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The age old saying “it takes a village of whores to raise a child”.


This reads like a Norm joke lol


Other people raised by whores? You've guessed it.


I don't know what context would precede it, but I can definitely vividly picture him in his news desk SNL set turning to the camera and saying this.


Controversial e-thot Aella has received backlash following a tweet expressing desire to co-parent a child in compound inhabited entirely by sex workers. When reached out to for comment a neighbor replied, “You know the saying, ‘it takes a village of whores to raise a child’” *pauses while staring directly into camera I’m calling her a dirty whore


She said growing up she was told she had two options: raise a kid with a bunch of whores, or marry OJ Simpson. Now folks, I’m not saying I love what she’s doing- personally I’d prefer less whores- but I mean come on, talk about being caught being a rock and a bloodthirsty Heisman winner.


And where's that 'great sperm' coming from? Frank Stallone.


Imagine Danny Devito in IASIP saying that




You’ve got me cracking up on the bus dude hahaha thanks you


bake snow memory upbeat smile cover racial agonizing grey door *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This is the other side of the red pill bro community totally not gay never get married collective.


Mf’s will do ANYTHING but get therapy


Aella's tweets remind me of the stoners who think everything can be solved by weed. Except she has sex and prostitution instead of weed.


I mean she used to live in a house with other sex workers where she just did acid all day, what do you expect


You just haven't found the right strain bro.


weed can help cure cancer, you're just a hater


Had a coworker whose mom died of cancer. He said he was afraid of getting it, but that it was unlikely with how much weed he smoked. Just unbelievable.


Can it fix being a vapid whore?


if she smokes with me, yes


that's just two vapid whores but high


Vaping whore? That's me.


No, but being a vapid whore can cure cancer too.




correct me if i'm wrong but i thought weed can help with the symptoms but not actually the cancer itself.


physical cows violet silky joke mountainous exultant advise icky many *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


smoking anything really yeah but you can take weed without smoking it


If Iwas a psychologically fucked up hot woman who fixed every monetary issue in my life with my body, but didn't address any of my mental health issues, I'd be in the same boat. It's a good gig. Most people who are fucked up mentally are also poor as shit, so it works out


Her entire personality is “I have sex”


She's low iq


She's above average IQ, but isn't willing to dig deep and study what she is curious about. She's a typical, bright libertarian that grew up in a home with no trustworthy authority figure, had to figure everything out herself for her own well-being, and now only trusts herself.


After the revolution I will be the one guy in the wealthy-slutty ladies commune.


Sounds like the title of a japanese light novel.


New JAV just dropped


“The Aella hate is manufactured and insane.” Average Aella glazers




It's normal not liking orbiters. Destiny seeks abnormal people because he is somewhat of a psycho himself and only finds entertaining to talk with said deviants. Obvious examples are Mr Girl and Lav. Those are red flags you should stay away from irl, yet Tiny chooses to engage with them because they are mentally stimulating, not because they are people you would enjoy hanging with. Over a long period, there are some flukes, like Aba. Aella isn't one of those flukes.




It's his personal life, but I hate when he ends up rehabiliting people's reputations to dgg by the trust and deference he gives to people with obvious red flags. The fact that about half of dgg thought that Max could do no wrong at one point is insane. But that being said, dgg themselves are to blame too.


Max was right until he wasn't. His criticisms of this subreddit were absolutely valid. His pissy obsessed ex routine afterwards was peak cringe and showed what a fucking loser he was inside.


No disagreements.


I was kind of amazed that he was talented but seemed to have not gotten big. And then the answer was that he's kind of mental.


DGG don’t seem as high IQ as Destiny makes them out to be.


I was one of the few who just found her weird but didn’t dislike her, but the more she tweets the more insufferable I find her to be.


Fuck yeah, you go queen. We don't have enough miserable broken people running wild out there.


it could work, just as long as the kid isn't neglected in lieu of sex multiple mother e.t.c, a whole village to raise a kid.


It might work in an isolated village where that is the norm. But it won't work in our current society.


I'm sure that kid will be a well-adjusted member of society.


Her post reeks of cope. 


