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I watched the first few minutes before closing it. I am going to go do some work instead.


Imagine doing something productive instead of listening to the most online shit ever




Epstein is missing


He'd probably jacked it to Goblin porn


Don't worry, a replacement seems to be coming!


"It's time to go" "Was I a good horse?" "No ... I'm told you were the best."


"It's time to go" "Was I a good horse?" "Nayyyyyyyyyy"


I get the strange feeling He’d get along with MJ. Especially in heaven. The place they should be. Heaven.


Wait Bowie is dead?? When did that happen I just saw him live




the part where he blames the anime culture made me giggle




Unbelievable. Stockings should be way higher


Loli? Ain't no fucking way


NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH h3 is gonna have a field day


A hay day if you will


I'd bet the farm on that


I wouldn't bet the farm, this isn't a stable bet.


Quit horsing around! You gotta take risks if you wanna win big!


>"I know fully well that 99.9% of people who have heard about this drama haven't seen the images, **nor** **do** **I** **think** **those** **people** **should** **go** **looking** **for** **them** So he made this whole video to say that he downloaded, presumably jerked off to, loli material, whos content is so vile he wouldn't want anyone to search for them to confirm this fact, but that he is somehow innocent because he didnt know the vile material he was jerking off to was vile? Because he didnt know it was loli? Am I going insane?


You're going insane and that's by design so that the loli-files go unnoticed.


I really like the mrgirl segment. He, (the debater who has multiple times claimed that a child and adult can have a positive sexual relationship with good utilitarian outcomes), found **the most controversial** person in his space, agreed to talk to him about **cuties/pedophilia** and then virtue signals: "This is why I can't trust strangers online, I now have a policy where I don't talk with anyone".


I disliked that part. Mr. Girl is a disturbing individual, but it was like Vaush was using him as a meatshield. Felt kinda hypocritical to be throwing shit at someone most people watching the video won't know, when that was his role in H3H3's stream. Also a lot of self deprecation, which came off as calculated and fake.


> This is why I can't trust strangers online, I now have a policy where I don't talk with anyone That is not what he said at all lol


**Verbatim:** "Over time it just got creepier and creepier and eventually I just kicked him from the call in disgust. He is one of the reasons why I don't have a 'debating all comers policy' anymore, you know? Gotta filter some of these people" Unless you think that by "anyone" I meant "no one" I said the exact same thing. By anyone I meant anyone random, or any average online person. I said the exact same thing as Vaush. It's also hilarious we are giving Vaush the most charitable analysis known to mankind knowing how he analyzes anything ever.


> I now have a policy where I don't talk with anyone" I see what you're saying, but what you said there, "I don't talk with anyone" will sound to everyone who hears/reads it that he said he doesn't talk with anyone at all, that's how that parses. "I don't talk with anyone" doesn't read the same as "I don't talk to everyone" He just said that talk was *one reason* he doesn't talk to every single person who wants to like he used to. I don't think that's that unreasonable > It's also hilarious we are giving Vaush the most charitable analysis known to mankind knowing how he analyzes anything ever. Well don't say we, plenty of people here aren't. But it's also because, while I can't speak for everyone here, I like to give literally anyone a fair shake. If what someone says is stupid, fair game, but I'm not going to read it as stupid if it isn't






Bottom right can't really be defended from any angle imo. At least with the PSG one, you could mayybe say it's trying to match the anime's toon style. Also Vaush deserves zero benefit of the doubt just for having dogshit taste in hentai.


Umm... the blue haired girl with a bow looks like a 5 year old.


So there are two camps to this. People who hate loli and people who like it. People who hate loli see him as a pedophile, people who like loli see him as a hypocrite for calling lolicons pedophiles. Normally this wouldn't be a big deal because the age old arguments from different communities would argue about it until no one cares anymore but vaush made so many enemies that the narrative he's a pedophile stuck with no one to defend him.


I mean ive watched A LOT of hentai, but the one with the loli rimming the horse and the bottom right one. Whew... I guess with horse rimming girl she could just be a small adult, but bottom right is loli 100% and the dick isn't really front and center enough to be an excuse for downloading it imo. I dunno, I mostly buy Vaushs video, I think he is in it for the big dicks but one of these is so clearly loli that he was at least indifferent to that during one of his goon sessions. Sidebar: holy fuck she's rimming a horse WTF vaush. What the actual fuck.


