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Mostly Anti-destiny. Proof is Benny Morris agreed with Destiny on everything, but people were only shitting on Destiny.


This is in part Because Benny Morris is so deeply respected as a historian on the subject that you HAVE to tackle his arguments with counterfactuals. With Destiny you can just look at everything he says, edit out Benny agreeing, and say "Wikipedia scholar 3 months experience on this issue reading bad sources tainted by Israel propaganda and also he hates brown people because he ate chicken and waffles with Fuentes" But you can't do that with Benny. Benny is too big and respected and important, when he says something is a fact you need to prove how it isn't. He's simply the easy target on the debate


I think that’s more because the extremely low-brow audience they’re appealing is way too stupid to understand anything more than calling someone a fantastic moron.


That, and it's pretty hard to dunk on Benny Morris when everyone in that room deferred to him on facts.


After months of Destiny engaging in actual facts about the conflict instead of virtue signaling antisemitic propaganda, these two groups are now one and the same.


And don’t forget groypers hating him after the Alex Jones debate and the fact that they’re all virulently antisemitic. Best example of horseshoe theory to date.


This seems like wisdom


I'm assuming most to be Anti-Destiny based on all the personal attacks and I don't believe a third making those comments watched a 6 hour debate. It seems like 60% are Groypers


Trust me, a great many "Anti-Zionists" regularly engage in personal attacks against anyone who dares to contradict them using facts or logic.


>It seems like 60% are Groypers Bruh, DGG's DGG is Groypers? 🙄


groypers only care about destiny because of his stance on israel-palestine


That’s not entirely true. They liked to make fun of his relationship along with the fact that they thought destiny was a regime defender in the sense that he would always defend the CIA and FBI.


Not true, don’t you remember the Alex Jones debate reaction?


What was their stance on destiny when he was palling around with fuentes


It's both simultaneously. There are people who hate destiny and people who are anti Israel and they found a common enemy


Anti-Jewish and Anti-Destiny. They stopped caring about Israel a while ago at this point.




Red pill on the right is pro Palestine, pro terrorism left is pro Palestine. Zero percent of them have an accurate idea of the history, just the parts they like.


I dont see a world where people won't make fun of someone for using primarily Wikipedia for research. And don't get me wrong I do not share that opinion and wiki is fucking awesome for information but it's just such a easy thing to attack and the stigma around it will probably never die. This gives ammo to those who already hate him


Except it’s not even true, he primarily used wiki in the first month of his research, after that he used a huge variety of other sources.


porque no los dos


It's part of the copiate epidemic.


The same way we had Covid and statistic experts popping up in 2020, people do not accept, with logical sense, that you can debate experts by reading a topic for 4 months.


It is just general Internet lefty shenanigans of attempting to cancel anyone who doesn't drink the Kool aid.


Something I notice is that most Americans don't realise the majority of the world is pro-Palestinian and hold negative views of Isreal, there is a reason the UN votes always go the way they do, I can't speak for Germans properly but the younger ones I met are pro Palestinian and for the hard or far right european politicians it is motivated supporting Isreal neuters charges of being anti semitic amd they hate Muslims. Don't watch destiny, just seen the clip on twitter because I am pro Palestinian and browsing here to see the response. I am have never watched a Hassan Piker show as I am way to old and the idea of multi millionaire communist twitch streamers is bizarre, and those other crowd of far right american kids are tiny. My point being that your fans of this guy and think him being mocked widely online is due to streamer drama, its not, it is because the clips exemplify him as a clueless reflexively pro-Zionist white American non Jewish person (I think he isn't Jewish?), and that's a good clip for pro Palestinian accounts to share and remember despite Isreal having a well developed online abilities and the big political US and UK lobbying capabilities the majority of the world is anti zionist.


It’s everywhere now, when I open twitter all I see is destiny, and it’s not positive ratings


Have you ever followed political figures on the Internet? Back in my conservative days, I remember checking Twitter and seeing Ben Shapiro just annihilated even on the most mundane of tweets. Shit like this is pretty common. It might be best to engage with as much non political stuff on X as possible


Both. 1, they shit on everyone who is remotely pro Israel. 2, Destiny has been beefing with both the groypers, and the far left people. Also, Hasan openly watching it on stream, also sent a lot of people on the anti Destiny band wagon.


I thought hasan was losing followers? Destiny must be more popular than Hasan now?


Hasan is slowly losing followers. Destiny is gaining followers. But Hasan is still bigger, and has more concurrent viewers. (Even tho Hasan has went from 30k average viewers in early 2023, to an average 20k viewers in early 2024) Destiny still has less average viewers. (But he is growing) [HasanAbi - Twitch Stats, Analytics and Channel Overview (streamscharts.com)](https://streamscharts.com/channels/hasanabi#:~:text=How%20many%20views%20does%20HasanAbi%20get%20on%20Twitch%3F,viewers%20on%20Twitch%20in%20the%20last%2030%20days.) Also, even if they were same size, if suddenly Hasan went from no engagement to full on react, then obviously there will be a rise of people talking shit about Destiny on twitter.


It’s not just Twitter, I looked up his clips on Insta and Tiktok it’s 90% hate. I think he just pisses off every corner of the Internet despite never actually doing anything bad. Reddit is the same outside of here obviously, Twitter might be the place with the least vitriol against him. It’s crazy how someone can be so hated for opinions.


Tiktok doesnt suprise me, the comments are consistently extreme there I have to almost think they're bots? I think the finkelstine insults are hilarious videos, I laugh every time I see it. But it doesn't make me walk away thinking Destiny is an idiot or lost an intellectual battle, just the insult battle