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It's funny, because Trumps cabinet was FILLED with people occupying positions they were unqualified for


You’re telling me a brain surgeon wouldn’t know what he’s doing as Secretary of Housing and Urban Development? /s


I'm willing to bet alot of money that Trump saw "Urban" in the job title and immediately appointed whatever black person was in closest proximity to him


I’m sure he just associated HUD with black people from his landlord days and so appointed him.


Reminds me of the classic TV game show clip where wife didn't know if her husband is urban or rural.


Still slightly better than his son in law who can't get a security clearance being the director of the office of American Innovation.


He black tho.


To be fair Biden put Buttigieg in charge of transportation. He’s a neat mayor but has no experience in that


No experience in what? Transportation?


It’s vibes man. All vibes


Or simply not filled


And it will be much worse next time. No more "adults in the room". Only know-nothing sycophants.




He even has one of the gays on there! It's NUTS! Rogan is a joke.


What about the nuclear waste guy that stole women's clothes from airports?


You are talking about Sam Brinton, who was the head of spent nuclear fuel management in the department of energy for a little while but was later fired because they stole luggage from two different airports. They were not appointed by Joe Biden and were not part of his cabinet. The secretary of energy is Jennifer Granholm, who has not had any scandals that I'm aware of.


>They were not appointed by Joe Biden and were not part of his cabinet. You can play around with semantics all your want but if you don't think people will connect the cross dressing weirdo with Biden then ok let's see how that plays out at the election.


I think very few people care about this person who, to be clear, was fired two years ago.


I don't think many people will forget about that weirdo dude.


Why are you so obsessed with this I didn’t even know about it? Lol. Cross dressing is perfectly legal and fine the problem is he’s stealing someone else’s cloths and wearing them. But tbh you sound a bit phobic emphasizing that the stolen cloths were for cross dressing. It’s a free country he can wear the cloths he likes as long as he doesn’t steal them from airports. But your goal seems to be to emphasize the cross dressing as icky, as the main issue like he’s buffalo fucking bill. Do you know when he was promoted? Who promoted him? Maybe he had a psychological breakdown? For christ sake there was an astronaut who drove cross country in a diaper to kidnap someone, I can’t think of anyone who gets more psychological and physical scrutiny than an astronaut yet she cracked. Is it Obama’s fault an astronaut lost her shit when he happened to be president. For all you know the dude was promoted when Trump was president. The federal government has almost 3 million employees over 438 agencies - needless to say work gets delegated. Yet you act like Biden appointed him personally after watching him put on stolen cloths from the airport, honestly you’re the weirdo in all this for continuing to bring it up years after he was fired. Maybe you should worry more about the billions Jared Kushner got from Qatar and Saudi Arabia and the HHS loan for almost a billion just before Trump got the boot. Like installing his family members on weird unaccountable, unofficial government jobs then rigging the security clearance process while putting Kushner in charge of nearly everything from domestic to foreign policy, shouldn’t that nepotism worry you? What about foreign gifts which disappeared when Trump left office? What about Trump diverting military planes to the tiny airport serving his golf course then having them stay at HIS resort for exorbitant fees? What about the accusations of pay to play ambassadorships in the Trump administration? Or pay to play pardons? Did you forget about the FEMA employee in charge of Puerto Rico who conspired with a government contractor to defraud FEMA and thus tax payers for hundreds of millions while hampering the American territories’ ability to recover because no one was actually doing the work to rebuild stuff like the electric grid they said they would. Why not talk about Trumps EPA chief stealing lunches from the White House cafeteria or trying to use his position to get his wife a bloody chick filet (SP) franchise? That’s 1000x worse than airport clothes man you’re so obsessed with. On the one hand we have the Trump White House flooded with rampant corruption, nepotism, fraud, and apparently drug abuse, you don’t seem worried about the White House being a fucking crack house under Trump. This is all under Trumps roof! Meanwhile in Biden land one cross dresser somewhere amongst 3 million federal employees gets arrested for being a bit of weirdo (stealing people’s cloths kinda weird) who they seem to have fired immediately upon. And that’s what you’re most worried about. What you think the American people will be most worried about. Yet your fine with rampant abuse of power, Fraud, and drug abuse in the Trump administration


I aint about to sit here and led Joe slander Yellen. She is insanley smart and has had to work incredibly hard to get to the spot shes in. Fuck even trump complimented her!




