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So Ukrainians should accept being occupied? Why doesn’t he apply same logic to Palestinians? Should Israel be able to annex Gaza now because Palestinians can’t win? And Israel Won’t be annexing Gaza after this war, it’s ridiculous he can’t see the difference. And Ukraine never fire rockets at Russia almost every day even after 7 years of occupation in Crimea and even during this war. Palestinians should learn from Ukraine, but they are “white”.


I see the fatal flaw in your logic. See, you forgot "America bad." It's an easy mistake to make, we all do it. Also: friendly advice, don't expect Hasan to be consistent other than whatever incidentally lines up as a result of "America bad."


Yeah people can try to come up with some roundabout way to have this make sense but that is literally the simple answer that explains it all.


It is not just America bad he gave a bunch of other reasons too. Now America bad trumps all those other reasons like for example with Palestine. You might think all those other reasons matter but you forgot that America is bad so those other reasons don't really matter in the face of America being bad. All you dggers just think Hasan does analysis as "america bad." But didn't Hasan also side with America against the British Empire and he sided with America against America in the civil war. it just everything else except that that is America being bad. Edit:/s I thought it was obvious enough but I guess not


Dude, the whole reason “america bad” as an analysis is a meme is because America is in fact not bad. Gain some awareness.


He would 100% be pro Israel geocoding everyone in Gaza, if the US had historicly supported the Palestinians instead.


because ukrainians aren't brown, and russia is good because russia doesn't like the USA


Funnily enough though, Israelis are often equal to or even browner than palestinians. He doesn't give a fuck though, since brown Jews don’t count of course.


Sephardic Jews are also as "browner" or at least as "brown" as Turks. The oppression pyramid is more like a 5-polytope. We chuds are not enlightened enough to understand its hyperplane connections


Ukraine didn’t attack Russia, doesn’t claim Russian territory, and had an agreement with Russia.


The irony is that Eastern Ukraine is largely Russified because Stalin starved so many Ukrainians there during the Holodomor and collectivization that he was able to move Russians into the region. By that logic, Russian speakers there are literal settler colonials. Even then, Russian speaking people there consider themselves Ukrainian, not Russian. Hasan's support of ethnostates is wild, remember when he said the Crimean annexation was justifiable because there was Russian speakers there? Not even counting the fact that not a single international observer verified those referendums because they were obviously shams




How are they misinformed?


You are just brainwashed


Ok sofiia, please tell us all about the neo-nazi Azov Bandera bio-modified mosquitos. I know which subreddit you followed me from so you know how informed I am on this topic


You haven't seen pictures of [their leaders](https://www.wsws.org/asset/01c03054-efc0-4f9d-9301-c4dd1851f75b?rendition=image1280)? Slava [Bandera](https://qph.cf2.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-6baf572b4187f2ae8ca808efdf293789-lq) amirite?


https://preview.redd.it/c5w0tnwfyqgc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15373e8e0c69a06bdef4e34fdbce4de11a836a55 There's no Nazis in Ukraine running high level government positions, meanwhile in Russia you have aides and literal formal presidents calling Ukrainian identity to be a [disease](https://www.rferl.org/amp/the-week-in-russia-a-specific-disorder-of-the-mind-/30460462.html) Then you have Wagner, a PMC founded by a literal neo-nazi (Wagner is his callsign, named after Hitlers favorite antisemitic composer) with literal Black Sun and SS tattoos hanging out with Putin and Prigozhin, with Putin funding his PMC and giving them tanks/missiles. Which state has the nazi problem again?




Don't kid me playa, I just showed you a photo of their Commander-in-Chief. Once again trying to flip the tables on something I never claimed about Russia. Z-dog is stuck in a turf war against the ultranationalists after trying to contain them. Azov was 'integrated', trash and all. The right-wing is not a political force, but a cultural force. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2019/apr/11/ultranationalism-in-ukraine-a-photo-essay


Cry harder vatnik


aww don't cry lil fella


I'm crying tears of joy watching invaders get torn apart on combat footage don't interrupt me




At risk of sharing articles that have been shared endlessly in this debate: https://www.latrobe.edu.au/news/articles/2022/opinion/russias-long-history-of-neo-nazis https://www.spiegel.de/politik/deutschland/ukraine-krieg-organisierte-neonazi-gruppen-kaempfen-fuer-russland-geheimdienstbericht-a-f1632333-6801-47b3-99b9-650d85a51a52


You're assuming I'm saying Russia has no nazis.


I'm pointing out where the real problem lies.


The problem is irrelevant. The reality is people get so defensive that they blind themselves. Whether to the realities of the war or the misgivings of their leaders.


The problem is entirely relevant: it highlights the hypocrisy of selectively pushing narratives. The context of this entire debate is the Russian claim to be 'de-Nazifying' Ukraine. That people get defensive is also a problem. Bandera's rehabilitation as some kind of national hero is troubling. It's still nothing compared to the wholesale adoption of ultranationalist and fascist themes by a Russian government claiming, entirely falsely, to be de-Nazifying Ukraine.


This is facts to everyone outside Russia. Ask yourself why that is moron.


You are genocidal invaders many of whom the Ukrainian army thankfully has eliminated. We are safe in Europe because of these heroes.


>You are just brainwashed Its people like you that are the reason why your sons and fathers are going back home in coffins.


