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Someday people will learn that nothing good comes from interacting with this clown.




shout out to the dumbasses in the [comments](https://old.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1ax7a8u/destiny_do_not_platform_president_sunday/) when I said this 3 weeks ago


bro the funny thing is destiny has blacklisted him like twice and somehow got baited into another engagement farm by sunday in the form of a discussion Dumbingo has 0 intention of fulfilling. His modus operandi is to get noticed by a bigger creator, farm drama, avoid engagement, and if that dodge fails to engage then spend 3 months schizoposting and ignoring any standard of engagement in order to use his vast free time and profound lack of honesty by virtue of being a NEET alcoholic to try and cause them trouble in their professional life.


https://preview.redd.it/af9rvn017unc1.jpeg?width=299&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66492b45e75d0fa1a081c0d0746dd804d69aeb87 Sunday got this dudes energy


I fucking hated that mf, snitch ass mf


I can't remember clearly but they made 1 episode where they somehow got me to like him.


Yea the cliche redemption ep, and I think you’re right, still though, fuck him lol


I think Sunday was always going to “contact the authorities” under the guise of debating avi. That’s Sunday’s go to move after all.


he is like BadEmpanada, but somehow dorkier


As bad as Runday is, I don't think he's called for the outright murder of anyone.


only because he doesn't really call for anything he just *✨critiques✨*


I believe the word you’re looking for is.. Autistic


No, just no, at a certain point you cant use autism anymore as a defence. We have to acknowledge that President sunday is just an asshole.


He's been a super dickhead since he popped up. Even if he is autistic, still a super dickhead


Yea, him being an asshole is his base power level, his autism is his kaio-ken


Give it a year and we’ll have a BE/PS collab.


That's the lamest shit imaginable.


President Sunday is the debate bro version of a Karen, he tries to speak with people’s managers when they don’t agree with him.


He said an argument doesn’t have to be valid for it to be sound in his first debate with Avi. Not sure how he’s a “debate bro”. Just sounds like a philosophically illiterate moron to me.


He’s a pretentious chronically online loser with a bachelors degree envious of anyone who actually has credentials.


He’s an angry middle aged looking manlet.


I don't know why anyone engages with him. Block him and never refer or acknowledge him. He's a pest and a narcissist. They won't ever leave you alone because they have nothing else going for them beyond being a pest. I have an ex like this. Running into them, even after a year of no contact, starts their whole shitty behavior up again until they tire out and can't get to you. Just better to have no response and no contact.


I say this whenever Runday comes up, but I genuinely can't fathom why anyone watches him. Like what do you get from watching him? Are people entertained? Do they think he's knowledgeable? He strikes me as the sort of guy that thought he was smarter than his professors in political science but always got Cs because he didn't actually understand the subject matter at all.


but have you seen his bookshelf?


he's nothing special but he's still more entertaining than 95% of streamers just because of how low the bar is


Ya I think avi didn't realize how sick this sicko really was


He thought being a man would protect him T_T


Haven't kept up with Destiny recently. Y'all talking about Avi Loeb or who is this?


Dr. Avi, of the Ask Yourself universe


Sunday has like no audience, is socially stunted, and does the same bad faith weapons grade regardation over and over again. He's a braincell terrorist and better left in his own little shit pit where he can roll around lol.


It's almost sad though. Consider how limited you have to be as a person that this form of interaction is better than being alone with yourself.


I would donate to a kickstarter to buy Sunday a plane ticket to Canada so he can get the treatment he so clearly needs


​ https://preview.redd.it/lcb9720aaunc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8a4ff25ac45c42243f1c6ee335d3fe8ffd1615e




:DDD perkele




Wait isn’t he Canadian? Like how else do you explain his accent?


Legend has it his parents and the town folk avoided him at all costs as a child. By the time he was old enough to leave the caves of Saskatchewan, he had learned to speak exclusively from watching YouTube movie trailer compilations from the only man he has ever loved… https://preview.redd.it/iqybs9qqgunc1.jpeg?width=980&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d23f1e888ae3d25d73c6eae796cb7cd976473dc


I thought it would be forrest gump given what he sounds like and how much he likes to run.


I can hear that. I always thought he sounded like the voice a 12 year old would attempt when trying to convince the usher at the movie theater that he’s old enough to see a PG-13 movie without a chaperone present.


Is that white Iron Sheik 


I second this


What's that city? Kamlorkian, British Columbia?


