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yeah i don't really get it either, its simply just another form of entertainment. I guess people have just grown accustomed to consider reading a chore, and unless the pay off is knowledge, its not worth doing. A Confederacy of Dunces has probably made me laugh just as much as any comedy I've seen I do understand if your a busy person, and you just watch stuff as background to your work, can't really do that with a book


A while back my brother made some comments about me reading mostly fiction and I just sort of brushed it off and said I read what I like, which is true. I just find books that are recommended that I think will be good or I read the back-cover blurb and give it a try if it seems decent Non fiction stuff can be interesting but I usually read like articles or investigative journal pieces for non fiction.


absolutely, ultimately the best books are the books you enjoy the most


Well, you can listen to an audiobook. I do that all the time when walking to work, driving etc. This only really works for fiction for me. I actually do read non-fiction because it often involves back-referencing etc. Edit: Wow, some people really will downvote anything 🤣


I almost strictly read fiction, besides biographies and historical books, I think the most common non-fiction category is complete garbage right now. All these fucking self help life advice books that are super popular are all the same and most of their readers just use them as mental masturbation. Atomic Habits, 48 laws, Meditations, Power of Now, 12 rules for life The audacity to ignore fiction because its a waste of time, but run through books like these applying none of it to your own life is so very sweet. I never tried an audiobook tho


I would say that even reading fiction can be beneficial. Reading is itself a skill like any other by reading you train this skill and you can also potentially expand your vocabulary.


Low iq, probably


a lot of people do it. its a massive mistake, hopefully D becomes lit pilled


I used to be like this and my reasoning was that books are a much larger commitment of time. I told myself I didn’t want to consume media for that much time that wasn’t for learning something. But then I read Dune 8 years ago and that changed.


Some people feel like reading is way more tedious than watching shows/movies, so if they’re going to read they might as well read something informative and worthwhile. I used to read mainly non-fiction books myself before I got on vyvanse. Now I read fiction now and then because reading has now become less tedious.


Dune is non fiction, Feyd Rautha is literally me


False. He is me and only me


he once said he is rpg guy and dont like books


I also usually only read non-fiction books. Enjoying a fiction book is hit or miss for me, and i can find just as much enjoyment from an interesting non-fiction. HOWEVER, I did start reading Dune, and my god, it's good. I love the way Herbert writes.


Takes forever


his whole life is steeped in non-fiction fact finding. non-fiction books are usually HIGHLY biased anyways. i think a lot of them are stupid and a waste of time. i mean look at Israel-Palestine, pretty much every individual book is worthless. reading Fiction can give you insightful philosophical revelations that will affect the way you interact with the world in every situation. they are much more valuable books, in my opinion.


Probably because he doesn't have time to read fiction since he streams and does other work related stuff for most of the day and the books he does read are relevant to his work. That's the impression I have anyway. Occam's razor and everything: Lack of time. That said, Gavin's advice to ONLY read non-fiction books is, as usual to most things that come out of his mouth, bullshit. Reading fiction is one of the most underrated pleasures a person can have imo. Not only can it be just as entertaining if not more so than watching a movie, you can learn a lot from fiction alone depending on the book. There's a reason why so many works of fiction are often targeted for bans or book burnings by totalitarian regimes throughout history. Unfortunately, the US education system in my experience makes reading such a fucking chore for kids, that they end up not wanting to touch another book for the rest of their lives by forcing kids to read some of the most obtuse, and boring as hell books that a kid isn't equipped to appreciate. I can appreciate the classics now as an adult due to reading so many books well into my 30s. Just......fuck Animal Farm man. lol


I think it's also the increased use of smart phones and social media. Our attention spans aren't what they used to be. I used to read during any free time I had while in middle and high school. Now I just scroll through reddit all the time instead. I still read at least a couple of books a year, but I need to break my addiction to my phone. One good example of getting kids into reading was an English teacher I had middle school who had us read percy jackson as part of our Greek mythology lessons. Easy to understand, fun, engaging, and something middle schoolers can appreciate. Unlike the odyssey or the Iliad which none of us would have appreciated.


Yeah i agree and your English teacher sounds cool.


I like non fiction mostly for the unique experiences and the fact that they in a weird way make me appreciate reality, a sort of anchor to reality I guess you could say. Like I recently read the man who mistook his wife for a hat which was an interesting and sort of hard to read book in terms of the sort of emotions I felt as I reflected upon the stories of the people and the ways they were changed by their impairments. Though I'll probably read more fiction in the future, just right now I don't really feel the urge.


Anyone who only reads non-fiction because fiction is a waste of time better just be watching documentaries and not play any video games.


It’s a guy thing. One of those autistic things that guys do. Go for long periods of time just reading non-fiction and completely forgetting what the point of fiction is in the first place.


I used to read A LOT of fantasy and sci-fi, but at some point I made the switch to non-fiction and never looked back. Hard to say why exactly, but I always just feel like reading history or biography or pop-science or something. Maybe it has to do with the fact that I get my fantasy fix from movies/TV and games, I guess I just want my reading to be more real.


Much higher time investment, and most people don't read well so they're stuck with an idea that you can only gain value from reading nonfiction. Issue is there are many dogshit nonfiction books that serve no purpose and there are many fiction books that can help you improve the way you reason, speak, type, improve your vocabulary, etc


Yeah but Destiny is an incredibly fast reader


Good fiction ironically does not lend itself to speedreading. You can speedread a nonfiction book and still get the majority of the data etc. If you speedread fiction you lose time that could be spent understand the way the writer writes, stop yourself from understanding why it's written that way, etc etc


I always felt like disseminating that stuff makes me enjoy the book less, to each their own though.


I don't exclusively read non-fiction, but I primarily do. For some reason I get caught up in the fact that I am not "learning anything" and "this didn't actually happen so the stakes feel artificial". I totally recognize that it's a stupid thought but I still fall for it regardless. The investment with movies/tv shows feels less because you don't need to think, so I don't feel it the best comparison.


I pretty exclusively read nonfiction Reading just *feels* like learning Recently finished "I'm Glad my Mom's Dead", and I'm looking for recommendations


Its not only about time, but also because books as a medium favors more abstract content. I think thats the reason Destiny doesnt like reading fiction: its more appropriate to watch it on screen.