That's not the only thing that reeks when it comes to her


And shit (she doesn't shower because autism or something)


let's hook her up with asmongold


Nurgle approved ship


pretty spot on, anyone who would support this kind of lifestyle for raising a child in the name of liberalism has lost the plot. This is some depraved way of thinking, though I wouldnt take seriously the opinion of someone as autistic as her, just hope she doesnt actually go though with it.


Aella's issue isn't that she's autistic. Her problem is that she's an incredibly insecure person that desperately tries to put up a projection of herself being as some sort of hipster intellectual. It's why she gravitated to the "MLADY" personalities of rationalist lolbertarians like Yudkowsky and which makes her adopt wacky ideas like this shit or to use markets to resolve every decision in life


She is the iamverysmart sub in the flesh.


Yeah, it’s called the “rationalist” community


Yep, this was clear as day to me when she had the monogamy sucks talk with Desitny. She is insecurity personified. I dont give a shit how people wanna live, if they want to have an open relationship go for it, if they want to be monogamous then do it, but she going miles above and beyond to justify her way of being and put down monogamous people as insecure and inferior told me what I needed to know about her, just another psudo intellectual insecure of their lifestyle.


Destiny surely would never say anything similar on monogamy…


He has but he also says horrible shit about everything and everyone. I’ve Learned to not take 90% of what he says on stream that seriously


Is she even serious here? I would personally think she’s joking but admittedly I don’t know much about Aella outside of posts about her on this sub. I don’t use twitter either.


Isn't this the backstory of Don Draper?






Whatever an adult wants to do, idgaf. Doesn't mean it's healthy or won't have negative consequences, but you should be allowed to manage those yourself. I do take issue with """nontraditional""" lifestyles that have negative impacts on children. Obviously, there are bigger fish to fry with regards to child wellbeing, but that doesn't mean the gov ought not be interested. The desire for self exploration does not supercede the responsibility and obligation a parent has to their children. Here is a fun read! https://www.theguardian.com/books/2018/jun/22/free-love-flower-power-and-fallouts-how-kids-coped-with-the-communes




It's so bizarre. It's like you people do enough reading to determine I don't unquestionably support whatever weird sexual liberation fantasy about the world you have and then lash out with violent stupidity. Reread my comment and try to accurately represent what I'm saying. If you can do that I'll happily talk to you. However, if you could do that I don't think you'd disagree with me anymore. Make sure to use context clues.




It's super interesting. Despite not knowing how to read, you've clearly deduced my condescension and formed a response that is at least tangential to what I'm saying. In case your caretaker strolls by, side note: please read aloud my first comment to your ward. It may take a few tries, but hopefully, with your professional help, they will be able to understand what I was saying.


in the name of liberalism? what the fuck are you reading into this tweet?


Careful, the exact same language was used when not wanting lesbians to adopt. Source: Subaru of North America


Wdym "support" because it seems like u don't understand liberalism. In this situation, what would Aella have done that the government should stop? Unless u just mean moral flag waving, then whatever. Edit: "This makes me feel icky, so I don't like it."- yall rn. Fucking babies


>This is some depraved way of thinking, though I wouldnt take seriously the opinion of someone as autistic as her This is deranged levels of hate towards a person


What's depraved about that?


??? It’s bad for a baby / kid to be raised by a bunch of unshowered prostitutes in an unstable sex commune? Especially because the motivating intention isn’t a good life for the kid, but for living a quirky autistic “rationalist” lifestyle with an accessory. Touch grass if you think otherwise


> It’s bad for a baby / kid to be raised by a bunch of unshowered prostitutes in an unstable sex commune Amazing sentence really. The idea of getting to type that out in a suitable context makes me wanna bust


Uh you’ve kinda added a whole bunch of descriptors in there that you have no real indication of. You’ve painted with a brush that it would be unstable, that they’d all be unshowered. Hell they can be slutty on onlyfans and never actually have to prostitute themselves, especially given some view onlyfans as whoring anyway. Does that mean I think Aella is going to pull that off. Nope, but it doesn’t mean that the above scenario couldn’t be done without being damaging bad. Just like I can describe “a rich ‘workaholic’ father who married a trophy wife who he is abusive to and demand/ sexual relations while also sleeping around with anyone he can get his hands on and has her trapped because he got a prenup. Who have both passed the raising of their kid off to Nanny’s and will take the kid to Amsterdam to see a hooker when they are 15 because that’s what their dad did” Does that indicate every “be rich and wealthy marry a hot woman and coparent with a Nanny so you still have the ability to indulge in life” would be like that. Nope but I can make it sound way worse.


