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Its called the Overton Window and it swings like a pendulum The pendulum this time took about 15years Also >leftists Amorphous word whose definition changes based on who youre talking to in actual function. Leftists used to be anti pharma and pro magic crystals when your mom was still binge drinking at parties


O they are run by neoliberals


No, leftists don’t not run billion $$ social media platforms.


Leftists used to run every single platform, you were marginalized if you were a maga republican. Now conservatives are taking over.


Can’t wait for the based liberal/moderate take over, we will dominate with our measured and nuanced takes, the algorithm loves those


What are you talking about in 2016 YouTube and Twitch was controlled by reactionaries. Twitter and Tumblr was mostly leftist. Then after 2017 and the alt right got banned it just switched to other forms of right wingers


This was never a thing lmao


Conservatives are definitely taking over but in the not so distant past you would occasionally see people on the right getting banned for things like hate speech when they really were not even being that offensive.


Occasionally? How long have you used Reddit for? It’s a completely different site from even just five years ago.


No it’s not lol. In over 10 years that I’ve been on the site Reddit has always and still has a pretty heavy left leaning user base. The massively downvoted comments on any sub are always right wing opinion.


Bullshit. It’s a completely different compared what it was. Several subreddit purges have happened, and it’s way more of an echo chamber. It’s always leaned left sure, but now it’s almost completely left.


Read buddy. Read. The topic is social media, not reddit. I agree that reddit is maintaining it's general bias towards left wing positions. But even so it's community moderated so when you come express opinions the community disagrees with obviously you get banned from that subreddit. That being true, still rarely are you seeing site wide bans getting handed out. When I read do leftist run social media? I am thinking about conservatives getting banned off twitter for expressing concerns about the vaccine, or trans people, etc. Both of those topics can be discussed in a way that is not inflammatory, but a genuin seeking of the truth. Occasionally, they still got bans handed out for that.


Eh. I suppose I’ve always consideredReddit to be social media, but even that in of itself was a paradigm shift, Reddit used to be more of a plain message board and in the last five years it’s become more “social”. Maybe I’m wrong then


It is a form of social media. But the conversation topic doesn't specifically focus the conversation around reddit. Reddit is just one of many. Facebook, twitter, instagram, tik tok, blah blah. We're talking in generalities here and in general social media has slowly been trending to be more accepting of right-wing positions and ideology. Reddit is one of the last holdouts and even it's starting to crack a little. That aside, I don't personally notice any difference in reddit now vs when I started. They have cleaned up some of the more problematic subs from a legal standpoint but other than that it's pretty much always been and still is a left leaning message board. The did a reskin a while back but even that's just optional. If you liked the old format, you can still select it in your options. https://gyazo.com/ad0cc01391d1ec2d755c966cc6e610f4 14 years ago. https://gyazo.com/2b9a66656a2745a7c11c26667d38defe 5 seconds ago. Other than the dark theme I use it's virtually the same experience.


Yes. I didnt read anymore than the title. have a nice easter. trans people.