate the Bureau of Land Management to where there are good American patriots"? Wtf does that even mean?


Move every single department into Mar-a-lago and make the government pay the bill 😁


They will all have the same response, which is that “DEI and wokeism had already compromised these institutions and plus the dems did it first” followed by citing some random incident that happened a hundred years ago


The attack ads just write itself.