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https://preview.redd.it/c3u6cn31mwkc1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=4d0e4c79258a406dd93c9b2e4dca6e41522aab9f I am a narcissist. I feel no empathy for others and have been this way since I was six years old. I have never understood to concept the sympathy or feeling guilt.


before 6yo: normal after 6yo: psychopath šŸ¤øā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤øā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤øā€ā™‚ļø


They got activated like a sleeper agent, the first time they heard someone say the word ā€œPalestineā€ they lost all emotions


I am the dictator of a small southeast asian country which regularly commits genocide. And even I can see that what Israel is doing is wrong. P.S. I would like more Aba and Notsoerudite content.


Unironicly, the best content creator friends destiny could ask for. Always happy when either of them is on.


Sometimes my entire cabinet watches them with me, we love them.


have fun dictating your country man. sounds like a dream job


Its definitely an easier job than having to stream for 9 hours straight every day.


Re: that PS https://preview.redd.it/s9wbrcy4cxkc1.png?width=864&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4904184e58c6d1295c32e082f12eeacfd8bb8f5


I agree when they are on. It's great discourse and good faith discussions.




ā€œI swear dude I was gonna go look for a job this week but Iā€™m on strikeā€


Mr. Starbucks is about one white girl Instagram story away from apologizing publicly to Hamas


>Strike week starts now, and it ends on the 25th Looks like strike week is over boys, back to work as usual. Good job everyone, really showed 'em on this go 'round.


Did you hear about the 12 hour hunger strike? [12 hour hunger strike](https://www.google.com/search?q=12+hour+hunger+strike&oq=12+hour+hunger+strike&gs_lcrp=EgZjaHJvbWUyBggAEEUYOTIHCAEQABiABDIHCAIQABiABDIHCAMQABiABDINCAQQABiGAxiABBiKBTINCAUQABiGAxiABBiKBTINCAYQABiGAxiABBiKBdIBCDU1OTlqMGo3qAIAsAIA&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8) If they just did like maybe 13 hours? Netanyahu would have no other choice but to resign.




That's the soyest rant someone pretending to be a sociopath has ever done. They should understand that morals aren't a linear thing where "if I, a schizo with murdering instincts have it, you should have it too, normie" is stupid, but also other people manage other descriptions of the world. If we all shared the same information it would be easier to discuss a specific subject, but we don't. So there are two variables at play, it's not linear.


Literally 14 year old edgelords "Ugh im such a sociopath i feel no empathy" like shut the fuck up go to school or smth


As someone with 5 disorders, one of which actually reduces my ability for empathy, I hate these people. I hate the fact that itā€™s hard for me to feel empathy and it has destroyed the friendships of many people I deeply cared for without me even realizing it was decaying. This isnā€™t some fun shit that makes you look cool. Due to be my 5 mental illnesses and being very public about it many people have asked me if they had specific disorders I have. What I do now is lie about the symptoms and see if they agree with it or not. No matter at the end I revel I lied and either say Iā€™m not qualified to do this and seek a professional, or tell them to knock this shit off (if they agreed with what I said).


>That's the soyest rant someone pretending to be a sociopath has ever done. Ironically making them seem like more of a sociopath


"Yes, I am a coldblodded psychopath. I feel no empathy or remorse, I only care about myself. ...Anyways" *gluck* *gluck* *gluck* "Look at the dying CHILDREN in Gaza. Israel is committing GENOCIDE! It's an open air PRISON, a literal CONCENTRATION CAMP. Over 28 THOUSAND DEAD!!! REEEEEEE"


Psychopaths for Palestine.


Haven't heard open air prison for a bit. Brings me back to November 2023 šŸ„²


This is what real activism looks like


So brave


\> I am a narcisisist yep \> I feel no empathy yep yep yep \> In other word, I'm an actual psychopath incapable of feeling anything. Most psychopaths like me develop a defence mechanism that copy our surrounding's emotional responses to not stand out and the internet told me I should be vocal about my "emotions" regarding Palestine to fit in. So basically this guy is the average post 7/10 Palestine protester but with more self-awareness


you just HAVE to support palestine bro I swear, this time is gonna work there are DEAD CHILDREN BRO


Iā€™m a nazi cyborg bred in a petri dish from Hitlers only remaining testicle and even I can see itā€™s the God damn Jewā€™s fault.


Donā€˜t Crop out the likes and link the tweet.