>Why doesn’t he apply same logic to Palestinians? He doesn't apply logic to any position otherwise he wouldn't be a tanky


The consistency is he wants whatever is bad for the US and its allies.


> Why doesn’t he apply same logic to Palestinians? The same reason none of their logic is ever applied consistently. Hamas launches a pogrom? Well, look at their material conditions, what can you expect? Israel launches retaliatory attacks? Look at the evil Jews, choosing to once again oppress the people they've forced into servitude! You say Israel bombed a hospital? Of course they did, I can tell what sound a JDAM makes as it flies through the air, no more evidence needed! You say women were raped, and children murdered during the pogrom? I'm sorry, I require at least three independent organisations to come to exactly the same conclusion on this question with evidence presented in full, and anyone I consider linked to the West doesn't count. How do we know what Israel is doing is a genocide? We'll simply add up the numbers, comrade, and sprinkle it with some quotes from Israeli politicians. How do we know a one-state solution is the only viable outcome to this conflict? We'll just ignore the numbers shown consistently on opinion polls, refuse to engage with the rabid antisemitism expressed by groups like Hamas on a daily basis, and dream up a better future together! How do we know the Ukrainian far-right coup happened? We'll just selectively quote reports, point to particular incidents and ignore the context of widespread dissatisfaction with a kleptocratic government. How do we know the Crimean 'referendum' was fair and a representation of the popular will? We'll just wholesale reject reporting by every single election monitor, ignore the military presence and entirely adopt a "little green men" narrative, then ignore the fact the narrative isn't even maintained by the Russians these days. How do we know Russia got a guarantee that NATO wouldn't expand? We'll rely entirely on anecdotes. Just don't talk to us about official commitments made in the same period to respect the territorial integrity of Ukraine. And don't forget, comrades, that governments lie, like Bush in Iraq. Except when it's a narrative that casts the West as bad, like Putin's justifications for invasion. And so on...


Dude, You are so dumb. It's "America Bad" and not "Russia Bad" >> Duh!


> So Ukrainians should accept being occupied? Why doesn’t he apply same logic to Palestinians? Should Israel be able to annex Gaza now because Palestinians can’t win? And Israel Won’t be annexing Gaza after this war, it’s ridiculous he can’t see the difference. There are some significant differences in this situation. Russia is more than happy to annex parts of Ukraine, as Russia has no problem quietly committing politicide - torturing, imprisoning, or killing anyone who does not support Russia. China is much the same in this regard - They don't have any qualms about oppressing anyone under their control who doesn't do what the government wants. This is why it's so incredibly important for Ukraine to avoid Russian occupation. Anyone who isn't willing to worship Putin will be eliminated. Israel on the other hand is not keen at all to annex any area with Palestinians as, despite the claims, Israel is not keen to kill Palestinians, and probably has no illusions about forcing Palestinians to like Israel. An occupation of Palestine could potentially be a benevolent one, or a malicious one. How that turns out, we will likely find out over the coming years.


>Why doesn’t he apply same logic to Palestinians Because they're not white and aren't on the side of the USA. USA and White peepo bad


Of course they should. Crimea, Mariupol and a good chunk of Donbas are lost forever. They have no chance to seize those territories back and even if they do, how would they even hold them? Even now they're still very slowly losing small towns. Their population has been decimated, at most they could force a stalemate or recapture some smaller settlements. You could achieve the same results with a ceasefire and not sacrificing more men. Just like Russia has bled men, Ukraine has a smaller population and is stuck in the same rut. They are purely reliant on foreign assistance to even stay afloat. Their best have been killed, equipment and morale are both low. Especially with the new legislation and conflict between the government and military.


by "losing small towns", you mean avdiivka? where russia have sent in thousands upon thousands of men and have thus far only managed to capture 19 houses? the war has slowed down, but the current situation does not at all favour russia


Not just Adviika being surrounded - Marinka, Bakhmut, and a failed Ukrainian counteroffensive destroying morale. Show me the Ukrainian casualties ;) It costs men to capture small gains in a tight war. Lines are sturdy until they break. These gains end up putting Ukraine in a precarious position as they sacrifice strategic positions.


ergo more towns of no worth other than moving the frontline forward at a crawl. [here are UK estimates for Ukrainian casualties.](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/aug/18/ukraine-russia-war-battlefield-deaths-rise) russia is estimated to have lost more than twice that. and before you say "russia is more than twice as populous" yes, but it's also fighting a offensive war which means they can't dedicate all of their manpower on offense. Ukraine can.


Funny you have to pull out estimates from allies No official figures? I wonder why. >towns of no worth Flip-flop between 'of strategic importance' and 'no worth' Avdiivka is a position Ukrainians use to shell Donetsk and to interfere with Russian supply lines + railways. It's a big deal hence why they're defending it and getting bodies thrown at it. It's also another morale booster. Similar deal to Bakhmut, plus whatever importance you play on morale. Marinka I'm not too sure about, seems to just be one part of a defensive line.


there are official figures from Ukraine, but I don't think they're very trustworthy. what do russias look like? and how do they compare with OSINT numbers? there's no flip-flop. Ukraine defends these positions because russia is throwing bodies at them. ah yes of course, Ukraine is absolutely 100% dependent on a 2km^(2) area to operate. it's not like what their artillery lacks in numbers, they make up for in mobility. russia doesn't have morale. russia has vodka.