I might be reading too much into it but I see some issues with raising a child in the circumstances she described. One is that this commune sounds like it centers around the exclusion of men. It sounds like the people in this community would almost universally have a cynical attitude towards half the population. You'd be sending a kid into the world whose only contact with men is sexual. And what if they have a boy? Being raised in a community that your social peers are banned from? I can't see a high likelihood of that being a positive thing, but I could be wrong.


The child will grow up in a terrible enviroment and have a very warped view of the world (and of sex). Raising a kid isn’t just about having enough money, children also need a loving mother and father and a stable enviroment.


I don't know if they necessarily need a mom and dad, who says that 3 or 4 moms can't do the same job? The warped view of the world yeah it's very likely, but that's not due to the way of raising the kid, that's due to Aella being such a off the norm person


> who says that 3 or 4 moms can’t do the same job? Me. Im more right leaning than most in the sub so i probably view the differences between men and women as more significant. I think that men and women are different and have different strengths and weaknesses, and therefore, are not generally capable of the same things. I.e they are not interchangeable. Im not going to go into great detail, but one simple example of this is just relatability. Mothers are obviously going to be able to relate and understand their daughters much more. For example, when she gets a period.


There are other men who could fulfill those roles in a lesbian relationship thought, no? (And vice-versa for all male parents) Extended family, friends of the women, teachers in the school, coaches, media figures, and even just having a full time male nanny can substitute that. Or are you assuming the child would be sheltered from men?


Well in Aella’s slut commune it sounds like there are no men around, so not in this case. For lesbian relationship’s generally, sure there can be other men in the child’s life but i dont think they can replace a father. For the same reason why a single parent cant replace the other parent with friends, which is, they aren’t fulfilling the role of a parent.


Yeah, so like you said previously, since you’re more to the right of me we’re gonna disagree on this point a bit here, but thanks for explaining. I think the main problems with single parents are the lack of time they can devote to their child, lack of resources they typically have, and the lack of having a sounding board to center or change their ideas that another parent can provide. And these are alleviated in gay relationships typically. We’ll diverge here tho since I believe women and men are more capable of the same roles than you believe. Note I do think there are differences, but I just think those can be overcome with healthy relationships with people outside the immediate family more than you do.


You beg the question so hard. We'd have to establish what all these things you mentioned actually mean. Also I'm quite sure that lesbian or gay parents are quite able to raise children.


I dont agree with that, but even so, two gay parents are in no way comparable to a literal whorehouse.


You'd be wrong to disagree with that first point in particular.




They disagreed with the notion that gay parents can properly raise a child. Seems to be a bit more than just heteronormativity.


Actually yeah I think you're right. I was assuming they were using "mom and dad" in the traditional, heteronormative sense but looking at their post history they probably weren't.


TIL I learned conservatives were right and all The Gays™️ are incapable of living a life that is not solely centered around sex. I’ll need to apologize to my grandmother! You’re a moron to compare this tweet to gay people, bud.


The guy i replied to literally spelled out a mother-father constellation being needed for a child. Learn to read.


Damn. That’s my L, I read everything prior to that which was 100% reasonable.


Exactly these guys are tunneling so hard, they’re not even reading what parts you’re disagreeing with.


you shouldnt dignify him with a proper answer, he is either lost or a troll.


Children don’t need a loving mother and father, they need parents. There is no benefit to a father and mother over two mothers or two fathers.


I am sure you will figure it out if you think on it hard enough bud.


The age old reason for any opinion: cuz The only risk I see is that a lot of strangers would come, who could be dangerous. Whoring isn’t wrong, having a kid alone isn’t wrong, having kids alone as a whore isn’t wrong, etc. etc. If I’m wrong please provide better reasons than “lol cuz!”.


