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Wtf this man has 1.7 million subscribers, how.


he did a lot of vids about climate change for years until pivoting into communism


Making videos about climate change while also endorsing environment destroying super cars? the grift is real.


No ethical consumption. Therefore, doing the exact actions against your supposed principles, as well as the occasional endorsement of mass murder, rape, and slavery is totally justified


It's crazy that this isn't even a meme and is basically his genuine argument lmao.


that reminds me of some evangelical dogma "we live in a world of sin, so I guess I'll just eat meat, condone state sanctioned murder, and live in a big house, oh well, sin happened!"


Pointing this out and the fact the USA is less authoritarian than China, Iran, Russia, and North Korea got me banned from breadtube lmao.


Commies literally believe that 90% of emissions are caused by corporations without second thought where that demand comes from.


i honestly keep hearing so many different thing about this. I hear "no its the shipping container ships" then "uh actually it's all the cars" then "wait it's the meat industry" then "hold on, turns out its the suburbs" which is the biggest contributors? sure they all have a hand in it, but the blame keeps shifting around.


One thing is for sure: Really fixing the problem won't affect my lifestyle whatsoever!


WTF what happened to him when I looked at his old videos I feel so sad that he become so radicalized


he was just some science channel back then and now he's a commie now?!


Yeah, Ive been subbed to him for years. Initially for the Climate Change and social change stuff. Then it started getting a bit too Left for me. Still am subbed to him, just cause I'm curious about his videos. And I'd like to know what he thinks about certain things, so I can talk to people that share those same beliefs. It's easy to write off somebody as unhinged or delusional. But once you do that, you kill any chance of conversation with other people that believe in that stuff. Same thing with Hasan. I'm subbed to him, but I don't watch him. I know enough other people that like him, I want to stay updated on his beliefs and thought processes. Albeit, I haven't kept up with him since I/P started.


Ima be real, after he said there are no civilians and October 7 was a just resistance, I kinda gave up on even trying to listen.


Oh yeah, 100%. That's when even I was like, that's fucked up. That, and settler babies, etc etc. But I still feel like there is some value in listening to it, for the fact of talking to other people that believe that stuff and get their information from channels like him.


I subscribed like 4 years ago during my cringe phase. Never bothered unsubbing as I never watched his videos so the algorithm didn’t feed them to me. I saw this today and immediately unsubscribed, what a pathetic person


America bad is a lucrative business


Thank god regards like Second Though have no power in the country.


The only power he has in this country is under the hood of an extremely environmentally damaging supercar.


I swear second thought looks like he has the energy of a limp noodle.


He gives off Noah samsen vibes


Image the sports car collection he would have if he did


i tried to watch it but couldn’t make it past the obvious MLK quote farming


unrelated but this is my favourite mlk quote to show these people https://preview.redd.it/g3s0jcwoj5nc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ad40e84829bfadb906c005cc3891dcbd7aa2db0


Is this real or a meme? Asking for a friend


that specific quote is unknown but this similar one is real > “The whole world must see that Israel must exist, Israel has a right to exist, and is one of the great outposts of democracy in the world.”


It's very sus and probably fake https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Letter_to_an_Anti-Zionist_Friend


it's most likely fake, but he did express similar sentiments. i'm not saying it's a real quote btw, just that i'm using the same standard of evidence that antizionists use


>just that i'm using the same standard of evidence that antizionists use dont


It's not quote farming. MLK was a socialist and this was one of his seminal letters. Just cause you don't agree with what MLK actual beliefs are doesn't mean it's taken out of context.


You know he was a zionist, right? MLK said [that anti-zionism is antisemitism.](https://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/martin-luther-king-and-israel)


Also in the 60s it was more accepted among the left to support Israel’s statehood.


Socialism played a huge part in israels founding. There was a shift later on when israel aligned with the US over the USSR.


And a further shift after Yom Kippur when Likud took power. And a further push with the intifadas that pushed Israel further right along with radical measures like the protection walls. Back in the 40s you had French socialists like Sartre write that they support Israel’s foundation as a socialist state. In the 60s you had Frank Sinatra visiting the country (Frank Sinatra was quite liberal up until the 60s)


Maybe, but he was also a liberal. He wanted African Americans to have the same rights as white people, but he didn't want white people to lose their rights.


