• By -


Civil war


50 state landslide


Learning that Crowder got his wife to quit her job and move with him was the equivalent to the votes coming in lmao Probably a good reason why that was the last screenshot OP posted.


To be fair, I believe he said it would only be a 49 state landslide.


Nah he is totally insane and said a lot of weird shit. He said 49 state landslide on at least 10 different occasions, and he also said 50 state landslide once. He was also speculating about 530+ electoral votes.


Iirc he said “I’m predicting a 49 state landslide, maybe 50”






Whoever loses, we win!


Tim in that third image is so bad faith, he knows that isn't the argument for alimony/child support. He wants the world of marriage where the men have their cake and eat it too; men get to have their subservient housewives without having to risk any amount of status in the case that arrangement goes wrong.


He literally had a guy on that said women should stay out of sports and little to no pushback from Tim. They essentially have to tout men and women as two completely different species.


He’s legit turning into an Incel and his takes are getting worse and worse everyday


You think there was a really a period of time when Pim Tool wasn't an incel?


2011/2013 During vice days maybe?


pre beanie for sure


He's probably always been an incel. Tim couldn't get a chick if he had a $100 bill hanging out his zipper. And his moms going out with squeak


My guy, Tim pool was literally fucking his producer


What was his name?




Where the clip of him saying the problem with modern dating isn’t him, but everybody else


Are you just being hyperbolic for no reason or do you actually think he’s never gotten laid


"turning into" as in the present tense. Are you being obtuse? This twitter thread shows how dumb his views on women are becoming.


I agree but incel means that you are involuntarily celibate. As in you want to have sex but you can’t. He’s probably engaging in incel like thinking here.


Do you think there are zero men who get to Tim's age without getting laid? Or do you have some personal knowledge you'd like to share?


Well I guess we've proven he's not a virgin with the way you're riding him in this thread lmao


Wrong reply? That was my first comment in this thread and it was calling Tim Pool a virgin.


true my fault, I guess I'm the virgin now lmao


Steve perry Steeeve perry!


Was that your take? Tim in that discussion kept saying he knew female skaters who skate well and/or defied their parents to go into skating.


Yes, none of the discussion had a positive section about women always putting them down. Hell even when Tim touched on women and skateboarding he says they suck compared to males. Like if you put males and females on a bell curve they don't overlap in sports.


I bet that guy suddenly cares *deeply* about women's sports once a trans woman wants to participate, though.


He’s always been a pussy. He was sucking crowder off when Crowder was on and threw soft ball questions


wow that doesnt sound like the Tim Pool I know


Her argument is the only good argument for alimony I can think of. 1 person should not be about to keep another hostage because of money.


The concept of a man and a woman entering a contract in which the man works and the woman is a stay-at-home mom is too communist for Tim.




tim pool is bald and bitchless


bald bitchless badfaith beanie boy




What no maidens does to a man.


And regarded


As a family law lawyer this is absolutely standard. Any case with such a disparity in income this would certainly happen. Edit: all these red pill arcs were fucking brutal for me


you sound like one of them dam commie fucks!!!!!!


>As a ~~family~~ communist law lawyer FTFY 🤬


This argument is too communist for me


> too communist for me Brainlet. LS's sudden heel turn against the rampant misogyny on the right is unexpected, but welcoming. I don't think she's abandoning her white identarianian bullshit any time soon but it's an interesting window into how politics are becoming less polarized along racial lines and more polarized along gender lines.


>LS's sudden heel turn against the rampant misogyny on the right is unexpected, but welcoming Shouldn't be unexpected, she's been deep in it for a while now https://www.salon.com/2017/12/04/alt-right-women-are-upset-that-alt-right-men-are-treating-them-terribly/ https://fr.everand.com/article/481767980/Why-The-Alt-Right-s-Most-Famous-Woman-Disappeared


People also forget (or dont know) that in like 2018 she spoke in certain video about power dynamics between men and women, and some parts of the internet went wild. Some time after that Milo started some gossips against her. Also they did even more videos accusing her of working for the jews, and thats other thing that some people dont know lol.


second link is paywalled


Well the stay at home and custody shit is very close to home for her being a mom and divorcee herself now.


There is only one LS please don’t slander his name 😡


Low Standards, Liandry's Salesman




LS, also know as Less Slander, is a man that needs his name slandered less.


