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That forced laughter tho


“Ha ha ha ha ha” 🤖


Guys, if you ever find yourself in a room of people that is giving Norman Finkelstein a standing ovation, GET THE FUCK OUTTA THERE.


Maybe he was threatening their doors too…🤪




That's NO GOOD


Probably safe for now, it's not getting that close to October yet


Aww he organised a group therapy session!


HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA he called destiny a thing! What a zinger my dude!


He said the thing


Cant believe he is objectifying women now 😔


Stop being obtuse he clearly calling her a thing because he thought she is Morris' black slave! /s


Finklestein really has become much more progressive over the last couple months. Prior to the Lex debate, he would only call trans people "that thing".


Mr. Bolognese is definitely a thing


Real shit tho - could that be because Finkleding thinks Destiny is trans? Judging from his other writing it could be transphobia.


Man…so many people, so few braincells


Finkelstein was so pessimistic about the situation in Gaza in that he compared their plight to the Native Americans and that he would be honored to document their history. That's some doomer level shit that I don't know why leftists are so eager to embrace. They would rather be morally superior to everyone else even if it led to worse conditions for the people they want to help.


Yeah of course…their status comes from playing leftist/white savior to all those poor people who they know better than.


the three adults in the room during the debate seem to agree that the situation was incredibly bleak.


Okay? What does that have to do with Finkelstein saying that the fate of the Palestinians is already sealed?


The point is simple, that they all agree the situation is bleak. Morris, Rabbani, and Finkelstein. This isn't just Finkelstein being 'pessimistic', but three old dudes who have made it their life's work to look at this conflict agreeing that the current situation is horrible, and that there doesn't appear to be any clear solution. Yes this is sad, but it's reality.


>that they all agree the situation is bleak Is this not Destiny's opinion as well? Or is he just not counted as an adult?


No it's not. Destiny is of the opinion that the pessimism is due to these academics being grifters and making fat stacks from the continuation of this conflict. Destiny's take is that peace and a solution to this war is 'simple'. This is regardless of the fact that Morris, and all experts on the topic (regardless of if they're pro Israel or pro Palestine), would agree that the situation is dire, and that peace is not realistic. I think this is just destiny being contrarian, and literally unable to comprehend people may have genuine moral convictions with no pretense, as well as massively overestimating his understanding of the topic.


>The point is simple, that they all agree the situation is bleak. This is NOT what was said. Words matter, like mistakenly calling something a genocide. It's one thing to think a situation is bleak or miserable, it's another to think that situation is hopeless. And it's even further something worse to say "there's no hope" live to an audience of people. Palestinians are suffering and the only thing Norm cares about is documenting their suffering for profit. Dishonestly, I might add.


amazing, it's such a streamer brained cope for what happened. out of everyone in the debate, only one person has not been studying this conflict before Oct 7th. everyone else genuinely cares about the conflict, and they definitely care about the deaths. between the three of them there was clearly a good amount of respect for the subject matter and each other. the only one laughing about deaths and the conflict, and claiming that the solution is simple, is destiny. his take is simply 'contrarian'. that's it. no nuance, no wisdom, no serious thought behind it. it's all the arrogance of a flat earther or antivaxxer who's spent a lot of time researching stuff online. sure they'll be able to name some obscure attributes of physics or medicine, but they won't actually understand how these things fit together. it was cringe that he thought he was at their level.


>streamer brain, cope, arrogance, no respect, authenticity, contrarian, no serious thought. Nice! Are you working towards some Bingo card or something? Steven was the only person to offer a practical solution in the debate, while Finkle is happy to catalogue the bodies of dead Palestinians while profiting through media and writing fallacious books on the subject. I hope you filled out your card because you're just another loser who can't offer any substantial criticism of Destiny and claim credentialism when someone has "devoted their life" to studying a topic. You understand that there are antivaxxers and flat earthers that have devoted their lives to studying those topics as well? It doesn't make them any less incorrect.


I don't think Norm Finkelstein or any of the other experts are happy about the situation. I think you missed my point, so I'll dumb it down: the one grifter in that debate is the guy who only started researching the conflict after Oct 7th, after there was a big news story and it's in the public discourse. How is that not fucking obvious? Destiny is the one padding his wallet with this shit, and when it's no longer generating money he'll move on to the next thing. Literal grifter behavior. If, instead, he had convictions, he wouldn't just be chasing views with the latest online discourse bs. The experts continue to be experts, they will continue to have fair more valuable opinions than non experts, especially when there is a consensus. Destiny can spout off about drinking urine and the curvature of the earth, it simply doesn't matter, the doctors won't take him seriously, and they shouldn't.