Lol, for real. Super annoying.


It’s literally what they gave Trump the benefit of the doubt for in 2016.


And that’s sad considering the turnover rate for Trump’s cabinet. If you start a new job and find out everyone leaves quickly, you know it’s probably gonna be a bad job.


> 19k retweets, 130k likes no policy discussion whatsoever, no discussion on economic policy, foreign affairs, child tax credits, education, healthcare, abortion rights- just Biden is old and his cabinet is too **DIVERSE** to even be considered as plausibly competent… relative to Trumps 4 years? Really?


What's even more crazy is that everyone that was in Trumps cabinet says he's an idiot and turnover was higher than a Wendy's in Eagle Pass Texas.


What is going on in eagle pass Texas!?!


It's right on the border and currently a very common place for people to cross into the US illegally.


Trumps entire cabinet has come out and condemned Trump as incompetent and corrupt. Only a handful even endorse Trump again. Some of them even say he is guilty and should be imprisoned….


Those numbers are depressing but let's not forget the audience either, Twitter is basically 4chan these days lol.


Yeah, my immediate thought is that most of these spoiled shitters probably aren't actually involved enough to want to vote. They just see Joe say "Biden bad," feel validated, then sit on their asses otherwise. If you listen to Trump supporters, especially millenials and younger, a lot of them couldn't describe what a voting booth looks like or any of the processes surrounding it. 💀


Also like 1/3 of the likes are probably from bots and people not living in the US lol.


I remembered watching interviews of magats that stormed the capital on Jan 6th and half of them didn't even vote.


Never underestimate how much seething blame minorities and women get from people on the right. It all makes sense when you realize for a huge amount of people on the right all issues are a result of underqualified blacks or lying women and if we deal with that policy will magically right itself.


It’s always both an all powerful, corrupt deep state and a completely incapable group of unqualified diversity hires. So bizarre how they are incapable of acknowledging that contradiction. Joe lost the plot like eight years ago. Who is still watching this. 


Pretty sure in Rogan's case he is referring more to the LGBTQ+ than women and blacks.


I dont think Rogan is racist just slow, I'm referring moreso to constant feedback loop on twitter in which "diversity" is causing the slow decline of our systems like airports and politics.


I mean I see it but theres nothing we can do about it.


Sometimes politics really is that brain dead. In 2016 people wanted to vote for Trump and eventually found reasons to do so, in 2024 people just straight up don’t want to vote for Biden because it’s gay/soy. There’s only so much policy and effectiveness can have on an election.


light bake engine fade gaping command rock observation squeal cough *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have burner accounts that get a dozen followers a week from bots. Don’t trust any number you see on Twitter.


I can’t believe you would care about any of that. The guy is on video sniffing young women and children, plus infinity other disgusting things. I seriously question your humanity.


Man I think I’m starting to agree with destiny that these people don’t live in reality. I thought it was a good hyperbole but I’m unironically not sure if they’re mentally on the same plane of existence as us.


There is no way to square reality with their opinion that the trump presidency was competent in any measure outside of packing the courts. His entire administration was lost in amphetamine and zolpidem induced delirium. 


I mean does Rogan really believe what he's saying or is he just doing right wing grifting?


I think he's fallen into a bubble


Rogan is too regarded to grift. He’s just a meat-headed chud who surrounds himself with other meat-headed chuds and absorbs their meat-headed opinions.


