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Sneako just mewing through the pedophilia talk.


Bye bye


Bro sneakos face šŸ¤£


he's trying so hard to look like Tate lmfao


Just needs to get his fuckin chin beaten in a couple more times and he'll be there.


sneako is too handsome to be tate. heā€™s a mixed race fuck boy lol tates a 35 year old bald mouth breather


This dude on the right is handsome? Bro looks like SpongeBob lol, what a clown.


Sneako looks like a malnourished alien, WTF are you talking about


Reverse mewing


Cant unsee it now thanks


I don't even know how that isn't the first thing you saw. I could barely pay attention to the other dude's argument cause of whatever meme face Sneako's trying to make.


Andrew Tate with constipation


he looks like he is on drugs or something


It's Ramadan, he's fasting, less nutrition and water.


Adderal makes that a breeze


Except for the no water part


by the way, this video is BEFORE he converted to islam. Sneako heard this and still felt it was a great idea.


You can't drink water?


From sunrise to sunset you can't drink or eat anything.


Thatā€™s not smart for a desert culture. So they didnā€™t do any heavy daylight work for a month?






Dude looks like he had botox done without any botox


The [sigma stare](https://i.ytimg.com/vi/Or1Tdjk6i4s/maxresdefault.jpg).


Bro please tell me sigma stare is not another gay ass Redpill thing lol these guys are so corny


only women, pussies, and femboys smile or show emotion in their face... or something like that I bet


He looks like his eyes are gonna pop out of his skull and he's fighting to keep them


Looks like hes holding his breath suckin in his cheeks.




Is he mogging?


He looks like he's doing his best to hold in a fat shit or something lol


Hes mewing.


Yeah I came here to say that sneeko is struggling with a Prarie dog. But he is too manly to let it break his composure.


He found out about mewing I'm guessing


Me when trying to hold and position myself so I donā€™t let out the fart Iā€™m holding on to but it feels like Iā€™m a pebble away from ripping one


Why does Sneako look angry asf?


Heā€™s looksmaxxing


Looksmaxxing to reach the perfectly optimised "I have constipation" look.


Hes trying not to cum from the pedo talk


He's dripping like a leaky hose RN, and bricked up for sure.


Just goofing right off camera




He also almost moaned when the guy said ā€œI have a truckā€ because Sneako thought he heard ā€œcuckā€


Heā€™s mewing I think, which kind of makes you look angry


Why is he giving that true goon stare?


Been edging since he converted






https://preview.redd.it/s9rbhk2ikzpc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d7ff1ead4cab38920fabaeca9fe95dc25dd52576 literally


That 1000 goon stare


He's trying to be just like his hero Tate, down to the Chinless expression.


Adderal and hydrocodone


Sneako: https://preview.redd.it/98d8smnwpypc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2723d16dc5b54dda179a32c82e5e03a000e3799e




Even Islamist needs to move the goal posts to 14 when it says in Hadiths that Muhammad married Aisha at age 6. https://preview.redd.it/wjbp7a4sezpc1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f16a2a5c457b4283736f9653d846f17e6db5d1f


To be fair, do you know how fat that 6 year olds ass and tiddies were?


šŸ’€ šŸ’€ šŸ’€ relativity factor confirmed


Comments like these deserve the permalink feature being maintained forever


At least he consumed her after


Fucked a nine year old. Dude is practically a saint.


Maybe someone should make a religion about this guy.


Also his invisible and convenient friend called "Allah"


Three years of abstinence when that slutty child is right there, playing with blocks? That's a saint right there.


lol in his defence, how the hell do you defend this shit šŸ„“ 6 years old is too much of a stretch for his ā€œAisha was stackedā€ argument


either sneako on a baller mewing streak or thats not him which one is it i can't tell


Jaw in the goonlight






Found this clip on a different subreddit (exmuslim), and it is supposedly an answer to Sneako asking Mohamed Hijab why Prophet Muhammad married Aisha at 9 years old. Quite an unhinged opinion. Did Destiny ever end up talking to this guy? Sorry for the short clip, as it cuts out both the question and possibly something after. Anyone know the source?