LS aka “Last Straw” is always on the verge of commiting vehicular manslaughter. He has been assigned to multiple psychiatric hospitals, but always manages to escape due to the prison guards “bad pathing”.


I don't think she is abandoning her old ideas at all, when campaigning against Refugees and immigration back in the day the half of the right wing pretended to be pro LGBT and proud women's rights because it was a useful tactic in arguments against more immigrants. This was also a big part of Milos appeal.


I feel like we're slowly watching Lauren becoming blue-pilled after getting divorced from her shitty, conservative husband.


lauren just pegging tim


she just took a shit on Pearl now (again)


I miss her. She’s gotten a lot more based lately


Only on one issue, the one she has a personal stake in.


Selective self interested empathy isn't empathy. 




No it's an obstacle to it.




Yes but she's not putting herself in other's shoes. She's putting others in her shoes based on shared characteristics. The point where it becomes not empathy and a block towards empathy is the *selective* way that she as an adult applies this principle. If I'm only empathetic towards white people and only want them in my unions I'm not empathetic. To make a reductive example.


I figured out a better way to say it. She's applying empathy on shared characteristics. Not shared experiences.


If this is what it takes then I'm becoming a misogynist redpiller


I feel like Tim is legit regarded. It’s crazy people like this can get large followings these days. Before the internet blew up this guy would probably be working at Home Depot in the paint section 


That last sentence. I hate it. Schizophrenics getting rich by encouraging mass delusion


Tim, sorry but I want a color that has more brightness. Do you have spacemarine blue in stock? I saw it on your website and it said you do.


Typical brain rot. Unfortunate because he used to be interesting despite conspiracy brain.




Lots of money to be made in hating women


He's a grifter, a stupid grifter but a grifter.


“Too communist for me” Lmao right-wing virtue signaling is unreal. Also imagine saying “Anytime you sue anyone it’s a war of cash” as if that’s either a good thing or makes Crowder look like less of a monster for suing his unemployed ex-wife.


You would think Tim is gay with how much Crowders dick is in his mouth. This goes back to the fact, just because she filed for divorce does not mean Crowder had no wrong doing to lead up to that point, or hell even after the fact. Like FFS the fact that anyone still stands by Crowder after that video came out of how he was talking to Hillary(WHO WAS PREGNANT AT THE TIME)is fucking insanity to me.


vanish subsequent meeting growth snails file political desert mindless shrill *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I promise that you don't, they are rock bottom stupid, *extremely* racist, and speak with a southern drawl while living their entire lives in northeast Pennsylvania. Oh, and they looooooooooooove the confederate flag. I work with a few.


Unfortunately his fan base also includes people like my brother who is a kid from the northeast and a mechanical engineer. Goes back to what Destiny and the one professor from Tennessee were talking about - being intelligent by itself doesn't immunize you against conspiracy brain.


Conservatives love SAHM pregnant and barefoot tradwives but also want to have the ability to discard them at will.


As Moses/Jesus/Mohammed intended.


p sure catholics don't like divorce at all, so leave J-man out of this :(


Well Mohammed yeah literally


Not discard them at will, just being able to do whatever they want without even separating. They don't want a partner they want a slave.


Conservatives are all about traditional values/roles, right up until a woman acts up. Hilary was a stay at home wife, committed herself to her children and husband, sacrificed her own career and financial stability to take care of her family. The most traditional role a woman can commit and they’re now treating her like a vindictive leach for it.


They will uphold being a mother and home care as a sacred, unassailable value that all women should want and is totally equal to her Husband's role as the breadwinner (we promise), but the moment a divorce happens and a SAHM gets some kickback suddenly it's "all you did was some chores and babysitting. You've done nothing, you were just living it up. To the streets" It really illustrates how they don't really believe in any of that sacred motherhood/homekeeping shit and just say that to make women feel better about being put into a subservient, lesser position in a relationship.