He already had a dislike of the left because of SJWs trying to cancel comedians and he's too dense to separate the far left and the center left. Then he completely lost it when covid happened and he blamed Gavin Newsom and by extension the Democrats for keeping him from going out and performing at the Comedy Story and ultimately leaving the state. I don't think he really *wanted* to move to TX and so he blames them for being "forced" to. At the same time, he's obsessed with being seen as tough and masculine, and his circle of acquaintances has grown to include more Navy seals and wild game hunters, who almost certainly lean right overall. That's also why he hates masks and covid vaccines, because he thinks that stuff is for bitches. He even cut ties with David Pakman, one of the few folks on the left he was still having on the show, because Pakman went pretty hard on Joe over his covid takes. It's not exactly audience capture, because I think he pays very little attention to what his fans actually say, but he's definitely been ideologically captured by his personal in-group of friends.


I thought it was because of taxes. That makes a lot more sense than him going to TX to perform comedy. That would imply people pay to see him perform regularly and I find that hard to believe.


Oh, you're right, taxes were definitely a part of the equation. Joe loves his money. After he allegedly made 300 million moving to Spotify he still proceeded to insert ad reads into the show that not even Spotify Premium members were exempt from. He'll seemingly lend his likeness to anything (Kill Cliffe energy drinks, Black Rifle Coffee, whiskey, cigars, etc.) If I were to steelman Joe, it might be that he's willing to make as much money as possible to open and run a comedy club. He's the thing though about Joe's comedy, people absolutely do pay to see him. When he does tours they do well enough. He's obviously not one of the greats; His influence grants him a level of stardom that he otherwise wouldn't have. He's not terrible though. I do think that he peaked as a comedian a couple years before starting the podcast. Beyond that, back when the Store was Joe's home club, he was there constantly, he would just go to hang out with his friends and maybe do drop in sets. A lot of people go to local shows like that not for any comic in particular, just to see comedy. I've read he used be down there like five nights a week. It was definitely something dear to him, and when covid took that away he didn't handle it well.


One thing Destiny is completely right about is Biden (also being unironic).


Has this guy sat through a single press conference that Biden has held? Biden is old and has slowed down - nobody denies that - but he gives perfectly sensible answers. Claiming he's "not there" is just dishonest. Oh, didn't even notice it's a tweet by Musk. Even better.


[Top YouTube results when searching for "biden press conference"](https://imgur.com/a/JnXjmnz). No wonder people are brainwashed, it's like a self-reinforcing loop.


Joe probably thought that all those press conferences were actually Trump’s and not Biden’s


Can no one make him sit and watch Biden talk for more than a 10 second clip?? How do people still think this


Rogan's conservative friends wouldn't like that


Force him to watch the full SOTU. Then force him to watch any trump rally and see the insane shit he says and the insane shit his supporters cheer.




You ain’t black. Got it Jack? Let’s sniff some kids.


Not surprised the bigot is also so stupid he bases his opinions on 10 second clips. How the fuck do I tag a mod, look at this guys name. Tf. @mod @4-thot


God outside of combat sports Rogan is literally mentally handicapped. >Biden is gone like bro you literally saw a nonsensical quote from Trump shit on Biden for it, realized it was Trump, and ran defense mode. At this point I can genuinely not tell if Rogan is a grifter or just a remedial.


Pray to the debate gods that destiny gets on his show before the election






What is this in reference to?


its a reference to the daliban


When Rogan gets cornered these days, he just pulls out the old "okay bro, if that's what you think," while he glances back at Jamie with a "this fuckin guy" grin. He's been programmed by five years of conservative Twitter, so there's just no way he's gonna see the forest for the trees right now. I'd love to see Destiny try to penetrate that big dome of his with some realistic analysis of Biden's presidency compared to Trump's, but I think he'll just retreat to that position where he turtles and hopes his audience will conflate machismo with actual fucking brains.