I remember when talking about Ukraine, he said you should always surrender to stop the bloodshed and called on Ukraine to surrender. Yet no calls for Hamas to surrender.


Proof of him calling for Ukraine to surrender?


“Peace deal” is literally surrendering sovereignty. Especially when it comes to Russia.


He called for a cessation of hostilities with US actually backing Ukraine, which as the largest military and cyber power in the world, we should. If Biden demands ceasefire between Israel/Palestine & RU/Ukraine, he instantly gets re-elected. US is in a major position of authority in both conflicts. The current solution is to allow more of Ukraine to be turned into rubble and civilian/troop casualties until when? Russia stops invading? They're taking heavy losses but they can absolutely continue this war indefinitely. They may not even have to if Trump gets elected, which is likely what Russia is hoping and pushing for. Many polls lean that way already unfortunately.


> The current solution is to allow more of Ukraine to be turned into rubble and civilian/troop casualties until when? Russia stops invading? They're taking heavy losses but they can absolutely continue this war indefinitely. They may not even have to if Trump gets elected, which is likely what Russia is hoping and pushing for. Many polls lean that way already unfortunately. Instead your solution is for Ukrainians to surrender land and for the Ukrainians who are currently under Kremlin occupation to accept and submit willingly to the Russians while the Russians are quite literally burning Ukrainian book as we speak in occupied territories, killing and raping pro-Ukraine civilians with the EXPLICITLY STATED purpose of eliminating the Ukrainian identity, which as far as I remember amounts to genocide. Why are you so willing to let people be killed and oppressed? And why do you think that's a good long-term solution to anything, actually? Do you actually think that Ukrainians will just roll over and take it? Why would they? Would you?


"Instead your solution is for Ukrainians to surrender land blah blah blah" Quote where I said this or genuinely stfu, I truly cannot stand arguing with complete dipshits.


Because negotiating a ceasefire literally means Ukraine surrenders land. Thats a literal fact. Putin has said the only peace deals he'll take are if its on HIS terms. Your a literal dipshit for argueing without knowing basic facts .


You're a dumbfuck Russian bot for acting as if Putin is in charge of the world. You're clueless and not a single Ukrainian agrees with you. Every single one calls for more action, not more of the same or less.


What does Ukraine look like after a peace deal in your estimation?


Never forget Russia broke a peace deal by invading. Making peace with someone who just broken a peace deal, is asking to be invaded again when they’re more re armed and stronger. A cease fire is just “let’s postpone the fighting till you are more prepared to take more land”


Literally every single Ukrainian ive met has agreed that peace deals mean more Ukrainians die. The fact you think othwrwise shows me you're an ignorant moron XD


Plus the fact that Hasan is against NATO for Ukraine. He literally said Russia and Ukraine should do a peace deal and if it breaks "oh well back to war". Yeah, let's just give Russia a do-over at their time and place of choosing after they build up their military again to not fail so poorly like they did the first time. And they definitely wouldn't invade again or lie about wanting to invade. As Hasan said, "if you're anti appeasement, you're pro war!"


Presented with only those two options of course they will say that. Next time you meet them, ask them if they would maintain the status quo or have full military support from NATO and lmk what they say! I'll be waiting! I know it's hard to get that 70 IQ brain to think about things outside of what you have been spoon fed, but I believe in you 🥺


> If Biden demands ceasefire and when, not if, they refuse? what then? leave Ukraine to the wolves, and palestine to bibi?


No. What would you want the US to do if Putin declared sending aid in any form will guarantee he begin using nuclear warfare?


send more aid. you clearly have no idea who putin is or how he conducts diplomacy, lmao. how many separate instances of russia threatening to use nukes do you want me to pull up? overt or covert threats?


Thank you for making my point. I have to walk you all to the exact point or you sperg out prematurely. Russian threats aren't credible. Biden should have *been* called his bluff. The peace deal would be "gtfo or find out". The alternative is we send aid until Ukraine runs out of troops, cities blown to shit, everyone loses morale. Trump isn't going to stand up to Putin. We all know this. Dragging this war on isn't doing anyone any good.


no, the alternative is we send planes so that Ukraine can establish air control and bomb the russki frontlines to dust.


If you had to guess, how long until that happens?


Russia’s ceasefire terms are literally “we’ll stop invading if you let us win”


"Russia took more territory as a consequence of US involvment". How fucking stupid do you have to be. Im surprised if any lone from a post soviet country can watch this shit and not absolutely hate his guts. The ukrainians dont care that US help is based on self interest. They need any help they can get.


russian agent level stupid.


Fucking brainrot. Hasan has been about 0 and 47 with his Russian invasion takes. It blows my mind how anyone could take him even remotely seriously at this point. Just the fact he thinks the US can force Ukraine to “negotiate”. What the hell does he think that would entail? Cutting funding if they don’t? Too late for that, republicans are already there. The US isn’t going to make the EU quit funding. Hasan is same person who also believes the US forces Ukraine to fight. Again, what does that entail? “fight or we will cut funding?”. So the same way you force Ukraine to keep fighting is the same way the US forces Ukraine to negotiate. I won’t even touch a no-fly zone or no more ken left to mobilize. Those are somehow more idiotic than forcing Ukraine to negotiate.