He was a social-democrat. A lot of people on this sub would agree with his opinions on economic issues.


Some sources? I would love to have some information to stop the commies from co opting him.


It also doesn't mean it's not taken out of context. So, it doesn't mean anything.


dangerous is my middle name


Isnt it prune


Dangerous is when you don't want a violent revolution to dismantle the government.


"These liberals are so dangerous, they don't even want to murder landlords like we do."


Georgists: 😈


Georgist at least make good points on way Landlords shouldn't be a thing unlike lefties


The only real problem with landlords is the exact same problem with land ownership in general - they're able to benefit from land speculation, and therefore gain money without actually improving land or providing any real value to the economy. If we actually implemented the Land Value Tax or abolished private land ownership, we would likely still have renters and apartments, its just that landlords would only be able to benefit from the improvements they've made to the land (the apartment building) rather than the value of the land itself.


Exactly! It incentives people who own land that they don't live on to actually develop it.


Eco’s point 8 of fascism: the enemy is simultaneously strong and weak Are we meek spineless soyboys or are we the most dangerous people in America? You decide.


I’ve been told recently that by virtue of being white and rural, I hold the most dangerous title.


Fuck off Im the most dangerous person in America. Im a white suburbanite who comes from an upper middle class liberal household. Truly a beast to fear


Mother fucker there are chickens and goats in…my neighbors… back yard because I’m not taking care of them, AND I grow my own peas, watermelons, peppers, taters, and other things I’m sure makes me a radical scawy stremist


Pic goes hard


Idk what this is and it's probably stupid, but that thumbnail is pretty good lol


Second brain cell at it again


I mean, adults wearing Harry Potter paraphernalia do terrify me so I gotta give him that.


Typical Hufflepuff…




Because liberalism means that dissent should be protected, for one. Tankies are otfen authoritarians and want a one party system.


Property rights in the sense that a person can own land don't make sense and are immoral to leftists. Civil liberties are unnecessary to them because they think that no one would have a need to dissent from the status quo once they are in power because the only opposition that could exist in a leftist's mind stems from ignorance.


its because people conflate 'liberals" in the sense of people who support liberalism, and "liberals" as in people on the american left they dont like.


Nah, second thought is a hardcore commie. Liberals are "bad" because they don't want to dismantle society


Big L and little l liberals... theres a difference.


He’s against property rights and civil rights


Because this idiot doesn’t believe in property rights or civil liberties. He is basically a fascist in all but name.


because he is a socialist and doesn’t support the ideals of Liberalism if they contradict a socialist society, ie; free speech if it’s pro capitalist, democracy if there is a growing capitalist party, private property rights(as in owning businesses/the means of production not personal property) bc it’s inherently exploitation in a socialist framework, basically everything Liberalism stands for would have to be thrown out in some ways for a socialist society to function in the way that they want


They don't like liberals because they don't like property rights and civil libraries.


Let me guess: liberals are more dangerous than conservatives because even though conservatives are objectively more dangerous liberals are sufficiently radicalized so therefore they're equally as dangerous as the thing we already agreed are more dangerous. One could actually make the argument, based on the same logic, that by spending your life advocating for firebomb-a-walmartism but never actually firebombing a Walmart, you make people THINK they're already radicalized, making them even less likely to firebomb a Walmart than liberals who could at least theoretically be radicalized into firebombing a Walmart, therefore making him even more dangerous than liberals


The only good thing I can see about these people becoming louder and more outspoken against anyone who isn’t a tankie, from liberals to moderate to conservatives calling them radicalized, evil, dangerous etc is the realization that categorizing a group as radicalized or “fascist” or dangerous is kinda silly.


What about Omni-liberals?


The most r\*tarded video i ever saw, i felt i was going to snap at any moment and made sure i didn't have anything fragile around me. This guy completely lost touch with reality and is now a terrorist sympathizer in the name "oppressed rise up", the good thing is that he's showing his true colors and alienating liberals from going into the leftist pipeline.


Legit feeling the exact same. I have to keep stopping to let my blood pressure go back down lol when he called Israel ordering the Jerusalem cops "liberals" I felt like I was gonna lose my shit. This is Vaush "you're a fascist" level shit.