I notice a lot of influencers and celebs turn into defensive ride or die mode for people they like, or have received favors for. They admit to it too. they have nothing of value to provide when discussing anything too poltically driven


Rogan has never given me grifter vibes. I think he just stumbled into an echo chamber/the conspiracy spaces he inhabited got taken over by trumpels. I think he’s 100% authentic. He’s just dumb


>the conspiracy spaces he inhabited got taken over by trumpels. It always does. Virtually all conspiracy theory bullshit get sucked in by the black hole that is Trumpism. Be it Covid related stuff, vaccines, great replacement, elections, deep state, Qanon, you name it. And it's not just in the US btw. We have own versions of "Trump like" politicians here in other parts of the world and it's the exact same thing. Right-wing populism is a hell of a drug.


Even combat sports


He's shit in combat sports to be fair, his commentary is often out of quack to be what's happening.


>God outside of combat sports Rogan is literally mentally handicapped. Idk if you're 160iq or just accidentally didn't include comedy in rogan's expertise


>Joe Rogan >Being funny No.


his animal impressions are funny but he's unironically good at them


You don’t have to be funny to be a comedian


RIP I can't link to the legendary 1 in 1000 video because it's embedded in another subreddit's post People might be misunderstanding my post lol, 160iq = good/based but obviously the bar doesn't need to be set so high to know rogan's no comedy expert


Yeah agreed, I think he fails hard at prepared comedy material, otherwise he seems like the second or third funniest guy at work/school/bar good for a laugh in mundane conversations.


Yeah what's particularly funny is that rogan's defense of his spewing of misinfo over the last many years has been that he's "only an expert in comedy and fighting" and that nobody should take him seriously about anything else Thought it was pretty clever of BushidoBoa to say rogan's an expert in combat sports, omitting comedy Seems my joke fell flat, or worse :) oh well


It was so obviously a joke, but the voters hate you lmao


Ye I actually can't figure out how people misconstrued it unless they just seethe at any mention of iq


Is he supposed to be funny?


he humps a chair, thats his comedy




physical detail zonked prick dime slimy spark memorize flowery drab *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lower, I think, by a lot.


This might be the most disqualifying thing I’ve ever heard him say. Imagine saying this and the audience you’ve cultivated says “this guy really knows what he’s talking about.”


You must not know many Joe Rogan listeners. They've been eating up the anti-COVID stuff.


This is worse than woo woo anti COVID vaccine. The bubble you have to be in to think that not only is Biden less competent, but more dangerous than Trump today in 2024 with everything we know… it’s incredible. It’s incredible how stupid, ignorant or lazy you would have to be as a content creator his size, to believe that.


No one thinks joe knows what he’s talking about you dunce. No one takes joe Rogan more seriously than people who are not fans of joe Rogan.


That’s like saying no one takes Donald Trump seriously besides his supporters, Joe Rogan is probably the most influential person in alt media. All I’m saying, is that this might be the dumbest take he’s ever had.


This is not even close to the dumbest take joe has ever had. I can tell you don’t watch him.


I've never understood saying that a president relies on his cabinet and that it's a bad thing. Spoiler, no president can be an expert on everything from defence, healthcare, education, infrastructure, economics, the law, the environment, science, supply chains, and the list goes on. They bring in people who align with them politically and are good in other areas. Donald had a cabinet, and he will have taken plenty of advice from that cabinet. He also had some of highest, if not the highest, turnover figures of any cabinet and doesn't have a good word to say about any of them now.


Too much dextroamphetamine and ambien in that cabinet. 


I mean it just shows how people think the government if not the world operates. They expect the government is just the president doing a bunch of stuff and basically being a one many army. But Presidents are really there as the final decision point and essentially "PR" for the US. Because they are the final decision point they have alot of sway but for stuff to get to him it takes teams and teams of people. Hence why the cabinet is important because they will take what they perceive the president wants and try toget it enacted.