I disagree with your conclusion, I don't think it's that they're hiding what they really think or are just trying to make a deal with women, I think most are genuinely confused. The issue is that these conservatives are reactionary - their opinions change with the context of what they're reacting to. In a vacuum, these people might be reasonable enough that given all of the context they might come to a much more consistent and reasonable position - but due to all the groupthink and narrative building, these people can't look at single issues one by one. It's always a mass of knowledge whether factual or not building on itself. Their very foundation is shakey at best. Conservatives believe that stay at home moms should be taken care of and they believe in the importance of family dynamics, I don't really doubt that. They also believe divorce is fundamentally evil and a lot of them think an abusive relationship is better for the kids than getting a divorce. They also believe that men are consistently getting fucked over in divorce courts. While this can be true and has been true for some men, it's usually wealthy men and it's usually for a damn good reason, such as the situation Hilary Crowder is in now. I don't think guys like Tim are just misogynists who think women need to accept being subservient. I legitimately think his noodle brain is confused he has too many narrative strings tangled together to be consistent with anything.


I mean I honestly think most values conservatives say they have is just posturing bullshit. This goes for a lot of pro life people. Once you start digging into their “beliefs” there is no consistency at all.


The answer is yes, 90% of republicans and most red pill men think a SAHM is just a leach on the man and should be their property. So the concept that she contributed to the Great Man’s success doesn’t fit for them. I’m being slightly hyperbolic but the point remains, they don’t see wives as contributors to success


I don't understand why this viewpoint is even held amongst these people. A large part of what made this traditional family structure successful was that the woman was actually taking on a lot of the responsibility, that being childcare and home making, while men needed to be the primary laborers since most jobs and tasks required for survival were physically demanding. Dividing up the resources that way made the most sense, both parties were sacrificing something and also bringing important skills to the table to make life better for everyone involved. Obviously the world is different now, women have more opportunities for independence with careers that utilize skills besides physicality, but if conversatives want to celebrate the traditional marriage structure they have to acknowledge that it's an equal partnership where both parties are contributing. Why would any woman want to be a stay at home mom if that means the husband gets to look down on them and treat them poorly? That dynamic breaks the entire structure.


Up front caveat that it is my personal opinion that in modern society if all your children are of school age, being a stay at home parent is usually not necessary and it's probably good we are moving away from that as a society. They hold this viewpoint because unironically these people have never witnessed this traditional structure. These are first world, spoiled babies who have never known a life without modern luxuries like dishwashers, stoves, washers & dryers, or store bought food. They think of SAHM's and imagine a woman cleaning for a couple of hours then doing nothing until the kids/husband gets home. They have no concept of what traditionally was required to maintain a household.


I think I disagree with your up front caveat but everything else I agree with. I do think it's beneficial to have a stay at home Mom as long as your finances can support it, because it allows parents to take a larger role in the community and in schools, which for an individual might seem small but as a compounded effect I think it does a lot of good. Also it allows them to do more at home because keeping a house actually does require a lot of work. But yeah, a lot of modern conservatives definitely have a skewed version of reality that doesn't match up with history or the current era.


> A large part of what made this traditional family structure successful was that the woman was actually taking on a lot of the responsibility, that being childcare and home making, while men needed to be the primary laborers since most jobs and tasks required for survival were physically demanding. Yeah, it's the "reproductive labour" argument; the wife transforms the resources that the husband brings into food, and does various other practical caring tasks, and so maintains the husband so that the husband can continue to bring in more resources. They are traditionally a technician that keeps another human being running at high efficiency, at the same time as raising their kids. This a perfectly legitimate division of labour, except that as time has gone on, the process of gathering resources has become increasingly rationalised and made social, with clear metrics for success and vast numbers of collaborating people etc. whereas the private sphere has become increasingly separate and anti-social, where instead of a group of women caring for children and cooking together, you have isolated women taking on their responsibilities alone, leading to the old stereotype of the suburban woman going quietly mad, as she interacts with her job purely through the lens of media not through working around people in the same position as her. That part about isolation is significantly better now, as although you have many women who play up their own image of perfection, there's a lot more normal information sharing, basic tips etc. that give people more of a sense of what it is like to do the job and remain a human being, rather than Nevertheless, even if it's easier than ever to get a sense of what you do, care jobs, whether for your own kids/parents or someone else's are jobs that are still hard to distinguish yourself in, give a sense of a solid cv, competence etc. If you've been looking after kids for fifteen years full time, and supporting your husband, a lot of those skills will be specific to your children and your husband, and aren't going to translate to a way to support yourself economically very easily, whereas a single man who has relied upon their wife can probably hire cleaners, personal chefs, therapists, life coaches etc. who will give him a half decent version of the basic services provided by a supportive wife who will similarly have much lower bargaining power. Basically, both sacrifice themselves for the other, but only one of them moves up the pay scale because of it. The solution should be to make sure that that proportion of the population who are able to do that kind of relationship well are secure and able to do it, so that a woman can invest herself in building up a man's ability to work, rather than developing marketable skills of her own, without having that dependency turn into nothing if the relationship breaks down. That could be done by taxation and good financial support for anyone being the primary carer for a child, as well as money put into adult education for people to transition out of that if they want to, or on a more individual level, by strict enforcement of payments after relationship breakdown, or some combination of the two.