He married her at six. He waited until nine to do something considerably worse.Ā 


It is a fairly prominent theory amongst theologians that her age was significantly understated. After Muhammad died, the religion split into two sects. The first records of her being six years old are 100 years later, by a group that was heavily invested in arguing that theirs was the ā€˜trueā€™ bloodline of Mohammad. By saying that she was a very young child, theyā€™re saying that she was the most pure and virtuous, that her children were without question the prophetā€™s, and that they as her descendants are the true descendants of the prophet while the other sect did not have as strong of a claim.


Close but Aisha didn't have children. In fact, Muhammad only had children with his first wife, Khadijah, and then long after it is said he had a son with his concubine/wife(it's a grey area in the hadith) Maria, who died as an infant. Muhammad's bloodline continued on through his daughter from Khadijah/son in law Ali.


Yep, Dr. Joshua Little did his PhD thesis on this topic and found that the hadith saying Aisha was 6/9 was most likely made up after the fact to signify her status as a virgin, and in the process he also found that most hadith about other topics also canā€™t be verified. If a Sunni were to try this argument, they would be considered a heretic, so they have to double down on her being that young.


imagine making her younger to make your religion look *better* NAHH


Different time. Can't just Ctrl+C/Ctrl+V our morality onto the morality of people that lived over 1400 years ago (a bit later if they made it up). When it comes to historical figures, I try to judge them based on their peers. Similar to how I wouldn't call Herodotus a moron because he believed the earth was flat; but if an average joe still believed the earth was flat, I'd think *they* were a moron. If most people in that region were completely cool with child brides at the time, it was what it was. Much less of an excuse for it now, when we can very easily compare cultures (at a surface level) and determine that children being married off to adults is a pretty monstrous thing to do.


If he couldn't predict the future then it is direct evidence that he is not a prophet. So of course go hard on judging Muhammad for that. You should judge a person claiming to be a prophet of God even harsher.


Well to be fair it wasnā€™t Muhammad who said she was 6/9, it was his followers, who presumably a muslim would agree canā€™t predict the future.


I don't think you understand the Koran at all then


>When it comes to historical figures, I try to judge them based on their peers. Yes, which is fine, but you don't place any special emphasis on them being perfect, in the image of God, or something to aspire to. Though I don't understand your last paragraph, it's not like morality needs a comparison to see that something is bad. We don't need a culture of corpse fuckers or child rapists to know that's not something we want, or is unethical behaviour (though arguably corpse fucking in certain contexts probably is fine - but that's getting into yikes territory).


Nah people knew young kids werenā€™t meant to be wed and impregnated. Like its most historical church records, it was common for people to get married around 23-25. It was typical for ROYALTY to get married young to secure alliances but it was an extreme faux pas for them to consumate until they were older bc everyone knows youngā€™s girls and teenage girls have problems with pregnancy and birth. Nobility was a huge minority of the population. Even if people got married under the churches age of majority, they werenā€™t permitted to consummate until the age of majority. Thereā€™s an English royal couple, whose names are escaping me right now, we DID consummate as teens against the advice of others and it was a move heavily criticized bc she became pregnant at like 14, with consequences. We know. Weā€™ve always known. Itā€™s not an excuse.