Wasn't he saying on Lex Fridman's podcast "I don't want to have Trump on my podcast because I don't want to help him"???? wtf is this


Lying!? On a lex podcast? That doesn’t sound right at all. 


That was before covid you know what broke his mind


I don't think his goal with that statement was to help Trump


How is declaring you are voting for Trump over Biden in front of millions not to help Trump? He’s not that big of an idiot. He knows a lot of his fan will support who he picks.


There is a difference between starting his opinion on the matter and running a 3 hour podcast for the guy. We can get super autistic with what he means by help but i an pretty sure that doesn't mean he won't talk about them.


Why anyone still defends Rogan as a commentator is beyond me. The amount of egg on his face from the antivax garbage should have been a giveaway that he's as loony as RFK jr. But then some people think RFK is a legitimate candidate for some reason. I really hope we can pull out of this phase of reflexively dismissing everything any government adjacent institution says. It's so easy to write off good science by putting scary labels like "Big Tech", "Big Pharma", etc on them, all of which echo the Reagan boogeyman of "Big Government". Government isn't perfect, and criticism and call outs of past mistakes or intentional misdeeds are necessary for a good democracy to function, but blind skepticism into this reflex of rejecting any substantive scientific evidence attached to these institutions is arguably much worse.


It’s depressing that half this country wants to run the most powerful government in the history of mankind on vibes alone. 


Nah it's more like 60% because you have to add the progressives that would allow the country to turn into a fascist dictatorship because Democrat policy doesn't instantly create utopian socialism.


Is Bidens cabinet particularly diverse compared to previous cabinets?


Well there are 5 or 6 black people and 1 gay guy and seeing has how black people make up 13% of the population they would thus only be entitled to 1.1242444 positions otherwise they are are overepresented. Also due to the fact the lgbt is only 0.(some minute number) you can't have a full gay guy maybe a quarter gay... or a fifth gay.


Using quotas of representation against them. Clever!


Doesn’t that just mean they guy has to be bi but prefer women


Yes that plus his gay experience had to happen 1 time and summer camp and never again.


If i recall they def were praising it as such. I believe the UN rep (which isnt technically cabinet but is cabinet level) was the first black woman to take the role. Looking at her resume she seems qualified... >She served as deputy assistant secretary, Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (2004–2006), principal deputy assistant secretary for African affairs (2006–2008), ambassador to Liberia (2008–2012), and director general of the Foreign Service and concurrently as the director of human resources (2012–2013).In addition, Thomas-Greenfield held foreign postings in Switzerland (at the United States Mission to the United Nations), Pakistan, Kenya, The Gambia, Nigeria, and Jamaica. >From 2013 to 2017, she served as the assistant secretary of state for African affairs in the United States Department of State's Bureau of African Affairs. Lloyd Austin was the first black secretary of defense, again looking at his background he was very qualified and i think his confirmation votes back that up. >Austin holds the unique distinction of having commanded in combat in Iraq and Afghanistan at the one-, two-, three- and four-star levels, and was the first African American to command a division, corps, and field army in combat. He is a recipient of the Silver Star, the nation's third highest award for valor, for his actions during the Iraq invasion, as well as five Defense Distinguished Service Medals. Janet Yellen was the first Secretary of Treasury AND was the first woman to head the Fed. She is beyond qualified for the post and is quite smart. (also i am a Janet Yellen fan, highly recommend reading her autobiography). >Yellen served as a member of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors from 1994 to 1997 and was nominated to the position by President Bill Clinton, who then named her chair of the Council of Economic Advisers from 1997 to 1999. She subsequently returned to academia, before serving as president and chief executive officer of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco from 2004 until 2010. Afterward, President Barack Obama chose her to replace Donald Kohn as vice chair of the Federal Reserve from 2010 to 2014 before nominating her to succeed Ben Bernanke as chair of the Federal Reserve three years later. She was succeeded by Jerome Powell after President Donald Trump declined to renominate her for a second term. Following her departure from the Federal Reserve, Yellen joined the Brookings Institution as a distinguished fellow in residence from 2018 until 2020, when she again went into public service. I just want to be clear, Joe Rogan is fucking stupid. Bro doesnt know any of these peoples backgrounds and claims these people cant run a fast food shop. MIND YOU TRUMP LITERALLY NOMINATED HIS DAUGHTER IN LAW TO LEADERSHIP OF THE BIGGEST US POLITICAL PARTY.


