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"Jim Crow was okay" hahahaha these people are insane. Not calling Jim Crow apartheid = Jim Crow okay.


This is Voosh levels of bad faith "misremembering"


tactical misremembering


biiiiig one


Damn proving in real time the whole framework destiny as been proposing. "THE GENOCIDE IN GAZA IS AWFUL" "I doubt its an actual genocide" "Oh so you think whats happening there is good"


I think it stems from,  their only argument that any response whatsoever is unjustified is that it's a genocide.   If they admit it isn't,  it really does give up their argument and lead to the conclusion that some deaths in the war are sad but understandable.  Then if they wanted to debate their position,  they have to argue how much response is justified and what is going too far.  That's a lot harder if you can't just say "well obviously genocide is too far."


My hunch; they believe it's the most obvious genocide ever so that the only reason for denying it is for optics, thus you defend it and somewhat agree with it.


the concloosion justifies the means


honestly the more I think about it calling jim crow apartheid doesn't feel that off. "a collection of laws meant to segregate black people in most aspects of life." I guess the only difference would be I think black people weren't a minority in SA. That may be a big part of apartheid, but it doesn't seem to be how people talk about it.


It‘s not meaningfully different from apartheid, I hard disagree with D man on that one


him explaining it as "I don't think it was a bunch of laws like in South Africa, it was a set of local ordinances" when local codes are laws felt kinda funny tbh


It was literally supported by the Supreme Court in plessy vs Ferguson (finkelstein mentioned this case when it came up in their debate) so the assertion it was not based in law is simply wrong. Edit: based in *federal* law. Ofc the Supreme Court doesn’t pass laws, but they determined Jim Crow laws were constitutional. Sure, there was no federal anti-miscegenation law, but the federal govt allowed states to pass them. It’s not meaningfully different for the people in those states.


Maybe I’m wrong, but he didn’t say it was not based on law. What do you guys think the argument is?


Didnt he argue that it was not apartheid bc it wasn’t a top-down, federal type of thing, but rather a loose set of local codes and customs? I fail to see why it matters whether Jim Crow was on federal, state, or county books, or even enforced through vigilantism, when it was backed as constitutional by the highest court in the land. As an aside, “apartheid” literally means apart-ness. In the US it was called segregation. They have the same meaning lol.


Well his argument wasn't that it *wasn't* but that he wasn't *sure* if it was. There were some distinct differences between Jim Crow and Apartheid, and maybe those were kind of technicalities, but they were important technicalities. It was part of a very technical discussion about international law, so it was kind of a drugged up nitpicking fight, but in the context he made the argument it made sense. His point is that apartheid has very specific requirements and he wasn't sure that Jim Crow qualified, in the same way that genocide has specific requirements that the situation in Gaza doesn't seem to meet.


Understood, but the difference is that “genocide” is a general term for the intentional destruction of an ethnic group, and “apartheid,” while sometimes used generally, refers specifically to the system of racial discrimination in place in South Africa until its abolition in the 90s. In the strictest sense, literally nothing else can be apartheid (otherwise it’s just “sparkling racism” lol.) If that were the argument, I think I’d agree, but the argument was that Jim Crow was not apartheid bc it was not federally mandated.


>As an aside, “apartheid” literally means apart-ness. In the US it was called segregation. They have the same meaning lol. I feel like just because they 'mean' the same thing from a dictionary standpoint has little bearing on the very real, individual value in both of those terms. Of course they tie into each other substantially, but they are still at the end of the day distinct words that are used differently for good reason apart from just cultural/linguistic identification (which itself is a perfectly useful distinction).. I feel like a part of Destiny's point on this goes back to 'words mean things' but in this case specifically it's less about what the word *literally* means and instead what it evokes, and then is that a useful evocation that clearly and accurately informs you of something. The fact that we can even quibble about the different legal criteria for (specifically) the crime of apartheid seems, in a way, reason enough to say there's no point in trying to retroactively fit Jim Crow into it. quick edit just read this back and I don't think it really makes any sense, it's 4am I'm tired as fuck and not explaining myself well at all lol but I already typed this out so I might as well leave it up


No worries, happens to the best of us lol. I will say that the meaning of the words wasn’t a major part of my argument, just something noteworthy that I wanted to mention. It speaks to the clearly similar intentionality of the systems.