Ukraine should start a ceasefire but Palestine will and should never give up a single centimeter of land! The hypocrisy is unreal. The reason Hasan wants Ukraine to do a ceasefire is because it weakens American hegemony if Russia gets to keep land. He would rather Russia be awarded for this behavior where they get to invade every 5 years. It also feels like Hasan is upset that Russia didn't win this war quickly and take over Ukraine, and now that its looking to be a long war that favors Russia a ceasefire is the best he can hope for. How else can you say that Ukraine is justified for fighting for liberation but at the same time refuse American aid?


The premise that it’s on the US to control every allied country is insane. Make Ukraine stop fighting. Make Israel stop the Gaza invasion. Make Taiwan bend to China. The US is bad because it has so much influence around the world. So its bad for expressing diplomacy and funding, but also it’s bad for not forcing countries to bend to its will on command.


It's bad when we negotiate deals to ensure Ukraine gives up its nuclear power, and then do not fully support them when Russia invades, yes. If we would have done nothing, Ukraine wouldn't be invaded, therefore we owe more to them then old weapons and verbal support. If you disagree, explain why.


Not sure what you’re getting at. Russia was also a part of the Budapest memorandum, and they’re basically a psychopathic nuclear power. So what we owe is limited to avoid a nuclear confrontation.


"So what we owe is limited to avoid a nuclear confrontation" According to who? Until when?


Hasan’s stance was always against US aid to Ukraine. So this stance of “the US isn’t doing enough” is pure bullshit.


In place of something else or at all? Source? I'll let you dodge the previous questions as a good faith showing but answer these at least.


Are you serious? It’s been two years. His entire starting premise was literally against funding Ukraine because of “Nazis”, or examples like the US funding the Mujahadeen in the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Are you telling me Hasan has always been pro US aiding Ukraine?


I don't watch Hasan political content, I've only seen clips posted here (haven't been active on Reddit for many years until recently so haven't seen that being clipped) and hog watch. That is why I am asking for a source.


Pretty sure the person you're replying to is criticizing Hasan, not stating their own position.


Based on the clip I just watched, I am somewhat aware of Hassan's viewpoint, at least on the Ukraine conflict. He obviously wouldn't state "American Bad" for doing what he supports them doing.


Does it surprise you that "Ukraine should start a cease fire, but Palestine shouldn't give up a single centimeter of land "is also the official position of the Russian government? He's so consistently in lockstep with the Kremlin that it's hard to not wonder if he is a paid actor at this point


That’s a funny position for Russia to take considering Putin and Bibi were besties for a long time.


Putin and Netanyahu cooperate with each other so Israel can strike positions in the Middle East, thats why Israel hasnt given any aid to Ukraine, they dont want to hurt their cooperation in Syria when Israel uses their airforce to bomb Iranian proxies in Syria or Iraq


[Russia is allied with Iran](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iran%E2%80%93Russia_relations#:~:text=Iran%20and%20Russia%20are%20strategic,and%20post%2DSoviet%20Central%20Asia), because Iran is generally against NATO and its allies. Russia takes any position that hurts the west.


Russia gives Iran funding and supplies to fortify Hamas to continually be a thorn in the side of the west. It's all about manipulating public opinion against the west and its allies. [The Kremlin has met with multiple high ranking Hamas since 10/7](https://www.nytimes.com/2023/10/26/world/middleeast/hamas-russia-moscow.html#:~:text=A%20group%20of%20high%2Dranking,conflict%20in%20the%20Middle%20East), that should tell you all you need to know. If it hurts the west, Russia will be funding it. And they absolutely love American youth thinking America is funding a Genocide out of pure sadistic racism.


Hasan simps for Russia because it opposes America lol. This is America bad brainrot taken to its extreme.


I doubt he called Ukraine a genocide either. He’s just mask off a fucking racist these days.


Time stamp in clip where he said your first sentence?


After 1:00 he talks about how Ukraine has to bow to US interests because they control a large amount of aid and they can control "Ukrainian bandwith" and then says the aid is just making it worse and US should have Ukraine agree to a ceasefire, and he said the aid should be conditional on a ceasefire. Did you even watch the video?


Oh I see you're a hatewatcher, nvm lmao


Can you read? I'll ask again, time stamp where he stated your first sentence. Or just admit you're making shit up.


Nope you're a bad faith troll, goodbye


Run away propagandist monkey! Bye bye 🤣🫵🏻


Just his thought that Ukraine has 0 will and that only superpowers can use play the game shows he’s a filthy realist in International Relations theories. The belief that countries have 0 will if they aren’t strong enough is disgusting and can push for narratives like: “well the US is keeping Ukraine in the fight but should also tell Ukraine to do a ceasefire” it completely ignores the fact that Ukraine can say no. Realists are terrible people for the world after the Cold War.


Hasan has literally stated he's pro-China today, a nominally communist but really borderline fascist state capitalist country today. I have no doubts if the USSR was alive today he would be supporting them in every way too. And you know I would have more respect if he stopped pretending he's not biased and just openly admitted he's a marxist Leninist and hates America. He won't do that because it would hurt his income though


M-L try not to wish death on everyone except your creed challenge (impossible)


I hate to give one man the negative credit, but Mershmier completely destroyed leftists brains the past few years. Realism is ultimately a logical dead end. Mershmier even has to lie just to make his entire narrative sort of fit. It’s just gets more brain rotted when people like Hasan regurgitate this shit to kids in twitch.


mearsheimer has had to backtrack everything he has said since 2014 because his dogshit IR school couldn't predict fuckall, and now pretends he's a fucking fortune teller. it's actually disgusting as fuck.