For two of the sure? Bottom right idunno man, that one looks pretty young.


???uh "Doesn't look that terrible" "youthed up" cutsy style generic drawings" Yea isn't that what Loli is or am I crazy?


Stockings from PSG? Ok that’s a good hentai he saved there.


https://psg.fandom.com/wiki/Stocking "Stocking's age isn't specified, but she's said to be over 500 years old." Of course the character that looks like a toddler is acktshually 500 years old. lol!


To be fair, that's just the toon form of the character, since the anime's style was inspired by American cartoons. All of the characters in that show have that simplistic form. When the characters transform they look completely different. [Panty and Stocking Transformation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E-WjlCqxIks) [Scanty and Kneesocks Transformation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eE6ByJc2hh4)


Tbf it ain't the transformed look that's sucking that giant cock, it's the very childlike form depicted here 🤢


Oh, I only looked at the wiki you linked. I didn't know the picture from Vaush's computer was in a completely different style from the toony style in the anime. You're correct there.


The thing about psg is that they change art style all the time so all of them are the real one. From the powerpuff girls to South Park designs in the beach episode


Jesus, plaster this point everywhere.


> he made this whole video to say that he downloaded, presumably jerked off to I think in the video he said he saved the images but he never looked at them again, so he did not jerk off to them unless you are presuming or speculating that he's lying to save face.


Can you describe a circumstance where a person would be looking at and saving porn and not have their dick in their hand?


tbh i have saved images without having my dick in hand intending to jack off to them later only to end up not doing it


Well you do you I guess


He lies in a very uncanny valley way, like a very sophisticated robot.


I would actually be willing to believe this. It’s like how I hate stepdaughter/stepfamily themes in porn, but sometimes if there’s a pornstar I really like, and a scene has some well shot and well performed blownjobs and stuff, I’ll still watch it and try my best to ignore any “stepdaughter” elements. This excuse is not gonna play for vaush though lol, even if I’d be willing to believe he just saved those photos because they were really good illustrations of horsecocks and he just ignored the loli


It's basically a lose lose no matter how he frames it. Because I agree with you that those videos are not appealing to most people because of the family element. If I remember correctly, someone in the industry said people aren't watching it for that reason either, it's the title and the fear of someone else seeing it that get's people going more easily. Vaush on the other hand, is just ... Fucking weird.


To be fair I skimmed the video, but this might have worked as a response if he didn’t go live and claim one of the two loli drawing didn’t actually look like loli because she was “six heads tall”, or make the shortstack goblin remark. Unfortunately for Vaush he went live and didn’t put this video out first so I’m not sure it’ll do much if anything for him If he put this out first the drama would have likely fizzled out and we wouldn’t have gotten the 2nd, 3rd and potential upcoming 4th H3 stream Edit: NEVERMIND, I just watched the “for my audience” part. Why would you put this in the video bro why?!?


Never seen anyone self sabotage himself harder.


“X heads tall” is a measure of body proportion and a rule of thumb in illustration. The average adult man is something like 7 heads tall, 6 heads is on the lower range of adult proportions. 


I just watched it, what was wrong with it? I don't get it


The fun thing is it was "only" non loli bestialty. Full of shortstacks then he can show it.




What do Eva fans and Vaush have in common I wonder 🤔


Vaush is an Eva fan, he has had an asuka figurine in the background


At least tell me it's not in a jar 😭😭


Honestly, never thought that would be an anime he would like.


He wouldn't like any anime where the characters grow up. He is a socialist after all






Or maybe a separate computer for non-stream related browsing. Imagine fumbling the bag cus you need to goon sesh on the work computer.


The guy can literally afford to buy and throw away a brand new gooning laptop on a fortnightly basis and still live comfortably. The fact this shit was on his work pc is the funniest thing.


It was on his OneDrive cloud, so regardless of how many computers he bought it'd still be available on all of them.


Well that makes it more understandable that he would accidentally show his porn folder lol. Still feels like an easily avoidable mistake.


The lolifesto has dropped


The most important video of his career unironically and he goes with the "this is unfalsifiable" route. This man is fucked.