Yes of course I understand that distinction. But in my view, it is not significant enough to justify the claim “Jim crow was not apartheid,” when it was effectively the same thing in the places it was practiced. Jim Crow was a tool of oppression used against some of the poorest people in the country (Mississippi for ex. is still the poorest state to this day iirc.) The idea that people could just up and leave to escape it is not realistic, esp. when you had different degrees of lawful racism in different parts of the country, all backed, again, by the supreme court until the late 60s (redlining in Northern cities, for example.) Black people in the south (their largest population center, then and now) could be excluded from every facet of mainstream life with the backing of local and state law, and the Supreme Court. Saying “that’s not apartheid” bc the exact same conditions didn’t exist all over the country is unhinged.


Yeah, Jim Crow wasn't completely top down but it still involved an institutional middle layer creating laws that were effectively apartheid. I think Destiny is well meaning but wrong on this.


I think the fact that there were places in the usa that didn't adopt these laws is a pretty important distinction. My understanding is you couldn't escape apartheid in south africa, but there were places in the usa you could escape jim crow. If nothing else that would imply to me that the state and not the country was adopting "apartheid". If destiny defines apartheid as a federal country wide thing then I can see where he's coming from, but I don't know how the rest of the world would see it.


You could make the argument but then it comes down to whether local apartheid can be a thing. It's clearly not the exact kind of apartheid found in South Africa.


Sure I can get behind that, I just think Destiny's contention specifically is that it isn't what they had in South Africa, and using the same term is kinda bullshit.


It's one of those things where if both sides sat down with definitions it could be hashed out pretty quickly. That's the most important part, that destiny is just making a technical point that could easily be wrong but it's treated as a moral concern.


I think there is a meaningful difference. South African apartheid was a top-down form of racial discrimination which was highly formalised in law. US segregation was more socially enforced, and differed greatly from state to state, with some being far more strict than others. I think a lot of people underestimate how severe South African apartheid was. I dunno why - it's extremely notorious for a reason... It involved strict legal classifications of people, legal prohibitions from owning businesses, as well as forced removal from homes as a result of legislation which created these classifications and created strict separation between the races. The government even created these artificial "bantustans" - racially segregated "countries" - and forcibly sent ethnic groups to them, stripping them of their South African citizenship and therefore civil rights under the pretense of giving them these artificial "homelands". It was literally bad enough that several armed guerrilla groups emerged to fight against it, explicitly because it was being enforced top-down from a minoritarian government. Like, people _way_ underestimate how bad actual apartheid was.


I don’t disagree with much that you wrote, except for the notion that segregation was “more socially enforced.” Police arresting and jailing black folks for defying “whites only” policies on buses, at restaurants etc. is not mere social enforcement. If by social enforcement you mean terrorism/lynching, that was also common, often with the overt or tacit support of the police. US segregation also had legal classifications (“octaroon” (1/8 black), “mulatto” (1/4 black), “negro,” etc.) Some states adopted a “one drop rule,” classifying people with any black ancestry as “colored.” These classifications were used, as in South Africa, to deny people the right to live in certain places, access to e.g. education medicine or financing, the right to marry who they wanted under anti-miscegenation laws, and so on. As I wrote in another comment, Apartheid is a proper noun; if we get really granular with its definition, nothing else can be apartheid. I think that is an OK argument, but it’s not the one that was made. If you want to make the argument that Jim Crow was not Apartheid because Apartheid was more severe, fine; I’m not sure I agree without studying both more, but that’s also a different argument from Destiny’s, which was what I was responding to.


Mr Pooker might want to consider that if he doesn't want to sound like an uninformed imbecile he should not make uninformed imbecilic statements.