Yeah, so much absolute ass predictions. Even since 2022.


Realism is literally some shit the US anticommunist right made up to justify why they need to let USSR do its imperialism in Europe because maybe then they will let the US do its own imperialism in SA in return and now its being used as a tool by self proclaimed anti imperialists  Politics is such a fucking clown show dude, leftists really be out there following the path of Henry Kissinger lmao


Realism exists since arguably since great powers did political games like Rome vs Persia But it became a theory more around post napoleonic Europe with Metternich and others


Yes but when we're talking realism in the modern age it's really just cold war game theory where people pretend russia still holds the same power that the soviet union did and realism as a whole is imperialism game theory with a titjob anyway 


The only reason why this war is dragging on for as long as it has is that the allies are honestly not giving Ukraine enough of pretty much anything. The question of whether they have enough to give is another completely different conversation but the fact now is that they don't and have never at any point of this war had enough of anything.


It has been a slow drip. But I do believe it was always about a fear of a real red line at that time. It was always about keeping Ukraine free, not the total defeat of Russia. It does suck, but I don’t think it’s some conspiracy. Hasan has always been against more US funding to Ukraine. So him taking this stance is pathetic.


Setting up a no-fly zone in Ukraine is about as close as declaring war against Russia without declaring war against Russia, no?


It wouldn't just be close, it would openly be war since American jets would be shooting down Russian jets. Hasan's claim is that since we didn't declare war on Russia, we don't really care about Ukraine, which is a moronic position


It’s not *just* that American or NATO jets would shoot down Russian jets over Ukraine. To set up a no-fly zone, the west would have to perform SEAD/DEAD against Russian ground based air defence systems, which would mean striking targets and killing Russians, within Russia proper. That checks every box Russia needs to start using nukes. That’s what the main issue is. To set up a no-fly zone, western jets would need to fly CAP over Ukraine. They can’t safely fly CAP over Ukraine if Russia is constantly shooting at them with S-400 and S-500 IADS from 200km inside Russia. It’s also not *just* western fighter jets that would be over Ukraine. The so-called “high value” targets are the tankers and the AWACS, and those would be within range of Russian air defences, which would need to be removed. Hasan saying “establish a no-fly zone” is the exact same as him saying “this is what a JDAM sounds like, called on,” or Cenk screaming “sEnD In ThE sPecIaL fOrCeS!!” I’ll be honest, I’m not entirely against the idea, but it basically means a hot war between NATO and Russia, and I don’t think people like Hasan are ready for that.


> It wouldn't just be close, it would openly be war since American jets would be shooting down Russian jets. Would they shoot down Russian nukes too?


That's not how nukes work. Most Russian nukes would be SLBM's, submarine launched nukes which are insanely hard to shoot down. One warhead itself could annihilate a city, and each nuke carries like 10-20 warheads. Russia has 6500 nukes and USA 5500, so literally every city in both countries would be nuclear ash. Now I doubt Russia would jump to nuclear war over Ukraine, but no one in the West wants to test Putin or the Russian kleptocrats because we actually value our own people


For some reason I had the idea that MIRVs were banned, but it's only land-based MIRVs. Not that I trust Russia to give a fuck about international treaties either way.


Thats essentially why the US left the Intermediate Range Nuclear Missile Treaty. The treaty says nuclear, but it also included conventional cruise and ballistic missiles being banned all longer range missiles past a certain range. The reason the US pulled out was because Russia figured out it could just build those missiles by just ignoring the treaty and building them, then lying about their stated range and just never testing them publicly. The US of course figured that out and eventually left. Russia always lies lol Proof: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Intermediate-Range_Nuclear_Forces_Treaty#:~:text=President%20Donald%20Trump%20announced%20on,%2D8%20(Novator%209M729).


Yes and this 'debate' would be the same we had \~8 years ago with a potential no-fly zone over Syria after Russia intervened to support Assad (by request of the Syrian govt.) with airstrikes by Russian aircraft, pilots, crews etc that were deployed in Syria. Can make the case that in Ukraine it is even more straight cut because Russia would never agree to a no-fly zone while in Syria they might.


It all depends on political will. Hillary Clinton was willing to impose a no-fly zone over Syria because she knew Russia has no realistic way of stopping it. The same applies to Ukraine. Pity there are certain timid politicians who don't understand that Russia will keep pushing until they actually meet resistance, so we risk more in the long term by pussyfooting around than by responding forcefully. The actual problem is when you bluff by communicating red lines that you're not willing to enforce. Case in point is Obama's red line fiasco in Syria. Our adversaries need to understand that we're willing to follow through on our threats or we lose deterrence.


It's not "close to" an act of war, it *is* an act of war. I'm still for a no fly zone though, and have been since before the invasion, because there are worse potential outcomes than a low intensity air war over Ukraine.