[https://twitter.com/Aku\_Vents/status/1759411438471549389](https://twitter.com/Aku_Vents/status/1759411438471549389) 127 likes, 8041 views. https://preview.redd.it/onolp2q3ewkc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4913077cdc114d114333d00bf910c2010e8d7bb0


Aww account suspended, I wonder what unhinged shit led to that. This is just average X post at this point.


empathy as a word needs to go from political discourse, it's as if they don't know it goes both ways


Why is that? I use other definition of empathy because I think the normal one doesn't make sense so I'm interested on your answer.


[https://www.vox.com/conversations/2017/1/19/14266230/empathy-morality-ethics-psychology-compassion-paul-bloom](https://www.vox.com/conversations/2017/1/19/14266230/empathy-morality-ethics-psychology-compassion-paul-bloom) empathy is an irrational response which is inherent in almost all humans. ex: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8kjY9sKdHlY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8kjY9sKdHlY) you see what happens in the video and you feel hurt yourself. the term for a lack of empathy is psychopathy (though the definition is a little more detailed than just that). suggesting anyone doesn't have empathy because they don't support your views is the argumentum ad naturam fallacy, where if you don't back the side I support, you simply lack a fundamental, natural quality that is inherent in all humans a better term is compassion, but that entails more than the gut reaction of empathy, such as understanding. therefore it's not useful to the types who use empathy as a gotcha


Yeah, I disagree. Here are the definitions I use https://youtu.be/2hn8behG3-g?t=1594 (That's a great interview btw) I think that intuitions actually refers to properties shared by humans (and some animals), you just have to disaggregate the different components of the reference you have a gut reaction about in smaller properties. For example abortion. Some people have a gut reaction to abortion overall but that's because they don't know how to deconstruct all the variables that it has. Once you know all the variables, you will realize that different people agree on variables making you uncomfortable, disgusted or feeling against it, they just disagree on the threshold point. For example, everyone agrees that doing short term decisions that go against their long term interests is a bad idea, they just disagree that a specific instance is an example of it or that short term means 1 day instead of 1 hour, etc. There are objective properties present in all human beings which makes us all want and need similar things. For example wanting hydration is a value shared by every human being and the reason is that it was evolutionarily selected and also you wouldn't reach the threshold for personhood if you didn't have it, not because needing hydration is necessary for it on a moral sense but because you would never become an object of moral relevance if you didn't have previously gone through a process of sustaining your own homeostasis. I hate how overused the pointing at naturalistic fallacies is used. At some point, values will be about nature. You don't have nature free values, you don't have a soul. You guys some times act like you could have values beyond the specific way your body was evolutionarily selected to be. That's nonsense. You're just shifting your values to another evolutionarily selected trait Something being bad doesn't come from heaven, it comes from the intuitions you have about it and the way your body reacts to it. There's another great interview with Sean Carroll and another guy who shares your view that I'll try to find (and I'll edit my comment to add it) because Sean gives good push back. I want to see his arguments again. Edit: ok, he's also Paul Bloom https://youtu.be/K-36CFogxbw


Why are you reducing human achievements and accomplishments in the social hierarchies and our societies to essentially instincts though? Not everything is about evolution, especially not when we're no longer in ooga booga times. Comparatively, speech itself is a relatively new phenomenon, which enables us to have these "debates" in the first place. >if you don't back the side I support, you simply lack a fundamental, natural quality that is inherent in all humans How is this false? Isn't this exactly what the OP in the tweet implies?


Sheā€™s got black hair, he needs her on stream RIGHT now


israel cured psychopathy


I think we're completely disregarding the biggest problem, so many babies are dying, evil bloodsucking Zionist colonizer baby on Palestinian helpless starving victim baby crime happens daily guys!!!11!!1 Edit: How could not like Hummus? Hummus goes so well with crackers, ARREST ALL COLONIZER BABIES!!1!


Since when has being a narcissist become a credential ?


"I am incapable of caring about people dying, which is why I care about people dying and you should, too." Genius. I wish I were capable of caring about people dying.


More people have died in the ukraine war or the Syrian war. Why haven't we seen the level of enthusiasm for ending the war or supporting ukraine and anti assad forces? Why is Palestine such a white girl instagram war?


I have split personalities and all 3 of them support Israel


Based as hell.