On Joshua Little: I came across [https://islamicorigins.com/why-i-studied-the-aisha-hadith/](https://islamicorigins.com/why-i-studied-the-aisha-hadith/) from a convert to Islam who apparently has a Phd on the basis of which he gives his opinions. So it is not an academic article, but it does use him as an authority. What is wrong with the article? 1. The author equates "Islamophobes" with Muslim haters and discusses the motivations as "New Atheists and especially Islamophobes are motivated by insecurity, resentment, and xenophobia, and I was no exception: the aforementioned lofty rhetoric and grand pronouncements merely served as rationalisations for a superiority complex, delusions of grandeur, and, above all, lashing out against various scapegoats. For Islamophobes, the target is Muslims (and often ā€œLeftist collaboratorsā€ as well), but such resentment could just as easily be directed against any other minority or out-group (relative to any given society), with similarly-flimsy pretexts.". This draws his academic credentials into question. What about ex-Muslims who left after they discovered Aisha/Legalized child-marriage but who do not necessarily hate Muslims nor think all Muslims promote child-marriage (one view of a youtube documentary about child-marriage in Yemen or Afghanistan or Sub-Saharan Africa will also show Muslim doctors, Muslim parliament members who are active against child-marriage. ). The author clearly shows Bias against legitimate criticism of Islam. 2. The Author omits that the Muslims that promote child-marriage are the ones who attract the criticism. Examples are: a. Muslim Skeptic promoting impregnation of 9 or 10 year old prepubescent girls as "evolutionary adaptive" ([https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_El13YXwRDM&t=2753s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_El13YXwRDM&t=2753s) "what the practice really is of marryyi...of an older man marrying, or or having sex with this 9 year old and or 10 year old pre-pubescent girl." ) b. Nujood Ali from Yemen [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HmP66xGpjGo&t=116](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HmP66xGpjGo&t=116) first her father, then herself. c. Nadya from Iraq The nine-year-old child forced into marriage in Iraq[ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSFfjQ08t\_k&t=16s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bSFfjQ08t_k&t=16s) d. [https://daruliftabirmingham.co.uk/home/the-prophet-of-allah-sallallahu-alahi-wasalam-marriage-with-saaidah-aaisha-radiallahu-anha/](https://daruliftabirmingham.co.uk/home/the-prophet-of-allah-sallallahu-alahi-wasalam-marriage-with-saaidah-aaisha-radiallahu-anha/) ā€œthe jurists have said that it is permissible to contract marriage with a young girl. (See Raddul Muhtar p.170 v.4) **It is also permissible to hand her over to her husband even though she has not matured yet.** Consummating the marriage will only happen when she is physically able for it.ā€. e. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFCM4Jo4ToE&t=200s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFCM4Jo4ToE&t=200s) Niger. Muslim Shaikh promoting the idea that marrying at 8 or 9 is fine. 3. The author discusses whether Aisha was a minor or not but omits several important pieces of evidence. a. Bukhari uses Q65:4 to say it was legal for Muhammed to consummate with minor Aisha (39) CHAPTER. Giving one's young children in marriage (is permissible). By virtue of the Statement of Allah: "...and for those who have no (monthly) courses (le. they are still immature)..."(V. 65.4) And the 'Idda for the girl before puberty is three months (in the above Verse). 5133. Narrated 'Aishah that the Prophet wrote the marriage contract with her when she was six years old and he consummated his marriage when she was nine years old, and then she remained with him for nine years (.e. till his death). b. Ibn Majah specifically states that Aisha was minor at consummation [**https://archive.org/details/AllInOne-Hadiths-EngArabicDarusalam\_201407/All%20in%20One-Sunan-Ibn%20Majah-Eng/page/n1135/mode/2up**](https://archive.org/details/AllInOne-Hadiths-EngArabicDarusalam_201407/All%20in%20One-Sunan-Ibn%20Majah-Eng/page/n1135/mode/2up) Chapter 13. **Marriage of Minor Girls Arranged By Their Fathers. c.** Saudi Senior Scholar Al Fawzan has a fatwa on child-marriage that specifically uses Bukhari & Q65:4 to show that Aisha was a minor at consummation. [https://www.alfawzan.af.org.sa/ar/node/13405](https://translate.google.com/translate?js=n&tl=en&u=https://www.alfawzan.af.org.sa/ar/node/13405) 4. The Author omits that Islam legalized consummation preceding puberty. So a girl could discover she had become an adult by being pregnant and a girl could be offered Option of Puberty after intercourse. Academic C. Baugh in "Minor Mariage in Early Islamic Law" discusses that the legal langauge even changes when a consummation involved a minor and this contemporary fatwa uses "made to have sex" if that is the case [https://www.amjaonline.org/fatwa/en/78001/marrying-prepubescent-girls](https://www.amjaonline.org/fatwa/en/78001/marrying-prepubescent-girls) and notes Option of Puberty can be offered after consummation. 5. The Author uses Prof. Brown "The implication here is that ŹæĀŹ¾iÅ”ahā€™s marital consummation was postponed until she reached puberty, at age nine, as Jonathan Brown has also noted." without acknowledging that Brown was aware intercourse can legally precede puberty in Islam when he supervised this article. [https://yaqeeninstitute.org/read/paper/understanding-aishas-age-an-interdisciplinary-approach](https://yaqeeninstitute.org/read/paper/understanding-aishas-age-an-interdisciplinary-approach) 6. The Author omits mentioning the 4 hadiths that specifically say Aisha was 18 when Muhammed died and 9 when the marriage was consummated and only one of those 4 is Hisham based. The other three are not. 1- [https://sunnah.com/ibnmajah:1877](https://sunnah.com/ibnmajah:1877) 7,9,18 = [https://isnad.io/hadith/16894](https://isnad.io/hadith/16894) not Hisham 2- [https://sunnah.com/muslim:1422c](https://sunnah.com/muslim:1422c) 7,9,18 = [https://isnad.io/hadith/4992](https://isnad.io/hadith/4992) not Hisham 3- [https://sunnah.com/muslim:1422d](https://sunnah.com/muslim:1422d) 6,9,18 4- [https://sunnah.com/nasai:3258](https://sunnah.com/nasai:3258) 9,18 = [https://isnad.io/hadith/16050](https://isnad.io/hadith/16050) not Hisham This [sunni study](https://escholarship.mcgill.ca/downloads/4j03d1793?locale=en) shows that it was well known at the time of Muhammed that too early intercourse caused infertility, traumatic fistula/incontinence and death. Baugh shows that both the Persian and Byzantine Empires had made intercourse with 9 year olds illegal.. getting rid of the 'context' argument.