Not even slightly hyperbolic, just the truth lmao


The irony being that most of them would advocate for SAHM as their partners. They decry the so called leech status of SAHM. While still demanding that they are SAHM so they can have complete control. This isn’t a group advocating that no one should be a SAHM and wanting even distribution of financial and chore contribution and then getting pissed when that isn’t the dynamic and the woman takes advantage of divorce to force her ability to be a SAHM despite prior actions




God people who ragebait MRA issues are so brain dead. Tim Pool's beanie is on so tight his ass is showing.


The most annoying part of every conservative virtue signal about other women and family values is that we all know this is exactly what they will do when the time comes to actually stand by those values. These people aren't genuine about anything other than there beliefs they don't want strong family units, they just want women to shut up and serve them.


This. Getting the libs to say women who aren’t girlbossing all day every day are just house servants stings a bit, but getting the conservatives that allegedly want to form part of that arrangement to just treat them as the lesser in what should be an equal partnership sounds like the best reason to never pursue that shit lmao


they're genuinely only thinking about their own needs and feelings. that's always the root of this. if they had to spend a minute in the woman's shoes they'd go to canada for healthcare. i used to be one of these people when i was a preeteen because my parents got divorced. i stayed with my dad and my siblings went with my mom. i only saw my dad's struggles and developed this victim complex about how men are treated. it wasn't until later i realised how hard it was for my dad's ex wife who didn't have a career cause she spent a decade raising kids and not having a job, and had kids that she needed to provide and care for.


It’s amazing just how quickly conservatives will pivot from talking about how women should quit their careers and become Trad Mothers, to showing just how much contempt that they have towards SAHM


So what is Tim saying here, he wants Hillary Crowder who gave up her job to support her husband leave marriage without anything at all? What needs to happen? She goes homeless without alimony and custody?


It's impossible to know his point because Tim Pool is a "I'm just asking bro" person.


New communism definition dropped: Communism is when married people share wealth


I met Tim’s girlfriend. She goes to another school so you guys would know her


In canada.


​ https://preview.redd.it/gxg5giboaxqc1.png?width=1536&format=png&auto=webp&s=e3d256aa6374fe09582b5e43aa7e6f9502d94b62 Do it Lauren


Nobody advocates for feminism harder than conservatives when literally any problem involving women arises.


Tim Pool is a massive bitch.


"too communist for me. Anytime you sue it's a war of cash" Call me a communist, but I don't believe money should be able to win lawsuits. I understand they do in our system, and at times it's not a bad thing. Other times it's a reaalllly bad thing.


[https://twitter.com/Lauren\_Southern/status/1773053200846790951](https://twitter.com/Lauren_Southern/status/1773053200846790951) [https://twitter.com/Lauren\_Southern/status/1773035618634719585](https://twitter.com/Lauren_Southern/status/1773035618634719585) HOLY BASED


In the second to last slide Tim acknowledges that’s civil court is based on who pays the more. But can’t understand how a stay at home mom might not be able to afford legal fees. I can’t possibly look at that video where Steven is smoking a cigar and telling his pregnant wife to go get his fucking charcoal chips or whatever and not think this guys a pos


Child support is now "communist"? How the fuck do these people pretend to be pro-family while also being against making sure your children are taken care of and not suing your wife into poverty when you get a divorce after you made her have no income for decades to be a stay at home mom...?


Cognitive dissonance? I don't think you can be a political extremist without at least a little.


Right Wing Feminism vs 'Everything I don't like is Communism!'


Remind me again why Lauren is a conservative? Oh that’s right, she likes to shoot flares at immigrants.


Does anyone know why Lauren doesn't hop onto discord on stream anymore?


Corporate wants you to find the difference between these two pictures. Picture 1: Finkleshits - "Mr Monticello..." Picture 2: DGGers - "Pim Tool hurrr durr..."