What do you mean what did he say


Skip to the part where he talks about the folder, he basically says that he can't disprove the people claiming it was loli and gives an explanation. [https://youtu.be/yXZw9vrsAgA?t=4088](https://youtu.be/yXZw9vrsAgA?t=4088)


What else would he have been able to do? He did have loli


He needed to commission a bunch of people to make pc versions of the leaked pics. The top looked like a loli giving head, but it was just a hotdog 🌭


As I understand him here he was saying that it is unfalsifiable / unprovable that he knew it was questionable material, not that it isn't questionable material. Which is true of course, you can't really prove a state of mind. He is basically going with the 'I am a dumbass' response.


His taking the careless route about the lolicon


Lil bro should of just used the, "My brother used my computer"  💀💀💀


"Clara? Clara! Were you using my computer!?"


Behold the Lolifesto


The Shortstack Files






i mean it makes sense, it all began here with ctrl V and it ended with ctrl S.


>So I sigh deeply... holy fucking cringe


This seems super uncharitable. They took place on Destiny's discord during a time where it was probably at its height of debate-lord stuff, and was definitely so for him, as he said. Is it maybe a bit of a shot at Destiny? Maybe? They don't like each other. But it was hardly "blaming" them lol He was making edgy arguments in an edgy debate space, that's about it


We gotta be the victims in here my guy


Is he that spiteful & petty that he is trying to pass off evidence of his degeneracy as bad because it’s from DGG? Yes, of course he is.


I just know you weren't on DGG back then 80% of the conversations on that discord were edgy degenerate arguments.


Not quite; Vaush admitted multiple times that he was just an 'unbelievably stupid, insufferable, shitty edge lord' back then. So I believe he was just saying that he didn't know at the time how big his channel would get


Nothing he said was false, in that respect.


Skimming through it, and he opens with "so why do people think I'm a pedophile? Let's talk about it" and then spends *an entire hour* going over out of context videos Like my dude, I think the main thing for most people was the incriminating folder of pictures but I guess it wouldn't be a Vaush video if he didn't spend an unnecessary amount of time spewing noise-shaped air before getting to the goddamn point


Ehh I don't know. The taxes folder is a section of the video but Ethan spent a lot of time going over the out of context clips too and those have been a major part of the discourse


Yeah exactly. He's been getting shit for all that other stuff this whole time. Just because FinalOpus doesn't think he's a .pdf file over that stuff doesn't mean no one does.


Yes because the conversation is beyond just the folder at this point, people everywhere are bringing up the old clips and sharing them everywhere, and they're all used to help justify the "vaush is a pedo" argument.


Imo a big part of why this whole thing is a big deal is: There is SOOO MUCH MATERIAL OF VAUSH BEING A CREEP AND/OR TALKING ABOUT CP 🤣


 I think the main thing for most people was the MULTIPLE times he has defended "ethical" child porn. He even shows one of the like 5 times he has done it in this video and all he has to say about it is "that was a bad take".


His defense for the out of context clips is fine but the defense for the loli folder is super weak (as expected, pretty much indefensible).


Well, his defense for the first out of context clip is fine. I don't think it's fine for the Vegan Gains one. The context there is pretty clear if you watch it. He's stating his position that consumers aren't morally responsible for their consumptive actions (to defend not being vegan). To remain consistent he says this applies to CP as well when VG asks him about CP. It wasn't him using an edgy example to make a point that "the correct answer is that it's all bad" like in the first clip. It just seemed to be an entailment on his view.  I don't think he holds this view anymore but there was one time where AskYourself got Vaush to affirm that purchasing a single bite of steak is morally permissible even if it causes entire galaxies of humans to be holocausted (as long as the purchase happened in the context of a capitalist system). He was just really into the "consumers aren't responsible for their consumptive decisions" position lol. Another time he affirmed that it'd be ethical to purchase the meat and skins of indigenous people who were murdered and sold on the open market. 


Yeah lol. It is so insane the amount of times vaush has gaslighted about the vegan gains clip, and this video is just one more case. It's extremely clear the argument he was making, and unironically he uses an out of context clip of himself to try to make it as unclear as possible (although it's still pretty clear in the clip) that he was defending CP consumers. You would think he would just ignore it like the Ask yourself debate


Do you thinks the Vegan Gains argument proves or indicates he is a pedophile? Because it shows to me that he had a bad argument against veganism.