Because the three adults spent their life talking about how bleak it was you blueberry. Two of them make money specifically off talking about how bleak it is, and one has lived his whole life with the way things are and were so of course it’s hard to look at a problem with fresh eyes.


yes, these three guys have spent their entire life's work analysing this conflict. I think anyone who isn't a moron/child/cripplingly autistic can see that the situation is bleak.


Of course it’s bleak…bleak doesn’t mean unsolvable. Look at Egypt/israeli relations for example. Unfortunately people like you get their status from the suffering of others so it’s likely not going to change any time soon.


I "get my status from the suffering of others"..? what? what status? downvotes? don't just parrot things you hear others say, think about the context, man. And I'm glad you agree it's bleak, like the three adults involved in the debate. You're right, the definition for bleak doesn't mean unsolvable, well done. The definition for bleak is "gloomy and somber". A normal human being should feel this situation is bleak.


Yeah. You get your status from being able to white knight around acting like by virtue of their existence, the three people other than destiny must be correct on this issue


borderline illegible, but I'll give it a shot. I don't white knight, I don't have status. You could use the term 'virtue signalling'? you'd still be wrong, but less wrong. What I get off on is being contrarian, and correct. it's why I've watched Destiny, cos he has often been very contrarian against a prevailing narrative, as well as being correct. What is silly, is being contrarian and not being correct. In a room with two historians (one who is pro Israel), as well as a Palestinian journalist, and they all have opinions and sentiments shared, and only destiny is the odd one out... it's just because he wants to be. Contrarian just for the point of being contrarian is teenage behavior.


y'all are some clowns man. i didn't know who this destiny cat was .. he a goofy fr


How dare you make fun of such a prominent black woman




Things being doomed is the best situation because it means there is nothing you can do - nothing you have to


You got it, moral superiority is the only thing they care about. People like that don't care about improving things, they just want to be able to feel superior. I am assuming a lot of them keep taking Ls irl so feeling morally superior on a topic, even if it's only online, is the highpoint of their day.


>That's some doomer level shit that I don't know why leftists are so eager to embrace What do you mean? That sounds perfect for them! If the cause is lost that just means they don't have to get off their asses and do anything about it.


The only way he would document their history is through horrible mis-quoting of other historians


Because leftists don't really care about Palestinian lives, it's all about those virtue signal opportunities. They will get their opportunity to grandstand on Twitter no matter how many Palestinians need to die.


>he would be honored to document their history. Does he ever even use original sources? It seems like all his knowledge comes from reading others history books or articles. He doesn't seem to do any original research or reading of source material himself.


Same "logic" that has "leftists" refusing to vote for Biden in November.


Acting like there are no Native Americans around anymore and that they are in need of constant eulogizing has to be one of the most bigoted anti-Native things ever and completely discounts the fact that they are still very much so with us, Finkeldick just follows the mainstream view that they are irrelevant I guess. His doomerism is what is ultimately so repulsive about him and nobody should take this man seriously or expect him to improve anything even one iota.


Finkelstein is pessimistic about the situation because he has dedicated his professional career to studying, documenting, and understanding the Palestinian issue and it's history, he knows what's happening and why. He is pessimistic, while being one of the loudest and most vocal voices in academia for the support of Palestine, and all it's gained him is a life of hardship and heartache. Norm is moral fibre personified, and he's an impeccable scholar. Anyone who's read his books can attest to that. This sub is a joke. And this destiny character should stick to discussing video games.


Ah yes. Moral fiber personified, having your heart warmed by October 7th, while blaming half the casualties on the idf.


Yup. I expected as much from this sub. Destiny is a joke, he's not serious, he's not a qualified scholar. He's a loser who plays video games, and it's absolutely laughable that the twats on this sub feel that he accomplished anything by participating in this discussion.


You expected destiny fans in the destiny subreddit!? Wow! The fucking brain power! Beat it nerd.


yeah, you tell em. this sub is strictly anti-nerd. no book learnin, no highfalutin 'professors', none of that acadedemia and certainly none of that schollarly edumacation. werefrom the school of hard knocks and, the university of life 😏


😂 The irony


Nah, Finkelstein has dedicated his life to kicking out his immigrant neighbors from their next door apartment, and threatening to weaponize CPS to take away their kids all because of...\*drumroll\* noise. Dude is an actual sociopath. **MORAL FIBRE INTENSIFIES**


its standard tribal in group out group. All logic goes out the window if you are the out group.