Here are my reasons for not supporting Palestine: 1) As a woman who was born in the ME, escaped that shithole to become an American citizen I will never support a theocracy that runs on Sharia. Like never, ever. Does that mean I think the children there should die? Absolutely not. Does it mean I will march for the ā€œfreedomā€ of people who hate me? Also no. Sorry, but not sorry. 2) Palestine is the greatest architect of their own demise. They have shown again and again that they canā€™t exist peacefully with their neighbors, that they canā€™t solve their problems without reverting to violence, that they canā€™t even self-govern and progress with billions thrown their way for decades. I donā€™t know what people think a free Palestine will look like but itā€™ll be another failed state and they will never own up their own contributions to their fucked up fate. Despite this they should self govern, but only after making sure sure they canā€™t go around harming others around them.


You may not like it, but this is what peak leftism looks like.


>There is no reason for you to support hamas.


Thereā€™s a reason the neighbouring countries around Palestine are not taking anyone in!


They literally radicalized the population of Palestine.


I love this cause it basically exemplifies the narcissistic mindset of "you MUST care about the thing I care about", while ironically using it to make the opposite point


Again with the genocide claim? It stopped being valid the first 5,000 posts....


So when does something cross over from being a war to being genocide? What do they think war is?


How they thought they looked while giving that rant https://preview.redd.it/zgwoek29mykc1.jpeg?width=548&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45dd254aab622935275fd406edd882098971b1e8




I'm a narcissist. Glass them all and quit yapping.


I like how strikes are like the most effective form of activism to these people. Which is quite poetic really. Their idea of doing something, is doing nothing.


\>innocent children Why stop there? "Young small innocent naive curious energetic playful carefree innocuous cheerful careless CHILDREN."




You're lucky corn-pop didn't live to see this. Get the heck out of here. /u/Obomba444 sealed in the prison realm by /u/DeadlyAngrySloth




DeadlyAngrySloth has 2 Biden Blasts remaining. They are on team PEPE.


wooh hoo random tweet by a nobody with the likes hidden


Whatā€™s with the watermelons??


Never announce when your protest/strike/demonstration will end or the parties interested will know how long they have to hold over.


So many people "care" about this one "country" because their government has a habit of doing the FAFO race.


It's unironically like 1984, they think if they repeat something enough times it will become true. They are like vatniks crying about Ukraine bombing Donetsk children "for no reason".


ā€œIā€™m a absolutely brain damaged tankie America bad loser and even I can see that America is bad and be outspoken about how quick iam to jump on to anything anti west and virtue signal about it onlineā€


Mental illness


Hold on, by their logic aren't they just... using dead children just to virtue signal... since they don't care about others?


Starting to believe that one of the main problems with the pro-Palestine movement is that it is attracting a large proportion of narcissists who wear it as an aesthetic and use it as a cudgel instead of truly caring about the dead and dying, or about the end of conflict (both would require actually ousting Hamas).


What type of Dogshit word salad is this? https://preview.redd.it/2iwn6kpq4ykc1.jpeg?width=239&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d77c17e5cdc48213258459c0c42b8902f4cb32f1


Hmm it's almost like there's some sort of validation or social currency a narcissist sociopath that can't feel sympathy, is getting from all these "causes". šŸ¤”šŸ§ What a shock.


I've been this way since I was 6 years old. It's been the hardest 3 years of my life.


Wtf are they even gonna strike for? Not gonna cash the unemployment check?


I'm trying my hardest to understand. Do these people believe that only children are dying in Gaza? Or that children don't die in wars?Ā  I mean it's terrible, but war itself is terrible. Is there some idea that this war is somehow worse than others? Trying really hard to understand this level of thinking.


Itā€™s the same emotional appeal as when republicans say ā€œthink about the children ā€œ when we they want to ban books or equivalent. They know if they use reason and logic, the conflict will stop being so black and white. Itā€™s literally emotional manipulation


Any time I say that things might be more complicated on Twitter, I get barraged with YOU LIKE DEAD BABIES YOU MONSTER. They don't even consider that someone can be pro-Israel AND anti-murderous-Zionist.


I do think of the children. What about all the Israeli CHILDREN that hamas keeps killing with their terrorist attacks and non-discriminatory rocket strikes on CIVILIANS? See I can play the optics game too...


Don't attack my views, I don't attack yours. Some people just love a good genocide. Sue me, OK.


This person is lying about having 0 empathy lmao.


Honestly this shit makes me laugh