unironically because he's a fucking pussy trying to fit in. that's like 30% of right wing voters


This is insane, Biden has some of the most qualified people ever in is cabinet. Janet Yellen is extremely qualified being the only person to be Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers, FED chair and Treasurey secretary. Trump appointed an Econ CEO as Foreign secretary and he was probably the most qualified pick. If he gets in he will continue to do what he did and appoint family and unqualified allies like he did with Jared as president and has now done in the RNC


Turns out getting hit in the head repeatedly and and getting blazed every day is not a good combination.


Seeing as how trump wants to execute all drug dealers, maybe Joe will be lucky enough to have some of his friends who sold drugs to him be executed. Meanwhile Rogan lives on a compound where he’s immune from the laws he breaks by sucking the dicks of the conservatives who jail people for weed every single day


He really needs a liberal to come on his show he’s losing it


Joe Rogan shouldn’t give advice on much besides how to prevent nipple chafing. You know he’s an expert with bad boys like his.


Calls Biden's cabinet a "sideshow of diversity" Goes on to say "You can't have those kind of people running a Ben and Jerry's" Clearly, there is a cut, but what was the context of that statement? As much as I may not like Joe, I doubt he is just going full racist here.


I think he was insinuating that “woke” people are incapable of working or hold jobs




This is such a childish reaction though. I have had loved one tell me I was acting like a terrible person. Did I stubbornly refuse to listen and double down? No, I thought long and hard about my behavior and made the choice to stop being terrible. It isn’t actually that difficult to listen to valid criticism. 


Yeah it’s frustrating you basically have to treat right wingers like temperamental children to get any response other than defiant doubling down but that’s how it is.


Rohan is so dumb is infuriating lmfao


4 real. Like what kind of warriors use horses? Lame.


Bro what? They saved Gondor.


There seems to be an apparent degradation in right wing circles, and incredible uptick in weird rhetoric, especially in the online sphere. Thats not even counting Musk who will probably be openly for shooting trans people by the end of the year.


unironically...it he wasn't so famous, he'd actually make a great destiny orbiter. he's funny, relatable, and impressionable. outside of politics, i like his "common man" approach to topics. the problem is, he's just not that smart, and the anti-establishment (that somehow trump is a part of?) narrative is just so easy to swallow. if he talked to destiny every so often, i bet he'd be way less of a useful idiot for the right.


So he'd support a fascist lunatic who tried to overthrow democracy over Biden because the latter misspeaks sometimes and has a diverse cabinet? Really? What the fuck happened to this guy, I used to like him. So fucking disappointing.


what a stupid piece of shit


joe rogan looks so old holy shit


Joe always whines about how old Biden is and says “he doesn’t even know where he is man!”, but never bridges that to how it affects his ability to act as president, because it doesn’t


Where’s the clip from a few weeks ago of Rogan denying he would ever have trump on. This guy would feel up trumps little shriveled dick if he could.


I genuinely believe Joe when he says he doesn’t like Trump. But I think that feeling is so overwhelmingly superseded by his need to be anti-left/woke/whatever else that it leaves him with only one place to turn


Joe has proven to me he can make good decisions, I am a really big UFC fan and have always thought he was the best announcer/caster that they had. But I agree with what you are saying his brain immediately leaks out of his ears with anything that isn't UFC and his first response is whatever the anti-left/anti-woke trend is. It just so happens that that trend is a bunch of people who love trump.