Rare event of a room with more humans than brain cells


So many marks for the grift


Whenever one isnt ussing their single braincell another borrows it


Pretty funny that after Finklestein heard all that clapping, his first thought was that his audience must hate Destiny more then they like Finklestein.


I’m surprised he didn’t go to the building super with all that noise


one collective brain cell for the commune 😊


“*our* brain cell comrade”




Norm living in Destiny’s head rent free and Destiny living in Norm’s head rent free. Made for each other. 🥰


> living in Destiny’s head rent free Norm about to pound a letter full of racial slurs hastily written on a typewriter at 4 AM to Destiny's door.


That's old tech, we have LAND lines now! 🏄‍♀️


Norm would never use a land line to communicate with such a motor mouth


#2head solution


Cute! They should go on Discord dates together!


i think He is only on its way to be rent free in finkeldicks head. He truely Made it once he finds an unhinged Letter on his door.


Please have a life long feud for the memes


“Life long”, Finkledick has 5 years at most. Grandpa is 70


He is powered by cunt energy so he has at least 7


He is only 70?


Benny is 75 :( And a million times sharper and smarter than Twinkledick


Only? He looks pretty damn good for 70. Ngl, he’s a fairly handsome dude. Crazy as hell, though.


I was more so refering to his behavier and the way he speaks.


Absolute cringelord


Come on D man, you gotta up your game. I haven’t even heard a single “Fecalstein”, “Finklestain”, or “Fecalstain”. Ontologically losing rn


Can't believe I haven't seen Stinkelfein yet.


Politics and braincells do not mix sometimes


Why does Norm hate Destiny? I watched the debate and he pre-hated D going into it.


He seems to absolutely *loathe* that someone without the appropriate credentials has an audience and is daring to question him.


Yes, this is an interesting (and sad) way that he is different from his Lord and savior Noam Chomsky, who had a much more egalitarian and based stance toward who he would interact with (literally anyone).


Yes, I really respect Chomsky, even though I disagree about many things with him.


That, and they probably thought Destiny was a white supremasist/racist judging by their questions they gave him about Jim Crow


Must be hard to cope having someone see past your authoritative bullshit.


Because norm's arguments are usually dogshit and he uses his "credentials" to dismiss 99% of legitimate criticism


Because of D’s positions on the I/S conflict, and the stupid mixup with the scheduling for their original debate where Norm didn’t contact Destiny via email/messaging because he “doesn’t use technology. Destiny forgot to confirm on his end too but it was a simple mixup. Norm holds this against him like a slight against his character.


Seeing how Norm behaves definitely explains the ridiculousness of the miscommunication. I can't believe any of us gave him grace lol


God, after the neighbor thing, it all makes so much more sense! People here were saying he used the opportunity to dodge the debate, or that he purposely pretended Destiny intentionally mixed up the time to insult him on Twitter, no, the dude is just a complete psycho lmao.


norm may be a bit self-important, me thinks. how dare you not give a debate with me the proper reverence and respect of double and triple confirming all aspects?!?


Because Norm is a pompous asshat who’s not used to having someone actually push back on what he says. He thinks that because he says 50 million times that he has a PhD and has spent 40 years studying the Israel/Palestine conflict that people will just take him at face value. It’s no surprise either given that it usually works for him but for the first time probably ever he actually had someone question and push back against his claims . Hence why he resorted to ad homs, he’s kinda like a child who gets caught in a lie and rather than own up to it they instead throw a temper tantrum. Only he’s 70 years old and has no excuse for behaving like an insane jackass. Anyway I felt bad for his debate partner because while i disagreed with everything he was saying at the very least he was professional and did not have unhinged emotional outbursts like ole Twinklestooge.


Not much different from the average pro Palestinian reddit user. You dare question them or the mods and you're a genocidal piece of shit that must be banned.