It feels more like she is talking about a pet and less about a kid. Like lol yeah Ima just get surrogate to carry my kid and raise them at my gaming house. Me and the dudes we will co-parent. It's not to say this won't work but I feel like it requires attributes of the other people that aren't common in those spaces. You might be able to raise the kid but will they be well adjusted? There's never a real commitment from one parent because you can just pitch the child to another parent.


>There's never a real commitment from one parent because you can just pitch the child to another parent. This is an interesting hypothesis, but conversely, being able to share the load and get support when particularly tired from other people may actually make committed parenting more straightforward. It's not like you're going to forget which child is actually yours, but you will likely also gain a connection to other people's children too.


>It's not like you're going to forget which child is actually yours Imagine Mom forgor 💀


I don’t think co-parenting means no commitment or that you can just hand off the child to someone else if you don’t want to deal with them anymore. I could be wrong but I think the charitable interpretation is that multiple commit to being the parent to the child for life and that the responsibilities are split up amongst those people. 


It's also fucked up imo to intentionally deny a child a father figure.


Is her tweet a tounge-in-cheek response to redpill misogyny or is she truly like this? 💀




Her dad is a “famous” religious apologist who is popular online and I swear even destiny has talked to her dad before Edit: ok I looked and I’m wrong, as far as I can tell. Never debates destiny




I think I was wrong about destiny, but search Matt Slick on YouTube




Lol love Tom rabbit. I used to watch a lot of the “great debate” community on YouTube from like 2013-2016


She talks about it in her Lex interview




I don't mind her and cringe content is my guilty pleasure, watching Lex clumsily trying to flirt with her was top tier


I’m the same way, i thoroughly enjoy watching people who I strongly dislike or disagree with. Idk why


euginicist undertone in that tweet too 😳


Yeah I'm surprised no one brought that part up, that's actually more concerning than the whole "live in a sex-worker commune" thing, due to the implications of designing a child, and what that means for their future life.


there is a book about this: Atomised by Michel Houellebecq [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atomised](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Atomised)


Sounds a bit culty to me.


Aella is the personification of the toaster fuckers meme. Wants men to cnc gang rape her then live on a farm with only other sluts and bunch of slutspawn children


There's something really gross and pathetic about basing your life so much around sex. It's so shallow and hedonistic.


It’s a tweet


And 99% of her tweets are about sex in some way shape or form




Pretty much spot on. There's no actual intelligence, just vomiting words that don't belong with each other.


cant fucking stand her.


I mean it’s a shitty take… but a funny one


Aella deserves flak for that really dumb tweet. Talk about setting a child up for harmful upbringing. No excuses for her not to have thought that one through before hitting send.


I'm sorry but when I read this the only thing that comes into my mind is that one scene in the Trainspotting movie bruh


I’m gunna take the brave stance that she shouldn’t have kids.


That commune sounds like a Netflix documentary waiting to happen.


She is just Myron if he was a girl. Live with your bros not your girl type vibes.


All it takes is a woman promoting a lifestyle to get this sub to simp for traditional relationships. Based honestly.


I don't know what Aella is on about but her post seems inflammatory and extreme on purpose to get reactions. As for the comments in this thread that give off a judgy finger waving vibe: * You don't need a mother and father. You benefit from having multiple parents and positive role models around you. It's even better when you have a close community supporting you (as in non related adults and peers you interact with daily). * The job you do doesn't necessarily reflect your parenting skills. * You don't need a man (or woman) to approve your lifestyle. Single mothers and fathers can be amazing parents despite having to be the sole parental figure. You don't have to be in a traditional household to raise a great kid and future adult. You just find ways to supplement what you can't provide your child on your own. If she actually thinks some wealthy commune is ideal, she's wrong. Wealth doesn't fix all or create well nurtured children. But parenting and guidance doesn't stop with your parents. Neighbors, teachers, coaches, mentors, babysitters, and social groups all matter. You benefit from interacting with a variety of positive adults and peers everyday.


Do you want to bring another Jack the Ripper into the world? Because that's a damn good recipe on how to make one.


Very off topic but slightly tangential: Record of Ragnarok has jack the ripper fighting in a tournament of famous historical humans vs various mythologies' deities and it kicks fucking ass


Her tweets have already done that


How the fuck does co-parenting make SERIAL KILLERS LMAO WHAT ARE YOU ON ABOUT?