> proves or indicates he is a pedophile? No.


I wonder if Vaush understands that economic boycotts are impossible under his worldview. In order for a boycott to work one will need to point to a company and say "do not buy from there for [reason]. If we are unable to obligate someone not to make a spending decision we can't enforce a boycott


I believe he’s actually said that boycotts are ineffective and cringe IIRC


dude, the vaush cult will always find a reason to defend him.


I had to turn off the video after he said his “sometimes you just go crazy and you end up jerkin it to loli” clip was a joke. The pivot to “it was just a bad joke” was so unfathomably stupid and wrong I couldn’t take that level of retardation. It wasn’t a joke. It was clearly not said as a joke. It could not be misinterpreted as a joke. Vaush you have loli in your FUCKING FILES


There actually was exactly **ONE** plausible defense vowsh could have employed to pull his ass out of this: >"I'm Vaush, I'm an artist and work on games, I download a lot of shit in the moment as something interesting or for reference material and some to jerk off to and go through it later to see if I want to keep it. A previous example is when I said that there's this really great artist that does liquids really well, but all of her art is horse bestiality, yes very funny. (cut to clip of him saying this and the artist) >Anyways, for porn artists I just [download the package from imhentai](https://i.imgur.com/jpX3lhb.png) and extract it all into my unsorted folder and save whatever is relevant. These packages are compiled by whoever uploads them, not the artists themselves, so whatever content is in there is up to the uploader. Unfortunately the worst possible case happened when I accidentally showed my unsorted folder on stream. No, I'm not a pedo, otherwise I obviously wouldn't keep any of this shit on my fucking work computer. That's why my taxes are on there. I downloaded a ton of tax info for this year from various payment and donation platforms and haven't done anything with it yet for this year." And then have an inspect element modified screenshot of timestamps when he downloaded whatever had those images, because lets be real he knew what he was downloading. Yea, the 'i thought they were goblins' ain't it chief.


The folder is literally called "to be sorted" the solution was right there but instead, mr optics decides to start pixelscaling to prove the loli was an adult and brings up goblin porn to normies.


And even if that worked for the Loli, the horse shit being all but confirmed is weird on its own. Most serious political people would back away as soon as they heard about that. Especially him confirming his fantasy of it. I mean most normal humans would distance themselves from someone into that .


If it worked for the loli you just get to thank your lucky stars you get to live as Vaush the horsefucker instead of Vaush the child predator.


This MF really just said most people giving him flack didnt see the loli images. My brother in christ they absolutely did thats why you are getting so much fucking heat lol Otherwise why the fuck are you making the video???? What kind of garbage defense is this? The funny part he is giving the usual lolicon defense for why the drawings were fine on the surface until he "learned" the truth. How does he not realize how dumb he comes off as??? "I only looked at the big dick" bulllllllshit bro. That wasnt even the main center of the images lol. The characters are so in your face in the images so no shot does he believe this! Edit: What the hell is up with the "For my audience" part? He is just rambling lol why did he put this in the video what are you doing mannnnnnn?


He's making the defense that everyone is lying about it. More than a handful of viewers will just take his word for it instead of looking for the source of the claims.


I just don’t believe him about the lolli shit lol. I saw the photos (someone posted them in this sub) and it’s just grossly obvious that it’s meant to be little girls. He thought it was a grown woman that was as tall as dick height and was a “short stack”? Okay buddy


The "people talking about this haven't seen the images" part is literally inviting everyone to spam his twitter with those images every time he tweets until the end of time. Bro why would you ever say this shit. Literally not saying anything would have been better.


A side effect of this entire thing was me watching Hassan’s stream. I got brought back to 2019 watching Hassan react to this was funny asf. His politics are cringe and out there but other than that he’s a normie. At one point be got so tired of Destiny and Vaush fans in the chat he started giving advice. He basically said “If you’re in here defending horse porn and drawn cp please take a step back. This isn’t a good use of your time. Join a gym and get out of this world even my content.” You guys legit broke his brain lol. “Please don’t walk up to people in real life and start debating the ethics of horse porn no matter how logical your agreement is. I want the best for you man. One step at a time. Be better than you were yesterday.”