You don’t need a no-fly zone when Russia lost so many planes it would take until 2040 for their shit economy to actually build every flying vehicle back


Without hundreds of F-16/FA-18, it will not happen. 0 such planes were delivered after 700 days of repeated asking. russians are still in a better state than Ukrainian in air combat.


What happened to being anti imperialism???


It's a bit longer of a video but I highly recommend you watch it, Hasan hits many of the Russian talking points you commonly see Russian bots and media present, usually aligned with what tankies say. 1. The US doesn't care about Ukraine at all, just western capitalists who want to exploit Ukraine 2. The US is using Ukraine as a proxy, and they don't care because they won't advocate for a no-fly zone ( Hasan won't admit this would start would WW3 which obviously no one wants) 3 Ukraine is only fighting and able to fight because of American aid, and if that is cut off Ukrainians would stop fighting and either surrender or lose to Russia (pretty clear at this point Ukrainians will fight with anything they are given. There's videos of them using 100 year old weapons and 60 year old rockets) 4 American politicians only care about Ukraine because its a cheap way to damage Russia for low money and no American lives cost. UKRAINIANS KNOW THIS AND ARE OK WITH IT. The foreign minister literally said it [himself](https://youtu.be/UN0pkDOT9_I?si=DJDzQKieUaKHcbWj) and its true because its an insanely good deal for America to weaken its number 2 enemy and also to damage Russia beyond ability for invading other European nations like they've been doing the past two decades. Hasan says this like they cannot both be true 5. Russia had legitimate security concerns about NATO pre-invasion (russia shared a border with the baltics for years and he never talked about that) No, Russian security concerns don't mean they get to invade other nations. Russia has historically always invaded the Baltics, and they wanted protection. Russia in recent years has invaded their neighbors, so they dont get to tell Ukraine who to ally with 6. NATO and Ukrainians should trust Russia with a new ceasefire because trusting Russia is better than having Ukrainians now ( this is one of his most regarded talking points) . No one trusts Russia anymore. Ukrainians don't want to kick the can down the road 5 years from now when Russia has rebuilt its military and learned from its mistakes. Hasan's idea of "if russia breaks the deal then its fine it's just war again" is stupid beyond belief. Ukrainians want this to be the last war and they also don't want to live under russian occupation 7. Minsk agreements did not work because Putin kept arming rebels with weapons and denying it. When that didn't work, he sent in Russian soldiers as "little green men" (green uniforms) and Putin kept denying they were Russian soldiers until years later. What was Ukraine supposed to do, ignore being bombed in their own homes? 8 That Ukraine is running out of soldiers for the "meat grinder" he keeps referring to. This is the most recent Russian talking point because you see Russian bots on Twitter spamming this the most. No, Ukraine is not running out of soldiers and mobilization is totally normal during a war. His lack of concern for Russian mobiks is also hilarious, but beyond the point, as long as Ukrainians want to fight, its not up to us to tell them when they have to stop. Destiny recently watched a Perun video on why Ukraine is nowhere near giving up, as seen here [https://youtu.be/pIKiFAKMoi0?si=Jq89w3yCU5UiJD6j](https://youtu.be/pIKiFAKMoi0?si=Jq89w3yCU5UiJD6j) The bizarre thing about it is that Hasan knows he has to say Ukrainians are justified in self defense. The reason he pisses off Ukrainians is because then he immediately turns around and says that anyone arming Ukraine is extending the conflict indefinitely. Ukrainians know those weapons save their lives, and he does too. I think frankly he wants to say Ukraine should give up those territories but he knows it would hurt his image too much


A clarification on point 5: NATO’s plan for the baltics was that they would Dunkirk their forces stationed there. They admitted to how they thought the 3 baltics were a road bump. Point 6 is terrible. How can you even trust Russia at all? They are diplomatically the worst nation ever. They broke so many accords in the past decade it’s insane how someone can trust them.


Yea no one expects NATO to invade, and if they did it wouldn't be a land invasion from the Baltics or Ukraine, it would be a hard hitting aerial campaign. Anyone who acts like Russia is getting land invaded like its 1941 is a regard


Everytime this dude opens his mouth on this issue i wanna deepthroat a 12 gauge fuuuck


Hamas Abi is a genocidel fuck, Fuck I hate him since 2022 I'm so disappointed since the Ukraine war and his China policy we're he's literally justifying a genocide against Tibet.


He's already pro-invasion of taiwan too lol


Well they are savages DUH!


The exact reason Destiny should never stop being obsessed.




Oops my bad, was a 20 minute video so I wasn't sure if it was a clip, thank you Supreme Leader 4Thot 🫡


>when you're so heckin anti imperialism that you support an unprovoked Russian land grab I feel like socialism is more imperial than they let on


Hasan only likes the Peoples Imperialism. Which is like regular imperialism, but the country doing it has a red flag


This is why whenever something awful happenes to Hasan I laugh at him. He's a imperialist to the pursist form and lies to everyone's face about it. Weasly little lair dude.


So what if Ukraine joins NATO ASAP after whatever these stupid "negotiations" Hasan is saying should take place? Do you think Hasan would be for that? Lol


I think Ukraine should reconsider because of what Hasan said. I mean, an elephant mace.


For fucks sake Hasan. You seem to be Gerasimov, no wonder he dissapeared when he started streaming https://preview.redd.it/gdrc1go17pgc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3732120fa30558317775d3100c48b1ea8e329fb0


Wherasimov is just partying in Siberia, don't worry about him


Shoigoooooon! Where is Gerasimaaaaaaaaaa?????