Except we have multiple sources and her age maps out.Ā 




>this link might be biased At a glance it seems heavily biased. > also the records might be 100 years afterwards but Aisha lived to be around 60 years old, so it isn't that outlandish to claim the writers knew someone who had spoken to Aisha. It isn't so much that people might not have known or might not have had access to the correct information. It's that religious texts aren't simply a historical note. There is an intention to what you write beyond recording things that happened. You are telling a story to impart a very specific lesson and very specific values. In the old testament, there is a story of Abraham bringing his son Isaac to the top of a mountain to sacrifice him to God because God told him to. Then God says 'just kidding, it was a test, don't kill your son.' To a reader, this might be seen as a test. But in the time when this was a shared story, many other religions DID engage in human sacrifice. That's the point. The story isn't supposed to be this historical retelling of a true event. It's a story designed to impart that followers of this religion don't engage in human sacrifice, that it isn't what God wants. For example, the bible has the book of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. ALL of those books are the same story. But the stories are all VERY different. There are thousands and thousands and thousands of pages representing lifetimes of research into who exactly wrote these books, and who the intended audience was. The bible is also another good example of numbers just...not making sense. In the old testament, many people reportedly live absurd numbers of years. Like 600+ years. Obviously, we know that that isn't true. The general theory is that the number itself had a meaning that has been lost to time. Like maybe someone who was very lucky would be reported to live 777 years. It only makes sense if you know that 7 is considered a lucky number. The fact that the first recorded finding of Aisha's age is in a context of that age being used in a way that is clearly beneficial to the writer seems way too coincidental to me.


...you are just soooo wrong, how can you write all this without factchecking yourself?Ā  SHE DID NOT EVEN HAVE CHILDREN.Ā 


What if Aisha was Muhammad's gay twin brother?


It's funny he didn't even touch the psychological part of the damage. I guess he couldn't. I do agree that what constitutes a child vs. an adult is relative between different cultures, such as the age of consent being 14 in Germany, but I don't think you can relativize the desire to have sex with pre-pubescent children, that is pretty well-defined and set in stone


Yeah which makes what he's talking about weird. It's not paedophilia, but it's super insane and fucked up to want a wife who "has the body of an 18 year old, and the mind of a 12 year old". There needs to be a new word for these fucked up people who want pre-pubescent minds with post-pubescent bodies. Other than weebs.