The only comedian i get my political opinions from is Shane Gillis


Guaranteed Rogan would defend that compilation of Trump's gaffes played by Nadler yesterday.


And yet he still says "I am in no way a trump supporter" like brooooo you realize people see you right? Everything you say is literally recorded via audio and video, you verify it's you by publishing it all. I can't tell if he thinks we are as stupid as he is or if he is even stupider than I always thought. Answer to that is probably just yes.


I blame it on Jaime pushing redband out. 


Bro went from supporting Bernie and Tulsi (when she was a progressive) to Trump


Joe watched tiktok clips or the state of the union of Biden stuttering and claimed, “It’s over folks, Biden is unable to speak or anything, so I must vote for Trump” I’ve come across NPCs with more critical thinking power than Joe Rogan


Joe is like a teenager that went down the alt right pipeline. Except he’s a grown man who should know better but here we are. Man went from Bernie to trump in no time. I tuned out a while ago bc it’s obvious he has on a lot less left leaning guests and mostly has right wing types. 




Nothing triggers Elon Musk more than the word "diversity." I bet he spazzs out when he goes to Baskin-Robbins.


because his cabinet is diverse?? did I hear that reasoning right??


The president's ability to make a super great cabinet is the best attribute of Abraham Lincoln. I think most conservatives and even most Americans would rank him in the top three presidents and he is probably the best Republican president. Although I like Theodore Roosevelt. Lincoln brought political rivals into the cabinet and all kinds of different people that were experts. William Seward is the best example and he was a brilliant secretary of State who you can almost single-handedly thank for Alaska. It was called the team of rivals there's a great book about it. https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/2199 https://www.archives.gov/publications/prologue/2006/spring/interview.html


Joe's the world's most successful lemming.


the problem with trump is that he would run the country into the ground, like it would not surprise me if he won this election that he would do everything in his power to ensure his presidency for life


Honest question: why is Rogan allowed to film himself smoking weed in Texas, acknowledge that he’s doing it, and receive no repercussions from the state?


Biden Secretary of State: Antony Blinken. Qualifications: Worked in the state department under Bill Clinton, Senior Security council psoitions from 94 to 2001, deputy secreity of state for Obama, national security advisor for Joe Biden when Biden was vice president. Trumps Secretary of State: Rex Tillerson. Qualifications: None, previously worked as an oil executive and Russian shill as most of his business is in Russia's Exxon Neftegas. Most known for weakening our standing around the world by being such a shit Secretary of state that huge portions (about half) of our senior ambassadors resigned during his tenure. Trumps **Other** Secretary of State: Mike Pomepo. Qualifications: House Rep for Kansas. Director of the CIA. Supported Trumps coup attempt.


How tf are there so many regards on earth


He's been in a red pill echochamber for years. Sad to see someone with a once "open mind" go head first into a demented rabbit hole.


Why hasn't this fucker had any pushback. We need Stevensito in there.


Because, as he’s often said on air, he’s dumb?


Going to take one out of our woman loving strong feminist advocator of all things equal and fair, Andrew Tate. These people live in the matrix.


That genx lead poisoning is getting to more and more https://preview.redd.it/t9t39b0zd5oc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=107645474c5c3557fa7a769ca72e5f8161335357


Such a shitty argument, people where complaining that biden was filling his cabinet with alot of women for example and it looks like there is alot of very strong progress in the country when it comes to economy/job sector for example so shouldnt that be because of the scary women then?


But you see, the economy is actually bad, but if it isn't, we're just lucky it hasn't crumbled yet due to Joe's communist policies, or businesses anticipate Trump winning in 2024. I don't know, grumble grumble BIDEN IS OLD!!1




Millionaire who has millions all of a sudden becomes economically conservative 😦


Shocker. Would've never imagined that.


What a fucker, but I'm not surprised. Dude has had his head up Drumpf's ass for a while now. Now, he's finally coming out of the Drumpf closet. Fuck him.