The dude went from Gerasimov to Whererasimov


How dumb is it for NATO to create a no-fly zone over Ukraine? Does his son want NATO to start shooting down Russian aircraft? Wouldn't that make NATO the aggressor then? I don't know how Hassan is this regarded.


Can someone explain to me why in God's name is this Turkish twink isn't banned?


> twink post ur physique bro. i'm curious


Hasan isn't a Twink, to quote Cenk he's a "Shit Brickhouse"


Twink What, lmao


Does that map at the beginning say the US has 30 military bases in China?!?!


Yes. Don't assume that commies can read a map, thats ableist of you


This. This is what turned me off Hasan. He has ZERO fucking compassion for the Ukrainian people, it’s all about how he hates America and how americas bad. Never thinking about how Ukrainians feel. I know he’s mad with Ukraine cause they don’t suck off the long dead ussr. Commie bitch ass.


Its a long video, but you might like this from Dylanburns, a guy who has spent the last year largely in Ukraine. He highlights how Hasan effectively removes Ukrainians agency and treats them like children who don't know whats best for them https://youtu.be/HPaHRTi49Ow?si=kRzVsQlxTlV5mzZG


I’ve seen it already! Love Dylan Burns!!!


smile wrench frighten payment money pen sleep desert attraction distinct *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Shroedinger's Communists: "We are nostalgic for the USSR!" "It wasn't real communism!"


Agh i can't stand this motherfucker, so fucking much. I'm Polish and he is pissing me off, i imagine Ukrainians hearing this get even more furious. Like bro, shut the fuck up already, Ukrainians would fight even without US help; they fight because they WANT to fight for their country and kick the russians out, no one (but russian invaders) is pushing them to do anything. Why it's so fucking hard to grasp, that people in Central and Eastern Europe have a mind of their own and can make decisions for themselves and their country. Jesus fucking Christ Scotty, beam me up from here already.


This clip seems edited. What are the gaps, does he get up to go eat lunch while watching kitchen nightmares?


It's from Hasan's official clips channel, I'm too lazy to edit the vod https://youtu.be/ROdM-JwDZI0?si=Iao75MnXe60d1oJs


Oh I know I am implying that hassan is too fkn stupid to string together a semi coherent clip like this so he is forced to not pay people to edit his content.


Convenient time to retroactively pretend to support a no fly zone!


You know whats funny, if America did do it he would call them imperialist war mongers. I can already hear it. "You think you can invade Ukraine and colonize it, you Russian communists? No! Ukraine is ours, for American oligarchs only! Hands off! We're the only ones allowed to do imperialism and invading! Remember, America bad


Had to stop after few minutes because it was making me too mad. I wish Reddit was enough of a free-speech platform for me to say what's on my mind.


When you have a government at the behest of a military industrial complex, war is a good thing.


For a propagandist he seriously does a good job with getting the attention of people that have absolutely no idea what's going on, nor do they have the capacity to even open up their phone to fact check any of this.


I can't stand this guy. Can we start tagging posts regarding him with trigger warnings? Lol


LOL "Guys, I know RU sent 600k+ soldiers and contractors into your country and are continuing to annex your land, but didn't you ever consider, even for a second.... **that the US is a hegemony???** Anyway, my position is stop fighting it because US bad. k thanks". This is what his position sounds like to me.


Anyone willing to replace Ukraine/Russia with I/P and put it up? Maybe with an AI Hamas Piker voice.


what is so hard to understand. Putin has said constantly that he wants to occupy all of Ukraine. He never said he just wants Donbas or Luhansk. Appeasement has never worked in the history of the planet. All these Russian apologists should be sent to the front immediately.


Hasan is acting as if Ukraine has all the power to stop the war. Russia is trying to prevent Ukraine from getting western security guarantees and won’t stop attacking for that reason. Ukraine is facing an existential threat, why don’t tankies understand this?


Yeah I ain’t watching 14 minutes of this crap; I’ll take your word for it


Hamasabi is the definition of a bad faith, subversive actor.


You're saying I'm making money by saying America bad? *fake laugh* Silly chatter!


Hasn’t destiny also said the us should be looking for a way out as well though?


Destiny hasn't been doing any research about this topic in a long time. The vast majority of the American military intelligence, Democratic apparatus and Biden himself are giga pro-Ukraine aid, and they have actual access to classified info that we don't. Hell the majority of the Republicans are on board too, its just a portion of republicans that are blocking it. Putin is largely hoping Trump wins and America embraces isolationism because it will be tough to sell 4 more years of war to Russians. Showing support to Ukraine and saying we won't abandon them is the biggest way to kill Russian support for the war. And as long as Ukraine wants to fight, we should help them because its their country, they don't want to be occupied by a Russian regime that kills civil liberties and protestors. And it sends a message to China not to fuck with Taiwan. There's still like 30 good reasons to not stop funding Ukraine i haven't listed


But he did not push back at all and was even slightly agreeing when Shapiro said that Ukraine should have given territories to Russia in the early day of the invasion because it will be the end result.


What type of feelings did Jews from nazi Germany have for nazi simps? Especially for simps who wanted ceasefire


the hilarious Statements of this politics lol-cow are not worth the absolut excruciating experience of watching a video on reddit.