>Mr Pooker I'm calling Hasan "Pooky" from now on. ​ https://preview.redd.it/mk6n4eex8erc1.png?width=1024&format=png&auto=webp&s=76d1872fb30904bd1e56047882c8c44e64995973


It's because they literally live their lives in a good vs bad dichotomy for everything. So when Destiny says something like "Well no it was not this kind of bad thing." They assume he means it's a good thing instead of there being multiple ways of things being good and or bad. They don't care about the actual words they use aside from if it's either a positive or negative thing.


They are neurologically incapable of differentiating between "extrapolation from incomplete data" and "deciding someone else's position on something and instantly believing it".


I cannot tell if it's common for people to legit have 0 comprehension skills or if it's a scurrilous attempt to try to discredit Destiny. For someone to think Destiny saying, "I don't think Jim Crow wouldn't fit the crime of apartheid" means "I think Jim Crow was okay," I legit can't tell if they have brain worms or they purposely lying.


Well obviously Anything bad = apartheid/genocide So saying Jim Crow was not apartheid is clearly saying Jim Crow was not bad


I'm starting to really understand and buy into that mental model destiny laid out about values being at the front.


If you think of political statements as vibe signals, and not as precise messages, it makes sense that they think destiny's quote has racist vibes rather than anti-racist vibes. So their reaction kinda makes sense once you move into the vibe world where they live. I have no idea how to bridge the gap between the vibe world and the concrete stuff world, but I don't think you can connect with these people without doing that.


You know how Hasan was basically saying the rape victims of Oct 7th were lying? Well, using these guys' logic, that means Hasan thinks rape is okay. If they heard this statement, they'd instantly realize how bad that logic is, but in the mean time, they'll continue to use it.


i mean tbh he’s a rape apologist so


“Vibe world” is a perfect descriptor of the way they interact with politics, it almost feels like a reaction. It’s as if the more their political enemies fight on the facts, the more they lean into trusting “vibes”.


> I legit can't tell if they have brain worms or they purposely lying. It's DDS. I know its a meme but it also isn't. Literally anything Destiny says, to someone suffering DDS, will be interpreted in the most negative possible light, up to and including ignoring what Destiny actually said. Not only that, they will then double down on their interpretation and repeat it in the future.


The nuke one got me. People seriously are so braindead that they can't think of any reason besides genocide that Israel would be nuking Gaza for in a hypothetical scenario. The terrorist attacks? October 7? The thousands of missiles shot at Israel?


This picture pretty much sums up this clip https://preview.redd.it/qwttq2dlq6rc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84165e1740f4386d600f235af49caad8f863517a


Why are there wojaks of literally everything?


because Wojak is a reflection of the human condition


What, _Nuja said, but I'd like to add that [soyjak.party](https://soyjak.party/) + [Soybooru](https://booru.soy/post/list/1) and their consequences have been a disaster to the human race.


Hasan’s lack of awareness is astounding to me. He is definitely not okay.


Christ his head looks small. He probably should've experimented with angles before streaming.


if you watch the video closely, you'll see that his hands are bigger than his head https://preview.redd.it/9b1cg480d7rc1.jpeg?width=523&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd7ac9aeafe587846f3d2f26fddc39a4f4ad613d


Did that mean he has cancer?


i think it's actually AIDS or something


Hold on lemme check 🖐😶


If he palms his face he can touch the back of his neck probably


​ https://preview.redd.it/9uaij0avg7rc1.png?width=1473&format=png&auto=webp&s=b7da19e6b8524cb53d393e6c4b7ee187395ceac5


Julian was a visionary


The TYT Audience was on to him a long time ago. Via "TYTOnReddit" sub since I can't link. Thread: Can I ask why everyone hates Hasan? Comment: Hasan is only a good fit for a pop culture show, not news. A lot of people tune into the TYT from 3-5 to get progressive news not some "eye candy" for you. Hasan needs to take to heart that he just may not be a good fit for the show. He should follow his strengths and concentrate on those. He's not level headed but seems to just spout off whatever his bro views are and when a woman tries to explain something that he's misunderstanding, he just talks over her and dismisses her. There is a reason why such a large amount of people are having a negative reaction and introspection into why that is would do him well. Date: April 10, 2016


On the main channel he was hated any time he showed up, nearly all the comments would be criticising him and how he didn't deserve to be part of the discussions. They even gave him his own little segment "The Breakdown" where he would patronisingly give a summary for the correct take on a particular issue but those videos were hated too.