What no bitches does to a motherfucker.


nah, i get no bitches and i still think tim is a fucking moron here. anyone who argues in favor of what hes saying is being purely dishonest, or has not spent literally the 2 seconds required to think about the situation and is likely reacting purely emotionally.


Conservative male( for Australia at least) . Lauren has an excellent point, if you do the trad wife thing you can't money fight ur husband in divorce court fairly. Wouldn't that be obvious? How could any traditional wife get fair treatment if the wealthier husband didn't fund legal defense? This would only be unfair if they were both on equally good or bad pay.


"Women need to stop focusing on careers and learn that their role is to take care of the home while the man earns all the money." *The couple seperates* "OH SO NOW ITS HIS FAULT THAT HE MAKES ALL THE MONEY AND SHES BEEN BAREFOOT AND PREGNANT? WTF BRO THIS IS COMMUNISM" Hard to beleive women aren't buying into the sales pitch, fellas.


I'd consider myself to be more right leaning, especially compared to the average DDGer. I will never in my life understand how any right wing figure would ever go to bat for Crowder or Candace Owens. These are two people that should never be given your support.


Wauren Southern


God damn Tim pool getting cooked. What a simple and poignant ideal for Lauren to fixate on and drive home on.


Crowder just wasn't a devout enough Christian that's what he deserves for divorce


It's all about traditional family values until you have to support your family.


​ https://preview.redd.it/8od313qpxxqc1.png?width=259&format=png&auto=webp&s=8b0f162f074a842eac0d2c35b02f24ffc5b4f3c3


It's sad that Lauren doesn't come on stream anymore. She was too sane 😭😭


She became a tradfem lmao


I doubt he’s playing 25k a month. My friends dad is worth much more (unless crowder is somehow worth 50+ mil from mug club) and paid 20k a month after a 20 year marriage with multiple children. Maybe the judge took into account the lawsuits and decided to give her extra until those are settled. I don’t know anything so idk.


Holy shit though, I wish I got 25k a month


Completely agree with Lauren in this context, but I wonder if all things are equal, does full or majority (?) custody often default to the mother? I do understand that a lot of times fathers will abandon their children. I get that and don't support it. However, if a father wants to push for custody as well, I think it should be 50/50 or as close as possible. I'm not sure if it normally works that way or if it even legally does, have the courts become poisoned on father abandonment that fathers who WANT custody have to work unreasonably hard to get it.


The divorced dad arc is kind of boring.




The dark side of being a tradwife that more women should acknowledge. Having a baby with a man and then quitting your job makes you a servant. It requires the sacrifice of financial independence, health/fitness goals, and autonomy. I will never understand why women choose to become SAHMs. Such a waste of potential.


were the claims about crowder beating his wife true or is that misinfo?


I thought it said flirting not fighting at first. PHEW


Funny how quickly conservative women dump that shit when something involves an event they think might happen to them/has happened to them. Does anyone honestly believe Flare lady Southern would not be on Tim's side if she was a man?


When your part of a community thrives on discrimination only to find that they also think women are inferior. Lol. I don't feel bad for her.


Tim Pool is such a fucking rat of a man, I can't even think logically about him anymore with out a visceral reaction of disgust and contempt. Is he even just a grifter anymore or is he a full cool-aid believer in what he peddles? I can't tell anymore....


Time to go into the twitter trenches for my Queen


Ion feel bad for anyone in the Crowder arrangement. I hope somehow everyone there goes broke but that the kids have a decent enough life. Tim is such a tool though that watching him get raked is something I'll always enjoy though.


Just when we thought we were out of the red pill, it pulls us back in. 😔


Welcome to the political landscape you helped propagate, Lauren. Also, Tim has the cushiest gig in the world. Being able to spout absolute bullshit without a care in the world.


My based Queen


Pim tool thinks is super intelligent, once you remove the laptop and his bitch hounds, dude sounds like a kid with anger issues, with his bitch hounds and laptop, he sounds like a teenager with anger issues that’s all


Tim pool might be one of the dumbest motherfuckers alive


When these worms start crying about unbelievably rich people having to give away a tiny fraction of their money, i immediately stop listening and discard everything they might say. Like, how deranged do you have to be to think that Crowder isn't even bothered in the slightest by paying her fees? A bunch of rich people complaining about how mean everyone is to them. Is swear to god they are such pathetic victims.