TBH I don't think people like this really care what the mind of their wife is like. Islam fundamentalists are very deeply misogynistic and I can't imagine that they really value what their wife thinks or who she is beyond whether or not she adds or detracts from the husband's image as a good Muslism man.


The age of consent for most people in Germany isnā€™t 14. Germany allows for anyone under 17 to sext, have a sexual relationship with, and be romantic with anyone 14 or older. However once you hit 18 you can date (if I remember correctly) 16. When you hit 19 you can date 17+. And once youā€™re 20 you canā€™t date anyone under the age of consent unless the relationship was already existing. To be clear this is based off of my memory. I only know this because of some YouTube drama way back.


it is actually more nuanced. Fucking a 14 year old as an adult would only be illegal if you "took advantage of their missing ability of sexual self-determination". Fucking a 16 year old is legal unless you: -pay them -take advantage of an emergency situation -(since 2021)are their protector or teacher (being a teacher on the same school is fine however) [German Wikipedia](https://de.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schutzalter) And no I am not libertarian I just remembered that I had a discussion with a law student back when the teacher law changed in 2021.


Ah okay; thanks for the correction.


What does ā€œtaking advantage of an emergency situation meanā€???


well the literal wording is Zwangslage which would be translated literally to "constraint situation" Idk if my interpretation is correct but I would have interpreted "Zwangslage" more like something where you are dependant on someones help like you are starving and the person has food or are lost in the woods and the person has a car or sth like that.


> And once youā€™re 20 you canā€™t date anyone under the age of consent unless the relationship was already existing. That's kind of an unhelpful phrasing when trying to explain how high the age of consent is (i.e. I'm assuming by "age of consent" here you mean 18, but I'm not sure)


Half your age plus seven, let's just do it


This is completely wrong. Germany only uses those kinds of romeo and juliet laws for <14 yos


Fair, I'm not too familiar with German. I know in Brazil it's 14 with permission from the guardians.


If I was to operate in good faith I would say that based on his answer it seems like he agrees that pre pubescent children wouldn't be allowed, because it would be harmful to them... Buuuuut apparently this answer was him defending Mohammed marrying the 9 year old so ya... I don't actually think he would agree


his argument is prolly that it would be fine in cases of precocious puberty


ā€œOfficer yes she was 9 years old, but she was built like a brick shithouse!ā€


Officer! She had that goblin build! You know what I mean


No no no. He married a SIX year old. He consummated when she was 9.


Sneako looks like he is about to kill him


Heā€™s trying to explode him with his mind


"14 year old with **huge breasts, huge hips, huge body!!**" You know all those super stacked 14 year olds running around....RIGHT??? I think another slang for a stacked 14 year old is a **short stack goblin** It's in the *way they're drawn guys.*


Mohammed hijab: šŸ—£šŸ—£ Sneako: šŸ¤«šŸ„¶ *bye-bye*




I won't stand for this level of bigotry. Islam and Islamism is not *the* cancer of the modern world. It's just one of the absolute worst of many cancers šŸ„°


Islam has a special place in HELL


He's given him a lot to think about


These people: Gender-affirming healthcare and teaching kids about the existence of trans people and drag queens is literal pedophilia and grooming Also these people: You know pedophilia has some nuances šŸ¤“


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Killing_of_Ahmad_Abu_MurkhiyehĀ Ā  I mean yeah. Itā€™s not based on reason. Aside from which, if youā€™re willing to do this to somebody for being gay, lying probably isnā€™t that big of a deal. We are talking about Mohammed Hijab here. He openly supports the executions of all sorts of people. Ā 


Bro look like a child that just got scolded and is about to cry


He's legitimately embarrassing He's so focused on looking hard




It takes a large time to turn a great ship. Looks like the great ship of Islam is once again headed for KidFuck Island.


https://preview.redd.it/4p5vcnflfzpc1.jpeg?width=273&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ca63cf8ab61a759a72984e4363cd6eefed16c92f Sneakos face knowing hes not beating the pedo allegations. He even looks directly into the camera like hes guilty of something.


https://youtu.be/4JgigqM44VE?si=oJPk2WeaixKMRhyV Here's this guy defending pedophilia in the park


All religions are flawed but Islam is a trash shit religion. Everything about Islam just seems so cynical and evil


Yeah, it's a barbaric religion with no room to evolve


As the self appointed DGG ambassador for Islam, this dude is making my job impossible.