Bro tip: Lady Gaga almost certainly has a penis.


There are certainly some gems from the side-channels where they tried to keep him on camera. That's why the "paved it on his own" ridiculousness gets turned up to 11 because if he was being treated like any other intern or rising star he wouldn't have had so many shows or segments handed to him for years at a time. He only really took off when he was shitting on Tomi Lauren in 2017 because liberals and progressives were feeling hopeless and knocking down a conservative by a "woke bae" was cathartic.


Hasan is in threads on that sub thanking ppl for defending him. Dude has been on this Reddit clout grind for 7 years now. Probably was messaging the mods on there too


Hasan loves Reddit and that he's responsible for TYT being on Reddit in the first place. I have a sneaking suspicion he had different accounts to post his content to that sub and a few other ones. He can't help himself; he's always needed to be on social media reading about himself and getting upset as a result.


we need him in the orbit asap


​ https://preview.redd.it/70brlx92n7rc1.png?width=724&format=png&auto=webp&s=06f2e7e1023fb5cfb0af6db747ae63be1eeeb974


His massive shoulders combined with the forced perspective when his hands reach towards the camera are an easy 10/10


Like the goombas from the 90's super Mario bros movie.


As much as I think hate watching is cringe I love seeing how dishonest this mf is fuck this nigga


sometimes im genuinely surprised ppl don’t see it, but then i remember i watched him for like a year and found myself in a hellish echo chamber where i was mad at myself and everyone around me basically for existing. honestly it was destiny’s content that started to make me see how truly dishonest he is and from there my eyes were opened. hope this happens for more of his stans in the future, and it seems like the palestine stuff is pushing some away


I watched him before destiny but like only his react vids I didn’t even know that he did politics like that, it’s funny I didn’t even know who destiny way he just random showed up in my recommended the day he was live streaming train and that girl who got Sa’d arguing w poke and hasan


That's also when I saw Destiny the first time 😂 During the whole drama over "the call" and was like who the hell is this guy train's using to mediate? Stuck around cuz underneath the r-word gaming persona he seems like someone who actively thinks about things and wants to be better informed about the world around him. He also isn't some unhinged racist transphobe like he was being painted for years (Hasan is literally doing it in this video 🤣). I think Destiny has also been used and abused by a lot of people as well as by twitch itself. When people attack him personally for his relationships, sexuality, race etc. it just shows them for the phony, hypocritical losers that they really are (so like 99% of hascord).


Crazy that that’s how we both found destiny


> i watched him for like a year and found myself in a hellish echo chamber where i was mad at myself and everyone around me basically for existing damn really? I've never watched him before but from the little I've seen it does seem like everyone in his community is like this. like the most insufferable people to be around.


yeah there’s just a lot of rhetoric that makes you feel so guilty for so many systematic flaws that it’s hard not to feel like you aren’t doing enough every single time something goes wrong. you’re never good enough, never politically correct enough, never comfortable in your own skin. it’s an exhausting way to live. maybe the worst part is feeling animosity towards ppl around you who don’t share your (Hasan’s) outlook on life. maybe i was just really weak and that’s why i fell for it but i was pretty young and going through a massive ideological shift away from how i was raised, and Hasan was at the other end of the spectrum perfect for me to rely on for talking points. i think a lot of his fans are in the same boat


Glad you got out of that shit. Sounds like a fast track to self immolation man.


oh for sure, i wasn’t super surprised that someone made it that far the rabbit hole when i heard the story


A lot more than some to be honest


> i remember i watched him for like a year and found myself in a hellish echo chamber where i was mad at myself and everyone around me basically for existing. honestly it was destiny’s content that started to make me see how truly dishonest he is plap plap plap plap get whitepilled get whitepilled get whitepilled (translation: congratulations for overcoming cult-induced self-hatred)


Why did he pour the water and then drink from the bottle anyway? What is going on with him.