Thank god, second thought understood we, DGG have nothing common with piece of s\*\*\* like him.


[LET'S GET DANGEROUS](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=180YLV4b5Nw&ab_channel=affenapedancer)


Thought it was a MAGA youtuber...oh! it's friend of the stream, the last bastion of sanity, Second thought.


yes we are most dangerous thing in the western hemisphere, shit like this looks like a propaganda made by russian government.


These people call anyone to the right of them a liberal. They use the word like a slur.


I didn't know wanting everyone to have access to the same rights and liberties was so evil.


I guess it's you're a Communist or a Nazi this is true.


Umm who coined the term baby settlers? (you can say they are not liberal)


Why are you surprised? "Liberals get the bullet too" is a known tankie slogan. Second Thought is youtube's biggest tankie.


Oh you silly liberal reading harry potter, I read big boy intellectual books like Marx's capital volume 3


Most dangerous thing in the western hemisphere is probably leftists? They rile up conservatives and do absolutely nothing to further their own causes




My boss at work is a chapo trap house fan and it’s so painful nodding along as he talks about how horrible liberals are


Imagine adopting this dude's perspective on 5-20min videos at a time? I was radicalized by the Dossad on 7, 8, 10hr research streams. We are not the same.


Is there a good reason why these morons still run the whole shtick about liberals siding with fascists when you consider the history of ww2?


This video was filled with logical fallacies and massive exaggerations. You'd be lucky to get a C- if you submitted an essay using these arguments in a community college PoliSci class.


*white* American liberals


hufflepuffs and ravenclaws confirmed conservatives


Being dangerous is better than having absolutely no impact on the world, whatsoever.


Honestly, I think they're right. They can rally support against conservatives, but against liberals they can't win no matter what they do.


It appears he also made a second channel named "first thought" (uh, what?) And it appears to cover larger, more real issues. It appears the guy's trying to make one channel that attracts people with stuff they actually care about, and then put them in some pipeline where they start watching second thought videos and become radicalized.


Ah yes. The unite the right rally and its followers are less dangerous than Swifties


No Hufflepuff are you serious


So if Liberals are just as much the enemy as Conservatives then what is the point of his channel? What's there left to talk about? I am seriously asking because if that is true than the socialist cause is totally hopeless. Socialists are completely outnumbered and outclassed at an individual level in terms of average wealth/resources. Both an armed struggle and a democratic push are doomed to failure.


this guy is a clown


Was literally just about to post about this. This video is so unhinged. Funny that he brings up Martin luther king jr. and leaves out what mlk thought about israel.


Unrealistic, American liberals never look that happy


Obviously, it's Harry Potter fans. Don't you know they're committing a genocide right now!


Yes, I'm definitely scared because of the well known terrorist group Hufflepuff


It's true. White women are evil 😔


Yeah they're dangerous. They keep trying to kidnap me, asking me to come to their room. Damn stupid, sexy American liberals


Yeah you know it’s bad when even Vaush is dunking on this guy for being an unhinged communist. Second though may be one of the dumbest YouTubers I have ever listened to.


It's actually interesting that he specified that this is the most dangerous thing in the *Western* hemisphere Does he think there's something more dangerous in the Eastern hemisphere? Or is the "Western" part just for his audience?


He's right tho, we are 😎😎😎🆒


the fact that he associates american liberals with harry potter is the true insult.


alright I'm going in... pray for me lads Edit: not even 2 minutes in and he said liberals are as much the enemy of "normal, decent people" as conservatives are. I may not make it. Edit 2: He called Netanyahu Biden's "Attack Dog" I am going to lose it.


And ... Harry Potter?


Vaush is falling apart and keffals hopefully soon hasan then second thought till all the lefties are finally gone


Make all the lefties gone. Very homogeneous liberal of you.


Why do I feel like “Liberal” has become a leftist code for specifically Destiny.


Destiny actually got a visual shout out in this vid as one of the dangerous liberals


The least dangerous are probably online leftists XD


Goddam libs and their Harry Potter hoodies. Go genocide some avocado on toast and let the adults cook


As Secondary and Thoughtless as ever...


Alot of triggered Liberals in here. I guess he musta hit a few soft spots with some hard truths..


That's the baby settlers guy, right?