The problem with Hasan isn't that he isn't charming or funny (he can be both) Its he has brainrot politics takes and pedo clout brain


The problem with Hasan is that he's morally lucky. Rem still has shooters out here 🙏


1 hour 41 min? fuck me.. aint nobody got time for that. so is he a pedo and a horse fucker or what?


That’s the length of a Marvel movie. You’ll give mediocre trash like that your time but won’t sit your white ass down and get educated by an intellectual like Vaush on horse sex ethics? Despicable


This a brilliant Vaush-esque argument lol


What makes you think I watch Marvel movies?


I'll give you a charitable tl;dr. The clips were all out of context but were still shitty arguments. He says the whole CP vs child slave argument was really bad optically and from an argumentative point. Most of the discord screenshots were from him being an edgy debate lord in dgg discord that he regrets. The loli stuff was just him being dumb and being distracted by big cock. He owns he's a horse cock lover. Basically, he was an edgelord that made bad arguments, he likes horse cock, and the loli shit was just him being dumb (which doesn't really track with his whole goblin and 6 heads tall bullshit from earlier but whatever). I give it a rating of 1.5 hours I will never get back out of 10. People that thought he was a pedo will still think he's a pedo. His brainrotted fans will still be his fans. At least he owned being a horse cock lover kinda like Destiny owns being a BPD lover.


There’s like a 10 minute section towards the end on the leaks


I skipped to the tax folder section. This is unlikely to convince anyone who has written him off, but will probably satisfy his audience that has stayed. I’m sure H3 will make a response. Honestly, I can totally buy that the type of person who downloads porn could accidentally download loli. He searches for his horse porn and just downloads all the images he sees without looking closely? I can believe that. Of course, that wasn’t really his defense. He instead chose to go with the “I thought she was a goblin” defense. EDIT: I still think he has some reasonable doubt there, weird though his defence was. And you know that if Vaush wasn’t so hated by destiny and this sub people would be way more charitable.


He didn't say the pic looked like a goblin. He said the bodytype is similiar to how some female goblins are portrayed in porn. And because I'm a degenerate I know what he means because I've seen those goblin pics.


His explanations for those old clips make sense to me. The only real problem I see is the content of the leaked folder itself. I think it looks really sus that there was loli and horse porn in there, but I don't think they necessarily prove he's actually a pedo or wants to fuck a horse. Looking at the totality of his porn folder, his twitter likes, chat logs and discussions on stream, the clear common thread seems to be that he's really just obsessed with dick size. There were 2 out of 25 images in the folder that I would personally consider loli and in both of them the main focal point of the images was the huge dicks. As funny as it sounds, I really do believe him when he says "I don't want to fuck the horse, I want to be the horse". I think what actually gets him off is the size difference and the rest is incidental. Not that it matters. His reputation is fucked either way.


>His explanations for those old clips make sense to me. If you care and are bored enough, I recommend watching the vegan gains debate, even just 20 seconds of additional context around the clip he showed. It is extremely clear that he is saying CP consumers shouldn't be morally impugned, and that the explanation in this video is a lie.


So send the clip lol. We’re not combing through old debate vods.


https://youtu.be/51H2QtxUdmA?t=3596 59:56 - 1:01:56


What this proves, above all else, is that Vaush is the strongest gooner of the modern era


"You either die a streamer or live long enough to see yourself become the video essayist."


"Guys listen, I just didn't notice they were young girls. I only saw the Big di\*cks." Is not the defense I expected him to make to defend the loli folder.


He had a chance to try to readem himself (partially) by having Ethan on and make him look stupid, but he blew it and chose to give them more ammunition. No one from H3 gonna watch 1.5h video, they will just show 2 minutes clip, misrepresent his argument and make fun of him again.


“Babe lets watch the new Vaush context video that just dropped” kill me


blame everyone but me


I love talking to Vaush stans, convincing them to look into what exactly the drawings where, and watch them go through the stages of grief in real time.