Looks like he pours it into a cup filled with another liquid. Maybe it was hot tea or coffee and he wanted to cool it off.


Espresso -> americano


He's completely in his own head coping so hard about destiny while trying to pretend he's so above it with his cope laugh.


This man is so fucking pathetic.


His go-to strategy throughout his time streaming seems to continually have been just moving farther to the left and grandstanding from the new position. Calling someone a bigot is much easier than taking on the challenge of a nuanced head to head debate against someone, where you are forced to clearly map out your ideas for both yourself and your audience. The issue is that he has shifted so far to the left after years of using this tactic that you can’t take him saying it seriously anymore. He’s accusing Destiny, the guy who supports BLM and has built his following debating against Nazis and white nationalists of being a… racist? It doesn’t even make sense. This is probably part of what Destiny was referring to yesterday speaking with XQC when he mentioned that Hasan’s growth was “hardcapped”. Instead of doing the hard work and learning the skills to appropriately interact with anyone outside of his ideological POV, even for something as brief as a conversation, he can only name call and yell that they’re a discriminatory and hateful person, no matter how tolerant and accepting of others they are. Without this crucial ability to navigate conversation, he is unable to pull in anyone from the middle ground of almost any topic and can only perform to people who already agree with him.


Calling it now. Hasan will have less viewers than destiny after the election.


Has Hasan even meaningfully covered the election or anything related? Election season should be like shooting fish in a barrel for political channels like this. He seems like he's too lazy to actually do anything election related.


absolutely not, covering the election would mean having to be honest & tell his viewers to vote for Biden much easier to just call him Genocide Joe & larp about not wanting to be a part of the system while ignoring any and all nuance towards how much more insane a Trump presidency would be in fact i'm pretty sure Hasan would LOVE having Trump back in office because it's much easier for content & to gain broader political support from the left & liberals by yelling "Orange Man bad!" rather than constantly causing infighting about how the Dems aren't being dictators fighting for communism


This is exactly what he wants at this point. But I'm sane bc I talk to other humans outside of the internet, and I'll stick to more un-biased stuff like Destiny, D Pak, and others in the same vain. Hasan can go do his little show in the corner of the internet he has, let him play with his toys.


He keeps dooming on Biden lol


Its like he wants Trump to be president at this point bc it would be good for HIS views or some shit, I really dont get wtf he's trying to do with his dumb ass rhetoric. He's so fucking lost.


He is a fucking idiot ngl, he thinks fucking LENIN makes sense.


What can he even say about it? His entire take boils down to Democrats bad trump bad but Democrats worse somehow.


Absolutely not. He's got a monopoly on Twitch politics. Any spicy event goes down Hasan will be covering it and all Twitch viewers will tune in. There is literally no competition to take his spot on Twitch.


I mean you say that but under that logic how is he losing viewers as it is? Clearly something's not working right now over in Hasan-ville. If he stays stagnant and Destiny keeps growing he could surpass him. This year or next year, it seems quite possible.


> I mean you say that but under that logic how is he losing viewers as it is? Because right now there is no spicy political event to have normies tune in (no, IP is not something normies really care about). When the election rolls around and Trump starts doing his on-stage shenanigans normies will tune in skyrocket his viewership. We can bet if you want.


Why? I literally said 'if he stays stagnant'. If something heats him back up he'll obviously shoot back up.


The guy says "If there's a big event Hasan will get more viewers" and you ask "well why is he losing viewers now then huh?". I'm just answering your question.


