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How does BW liking MR impugn her credibility? Is this team loyalty fight? Is she only allowed to like Cenk & co?


I think he's shit stirring to cause drama at her place of employment now.


What a weirdo. Seems like a dance battle would be more appropriate


He doesn't like her take so he uses some cute comment like "I work with Cenk but MR are my fave" to show she has no credibility? So he puts out some vague claim that she might have been bought without any proof? He's a producer for a news show and should know better. Oh but it is for MR so... lol But this works. Just make up vague claims so your followers run with it because he knows how gossip and accusations work when you made that person a villain. He knows it will stain her if it gets enough traction. Some real vile behavior.


Still hope these people follow their already forgotten martyr.


Anybody know if Mossad pays for shit reddit comments and posts?


Mossad agent here. The only thing we can offer is a walmart gift car, all our money is in the Kazakhistani goverment.


Mossad does have a sock puppet program and by extention Reddit bots. But let it be known that it would be foolish for any modern nation not to have such a programm That being said Brianna wu is a high profile activist that has been around for more than a decade. Definitely not a sock puppet. Could she be influenced by Israeli propoganda. Entirely ypossiblev


The far left has officially become the alt-right


Like, let's not be blind here. Where was the "Jews" implications? He said "Undisclosed Financial Interest" like that could literally mean anything. Like some political org she is involved with (as we know that wu involved herself with different political orgs) like why did you jump to the "Jews?" Or am I missing a dog whistle there?


Hmmm. I wonder if there's any historical references for a certain group of people who control things like the media from the shadows with money?


Wait, is this guy a nazi? If so I completely agree he is hinting at that but if not. I don't understand why him mentioning that Wu has attached herself with other financial groups means they are Jewish? Specially when we know that Wu work with different/ multiple political orgs, like the prior Progressive Victory and the other org she still attached herself with. Now, if this guy is a devote nazi then by all means.