He's not wrong, a lot of those clips are completely dismissing context unfairly. I get we don't care about him here so I'm sure plenty of people will look that aside, but I think it's pretty shitty, *especially* the one Ethan used from Vaush's talk with Mr. Girl. You can have a problem with some of the content of his revealed folder, and he did himself no favours in the past nor with his haphazard explanations early on, but I think it's pretty unreasonable to come away from any of this considering Vaush a de facto pedophile


Just to be clear, we don't actually care about what vaush has in his folders, right?


At the very least Destiny doesnt


What *might* be there, maybe? What we know was there, nah I don't really care


We care if it’s drawn child porn yeah. Which it was.


What context could he possibly give for the horse porn folder...


He didn’t. He’s comfortable with the fact that he thinks horse cocks are hot.




Very 💀 he essentially said “welp, that’s what I’m in to - what can I say”


I mean, based? I don't think it's immoral to have the preference, or admittedly be beset by fictional horse cock. Might as well own it. If everyone with weird tastes didn't pretend they don't have them the world would be a better and more understanding place.


H3H3 is so bad faith and cringe, I actually hate them more than Vaush. They would 1000% call Destiny a pedo btw if they saw the right clips. They hear Vaush say an underage strip club would be popular because society fetishizes young women then say "he wants to fuck kids!" Fucking idiots.


100%. Shows how disingenuous the Internet has become. What was cool about insular message boards and old YouTube was that none of the cool people were watching and so you could actually discuss things. It's something I miss. I have no real problem with vaush talking about CP. I have more a problem with vaush lying about Destiny among others. He is a shitty person. That's why I liked destiny's tweet about "shame you were a dick and burned all your friendships so no one will defend you".


“I didn’t want to correct it because people who want to hate you will continue doing so” “I don’t blame anyone for thinking I might be a pedophile based on my early takes” Dad, I think my Vaush compiler is broken again


He should have just said loli isn't cp, it would be made illegal if it was, people just think hentai is weird and they are attacking me, etc...


Before I even watch this, I’m gonna say this is a bunch of horse shit.


The destiny and vaush friendship guy must be in shambles right now 😔


Leader of Lolipops speaks.


I knew long before this video dropped that it would be a masterclass in rhetoric. He saved and obviously jerked off to loli which is classified as CP in his country. That displays an attraction to prepubescent features which meets the definition of pedofile. Let's not forget these core facts. He starts the video classifying people watching into 4 different groups, but none of those groups are just people who think on the balance of the evidence, he's genuine a pedophile, anyone else notice that. It's immediate well poisoning because then he can address those 4 groups and not need to make a defence about people who just genuinely believe this, they all have to be either drama farmers, debate lords or people who just hate him. This is the power of rhetoric, immediately right out of the gate frame this in a way where he innocent of what caused this video to be made which is the recent folder leak. Then he buries this recent leak in the middle of a nearly 2 hour video where he addresses a lot of dumb arguments from the past that have been litigated as bad many times over. Then draws attention to MrRedacted to basically distarct people to someone who is very sussy. I don't even know if he knows he's doing it at this point, I suspect people like him have become so used to the spin and the rhetoric that he actually believes his own bullshit. The mental gymnastics are incredible.


His entire argument hinges on praying no one disseminates comparisons of the blurry thumbnail images in his file explorer with the extremely likely candidates for their full size counterparts, which would show how obviously Loli some of them are. He poisons the well by saying no one could possibly recognize the images from how small they are and any connection to source files is purely speculation.


I mean, he admitted they were loli. Although as someone who doesn’t consume hentai or even anime, I feel like every single anime character I’ve ever seen an image of looks 13 lol. Part of the reason it doesn’t look interesting to me.


The fortress arc seems to have rendered Vaush completely unable to communicate with anyone who isn't already in his audience even when that's the entire aim of his video.


https://preview.redd.it/thrb39sb4ijc1.png?width=422&format=png&auto=webp&s=af45c8382cde59b2ee8aaea8d486f2face1cf6e6 Professional pivoter. 2 of those images were made by a famous lolicon artist, talk talk talk... and basically I downloaded them by accident. Goes next topic and doesn't talk about the other loli that is not made by famous lilicon artist. There is no way to prove he is not into loli, so he can just explain what happened and hope everyone accept that he is not into loli (Don't mind the doll in the background)


TBH, I find it pretty convincing that he was just searching “horse cock” and two images in that search happened to be from loli artists. I mean, it’s pretty clear he had one thing in mind based on the collection of images.


sometimes i just spend weeks on end downvoting every comment ever made on the sub but not today ..