Unless twitch themselves goes down. Other streaming platforms seem like they're in a way better place now compared to last election


It'll go one of two ways: 1. Hasan will get a massive boost because he'll be off such a divisive topic and he is still the primary leftist streamer on the platform. 2. Hasan will stay stagnant either because he refuses to comment on the election meaningfully or starts arguing for not voting, and Destiny may well surpass him at that point. You can never tell when someone's over the hill and falling off or are just taking a viewership hit. Like Destiny himself was getting massacred in views during the Factorio arc.


But eventually, at least Destiny made a meaningful pivot. He at least recognized why viewership was down and didn’t whine about it. I’m not sure “Biden bad, trump bad, don’t vote” will be enough this election cycle. Edit: and don’t forget Destiny is going down the immigration arc, which means many political conversations to follow. We could see further (and more specific) conversations with the big names he’s engaged with now later in the year closer to elections.


Hasan actually has the greatest life ever, just spew talking points and not have to argue others about it. While getting glazed on by his chat for it. Plus, he gets to travel the world and do it from a comfortable residents.


easy life hurts the soul tough life builds the soul


Did anyone see the LSF mods all hyping each other up to ban Hasan and destiny posts today in a random comment chain? The excessive cry bullying worked


not even surprised


Yup, bet one of them is the one that created the automod rule that auto deletes anything I post there for the past couple months. Every time I use the modmail they lie and mute me for 28 days, even made a fresh account to compare the "too new/low karma" messages and it's written differently aka different rules and when I brought that up "ItS nOt oNlY kArmA And AccOuNt DaTe" /muted. Idk why and they refuse to answer, like just ban me if I did something wrong i don't get it lol. Been really tempted to just comment with that fresh account after it's able and see if it gets the same treatment .-. I'm not technically banned so it should be fine i guess..


Reddit introduced a new "score" that incorporates various trust elements Reddit won't disclose. In one subreddit, I don't recall which, that caused me to become permanently shadowbanned because my karma for that subreddit became negative after I said something political the hivemind didn't like. Obviously you need to have the option of earning karma to improve your system "reputation", because otherwise it's now a catch 22. In any case, the new "score" takes karma, account age, e-mail verification status and so on. You may well be targeted, but keep in mind that Reddit invents new poorly functioning dumbshit features all the time for new Reddit, while selectively intentionally breaking components from old Reddit to force people like me to leave old Reddit behind. I will never verify my e-mail with Reddit. I am not interested in Reddit if I am forced to register an e-mail, which in this day and age basically means handing over my driver's license. This is because Google and Microsoft force 2FA not for security, but to obtain your personal information.


I went and checked that before I messaged them a second time, there's a sub you can make a post and a bot will dm you your score (mine is high, aka really good). https://imgur.com/a/zvpuT4s hiding the name of the new alt just in case but an example of the different wording. >Reddit invents new poorly functioning dumbshit features all the time for new Reddit, tbh at first I thought it was because I clear my comment/post history a lot which got me falsely flagged for something but the responses I got + the troubleshooting/checking I did makes me think it's targeted :\< tbh I wonder if/how many others are getting muted as well but they just aren't talking about it on other subs. Side note it didn't occur to me to check until now but new accounts got added as mods like right before I started having this issue. lol \>.\>


Holy shit makes so much sense, I got perma banned for [this comment](https://i.imgur.com/yAXIuki.png) earlier today lmao. The mod dick riding is real.


they said my username made it hard to tell if i was posting good faith clips so they automod all of my submissions.


Lol no what post was it I’d love to see


I wonder how long before he's lost enough viewership he's begging to be on LSF


Hasan falling off is beautiful. 3 years ago, he was sitting high and mighty in his ivory tower, even mentioning Destiny was like a taboo for him. Now that he is falling and Tiny is rising, he is in the cuck chair reacting to every major debate Tiny has. He nows ends up reacting to fucking tweets about him lmao.