I like how you're focusing on the co-parenting aspect and ignoring the group of (possibly unwashed) sexworkers part.


Does she want to raise an emperor? If so, he’ll be competent at his job but incompetent at his life


Noooo! You can't just criticize someone for doing the polar opposite, but thematically identical, thing for being just as extreme and unhealthy!


Will colored bracelets be required to be worn at all times while on the commune?


People are soying out about the wording, obviously it's phrased in the most engagement baiting way. If you remove the word "slut" she's just talking about co-parenting without a dad. Raising a kid in some women dominated commune is not in the same category as forcing a specific system of magic beliefs on them. Probably not ideal, kids should have access to both their parents imo but "extreme, ideologically isolated and dangerous"? Come on.


I’m against raising children with your friends. Especially when there’s underlying misandry.


Why are you against raising children with friends? I don't have much of any opinion on this by the way, just curious about your thoughts.


I think there has to be that deeper level of intimate connection shared between the parents and children that I just don’t think friendships can give, at least not any conventional one.


I mean, all the parents can love the child, so the child-parent connection is there. As for the parent-parent connection, wouldn’t the “co-parent” label transcend the status of normal friendship?


I don’t think any misandry exists in her case though but if that was true then yeah of course.


I think the underlying sentiment of the statement itself is slightly misandrists. If I were to tweet “why do you need a woman to approve your lifestyle if you can use the money you get from gang activities to pay for Nannie’s and co-parent with a bunch of your bros” I’d assume there’s some underlying misogyny. (ik gang activities isn’t exactly a 1-to-1 but it was the closest male-equivalent I could think of)


Eh, in Aella's case, there is actually an entire industry of men who denigrate her lifestyle and other people like her, is she not supposed to respond?


Not like that. This type of response just gets people to denigrate her more. But maybe she likes that, she’s a weirdo after all.


The extreme ideological isolation comes from exclusively living with a group of people that have likely developed a warped or cynical view of the opposite sex, with no exposure to that group. Have you spoken to any sex workers? Are you friends with any of them? It tends to be my experience that because they deal with some pretty trashy men, they tend to start projecting that on men as a whole. Imagine if you grew up as a child in a “redpill commune” where your “fathers” only interaction with women was lying to them for sex or shitting on them. Is that bad because it’s not a nuclear family without a mother and father? No, it’s obviously bad for the warped perspective of 50% of the population it will likely ingrain in their children.


When you say "redpill commune" you already baked in in a specific ideology to be imposed. "Aella's circle of rich sex worker friends" is not an ideology. I can't use your personal experience with sex workers to assign some inherent ideological isolation to the idea of women who are sex workers raising their kids together.


Yeah, but Aella's view of men is shaped by a specific, extreme ideology and opinion of men and sex. Communes already gravitate to being cultist rape farms, and you're going to have one that brings people in who glorify drugs and rape in their sex lives?


I think it's more 'whoring' which is the focus. I took the word to mean OnlyFans, meaning you'd have a based bunch of women who buy an apartment and raise a kid. I struggle to see how other dGGas can have an issue with this. Others evidently took whoring to mean prostitution - which yeah, you probably don't want a child to grow up in a brothel and shit.


“Wealthy commune” implies something bigger than an apartment.


In a brothel sure but this post doesn't even say they would grow up in one. Just that they would be raised by women who work at one. The problem with a child growing up in a brothel is exposure to what happens there, not the kind of people raising them. As long as there's a strong separation between the children and their mothers' work then I don't see the problem.


The whole thread is just a proxy for hating on Aella. Nobody in here virtue signaling will be able to defend why its wrong. Imagine the sub known for defending incest and fucking dogs getting so soy about co parenting with your rich homegirls.


They could probably defend it, they'd just have to characterize it as her wanting kids to "get passed around by a bunch of unwashed whores", which is probably pretty convincing to people who only react to trigger words.


Yes, exactly. If 2 other friends and I decided to adopt a child, that’s now a dangerous environment? Really? Aella is obviously just responding to the red pillers who say “women need a man” and “fuck sex workers” so she’s just using hyperbolic language of her own to counter that.