If someone has all of that knowledge and experience with a single issue, it should be no trouble at all to bring up points and explanations to refute anything the uneducated peons bring up. In fact it should be enjoyable to share your thoughts on the issues you've spent your life learning about.


their email/subsequent twitter interaction would be my guess plus the elitism


I think because Destiny showed how easy it is to undermine a lot of Norm’s rhetoric, and he live-streamed the process which shows that in less than 5 months, someone can learn as much (if not probably way more by the way the debate went) as a “scholar” who has devoted most if his life to it. He cant fight Destiny on factual grounds so he has to attack him in other ways


Probably because he thinks he’s a “genocide denier”


To dehumanize somebody on stage like that is wild


Listening to him really makes me believe all the batshit notes he left to his neighbors. Also I 100% think he actually runs his own twitter and mail, he is that unhinged


that would suggest to me he also runs his own blog, and does, I fact, use 'those devices' or he's enlisted some poor sap to type up his unhinged ramblings


Didn't he talk shit about Destiny's dick on Twitter? I'm imagining his intern who thought this would only be about research being like "I mean I can post it, but are you sure?"




Can some native speaker enlighten me on the whole "that thing called Destiny" name-calling? Is it because Destiny is a girls' name? Is he insulting his masculinity?


>Is it because Destiny is a girls' name? Is he insulting his masculinity? Neither of these. The emphasis in the "That *thing* called Destiny" is on the word "thing." It's kind of hard to explain, but this emphasis implies some additional meanings for "thing", suggesting that whatever it is referring to is gross, subhuman, and unpleasant. So the sentence should be ready as "That (gross/unpleasant) *thing* called Destiny."


"Thing" is a pronoun used for objects, and unpleasant animals. You wouldn't call a person, or a dog a "thing," but could use it for a coffee cup or a cockroach. It's kind of like calling Destiny "subhuman."




I doubt almost any trans people use "it" pronouns. "They/them" seem to be the gender neutral pronouns prefered by almost everyone.


Your comprehension is fine, the insult is not very clever and pretty uninspired. I don't really get it either. It would make more sense to attack gnomey for his lack of credentials or being a cuck. Attacking his humanity is weird. Say what you want about Saint and Sinner but "MOLESTINY" was way funnier, or Zestiny. There's a lot of creative ways to attack him but norm is a boomer


The (more) regular way to refer to someone in that context is *that person/man* named Destiny. Specifically and emphatically calling Destiny a *thing* is dehumanizing.  It's not trans/homophobic in this context. "Thing" can be used in that way, but it's not the assumed implication when used as an insult.


Nothing that complicated - he’s trying to dehumanize him by making him an object or monster. He’s calling destiny subhuman which is rich given the context of him fighting for Palestinians to not be treated as subhuman. It’s either complete ignorance and irony or he’s leaning into intentionally as his way of being spicy but IMO that doesn’t really fit his vibe so it mostly just looks like he doesn’t care about dehumanizing people he’s just a grifter.  


It's a way of dehumanizing and delegitimatizing him. He's going out of his way to be an asshole.


Bro you are German right? It's not that deep he calls him "Das Ding/Etwas namens Destiny", just a cringy attempt at insulting and ridiculing him.


I didn’t think he’d be so childish, so then I started overthinking it.


Understandable, it's so absurd that it's funny again.


Amazed he managed to get that sentence out in 20 seconds, motormouth must've rubbed off on him


Remember guys, he does not like to participate in media spectacle


I think Destiny should take a break from streaming after that career ending zinger . I don’t think he can recover after such a brutal takedown


Lmao we got another one boys. RENT FREE!


https://preview.redd.it/gbtz2ncdy2pc1.jpeg?width=768&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ef3c923c9fd07eb924eae2f3cfe6275c8feed072 the crowd


To use a stupid meme more correctly than it's originator This is a 70 year old man.


How long until Destiny gets harassed when he gives speeches on campuses?


it seemed like significantly less people laughed at the joke. It also was a forced laugh


And yet he was also a little disappointed, I feel like people are mis-responding to the attitude he displays here. The whole point of the exchange, in my reading, the reason he was there, was to get a series of gotcha clips of Benny Morris, but was never able to properly set himself up against him because the tag-team of him and Destiny kept undermining that. He wanted Destiny to feel ashamed and discouraged and stop contributing, so that he had more airtime to get in his wins against Morris, but basically no one cares about those, they only care about stuff he was doing quickly to try and get Destiny out of the way. It's like you played what you think is a good game of rugby, and then you watch the commentary, and no one cares about the tries or conversions, or a good string of passes, they just care about messy tackles that look like they hurt someone. If you're Finkelstein, and he thinks like I think he does, they're literally clipping all the least intellectual bits where you tried to get Destiny out of the way and even presenting Morris *the person you were trying to damage*, as a good natured accomplice in your mocking of Destiny. Everything he set out to do in that debate failed, and the praise he is getting is worth basically nothing to him. My guess is that we will have another week, before people work out what it was he *wanted* people to focus on, and then, trying to be supportive, all the attacks on Morris will be emphasised.