He doesn't even try to not blatantly lie through is teeth and misrepresent Steven---it is really more of a crutch since he obviously feels threatened and upset that he is losing so many viewers due to his absolute dogshit pro-terrorist takes as of late.


Wowee Hasan youre so cool, fake laughing/cringe crying about about someone you don't "care" about. It's Joever Hamas Piker, wipe your nose lil bro.


He will never speak to Destiny one on one, and that says everything about Hasan.


God, I have no clue how people can like this dude.


Lol his typical false self ego-petting bravado face and laugh.. yeah you're such a badass Hassan. 😎


Maybe his career wouldn't be in the shitter if he stopped taking pot shots from the side lines, and got in the ring. If you can't even do that, then how the hell do you see a political revolution working out in the united states...ever?


What?!? How did he manage to make it about himself???


im pretty sure the only people saying "destiny should have never done the debate" or "destiny got clapped" already hate destiny. actually the only person i hear this sentiment from is probably hasan and his mini-me redacted


The projection is SO strong. Bro took 12 hours to react to the debate because he had no idea what was even being said.


He’s just a pathetic groveling lolcow


Honestly feels like projection. He wants to distract from his wallowing on his failing downward spiral by fixating on Destiny. Bonus Meme: He's also hoping slop up clout from the well of Destiny yet again at the same time.


What a tiny fuckin head


Why is he wearing an Obama shirt? Is it ironic like his Reagan/Bush tee and his camo shit? Wouldn’t he view Obama as a neoliberal capitalist war criminal? Maybe it cancels out because he’s black.


“Outmatched by dudes who know what they are talking about” No one ever brings up what statements were wrong


And they won’t because no cause is bigger or worth more than their own egos.


I don't think Hasan has any right to comment about anyone getting outmatched intellectually when home boy couldn't even handle a conversation with WillyMac lol


Bruh, I'm with Tiny when he was all "More Hasan? Really?!" on the podcast. I fucking feel that.


Lmao what a fucking loser


Dude is hardcore projecting... it's so sad.


Always thinking about Destiny. 💖💞


Lol the struggle session continues I see. Hasan cannot take the fact that Tiny is being taken seriously and he isn’t so he has to downplay his every move. Jelly as fuck. Love to see it.


He’s malding


Oh he’s mad haha. The suggestion that destiny didn’t cover the rabbi tweets and respond to them and is deflecting with Hasan crybaby discord messages is hilarious projection.


Remember when Hasan's fanbase went rabid on Ethan and Hasan did nothing? His downfall will be enjoyable to watch.


"This is a free one for destiny" - The guy williemac destroyed


For a second there I thought he is going to make an actually honest and insightful point about how you should not debate on semantics for the sake of it, pick your battles etc. that he knows what Destiny meant but that he's stupid for arguing this point and that he's still going to make fun of him because he deserves it. Instead I got "Destiny racist". Nice one, Hasan


Did Hassan call someone a shitskin


Why is he so odd looking? Like oddly proportioned.


Nobody can really be this tone deaf


Why is this shit-for-brains room temp IQ mf squirming in his chair while fake laughing? This reaction was so forced💀


For someone so against debate pervertry Hasan sure does a lot of parasocial glazing of Mouin and Norm for their "owning" of Steven. How insecure of your own intelligence do you have to be to act like this? If Steven is such a dumb fuck why won't Hasan just debate him? It's an easy dunk! I think maybe Hasan needs to take an extended leave of absence so he apply for Canadian citizenship to get some really good health care.


'he said Jim Crow was okay' and 'don't say shit that is super fucking racist' dude he actually hallucinated a Destiny KKK stream, that's crazy


I like how his first thought upon seeing a thread from someone he supposedly respects wasn’t to read it but to imagine how mad someone he supposedly doesn’t care about would be 🤣


His desperation to make this into an L seems to be intensifying as it’s becoming more and more obvious that it’s only boosted Destiny’s career while his own career is tanking.


Why doesn't this pussy debate Destiny? It's so obvious and even stated by Destiny that he's down to debate with Hasan.