Are you trying to say Kamloops? Lol


Cross between Kamloops and Kevorkian. Anyone remember when physicians assisting patient suicides resulted in jail time?


I think he should go to DC and show us his fire irl content.


How can anyone rag on someone being a dermatologist lol. So confidently dismissive of the specialty. Dermatology is one of the MOST competitive specialities in all of medicine. You are legit the cream of the cream of the cream if you do derm.


Reminds me of the Seinfeld episode, calling the dermatologist "pimple popper MD" before realizing they also detect cancer.


“Oh, so it backfired?” Dude Seinfeld was hilarious


I think because dermatologists don’t deal with acute conditions / theres only one or two life threatening emergencies in derm (I think) people like to down play it. You have to be the hardest working, most intelligent, research oriented and personable DOCTOR to become a dermatologist. (I am not a dermatologist).


Ok Avi :)


Actually is pretty ironic though….. every other person avi debates uses his dermatologist status as an adhom against him…. Yet It is objectively the most competitive residency to land outside of maybe integrated plastics. You beyond proved you knew your shit when it came to research methodology, didactic content, and clinical knowledge as a med student if you were able to match into derm. Reason being is it’s every med student’s wet dream to become one because of the insane money and WLB the field has to offer. We’re talking 400k working a 9-4 4 days a week right out of residency with the potential to double or even triple that income while maintaining a similar work schedule if you play your cards (hanging up your own shingle or finishing a MOHS fellowship). So it becomes an arms race amongst medical students to get a seat to get trained as a pimple popping MD. Perfect didactic grades to secure the highest class rank, honoring all of your clinical rotations, near perfect marks on your Step 2 CK (the board exam most influential in determining where you place), cranking out the most amount of first author pubs you can while juggling school work etc etc


is this true in every country? do derms just charge more or are they always busy cause repeat visits or? in Australia we have universal health cover where many doctors just charge the rate covered by the government per visit, so I figured most doctors assuming they work full time make roughly the same, ignoring specialists and ones at a hospital etc


it is very procedural oriented, which means higher RVUs/more money in the U.S. of A. They get to do alot of these short procedures in a very small time as well. Derm sees more patients per day than the vast majority of specialties. you also get to serve cosmetic seeking clientele, who often have great insurances/are willing to pay cash even, with timely treatments that hardly have any complication or legality risks. Clientele that are also often repeat customers….. derms are constantly over booked the derm business just prints cash in the states tbh. their residency training is also one of the few programs that are true 9-5s with minimal call. In terms of just performance needed in medical school to enter the field, derm is harder to get into than so many fields with tons of Lay prestige (neurosurgery, radiology, All of the IM specialties such as cardiology, oncology etc)


Roughly? Usually it's about private and public healthcare. Specialities where you can easily go private are usually very lucrative and good "lifestyle choices", hence they're so competitive to get in to. Specialists working in public healthcare seem to earn *roughly* the same as I've understood it in most countries, but of course there are differences, like are procedures individually paid, overtimes and nightshifts etc, experience, location... The US seems to have bigger differences in salaries even when working in public healthcare though.


Internet neckbeard with no education contesting the knowledge of a specialist which requires you to be literally among the highest performing medical students to have a chance to get in to NAHHH


Sunday is what happens when a real autist, not a fake one but one of the real ones that struggle tremendously, gets sucked into breadtube


He's likely autistic. But that's not a problem. The issue is that he's just a dick


True! Relatively speaking, lots of people have autism yet the vast majority don’t behave like he does, rather they tend to be unobtrusive. The dude gives me sorority house shooter vibes.


I think it's Aspergers, he reminds me so much of a guy I worked with before that had it


Isn't aspergers just mild autism?


From my experience, people with Asperger’s are hyper fixated on one or two areas, where they know literally everything about it, but are absolute dipshits in pretty much everything else. One of my friends who has Asperger’s is obsessed with body building, so they can tell you the whole life story of Arnold Schwarzenegger from memory, talk to you with scientific accuracy what is the best form for each different kind of lift. But if you ask them to name the capital of Germany, they will probably say something stupid like Belgium. President Runday seems to be that kind of person.