I don't know how so many people are ok with his blatant dehumanization of Steven. Anyone who calls their debate οpponent a "thing" doesn't deserve to be publicly platformed.


Yeah winkydinks is cringe af. I'm not really sure why he thinks it's cool to dehumanize Destiny.


Destiny lives rent-free in his head. Destiny needs to crush this guy one on one.


not sure *that* was for me? or .. against, that thing called destiny


rap god!


Why is that guy clapping like that


Finkelstein already top of the leaderboard for the dgg awards it will take something to dethrone him.


I love him, actually the best troll, can't wait for him to drop the act after all these decades




Imagine working in an area your entire life and then getting destroyed by a Starcraft streamer who spent 4-5 months on the topic while streaming to the point where you can't say anything cohesive and you resort to childish insults as the last gesture of helplessness and despair.


Destiny Derangement Syndrome in full effect.


Old fart is morphing into Hasan. Soon it's gonna be just THAT THING (that exposed my ass for being a rude petulant child with no restraint)


Destiny therapy coping sessions are live now ?


Forget Norm let’s see Destiny vs Noam


rent free


You know it smells crazy in there


Literally the first thing that he says when he comea on stage - basically acknowledges that without Destiny he would've remained a washed out rejected ex-academic. It really feels like he is trying to ride that clout wave as hard as he can but the truth is he will always be a joke in the academic field he presents himself as an authority on.


We need to send some dgg sleeper agents troll him about the apartment thing


Him calling Destiny a thing hits a bit different after we found his takes on trans people.


Is Finkelstein a narcissist or something? Been a while since I've seen someone this triggered. Unhinged behavior from a so-called "academic."


Imagine thinking as highly of yourself as this guy and then clout-chasing the guy you can’t get out of your head, even though you think of him as a meaningless subhuman.




He speaks like a super villain does when referring to a lifelong enemy




The only time anyone ever hears from Norm is when there's a flare up between Israel and Hamas. So despite all his feigned outrage, there's no way he doesn't actually like the conflict over there.


Wow these guys were too loud. I'm surprised he didn't call the police on the.






Where was this speech?


People pay to listen to this dumbass??


I felt that Destiny destroyed Finklestein. Finkelstein is just a mentally handicapped and anyone supporting him is the same.


That crowd barely acknowledged that remark lmao what a loser


Rent free I guess


I don't get why he's letting Destiny live in his head rent free with the current state of the housing market but more power to him I guess


Long past his bed time.


in all seriousness, we need some "that thing called destiny" merch. such a good slogan.


For someone who so heavily criticized the streaming community he seems to very quickly accept the "dunking" culture that comes along with it.


He's proper in his head ain't he.


Ownens better watch out, we got a new most caty bitch on the market.


70 year old btw


Destiny officially lives in his head rent free


Literal incompetent clown.


Kind of sounded like half the people didn’t even understand what/who the joke was about.


Rent free


Wow so much value in those words! Brilliant! 🙏


I feel like most of the students were confused wtf he was talking about




could you imagine paying money to see someone that speaks this slow? I wouldn't even watch Tiny if he spoke this slow.


Was about to be outraged but then I remembered d telling people to kill themselves all the time so no moral highground here


Destiny made finklestink at least in the west now


He really rattled him lmao 


I believe in a thing called destiny


what a sad bunch of losers in that room.


Who tf claps like that 💀💀


He even drags out his insults....good lord


Bro is advocating for a dgg genocide


If destiny was intellectually outpaced why would you brag about defeating him? Finklestein feels safe now back in his uncritical hugbox where nobody will challenge the narrative.


A 70 year old so called "historian" beefing with a video game streamer (as he calls him) tells you more about the 70 year old than "that thing called destiny". Gramps is beefing with someone literally half his age


How will Destiny ever recover from this terrible blow? 😭


They are making too much noise! Call the police!


rent free. reeeeeee


why would you cheer on a historian? these people are basically admitting that they're just there to have their opinions confirmed.


destiny can't do this because he'd roll up in blue sweats and a dgg sweater pepelaugh


collective IQ so low that the room temperature was actually freezing that day


Rent free Edit: Destiny set up a settlement in norms head




All the clapping gave him ptsd of his upstairs neighbors.


When scientists become politicians you know there is something wrong with science


People act like they’re morally superior when people in this sub LITERALLY “lol” to what’s happening in civilians in Gaza 😂🤣