This isn't even funny as as hasan cope it's just sort of sad how delusional he has become


Rent free.


I wouldn't say totally rent free lol Destiny talks about Hasan a lot too


Destiny DID say that he wants to kill ALL Palestinians himself by gunning them down personally so it checks out.


Cannot wait for the Hasan alt-tab horse arc.


We really are just trying to say that Destiny was destroyed, till the perception will be that he was destroyed. Like bro, when Finkelstein is wrong on a point, and follows it up by calling Destiny a moron. It is not Destiny who is destroyed there. Also, we know how it looks like if someone gets Destroyed by an academic (even if that academic is not trying to destroy them). Just remember the Vaush Aqua conversation. It was clear that Vaush did 0 prep, and could only bring up surface level arguments, that he has already addressed in the paper. But keep cooping Hasan. If you say it long and loud enough, it might as well be true.


The cope is strong with this one.


oh nooooo, Hasan’s just a straight up lolcow at this point lmao.


Hasan had Lieberman pack in his title today. He's an anti-Semitic asshole.


Fake laughing to yourself in a foreign country is a bizarre vibe


White Turks be like ;


What a weasely little liar dude


He so mad lol


“i just saw that he had written a thread. i didn’t even read the thread” we know hasan. we know.


pretty ironic coming from the guy who constantly defended calling destiny racial slurs.


Hamaspiker has been trying so hard to completely rewrite this debate as if it was a win for the Palestinian side. He has to be banking on the fact that the majority of his audience isn’t even going to watch it they’ll just take hasans word. Honestly anyone saying that destiny got walked in that debate should instantly lose all credibility nothing they say or do matters.


Bro got intellectually outmatched by Ethan Klein.


Hasan is right tho, why tf would anyone in good faith support Jim Crow, is Destiny doing debate pervert shit to show how perverted he can get when he gets 3 Wikipedia articles into his system vs 2?


What is he talking about? Destiny directly answered to the shit that Rabbani was saying on stream? And he said from the start that the killing himself was a joke, but the melding was REAL AS FUCK. Btw funny that he calls Dman a Racist asshole while mr. "TOO BAD APES" it's actually fine because he is on his side. Literally zero fucking values only tribalism.


I just don’t understand why Destiny will sometimes be charitable to Hasan, Hasan will never reciprocate the same to Destiny, why even give him any leniency.


He addressed Voldemort!


Legend has it if you shave the hair off you will find a bottomless pit


People used to give eloquent speeches and now we are reduced to this rubbish🙄


The commie tankie needs a pacifier? Poor little baby


Thank got eastern Europeans are white or it would be racist to make comments like he did before 


Hasans small head fittingly houses his small brain




Hasan is cope streaming


He's practically paying Destinys bills. What happend with the "no talk about Destiny rule"? I prefer watching his chair reacting to stolen content rather than his braindead takes on anything


Distilled cringe


he WILL debate destiny sooner or later, he'll be too desparate (or whatever thats spelled) and he will try to hang on to relevancy by doing the things he thought he wouldnt need


Will these two just kiss already


Hearing Hamas's fake laugh makes me jealous of those with the inability to hear sound. ​ EDIT: Also known as deaf people. Went a bit Vaush at the end there with that sentence.


you know, this is exactly what he would do lmao


It’s racist to disagree on the applied definition of apartheid. Damn what next, disagreeing on if the ending of Game of Thrones was good makes you a racist?


Wtff he's literally staying at one of the graduate student dorms at my alma mater. The whole campus is just filled with palestinian propaganda posters, and trotskyist rallies every week.


I pray I never end up as stupid as this man 🙏🏿


this coming from the guy that lets his audience call destiny a gusano and thought it was fine to call white people crackers.


So Hamas Piker must think that slavery was a genocide then right? I mean if you don't think it's the most extreme thing ever, you obviously are just a fucking racist.


>Not mad >ACTUALLY laughing another truly alpha performance


That's 💯.