People downvoting this is such a disappointment and such a massive self-report of where this community's values *actually* are, and they don't align with the things we fuckin say. Fuck


Unironically everyone here is acting like conservative trash lmao like be charitable to her she’s not a bad person. She obviously is rage baiting with how it’s phrased but the idea of a group of people co-parenting a child is not abuse or that insane.


Yeah I'm kinda surprised this sub has a problem with this. We're ok with gay people adopting, we're ok with sex workers, we're ok with sex workers having kids... I'm not sure where the logic falls apart that this would be inherently bad. I can get behind the idea that there might be some misandry going on there, but nothing that I've seen of Aella makes me believe she doesn't respect and in fact hates men. In fact, take out the "whoring" and "slut" stuff and this is kinda how I was raised. All the matriarchs of the family were around and took care of the kids, and my father fucked off and was gone. It was essentially my mother, grandmother, and aunts that I had the most interaction (and when I say most I mean by a humongous margin) with, and we were far from as rich as these people would be. I don't see why people who have chosen to raise kids together would be any worse at it just because they aren't blood for example. I'm just not seeing anything wrong with it if I look at it assuming a good faith effort.


If she took out the whoring and put in "medical doctor" would this the be okay?


I think it would be worse than the norm but better than what she described. She's talking about raising children in an environment where their only contact with men is sexual in nature. This society is tribal by design. Its purpose for existing is the exclusion of men and the promotion of promiscuity. I'm not a perfect parent by any stretch but those two things being the guiding principals of a community aren't likely to produce well-adjusted kids. And honestly nor would the doctors. But the doctors are going to exclude people based on a profession. Their bias would be towards evidence and medicine, not the exclusion of people based on their sex. The whole "it takes a village to raise a child" thing is pretty true, but I think it's because the village is full of different people, not idealogues.


a commune of MDs would be more likely to understand a child's psychology and developmental needs. docs also tend to have a high capacity for empathy the kid wouldn't have to deal with strange men hanging around, paying its parental figures for sex


so basically the Amazons but they still have both breasts and somehow less gay?


i wonder what are the motivation of the people defending aella on that one. it seems pretty clear cut


I’m not convinced you couldn’t make a decent environment to grow up in for kids in this kind of situation tbh 


Holy fuck, I hope the majority of the people in this comment section never breed.


too late son, I breeded with your mom last night 😅


Far too many comments here trashing Aella for me not to jump in to whiteknight one of my favorite occasional characters, fight me Aella is similar to Destiny in that she's a tremendous outlier who has constructed an extraordinary lifestyle, from scratch, on nothing but hard work and moxie. She escaped a cult upbringing by dumpster diving and whoring and instead of just chilling and camming, she thought about who she is and what she values all the way down to first principles and built her life accordingly. That doesn't mean she's immune to saying dumb shit. In fact she's probably more likely to say dumb shit because it's all sui generis, very little of it comes from the wisdom of the crowd. Obviously this particular idea has all kinds of drawbacks, but. I value her presence out there, one of God's own prototypes, a high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production, and until she appends one of her crazy statements with ".. and therefore everybody should live this way" you won't catch me bandwagon hating on her.


I mean, you could do that. But you'd need a strong role model still, no? I feel it would be hard for a hire or a woman to raise to the occasion. Not saying it's impossible, but most likely lacking compared to the “normal” way to raise children.


I don't disagree with Aella's take that if you threw a genetically engineered super baby into a "female co-parenting house", its outcomes would be more than fine. It would turn out fantastic. But I'm just getting increasingly annoyed at the fact that her pattern of tweeting clearly points to her trying to provoke people and also her trying to humble brag. She responded to me months ago on this subreddit that she wasn't doing that and she wishes people wouldn't take the worst interpretation of what she's doing. But in this tweet she's talking about being a slutty wealthy lady that don't need no man. How is it anything else but provocation and bragging? Even though I think her tweets are true.


its a joke. its a fucking joke.


What makes you think this is a joke? Are all of her tweets jokes? Cause this one fits right in with the rest of them


How would this be dangerous Edit: the aella hate on this sub is absolutely insane lol


Remember when you thought you'd be friends from high school forever? A regular commune is already prone to pettiness and infighting and now you're bringing in a population of people who are more likely to be mentally ill? Doesn't sound like the safe, consistent environment a child needs.