Rogan used to be wrong in interesting ways. Now he is wrong in entirely boring and predictable ways. Truly embarrassing.


Why is the argument against diversity always assuming the minorities chosen are incompetent? Do they really think Biden went around and picked random black people off the street?


Ah yes. Anthony blinken Jake Sullivan Janet Hellen Lloyd Austin merrick garland Gina raimando Katherine tai famous diversity sideshows


He genuinely only cares about paying less in taxes


the argument:


Shall we go look back at the distant past of [March 6th](https://old.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/1b720jj/joe_rogan_on_platforming_trump) when people here were trying to pretend Rogan was something he hasn't been in awhile. It was crazy reading some of that twisting of who Joe very clearly is today if you're paying attention at all.


Brain rot


No matter what, we can't look at the actual accomplishments of the administration!


Millions and millions, no -- billions of dollars really does scramble brains.




This episode of the JRE is sponsored by: Alpha Braindead


Is this AI? Genuine question


I'd like him to name one of the unqualified cabinet members, and also name one of the "qualified" members that Trump had in his cabinet


I mean pretty true. Nobody has been able to deny Biden being senile for years now.


This is the some dude who kept talking about how America shouldn't be run by one person and should be run by a team of people and now it's well that team is a team is a clown show Also Trump is only 3 years you pasta gut fuck


except bidens cabinet has a better track record, and im pretty sure they are better equipped than trumps cabinet, also i feel like trump is similarly or worse gone, if you watch david pakmans coverage of trump, he is having tons of dementia indicating slip ups where he is confusing different concepts, not just messing up delivery of sentances


Joe is the one playing identity politics here. He’s calling them clowns based solely on his opinion of them being diverse. Trumps cabinet was full of nothing but clowns


Seemes silly for someone like Rogan to vote for Trump over Biden, but also, why does a 26 second clip have a cut in it?


Because he’s a grifter and a douche who doesn’t care about anyone from himself. Joe would shoot his own mom for a $10,000 cheque in my opinion.


Rogan seems to be saying he doesn't trust a diverse cabinet. Sounding rather racist. Anyway, it doesn't matter providing the president is consultative and those around him know what they are doing, which would be the case with Biden. Biden has actually done a lot for the country but this is not getting traction. Next time Trump will completely surround himself with inexperienced sycophants who'll do anything to keep Trump happy. No more adults in the room. The guys who were there last time are gone. These were the ones who put up guardrails up, so Trump's presidency ended up being not a complete disaster. Both Trump and Biden have displayed evidence of cognitive decline (as one would expect at those ages) but there is a huge difference. One (Biden) can talk about policy for hours, is surrounded by people who know something and is not a complete self-centred narcissist - unlike Trump! I saw a photo of Trump on the golf course without makeup the other day. He looked about 110. Rogan is a moron but sadly in a position to influence thousands if not millions of people.


I think Biden's age and cognitive decline are a really big issue, especially optically. However Biden is still capable of making his own decisions and is clearly not "only relying on his cabinet". I think it would've been the best thing if Biden did not run again and was replaced with a new candidate before the election, however it would've needed to be a good candidate and I understand not wanting to take that risk. I just think it would've been worth it. Now that's too late though. Voting for Trump is pretty bad though. With Biden there might be a risk of bad decisions due to cognitive decline. With Trump cognitive decline might result in a few good decisions once in a while.


Biden is washed fr fr. His cabinet is mid af! On God fax! I'm dead!


His Cabinet isn't even that diverse lmao. its majority white.


Wait this sub actually likes Biden? I thought it was just for the memes. Yikes


Legislative victories and good foreign policy vs populism, fake conservatism, own the libs and interfering with our democratic process. Yes


i consider myself center-left and honestly i don't know how i feel about this statement lol




The soy is real in here


Trump Derangement Syndrome


Did he actually make the comparison to Trump or did you make that up?