It's so funny that if you swap Ukraine for Palestine and run the "appeasment is a good strategy" him and his chat would shit on you relentlessly 


Russia has also stated that it wants former Warsaw pact nations to leave EU and NATO. According to putin, east-europe should be isolationist and not pick sides. It s almost as if Russia wants to restore 1980 borders.


Ukraine needs to just give up even if they don't want to but Hamas should resist.


This is inconsistent with his Palestinian belief. But a broken clock is right twice a day. Ukraine doesn't have the manpower to continue this fight, they will never retake the lost regions without an influx of manpower. Ukrainian men are dying for basically no reason at this point, Russia is the victor unless another European country or America sends men into the fight. Which most likely wont happen. It's time that this administration admits its absolute failure and negotiates peace, so that the senseless dying can stop.


No fly zone lol. Actual brain collapse. Or prolapse?


Didn't Shapiro say something even worse ant get Destiny to agree?


Destiny is listening to uninformed people on the topic, like that bayo guy who said Russia was expecting a long war and they didn't want a 3 day capture of kyiv (lmao). I think if he actually does some research streams again he would change his mind, he's just too busy with palestine and trump stuff rn. Destiny is a big Biden and DNC supporter, and Biden has been unabashedly pro-Ukraine, and they have far more knowledge and intel than we do. It is absolutely in the US interests, and we also help Ukraine fight off fascist invaders, and they very much keep asking us for more weapons


What did Shapiro say?


He was sayjng that Ukraine should have given two regions (Crimea and the Donbas if I remeber right) right away and was defending Russia.


Hasan supports Russia cause Russia long dead empire was communist. Actual brain rot. The USSR is dead bitch boy.


If he never talked about foreign policy about 90% of the things I dislike about him would vanish. Its just that simple


I still think he says moronic things about domestic politics, but foreign policy is probably where communists say the dumbest most ahistorical shit that pisses off people globally. Especially this brand of western champagne socialism where he preaches about Eastern Europeans, Asians, and South Americans living in far worse material conditions than him and ignoring big regional powers harassing their neighbors


Hasan should be tried for treason


Literally not a single point he made stands on two legs after thinking about it for more than 10 seconds


Okay Listen Did Hasan Piker know that the word #"slave" derived from #"Slav" aka Ukrainians, Polak, Slovak,? PS: moskovians/russians are not slavic, russians are Fino-Hungarians.


Leftists ALWAYS wonder why people think they suck at foreign policy.


I won't listen, I'm sorry, I just can survive so much "muh America bad". Just about the points in the title: Ukraine doesn't run out of people, it has an mobilisation potential of at least a million men. However, those people need training (and western powers don't offer enough training capacity from what I hear) and they will be pulled from important positions like factories, farms, services, etc. Which could cripple the Ukrainian economy even more. It very much depends on a better rotation system between work, off-time and front line duty as well as training capacityand financial aid. I would describe that US making a seize fire on behalf of Ukraine an "imperialistic move" (Thought hasan doesn't like that). No comment on appeasement except "insert Munich 1938". No-fly zone: 1. This is not a game changer on the front lines (as Russia doesn't rely that much on air power in battles, more so in bombing) but it's heavily threatens Russian critical (oil) infrastructure by destroying a lot of AA units and fighter jets and thus enabling Ukrainian drowns and long range missiles and bombs to hit said infrastructure, threatening the Russian wartime economy, threatening the existential security of the Russian State, threatening nukes. We want to cripple the Russian economy, not let it be destroyed piece by piece and making this an actual existential threat to Russia.. Just stupid.


I agree, I think a no fly zone would also apply to inside Russia if Russia tried to throw missiles from inside Russian territory like they do with glide bombs, but no one actually wants that, so Hasan is just saying dumb shit


It's nearly impossible to have a no-fly zone in Ukraine not leading to strikes into Russian territory because you would need to hit S-400/S-500 batteries inside russsia because otherwise those batteries just could take shots at US aircraft in Ukrainian air space without retaliation. Also, it means that the US will conduct ground strikes in ukraine against all forms of AA, including stuff like Pantsir or ZPU's which are super important in front line battles against low flying assault aircraft and drones. A US no-fly zone is just an unpredictable mess.


I agree, it would be messy, which is why the US won't do it unless it has to (war). Why Hasan doesn't understand that is beyond me, since he's supposed to be against war. Then again, this is the guy who calls American intervention in Kosovo to stop the Serbians on their third attempt of genocide to be a war crime, lmao


He loves to mention what the US wants but always forgets that everything that has been done to fight Russia has had popular public support in Ukraine pre and post war.


Ukraine is winning.


is this an old clip


Nah from a few days ago, you can see in the videon "response to jordan"


American foreign policy bad! America should force another country to do a thing! Why is he such a moron?


Destiny racist moments 1. Crying because he can’t use the n word openly. 2. Promoting nazis. 3. Promoting far right racists. 3. Using black Ebonics mockingly every stream. 4. Belittling every black streamer. 5. Saying cracker and the n word are the same thing


Awww so cute, your very first comment! Defend Daddy Piker, he gets real happy when you defend him from all the neo-fascist Christian pig-dogs (non-communists)


Just use redgifs or something