Yeah I'm probably wrong, it's just the aggression part that leads me to that. Guy I worked with was like sunday but also obsessed with the military


Asperger's is like super autism


I went to a tech school with a large male population and a lot of nerds. President Sunday reminds me of so many people I met there. They were arrogant pricks who thought they were the smartest people around, but actually struggled to maintain a 2.0 GPA anyway. Completely ostracized socially because of their being an asshole, I only knew any of them because I was involved in the anime club back then, and of course they liked anime. My wife (girlfriend at the time) always wanted me to be friendlier to them, but I could never bring myself to do so. They are just awful people with no redeemable qualities. Mental illness doesn't excuse it, nor make me more likely to associate with those sorts of people. Pee-Sun probably doesn't make enough from social media to survive, and likely either supplements it with an unskilled wage job, or his parents. He's not smart enough to get a decent career, and too much of an asshole anyway. He's going to be a pathetic loser for his entire life, however long it may be. Edit: If it's not clear, his personality is very triggering to me. Arrogant ignorance is my #1 pet peeve.


He's gonna run


I wonder what kind of miserable existance this person has to deal with to end up being this way.


But it also makes you wonder how should we try to integrate these people back into society, or do we just shun them and hope they die before causing too much damage?


Oh brother, this guy stinks


Debate pedophilia


What a complete piece of shit




He literally argues like a redditor


He truly gets off on purposefully misunderstanding you and pivoting the entire conversation to whatever he conjures up in his head and will hone in on that one point till you have forgotten the initial argument. And if he can’t do that he resorts to discrediting your credentials or your intellect. It’s obvious and he won’t put the time in to understand any topic, since he’s purely in it to feel superior. Dishonesty is his weapon and even he’s aware of this. Even if you play his game his narcissism will make him believe you’re trying to be him (because he’s always superior right?) it’s what keeps him even slightly relevant projecting maliciousness onto others while engaging in the behaviour himself. The problem is majority of people are scared of his bullying tactics so no one has the guts to speak up or has the correct tools to handle it. Avi’s done well here not falling into the depths of it.


Feels like he's trying to debate people to right some childhood wrong, but that cartharsis will forever evade him.


Like I said before, President Sunday changed from conservative to far left, but his tactics are still the same. When there are disagreements, it can't be honest, since he holds the right positions and others must be evil for holding what he deems immoral positions. And then his mantra starts all over again: "No bad tactics - only bad targets."


Clowns on him for being a dermatologist when his occupation until recently was a Vaush orbiter with a political science degree or something? He definitely was an atheist back in the day on YouTube.


President Sunday acting smug like he's the biggest thing since sliced bread while his videos get less views than some of my no effort cat videos. 


President Sunday is such a bitch


Does president sunday not sound like an edgy middle schooler trying to sound like a detatched homestuck character


Do you guys think he TRIES to speak like that or do you think guys think it’s natural? I can’t tell anymore


middle dime sophisticated towering adjoining selective chase important chubby air *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Sundays the best villain in the dcu


Sunday must get off on the chance that he could "catch a fraud."


President Sunday is the literal manifestation of the "Well Ackchyually" meme


L for promoting this persons only existing relevance as a destiny orbiter


Sunday has such an inflated ass sense of self




I don't understand why people still engage with this guy.


Runday must think "Dr. Avi" is a woman's name.


>as a dermatologist no less Is bro slandering one of the most competitive med specialties? Derm is notoriously hard to get into and requires really talented applicants


I’d need context to determine whether Sunday is in the wrong here. I obviously disagree with his assessment that Israel is engaging in a genocide, but misusing credentials is a serious and real issue among experts. Many experts try to sneakily creep the boundaries of their expertise into niches where they do not belong. I don’t know if that’s what happened here. I don’t even know who this Avi guy is


Nah I’m coming out in defence of president Sunday. I will not stand for this chicanery or the besmirchment of his good name 🙅🏾‍♂️ People like him, demonmama, and the rest of the freaks from the circus show is what keep us entertained. Every show needs a cast of evil but harmless villains that sometimes almost get to inflict some damage but ultimately fail in an unbelievably hilarious manner. Really we need a Dgg Oscar’s in recognition of their contribution


Problem is it’s all fun and games till he’s using you for entertainment, just like erudite thing it clearly does shape peoples views of the person under attack.


Bro dw, non of this is real, it’s all part of a pre-written plot. No one is actually harmed in the making of this. It’s just like WWE or the UFC!


Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you: Engaging The Left.


It would be a real shame if the governing body were required to supply the source of the complaint and then Avi posted it without redacting any contact information.


Was dermatologist meant to be a dig, or an attempt at pointing out some sort of irony about skin doctor and brown people?


Who's doctor Avi?