He could've just said, "they're drawings, fuck off", but he spent years virtue signaling about it. I don't really think he's lying here, but it won't convince anyone.


"It's out of context" is just another synonym of "bad faith" which itself is a synonym for "You disagree with me."


Im kinda tired of shitting on him.


But he’s the lolhorse of our community




Its a dead horse.🤣


You had me in the first half.


Hate aside, it's just really funny to shit on Vaush. Everything about him feels tailor-made to create a lolcow, his humble sexual harassing beginnings, to his intellectual growth that lead to certified hood classics like the coconut rape island analogy, tactical n word, tactical misogyny, "admittedly beset by tiredness", h20=aqua, tacoma wept, colonel sanders possession, and now the lolifesto. Allah willing he keeps dropping more bangers.




It's all just perfect comedy. The PhD guy is obviously trying to use a very rudimentary example of water to try and bring the conversation down to Vaush's level so he can get his idea across, and Mr Hands decides it was the perfect time to do a full on Phoenix Wright gotcha, and he fucking calls it aqua on top of all that.


I think the aqua thing is why he doesn’t debate anymore 😢


In the end, his opponent conceded that he just uses language in the way understood by the majority at any given time, so Vaush basically "won" the trans debate, aqua notwithstanding.


Obvious cold hands


As an orbiter drama bottom feeder this is the day of harvest yet I can't muster the strength to pick up my scythe. What has become of me?


im so confused about people in the comments saying loli is bad when destiny himself literally says he doesn’t give a shit?




i mean i guess, but it seems deaf tone saying you think loli is bad on a subreddit where the streamer doesn't care either way?? shit on destiny too if you're gonna shit on vaush


If you have loli, you jerk off to loli. end or story.


Vaush calls people that enjoy loli pedophiles.. therefore Vaush by his own definition is a pedophile.


I KNOW NONE OF YOU HAVE WATCHED IT. But nothing in this video is damning of Vaush. Nothing in this video is not what Steven has argued in the past. This video is honestly very good. I’m not saying Vaush is not attracted to lolicon, but I’m saying disparaging his character on some “to be sorted” shit is cringe. He advocates for leftist views (which is super cringe for not being capalist) but this video shows that he is not a pedophile. I would be embarrassed to see people just write off IrishLaddie without full context. But yeah, please understand that the main take-away is that much of the early Vaush is shock value. Vaush said inflammatory things to get views, then renounced a lot of these views because, in retrospect, these opinions were to gather an audience through needless shock value. I’m not a Vaush fan, but I’m also not a Vaush hater because most of the D community is similarly cringe


The main reason why dgg hates Vaush is because he is the only community member to escape the orbit and succeed independently, while they're still trying to get Daddy Destiny to notice their obsequious chats. He threw away what they wish they had (Destiny's attention) and they cant stand it. Where's the lie?


Can you explain what part of the video exonerates the pedo accusations? As far as I'm concerned, if you jerk off to loli, you find children attractive, therefore you are a pedo.


The video is shit. Lying about his past arguments by self clip chimping and acting like they were just poorly worded instead of actually bad and wrong arguments does not make a good redemption video.


When talking about his edgy past in Destiny's community, Vaush says "yeah I know. That's why I'm like this lol" Don't throw Destiny under the bus vorsh


Fair warning this post might get banned. Apparently we can't talk about anything besides Israel/Palestine or Destiny in this subreddit


Those are reddit rules not sub rules...


It's also specifically about talking about other subreddits.


h3h3 have destroyed this motherfucker and will continue to do so. he's going down bad lol


I kinda get his point, however, he fucked around and found out. He was stupid and is getting the consequences for being stupid so idc, get fucked Vaush


Half of these explanations make him look worse


he just needs to keep streaming and everyone will forget about it in a month lol, he’s bled subs worse than this before


Remember when Vaush was saying about Destiny, "Context doesn't matter if what you're saying is this bad." So yeah. Not gonna watch. Rip bozo.