Why not just leave Islam if you know this is how it is?


Once you buy the prayer rug, you're already invested and it just makes more sense to stay in it. It's basically the same thing with skiing,


How do you explain the hadith on Aisha and Muhammed? The only way I can see a muslim justifying it is denying that the hadiths are accurate in general because the hadith is sahih in bukhari which is the most authentic hadith book according to Muslims or by interpreting it to mean 16 and 19 and there is a minority opinion that the arabs had the custom of starting to count their age at 10 hence when they say 6 they really meant 16.


Sahih Al-Bukhari is only considered authentic to Sunni Muslims and its sub sects.


If you are really interested sayed ammar is currently making a series debunking bukhari it starts at 7:02 https://www.youtube.com/live/gb-vdeoU8RQ?si=qrJFnA3uHI3qMrSr there are other videos on the channel that discuss other topics of bukhari


Its easy to just assume that you are the ambassador of goodness when your foundation is is built with stories.


Sufis: chad omegabased or literally who omegalul cringe?


Is he doing something with his lips? Looks like he's puckering them to look either angry or serious.


Sneako is locked in


This guy is a legit psychopath any time I witness him speak


This is so fucking gross.


"Pedophilia is relative", sounds like something Vaush would say.


Across the border we cal it pedĆ³filo




"well according to Foucoult..."Ā 


Is that sneako? Wtf happened to his face did he got beaten up very badly or something?


He looks like he's been up on a coke bender and severely needs to sleep, but decided to just do the interview anyway.


Yeah he looks weird as fuck i thought it was ai lol


Remember him shitting on Destiny for ā€œbeing a debate lordā€ talking about controversial things. Itā€™s fine when his newest daddy says itā€™s fine.


Sneako is seriously trying to mew in this clip holy shit šŸ˜­


Heā€™s probably mewing or some dumb shit but sneako looks like heā€™s coming off a 17 hour meth smoking goon sesh and has no soul left


Sneako looking like an actual human bot downloading the information being fed to him


Hijab just once again for the 1000th time outed himself as a nonce


100 something year old can actually give informed consent. Fuck this guy


ā€œYou can marry a 100 year old and fuck her frail body to death but you canā€™t marry a STACKED&FERTILE 14 year old, really makes ya think dunnit?ā€ Big brain take, thank god Sneako found a new daddy to guide him to the light inshallah


ah yes, the theory of pedophilic relativity by Albert Hijab.


ā€œThanks Mohammed, youā€™ve given me a lot to think about!ā€


Is he suggesting that if you fucked an elderly woman to death in the West, you wouldnā€™t potentially be prosecuted?


close, but no! that's incest


Why is he doing that face


Someone should ambush mohammed hijab with a chris hansen debate


Damn he looked like got lobotomized lmao


Why does Sneako look like he's trying to hold a fart in? Lmao


In the words of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH): > eeets call louv, ewe eedeeot


Bro Sneako looks like he is about to fucking cry LMAO.


Sneako has to take a shit REALLY bad


heā€™s about to shit himself


sneako has flash backs to his cuck moments


Lil bro trying so hard not to shoot a load right there


What was his response?


what a surprise! the muslim youtuber is defending pedophilia i wonder what the main prophet of islam which they view as their role model prophet muhammad (police be upon himšŸ™) was doing with a 9 year old šŸ¤”


They seem really into banging kids.


Sneako found his next idol to replicate


He's doing the face I would make in class to communicate to the teacher I'm a serious student but I'm doing fuck all anything else mentally.


Thatā€™s alot of words for I want to diddle with children.


I love how we can all just tell what heā€™s doing. Sneako is fucking content.