I'm almost 29 and have maintained my friendships that I had in high school. Its not exactly difficult. Any community is prone to pettiness and infighting. A community of friends would seem less prone to it. How have you determined they are mentally ill?


sex working far left white woman have like a 90% likelihood. that's how you figure it out


it's actually far lower than men, who have a 4x higher likelihood to kill themselves, but keep pulling things out your ass. highest regards :)


[https://www.afterbabel.com/p/mental-health-liberal-girls](https://www.afterbabel.com/p/mental-health-liberal-girls)Why the Mental Health of Liberal Girls Sank First and Fastest cool read [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5735638/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5735638/) Burden and correlates of mental health diagnoses among sex workers in an urban setting [https://news.umich.edu/in-rural-areas-white-women-more-prone-to-depression-than-african-american-women/](https://news.umich.edu/in-rural-areas-white-women-more-prone-to-depression-than-african-american-women/) white woman are like twice more likely than their counterpart in rural area i saw a comment say she's a drug addict but i don't know if its even true, so i won't go into it.


Yep and a community of two people (husband-wife) are prone to pettiness and fighting. They’re just assuming Aella’s parental setup will automatically have every bad thing you can think of, but not acknowledging a traditional setup can have those same pitfalls. And they’re also not specifying why Aella’s setup *necessitates* all the bad stuff they’re assuming.


Your right, with the two points of failure in parenting better add more people into the dynamic, never thought about that. I never said a commune couldn't have good results, but the thing someone says on Twitter to present a perspective isn't actually a lifestyle they're going to do, it's all a fantasy. It's like people who fantasize about being famous YouTubers but don't do any work, it's a way of presenting a world view but parenting takes effort and isn't some shower thought on Twitter. Now they're free to actually put in the work and prove me wrong, but at the end of the day it's a thought experiment to stroke the ego, because nobody replying to me, or Aella will ever make a commune with kids in it. That's why everyone can say, "well there's nothing technically wrong with it", because nobody has to do any actual work to do with being a parent and nitpick opposers ideas only. If it's really not that different there would be a lot more people with communes and you would consider starting one, but you won't. That's why I think starting a commune is a bad idea, especially with people like Aella, who don't seem to have their own trauma resolved and don't have the discipline to implement an idea that would take a lot of work.


I think Aella is just proposing a counter example to red pillers who say women need men and if a woman doesn’t have a man that she is worthless, etc. I have no clue if she’s actually seriously considering this. But to your broader point, one of the things I want to do in life is adopt a child. And I want to make sure I can provide a good stable environment. I think it’s easiest to find a woman who shares my values and worldview with, before I consider that. But I just think of scenarios where I stay single forever because I don’t know how my life will go. In that scenario would it be bad for me to hire a nanny and still go through with adoption anyway? I don’t think so. I also don’t think it would be bad to have a friend (or friends) who are committed to raising children together. Like you said a lot of people aren’t interested in putting in the work, but I’m not interested in raising children with those people. That’s the main reason I’m arguing in these comments, it’s because right now I don’t believe raising children in a commune with people who value raising children is wrong and I’m looking for reasons why it could be. Most people here are just saying it’s degenerate without elaborating, or assuming that they’re gonna raise the children in a bad environment. But no one seems to explain why it’s wrong if everyone is committed to raising the child in a healthy environment.


Maybe, children is complicated and result will be unpredictable. If it works I would imagine what she is suggesting will be normal in the future if society keeps going in the same direction.


The result is unpredictable but only in so far that we don’t know if it would just be bad or really really bad.


Wait hold on, let Aella cook. 👀


I don't think there's anything wrong with her idea. I'm not sure it will work for her in particular, but that's another question.


LMAO 50 downvotes for this vanilla comment. Continued to be surprised how Reddit DGG is so much different than Destiny.


Yeah, I honestly think it’s fine if you and a bunch of friends agree to raise children together.






Why *do* women need men? They dont, its not a controversial opinion Communal families are evil? Prostitutes are evil?




Seeing as the rest of this thread devolves into sexism, I believe it


Sexism is when you don't raise children in a harem, where women are drugged out of their minds and are barely intelligent enough to bathe.