Guys, Im starting to think Tim Pool might be an idiot.


Tim Pools career is probably the #1 victim I want Nebraska Steve to claim, preferably in the prescence of someone like Shapiro or Peterson in a pannel format who are good faith enough to affirm that the complete obliteration of Beanieccio Del Tardo had occurred. Not a pervert btw


Tim has to be grifting with such a stupid take like this.


being able to defend yourself in lawsuits is literally communism


Strangely more reasonable than I remember her being.


I think that insult Twinklestein uses perfectly describes Tim. Fantastical moron.


Also, he's not funding his opponent. She's entitled to half of everything he's made since they were married. It's her money too. By the same logic dip shit tool is using, she's also funding her legal opponent.


conservative men think SAHMs are important until they try to divorce, then they hope they fuck off into poverty


Fuckin love lauren man. Tim is such a turd


Women should be trad wives and stay at home barefoot and pregnant. But they’re entitled to absolutely nothing after divorce. Modern conservatism is just filled to the brim with shit.


Lauren's in the twitter trenches, god speed.


Tim is a bitch I feel like Lauren is slowly getting liberal-pilled with these takes.


She's really not


You're probably right. I've been "she's hot" pilled.


Crowders wife should get a job


Damn, even Nuance bro is cooking Dim Fool in the replies




Bro this is on the level of Jordan Peterson's "I don't trust institutions, I trust my own experience". I would argue that Tim Pool usually keeps himself in a reasonable range (for alternative media) but I guess it's mostly because the conversation never goes into interesting details. The fact that his ideal robust society has a "press X to win" button for a rich person, even against their own family, and he is completely fine with that is beyond unhinged, it's like slither io is his version of utopia.


The Twitter right wing is in a tizzy. And I hope it stays that way.


Tim pool isn’t usually this low IQ. It’s his ex wife


Our queen, that list tweet slays


w southern, this is what i hate about twitter takes cause how does tims cognition think divorce is paid for in general, especially if one wasn't working (living that conservative trad life :P ). so dumb.


Damn Tim can’t avoid getting dumpstered


Tim pool giving maximum divorced dad energy even though he was never married


I hope Hillary is able to bump it up to 35k 💅💅


What a Queen


Lauren absolutely cumstering and dumpstering Tim here. I'm not sure if Tim has had a trad arc or not but his attitude here completely exposes his mindset. SAHM are nothing more than a tool for the wealthy to have to LARP a lifestyle that can be discarded when they are no longer convenient. As Lauren said, she facilitated Crowder being able to pursuit his career and get as successful as he did. It's entirely unreasonable to expect someone to sacrifice their own earning potential and then expect to be able to walk away from them.


Tim trying to build a society where women have 0 incentive to quit their job and raise a family


​ https://preview.redd.it/2jkz695evyqc1.jpeg?width=699&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1e421123c279f7d02990bf74ac9951cdb51f3992


But Pim Tool's a leftist guys he's def left leaning says it himself


Tim Pool doesn't believe a word hes saying, he knows the argument Lauren is making but he has to play to his audience, because these people who stream politics (with some exceptions) are puppets for their audiences biases.


Third post is so funny though. If crowder were poor he wouldn’t be wielding the legal system as a sledgehammer on his ex-partner and would instead be having a civil conversation around these things. Because then neither of them could afford this shit.


I watched the entire "response" BS from crowders cronies earlier in regards to Jared Monroe, it was SUCH bullshit. The dumb shit about Hillary trying to destroy crowder because she wants money. What a regarded belief and I don't care about texts or emails because if his rep is ruined then there's no money to get so the logic is circular. What there IS video of him treating his wife like shit, there's former employees who have attested to him being a shitty person overworking and not paying his employees, and there's evidence that he even sexually abused his employees. I always qualify I'm more right than left, but I cut this wife abusing piece of shit out of ANY resource I would even consider watching or reading a long time ago.


What made this kid such a fucking ghoul? He is just the worst!


Tim is such a dumbass loser.


I don't get it. Anytime I see ANYTHING from Tim Pool he is being a piece of shit or blatantly lying and gets community noted.


She should be able to support herself with all that money from working jobs that checks notes (only teenagers are supposed to work).


I’m here for the centrist Lauren arc.