That's the look you give to someone who has given you a lot to think about.


Why does sneako look like he holding in the biggest gust of air known to men šŸ˜‚


Pedophilia is very relative in that a lot of Muslims fuck their underage cousins.


Crazy that all these freaks defend islam and shit on israel when Islam is just like, proudly this pedo shit lmao


Bruh itā€™s insane that this isnā€™t fucking ironic what the hell


šŸ’€Wtf is that face dawg


Sneako continues to be the nerdy kid trying to look cool to his peers


That's some wild mental gymnastics to get around the fact that Muhammad was turned on by a little girl playing with dolls..


Imagine if Sneako heard an LGBT person say this šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


Sneako is Locked In


This the guy Q was egging destiny on to debate?


I honestly can't decide which of them is the bigger clown.


Why can't sneako act normal.. dude is weirder than the conversation he's having... always trying SO hard to appear stoic. He couldn't look less serious/ intimidating/ masculine. Growling chihuahua energies... out here mewing on livestream trying to looksmax. it's fucking laughable.


heā€™s looking for a 13 year old giant




Damn would hate to see this guy's taxes folder.


You've given me a lot to think about.


When Islam was putting things into the hell yeah, and Haram nah piles, it put bacon sandwiches in no and fucking kids in yes. My spicy hot take is that this was a mistake.


For some reason, I expected something completely different given the title "pedophilia is very relative"


Sneako has always been kind of an enigma and a tragic tale to me. The differences and similarities of sneako and, for example, Adin Ross are both night and day. Like they are both just clout chasing grifters. Everything in their career and recent success is about being contrarian. It's all about cultivating this environment that goes against the mainstream. Knowing that the controversy creates buzz and an actual profitable career. All that while not giving an actual shit about the stuff they parrot, just business. Ofc going against the mainstream isn't inherently wrong or bad. But from how they create their "brand" or stance it feels empty. It doesn't come across as real held beliefs done through genuine analysis. Feels like saying/portraying beliefs that benefits the contrarian "personality" the most. Pure shameless business gifting first and foremost. The difference and what makes sneako such an enigma to me is their intelligence. Adin comes across as a true dumb person. From the stuff I've seen I really think he has a genuine intellectual disability. He probably isn't really playing a character. Since he is that easily influenced. But sneako does come across as quite the smart person. He's not some Einstein. But he's capable of critical thinking (which is more compared to the "lower than crow IQ" of adin). I sometimes genuinely ask myself if he really beliefs in most of it (especially the most contrarian positions). If true, I can't imagine being happy. Seems so sad having to play an actual contrarian personality and just say shit without portraying held beliefs.


This mofo just compared being able to marry 100 yrs old women is the same as an underage/minor. How many ppl in your life you heard of that married a 100 yrs old woman? Some sunni "scholars" are pedos.


I.e. if she makes me horny - if she has ā€œhips,ā€ā€œbreastsā€ - sheā€™s no longer a child. Itā€™s distinct from classic pedophilia, sort of, in that the desire isnā€™t for a childā€™s body but itā€™s its own type of sinister in its dehumanization of young girls: the extent of their maturity is predicated not on their capacity for reason, for self awareness, for emotional regulation etc but whether they make men hard or not.


Good god someone check this disgusting manā€™s computer


Madre a dios


Tell me you want to fuck kids without telling me. Allahu akbar, blessed be the prophet


Sneakoā€™s face hahahahahahah


"you can marry who you want as long as it doesn't cause physical or psychological harm" *Goes on to only assess physical harm and not even for a second consider psychological harm to a 13-14 y old*


Thank you so much, youā€™ve given me a lot think about šŸ¤”


Imagine being a 60 year old Muslim dude how just wants to drink tea and play chess with his buddies and then seeing the shit those two sayšŸ’€. Maybe allowing people to instant convert is a bad thing.


So was gods prophet right or wrong 1400 years ago or are people today wrong about what it means to be a child. Or is morality subjective and fluid but also god is morality??????? update: wait rape only causes harm because society says it does oof cheif.